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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En kvantitativ studie om balans mellan arbete och privatliv i relation till självmedkänsla, utbrändhet, arbetstillfredsställelse och uppsägningsintention / A quantitative study of work-life balance in relation to self-compassion, burnout, job satisfaction, and turnover intention

Tosterud Lundin, Sara, Widmark, Cornelia January 2023 (has links)
Sammanfattning Titel: En kvantitativ studie om balans mellan arbete och privatliv i relation till självmedkänsla, utbrändhet, arbetstillfredsställelse och uppsägningsintention Nivå: Examensarbete på grundnivå (kandidatexamen) i ämnet företagsekonomi Författare: Sara Tosterud Lundin och Cornelia Widmark Handledare: Dr Jonas Kågström Datum: 2023 - juni Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur balansen mellan arbete och privatliv ser ut för anställda inom finanssektorn i kontrast till mer traditionella vårdyrken, samt vilken betydelse balansen har på organisatorisk nivå. Därtill ämnar studien undersöka hur faktorerna självmedkänsla, utbrändhet, arbetstillfredsställelse och uppsägningsintention förhåller sig tillbalans mellan arbete och privatliv. Metod: Kvantitativ metod av deduktiv art där det empiriska materialet samlats in med hjälpav två digitala enkäter som skickades ut till 7 104 bankanställda respektive publicerades somett inlägg i en Facebook-grupp för 22 600 socionomer. Totalt resulterade enkäterna i 531 svar som kunde användas. Den empiriskt insamlade datan har analyserats i statistikprogrammet JASP genom deskriptiva-, korrelations- och nätverksanalyser samt ett t-test. Resultat & slutsats: Studien visar att bankanställdas balans mellan arbete och privatliv är god, dock bör organisationerna ha en medvetenhet om att frågan om balans är komplex då det finns många faktorer som kan påverka nivån av balans. Samtliga av studiens hypoteser bekräftades, vilket var i enlighet med tidigare forskning. Bland annat visade studiens resultat att balans mellan arbete och privatliv har ett positivt samband med självmedkänsla och arbetstillfredsställelse, samt ett negativt samband med utbrändhet och uppsägningsintention. Utöver studiens hypoteser framkom två nya korrelationer. Dessa korrelationer visar att en högre självmedkänsla härleder en högre arbetstillfredsställelse och en lägre uppsägningsintention. Examensarbetets bidrag: Bidraget är ökad kunskap kring hur dessa fem ämnesområden påverkar varandra i en svensk kontext avseende finansbranschen. Detta då tidigare studier inom dessa ämnesområden framförallt är riktade till populationer inom sjuk- och hälsovården. Studien har även påvisat ytterligare två direkta samband mellan två ämnesområden: självmedkänsla och arbetstillfredsställelse samt självmedkänsla och uppsägningsintention. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: 1. Genomföra en liknande generaliserbar studie avseende finansbranschen; 2. Undersöka hur det ser ut för dem som varit utbrända men sedan kommer tillbaka till jobbet; 3. Undersöka om svaren skiljer sig mellan olika roller inom yrket; 4. Kombinera enkätundersökningen med intervjuer för att undersöka ämnet mer på djupet genom direkta interaktioner. Nyckelord: Balans mellan arbete och privatliv, självmedkänsla, utbrändhet, arbetstillfredsställelse, uppsägningsintention, finanssektorn, vårdyrken, bankanställda, socionomer / Abstract Title: A quantitative study of work-life balance in relation to self-compassion, burnout, jobsatisfaction, and turnover intention Level: Bachelor’s thesis in business administration Authors: Sara Tosterud Lundin and Cornelia Widmark Supervisor: Dr Jonas KågströmDate: 2023 - juni Aim: The aim of this study is to examine the work-life balance of employees in the finance sector compared to more traditional healthcare professions, and the balance impact at organizational level. Additionally, the study aims to investigate the relationships between self-compassion, burnout, job satisfaction and turnover intention with work-life balance. Method: A deductive quantitative approach was employed, and the empirical data was collected through two digital surveys distributed to 7 104 bank employees and posted in a Facebook group comprising 22 600 social workers. A total of 531 usable responses were obtained. The empirically collected data was analyzed in the statistics program JASP, employing descriptive, correlational, network, and t-test analyses. Results & conclusions: The study demonstrates that the work-life balance of bank employees is satisfactory; however, organizations should be aware that the issue of balance is complex, as there are numerous factors that can influence the level of balance. All of the study'shypotheses were confirmed, which aligns with previous research. Among other factors, the study's findings indicate that work-life balance is positively related to self-compassion and job satisfaction, while being negatively associated with burnout and turnover intention. In addition to the study's hypotheses, two new correlations emerged. These correlations reveal that higher levels of self-compassion are linked to increased job satisfaction and reduced turnover intention. Contribution of the thesis: This thesis contributes to increased understanding of how these five research areas interrelate within the Swedish context, specifically in the finance industry. Previous studies have primarily focused on populations within the healthcare sector. Furthermore, the study identified two direct relationships between two research areas: self-compassion and job satisfaction as well as self-compassion and turnover intention. Suggestions for future research: 1. Conduct a similar generalizable study regarding the financial industry; 2. Examine the experiences of individuals who have experienced burnout but returned to work; 3. Explore potential differences in responses among different job roles within the profession; 4. Combine the survey method with interviews to delve deeper into thetopic through direct interactions. Key words: Work-life balance, self-compassion, burnout, job satisfaction, turnover intention, finance sector, healthcare professions, bank employees, social workers.


BRENO COSTA RIBEIRO 28 December 2020 (has links)
[pt] A valorização do professor é de suma importância para seu crescimento profissional. Ela pode se dar de diversas formas. O foco da presente dissertação é tentar compreender de que formas essa valorização é entendida por três profissionais da área de ensino de língua inglesa da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Através de entrevistas individuais e autobiográficas, cada uma das professoras aponta sua trajetória profissional e o que as motiva a pensar em deixar a carreira ou prosseguir nela pelo prisma do que entendem por valorização em sua área de atuação. A pesquisa é qualitativa e interpretativa na tentativa de compreender o que motiva as entrevistadas. Mesmo partindo de contextos distintos (escola pública, curso livre de inglês e escola particular), as três possuem visões comuns no que diz respeito à liberdade de atuação, remuneração e identidades impostas pela lógica mercantilista que o neoliberalismo trouxe para dentro do cenário de ensino. Todas dialogam, tendo ou não conhecimento teórico prévio, com teorias sobre valorização profissional docente, através de uma corrente da Linguística Aplicada voltada para as profissões. / [en] Teachers professional appreciation is of the utmost importance for their professional development. It can be achieved in a plethora of ways. The present dissertation focuses on trying to understand in which ways such valorization is perceived by three professionals of the area of English language teaching-learning in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Through individual and autobiographical interviews, each of the teachers discusses their professional journey and what motivates them to either consider leaving their profession or continue working as teachers, as they attempt to comprehend what professional appreciation is in their area of expertise. The research is qualitative and interpretative attempting to understand what motivates the interviewees. Even coming from different backgrounds (public schools, English courses and private schools), the three of them share similar visions in relation to freedom of agency, salary and identities imposed by the mercantilist agenda brought about by neoliberalism to schools. Regardless of having theoretical background knowledge about the theme, all of them echo theories about professional appreciation, also related to Applied Linguistics of the professions.

The Round : An Observational Study of Ward 4 at Norrtälje Hospital / Ronden : Emn observationsstudie av avdelning 4 på Norrtälje Sjukhus

Löfberg, Oskar, Krajewski, August January 2018 (has links)
Healthcare is generally characterized by deep traditions, old working methods, and clear hierarchies. A central part of medical wards is the so-called “round”. During the round, physicians and nurses visit the patients and decide on further action. The round is a central process at wards and affect the rest of the working day, both for physicians and nurses. In this study, the round process was observed at Ward 4 at Norrtälje Hospital. The staff at Ward 4 experienced high-stress levels and this was related to an ineffective round according to a prestudy conducted by Clinical Innovation Fellowships. The project aimed at producing a new optimized round routine that would reduce the high-stress levels. The study was conducted through observations, dialogue with staff, interviews, surveys, comparative observations at other wards at Norrtälje Hospital and other hospitals as well as theoretical studies. The main difficulties discovered in our study with the round process at Norrtälje Hospital were that (i) information was communicated dual, (ii) the round process was too time-consuming, (iii) late decision-making, (iv) inefficient role for nurses and the (v) priority of work. The study resulted in a recommendation of a new round routine in which we have taken the staff’s interests into account as well as literature and research within the field of how developing healthcare processes. Our target was to increase communication and collaboration between physicians and nurses and furthermore exploiting human resources in the best possible way. Our main recommendation was to introduce a seated pre-round prior to commencing the daily round routine and to introduce a reconciliation meeting afterwards. / Sjukvård är generellt sett präglat av inrotade traditioner, gamla arbetsmetoder och tydliga hierarkier. En central del på medicinska avdelningar är den så kallade ronden. Under ronden besöker läkare och sköterskor patienterna och beslutar om vidare åtgärder. Arbetet under ronden påverkar sedan resten av arbetsdagen, både för läkare och sköterskor, eftersom den är en väldigt central del av arbetsdagen på en medicinavdelning. I denna studien så undersöktes rondprocessen på avdelning 4 på Norrtälje Sjukhus. Bakgrunden till detta var att personalen präglats av höga stressnivåer och att det varit ett resultat av en ineffektiv rond. Detta framkom från en förstudie utförd av Clinical Innovation Fellowships. Vår studie syftade i att producera en ny effektivare rondrutin som i sin tur skulle minska stressen hos personalen. Detta genomfördes med hjälp av observationer, dialog med personal, intervjuer, enkätundersökningar, jämförande observationer på andra avdelningar och andra sjukhus, och teoristudier. Dom största problemen som upptäcktes i vår studie var att (i) information kommuniceras dubbelt, (ii) ronden tog för lång tid, (iii) att beslut inte fattas tillräckligt fort, (iv) sköterskans roll under ronden och (v) prioritering av patienter. Studien resulterade i ett förslag till en ny rondrutin som strävar efter att öka kommunikation och samarbete mellan läkare och sköterskor, och samtidigt utnyttja personalresurser på ett optimalt sätt. Vår främsta rekommendation var att införa en sittrond före gåronden och avsluta med ett avstämningsmöte.

”Jag älskar mitt jobb, men…” : En kvalitativ studie om svenska sjuksköterskors psykosociala arbetsmiljö ur ett kall-perspektiv / ”I love my job, but…”

Bergström, Filippa, Fröberg, Emelie January 2023 (has links)
Personalbristen av sjuksköterskor i Sverige har blivit uppmärksammad i media och är en kritisk fråga som har stor påverkan på sjukvården. Trots detta ses yrket som ett kall då omvårdnad av människor är betydelsefullt för sjuksköterskor och är den främsta drivkraften till varför människor väljer detta yrke. Uppfattningen av yrket som målas upp i samhället är ofta i negativa termer vilket inte underlättar hanteringen av personalbristen. Många gånger hänger den mörka bilden av yrket ihop med dålig vård för samhället som konsekvens av bristande psykosocial arbetsmiljö och hög arbetsbelastning. Mindre forskning finns om kombinationen av teorier om kall och arbetsmiljö. Denna uppsats kommer därför undersöka krav-kontroll-stöd-modellen som bakgrund till förståelsen av sjuksköterskors psykosociala arbetsmiljö i relation till kallyrket som teoretisk utgångspunkt. Uppsatsen är gjord med kvalitativ metod och semistrukturerade intervjuer. Resultatet visar att sjuksköterskor trivs med sina arbetsuppgifter då omvårdnad av människor är något de brinner för. Däremot uppstår stressiga situationer och missnöje när sjuksköterskorna är underbemannade och arbetsbelastningen ökar. HR arbetar med personalfrågor inklusive arbetsmiljöfrågor och därför kan det perspektivet som bakgrund bidra till att förstå organisationers förutsättningar till arbetsmiljöarbetet och problemet med personalbristen. Det framgår att organisationer måste arbeta förebyggande med arbetsmiljöarbetet och tillgå med tillräckliga resurser och socialt stöd som är avgörande för vårdpersonalens trivsel på arbetsplatsen. Att få medarbetare att vilja stanna kvar inom organisationer är mer värdefullt än att rekrytera nya. / The staff shortage of nurses in Sweden has received attention in the media and is a critical issue that has a major impact on healthcare. Despite this, the profession is seen as a vocation as caring for people is important to nurses and is the main driving force why people choose this profession. The image of the profession that is painted in society is often in negative terms,which does not facilitate the management of the staff shortage. Many times the dark image of the profession is connected to poor care for the society as a consequence of a lack of psychosocial work environment and high workload. Less research exists on the combination of theories of vocational professions and work environment. This essay will therefore examine the demand-control-support model as a background to the understanding of nurses’ psychosocial work environment in relation to the vocational profession. The essay is made with a qualitative approach and semi-structured interviews. The results show that nurses enjoy their duties as caring for others is something they are passionate about. On the other hand, stressful situations and dissatisfaction arise when the nurses are understaffed, and the workload increases. HR works with personnel issues including work environment issues, and therefore that perspective as a background can contribute to the understanding of organizations’ prerequisites for work environment and the problem of staff shortages. It is clear that organizations must work preventively with work environment and have access to sufficient resources and social support, which are crucial for well-being of healthcare personnel in the workplace. Getting employees to want to stay within organizations is more valuable than recruiting new ones.

Integrering av artificiell intelligens (AI) i controllerrollen : En kvalitativ studie om tekniska framsteg, yrkesutövarens roll och den omgivande miljön / The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Controller Role : A Study on Technological Advancements, the Professional's Role, and the Influence of the Surrounding Environment.

Andersson, Ellen, Forssén, Tina January 2024 (has links)
Abstract In recent years, the interest and development of artificial intelligence has been extensive, and society is in the middle of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Given the changes that have occurred, an interest to examine how this has affected the role of the controller arises, considering it is tasks as theirs that AI is now competing with. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to understand how AI is integrated into the role of the controller and how the surrounding environment influences AI-usage in this context. Hereby, the dynamic relationship between AI, practitioners, and the surrounding environment is considered by examining how technological advancements and human attitudes influence the use of AI.  The study was conducted with a qualitative approach, where eleven respondents were interviewed in semi-structured interviews. The two selection groups consisted of actors within ERP systems and controllers. The collected data was analyzed through coding, identifying the following main themes: development, business and economic consequences, tasks, competence and attitude. The analysis of the empirical data was based on an integration of existing research along with the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the theory of professions. The impact of AI was not equally prominent for everyone; however, where it had influence, AI was used as an assistant, working together with the controller to fulfill tasks. Furthermore, an indication of a shift in competence requirements was observed, where technical competence gained increased significance. Additionally, users' knowledge and perception of AI-tools influenced their attitude, with a lack of understanding leading to fear, while deeper understanding and positive experiences promoted acceptance. Consequently, attitude indicated significance for actual AI-usage. However, barriers such as unclear regulations, ethical and social considerations, and technical limitations were identified, requiring reflection for successful integration of AI within the accounting industry. In summary, AI works as a complement to the controller, depending on user attitude and the influence of external factors, which may have a limiting effect. / Sammanfattning Under de senaste åren har intresset och utvecklingen av artificiell intelligens (AI) varit explosivartad och samhället befinner sig mitt i den fjärde industriella revolutionen. Med grund i den förändring som skett är det av intresse att studera hur detta fått effekt på rollen som controller, då det är uppgifter som deras som AI konkurrerar med. Syftet med studien är därför att förstå hur AI integreras med rollen som controller samt hur den omgivande miljön har inflytande på AI-användningen i denna kontext. Härigenom beaktas den dynamiska relationen mellan AI, yrkesutövare och den omgivande miljön genom att undersöka hur tekniska framsteg och mänskliga förhållningssätt har inflytande på AI- användningen.  Studien genomfördes med en kvalitativ ansats där elva respondenter intervjuades i semistrukturerade intervjuer. De två urvalsgrupperna bestod av aktörer inom affärssystem och controllers. Insamlade data analyserades genom kodning där följande huvudteman identifierades: utveckling, affärsmässiga och ekonomiska konsekvenser, arbetsuppgifter, kompetens och inställning. Analysen av empirin baserades på en integrering av existerande forskning tillsammans med de teoretiska modellerna Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) och professionsteori. Av analysen framkom att effekten av AI inte är lika framträdande för alla respondenter, där den däremot fått inflytande nyttjas AI som en assistent vilken tillsammans med controllern kan fullfölja arbetsuppgifterna. Vidare kunde även en indikation på skiftning i kompetenskravet observeras där den tekniska kompetensen fått ökad vikt. Även användarnas kunskap och uppfattning om AI-verktyg har inflytande över inställningen, där bristande förståelse kan leda till rädsla, medan en djupare förståelse och positiv upplevelse kan främja acceptans. Inställningen indikerar därefter få betydelse för den faktiska AI-användningen. Däremot identifieras hinder som otydlig reglering, etiska och samhälleliga hänsynstaganden samt tekniska begränsningar, vilka kräver beaktning för en lyckad integration av AI inom redovisningsbranschen. Sammanfattningsvis fungerar AI som ett komplement åt controllern, dock beroende av användarens inställning samt influensen av externa faktorer vilka kan ha en begränsande effekt.

Impact des nouvelles modalités d'encadrement de la psychothérapie sur les travailleurs sociaux

Côté, Marie-Andrée 24 April 2018 (has links)
Les nouvelles modalités d'encadrement de la psychothérapie (NMEP), incluses dans le Projet de loi 21, sont entrées en vigueur en juin 2012. Ces dernières définissent ce qu'est la psychothérapie et réglementent son exercice. Bien qu'il soit possible pour certains travailleurs sociaux d'obtenir un permis de psychothérapeute, seulement une minorité en a obtenu un. Or, selon la recension des écrits scientifiques, il existerait un chevauchement entre le travail social et la psychothérapie. Dans ce contexte, trois questions de recherche ont été formulées afin de documenter les impacts des NMEP. Comment les travailleurs sociaux perçoivent-ils leurs liens avec la psychothérapie? Comment les NMEP affectent-elles les différentes dimensions de la qualité de leur travail? Est-ce que les NMEP ont un impact sur leur satisfaction au travail? Afin d'y répondre, un questionnaire maison a été administrée en ligne à 74 travailleurs sociaux provenant de 14 régions administratives du Québec. La majorité des participants de cette étude considère l'existence d'un lien entre la psychothérapie et le travail social appuyant la recension des écrits. Ils considèrent généralement que les NMEP ont eu un impact négatif sur la qualité de leur travail et leur satisfaction au travail. Toutefois, cet impact est différencié en fonction que les participants aient obtenu ou non un permis de psychothérapie et qu'ils aient ou non fait des démarches pour en obtenir un. De plus, lorsqu'invité à décrire les impacts des NMEP, le manque de reconnaissance professionnelle a été amené naturellement par près de 50 % des participants. Les résultats de la présente étude convergent avec ceux d'une étude qualitative récente réalisée auprès de quelques travailleurs sociaux en santé mentale jeunesse.

Essays on technological change and factor reallocations

Sandwidi, Narcisse 06 1900 (has links)
The first paper demonstrates how, through the capital reallocation channel, increased automation in routine occupations has reduced employment and wages in non-routine occupations. Automation in routine occupations absorbs capital from non-routine occupations, reducing employment and wages in the latter. This mechanism is referred to as automation cross-occupation spillovers. Between 1980 and 2010, automation reduced average labor income by 21%. Cross-occupation spillover accounts for two-thirds of this drop. Furthermore, I find that automation has contributed to the rise of inequality in the United States. Indeed, automation accounts for 30.3% of the increase in occupational labor income inequality between 1980 and 2010. The second paper reconciles two stylized facts that characterize modern economic growth, balanced growth, and structural change, in a context where the factor intensities differ. I extend the neoclassical growth model to two sectors with different factor intensities, and I derive the dynamics of the sectoral TFPs that ensure aggregate balanced growth. I derive the condition on the TFP growth such that balanced growth is consistent with structural change. The condition of balanced growth in a two-sector model with different factor intensities is that the aggregate TFP growth minus the wage growth weighted by the aggregate labor share is constant. In this framework, structural change occurs through two channels. The first is the change in the sectoral TFP ratio and the second is the change in the relative cost of factors. The empirical analysis confirms that the model replicates the stylized facts aforementioned. The third paper shows, both theoretically and empirically, how corporate tax cuts contributed to structural change. For nearly a century, the United States has consistently reduced corporate taxes while maintaining the labor income tax. This shift in tax structure has an uneven impact on goods and services production, contributing to the divergence of sectoral value-added. Indeed, the factor intensity of the goods-producing sector and the service-producing sector differs, thus, changes in corporate taxes affect them differently. A 1% increase in the corporate tax retention rate raises the value-added of the services sector by 0.27 percentage points relative to the value-added of the goods sector. / Dans le premier article, nous examinons comment l’automatisation dans les professions routinières, en réallouant le capital, entraîne une diminution de l’emploi et des salaires dans les professions non routinières. En effet, l’automatisation des professions routinières mobi- lise le capital des professions non routinières, ce qui réduit l’emploi et les salaires dans ces dernières. Ce mécanisme est appelé effets indirects de l’automatisation entre les professions. De 1980 à 2010, le revenu moyen du travail a diminué de 21% en raison de l’automatisa- tion. Les effets indirects en représentent les deux tiers. En outre, l’automatisation contribue à l’accroissement des inégalités de revenus aux États-Unis. En effet, 30,3% de l’augmentation des inégalités de revenus entre les professions entre 1980 et 2010, est imputable à l’automatisation. Le second article concilie deux faits stylisés qui caractérisent la croissance économique contemporaine: la croissance équilibrée et le changement structurel, dans un contexte où les intensités des facteurs de production varient selon les secteurs. Le modèle de croissance néoclassique est étendu à deux secteurs avec des fonctions de production différentes. Nous dérivons la dynamique de la Productivité Totale des Facteurs (PTF) de chaque secteur qui permet d'assurer une croissance équilibrée. Nous dérivons ensuite la condition de croissance de la PTF afin que la croissance équilibrée soit compatible avec le changement structurel. Dans un modèle à deux secteurs avec des intensités de facteurs différentes, la condition de croissance équilibrée est que la croissance de la PTF agrégée moins celle des salaires pondérée par l'intensité du travail soit constante. Dans cette situation, le changement structurel est expliqué par deux variables. La première est le ratio de la PTF des secteurs, et la seconde est le coût relatif des facteurs. L'analyse empirique montre que le modèle reproduit les faits stylisés mentionnés. Le troisième article met en évidence, tant sur le plan théorique qu'empirique, comment la réduction de l'impôt sur les sociétés a contribué au changement structurel. Les États-Unis ont continuellement diminué l'impôt sur les sociétés tout en conservant l'impôt sur le revenu du travail depuis près d'un siècle. La modification de la structure fiscale a un effet disproportionné sur la production du secteur des biens et celle du secteur des services, ce qui entraîne une disparité de la valeur ajoutée entre les deux secteurs. En effet, les intensités des facteurs de production de biens et celles des facteurs production de services sont différentes, ce qui implique que les variations de l'impôt sur les sociétés affectent ces deux secteurs différemment. Une hausse de 1% du taux de rétention de l'impôt sur les sociétés entraîne une augmentation de 0,27 point de pourcentage de la valeur ajoutée du secteur des services par rapport à celle du secteur des biens.

Le franquisme et la production de la ville : politiques du logement et de l’urbanisme, mondes professionnels et savoirs urbains en Espagne des années 1930 aux années 1970 / Francoism and urban production : housing and urban policies, professionals and urban science in Spain from the 1930's to the 1970's

Vaz, Céline 13 December 2013 (has links)
Urbanisation désordonnée, manque d’équipements urbains, prééminence de la promotion privée dans la production de logements, domination de la propriété d’occupation, telles sont les caractéristiques du développement urbain et immobilier sous le régime franquiste, qui ont perduré jusqu’à aujourd’hui pour certaines d’entre elles. Cette ville « sans qualité » constitue un objet de préoccupation sociale majeur et une voie de contestation du régime dans les dernières années de la dictature franquiste. Le mode de production de la ville qui se met en place durant l’époque franquiste, et la question urbaine sur lequel il débouche, constituent l’objet de cette thèse. Cette recherche repose sur l’analyse conjointe des politiques nationales d’urbanisme et du logement, et du groupe professionnel des architectes. Ce choix a été guidé par un double constat. L’interventionnisme du régime franquiste s’est en effet aussi concrétisé dans les domaines du logement et de l’urbanisme : un ensemble d’organismes centraux, de dispositions et de dispositifs officiels ont ainsi encadré et déterminé le mode de production urbaine. Les architectes, par la position particulièrement privilégiée qu’ils occupent dans le secteur de la construction en Espagne, jouent un rôle clé dans l’élaboration et la mise en œuvre de ces politiques. Des membres du groupe professionnel sont par ailleurs les fers de la critique urbaine à la fin de la dictature. Ce dispositif de recherche permet d’étudier la constitution de l’espace urbain et immobilier en catégorie de l’action publique et les effets de ce processus sur les champs professionnel et scientifique sur l’ensemble de la période franquiste. Il offre les bases d’une histoire sociale des politiques urbaines qui éclaire à la fois l’histoire du régime franquiste, l’histoire des sciences sociales de la ville, ainsi que la sociologie de l’action publique et des groupes professionnels. / Francoism and urban production. Housing and urban policies, professionals and urban sciences in Spain from the 1930's to the 1970's.An urban model oriented towards growth, lack of public facilities and infrastructure, high proportion of owner-tenancy, shortage of public housing, or the relevance of real state in the national economy are some of the characteristics of Spain’s urban development during Franco’s dictatorship. It became a main social concern and way to criticize Franco’s regime at the end of the dictatorship. The aim of this PhD thesis is to study the mode of production of Spanish cities during the dictatorship and the social urban movement at the end of the regime. This research is based on the double analysis of national urban planning and housing policies and of the role of one of their principal actors: the architects. During the Franco’s era, State’s intervention was indeed reflected on housing and town-planning through a set of central institutions or bodies, of legal provisions and official measures. Theses decisions determined the mode of urban development. Owing to their privileged position in the building sector in Spain, architects play a key role in the definition and implementation of these policies. Moreover, some architects were years later the leaders of urban criticism and urban social movement. This set-up brings into light the development, if not the constitution, of the urban space as a category of public action during the Franco years, as well as its effects on the professional and scientific fields. This PhD thesis intends to constitute a social history of urban policies during the Franco’s era (1939-1975). Through this approach, it contributes to a better knowledge of the history of this period, of the history of urban social sciences and public action and of the sociology of professions.

The management of equity in medical schools in South Africa

Naidoo, Kethamonie 01 1900 (has links)
This study explores the management of equity in medical schools in South Africa using both quantitative and qualitative research methods. Notions and models of equity are discussed and student and staff profiles in medical schools are contrasted with national and international profiles. in-depth unstructured interviews are conducted with select senior and executive management members at national, institutional and faculty of medicine levels to identify the challenges and best practices associatd with promoting equity in medical schools in five broad areas, namely, staff, students, curriculum, research, and policies and practices. The study shows significant contextual differences between medical schools and their universities resulting in divergent trends in the student and staff profiles. Historically Black medical schools continue to provide access to aproximately 68% of African MBChB students. Postgraduate students remain predominantly White men and although more female than male students are enrolled for MBChB, the few females entering postgraduate training are segregated in particular areas of specialisation. Redressing the historically determined prevailing inequities in medical schools, in terms of race, gender and class, is inextricably linked to different management ideologies, management policies and practices, economic factors and discipline specific power dynamics. To manage equity inmmedical schools more efficiently, it is recommended that a single, separate budget be allocated to medical schools for staff appointments and student training. The management of academic health complexes should be under the jurisdiction of a national, joint Department of Education/Department of Health structure. Such a structure should, at a national level clarify, co-ordinate and monitor equity in medical schools and ensure that policies and practices in medical faculties are aligned to national strategic transformation frameworks and equity goals of higher education and health. Monitoring could include analyses of student applications, admissions, failure, drop-out and graduation rates of students. The establishment of a comprehensive database of South African medical doctors by race, gender, area of specialisation and location of practice is needed to track trends and shifts. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Educational Management)

The role and position of women in Roman North African Society

De Marre, Martine Elizabeth Agnès 30 November 2002 (has links)
In this thesis I have endeavoured to throw light on both the private and public aspect of the lives of women living in the Roman African provinces from the first century BC to the seventh century AD. Funerary inscriptions reveal that the role of women in private life was projected in a manner which reflected the ideals for Roman womanhood (pudicitia, castilas,fides and fecunditas), even when they clearly came of Afro~Punic stock. In terms of the quality of their lives Roman African women of the propertied status groups (about whom we know the most) had a good standard of living compared to other parts of the Roman Empire, and for example were well~educated in the urbanized areas compared to provinces such as Gaul. Roman African women of the elite also enjoyed a degree of autonomy enhanced by the increased financial independence granted to them in terms of Roman law, which enabled them to function as benefactors in their communities in the same way as their male counterparts, donating money for temples, baths and markets. In return for this they were duly recognized in honorary inscriptions by their communities. Although this public role may appear to be in conflict with the 'ideal' domestic or private role of the Roman matron, this activity was sanctioned by the fact that they were acting in the interests of male family members who were engaged in municipal careers. In the 2nd and 3rd centuries there are a few signs that women were beginning to act more in their own interests, but much of their public role faded with the increasing dominance of the Christian Church which prescribed a more limited role for women. The only exceptions occurred in the times of persecution through the temporary prominence gained by women as martyrs and confessors, although this prominence cannot be said to have advantaged women in general. During the Vandal and Byzantine period we know of only a few women, primarily those with connections to the elite at Rome and Constantinople, who acted with the independence and authority of their class. / History / D.Litt. et Phil. (Ancient History)

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