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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Indirekt diskriminering i diskrimineringslagen : Hur ser statens plikt att motverka indirekt diskriminering ut?

Andreasson, Hedda January 2022 (has links)
Indirect discrimination is one form of discrimination according to the Swedish diskrimineringslag (2008:567). This type of discrimination is a more abstract form than direct discrimination. The direct discrimination-form is the one where one person is intending to discriminate another person because of that person belonging to a group protected against discrimination by the law. Indirect discrimination on the other hand is when one person is discriminated because of a policy or a rule that is not intending to be discriminating. This makes this form of discrimination much harder to see and make visible, that is because the intention is not needed. In this thesis the focus is indirect discrimination and how the state have a responsibility to prevent that indirect discrimination occur. To make it easier to see the indirect discrimination and who is being subject for it, this thesis is using a structural discrimination theory to provide what is missing in the law. By using this theory, this thesis argue that the state is taking less responsibility and puts the responsibility on the single managers of institutions instead. The duty of the state is thereby hard to show and makes the law difficult to use from a structural discrimination perspective.

Tre instutioners förväntingar på lärarkunskaper : Hur Högskoleförordningen, Skolverket och utvalda univeristets kursmaål framställs inom temana mänskliga rättighter, jämställdhet och värdegrund, konflikthantering och diskriminering samt uppmuntra till livslångt lärande. / Tre instutioners förväntingar på lärarkunskaper : Hur Högskoleförordningen, Skolverket och utvalda univeristets kursmaål framställs inom temana mänskliga rättighter, jämställdhet och värdegrund, konflikthantering och diskriminering samt uppmuntra till livslångt lärande.

Malin, Kleveholt, Ida, Rosenberg January 2022 (has links)
This study is a small investigation about how institutions who have impact on education and school evaluate knowledge and expectations on teachers.  We present the legal institution who runs universities in Sweden (Högskoleförordningen), what three different universities exam in chosen parts of the education for teachers. We also compare these with the expectations of teachers presented by the institution that directs the Swedish school (Skolverket). The study is an analysis of documents made with Bloom's taxonomy as an analysis tool. This study also includes a thematic analysis that has given us three themes “Encouraging lifelong learning” “Handling conflicts and discrimination” and “human rights, equal rights and values”. The results of the study shows that all institutions that are included in the analysis have expectations on teachers in all themes, but on different levels according to Bloom's taxonomy.  The result presents that all institutions have expectations that teachers should have knowledge in all three of our themes but the expectations look a bit different and are presented differently which makes them on different levels according to Bloom’s taxonomy.

Skyldigheten att bistå personer i sjönöd : - och kriminaliseringen av frivilliga sjöräddningsorganisationer / The Obligation to Rescue People in Distress at Sea : - and the Criminalisation of Voluntary Rescye Organisations

Fagerström, Sara January 2021 (has links)
The interest of suppressing migrant smuggling at sea is to be considered as part of state sovereignty and the state’s right to migrant control. This combat against criminal activity at sea is a balance between state security interest and ensuring the safety of migrants on board suspected vessels. There are a rising number of voluntary rescue organisations at sea that face trials, suspected of aiding migrant smugglers. This is a problematic fact against the big need for search and rescue operations. Despite the perilous nature of sea-crossings, maritime migration is a common phenomenon. Betweenyear 2014 and year 2020 there were20 959people reported dead in the Mediterranean Sea. Public international law provides the duty to render assistance at sea. The legal area of maritime rescuealsocoversthe coastal state dutyto promote the establishment and maintenance of adequate and effective search and rescue service. This thesis aims to analysethe conflict between the, within state sovereignty, right to control immigration and the state duty to render assistance at sea. Using aninternational legal perspective, it examines the extent of the state duty of maritime rescue.Furthermore, it examines the regulation concerning migrant smuggling and asks whether the measures taken by states against the smuggling of migrantsat seais in line with international law. The analysis concerns areas within international law of the sea, international refugee law as well as international human rights law. Vital regulations are the principle of non-refoulement and the right to life.The examination shows that the right to life reinforces thestate duty to render assistance at seaand that the principle of non-refoulement collides with extraterritorial migration control. Furthermore, it shows that the criminalisation of voluntary organisations at sea collides with the state duty to promote an effective search and rescue service. In summarythis analysis displaysthat the state interest of combating migrant smuggling wrongfully takes priority over the duty to render assistance and the respect for human rights concerning migrants at sea

Den dolda klassindelningen : En studie av svensk skollagstiftning / The hidden catagorization of classes : A study of Swedish school legislation

Bundzik, Sara January 2021 (has links)
Sammanfattning Studien belyser ämnen som rättsordning, rättssäkerhet, likvärdighet och måluppfyllelse samt det kompensatoriska uppdraget och skolans kunskapssyn. Intentionen har varit att öka förståelsen för den konflikt som finns i skolans lagstiftning och dess andra styrdokument gentemot diskrimineringslagen och FN:s internationella konventioner om mänskliga rättigheter. Intentionen har även varit att uppmärksamma delar av det svenska skolsystemet som varje år hindrar ett stort antal elever från att ta sig vidare från grundskolan till gymnasieskolans nationella program (Skolverket 2021c).       I inledningen beskrivs två fiktiva elever. Båda eleverna är 15 år och de har precis avslutat sina nio år i grundskolan och båda vill vidare till studier i gymnasieskolan. Den ena ska göra det år 2021, den andra gjorde samma sak år 1989. Båda har dyslexi och dyskalkyli. Dyslexi är läs- och skrivsvårigheter och dyskalkyli innebär svårigheter med den grundläggande räkneläran. På grund av elevernas svårigheter har skolgången varit kämpig, särskilt har ämnet matematik varit ett bekymmer. Skillnaden för eleverna vad gäller möjligheten att kunna ta sig vidare till andra studier och att senare kunna få en anknytning till arbetsmarknaden och bli självförsörjande som vuxna är mycket stor. I slutdiskussionen beskrivs eleven från 2021 ännu en gång, men då utifrån ett diskrimineringsperspektiv.        På grund av ämnesvalet, metodvalet och valet av teori är det här arbetet omfattande. En rättsdogmatisk metod har använts. Konventioner, lagar, propositioner, förordningar och föreskrifter har systematiserats och tolkats för att besvara studiens frågeställningar. Detta har gjorts med utgångspunkt i systemteori. Studien har under arbetets gång befunnit sig i växelverkan mellan empiri, teori, metod samt tidigare forskning. Dessa fyra har kompletterat varandra genom hela arbetsprocessen.      Resultatet är uppdelat i två delar. Den första delen uppmärksammar rättskällor som handlar om gymnasieskolan med dess antagningskrav samt introduktionsprogram. Den andra delen problematiserar rättskällor för de som är verksamma inom skolan. Särskilt skollagens 3 kapitel som handlar om det kompensatoriska uppdraget problematiseras. Av alla juridiska texter som har granskats nämns specialpedagogen ytterst sällan. Specialpedagogen nämns framför allt då det handlar om elever som är i behov av stöd, vilket ingår i det kompensatoriska uppdraget. Studien belyser bland annat särskilt stöd som inte resulterar i godkända betyg och vad det kan innebära för den enskilde individen samt vilka följder det kan få.

Från ord till handling. En studie om kommuners implementering av mänskliga rättigheter

Andersson, Matilda January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka, samt skapa förståelse och insikt i, hur mänskliga rättigheter implementeras på kommunal nivå. Vidare är studiens mål att inspirera andra kommuner till att arbeta systematiskt med mänskliga rättigheter. Grundläggande för studiens inhämtning av material är en intervjustudie av Piteå, Lund och Uppsala där kommunernas arbetssätt med mänskliga rättigheter är centralt. Utöver intervjuerna tillkommer även offentliga dokument, tidigare forskning och kommunala styrdokument. Intervjuerna har analyserats utifrån ett rättssociologiskt och förvaltningsteoretiskt perspektiv med fokus på implementering. Studiens resultat visade på implementeringsprocessens problematik och de svårigheter som tillkommer ett systematiskt arbetssätt kring mänskliga rättigheter på grund av begreppets otydlighet. Det uppmärksammades även en kunskapsbrist gällande det praktiska arbetet med mänskliga rättigheter. / The aim of this study is to examine and understand how human rights is implemented in local governments today. The goal is to inspire other local governments to increase their systematic work with human rights. Piteå, Lund and Uppsala was interviewed about their work with human rights. Except the interviews the material is official documents, previous reaserch and regulatory documents from the local governments. To analyze the result from the interviewes, theories about the function of law in society were used together with theories of the govenmental organisation and implementation.It is evident from the study that there is a lack of knowledge for the practical work with human rights in the three swedish local governments. The result also illustrates the complexity of problems with a systematic approce to human rights because human rights are undefined.

Att möjliggöra säker sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa : - En observationsstudie med etnografisk ansats / To incorporate safe sexual and reproductive health : - An observational study using ethnographic approach

Ericsson, Cecilia, Ögren, Marlene January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund: Alla individer innehar grundläggande rättigheter just i egenskap av att vara människa. Rätten till hälsa är en av dessa, och ska bland annat inkludera säker sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa. I den georgiska utbrytarprovinsen Abchazien tillgodoses inte hela befolkningen denna rättighet. Gali-distriktet är beläget nära gränsen till övriga Georgien och anses som ett lågprioriterat område. Kvinnors position beskrivs där extra utsatt, då exempelvis våld i nära relationer är vanligt förekommande. Inom Abchazien finns icke-statliga organisationer som arbetar för att tillgodose människors grundläggande rättigheter. Avangard är en av dessa och arbetar med sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa för kvinnor i Gali-distriktet. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att belysa hur vårdpersonalen på en icke-statlig organisation kan möjliggöra säker sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa för kvinnor i Gali, Abchazien. Metod: Empirisk studie med kvalitativ metod, baserad på deltagande observationer med etnografisk ansats. Materialet har bearbetats genom innehållsanalys, där kategorier samt teman arbetats fram. Resultat: Framkomna fynd presenteras utifrån tre teman med totalt sex inkluderande kategorier: Kompetens – Utbildad personal och Engagemang, Sammanhang - Undervisning i sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa och gynekologisk vård, Resurser – Miljö och Material. Slutsats: Studien belyser hur flertalet komponenter möjliggjorde den sexuella och reproduktiva hälsan. Genom utbildad och lokalt förankrad personal, kunde Avangard bidra till att hälso- och sjukvård samt kunskapsförmedling genomfördes trots vissa hinder. Klinisk betydelse: Denna studie kan bidra till ökad förståelse i hur rättigheter inom sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa kan möjliggöras. Vidare förhoppning är att sjuksköterskan ska reflektera över kvinnors situation världen över, för att kunna bidra till ökad sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa. / Background: Everyone has fundamental rights just of being human. The right to health is one of these, which includes safe sexual and reproductive health. In the Georgian breakaway region Abkhazia, all the people can’t claim the right to health. Gali district, near the border to the rest of Georgia, is considered as a low priority area. Domestic violence is common in the region and women’s positions are described as extra vulnerable. In Abkhazia several non-governmental organizations operates to incorporate people's basic rights. Avangard is one of them, and they’re working with women’s sexual and reproductive health in Gali district. Aim: The aim of this study was to illuminate how the staff of a non-governmental organization incorporate safe sexual and reproductive health for women in Gali, Abkhazia. Method: An empirical study using a qualitative method, based on participant observations with ethnographic approach. The data were processed through content analysis, which ended up in categories and themes. Results: The presented findings are collected in three themes, including total six categories: Competence – Educated staff and Engagement, Context - Training in sexual and reproductive health and gynecological care, Resources - Environment and Materials. Conclusion: The study illuminated how several components incorporated safe sexual and reproductive health. By local and educated staff, Avangard created opportunities that made the work possible, despite some obstacles. Implications for practice: This study may contribute to an increased understanding of how fundamental rights in sexual and reproductive health can be made possible. Furthermore, there is a hope that nurses should reflect on women's situations worldwide, to improve the sexual and reproductive health. / <p>Röda Korsets sjuksköterskeförening stipendium 2013</p>

Hemlig dataavläsning och Europakonventionen : Den svenska lagen om hemlig dataavläsning i förhållande till rätten till privatliv enligt artikel 8 Europakonventionen / Secret data interception and The European Convention on Human Rights : The Swedish law of secret data interception in relation to the protectionof privacy in Article 8 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms

Delfin, Henrik January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Empati med mänskligheten : Om humanitarismens genealogi, möjligheter och förutsättningar / Empathy with humanity : On the genealogy of humanitarianism, possibilities and conditions

Mattsson, Per-Göran January 2020 (has links)
The question of how "humanitarianism" became possible, and whether humanitarianism is a factor of power in today's world, and possible in the future, is answered against the backdrop of the problem of the world's moral indifference, and the difficulty of mobilizing empathy and commitment to other people's suffering in humanitarian disasters. A genealogical discourse analysis examines historical breakthroughs for humanitarianism, and how humanitarianism relates to human rights, in a moral-philosophical and sociological perspective, in a historical exposition, with the aim of tracing violations and leaps in the development of conditions and possibilities, which enabled the construction of a discourse of humanitarianism. Important prerequisites for humanitarianism to become possible, and the ideas of human rights, are a changed view of man during enlightenment, and her self-understanding, as an "ethical subject", as ground to rights, and that "humanity" was imagined to be a legal community that entails a moral responsibility of universal solidarity. A discourse of humanitarianism has been constructed which has become a factor of power in international politics to meet needs, that it costs to deviate from. A danger to the future is that humanitarianism, as an active protest against the world's suffering, is politicized and abused as a pretext for power ambitions. Whether humanitarianism is possible depends on the social and moral preconditions of international cooperation and idealism, and the belief that human progression is possible, and the attitude: ”We become more fully human via the manner in which we treat our fellows”.

”Förstår du vad du läser?” : En kritisk rättsdogmatisk analys av förbudet mot diskriminering i utbildningsverksamheten / ”Do you understand what you are reading?” : A critical legal dogmatic analysis of the prohibition against discrimination in educational activities

Fossum, Johanna January 2023 (has links)
This essay is based on a case of a Swedish student with dyslexia who was denied the right to his aid during the national exam in Swedish. The purpose of the study is to shed light on the problems in how practice is interpreted and how future cases can behandled. In order to examine the current law in discrimination that dyslectics experience within the school system. The study has used the legal dogmatic method,the right as it is “de lege lata'' as well as “de lege ferenda”, as the right should be. The study has concluded that even if the student is not denied the right to a free education,the study wishes to draw attention to the fact that the student may have been exposed to discrimination based on the European Convention Art.14. What the study has discovered by analyzing the material is that the adaptations offered to the student did not compensate for the absence of the compensatory aid for the national test.

Diskriminering inom hälso- och sjukvård : Är elöverkänslighet en funktionsnedsättning?

Holmvall, Philip January 2023 (has links)
This essay aims to investigate whether Electro hypersensitivity (EHS) can be considered a disability. The essay’s core begins with the problematic point of view that some people claim they are suffering from EHS and experience severe issues when they encounter certain environments that contain radiation, more specifically health care within hospitals. People with EHS believe that their symptoms appear because of electromagnetic fields (EMF) consisting of radiation from Wi-Fi or mobile towers among other things. Because of this, people with EHS find it difficult seeking medical help for not only problems with EHS, but any type of health issues. This, since healthcare often chooses not to adapt and make their facilities available for their intended needs. The symptom itself is not questioned by scientists, doctors, or politicians. The main thing that are questioned on the other hand are the cause of EHS. Some scientists claim that they have trouble seeing a link between the symptoms of EHS occurring because of EMF. Because of this, two sides of EHS arise. One side claim that people experience severe symptoms when they encounter EMF, while the other side claims that this cannot be demonstrated with objective facts. The essay thus aims to answer two questions: first, can EHS be considered a disability? Second, are these people discriminated against within medical health care because of their lack of adequate health care? The answer to these questions is based on applicable laws such as Swedish law and international conventions which Sweden is obligated to follow. Previous medical research is also important to consider. To help answer the questions the theoretical framework of the essay states that a functional limitation does not hinge on an individual's inherent abilities, but rather on the compatibility between a person's physical capabilities and an environment that fails to cater to their specific requirements. Consequently, a functional impairment emerges. The result of the analysis therefore shows that in some cases there can exist a functional impairment even though there is no established disability or disease.

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