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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Informationsvideo om coronaviruset : Att visualisera textbaserad information så att den blir tillgänglig

Zens, Oscar January 2020 (has links)
I takt med coronaviruspandemin arbetade myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap (MSB) med att utveckla information om coronaviruset. En del av den nya informationen publicerades på krisinformation.se. Informationen som fanns på krisinformation.se var överlag textbaserad. I det här arbetet har jag utifrån ett kvalitativt förhållningssätt arbetat med att göra delar av den textbaserade informationen multimodal, men med särskild hänsyn till de med dyslexi. Syftet är att med en informationsvideo visualisera textbaserad information på ett multimodalt sätt. Målet med arbetet var att utforma ett gestaltningsförslag som informerar och engagerar betraktaren till att vilja bromsa takten som smittspridningen sprider sig på. I ett försök att uppnå syftet och målet utformades följande frågeställning: Hur tillgängliggörs information med illustrationer och animationer i en informationsvideo? Frågeställningen besvarades genom att samla empiri utifrån en ikonologisk analys av en befintlig informationsvideo. Vidare utformades ett gestaltningsförslag som testades vid två tillfällen via intervjuer. Vid det första tillfället testades en storyboard och vid det andra tillfället testades en informationsvideo. Vid utformandet av gestaltningsförslaget var kognitions- och retorik-teori av särskild stor betydelse.  Det främsta fyndet är att de med dyslexi inte verkar ha några större problem med att ta till sig information som kommuniceras med illustrationer, animationer och ljud i en informationsvideo. / In line with the coronavirus pandemic, the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) worked to develop information about the coronavirus. Some of the new information was published on krisinformation.se. The information found on krisinformation.se was generally text-based. In this essay I have worked on making parts of the text-based information multimodal with a qualitative approach, but with a special attention to those with dyslexia. The purpose is to visualize text-based information in a multimodal way with an information video. The goal was to create a design proposal that can inform and engages the viewer to slow down the spread of infection. In order to achieve the purpose, the following question was designed: How is information made available with illustrations and animations in an information video? The question was answered by collecting empirical data based on an iconological analysis of an existing explainer video. Furthermore, I created a design proposal that was tested on two occasions via interviews. On the first occasion, a storyboard was tested and on the second occasion an information video was tested. When designing the design proposal, cognition- and rhetoric-theory was of particular importance.  The main finding is that those with dyslexia do not seem to have any major problems in acquiring information that is communicated with illustrations, animations and sounds in an information video.

Developmental differences in hypothermic and behavioral responses to ethanol treatment in Alcohol Preferring and Non-Preferring Rats

Myers, Mallory Lynn 30 August 2012 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Differences in voluntary consumption of ethanol have been negatively correlated with differences in initial sensitivity and tolerance to ethanol’s pharmacological effects. From this perspective, both adolescent and adult alcohol-nonpreferring (NP) rats would be expected to be initially more sensitive to the sedative and hypothermic effects of ethanol and fail to acquire tolerance to those effects than preferring (P) rats. The first objective of this experiment was to assess alcohol-induced hypothermia and locomotor sedation in adolescent and adult P and NP rats over five consecutive daily administrations (saline, 1.5 g/kg, or 3.0 g/kg ethanol 17%v/v), testing the hypothesis that the P rats would acquire tolerance to the hypothermic response whereas the NP rats would not show changes across days. In addition, it was hypothesized that there would be age-related differences in initial sensitivity to ethanol, evident by adolescent rats displaying less ethanol-induced hypothermia and locomotor sedation than adult rats on Day 1. The second objective was to determine if conditioning was occurring between the administration environment and the hypothermic response and locomotor sedation elicited by ethanol exposure, via a sixth injection of saline. Female rats were surgically implanted with intraperitoneal Mini Mitter telemetry probes on postnatal day 25 or 85 and experimental manipulations began five days later. Data were collected every minute; temperature data were then converted to change from baseline scores and locomotor data were totaled for each session. On Day 1, maximum temperature reduction elicited by the 3.0 g/kg dose was greater in the NP rats than the P rats, regardless of age. That dose also produced greater levels of locomotor sedation in the adult rats compared to the adolescent rats, regardless of line. The 1.5 g/kg dose of ethanol produced a greater hypothermic response in adult rats compared to adolescent rats, locomotor activity was reduced equally across the groups. With repeated administrations, NP adult rats displayed sensitization to the hypothermic response elicited from the 3.0 g/kg dose; in contrast, tolerance to the hypothermic response was found within the 1.5 g/kg dose for the adolescent P, adult P, and the adult NP rats. Repeated saline administrations also resulted in tolerance to the hypothermic response associated with administration in the adult NP and adolescent P rats. On the Day 6 saline administrations, adult rats which had previously been exposed to the 3.0 g/kg dose, maintained their baseline body temperatures better than both of the other exposure groups. Adolescent rats failed to show any signs of conditioning when administered saline on Day 6. Contrary to prediction the P rats failed to acquire tolerance to the 3.0 g/kg dose for either measure; and the line difference in ethanol-induce hypothermia was due to sensitization of the hypothermic response in adult NP rats. These results also provide further support that adolescent rats are less sensitive to the initial aversive effects of ethanol at the 1.5 g/kg dose for ethanol-induced hypothermia and the 3.0 g/kg dose for locomotor activity. The current experiment provides evidence that initial sensitivity as well as the acquisition of tolerance to ethanol-induced hypothermia may be behavioral phenotypes correlated with selection for high and low alcohol drinking preference.

Instruction as a communicative endeavor

Raphael Kwaning (15334789) 21 April 2023 (has links)
<p>Instructional theories often view the work of instructors from a psychological perspective while playing little emphasis on the communicative aspects. However, there are vital communicational influences on and implications for instructional practice and the instructional process as a whole. As such, this work begins with the position that instruction is, in its entirety, a communicative process. A comparison is made between the three basic models of communication (transmission, interaction and transaction) and three main educational theories (behaviorism, cognitivism and constructivism). This comparison shows that there are alignments between the transmission model of communication and behaviorism, the interactive model of communication and cognitivism, and the transactional model of communication and constructivism. These similarities are explored over three major instructional activities – lesson planning, lesson delivery and assessment. Subsequently, three real-life scenarios were presented to illustrate how the three basic models of communication are manifested in the classroom. Given the applicability of the models of communication to the instructional process, the practical utility of approaching instruction from a communicative perspective is discussed. Potential implications for educational practitioners and scholars are discussed afterwards.</p>

Types of behavior during labor and delivery and scores on the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory

Winthers, Bette Gloria 01 January 1954 (has links) (PDF)
Purpose of the Study The thesis of this study is that personality characteristics can be shown as factors in the variation of behavior which occurs during labor and childbirth. It is felt that if personality traits can be measured by a standard device they will correlate with various types of behavior expressed during labor. The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory is one instrument which tests all of the more important phases of personality. This test was chosen as the device to be used in this study to determine the personality traits of the women involved. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine if the scores obtained in the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory can be used to correlate personality traits with the behavior expressed during labor. Assuming that behavior can be predicted, it can be hypothesized that doctors could use the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory or some other personality test to study their patients personalities early in pregnancies and could counsel them in overcoming emotional and personal problems. This should make the patients labors and deliveries much easier. With the increased interest during the past few years in the psychological factors involved in pregnancy, it is felt that a study of personality traits might point a way to further study in this field. To this end the chief objective of this research has been to determine whether a positive correlation can be found between observed types of behavior during labor and delivery and scores on the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory. Method of procedure Seven basic behavior types showing reactions expressed during labor and delivery were devised by six nurses with obstetrical experience. Patients were chosen who had no previous childbearing experience and who received a limited amount of medication. The patients were observed during labor and then placed in one of the behavior categories. The day after delivery the patients were given the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory. This method of procedure is discussed more fully in Chapter Three.

Task-Based Language Teaching Vs. Traditional Way of English Language Teaching in Saudi Intermediate Schools: A Comparative Study

Al Muhaimeed, Sultan A. 16 December 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Vägen tillbaka till skolbänken - En realistisk forskningsöversikt om orsaker och interventioner för elever med problematisk skolfrånvaro / THE WAY BACK TO THE SCHOOL BENCH – A REALISTIC REVIEW ABOUT CAUSES AND INTERVENTIONS FOR STUDENTS WITH PROBLEMATIC SCHOOL ABSENTEEISM.

Ottosson, Frida January 2022 (has links)
Problematisk skolfrånvaro är ett omfattande problem som kan få sociala, emotionella och kunskapsmässiga konsekvenser för barn och ungdomar. Forskning visar att multimodala interventioner är effektiva i att öka skolnärvaro, vilka programstrategier inom interventionerna som fungerar i vilka kontexter saknas däremot kunskap om. En realistisk översikt genomfördes därför i syfte att undersöka vilka orsaker till problematisk skolfrånvaro som går att identifiera i tidigare forskning. Vidare var syftet att öka förståelsen för multimodala interventioner genom att specificera vilka programstrategier som leder till ökad skolnärvaro inom vilka kontexter. Efter en systematisk sökprocess inkluderades totalt 124 vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultatet av den realistiska analysen visade att trygghet, attityd, känsloreglering, social kompetens, motivation, föräldraförmåga, föräldrars föreställningar, kommunikation, tillit, familjedynamik, relationen mellan elev och lärare, skolklimat, skolorganisering, normativa föreställningar samt jämlikhet kan generera skolfrånvaro i särskilda kontexter. Inom de multimodala interventionerna identifierades åtta programstrategier som visat sig öka skolnärvaro i vissa kontexter. Mest empiriskt underlag förelåg för de strategier som arbetade med föräldra-förmågan och kommunikationen i elevens omgivning. Resultatet analyserades med hjälp av behavioristisk teori om operant betingning och systemteori. Översiktens slutsatser kan öka förståelsen för orsaker till skolfrånvaro och vägleda yrkesverksamma i vilka programstrategier som bör implementeras under vilka omständigheter. / Problematic school absenteeism is a comprehensive problem associated with social, emotional and cognitive consequences for children and adolescents. Research shows that multimodal interventions are effective in increasing attendance. However, there is a need to refine the contexts in which multimodal interventions are effective. Therefore, a realistic review was carried out in order to identify the causes underlying problematic school absenteeism in previous research. Furthermore, the purpose was to increase the understanding of multimodal interventions by specifying which program strategies lead to increased school attendance in which contexts. Following a systematic search process, a total of 124 articles were included. The results showed that security, attitude, emotion regulation, social skills, motivation, parent self-efficacy, parental beliefs, communication, trust, family dynamics, student-teacher relationship, school climate, school organization, normative ideas and equality can generate school absenteeism in specific contexts. Eight program strategies that generated attendance in different contexts were identified within the multimodal interventions. Most empirical support were found for the strategies related to parent self-efficacy and communication. The result was analyzed using behavioral and systems theory. The conclusions can advance the understanding of causes to absenteeism and guide professionals regarding which program strategies should be implemented under which circumstances.

Hyperrealitet, perceptionsfenomenologi och relationsinramning : Prövandet av en teoretisk förklaringsmodell med utgångspunkt från en kritisk undersökning av forskning om naturens läkande egenskaper.

Järpeskog, Timo M. January 2018 (has links)
Denna masteruppsats diskuterar naturens läkande effekt på människan genom att analysera nuvarande forskningsläge i både svenskt och internationellt perspektiv. Analysen förstås genom en teoretisk modell som baserar sig på ekologisk perceptionsfenomenologi, hyperrealitet och relationsinramning. Uppsatsens slutsats är att naturens läkande effekt kan förklaras med en perceptiv relation mellan människan och den mer-än-mänskliga världen, men också, att mer forskning behövs. / This master thesis discusses the healing properties of nature on the human being through an analysis of current Swedish and international research. The analysis is made by using a theoretical model based on ecological perception phenomenology, hyperreality and relational frame theory. The conclusion of the thesis is that the healing properties of nature may be explained by the perceptive relation between the human being and the more-than-human world, but also that more research is needed.

Finansiella instrument : En rättsekonomisk analys av värdepappersmarknadens grundläggande rättshandlingar / Financial instruments : A law and economics analysis of the fundamental contracts of the capital markets

Lindblad, Anton January 2022 (has links)
This thesis evaluates and constructs a general, product-neutral legal concept and model of financial instruments, as opposed to the product-dependent definitions currently employed in contemporary capital markets law. Through a combination of law and economics perspectives, legal history, and comparative analysis, the study examines the various types of financial instruments currently and previously in use. The legal characteristics and features of these instruments are evaluated and compared, leading to the identification of commonalities that can be used to define a product-neutral concept. The thesis argues that such a concept is more beneficial to the function of the capital markets by removing obstacles for financial innovation while also providing a consistent way to ensure that new financial products are governed by the same regulatory framework as comparable instruments.The thesis also examines the historical evolution of financial instruments and how it has been driven by the evolution of international trade and the demand and surplus of available capital. The proposed concept is applied to current financial instruments, including equity and debt, as well as pre-modern markets, and evaluated in terms of regulation, practical use, and legal characteristics such as transferability and negotiability.The research of this thesis encountered several challenges and limitations. Firstly, the historical and comparative analysis proved difficult to carry out, due to limitation in available source material and language related restrictions, respectively. These limitations were overcome by limiting the scope and by employing contacts with law firms in the respective jurisdictions. Secondly, several key issues proved to require further research to be able to provide definitive conclusions. Such research would have been out of scope and as such, simplified explanations and models were employed. The thesis concludes with a discussion of the practical implications of the proposed concept, including its application to cryptocurrencies and similar assets, and identifies potential areas for future research.

Uma análise das práticas educativas de prefessores de um curso superior de hotelaria

Delage, Liliane Azevedo 19 October 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:57:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PED - Liliane A Delage.pdf: 524619 bytes, checksum: a08eff9d8e9a98bb81b660eedc002197 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-10-19 / Servico Nacional de Aprendizagem Comercial / This research has its support on radical behaviorism and also the principles of behavior analysis based on Skinner in order to reflect on the education role as well as the teaching-learning process. One defends that teaching is to provide conditions that make the student s learning easy, so at this point, it is essential the teacher s performance. So as to develop this research, the objective was to get to know the practice of the teachers who perform in Hospitality College (higher course that works on professional formation in Hospitality). For this research, there were four participants involved and responsible for some disciplines whose names are nominated practices . To obtain the data, it was used the observation in natural situation, this means that, the teacher s performance was observed in day-by-day classroom, with no interference of the researcher. The collected data were analyzed having as a model the Functional Analysis which focused on the pedagogical interactions between teacher and student. From the characterization of the teachers practices, that were obtained by the observation, was possible to identify some practices considered productive on the teaching process because they provided adequate academic behavior for the students. The pieces of information related to the teachers action in their day-by-day classroom allowed reflection on some aspects that must be approached on the teachers formation. Having as a focus the teaching-learning process in higher level, this research intends to contribute in teachers formation area taking as referential the radical behaviorism and behavior analysis / A presente pesquisa apóia-se no behaviorismo radical e nos princípios da análise do comportamento, formulados por Skinner, para proceder à reflexão sobre o papel da educação e sobre o processo ensino-aprendizagem. Defendendo-se que ensinar é prover condições que facilitem a aprendizagem do aluno e que, para tanto, é primordial a atuação do professor, teve-se como objetivo conhecer a prática docente de professores que atuam em um curso superior de formação de profissionais em hotelaria. Participaram como sujeitos desta pesquisa quatro professores responsáveis por disciplinas denominadas práticas . Para a obtenção dos dados, utilizamos a observação em situação natural, ou seja, observamos a atuação docente tal como ocorre no cotidiano de sala de aula, sem a interferência da pesquisadora. Os dados obtidos foram analisados, tendo por modelo a Análise Funcional, colocando-se em foco as interações pedagógicas entre professor e aluno. A partir da categorização das práticas docentes observadas, foi possível identificar práticas que são produtivas no processo de ensino, pois promovem comportamentos acadêmicos adequados dos alunos. As informações da ação docente, no cotidiano escolar, que foram obtidas, permitiram refletir sobre aspectos que devem ser contemplados na formação a ser propiciada a professores. Ao colocar em foco o processo de ensino-aprendizagem em nível superior, esta pesquisa pretende contribuir com a área de formação de professores a partir do referencial behaviorismo radical/ análise do comportamento

Shaping the field

Perlina, Anna 18 November 2016 (has links)
Die vorliegende wissenschaftliche Arbeit rekonstruiert die Entwicklung der deutschen Psychologie zwischen der Eröffnung des ersten psychologischen Labors in 1879 und der Gleichschaltung durch das Nazi-Regime in den 1930er Jahren. Die Dissertation stellt den konzeptuellen und methodologischen Rahmen der psychologischen Disziplin anhand von drei Generationen von Pionierforschung dar. Hierbei wird herausgearbeitet, wie sich die frühe experimentelle Psychologie einen eigenen Platz zwischen den Natur- und Geisteswissenschaften kreiert. Die gestaltpsychologische Schule spielt darin eine entscheidende Rolle. Der zentrale Fokus der Arbeit liegt in der historischen Periode zwischen 1922 und 1936, über welche sich Kurt Lewins Untersuchungen zur Handlungs- und Affektpsychologie erstrecken. In dieser deutschen Schaffensperiode wurden der theoretische und methodologische Rahmen, sowie praktische experimentelle Designs erschaffen, welche die amerikanische Arbeit Lewins entscheidend prägten. Der Aufbau von Lewins berühmter Feldtheorie wird im Detail rekonstruiert. Die Dissertation zeigt auf, wie Lewin originelle psychologische Konzepte aus interdisziplinärer Erfahrung formte, und wie experimentelle Praktiken der Zeit die Entstehung eines immer komplexer werdenden Konzeptgerüstes herbeiführten. Anschließend wird die Bedeutung des Gestalt-Lewin-Falles für die Psychologiegeschichte erörtert. In die langfristige Wissenschaftsgeschichte ist Lewins Arbeit nicht etwa als gebündeltes Forschungsgebiet eingegangen. Stattdessen ist sie in so unterschiedliche Bereiche wie Entwicklungs- und Persönlichkeitspsychologie, Soziologie und Wirtschaftsmanagement eingeflossen und hat diese geprägt. / This dissertation represents a historical reconstruction of the development and transformation of German experimental psychology between the emergence of the first experimental laboratory in 1879 and its Gleichschaltung by the Nazi regime in the 1930s. It traces the evolution of the conceptual as well as the experimental framework of psychology over the course of these years following three generations of experimental research. Hereby, the work attempts to grasp how early experimental psychology negotiated its place between the humanities and the natural sciences. The project’s major focus lies in the period between 1922 and 1936, in which Kurt Lewin’s Berlin Experimental Program on Action and Emotions took place. The work specifically investigates the process of constitution of Lewin’s field theory, a system of concepts coined by Lewin in order to study psychological processes underlying human conduct. The dissertation shows how Lewin’s concepts emerged out of interdisciplinary sources, and how experimental practices in psychology triggered the emergence of new knowledge. Eventually, it is shown how the investigated historical case of Gestalt psychology in Berlin fits into and plays a decisive role in the long-term development of experimental psychology.

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