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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


劉昆璋, Liu, Kun Chang Unknown Date (has links)

未盡的責任:聯合國人道干預之實踐 / Unfulfilled Responsibility: The Practice of the United Nations on Humanitarian Intervention

龔孟穎, Kung,Meng-Yin Lorelei Unknown Date (has links)
Humanitarian intervention becomes a focal point of international debate because it seems to be morally right but legally wrong. It challenges the principle of non-intervention and non-use of force encompassed in the Charter of the United Nations (UN), which was established in 1945 to prevent aggressions that led to the two world wars. However, since the 1990s, state practices of military intervention to protect human rights increased dramatically, many of which were even endorsed by the UN or in close cooperation with it. In other words, the UN is the most important, or insofar the only acceptable, body to authorize and legitimize any military operations with humanitarian rationale. This research aims at investigating the limitations of the UN in coordinating its responsibilities of maintaining peace and security and of protecting human rights. Two cases, Rwanda in 1994 and Sudan from 2003 on, are chosen as examples to probe into the practice of the UN and try to determine what has changed and what remains steadfast of the UN practice in humanitarian intervention in these ten years. By focusing on the cases of Rwanda and Sudan, this thesis is intended to address the following questions: (1) In the past decade, has the UN system become more comfortable with humanitarian intervention? (2) What are the limitations of the UN in conducting “humanitarian intervention”? What causes these limitations? And why? (3) What can be done to improve the incompetence of the UN in terms of humanitarian intervention? How to harmonize the UN’s conflicting responsibilities of upholding human rights and defending the principle of non-intervention? This research concludes that the new approach of the “responsibility to protect” that was created in recent years shows that a normative change is on the way. Besides, from Rwanda to Sudan, the UN has made progress in addressing grave humanitarian issues. However, all the efforts still have to depend on the political will of the member states of the UN. Since this issue is still more a political one than a legal one, in the years to come, the UN will still face the difficulty of fulfilling its responsibility.

電視審判 : 為何中共讓嫌疑犯在電視招供? / Trial by TV : Why is China broadcasting televised confessions of suspects?

黛娜, Dinah Gardner Unknown Date (has links)
本論文將研究在2013年習近平主席上任不到幾個月以來,並在中國共產黨不斷承諾要改善國家法治的情況下,中國為何在國家電視台上開始播出犯罪嫌疑人的電視認罪。這些電視認罪的播出引起了來自海外的廣泛譴責,從某種程度上在國內也受到了批評,因為電視認罪的播出被視為國家非法壓迫人的手段,並被認為是在重演當年毛澤東時代不公正的批判鬥爭行為。本論文是第一項對這種新侵權行為的系統研究,並試圖填補該研究領域的空白。本作者通過採訪在電視上曾經認罪過的人發現許多電視認罪是有“表演”色彩,往往犯罪嫌疑人被迫“背台詞”、穿著特定的服裝、在攝像頭面前“演戲”等。這表明國家在利用電視認罪來達到某種特定的目的。作者對90個2013年至2016年之間播出的電視認罪進行了分析並發現認罪者當局故意讓嫌疑人感到恥辱來強調他們有罪,使用嫌疑人認罪時所使用的話來牽連他人或貶低他人,以支持中共的這種行為並對於來自國外批評的聲音做出回應。本論文借用François Bourricaud (1987年)對合法性的概念作為一種活躍的合法化進程以表明中國新的電視認罪行為不只是簡單的進行壓迫的工具,而更多是一種強制性推動共產黨合法性的戲劇表演。 / This study asks why China started broadcasting confessions of suspects on national television in 2013, just months after the accession of President Xi Jinping, and despite the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) repeated promises to improve the country’s rule of law. The broadcasts have triggered widespread condemnation overseas, and to a lesser extent at home, for being illegal, another example of state repression, and resembling the unjust public struggle sessions of the Mao era. This thesis attempts to fill a gap in scholarship and provide the first systematic study of this new and understudied human rights violation. Interviews conducted with those who had confessed on television revealed that many are “show” confessions, where the suspect is made to memorise “lines,” get in “costume,” and “act” in front of the camera, indicating that they are “produced” for a specific purpose. In addition, an analysis of 90 confessions aired between 2013 and 2016 revealed that deliberate efforts were made to shame the confessor, emphasize their guilt, and use the words of their confession to incriminate and denigrate others, promote support for the CCP and its actions and respond to outside criticism. Borrowing François Bourricaud’s (1987) concept of legitimacy as a dynamic process of legitimation, China’s new televised confessions can be seen as much more than simply another tool of repression, rather they are acts of forced theatre aimed at furthering CCP legitimacy.


馮明德, Ping, Ming-De Unknown Date (has links)
第一章「緒論」。首先區分「環境保護」與「污染防治」的觀念,說明研究動機與目 的,並限定研究範圍於工業廢水的管制:最後說明本文研究方法與所受限制。 第二章「台灣區水污染防治政策的背景與問題的形成」。以系統理論之「外環境」及 「內環境」為背景資料的架構,簡述美、日、新加坡等國水污染防治情形,因本文將 其視為影響我國政策的主要「外在環境」,並認為足資我國借鏡,其次,探討台灣在 生態環境、社會經濟等方面的特殊情形及問題形成的幾個階段。 第三章「台灣區水污染防治政策的規劃與合法化過程」。首先簡述有關政策規劃的理 論,再說明該政策的參與者,隨後進一步分析該政策的制訂和審議過程,以對整個政 策能有清楚的了解。 第四章「台灣區水污染防治政策的執行」。於說明執行理論後,即探討執行機構的行 政體系,人員、經費、技術及監督情形。 第五章「台灣區水污染防治政策的檢討」。政策內容方面:針對前述制定過程中的缺 失,予以檢討;政策執行方面:從組織、人員、經費等方面加以檢討。 第六章「結論與建議」。先論述環境保護中的三個困境,其次倡導環境人權的觀念, 最後就研究所得,提出具體建議,以供當局參考。

2000-2007美國布希政府對印尼外交政策:同盟的關係? / The Bush Administration’s Foreign Policy toward Indonesia, 2000-2007: An Alliance Relationship?

吳宗翰, Wu, Tsung Han Unknown Date (has links)
冷戰時期,蘇哈托所統治的印尼雖然標榜著不結盟運動,試圖在東西兩強的夾擊下另闢蹊徑。但是在同樣反對共產主義的主張下,印尼在這段時期,和美國建立起了相當友好的關係,包括軍事和經濟上的援助。在一個近年來已解密的文件中更顯示,福特總統以及季辛吉更曾經和蘇哈托有過正式及非正式的接觸,被認為是美國希望以對印尼軍政府的支持,換取其在反共同盟上的支持。 九十年代之後,印尼政府在人權問題上的處理失當,多次導致美國政府的不滿,進而暫停或取消對印尼的援助。在此事件上,美國國會更採取強硬的立場,要求美國政府必須更仔細而審慎的評估,對印尼的人權表現,是否有明顯的改善。 2001年的九一一事件,代表著美國政府外交政策的巨大改變,在對印尼的外交政策上也出現了明顯的變化。印尼為世界上最大的回教國家,其本身對美國較溫和的立場,使得美國政府在宣揚其反恐理念上,需要印尼的協助。而印尼本身與日俱增的戰略地位,如控制麻六甲海峽,龐大資源,以及在東南亞國協中的大國地位等,使美國政府不得不重新審視其對印尼的外交政策。 本論文主要在探討布希政府在九一一事變後,對印尼外交政策的特點,以及是否和過去出現不同之處。論文組織分為三個主要部分,分別為反恐、人權以及軍事合作。在理論架構方面,本論文借助Steven M. Walt(沃爾特)的同盟理論,希望能釐清兩國在反恐合作方面,是否已具備了同盟的性質。而其他同盟理論的重要內涵,如威脅平衡、意識型態、援助、滲透等,皆會被用來加強本文的論述。 研究發現,在沃爾特的同盟理論架構下,美國和印尼在反恐合作上,的確出現了有如同盟的密切關係。雖然彼此間不存在約束的同盟條約,然而,就同盟的實質而言,恢復的軍事關係和密切的反恐合作等,皆是同盟的重要指標。研究並發現,威脅平衡理論的確較合理的詮釋了美印兩國因反恐而強化的關係。而意識型態、援助和滲透等,對同盟的組成皆有一定程度的影響,但非強大的因素。 / During the Cold War, Indonesia was noted for its leadership in the Non-Alignment Movement, which distinguished itself from the two-polar world. However, the Suharto government had in fact built an amicable relationship with the U.S. under the flag of anti-communism. In the 1990s, due to the notorious human rights records, the U.S. had moved to cancel or suspend military and economic aid to Indonesia. The Congress and Senate of the U.S. took a hard-line stance in dealing with these problems. The 9/11 event marked a significant change in the U.S. foreign policy. As the biggest Muslim country in the world, Indonesia’s comparably moderate nature gains its importance for America in promoting anti-terror in Muslim world. Also, the growing strategic status, like the location in the Malacca Straits, vast resources and key status in ASEAN, necessitates the U.S. to reconsider its policy toward Indonesia. The thesis is primarily dedicated to analyze the Bush Administration’s foreign policy toward Indonesia after the 9/11 event. There are three main pillars in the thesis—anti-terror, human rights and military cooperation. Steven M. Walt’s famous Alliance Theory contributes the analytic framework to this thesis. Also, some other arguments of alliance theory like balance of threat, ideology, foreign aid and penetration will be utilized to deepen the analysis of this thesis. Under Walt’s alliance theory, in spite of the fact that there is no concrete alliance binding between these two countries, the resumed military relationship, and close anti-terror cooperation are all noted indicators that shows the U.S. and Indonesia act as alliance partners. This thesis also demonstrates that the balance of threat theory is a better analytic framework to explain the relationship between the U.S. and Indonesia. Ideology, foreign aid and penetration in this case surely affects the formation of alliance, however, they are not causes of it as Walt concludes.


徐彩芳 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,受到美國法學界以及全球經濟形勢巨變的影響下,國內學者也逐漸開始注意關於公司經營者報酬之相關議題,並陸續開始就此議題發表相關著作,而本文則試圖從代理成本的觀點切入,並以我國在此議題方面最借重之美國經驗來分析、檢討此議題在我國的發展現況。 以美國近二十年的發展經驗來看,報酬議題是否受社會大眾、媒體甚至政府相關單位之重視,並進而採取相關改革措施,實際上與經濟景氣的循環以及重大公司弊案之發生,有相當密切的關係,大抵上,當經濟景氣下降或重大公司弊案發生,股東、投資人及新聞媒體便開始關注公司經營者是否有超額報酬之現象。而我國關於此議題之改革發展軌跡,雖然未必與美國的發展經驗相符,但由於我國深受美國的影響,在改革方向上幾乎可謂是跟著美國的腳步前進。例如在90年代初期,美國政府受到學說「理想締約說」之影響,大肆推廣股票選擇權等股權性報酬之使用,我國受此潮流影響,便於2001年修正公司法時,將員工認股選擇權、員工股票分紅納入規範;而2000年初期,美國發現股權性報酬的大量使用反而促使經營者報酬的飆高,為解決此問題,美國政府在學說「高階經理人權力說」的影響下,著手改革資訊揭露制度、修正會計認列制度和推動股東建議性投票規範,而在我國方面,政府也在媒體輿論的壓力下,進行了類似的修正;最後,在2008年後半爆發、衝擊全球的金融海嘯,美國國會為平息民怨,將經營者報酬之限制條件納入抒困方案中,而我國的立法院也效法美國,修正公司法,對於成為政府抒困對象之公司限制其經營者報酬額度。 然而綜觀我國這十年來關於經營者報酬規範之發展會發現,雖然我國是跟隨著美國的步伐前進,但我國的公司體制和股權結構畢竟與美國有很大的不同,僅是將美國的改革措施套用在我國並無法解決我國的問題,更何況我國始終未曾透過系統性地檢討經營者報酬在相關理論下之定位,來發覺我國現行制度的缺失並予以對症下藥,是以,改革至今,仍難以看出初步的成效。因此,本文嘗試從美國法近年改革之理論依據,即從代理理論衍生而出的「理想締約說」和「高階經理人權力說」來檢視我國現行的經營者報酬監控制度之缺失,並提出未來的修正建議。 歸納上開兩學說的主要想法,關於經營者報酬之監控,應從三方面即強化報酬與績效之連結、董事會的內部監控、和股東的外部監控著手。而在內部監控方面,因董事會成員易受互惠心理、同儕情誼之影響,是以必須輔以股東的「憤慨」力量才能達成。 則首先,在績效與報酬之連結方面,實證研究結果發現,我國無論是非股權性報酬、股權性報酬、或報酬整體,皆呈現與績效連結不佳的現象,其原因,或許與我國多數公司係由控制股東所掌控,存在核心代理問題,且董事兼任經理人之現象普遍,董事往往同時領取兩份報酬,產生雙重評價績效之情況有關。 其次在內部監控方面,由於我國公司法將董事報酬之決定權劃歸為股東會所有,是以,我國董事會關於董事報酬之決定,原則僅居於負責提案的輔助性地位,也因此,我國公司法並未另外在董事會內設置董事報酬之監控力量。而此情形縱使在證交法引進獨立董事、審計委員會制度後,亦未發生重大改變,因實際設有審計委員會之公司寥寥可數,是以在大多數公司中,關於董事報酬議題實際上不存在內部監控制度。 最後在外部監控方面,股東之外部監控主要是透過表決權之行使,以及代表訴訟之提起組成,但由於各公司的股東會普遍在章程中將董事「報酬」與「酬勞」之決定委託由董事會行使,使得在我國公司實務上,董事會始為董事報酬最終決定者,股東會的表決完全流於形式;且我國的報酬資訊原則上仍採「彙總」揭露制,外部人無法得知公司內部實際的報酬分配狀況,高階經理人權力說主張的「憤慨成本」於我國也很難形成,無法對董事會產生實質的壓力。另外,我國的股東代表訴訟在制度設計上存有很大的缺陷,很少有股東願意透過此機制來糾正董事會的不當決策;加上資訊揭露不健全,股東根本無從知曉內部的報酬分配情況;另外,縱使股東提起代表訴訟,也會被沈重的舉證責任以及證據蒐集之困難所擊倒。因此,從此面向檢視我國現狀會發現,我國關於經營者報酬議題,實際上不存在真正的外部監控。 綜合上述檢討之結論,對於我國現行的經營者報酬監控機制,本文認為應進行下列數項改革:(1) 放寬董事報酬中股權性報酬工具之使用;(2) 報酬決定設計之修正;(3) 強化報酬資訊透明度;(4) 建構有效的司法審查。且由於我國公司存在核心代理問題和少數股東控制結構,是以,本文認為,對於董事報酬監控之改革,必須倚靠強大的外部監控力量始可能達到監控效果,而外部監控力量能否發揮的前提便建立在完整的資訊揭露制度上,因此強化報酬資訊透明度應為當前的改革重點。


陳友梅 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以歐盟防制人口販運之實踐做為實例,驗證全球治理下聯合國及歐盟等領導性的國際行為者,對於國際人權發展與人權保障除正面的發展外,亦可能造成負面之影響,國際人權規範擴散面臨一定之侷限性與挑戰。全球治理下之國際人權規範擴散,對於人權的保障有時是種助力也是種阻力。 歐盟雖然倡導針對防制人口販運議題之合作應當採取一個包括查緝起訴、保護以及預防三大面向的全面性解決途徑,但實際上,歐盟防制人口販運之合作制度架構初期仍是以維持境內安全的安全途徑為主軸,而非關注受害者人權之保障;幸而歐盟於2011年通過「預防及打擊人口販運與保護受害者指令」後,防制人口販運的政策更加強調必須以人口販運受害者為核心。然而,在將以受害者為核心的人權規範擴散至成員國方面,卻仍受到極大的挑戰,蓋歐盟成員國多將人口販運視為非法移民議題,故其防制人口販運之作為實仍環繞著以打擊犯罪為主的思維,人口販運受害者時常被視為非法移民而使其人權遭到侵害。 全球治理下,歐盟等人權法律規範相對完備之國際行為者,其人權規範與建制的推廣與擴散,確實有其值得肯定的正面意義。然而,當歐盟等全球治理行為者不能有效地實現其宗旨,或是其行為違背其理當服膺之價值而削弱其公正、客觀及道德性角色時,其規範性權威亦會受到挑戰。

自我與權利-受婚姻暴力女性的權利實踐 / Self and rights-the practice of women's rights in the intimacy violence case

李姿佳, Lee, Tzu-Chia Unknown Date (has links)
自古以來婚姻暴力在臺灣社會是被忽視的議題,直到1998年臺灣通過家庭暴力防治法,成為全亞洲第一個完成立法的國家,也是一部保障被害人人權的法律。在實務上,家庭暴力防治法實施19年來,對家庭暴力防治法的效用為何,一直存在不同的爭論。在臺灣對婚姻暴力受暴者的保護,從保護人權的理想到權利的賦予,再從權利賦予看到權利對社會影響,法律實施多年後,實務上看到人權保護與權利賦予,中間產生非常大的落差,而產生落差的原因,是本研究所要回答的問題。 近年來西方創發第四種新權利理論,突破以往權利理論的框架,將自我與權利是循環(recursive)影響的觀點,然而華人的自我與西方自我截然不同。心理學家幫助我們把自我內在的基本心理結構做了許多描述和區分;人類學則說明華人自我和西方自我的不同,華人自我是差序格局,自我悠遊在父母兄弟姊妹之間的關係中。而本研究的自我與新權利理論不同之處在於,新權利理論的自我是個人主義式的自我,而本研究的自我是包含他人,在心理學和人類學的相互補充下,形成本研究重要的論述基礎。 本文研究方法有文獻回顧、質性深度訪談及個案分析三種。質性深度訪談,以受婚姻暴力女性的權利意識為主軸,訪談兩對曾有婚姻關係之夫妻,在婚姻中有發生過婚姻暴力,且法院核發保護令,本研究以兩對夫妻為個案分析對象。本研究結發現,在臺灣自我會影響權利,而距離和情是影響自我發展範圍大小及輕重的關鍵因素;性別會影響對雙方所認知產生距離的原因,以及雙方對夫妻之情轉變看法的關鍵有所不同。 本研究最後根據研究結果提出四項結論與建議,一、自我和權利是臺灣受婚姻暴力女性權利實踐的樣貌;二、在婚姻中的人權與權利主張中間有一段很大的落差;三、影響自我與權利的關鍵因素是距離和情;最後第四點,對臺灣婚姻暴力防治提出建議。 / Since ancient times, intimacy violence in Taiwan society is a neglected issue, until 1998, Taiwan through the Domestic Violence Prevention Act, to become the first in Asia to complete the legislation of the country, but also a protection of the human rights of the law. In practice, the implementation of the Domestic Violence Act 19 years, the effectiveness of the law on the prevention of domestic violence, there have been different debates. In Taiwan, the protection of intimacy violence by the violence, from the protection of human rights to the right to the right to give, and then given the rights from the right to see the social impact of the law after years of practice to see the protection of human rights and rights, the middle of the very The big gap, and the cause of the drop is the answer to this question. In recent years, the West created the fourth new theory of rights, breaking the framework of the previous theory of rights, the self and the right is recursive (recursive) the impact of view, but the Chinese self and Western self is very different. Psychologists help us to self-inner basic psychological structure to do a lot of description and distinction; anthropology is that the Chinese self and Western self is different, the Chinese self is the pattern of differences, self-leisurely in the relationship between parents and brothers and sisters. The difference between the self and the new right theory of this study is that the self of the new right theory is an individualistic self, and the self of the study contains other people, which are important in the complementarity of psychology and anthropology. The basis of the discussion. This article has three kinds of literature review, qualitative depth interview and case analysis. Qualitative depth of interviews, to intimacy violence women's rights awareness as the main axis, interview two pairs of marriages have marriages, intimacy violence in the marriage, and the court issued a protection order, the study of two couples as a case study Object. This study concludes that Taiwan's self affects rights, and distance and love are the key factors influencing the size and severity of self-development. Gender will affect the causes of the perceived distance between the two sides and the key to the change of husband and wife's feelings Different. In the end of this study, four conclusions and suggestions are put forward according to the research results. First, the self and the right are the practice of women's sexual rights in Taiwan. Second, there is a great gap between the human rights and rights in marriage. The key factors influencing the self and the right are the distance and the situation. Finally, the fourth point is to make suggestions on the prevention and control of intimacy violence in Taiwan.

諾齊克政治哲學研究 / Political Philosophy of Robert Nozick

沈中皓 Unknown Date (has links)
當代美國哲學家諾齊克(Robert Nozick, 1938-2002)於1974年出版了《《無政府、國家與烏托邦》(Anarchy, State, and Utopia)一書,全書從對個人道德權利的關注出發,論證了一個正當的國家必須建立在保障個人權利的基礎之上,而唯一能夠在道德上被證成的國家,乃是一種最低限度的國家(the minimal state)。本文旨在分析諾齊克於該書中對於個人權利、國家功能、價值選擇等等看法的適切性,並對其論證過程進行檢驗。   本論文主體共分為三個部分:第一個部分論述諾齊克對於個人權利的證成,包括以權利邊際限制的觀點來對康德的道德原則進行詮釋,以及個人權利體現於財產權而產生的賦予權利理論,特別是其根據洛克的但書所建立起來的財產獲取觀點,筆者提出了若干質疑;第二個部分則檢視了諾齊克所主張之最低限度國家如何在道德上得到證成,包括諾齊克對於無政府主義以及功能更多之國家理論的回應;第三個部分探討的是諾齊克所提出,以最低限度國家做為一種烏托邦架構的可行性,此種以國家價值中立論旨為核心的觀點,引發了關於公民認同的爭議,卻也展現了諾齊克對於個人權利至上性的關注。   身為承襲古典自由主義傳統的哲學家,諾齊克的政治哲學展現了對於個人權利的重視,同時也使得當代學界在探討其他議題的同時,不得不正視個人權利的概念。儘管諾齊克放任自由主義的立場實屬光譜之極端,然而對應到當今世界對於人權的普遍重視、以及市場經濟透過全球化所展現的活力,在在都顯示出諾齊克的觀點與當前時代的精神有著相當程度的吻合之處。

小學人權教育教學之比較研究:探究台北與新德里社會科教師之角色 / Pedagogy of Human Rights Education in the Elementary Schools of Taipei and New Delhi: Probing the Role of Social Science Teachers

安尹若, Anamika Unknown Date (has links)
教育,是透過學生持續社會化的過程而形塑社會的重要機制。教育,為未來世代參與社會變遷預作了準備,並有助於社會發展。尤有甚者,教育使學生們意識到他們的權利。我們可以在各個教育階段裡引入人權教育。但是,小學階段的社會科教育對青少年的人權概念發展是具有決定性意義的。對此階段的學生而言,教師的引導以及人權教育的教學對清楚理解人權概念是相當關鍵的。針對教導學生深思熟慮的方法、人道與明智的價值、理性與批判的思考,人權教育教學可以是有助益且有效途徑。因此,本研究目的是在人權教育的脈絡下,評估社會科教師並探究他們的教學法。而本研究之研究問題是:(1)台北與新德里小學社會科教師在他們人權教育的價值、信念、態度與觀念脈絡下,理解人權教育教學的方式為何?(2)台北與新德里小學社會科教師在人權教育的教學實踐為何?(3)在台北與新德里小學社會科教室中,有意與無意的教學內容為何?(4)在人權教學的過程中,台北與新德里小學社會科教師所面臨的難題與阻礙為何?(5)可能存在一種可以應用在不同教育背景的普遍性人權教育教學嗎?因此,本研究針對台北與新德里小學,分別進行兩組各三位六年級教師及其班級的探究。 本研究發現,教師是人權教育成功實行的重要關鍵。教師必須對人權有熱情與承諾;教師必須尊重學生做為個體的權利;人權教育必須有情境脈絡的特殊性;《世界人權宣言》可以做為人權教學的普遍標準;此外,聯合國與國家政府的角色亦關係重大,因為他們提供人權教育結構與資金。最後,值得一提的是NGOs 與INGOs 的角色越來越重要,他們有必要在橫向與縱向上拓展他們的網絡。 / Education is an important institution that shapes our society through continuous socialization of pupils. It prepares future generations to participate in social change and contributes to society’s development. Moreover, it makes pupils aware of their rights. Human rights education can be introduced at all levels of education. The elementary level Social Science education is crucial for the development of the concept of human rights among adolescents. For the pupils of this age group, the guidance of teacher and the pedagogy of human rights education are critical for a clear understanding of the concept. The pedagogy of human rights education can be a useful and effective way of inculcating deliberative methods, humane and judicious values, and rational and critical thinking among pupils. The present study is an attempt to assess social science teachers and explore their pedagogy in the context of human rights education. The issues that the present research intends to raise are: (1) How the pedagogy of human rights education is perceived by Social Science teachers of the elementary school of Taipei and New Delhi in the context of their values, beliefs, attitudes, and ideals of human rights education? (2) How is the pedagogy of human rights education of Social Science teachers of Taipei and Delhi put into practice? (3) What is taught in human rights education in the social science classrooms of Taipei and New Delhi intentionally and unintentionally? (4) What are the problems and obstacles faced by Social Science teachers during the process of teaching human rights? (5) Can there be a general pedagogy of human rights education, which can be applied across different educational settings? The issues are examined with two sets of three teachers of sixth grade and their classes in elementary schools of Taipei and New Delhi. The findings of this study suggest that the agency of the teacher is crucial for successful implementation of HRE; that a teacher has to have passion and commitment for HR; that the rights of students as individuals must be respected by the teacher; that HRE must be context specific; that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights can be used as a universal standard to teach HR; and, finally, that the role of UN and national government is crucial. These two institutions provide with the framework and funding for HRE. Last, but not the least, the role of NGOs and INGOs is gaining importance by the day and that they need to expand their network, both vertically and horizontally.

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