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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Det har blivit en sån grej som ska bli inkluderad i alla ämnen, så därför blir det inkluderat i inget" : En studie om sexualitet, samtycke och relationer i samhällskunskapen / "It has become a thing that is supposed to be included in all subjects, and therefore becomes included in none" : A study about sexuality, consent and relationships in social science

Landtmanson, Ingrid, Lexert, Tilda January 2024 (has links)
The #MeToo movement exposed widespread vulnerability to sexual abuse, while digitalization increased online risks for youth. Recent changes in the curriculum for the Swedish Upper Secondary school have expanded sexual education, emphasizing consent and relationships, underscoring its importance across school activities, including the subject social studies. Despite the potential for integrating these themes, research indicates reluctance among several teachers. Research primarily focuses on teaching methods from both teacher and student perspectives, yet there is a gap in understanding teachers of social studies needs and challenges in light of these new curriculum guidelines, hence the purpose of this study. Our aim is to capture a result that can develop sexual education, furthermore get an insight into what teachers need to integrate the topic of sexuality, consent and relationships. We gathered empirical material using mixed methods; a questionnaire survey and semi-structured interviews. The result, presented through thematic analysis and discussed using theoretical concepts and current research, shows that teachers of social studies lack a unified view on integrating these topics due to the broad curriculum, as they have varied experiences, unclear guidelines or insufficient preparation. Challenges include content overload, time constraints and the sensitivity of the subject. Teachers navigate these challenges using their pedagogical skills and relationship-building, highlighting the need for clearer guidelines, collaborative work, and professional development to effectively address the controversial topics that the subject can arise.  The subject is crucial for students' lives and their future as democratic citizens. We propose reviewing the guidelines and the curriculum of social studies to provide concrete guidance for teachers. This would ensure the subject is neither forgotten nor overwhelming and reduce the risk of it being intended to be covered in all subjects but actually included in none.

RFSU- Vill du? : En multimodal analys av RFSUs skolmaterial för att främja ömsesidig sexualitet / RFSU- Do you want to? : A multimodal analysis of the RFSU’s (the Swedish Association for Sexuality Education) school material to encourage mutual sexuality

Gustafsson, Ulrika January 2016 (has links)
RFSU- Do you want to? -A multimodal analysis of the RFSU’s (the Swedish Association for Sexuality Education) school material to encourage mutual sexuality The purpose of this study is to identify the semiotic resources, by using a multimodal analysis, that the RFSU uses to communicate the creation of relationships between participants to express their aim. Furthermore, to examine the basic thoughts that the RFSU has about standards due to gender should be eliminated, and how these become evident in the films. The starting point for the essay is questions about how the RFSU creates a relationship with the audience through the semiotic resources, as well as the manner in which it is possible to derive the RFSU’s basic thoughts about breaking the standards and working towards stereotypical gender roles. The material I examine consists of two short films belonging to a collection of school supplies under the name titled ”Vill du?” (Eng. ”Do you want to?”) that the RFSU has created for the education of secondary school students. The method is based on a sociosemiotic perspective where the material is analyzed by a composition analysis, an ideational analysis and an interpersonal analysis. The dialogues are analyzed based on the systemic functional grammar and the discussion of the results and how they are linked to the theory that there is a heteronormativity in today's society, which the RFSU wants to break through. The conclusion is that RFSU uses semiotic resources such as young participants, communication tools, such as: Skype, computers and phones, and other typical youth-related things. The most prominent result of the analysis that is actively breaking the standards against the heterosexual norm is that one film, ”Gorillan”, which works against the stereotypical gender roles, where it is the male who is subjected to sexual harassment; and the second film works against the norm of heterosexuality as it is about two gay guys.

The construction of women’s sexuality : A critical discourse analysis on consent research

Fröander, Rebecca, Halkosaari, Nelli January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine how women’s sexuality is constructed in consent research, and to discuss hypothetically how this construction could come to affect practical social work. We believe that the way that sexuality is defined and discussed can have an impact on how professionals treat women who have been subjected to sexual assaults and rape, and work with adolescents in the field of social work. We wanted to explore this further. By doing a critical discourse analysis on research articles about women’s sexuality and consent, we found that traditional sexual scripts were widely reproduced and the concept of women’s own desire was nonexistent. We then problematised this by discussing how it might be affecting practical social work in a negative matter, whilst trying to formulate possible reforms. Our conclusion was that it is possible that the discourses presented in the examined articles could contribute to retrogressive perspectives on women’s sexuality, which in turn could influence the practical social work and its approach to female clients.

En sexualbrottslagstiftning byggd på frivillighet : Ett fullgott skydd för den sexuella självbestämmanderätten eller ett luftslott? / A sexual offence legislation based on consent : A sufficient protection of sexual autonomy or a castle in the air?

Jarblad, Simon January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Oklara samtycken : Biståndshandläggares upplevelser av att arbeta med personer som har demens / Vague consents : Care manager´s experiences of working with people with dementia

Lood, Anton, Granqvist, Anton January 2018 (has links)
This study aims to understand how care managers approach consent and user influence related to older people with dementia. The study was conducted through qualitative interviews with individual care managers and with a hermeneutic approach. We have interviewed ten care managers in smaller municipalities whom are experienced in their profession and have been in contact with older people with dementia. throughout all the interviews, we had a semi-structured interview guide at our disposal, and after all the interviews were conducted, we analyzed them with the hermeneutic circle and theoretically analyzed the material with Lipsky´s theory about street level bureaucracy, acting space and, what we call it, the social service as a last resort and finally with Johansson´s theory of client relationships. Our main conclusions regarding consent is that care managers need to relate to the law simultaneously have the individual needs and wishes in regards. Also, the care managers have a few ways to circumvent the absolute that the individual needs to give his or hers consent to everything. Our main conclusions regarding user influence is that the care managers need to use other professions for information regarding the individual, such as nurses, carers, dependants and so on. They also prefer to get in touch with the individual whom is diagnosed with dementia as early into the disease as possible to get to know them and learn how they want their care to be. As a last conclusion about the whole study is that the care managers find working with older people with dementia is a vastly difficult task, and they need to rely on dependants, other professions and have a lot of knowledge about the individual.

Sekretess och tystnadsplikt inom offentlig och privat hälso- och sjukvård : ett skydd för patientens integritet

Sandén, Ulrika January 2012 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the protection of the patient’s privacy in health care in Sweden. It is crucially important that the patient has confidence in the health care and that patient data are kept secret from other persons and authorities. A patient who is unsure about secrecy and confidentiality may choose not to provide data that could prove necessary for health care personnel to arrive at an accurate diagnosis. Some individuals might even avoid seeking medical help from fear that data may be spread to outsiders. Inadequate protection of sensitive data may lead to the confidence of citizens in health care eventually eroding or vanishing completely. Protection of patient privacy is thus of fundamental importance in this area. In the area of health care, the intention of the legislator is that the regulations regarding secrecy in public health care and confidentiality in private health care will guarantee protection of patient privacy. Secrecy in public health care is regulated mainly in Chapter 25, Section 1 of the Swedish Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act (2009:400). In private health care, confidentiality is regulated mainly in Chapter 6, Section 12, first paragraph, and Section 16 of the Swedish Act on Patient Safety (2010:659). The overall purpose of the thesis is to examine and analyse the legislator’s intentions and the juridical construction regarding the rules of secrecy and confidentiality, from the perspective of patient privacy. The starting point of the thesis is that the patient’s privacy should be strongly protected. One of the main conclusions is that the legal construction cannot be considered to be in accordance with the legislator’s intention that the regulation of patient privacy protection should constitute a strong protection for the patient’s privacy, be comprehensible, clear and easy to apply for health care personnel, as well as being the same in both public and private health care.


Hollis Daniel, Naib January 2018 (has links)
Denna undersökning handlar om att identifiera vad för faktorer som påverkar högskolestudenters beslut vid godkännande av cookies vid besök av e-handel. Undersökningen utfördes genom mixed metod forskningsmetod. Metoderna skedde i form av kvantitativ och kvalitativ i form av enkätundersökning samt intervjuer. Syftet med undersökningen var att förstå vilka faktorer som påverkar studenters godkännande av cookies när de besöker e-handel. Motiven till denna undersökning är att allt fler människor spenderar en stor del av sin tid på en växande bransch där de ständigt bemöts av popuppnotifikationer av cookies som kräver deras godkännande och medför att per automatik att många godkänner utan grund på informerat samtycke. Detta är något som behöver undersökas för att identifiera vad för faktorer som påverkar högskolestudenter informerade samtyckes godkännande av cookies.

Samtycke till frivilliga insatser enligt SoL och LVU : En utredning av möjligheten att besluta om insatser för barn när samtycket till frivilliga insatser inte är tillräckligt eller saknas / Consent to voluntary contributions according to SoL and LVU : An investigation of the possibility of deciding of contributions to children when the consent to voluntary contributions is not sufficient or missing

Wahlberg, Johanna January 2022 (has links)
Sedan år 1982 har utgångspunkten varit att socialtjänstens verksamhet ska grunda sig i den enskildes integritet och självbestämmanderätt. Den enskilde ska därigenom själv få bestämma huruvida en viss insats från socialtjänsten ska tas emot eller inte. Insatserna ska således grunda sig i frivillighet och utformas tillsammans med den enskilde. Detta gäller även när ett barn har behov av vård. I vissa fall föreligger dock ett behov av tvångsvård, där principen om frivillighet och självbestämmande inte kan upprätthållas på samma sätt som vid socialtjänstens frivilliga insatser. Ett barn ska enligt 1 § andra stycket LVU beredas vård i det fall 2 eller 3 §§ LVU är uppfyllda samt att det kan antas att barnet inte kan ges behövlig vård med samtycke av vårdnadshavarna och barnet självt om det har fyllt 15 år. Av bestämmelsen kan därmed utläsas att ett samtycke dels är en förutsättning för att socialnämnden ska kunna fatta beslut om frivilliga insatser, dels att ett samtycke till frivilliga insatser i regel utgör ett hinder för att det ska kunna fattas beslut om tvångsvård enligt LVU.  I uppsatsen uppmärksammas att det kan finnas viss problematik med ett samtycke till frivilliga insatser. Det kan tänkas förekomma situationer där ett samtycke till frivilliga insatser inte kan anses vara tillräckligt för att ett barn ska kunna ges nödvändiga insatser. Det kan vidare tänkas förekomma situationer där det saknas samtycke till frivilliga insatser, men tvångsvård heller inte kan aktualiseras på grund av att barnets situation inte är tillräckligt allvarlig för att uppfylla kraven i 2 eller 3 §§ LVU. Eftersom problematikerna handlar om just samtycke uppmärksammas även vad ett samtycke till frivilliga insatser har för rättslig innebörd och vad som krävs för det ska kunna betraktas som giltigt. För att utreda vad som gäller i dessa situationer och vilka möjligheter som finns att besluta om tvångsvård eller andra insatser för barnets räkning används den rättsdogmatiska metoden i uppsatsen. Metoden används inledningsvis för att identifiera och beskriva gällande rätt på området. Vidare används den för att analysera och kritisera gällande rätt samt diskutera förslag de lege ferenda. Uppsatsen avslutas därefter genom att den deskriptiva och analytiska delen binds ihop till sammanfattande slutsatser. / Since 1982, the starting point has been that the activities of the social services should be based on the individual's integrity and right to self-determination. The individual must thereby be able to decide for himself whether a certain contribution from the social services is to be received or not. The contributions must thus be based on voluntariness and be designed together with the individual. This also applies when a child needs care. In some cases, however, there is a need for compulsory care, where the principle of voluntariness and self-determination cannot be maintained in the same way as in the social services' voluntary contributions. According to 1 § second part LVU, a child must be provided with care if 2 or 3 §§ LVU are fulfilled, and it can be assumed that the child cannot be given the necessary care with the consent of the guardians and the child himself if he has reached 15 years. It can thus be read from the regulation that a consent is partly a prerequisite for the social welfare board to be able to decide on voluntary contributions, and partly that a consent to voluntary contributions generally constitutes an obstacle to a decision on compulsory care according to LVU.  The essay draws attention to the fact that there may be some problems with a consent to voluntary contributions. There may be situations where a consent to voluntary contributions cannot be considered sufficient for a child to be given the necessary contributions. Furthermore, there may be situations where there is no consent to voluntary contributions, but compulsory care can also not be actualized because the child's situation is not serious enough to meet the requirements of 2 or 3 §§ LVU. Since the problems are specifically about consent, attention is also paid to what a consent to voluntary contributions has for legal meaning and what is required for it to be considered valid. To investigate what applies in these situations and what opportunities there are to decide on compulsory care or other contributions on behalf of the child, the legal dogmatic method is used in the essay. The method is initially used to identify and describe current law in the field. Furthermore, it is used to analyze and criticize current law and discuss proposals de lege ferenda. The essay is then concluded by binding the descriptive and analytical part together into summarized conclusions.

Verkligheten blir som en slap in the face om man inte pratar om porr i skolan : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om gymnasieelevers erfarenheter och önskemål kring sexualitet, samtycke och relationer som en del av samhällskunskapsundervisningen / Reality becomes like a slap in the face if you don´t talk about porn in school : A qualitative interview study about high-school student´s experiences and preferences on how sexuality, consent and relationships can be expressed and integrated into social studies education

Assaye Taddese, Mariam January 2023 (has links)
Sexuality, Consent and Relations operate in contrast to the previous subject area Sex and Coexistence in an interdisciplinary matter. This implies that responsibility rest on each teacher to incorporate sexual education within their subject. This study aims to investigate the experiences and desires of upper secondary school student´s regarding the expressions and integration of the teaching area sexuality, consent, and relations in social studies education. To address the study´s questions, qualitative interviews with nine upper secondary school students was implemented. The examined area is highly relevant due to the curriculum changes that were implemented when the previous subject area of “Sex and coexistend” was redefined as “Sexuality, Consent and Relationships”. The findings of the empirical study showed that the interviewed upper secondary school students have primarily experiences of the subject area in natural science class. What was also found was that the students experiences vary depending on what social studies specialization they have. In terms of their desires, the students expressed a wish for the course on sexuality, consent, and relationships to include topics such as LBTQ+ issues, pornography, relationships, consent, and abortion. In conclusion, the results indicate that the participating upper secondary school students have limited and diverse experiences of the subject area. The findings also highlight the student´s awareness of the significant role of sexual education. Additionally, the results suggest that the students desire more education on sexuality, consent, and relationships within the context of social studies.

Samtyckespraktiker i rörelse : Att kommunicera och förstå samtycke i dansundervisning på gymnasiet

Mörk, Sara January 2023 (has links)
This research is a qualitative interview study on consent in upper secondary school dance education through focus group interviews with teachers and students. The intention is to give more insight on how teachers and students understand consent in upper secondary school dance education and in general. The study shows that consent in upper secondary dance education in Sweden exists at the intersection between norms of communication, power and the context in which it is practiced. The most common communication of consent for dance in this study is through reading body language, and the most discussed situation is regarding touch and bodily contact. Touch is viewed by the teachers as a vital part of knowledge generation in dance. Both teachers and students find situations where students are engaging with touch and body contact as the most challenging. The study observes that consent is specific within its context, which requires dance teachers to establish and clarify norms and intentions in the dance studio. To do so takes time and repetition, if not successful norms and perceptions from other contexts may be stronger and make the communication of consent difficult. Further, the study suggests that teaching about consent needs to be combined with practical exercises for a more preventive knowledge. The material was analyzed with qualitative analysis and a norm critical and multimodal perspective.

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