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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fronto-parietal neural activity during multi-attribute decision-making

Nakahashi, Ayuno 01 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse examine deux modèles alternatifs de prises de décision motrice à travers des données comportementales humaines et des données électrophysiologiques de singes obtenues lors d'une tâche de décision multi-attributs. Les théories psychologiques classiques suggèrent que la prise de décision soit une fonction de l'exécutif central (EC). En accord avec cela, de nombreuses études ont montré des modulations neuronales concernant les décisions dans le cortex préfrontal (PFC), renforçant la notion que les décisions sont prises à un niveau abstrait dans l'exécutif central du cerveau : le PFC. Cependant, de telles corrélations neuronales se trouvent également dans les régions sensorimotrices, qui étaient traditionnellement considérées externes à l’EC. Cela a conduit à un modèle alternatif de prise de décision dans un EC, impliquant plusieurs zones cérébrales, y compris les zones exécutives et sensorimotrices. Ce second modèle suggère qu'une décision est prise lorsque les compétitions au sein et entre les aires cérébrales arrivent à une résolution, ce qui permet d'atteindre un consensus distribué (CD). L'objectif principal de cette thèse est de tester les prédictions faites par ces deux modèles. Pour ce faire, nous avons conçu une tâche d'atteinte basée sur la valeur d'attributs multiples et créé une situation dans laquelle les deux modèles font des prédictions neuronales distinctes. Dans cette tâche, deux attributs visuels indépendants indiquaient le montant de la récompense associé à chaque cible. L'un était un degré de luminosité, information ascendante (BU pour "bottom-up"), ciblant le réseau de saillance par le biais de la voie visuelle dorsale. L'autre était un indice d'orientation de ligne, information descendante (TD pour "top-down"), ciblant le réseau de catégorisation basé sur la connaissance par le biais de la voie visuelle ventrale. Nous avons effectué des enregistrements dans la région d’atteinte pariétale (PRR) et le cortex pré-moteur dorsal (PMd) du singe, dont les activités neuronales ont été précédemment impliquées comme étant modulées par des attributs BU et TD similaires. Dans la plupart des essais, les deux attributs étaient congruents – tous les deux favorisant la même cible. Cependant, un sous-ensemble d'essais avait des cibles avec la même valeur de récompense totale, mais où les deux attributs étaient en conflit (les caractéristiques BU et TD favorisant des cibles opposées). Le modèle de l'EC prédit que dans ce cas, l’activité neuronale la plus précoce doit apparaître dans une région exécutive et que les régions sensorimotrices doivent recevoir la diffusion de cette décision. Ainsi, ce modèle prédit que la différence du temps de réaction entre le PRR et le PMd sera constante, quelle que soit la manière dont la décision est prise. En revanche, le modèle CD prédit que l’intervalle de décision doit refléter le rôle d'une région dans la décision en cours. Plus précisément, si PRR et PMd font tous deux parties du réseau de décision distribué et jouent un rôle dans l'évaluation des attributs BU et TD, un choix en faveur de l'attribut BU devrait apparaître d'abord dans le PRR et par la suite dans le PMd, tandis qu'un choix en faveur de l'attribut TD devrait apparaître dans l'ordre inverse. Notre étude démontre que le temps de réaction des participants humains était plus rapide dans les essais congruents et lors de l'utilisation de l'information BU par rapport à l'utilisation de l'information TD. La distribution ne reflétait pas linéairement la complexité de l'attribut et semblait plutôt suggérer une intégration incomplète des informations disponibles. Ainsi, le résultat n'était pas entièrement explicable par un modèle d'EC pur. Le temps de réaction des participants était également plus rapide lorsqu'ils choisissaient entre deux options de grande valeur par rapport aux options de faible valeur, ce qui suggère que la loi de Weber ne s'applique pas aux attributs visuels indiquant des informations de valeur. La distribution du temps de réaction de notre premier singe était similaire à celle des participants humains. Sur le plan neuronal, l’intervalle de décision du PMd était presque toujours plus rapide que celle du PRR et le PRR ne précédait jamais le PMd; aussi, la différence de l’intervalle de décision entre ces régions n'était pas constante. Le PMd a montré un biais de base pré-stimulus dans les essais de choix libre, alors que ce n’était pas le cas pour le PRR. La distribution de l’intervalle de décision dans le PMd variait également en fonction des conditions d'essai, tandis que celle du PRR ne distinguait que les cibles uniques des cibles multiples. Une tendance similaire a été observée dans les analyses préliminaires des potentiels de champ locaux (LFP). Enfin, les résultats préliminaires suggèrent des effets plus cohérents de la micro-stimulation dans le PMd que dans le PRR. Nos résultats soutiennent le rôle causal du PMd, mais pas celui du PRR. Nos résultats sont cohérents avec les rapports précédents sur l'activité neuronale liée au choix dans les régions pariétales, car l'activité du PRR reflétait le choix du singe dans notre tâche. Nos résultats sont également cohérents avec d'autres études montrant l'absence de preuves du rôle causal des régions pariétales dans la prise de décision, car l'ordre relatif de l'activité prédictive du choix dans le PRR et le PMd ne variait pas entre les différentes conditions. À la lumière de ces deux modèles, nos résultats suggèrent une troisième alternative, qui inclut potentiellement le PMd en tant que partie du réseau de décision, mais pas le PRR. / This thesis examines two alternative models of action decisions through human behavioural and monkey electrophysiological data obtained during a multi-attribute decision task. Classic psychological theories suggest that decision-making is a function of the Central Executive (CE). In line with this, many studies showed neural correlates of decision variables in the prefrontal cortex (PFC), strengthening the notion that decisions are made at an abstract level in the brain’s central executive: PFC. However, such neural correlates are also found in sensorimotor areas, which were traditionally considered outside the CE. This has led to an alternative model to the decision making in a CE, involving multiple brain areas including both executive and sensorimotor areas. This second model suggests that a decision is made when competitions within and across brain areas come to a resolution, thus a Distributed Consensus (DC) is achieved. The main objective of this thesis is to test the predictions made by these two models. To do so, we designed a multi-attribute value-based reaching task, and created a situation in which the two models made distinct neural predictions. In this task, two independent visual attributes indicated the amount of reward associated with each reach target. One was a “bottom-up” (BU) brightness, targeting the saliency network through the dorsal visual pathway. The other was a “top-down” (TD) line orientation cue, targeting the knowledge-based categorization network through the ventral visual pathway. We recorded from monkey parietal reach region (PRR) and dorsal premotor cortex (PMd), whose activities have previously been implied to be modulated by similar BU and TD attributes. In most trials, the two attributes were congruent – both favoring the same target. However, a subset of trials consisted of a conflict between the two attributes (BU and TD features favoring opposite targets), but the targets had the same total reward values. Here, the CE model predicted that the earliest choice-predictive activity should appear in an executive region, and sensorimotor regions were expected to be receiving this decision broadcast. Thus, the model predicted the latency difference between PRR and PMd to be constant, regardless of how the decision is made. In contrast, the DC model predicted choice latency should reflect a region’s role in the ongoing decision. Specifically, if both PRR and PMd are part of the distributed decision network and play a role in evaluating the BU and TD attributes, a choice in favor of the BU attribute should appear first in PRR and then in PMd, whereas a choice in favor of the TD attribute should appear in the opposite order. We report that human participants’ reaction time (RT) was faster in congruent trials and when using the BU information compared to when using the TD information. The RT distribution did not linearly reflect the attribute complexity, and instead suggested an incomplete integration of available information. Thus, the result was not fully explainable with a pure CE model. Their RT was also faster when choosing between two high-valued options compared to low-valued options, suggesting that Weber-Fechner law does not apply to visual attributes that indicate value. Our first monkey’s RT distribution was similar to that of human participants. Neurally, choice latency of PMd was almost always faster than that of PRR and PRR never preceded PMd, and the latency difference between these regions was not consistent. PMd showed a pre-stimulus baseline bias in free-choice trials, whereas PRR did not. The distribution of choice latency in PMd also varied with trial conditions, whereas that of PRR only discriminated single versus multiple targets. A similar trend was seen in preliminary analyses of local field potentials. Finally, preliminary results suggest more consistent effects of microstimulation in PMd than in PRR. Our results support the causal role of PMd, but do not support that of PRR. This is consistent with previous reports of choice-related neural activity in the parietal regions, as PRR activity did reflect the monkey’s choice in our task. Our results are also consistent with other studies showing the absence of evidence for parietal regions’ causal role in decision-making, as the relative order of choice-predictive activity in PRR and PMd did not vary between different conditions. In light of the two models, our results suggest a third alternative, which potentially includes PMd, but not PRR, as part of the decision network.

Poverty reduction strategies in South Africa

Mbuli, Bhekizizwe Ntuthuko 31 March 2008 (has links)
Between 45-57% of South Africans are estimated to be engulfed by poverty. In an attempt to identify policy instruments that could help change this status quo, the various strategies that have been implemented in countries (e.g. China, Vietnam and Uganda) that are known to have been relatively successful in reducing poverty are reviewed. In the process, this dissertation discusses the literature regarding poverty, with a particular emphasis on the definition, measurement and determinants thereof. Furthermore, South Africa's anti-poverty strategies are discussed. It turns out that these have met limited success. This is largely due to insufficient pro-poor economic growth, weak implementation/administration at the municipal level, slow asset redistribution, high income/wealth inequality, low job generation rate by SMME's, high HIV/AIDS infection rate, public corruption and inadequate monitoring of poverty. Therefore, if meaningful progress towards poverty reduction is to be achieved, the government needs to deal with the foregoing constraints accordingly. / Economics / M.Comm. (Economics)

A Re-Os Study of Sulfides from the Bagdad Porphyry Cu-Mo Deposit, Northern Arizona, USA

Barra-Pantoja, Luis Fernando January 2001 (has links)
Use of Re-Os systematics in sulfides from the Bagdad porphyry Cu-Mo deposit provide information on the timing of mineralization and the source of the ore -forming elements. Analyzed samples of pyrite, chalcopyrite and molybdenite mainly from the quartz monzonite and porphyritic quartz monzonite units are characterized by a moderate to strong potassic alteration (secondary biotite and K- feldspar). Rhenium concentrations in molybdenite are between 330 and 730 ppm. Two molybdenite samples from the quartz monzonite and porphyritic quartz monzonite provide a Re-Os isotope age of 71.7 ± 0.3 Ma. A third sample from a molybdenite vein in Precambrian rocks yields an age of 75.8 ± 0.4 Ma. These molybdenite ages support previous suggestions of two mineralization episodes in the Bagdad deposit. An early event at 76 Ma and a later episode at 72 Ma. Pyrite Os and Re concentrations range between 0.008-0.016 and 3.9-6.8 ppb, respectively. Chalcopyrite contains a wide range of Os (6 to 91 ppt) and Re (1.7 to 69 ppb) concentrations and variable ¹⁸⁷Os/¹⁸⁸Os ratios that range between 0.13 to 22.27. This variability in the chalcopyrite data may be attributed to different copper sources, one of them the Proterozoic volcanic massive sulfides in the district, or to alteration and remobilization of Re and Os. Analyses from two pyrite samples yield an eight point isochron with an age of 77 ± 15 Ma and an initial ¹⁸⁷Os/¹⁸⁸Os ratio of 2.12. This pyrite Re-Os isochron age is in good agreement with the molybdenite ages. We interpret the highly radiogenic initial 1870s/188Os as an indication that the source of Os and, by inference, the ore-forming elements for the Bagdad deposit, was mainly the crust. This conclusion agrees with previous Pb and Nd isotope studies and supports the notion that a significant part of the metals and magmas have a crustal source.

論康德哲學中崇高與道德法則之間的關連 / The Connection of the sublime and Moral Law in Kant's Philosophy

黃雯君, Huang, Wen-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本論文出自於對於康德道德哲學中同時兼具先驗性與實踐性之二重關係的研究興趣,因而於此藉由釐清康德哲學中的崇高情感與道德法則之間的關連是如何被談論的,嘗試以此整理出一些在理解上的關鍵線索。在這條主軸的引導之下,此處採取對其所涉及的相關文獻研讀與理解作為基本的脈絡開展。本論文並依從前批判期與批判期的區分將概略畫分為兩個部分︰ 第一部分︰一開始即企圖從對康德批判期美學談論的背景進行文獻上的考察,從中導引出對於康德美學與其形上學內在本有的關連,以及對絕對者/超感知者對康德方法論上的影響。接著審視《觀察》作為此時期思想實驗的產物,又是如何在康德自身的評判(即其《評著》)居於一個重要轉向的地位,在其中康德將美感與崇高感與德行關連起來的道德情感論述方,何以導向對主體意識能力的考察,而自由─自我意識與道德法則之間的關連也在這當中被觸及。 第二部份︰主要關注於康德於《基礎》與《第二批判》中「對法則的敬重」的兩重性所關涉到的一種特殊主體意識活動─即「道德意識」─的談論,其具體意涵又何以關連到康德道德性之理性奠基的先驗要求︰「終究只有一個理性」。最後以康德在《第三批判》中對反思判斷力的重新修正、予以審美經驗先驗奠基之架構,重新檢視康德如何以審美判斷─特別是「崇高判斷」─的不確定性概念關連到主體意識能力的提升;並藉由數學崇高與構想力、力學崇高與理性使命之間關係的建立與理解,繼而以此去討論,主體之特有的崇高判斷與道德法則之間本有的奠基性關連,並且何以生命情感作為一種道德意識的洞察能力,可以進行一個既是普遍有效、且與自然達到真正和諧關係的「擴延」;而從這當中誕生出來的道德情感,便根源於意志自由而作為道德行為的發生的關鍵推動力、但其自身卻仍不能作為行為之根據。

Andrew Michael Ramsay (1686-1743) : religion, philosophie et pensée maçonnique / Andrew Michael Ramsay (1686-1743) : religion, philosophy and masonic thought

Desplanches, Sophie 30 September 2016 (has links)
Andrew Michael Ramsay fut un intellectuel écossais du Siècle des Lumières, à la fois "aventurier religieux", auteur politique et franc-maçon. Élevé dans le protestantisme, il rechercha un équilibre spirituel et une doctrine plus conformes à ses vœux. Il voyagea dans de nombreux pays pour atteindre ce but et finalement trouva auprès de Fénelon, archevêque de Cambrai, et de Madame Guyon, adepte du "Pur Amour", un père et une mère spirituels. Sous leur influence, il finit par adhérer à un catholicisme de nature gallicane caractérisé par un appel constant à l’intériorité. De son œuvre, émergent quatre traités : l’Essai sur le gouvernement civil(1721) dans lequel il démontre que la meilleure forme de gouvernement est la monarchie absolue, héréditaire, de droit divin. Fervent jacobite, il espérait le retour de la dynastie Stuart sur le trône d’Angleterre. L’Histoire de la vie de Fénelon (1727) traite principalement des péripéties de sa conversion par le prélat; Les Voyages de Cyrus (1727), roman didactique, apologétique et politique, raconte la formation d’un jeune prince accompli, rempli de sagesse et de piété. Son ouvrage central, Les principes philosophiques de la religion naturelle et révélée (1749), communément appelé le "Great Work" ne parut qu’après sa mort. Le franc-maçon perçait alors sous le philosophe. Son Discours (1737) fait remonter les origines de l’Ordre aux croisades et, surtout, fixe les obligations auxquelles est soumis tout franc-maçon, qui lui sont rappelées au moment de son initiation. Cet homme, complexe, mystique et politique réussit l’exploit de faire changer radicalement cette organisation très attachée à ses traditions qu’est la Franc-maçonnerie. / Andrew Michael Ramsay was a Scottish intellectual of the Enlightenment and was at the same time a "religious adventurer", a political author and a freemason. Born into a Protestant family, he undertook a search for spiritual stability and for a doctrine more in line with his aspirations. In this quest, he journeyed through several countries, and he eventually found in the company of Fénelon, archbishop of Cambrai, and of Madame Guyon, an advocate of the doctrine of "Pure Love", a spiritual father and mother. Inspired by them, he finally converted to a Gallican variety of Catholicism which was at the root of his call to a life of constant soul-searching. From his work four treatises emerge: An Essay upon Civil Government (1721), in which he sought to show that the best form of government is an absolute, hereditary monarchy, based on divine right. As a zealous Jacobite, he longed for the return of the Stuarts to the British throne. The Life of Fénelon (1727) deals mainly with the various stages leading up to his conversion by the prelate. The Travel of Cyrus (1727) is a didactic, apologetic and political novel which relates the education of a young accomplished prince endowed with wisdom and piety. His most considerable work is The Philosophical Principles of Natural and Revealed Religion (1749), commonly called the "Great Work", which was published posthumously. Here the freemason can be seen beneath the philosopher. His Discourse (1737) traces the origins of Freemasonry back to the crusades, and also sets out the obligations that every freemason must adhere to and which he is reminded of during his initiation. His success in radically changing this organization so deeply attached to its customs remains the lasting legacy of this complex, mystical and political figure who is Andrew Michael Ramsay.

Poverty reduction strategies in South Africa

Mbuli, Bhekizizwe Ntuthuko 31 March 2008 (has links)
Between 45-57% of South Africans are estimated to be engulfed by poverty. In an attempt to identify policy instruments that could help change this status quo, the various strategies that have been implemented in countries (e.g. China, Vietnam and Uganda) that are known to have been relatively successful in reducing poverty are reviewed. In the process, this dissertation discusses the literature regarding poverty, with a particular emphasis on the definition, measurement and determinants thereof. Furthermore, South Africa's anti-poverty strategies are discussed. It turns out that these have met limited success. This is largely due to insufficient pro-poor economic growth, weak implementation/administration at the municipal level, slow asset redistribution, high income/wealth inequality, low job generation rate by SMME's, high HIV/AIDS infection rate, public corruption and inadequate monitoring of poverty. Therefore, if meaningful progress towards poverty reduction is to be achieved, the government needs to deal with the foregoing constraints accordingly. / Economics / M.Comm. (Economics)

O conceito de desenvolvimento segundo Hegel: a progressão da consciência

Malinski, Tania Alexandra 21 March 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:12:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 4610.pdf: 1206950 bytes, checksum: 82dd8102d5be9ad4b11acf189d64fdb4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-03-21 / The present thesis defends that Hegel´s dialectic can be understood as a process of development, both from the standpoint of pure reason and from a perspective based on historical and political factors. The dialectic of the concept is a development of the consciousness of being with relation to an object so as to comprehend the universal content of the object. The preservation of what is in opposition in the dialectical synthesis is the nucleus of the idea of development and what gives it a positive, constructive and directional character as philosophical and historical process. From a strictly rational point of view, development is the progression of consciousness. From a historical perspective, development is the progressive manifestation of spirit, or Geist. Both means of development consolidate themselves with the enunciation of the concept, which envelops an internal and subjective determination as well as a normative element. The philosophical law contained in the concept reveals its intrinsic value and its comprehension becomes a constitutive part of being. The determination in terms of rule of law and moral values is the absolute determination towards which is driven the national spirit. / A presente tese defende a leitura da dialética de Hegel como um processo de desenvolvimento, tanto do ponto de vista racional quanto histórico e político. A dialética do conceito seria um desenvolvimento da consciência do sujeito com relação ao objeto de modo a apreender o conteúdo universal do objeto. A preservação do que é contrário na síntese dialética seria o núcleo da idéia de desenvolvimento, conferindo um caráter positivo, construtivo e direcional ao processo filosófico e histórico. Do ponto de vista estritamente racional, o desenvolvimento seria a progressão da consciência. Do ponto de vista histórico, o desenvolvimento seria a progressiva manifestação do espírito, ou Geist. Ambas instâncias de desenvolvimento se consolidam com a formação do conceito, que encerra em si um elemento de critério interno ao sujeito assim como um elemento normativo. A lei filosófica encerrada no conceito revela o valor intrínseco e seu conhecimento passa a ser atividade constitutiva do ser. A lei jurídica ou moral seria a enunciação do valor absoluto ao projeto do espírito nacional.

Produits tensoriels en théorie de Hodge p-adique / Tensor products in p-adic Hodge theory

Di Matteo, Giovanni 12 December 2013 (has links)
Soient K/Qp une extension finie et GK le groupe de Galois absolu de K. Cette thèse est consacrée à l'étude de produits tensoriels cristallins (ou semi-stables, ou de de Rham, ou de Hodge-Tate) de représentations p-adiques de GK,, ainsi que de produits tensoriels triangulins de représentations p-adiques de GK. On étudie également la situation où l'image d'une représentation p-adique par un foncteur de Schur (tel Symn ou Λn) est cristalline (ou semi-stable, ou de de Rham, ou de Hodge-Tate). Les résultats présentés dans cette thèse sont énoncés pour les B-paires, et ils s'appliquent donc en particulier aux représentations p-adiques. / Let K/Qp be a finite extension and let GK be the absolute Galois group of K. This thesis is devoted to the study of crystalline (as well as semi-stable, de Rham, or Hodge-Tate) tensor products of p-adic representations of GK, as well as trianguline tensor products of p-adic representations of p-adic representations of GK. We also study the situation when the image of a p-adic representation by a Schur functor (for example, Symn or Λn) is crystalline (or semi-stable, or de Rham, or Hodge-Tate). The results presented in this thesis are stated for B-pairs, and apply in particular to p-adic representations.

Constitutional function assigned to the penalty: Bases for a criminal policy plan / Función constitucional asignada a la pena: bases para un plan de política criminal

Chang Kcomt, Romy Alexandra 10 April 2018 (has links)
This article intends to analyze treatment and functions assigned to the penalty by our Peruvian Constitution and the way this legal institution is conducted at the prescribed basic penalty level (imposed by the legislator ineach type of criminal offence), the specific penalty level (imposed by the judge according to its individual characteristics in each case) and at the penitentiary enforcement level. Finally recommends some considerations for carrying out a possible legislative reform in accordance with a criminal policy plan within our constitutional framework. / El presente trabajo busca efectuar un análisis en torno al tratamiento y las funciones que nuestra Constitución política asigna a la pena, y la manera como dicha institución se desarrolla en nuestro país con respectoa la pena abstracta (la impuesta por el legislador en cada tipo penal), la pena concreta (la impuesta por el juez luego de una individualización en cada casoconcreto), y su ejecución en el ámbito penitenciario. Finaliza proponiendo algunas consideraciones para una eventual reforma legislativa conforme conun plan de política criminal que se encuentre dentro del marco constitucional.

Překladová technika z latiny do staroslověnštiny na základě Gumpoldovy legendy a Druhé staroslověnské legendy o sv. Václavu / The translation technique from Latin to Old Church Slavonic on the basis of the Gumpold's legend and the Second Old Church Slavonic Life of Saint Wenceslas

Spurná, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
The Translation Technique from Latin to Old Church Slavonic on the Basis of Gumpold's Legend and the Second Old Church Slavonic Life of Saint Wenceslas Kateřina Spurná Summary This dissertation analyses the translation technique from Latin to Old Church Slavonic on the basis of Gumpold's Legend (Gump) from the end of the 10th century and its translation, the Second Old Church Slavonic Life of Saint Wenceslas (VencNik), which was written in early Přemyslid Bohemia probably in the second half of the 11th century. The introductory chapters provide the basic characteristics of the Gump and deal with its preservation in manuscripts and other Latin and Old Church Slavonic legends of St Wenceslas. Afterwards, attention is focused on the analysis of the VencNik, its preservation in manuscripts of Russian provenance and the basic phonetic and morphological characteristics of the text. These chapters are followed by a new edition of the VencNik, in which the Old Church Slavonic text is presented in the form actually preserved in manuscripts (unlike the earlier edition of Josef Vašica from 1929, who tried to reconstruct the original version), and compared with the partly revised and supplemented edition of the Gump. The edition of the Old Church Slavonic text is followed by a brief chapter on the biblical quotations...

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