Spelling suggestions: "subject:"örebro"" "subject:"orebro""
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E-handel vs. Externhandel : Den kommunala planeringens hantering av e-handelns påverkan på externa handelsområdenOskarsson, Hjalmar, Lillieborg, Axel January 2020 (has links)
Sveriges externa och halvexterna handelsområden utgör tillsammans en uthyrningsbar yta på nästan 7 kvadratkilometer, vilket motsvarar cirka 1000 fotbollsplaner. Parkeringsytor och annan infrastruktur är inte inräknad i denna siffra. Dessa handelsområden är av vikt för kommuner genom de arbetstillfällen och skatteintäkter som genereras. Sedan år 2003 har e-handeln haft en årlig tillväxt på mellan 15 och 20%, medan den totala detaljhandeln under samma tid har vuxit med i snitt 2%. Mot bakgrund av e-handelns snabba utveckling menar Svensk Handel att den utgör en tydlig hotbild mot externa handelsområden. Studien ämnar undersöka hur och i vilken utsträckning svenska kommuner hanterar problematiken kring e-handelns påverkan på externa handelsområden. Mot bakgrund av de stora markytorna som externhandelsområden upptar syftar studien även till att undersöka vilka rumsliga och andra strategier kommuner behöver arbeta med för att bemöta transformationstrycket som e-handeln orsakar i externhandelsområdenas fysiska miljöer. Studien är kvalitativ och görs genom en metodkombination där dokumentstudie, intervju och urbanmorfologisk analys appliceras på fyra undersökningsobjekt: Örebro, Västerås, Linköping och Norrköping. Det teoretiska ramverket utgörs av kreativ förstörelse, konsumtion, paradigm och urbanmorfologi, fyra perspektiv som syftar till att rama in ämnesområdet. Samtliga undersökta kommuner uppvisar en förståelse för e-handelns påverkan och hotbild mot externa handelsområden. Ingen av kommunerna har dock någon uttalad beredskap för hur detta ska hanteras. Anledningen till detta är tvåfaldig: kommunerna anser att det inte går att ha en beredskap mot bakgrund av handelns snabba utveckling. Därutöver anses problematiken vara en mer angelägen fråga för externhandelsområdenas privata fastighetsägare. Det framträder även ett fokusskifte hos kommunerna; från planläggning av externhandelsområden till en vilja om att ha god planberedskap för logistikanläggningar, däribland för e-handelslokaler. I kommunernas policydokument synliggörs en vilja att hävda sig som regionala handelscentrum, även om ingen av kommunerna har för avsikt att planlägga nya externhandelsområden. Istället öppnar kommunerna upp för möjligheten att områdena i framtiden ska kunna omvandlas mot bostadsändamål. Mot bakgrund av ovanstående fynd samt de urbanmorfologiska analysernas synliggörande, att kommunernas externhandelsområden har skilda förutsättningar att integreras i den större staden, tas följande strategier fram för hur kommunerna kan möta e-handelns transformationstryck mot externa handelsområden: • En mer platsspecifik syn på externhandelsområdens möjligheter • Upprätta en logistikpolicy • Utvärdera möjligheterna att inkorporera logistikytor i externhandelsområden • Fortsätt satsa på ett mer blandat innehåll i externhandelsområden / <p>Presentation och opponering skedde digitalt via Zoom.</p>
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Ohållbart resande i Örebro kommun : En studie om invånarna i Örebro kommuns attityd till bil och kollektivtrafikÅhs, Rebecca January 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Villor på villovägar : En studie av plan- och bygglagens effektivitet i skyddet av kulturhistoriskt värdefull villabebyggelse / Villas gone astray : A study of the effectiveness of the Swedish planning and building act (PBL) in protecting historically valuable villa develop-mentsEricson, Lisa, Folkesson, Robert January 2024 (has links)
Studien undersöker hur effektiv plan- och bygglagen är för att skydda kulturvärden vid bygglovsprocessen genom att kartlägga förändringar på särskilt värdefulla villor och undersöka om dessa skett med eller utan bygglov samt om de lett till förvanskning. Studien fokuserar på villor klassade som särskilt värdefulla i kommunala kulturmiljöunderlag i Örebro och Karlstad, med syfte att ge en helhetsbild av hur kulturvärden hanteras i bygglovsprocessen. Undersökningen visar på att en övervägande del av villorna förvanskats sedan de kulturmiljöinventerades och att förvanskningarna till störst del skett utan bygglov. Vidare påvisas att en majoritet av de förändringsåtgärder som skett i enlighet med bygglov inneburit att villorna förvanskats. Kommunernas kulturmiljöunderlag används bristfälligt i bygglovsprocessen vilket innebär att kulturvärden negligeras. Ytterligare en faktor som bidrar till denna negligering är att begreppen varsamhet och förvanskning som återfinns i PBL är allmänt hållna, vilket öppnar upp för tolkningar om dess innebörd. För att öka skyddet för villors kulturvärden behöver värdena integreras i detaljplaner som är juridiskt bindande. / The study examines how effective the Swedish Planning and Building Act is in protecting cultural values during the building permit process by mapping changes to particularly valuable villas and investigating whether these changes occurred with or without a building permit and whether they led to degradation. The study focuses on villas classified as particularly valuable in municipal cultural environment documents in the cities Örebro and Karlstad, aiming to provide a comprehensive picture of how cultural values are managed in the building permit process. The investigation shows that most of the villas have been degraded since their historical values were inventoried, and most of the degradations occurred without a building permit. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that most of the changes that occurred in accordance with building permits resulted in the villas being degraded. The municipalities' cultural heritage documents are used inadequately in the building permit process, which means that cultural values are neglected. Another factor contributing to this neglect is that the concepts of caution and degradation found in the Planning and Building Act are generally formulated, allowing for interpretations of their meaning. To increase the protection of the historical values of villas, these values need to be integrated into legally binding detailed development plans.
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Modeling of experimental studies of fluid and particle transport in porous mediaHärlin Lennermark, Mikael January 2009 (has links)
<p>To extract metals and increase the pH value of water around a historical mine waste deposit a series of barrels are used. Polluted water is forced to pass inside these barrels where different filter materials purify the water. This research project is carried out in Sweden by MTM at Örebro University and Bergkraft in Kopparberg, titled “Methods for characterisation and remediation of historical mine waste”.</p><p> </p><p>The fluid flow trough the filter materials in the barrels are needed to be understood, in order to improve the extracting process.</p><p> </p><p>In this work a small transparent model filled with sand was made to visualise the fluid flow. In that model coloured water is representing the polluted water. To describe the flow in the transparent model a mathematical model is presented. The theory used in this work is the complex variable method in fluid dynamics together with numerical methods and computer programming. There is a pretty good match between the theoretical and experimental results presented in two dimensions. Continuing work could result in a three dimensional model with different geometries using the same technique.</p>
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I Staffan Wermes skugga : I maktens korridorer med en hegemonisk kommunstyrelseordförandePettersson, Marcus January 2008 (has links)
In this essay I try to find out how the local political climate in the Swedish Municipal Örebro looks like through the eyes of Michel Foucault. I’ve been focusing on the concept power, knowledge and politic. I’ve been applying the discourse theory on the study and the founder of that theory is Chantal Mouffe and Ernesto Laclau, the discoursetheory is a refinement of Foucaults thoughts about discourse. The object of study is the Mayor of Örebro, Staffan Werme and the position connected to that post. I’ve used the method “shadowing”, and I’ve been following the Mayor in every physical room that he appears in for nearly two weeks. The aim is too see which subject-position that the Mayor ascribes to in those different rooms, and also how the concept of power is used.
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Modeling of experimental studies of fluid and particle transport in porous mediaHärlin Lennermark, Mikael January 2009 (has links)
To extract metals and increase the pH value of water around a historical mine waste deposit a series of barrels are used. Polluted water is forced to pass inside these barrels where different filter materials purify the water. This research project is carried out in Sweden by MTM at Örebro University and Bergkraft in Kopparberg, titled “Methods for characterisation and remediation of historical mine waste”. The fluid flow trough the filter materials in the barrels are needed to be understood, in order to improve the extracting process. In this work a small transparent model filled with sand was made to visualise the fluid flow. In that model coloured water is representing the polluted water. To describe the flow in the transparent model a mathematical model is presented. The theory used in this work is the complex variable method in fluid dynamics together with numerical methods and computer programming. There is a pretty good match between the theoretical and experimental results presented in two dimensions. Continuing work could result in a three dimensional model with different geometries using the same technique.
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Den delade skolan : segregationsprocesser i det svenska skolsystemet / Divided schools : processes of segregation in the Swedish school systemTrumberg, Anders January 2011 (has links)
In the beginning of the 1990s the responsibility for the compulsory schools shifted from the government to the local authorities, a freedom of choice was introduced, and several municipalities brought in a school voucher system. With these changes, the educational system in Sweden went from being one of the world’s most government dominated and unified, to one with a high level of freedom of choice. The overall aim for this study is to explore the interplay between the school choice policy in the compulsory school and the process of integration and segregation on a school level. The aim is also specifically to study to what degree the pupils’ choice of school reflect the schools’ composition, with regards to ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds between 1992 and 2004.The thesis is based on three different kinds of materials; registry data from SCB (Statistics Sweden), the municipality’s data surrounding the school applications, and interviews with civil servants, politicians, and head teachers. In conclusion, the study shows that a divide has emerged between different schools, the make-up of pupils is becoming more homogenous, and the school as a meeting place between different ethnic groups is affected in a negative way. The study also shows that the school choices have an influence on this segregation between the schools. However, there are a small number of exceptions. In certain schools, the ethnic mix of pupils is relatively fair.
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"Välkommen med din ansökan!" : En studie av saklighet och opartiskhet i tillsättningar av universitetslektorat vid svenska universitet / "Welcome with your application!" : A study of the objectivity and impartiality in appointments of lecturers at Swedish universitiesGustavsson, Ola January 2019 (has links)
This thesis is about hiring processes in the university sector. More particularly, the focus is to identify if the employment of lecturers obeys the principle of objectivity, impartiality and meritocracy. The thesis is based on a so-called mixed method research. Partly, the extent of compliance is tested in a quantitative survey of six Swedish universities, partly each one of the 73 employment notices is analyzed in a qualitative text analysis. The source of information is public government documents from the examined universities. The survey is limited only to include employments until further notice. Therefore, all sorts of temporary employments are excluded. The focus is on the academic subjects of social science, sociology and political economy. Furthermore, the thesis only investigates employments from the years of 2011-2019. To create an understanding in what way the state institutions should handle their exercise of power, the theory Quality of Government (QoG) is being used. The theory is also used for analysis and as an inspiration for the assay scheme, which is used to assess if the employments are considered “narrower” or “more open”. The variables used in the survey are; notification time, number of applicants, the use of peer review, language of the announcement, and a type of “employment conversion”, made possible by law. The result of the thesis shows that there is an extensive amount of employments which in one way or another violates the principle of impartiality. For example: 24 percent of the employments has less than 2 applicants. 17 percent of the employments is missing impartial peer reviews. 89 percent of the employments are only given noticed in Swedish. 29 percent of the announcement texts are written in a narrow, excluding way. To sum up, we can see indications of partial employments. There are distinctive variations between the universities and among the academic subjects. The most important conclusion of this thesis is that all partial employments are a problem, with shortcomings in quality and in public trust as consequences.
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"Den andra omvändelsen" : Från svensk mission till afrikanska samfund på Örebromissionens arbetsfält i Centralafrika 1914-1962Janzon, Göran January 2008 (has links)
The Örebro Mission was founded by John Ongman in 1891. Missionary work in Central Africa began through Ongman’s local church in 1914, at first within other mission societies, but was later continued by the Örebro Mission. From 1921 the Örebro Mission developed its own work in Middle Congo and Oubangui-Chari within French Equatorial Africa. The aim of this thesis is to study how the process of change took place, starting with pioneering work undertaken by Swedish missionaries and resulting in the founding of independent Baptist churches. The analysis is based on the classic three-self policy, aiming at self-governing, self-supporting and self-extending indigenous churches. Using the principal-agent perspective in history writing, the role and significance of a number of key persons are focused. The interaction between the internal process and the cultural, political and ecumenical contexts is taken into consideration. The thesis shows that the three-self formula was used from the beginning as a theoretical goal, but also that its realization was seen in a very long time perspective. Several steps were gradually taken in that direction, but the study shows that contextual factors became as important incitements for the change as the missionaries’ own theologically based motives. It rather took “a second conversion” from a colonial mental framework to speed up the process in its final phase towards the creation of African denominations and the integration into them in 1962 of the Swedish mission structure and work.
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Creative Change : An investigation of how creative places can strengthen the schools and communities in socio-economically challenged areas / Skapa förändring : En undersökning av hur kreativa platser kan stärka skolor och lokalsamhällen i socialt utsalla områdenJensen, Katarina January 2018 (has links)
To be creative or innovative is a highly praised trait within the labor market of today. Though it has often been seen as a talent only granted to a chosen few, most evidence imply that it is something that we all possess and can develop. Creativity within education also appears to have positive impacts on school-results, attendance and confidence among students. Yet creativity has a low status within the current education system, making the opportunities to develop our creative ability insufficient. Architectural projects and development strategies focused around creativity have occurred frequently on the agenda since the release of Richard Floridas book “The Rise of the Creative Class” in 2002. An increase of creative activity has been linked to growth but lately also to gentrification, as if this was an inevitable result. The focus has been on economic growth and increased tourism, instead of what creativity can bring to the individual and the community. This thesis aims to answer two main questions: First, how can creative places benefit the schools and communities in socio-economically challenged areas? Second, how can these creative places best be designed to achieve these benefits? Creative places refer in this thesis to public spaces that encourages creativity, which can be places for creative production but also places for experiencing creative works of others. The aim is also to implement the learnings into a design proposal, where the area Vivalla in Örebro is chosen as the site for implementation. In order to answer the first question, the paper examines the existing conditions of vulnerable areas in Sweden and some of the available research on creativity in relation to education. To gain knowledge about design aspects four existing projects that aims to be places for creativity are analyzed. The local conditions of Vivalla are mainly researched through qualitative methods of observation, interviews and a workshop with students from the local school. Finally, the ideas and findings are implemented into a design-proposal, which is a vision for a new creative platform. Rather than a finished project, the proposal should be seen as a vision showing the potentials of the site that can be used as a basis for discussion with the local actors, This paper provides some useful arguments to why creative places in socio-economically challenged areas are worth investing in and highlights the importance of an inclusive development process. Finally, it also provides a diverse view of one of Sweden’s most segregated areas.
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