Spelling suggestions: "subject:"division off labor"" "subject:"division oof labor""
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Les insuffisances des grands outils juridiques protégeant le droit à l'égalité en emploi : l'exemple de la déqualification des immigrantes et migrantes au QuébecLévesque, Myriam 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Making Things Fit, Making Ends Meet : small Entrepreneurs in Istanbul’s Garment Industry / Joindre les deux bouts : les petits entrepreneurs de l’industrie du vêtement à IstanbulPiart, Louisa 19 January 2018 (has links)
Dans l’industrie du vêtement d’Istanbul, les carrières sont courtes et le taux de renouvellement des ouvriers est élevé. La combinaison entre production flexible et accords de sous-traitance dans un environnement urbain informel amène un nombre croissant d’ouvriers à assumer des fonctions entrepreneuriales équivoques. Ces acteurs sont au cœur de cette thèse de doctorat. Pour maintenir leurs positions ces ouvriers temporaires sont souvent contraints de devenir de petits intermédiaires précaires qui redéfinissent les distinctions entre production et distribution. Basée sur des données empiriques recueillies grâce à un travail de terrain en profondeur à Istanbul, mon travail doctoral questionne sous un angle anthropologique les dynamiques changeantes de l’industrie du vêtement d’Istanbul à différentes échelles et le rôle des petits entrepreneurs dans la formation de ces dynamiques à travers leurs pratiques et leurs innovations. Alors que les petits entrepreneurs sont essentiels, ils sont rarement irremplaçables. Pour explorer ces questions, cette recherche trace les liens entre les différents débouchés de l’industrie du vêtement d’Istanbul et examine comment leurs processus de valuation respectifs sont entremêlés. Durant les dernières décennies, dans l’ombre des exports officiels vers l’Europe occidentale, le « commerce à la valise » vers des pays voisins, ainsi que le marché domestique se sont développés. En « joignant les deux bouts », les petits entrepreneurs de l’industrie du vêtement d’Istanbul sont des courroies de transmission entre ces marchés aux échelles transnationale et locale. Les étudier offre de nouvelles perspectives sur les contextes industriels modernes et le fonctionnement des marchés globaux. / In Istanbul’s garment industry, careers are short and worker turnover is high. The combination of flexible production and subcontracting agreements in an informal urban environment propel an increasing number of workers to assume equivocal entrepreneurial functions. These actors are at the core of this dissertation. In order to maintain their positions, irregular workers are often forced to become precariously positioned small brokers who reshuffle the distinctions between production and distribution. Based on empirical material gathered through in-depth fieldwork in Istanbul, my dissertation questions from an anthropological perspective the shifting dynamics of Istanbul’s clothing industry at different scales and the role of small entrepreneurs in shaping these dynamics through their skillful practices and innovations. While small entrepreneurs are essential, they are rarely irreplaceable. In order to explore these issues, this dissertation traces the connections between the various outlets of Istanbul’s garment industry and scrutinizes how their respective valuation processes are intertwined. Over the last decades, in the shadow of official exports to Western Europe, the so-called suitcase trade to neighboring countries as well as the domestic market have flourished. By “making things fit” and “making ends meet,” Istanbul’s small entrepreneurs are conveyor belts between these markets at both the transnational and local scales. Studying them offers new insights into modern industrial settings and the workings of global markets.
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Sortir de la chaîne du care De travailleuses socialistes chaoxianzu (朝鮮族) à domestiques migrantes en France, Corée du Sud et Chine / Beyond the Care Chain From Chaoxianzu (朝鮮族) socialist women workers to migrant domestic workers in France, South Korea and ChinaLee, Mi-Ae 25 September 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse traite des effets de la migration sur le statut professionnel et social des travailleuses domestiques et des nouveaux rapports de subordination qui en découlent, analysés à l'intersection des rapports de genre, de classe et de « race ». Le but de cette recherche est d'aborder l'ordre hiérarchique de ces différents rapports et d'analyser les causes structurelles de la subordination. Les travailleuses migrantes chaoxianzu appartenaient à la classe symboliquement au pouvoir dans la Chine socialiste, en tant qu’ouvrières industrielles et agricoles. En examinant leur expérience de travail dans cinq villes de trois pays - France, Corée du Sud et Chine - nous analysons comment les conditions de travail de chaque société d’immigration affectent leur statut en tant que travailleuses. Les participantes à notre recherche vivent et perçoivent leur expérience de travail à la lumière de l’habitus professionnel de la Chine socialiste, basé sur la fierté en tant que travailleuses. Selon leur perception, dans la migration, elles ne changent pas pour un niveau hiérarchique et professionnel inférieur, mais souffrent, collectivement, de la position subalterne des travailleurs domestiques sans-papiers dans le référentiel de l’ordre hiérarchique de la société capitaliste. Plutôt qu'un travail trivial, elles perçoivent leur métier comme une somme de tâches nobles, physiques et émotionnelles. Elles s’inscrivent dans la chaîne globalisée du care. Mais, en s'interrogeant sur leur statut subalterne, elles remettent en cause la logique de reproduction de la hiérarchie sociale. / This thesis deals with the effects of migration on the occupational and social status of domestic workers and the resulting new relationships of subordination that are analyzed at the intersection of gender, class and ‘race’ relations. The purpose of this research is to address the hierarchical order of these different relationships and to analyze the structural causes of subordination. The Chaoxianzu women migrant workers belonged to the class symbolically in power in socialist China, as industrial and agricultural workers. By examining their work experience in five cities in three countries - France, South Korea and China - we analyze how the working conditions of each immigration society affect their status as women workers. The participants in our research live and perceive their work experience in light of their professional habitus of socialist China, based on pride as women workers. According to their perception, in migrating they do not change for a lower hierarchical and professional level, but collectively suffer from the subordinate position of undocumented domestic workers typical for capitalist society’s hierarchical order. Rather than perceiving their job as trivial, they see it as a sum of noble, physical and emotional tasks. They are part of the global chain of care. But, in questioning their subordinate status, they undermine the logic inherent to the reproduction of social hierarchies.
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Gender division in American Baptist families : second and third shiftsMcCloud, Janice Sue 16 December 2013 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / The division of labor in households is an important topic in marital relationships. Families are not static; they are in a constant state of change. Employment, individual family members’ schedules, and religious beliefs can impact how couples divide household tasks. This particular study draws on in-depth interviews of four married couples from American Baptist churches to explore how couples within this type of church divide household tasks. The interviews focused on the management of second- and third-shift household tasks, as well as childcare. The purpose of obtaining this information was to see if the way American Baptist couples handle second-, third-shift duties, and childcare is more consistent with general population couples or more consistent with Evangelical/Conservative couples. Husbands and wives were interviewed separately to obtain individual thoughts and opinions. The interviews revealed that when it comes to second-shift tasks and child care, American Baptist couples are more in line with general population couples. As far as third-shift duties, Evangelical, general population, and American Baptist couples are all currently handling in very similar ways with the female performing the majority of third-shift tasks.
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Portée de l’exploitation du lapin (Oryctolagus cuniculus) par les humains au Dernier Maximum Glaciaire dans la Péninsule Ibérique : intégration de la Optimal Foraging Theory avec la Modélisation à Base d’AgentsSeuru, Samuel 07 1900 (has links)
L’introduction de petites faunes au sein du régime alimentaire humain dans le passé constitue un sujet de recherche essentiel dans la compréhension des modes de subsistance des chasseurs-cueilleurs, notamment au Paléolithique supérieur. Durant cette période, et notamment au Dernier Maximum Glaciaire, le lapin de garenne (Oryctolagus cuniculus) domine les assemblages fauniques de nombreux sites archéologiques de la Péninsule Ibérique. Plusieurs hypothèses ont été avancées afin de comprendre le rôle que ce petit gibier a pu jouer dans la subsistance des groupes humains. Néanmoins, la multitude et la variété de ces hypothèses reflètent, d’un côté, le manque de consensus quant à la portée de l’exploitation du lapin dans la subsistance durant cette période dans la Péninsule Ibérique, et elles soulignent d’un autre côté que l’appréhension des implications économiques, technologiques, environnementales et sociales de son exploitation est une tâche complexe.
A partir de ce double constat, j’ai dès lors établi comme problématique d’explorer les potentielles motivations liées à la chasse du lapin et d'appréhender le rapport entre les humains et cette espèce de petite taille, et ce dans l’objectif d’obtenir une meilleure compréhension des modes de subsistance adoptés pendant cette période en Ibérie. L’approche développée dans cette thèse repose sur la proposition que l’explication du pourquoi les humains exploitaient le lapin doit être traitée par une compréhension du comment les humains chassaient ce petit gibier. Si nous voulons analyser le régime alimentaire humain dans le passé, nous devons effectivement comprendre comment les humains prenaient leurs décisions cynégétiques. A cette fin, un des cadres théoriques principalement utilisé en archéologie, la Optimal Foraging Theory, a été employé, en complément de la modélisation à base d’agents. La problématique a été répartie en trois questions de recherche distinctes et complémentaires, chacune faisant l’objet d’une publication. Dans le premier article, l’application du Diet Breadth Model issu de la Optimal Foraging Theory a permis d’observer que l’exploitation d’une garenne est optimale lorsque plusieurs individus capturent un minimum de 7 lapins à l’aide de filets au cours du Dernier Maximum Glaciaire dans la Péninsule Ibérique. Dans le second article, nous avons mené des expériences de simulation à travers le développement d’un modèle à base d’agents pour évaluer les implications de ce type d’exploitation dans un cadre plus réaliste au sein duquel les humains interagissent, avant de l'intégrer, dans le troisième article, dans différents contextes socio-économiques qui lui sont associés et observés dans le registre ethno-historique.
Nos résultats montrent que la composition du régime alimentaire humain et, par-là, le retour énergétique quotidien, sont influencés par l'organisation sociale entre les membres d'un groupe, la stratégie de chasse et la technologie associée afin d’exploiter une garenne. Particulièrement, la rentabilité de l’exploitation des ressources est encore plus grande si les femmes, les enfants et les ainés sont impliqués dans l’exploitation des garennes à travers des battues et/ou l’aide de filets. Par conséquent, cette thèse expose que le développement de formations socio-culturelles optimales basées sur une division des tâches de subsistance selon l’âge et/ou le sexe (et de la technologie qui leur est associée) a pu permettre aux groupes humains de s'adapter aux environnements de la Péninsule Ibérique au Dernier Maximum Glaciaire. Finalement, le lapin ayant probablement été un complément alimentaire important pendant cette période, cette thèse souligne la nécessité de considérer son exploitation (et celle de petites faunes en général) lors de l’interprétation du registre zooarchéologique car des changements d’un point de vue économique, technologique mais aussi socio-culturel dans les modes de subsistance adoptés dans le passé peuvent être ainsi appréhendés. / The introduction of small fauna into the human diet in the past is an essential research topic in the understanding of hunter-gatherer subsistence patterns, particularly in the Upper Paleolithic. During this period, and particularly during the Last Glacial Maximum, the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) dominates the faunal assemblages of many archaeological sites in the Iberian Peninsula. Several hypotheses have been proposed to understand the role played by this small game in the subsistence of past human groups. Nevertheless, the number and diversity of these hypotheses first reflect a lack of agreement as to the extent to which rabbits played a role in subsistence during this period in the Iberian Peninsula. Secondly, they underline the complexity of understanding the economic, technological, environmental, and social implications of rabbit exploitation.
From these observations, I established as the problematic to explore the potential motivations behind rabbit hunting, and to apprehend the relationship between humans and this small game, with the aim of providing a better understanding of the subsistence patterns adopted during this period in Iberia. The approach developed in this thesis is based on that the explanation of why humans exploited rabbits must be addressed by an understanding of how humans hunted them. If we are to analyze human diet in the past, we must indeed understand how humans made their hunting decisions. To this end, one of the theoretical frameworks mainly used in archaeology, the Optimal Foraging Theory, has been adopted, complemented by Agent-Based Modeling. I divided the problematic into three distinct and complementary research questions, each the subject of a publication. In the first article, the application of the Diet Breadth Model derived from the Optimal Foraging Theory enabled us to observe that the exploitation of a warren is optimal when several individuals capture a minimum of 7 rabbits using nets during the Las Glacial Maximum in the Iberian Peninsula. In the second paper, we carried out simulation experiments through the development of an Agent-Based Model to assess the implications of this type of exploitation in a more realistic environment in which humans interact, before integrating it, in the third paper, into different socio-economic contexts related to it and observed in the ethno-historical record.
Our results show that the composition of the human diet and, consequently, the daily energetic return are influenced by the social organization between group members, the hunting strategy and the associated technology employed for exploiting a warren. In particular, the energetic efficiency of resource exploitation is even greater if women, children, and elders are involved in exploiting warrens through net hunting and/or drives. Consequently, this thesis argues that the development of optimal socio-cultural group configurations based on an age and/or gender-based division of labor (and their associated technology) may have enabled human groups to successfully adapt to the environments of the Iberian Peninsula during the Last Glacial Maximum. Finally, as rabbit was probably an important energetic source during this period, this thesis highlights the need to consider its exploitation (and that of small game in general) when interpreting the zooarchaeological record, as not only economic and technological, but also socio-cultural changes in subsistence patterns adopted in the past can be apprehended.
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The experiences, challenges and coping resources of working wives and stay-at-home husbands : a social work perspectiveMitchell, Chanaz Anzolette 02 1900 (has links)
Text in English / The transition from traditional to non-traditional marital roles was brought about by changes in the political, social and economic spheres. Within this transition, a new family arrangement has emerged in which traditional marital roles of breadwinning husband and care-giving, nurturer-wife are replaced by a breadwinning wife and a care-giving, nurturer-husband, the so-called stay-at-home husband. Various factors contributed and necessitated this change in marital roles, such as, but not limited to, the feminist movement, the economic recession, changes in legislation, retrenchments and so forth.
However, making this transition is not easy. These couples, fulfilling non-traditional marital roles, are faced with stigmatisation and negative attitudes that make them want to conceal their marital roles from family, friends, the community and society as a whole. This state of affairs results in a situation where these couples stay in the closet and as consequence the topic is ill-researched and ripe for further investigation. Using a qualitative, phenomenological approach, this study explored and described the challenges, experiences and coping resources of couples fulfilling non-traditional marital roles in order to propose practice guidelines to support these couples from a social work perspective.
A total of ten couples participated in the study. Independently, the working wives and stay-at-home husbands provided separate accounts of realities related to fulfilling the non-traditional marital roles within their respective marital relationships. Themes that emerged from the in-depth description of their experiences reflected the benefits accrued, the challenges experienced, their needs and coping resources. From the information provided suggestions were derived for social workers to assist couples in a similar working wife and stay-at-home husband marriage set-up to deal with situations encountered.
In consulting extant literature, research on this phenomenon appeared to be totally neglected both internationally and nationally. Hence this study sought to address this lacuna by specifically investigating the situation in South Africa. It also appeared that existing research tended to focus on either the stay-at-home mother or the dual career family. Research on the experiences of stay-at-home husbands was thus severely lacking as were ways in which such couples in these roles could be supported. Therefore, making use of the ecological and role theory perspectives, attention is given to exposing their experiences, challenges and coping resources with a view to developing practice guidelines for helping social work practitioners to adequately support these couples practising non-traditional marital roles. / Social Work / Ph. D. (Social Work)
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The experiences, challenges and coping resources of working wives and stay-at-home husbands : a social work perspectiveMitchell, Chanaz Anzolette 02 1900 (has links)
The transition from traditional to non-traditional marital roles was brought about by changes in the political, social and economic spheres. Within this transition, a new family arrangement has emerged in which traditional marital roles of breadwinning husband and care-giving, nurturer-wife are replaced by a breadwinning wife and a care-giving, nurturer-husband, the so-called stay-at-home husband. Various factors contributed and necessitated this change in marital roles, such as, but not limited to, the feminist movement, the economic recession, changes in legislation, retrenchments and so forth.
However, making this transition is not easy. These couples, fulfilling non-traditional marital roles, are faced with stigmatisation and negative attitudes that make them want to conceal their marital roles from family, friends, the community and society as a whole. This state of affairs results in a situation where these couples stay in the closet and as consequence the topic is ill-researched and ripe for further investigation. Using a qualitative, phenomenological approach, this study explored and described the challenges, experiences and coping resources of couples fulfilling non-traditional marital roles in order to propose practice guidelines to support these couples from a social work perspective.
A total of ten couples participated in the study. Independently, the working wives and stay-at-home husbands provided separate accounts of realities related to fulfilling the non-traditional marital roles within their respective marital relationships. Themes that emerged from the in-depth description of their experiences reflected the benefits accrued, the challenges experienced, their needs and coping resources. From the information provided suggestions were derived for social workers to assist couples in a similar working wife and stay-at-home husband marriage set-up to deal with situations encountered.
In consulting extant literature, research on this phenomenon appeared to be totally neglected both internationally and nationally. Hence this study sought to address this lacuna by specifically investigating the situation in South Africa. It also appeared that existing research tended to focus on either the stay-at-home mother or the dual career family. Research on the experiences of stay-at-home husbands was thus severely lacking as were ways in which such couples in these roles could be supported. Therefore, making use of the ecological and role theory perspectives, attention is given to exposing their experiences, challenges and coping resources with a view to developing practice guidelines for helping social work practitioners to adequately support these couples practising non-traditional marital roles. / Social Work / Ph. D. (Social Work)
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Narratives of governing : rationalization, responsibility and resistance in social workLauri, Marcus January 2016 (has links)
For many years, Sweden has had a reputation for having a comprehensive and women friendly welfare state. However, as in many other European countries during the past few decades, the organization and governing of welfare has undergone profound changes. Through interviews with social workers and the application of theories of governmentality, this thesis analyzes the expressions and consequences of such current organization and governing. One result is that the introduction of meticulous documentation practices of social workers contact with clients, regulate their interaction and constitute a control over both client and social worker. Another result is that the current organization fragments labor and awards more authority to managers, which functions to produce loyalty to the organization and management, rather than clients. This is expressed in demands not to voice protest, as it is said to create a bad mood. It is also expressed in demands to spend as little as possible on clients; short duration of treatment, preference for outpatient treatment and by making it difficult to receive financial support. This austerity is legitimized through the intermeshing of different ideals; budget awareness, evidence that supports short and outpatient treatment and that clients in order to change their course of life should to be allowed or coerced into taking individual responsibility. Another important finding is that the current governing and organization of social work produce distance and detachment, and thus discourage caring subjects. This is a complex process in which an assemblage of different techniques and rationalities undermines the cultivation of a relationship between social worker and client. 1) The ideal of evidence-based practice favors rigid methods over a flexible and holistic approach. 2) Ideals of rationality, closely connected to notions of masculinity and professionalism, value objectivity and devalue and deter the surfacing of emotions. 3) Meticulous practices of documentation reduce the amount of time available to meet clients. 4) Ideals and particular methods designed to promote individual responsibility in clients legitimize social workers distancing themselves from clients’ dependency and needs. 5) A division of labor, in either assessment or treatment, reduces time spent with clients for those who work with assessment and ultimately engage in the rationing of resources. 6) Standardized digital templates, installed to aid in assessments, regulate and proceduralize interactions with the client. 7) Austerity, heavy workloads, individualized responsibility and stress further accentuate distance, as detachment becomes a means to cope with arduous working conditions. The transformation of social work described above produces alienation and a fragmentation of social workers’ collective subjects. Simultaneously, an ethos of caring makes some social workers work extra hard to provide for clients, which ultimately covers for flaws in the system. Although such an ethos of caring allows for the further exploitation of social workers, it is also understood as a means of resistance, which in turn also forms the basis for organized resistance. / Sverige har ett internationellt rykte för att ha en omfattande och kvinnovänlig välfärd. Även om riktigheten i en sådan uppfattning sedan länge ifrågasatts har på senare år, likt i många andra Europeiska länder, det svenska välfärdssystemet genomgått en omfattande förändring i avseende på dess räckvidd, men också dess organisering och styrning. Fokus för denna studie är just denna organisering och styrning, och mer specifikt, hur detta påverkar ett av välfärdens kanske mest centrala område: socialt arbete. Genom att intervjua socialarbetare undersöks i denna studie uttryck för och konsekvenser av en sådan förändring, bland annat genom att undersöka hur könsbundna föreställningar och förväntningar är sammanflätade med det sociala arbetets organisering och styrning. I studien konstateras att socialarbetare erfar att deras arbete genomgått omfattande förändringar, vilket kopplas ihop med både organiseringen och styrningen av det sociala arbetet. Detta uttrycks både i de ideal som kringgärdar arbetet men också i dominerande arbetssätt. En sådan förändring är införandet av omfattande dokumentationsprocedurer av socialarbetarens arbete och kontakt med klienter, vilket medför att kontakten med klienterna blir ytligare. Dokumentationsprocedurerna utgör också en sorts kontroll av både klienterna och socialarbetarna själva. En annan förändring som konstateras är att nya organisationsmodeller och en förändrad ledarskapskultur skapar förväntningar på socialarbetarna att vara lojala med organisationen och ledningen snarare än klienterna. Bland annat utrycks detta genom förväntningar att inte protestera och skapa dålig stämning på arbetsplatsen, men också genom uttalade krav att spendera så lite resurser som möjligt på klienterna; korta behandlingstider, öppenvårdsalternativ och orimligt hårda krav för att få ekonomiskt bistånd. Detta legitimeras genom sammanväxningen av flera olika ideal; budgetmedvetenhet, att klienter inte mår bra av långa institutionsvistelser, men också att klienterna ska tillåtas eller bör tvingas att klara att sig själva. Ett av studiens huvudresultat är att den nuvarande organiseringen och styrningen av socialt arbete skapar avstånd och likgiltighet. Genom flera sammankopplade ideal och arbetssätt styrs dagens socialarbetare till att bry sig mindre om de klienter de möter. På så sätt undermineras förutsättningarna för framväxten av en djup relation mellan socialarbetare och klient; 1) Idealet och kravet att socialarbetare ska arbeta utifrån evidens, det vill säga metoder och förhållningssätt som i speciellt utformade utvärderingsmodeller visat sig ha effekt, gör att väl strukturerade och rigida metoder ges företräde. Denna instrumentalisering underminerar ett flexibelt, relationsorienterat och helhetsfokuserat sätt att arbeta. Dessutom gör evidensidealets fokus på enskilda individer och avgränsade utvärderingstider att mer samhällsinriktat kritiskt och långsiktigt inriktat arbete undermineras. 2) Ett rationalitetsideal, tätt sammanbundet med föreställningar om professionalitet och maskulinitet, värderar objektivitet och förmågan att frikoppla socialarbetarens egna känslor från sitt arbete. Detta maskuliniserade professionsideal innebär att empati och solidaritet med klienten undergrävs. 3) Omfattande krav på olika former av dokumentation av det sociala arbetet gör att tiden som socialarbetaren har till sitt förfogande för att besöka och att ha möten med klienten blir knapp. 4) Ett allmänt samhällsideal kring individuellt ansvar och en särskild arbetsmetod (motiverande samtal) som många socialarbetare förväntas lära sig, framhäver klientens eget ansvar för och vilja till förändring. Detta legitimerar ett avståndstagande från klientens behov av hjälp och stöd enligt logiken ”du måste klara detta själv”. 5) En vanligt förekommande uppdelning av socialarbetarnas arbetsuppgifter i en så kallad beställar-utförarmodell gör att vissa socialsekreterare arbetar med hjälp och stöd, medan andra arbetar med bedömningar av klienters behov. De senare, som också har inflytande över resurstilldelning, blir med en sådan organisering av arbetet alltmer frikopplade från den stödjande och hjälpande verksamheten och kontakten med klienten. 6) Standardiserade digitala bedömningsinstrument, skapade för att på ett likvärdigt sätt bedöma klienters behov och dokumentera det sociala arbetet, reglerar och instrumentaliserar kontakten med klienter. 7) Tunga arbetsbördor, individualiserat ansvar och stress, bidrar ytterligare till att skapa avstånd och likgiltighet eftersom det för vissa utgör ett sätt att genomleva en ohållbar arbetssituation. En allmän åtstramning av socialtjänstens resurstilldelning förstås som en viktig orsak till behovet av att skapa ovan distansmekanismer. Men distansen hänger också ihop med en tendens till ett återupplivande av en tidigare dominerande förståelse av marginalisering och sociala problem; där människors nöd ses som ett utslag av dålig karaktär och ett resultat av dåliga individuella val. De förändringar av det sociala arbetets premisser som beskrivits ovan gör att socialarbetarna alltmer görs främmande inför sitt arbete – de alieneras. Detta främmandegörande uttrycks genom att inte kunna identifiera sig med arbetet självt, sina kollegor eller med sig själv. Ett sådant främmandegörande underminerar, eller fragmentiserar, både relationen till klienten, men också en känsla av gemenskap med andra socialarbetare. En gemenskap som kan utgöra ett ”vi” och ligga till grund för att ställa krav, protestera och göra motstånd mot avhumaniserande ideal och reformer. På så vis är främmandegörandet inte bara en konsekvens av dagens organisering och styrning, utan också något som fyller en viktig funktion för en sådan styrning och organisering, och genomförandet av en allmän åtstramning i socialpolitiken. Samtidigt som dagens organisering och styrning av socialt arbete är främmandegörande, slår vissa socialarbetare knut på sig själva och arbetar extra hårt för att täcka upp för systemets brister och krympande resurser, för att trots det svåra läget ändå försöka ge det stöd som de upplever att klienten behöver. Ett sådant historiskt förankrat femininiserat omsorgsideal, dvs känslor av ansvar och empati inför behövande och en ilska inför oförrätter, utgör därmed på samma gång grund för en fördjupad exploatering av socialarbetarna, och ett vardagligt motstånd mot rådande system. I ett läge när flera upplever att kollegialiteten som grund för motstånd på arbetsplatserna underminerats, utgör ett sådant omsorgsideal samtidigt också grunden för organiserat motstånd utanför arbetsplatsen, bortom chefernas insyn, kontroll och härskartekniker. Medan nuvarande styrningssystem underminerar ett visst sorts motstånd, uppstår samtidigt grunden för nya.
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