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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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考量指標衝突之物流業者評選模式 / Logistics service provider selection model based on conflict criteria

蔡雅慧, Tsai, Ya Hui Unknown Date (has links)
在全球化競爭的條件之下,企業之專業分工漸趨精細,企業為了發展自己本身的核心能力,選擇將非核心能力委外給專業的第三方,以求獲得更佳的服務品質且為企業減少成本支出。其中物流相關費用占企業營運費用約5%~35%,物流在整體企業營運扮演重要角色,近年來供應鏈管理的興起,企業更加重視與上下游廠商間協調關係,物流管理受到重視,物流關係到整體供應鏈的穩定度,因此在選擇物流委外供應商時,企業需審慎的評估供應商各方面的能力,以選出最適物流委外供應商。   過去評選物流委外供應商,多數藉由專家主觀判斷,本研究提出一套完整的物流委外供應商評選模式,以客觀的角度評選物流委外供應商。過去文獻中多數假設評估準則間關係獨立,此假設與現實狀況不符,評估準則通常存在相互關聯。企業在評選過程中,針對特定評選準則會有限定標準,若單以績效值評估,不符企業之需求,本研究將其納入考量,建立出更加完整的物流委外供應商評選模式。此評選模式可給予參與評選之候選廠商改善建議,為雙方建立良好的關係,創造雙贏的局面。   本研究透過決策實驗室法建立指標之網路關係,以網路程序分析法計算指標之權重,於評分處理部份,針對企業特定評選指標,透過田口品質損失函數轉換成與目標之損失值,最後藉由VIKOR排序法評選出最佳物流委外供應商。受限於成本考量,本研究透過系統動態學模擬運送情形,藉由所獲得之營運資料驗證此評選模式。 / Under the global competitive conditions, enterprises become more sophisticated division of labor. Enterprises want to develop their own core competencies. Enterprises choose to outsource non-core capabilities to third-party professional,because of better service quality and reducing costs for enterprises. In recent years, enterprises pay more attention to coordination with the relationship between upstream and downstream firms. The logistics in the overall business operations play an important role. Therefore, in the choice of logistics outsourcing providers, enterprises evaluate all aspects of supplier's abilities to select the most suitable supplier of logistics outsourcing.   This study provides a complete model to evaluate logistic service providers. Enterprises in the selection process, selection criteria will be qualified for a particular standard. Selection criteria usually have interrelationship. Under the condition, this study use DEMATEL and ANP to create criteria relationship and compute criteria weights. Taguchi loss function is used to calculate some criteria loss value, which is the distance between enterprise’s target values. Finally, VIKOR combines loss value with performance value to select the best logistics service providers. These models also give candidates some suggestions to improve their performance.

電源供應器業創新經營策略之研究-以T公司個案為例 / The business strategies of power supply firms emphasized on innovation-A case study of T corporation

周青麟, Chou, Ching Ling Unknown Date (has links)
台灣歷經過去幾十來在電子工業的蓬勃發展,帶動了供應鏈上各種產業聚落的形成。舉凡終端產品如個人電腦、筆記型電腦、無線通信及影音設備等。關鍵電子零組件如電源供應器、印刷電路板、積體電路代工業等。電源供應器(Power Supply) 提供各種電子產品穩定的電壓電源,隨著各式電子產品的演進,電源供應器產業的公司也不斷的進行各種創新研發與經營策略的調整。 本研究以T公司為個案研究對象,探討台灣電源供應器產業在以往的成長經驗裡,在經營策略面與創新模式中,有哪些關鍵成功因素。經由外在環境探討與內部組織優劣勢分析(SWOT),以及公司現行策略類型之整理(司徒達賢2005),本研究進行個案公司可行性策略之研擬、分析與建議(TOWS)。個案公司於實體及虛擬通路市場有多年的經營與成功經驗,舉凡創新研發與專利佈局、多品牌全球交叉行銷、以核心領域擴散之產品多角化經營路線等。本個案是一個台灣中小企業在極大化有利的外在機會與創新研發的強項下,成功的達成逐步成長的目標並進而完成台灣OTC市場上櫃的案例。 由於2008年以來的金融風暴及今年歐美市場在主權債務問題與全球經濟疲弱的表現,僅少數廠商仍有逆勢成長的表現;對於未來電源供應器產業的景氣看法,也看法分歧。本研究透過系統性的分析工具,從總體經濟面與產業面的威脅與機會及內部組織的優劣勢分析出發,推衍出對未來經營策略的具體方針與策略執行方案。可做為個案公司對未來發展經營策略之建議以及科技相關產業或其他企業在經營策略分析、行銷通路佈局之參考。 本研究探討之主要經營創新策略關鍵重要因素,包含了多品牌全球互動行銷、逆循環行銷模式、搭配專利進行顛覆式研發創新、少量多樣模組化生產等創新經營模式。以上因素也造就了個案公司過去連續多年成長倍增的驅動力量。 關鍵字:電源供應器、多品牌全球交叉行銷、TOWS

台灣中小型科技公司競爭策略與競爭優勢之研究-以噴墨列印產業為例 / Competitive strategy and competitive advantage of High-Tech SMEs ─ a case study of Taiwan's ink jet printing industry

黃志民, Huang,Jyh Min Unknown Date (has links)
台灣中小企業的發展歷程,從創造台灣經濟奇蹟的原始動力到1980年代後期起,因國內外環境改變而面對嚴重的挑戰並歷經重大的改變。直至今天更因全球化的衝擊,正面臨嚴苛的考驗。其中能成長為跨國大企業者,實在寥寥可數,而大部份均歷經生存與滅亡的不斷輪迴。加上台灣企業逐漸大型化,大型企業開始獲得台灣經濟的主導權,中小企業在台灣經濟的比重逐漸降低。然而,在全球供應鏈上,台灣不論是大型企業或中小企業大部份均只是扮演中段生產與代工的角色,供應鏈上的上游原料與材料技術卻無法占有一席之地。這樣的現況我們似乎只歸因於市場機制的優勝劣敗而鮮有進一步的具體解決方案與實際創新商業模式之深入探討。然而,從一些成功的案例我們發現其實有一些具特異性與價值性資源及能耐的中小企業在面對常態資源不足,市場生態丕變、與組織對應不良的困境中,善用自己的核心能力,從理論與應用科學的發展、核心能力的延伸與擴張,競爭策略的預應彈性與組織能力的強化做為變革的基礎,逐步發展其成功的創新商業模式。 本研究以”台灣中小型科技公司之競爭策略與競爭優勢”為架構,以” 噴墨列印產業 ”之利基創造為導入實例,進行對台灣中小企業科技核心能力的認知,應用策略、經營模式、與變革創新的階段性探討與分析。期能從競爭策略的面向,提出問題與理論驗證,並提出一成功營運模式的研擬。此外,再以其在高競爭障礙市場的成功實績,進一步探討台灣中小企業如何善用獨持資源與策略轉折,創新創造利基市場,由小做大,建立跨國的成功創新商業模式,甚至建立自有品牌。最後,期望本研究的理論參據與實績驗證的內容和建議對台灣中小企業在困境中的力爭上游能有所助益。 / Since the time of creating the original driving force of Taiwan's economic miracle to late 1980s, the development of Taiwanese SMEs has been facing serious challenges and experiencing major changes due to rapid changes in domestic and international environment. Even today they are facing a more severe test because of the impact of globalization, and very few of them are able to grow to large multinational companies while most of them have been going through the continuous cycle of survival and extinction. Furthermore, Taiwanese enterprises have become larger in scale gradually, and large companies have begun to gain dominance of Taiwanese economy. The proportion of SMEs in Taiwanese economy has gradually reduced. However, in the global supply chain, most of the enterprises in Taiwan, no matter SMEs or MNCs, play the role of “ production and OEM/ODM” and rarely place the upstream of the supply chain as suppliers of raw materials and technology. This current situation seems to be attributed to the market mechanism fitness and few further specific and practical solutions have been discussed and conducted earnestly into the innovative business model in depth. However, from a number of successful cases, we discover that there are some SMEs, who are capable of core competencies and special advantages yet inadequate resources and capabilities, the changing market ecology, and the plight of organization corresponding ability, have successfully developed their own business models by their core competencies and the development of theoretical and applied science, the precise implementation of extension and expansion of core competencies and the strengthen of pro- action flexibility of competitive strategies as well as the capability of organizing, and gradually achieved the innovation and progressive development of the unique successful business model. In this research, the technical core competences, application strategies, innovative transformation and new business model of Taiwan's SMEs will be carried into analysis and discussion based on the framework of " competitive strategy and competitive advantage of High-Tech SMEs in Taiwan " setting the foundation of "The ink jet printing industries" as an illustration. For each stage of competitive strategies, the questions will be presented with theories to verify, and the simulation of successfully-operated models will be brought out. In addition, from the successful examples in high competitive barrier market, this research will further explore how good Taiwanese SMEs are by using the core capabilities and strategy transition to gradually innovate the global niche market with successful innovative business models, and even establish their own brands. Finally, I hope the theoretical reference, content and recommendations of performance verification can be helpful to get through the plight of the striving SMEs in Taiwan.

國際精品採購代理公司成長策略:以桌上用品和家居擺飾產業為例 / Growth Strategy of Buying Agent: Tableware & Home Décor

陳麗春, Chen, Li Chun Unknown Date (has links)
在2000年後,由於大陸外貿的崛起,大陸禮品業者也在國際展場中嶄露頭角;許多國外買家為其低廉的價格吸引下單,但是之後衍生出來的品質、交期的問題則層出不窮。 國外買家的無奈在於期間的溝通,也深刻體驗到大陸人的商場文化 – 「什麼都沒問題!」(Everything is NO PROBLEM = OK & YES)。等貨到國外倉庫,開箱一看,所有問題就完整呈現了。 其中的語言溝通、消費市場的需求、文化差異 … 等是主要因素。 問題發生後, 解決方案的合理性也是從事國際貿易者所要具備的能力之ㄧ。 這時有些較積極、採購項目繁多、產品屬中低價位的國外買家就會派人來中國大陸探路,設立採購辦事處 (Buying Office)。初期會在香港成立運作子公司,主要以搜尋產品、採購、驗貨為主要業務;慢慢進入大陸本土,如深圳、廣州、廈門、 上海等沿岸城市; 近期內地的興起,因應產業不同的需求,也紛紛設點遍及北京、天津、太原、重慶、成都等重點城市。 但這些採購辦事處 (Buying Office) 的組織運作中, 高階管理人可能是外國總公司直接派遣,但往下的工作很多需要用到大陸的人力,而衍生出採購拿回扣、驗貨拿紅包的弊端。 同時也有一些產品屬中低價位的國外買家,他們並未躁進;但因應貿易環境的改變,為了避免設立採購辦事處的風險,他們也會透過一些第三方驗貨的服務公司 (The 3rd Party Inspection),替他們把關品質。 當然這類的公司多為大陸人組織運作,衍生出來的弊病也較單純,就是驗貨拿紅包;但犧牲的就是品質了。 最後,就是有一些保守派的國際精品買家,我們稱他們為禮品業「金字塔頂端」的少數買家。 他們在價格彈性有空間的條件下,會把搜尋產品、驗廠、採購、驗貨等業務委外給值得信任的公司,並簽下採購代理的合約,做為外國公司在亞洲的備用團隊 (Backup Team),為其公司的功能性部門加長了戰線。 本研究從行銷策略、商業模式、服務創新、供應鏈整合等理論出發,結合國際精品採購代理公司Tableware & Home Décor產業,提出了一個新的國際精品採購代理公司的未來的成長機會。 這個成長的機會中建議公司進行客戶、供應商整合及內部人才的培育,有助於公司降低交易成本、更好的服務客戶,提升原有服務品質並提供新的附加服務,增強採購代理的競爭力及績效,並在公司既有的核心能力下創造更多的成長機會。 / After 2000, due to the rise of China's foreign trade, the gift industry also emerged at the international exhibition; many foreign buyers are attracted by its low prices and placed orders, but then derived from the quality, delivery problems are endless. The frustration is that foreign buyers not only during the communication, but also a profound experience to the mainland's mall culture - "Everything is no problem." (NO PROBLEM = OK & YES). But when goods is delivered to foreign warehouses, out of the box and saw all the problems presented to the full. The main factor is the language, communication, consumer markets, cultural differences ... and so on. After the problem occurs, the international trader has the ability to be a problem solver, who should provide the reasonable solution subsequently. At the same time there are also some middle-low-priced driven foreign buyers, they did not rush things; but faced the trade environment changes, in order to avoid the risk of buying offices, they will through some the 3rd Party service company for them to check the quality. Of course, many of these the 3rd Party companies operate by Mainland people, the weaknesses they found are simpler, that is, an inspector get a red envelope when they conduct inspections; but is the quality of the sacrifice. Finally, there are some conservative international boutique buyers; we call them the buyers of the gift industry "pyramid". They have room on price elasticity conditions, they will outsourced a trusted company for products sourcing, audits, procurement, inspection and other services, and signed a contract procurement agency, as its foreign companies in Asia, alternate team (Backup Team), for which the company's functional departments lengthened the front. In this study, starts from marketing strategy, business model, service innovation, supply chain integration theory, combined with international boutique procurement agent Tableware & Home Décor industry, proposed a new international boutique procurement agent's future growth opportunities. The opportunities for growth companies recommended customers, suppliers and internal integration of the nurturing of talents, helps companies reduce transaction costs, has better customer service, improve the quality of existing services and provide new additional services, enhance the competitive procurement agency power and performance, and in the company under the existing core competencies to create more growth opportunities.

A Resource-based View of the Interorganizational Information Systems Capability / A Resource-based View of the Interorganizational Information Systems Capability

翁懷嘉, Weng, Huai-Chia Unknown Date (has links)
無 / Facing today’s highly competitive market and changed business environment, whether the company has the capability to implement successful inter-organizational information systems to achieve efficient supply chain management becomes a significant issue. To fulfill this need, this research aims to develop a framework for measuring the IOS capability. After company interviews, our proposed framework is simplified to measure four IOS capabilities: (1) physical assets, (2) path dependency, (3) relational intangibles (trust and complementary resources), and (4) market power. We propose that firms with these IOS resources can have higher IOS usage, which in turn creates greater IOS performance. / A general survey is then conducted in the Taiwan PC industry to validate our proposed framework. The instrument was tested for validity and reliability properties, and multiple linear regression was used for testing our hypotheses. The results indicate that physical IT assets and relational specific intangibles are positively related with IOS usage. On the other hand, path dependency and market power do not have significant impact on IOS usage. We further explore the relationships between the IOS capabilities and firm performance. The result indicates firms with more IOS usage are more likely to achieve better firm performance. These results can further be examined in a more industry-wide survey in the future. The researchers can also build upon this model to further examine the factors that are discovered.

保險業因應全球運籌物流風險之對策-以高科技電子產業運輸保險為例 / The Strategy for Insurers on the Global Logistic Risk- A Case Study on the Marine Cargo Insurance of Electronic Industry

梁銳華, Liang,Jui-Hwa Unknown Date (has links)
隨著高科技產業的興起,電子產業因應市場快速與客戶滿意度的高度需求,供應鏈物流業的快速發展,使得傳統運送模式之風險形態產生戲劇性的變化,損失頻率及損失幅度均已隨著運籌模式物流的風險由傳統運輸Door to Door構成線性的低度風險,轉變為Hub、組裝中心、物流倉庫、承攬人、次承攬人等複雜的關係方所構成,網狀物流模式的高度風險區塊。而運輸保險長期以來處於保險業者、保險經紀人的惡性競爭市場,高科技電子業基於風險成本考量,強勢壓縮保險費,使得電子業運輸保險損失率居高不下。 本研究透過個案電子公司之重大損失案例研究,歸納高科技電子業物流損失的發生原因,提出核保、理賠管理、及物流倉庫、運送人損防、管理建議供保險業界,物流業者參考。 未來,保險業面對全球運籌業物流風險經營,除積極運用核保策略,加強同業間的共保協商機制,以分散風險外,針對此特殊業務的核保應加強倉庫管理人風險查勘及物流運送人之委任規範、以達到風險預防之效果。更重要的是,保險經營者應修正,以利潤導向的經營理念代替市場佔有率的迷思,方是杜絕市場惡性競爭的根本。 關鍵字:電子業、全球運籌、供應鏈、風險管理、 損失頻率、損失幅度、核保策略、理賠管理、 損失率。 / With the blooming growth of high-tech industry, the electronic industry pursued for swiftness and clients satisfaction as well as the fast development of logistics business, risk of cargo distribution had transformed from the traditionally low-risk lineal “door to door” model to a high-risk complex structure of network composed by Hubs, Configuration Centers, warehouses, contractors, and sub-tractors. Moreover, the intense competitiveness among insurers and insurance agents as well as the cost-down strategy on cargo transit insurance premium of high-tech companies even make the loss-claim ratio have stayed high for such a long time. By studying cases of specific high-tech company claiming for great loss amount, we herby conclude several main causes of loss during transit and bring up suggestions on Underwriting, Claim Adjustment, Logistics Warehouse, Carrier Loss Prevention, and Logistics Management for your reference. In the future, in terms of risk management and diversification, we should not only aggressively adjust our underwriting strategy, enhance co-insurance policy but also strengthen investigations on the warehouse staffs and designate supplier adequate responsibilities. Besides, what’s more important is to alter the myth of being purely interest-oriented and to discard the thought of expanding market percentage by cutting prices, only then we could really make a sound foundation at the market instead of suffering malignant competition with each other. Key Word:Electronic Industry,Global Logistic,Supply Chain,Risk Management,Loss Frequency,Loss Severity,Underwriting Strategy,Claim Management,Loss Ratio。

理解科技的後採用困難:實務契合度觀點的質化研究 / Understanding Difficulties of Post Technology Adoption: A Practices Fit Perspective

陳信宏, Chen,Shin-Horng Unknown Date (has links)
科技的採用問題,一直是資訊管理領域一個重要的議題。而以往研究,為了解為何科技會無法被採用,在研究上會分析科技導入至採用初期所面臨到的障礙與挑戰,以協助組織排除科技採用的困難。然而,對於科技的採用而言,採用困難的發生,並不只局限於科技的「前採用階段」而已,在科技被採用以後,同樣也會面臨到科技因為不適用所帶來的採用問題。為此,本論文之研究目的,即在於理解科技在「後採用階段」,發生科技採用困難的本質與原因。 在本論文中,作者主要從實務契合度的觀點,來理解供應鏈系統的採用困難。實務契合度的觀點認為,科技具有內嵌「實務」的特性,每一種科技,根據它的目的,都會被植入一些實務,來協助採用者進行組織活動。因此,所謂的科技採用就是將科技所內嵌的實務,轉移到採用者身上。然而,由於採用者處於他們所屬社會/組織系統中,可能也有他們自己一套的實務活動方式,所以科技內嵌實務與採用者實務之間的不契合,就會發生在科技採用的過程中。在本研究中,根據這樣的看法,作者以詮釋性質化研究的方式,分析了一家筆記型電腦公司的供應鏈系統採用問題。從中發現,根據組織結構、產品材料技術與產業網路的條件原因所影響,供應商會和該公司形成出不同類型的採購實務,而供應鏈系統所提供出的「實務」,因為和這些供應商與該公司的採購實務之間,有著全然不同的特性與假設,故導致了系統採用上的困難。本論文相信,這樣的研究成果,將會加深對科技採用問題的理解,並對供應鏈系統的管理,有實務的貢獻。 / Technology adoption has always been a central research issue in the information systems discipline. Despite years of investigative effort, most of past studies primarily focus on the pre-adoption stage, but very few studies examine post-adoption behaviors, post IT application, and consequences of adoption. In this dissertation, unlike the typical studies to analyze adoption difficulties during pre-adoption stage, I focus on the post technology adoption stage and aim to understand why technology adoption may become failures in organizations after effective deployment for a period of time. In this dissertation, I consider an adoption of supply chain system from the practices fit perspective. The practices fit lens argues that organizational practices (such as procurement practices) are embedded in the technology (such as supply chain systems), and the technology adoption could be as a transfer of the practices to the recipient’s adopters. However, since adopters lie in their specific social/organizational context over time, they have gradually developed a variety of practices to deal with organizational matters. In this circumstance, after the technology is adopted, the difficulties of adoption may occur because of the incompatibility between adopters’ practices and technology practices. From this perspective, I apply an interpretive stance in the study to report a case of supply chain system, and to analyze how and why practices misfit may induce the problems of the adoption. The case study reveals that there are different types of procurement practices for an organization to conduct procurement activities with their suppliers. Each type of procurement practices is affected by the organizational structures, product technologies, and industrial network. However, the supply chain system is not to take account of these conditions into the system principles. As a result, the system is considered inapplicable for supporting the procurement activities by adopters. Important implications are provided to enhance the theoretical development of technology adoption. Practical insights are discussed with regard to supply chain management.

寬頻入口網站之內容服務研究-以和信GiGiGaGa.com與東森ETWebs.com為例 / Inquiry to Content Service of Broadband Portal Site--take GiGiGaGa.com and ETWebs.com as Examples

許嘉惠, Hsu, Chia-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
寬頻服務的市場主要有二:一是寬頻上網服務;二是寬頻內容服務。國內的和信、東森兩家業者從有線電視產業跨足經營寬頻網路事業,正是因為手中握有「頻寬」跟「內容」的優勢。本文從「內容」的角度出發,探討兩家寬頻入口網站在內容服務過程中面臨到的各種議題,包括:網站的經營模式、網站內容服務、與內容供應商的合作、廣告業務經營,與網路調查公司的合作、以及未來的趨勢六個面向。 研究方法採文獻蒐集與深度訪談。文獻來源包括「產業競爭策略」、「網路內容服務」,與「網路廣告文獻」三種,以協助研究命題的發展。訪談對象則包括兩家個案公司在「網站行銷」、「網站內容」、「網路廣告」單位、以及一家「網路調查公司」的部門主管。而除了比較兩家網站在內容服務經營上的異同,也檢驗第二章的文獻探討作交叉分析。 在寬頻入口網站的「經營模式」及企業資源的運用上,和信傾向獨立經營網路事業,東森則是採整合行銷的傳播模式,並間接影響到網站在「內容供應」與「廣告業務」。在「內容服務」方面,兩家網站在內容規劃上多半參考國外網站,但在分類方式上並不相同。而在與「內容供應商」的合作則是十分多元化,包括傳統媒體與網路媒體。另外,在「廣告業務」及與「網路調查公司」的合作上,寬頻網站與窄頻網站的做法類似,尚無建立新的經營與合作模式。 本研究的結論有六點,分別是︰一、BISP與BICP應應同步發展,才有市場利基;二、應加強寬頻基礎建設以有利於寬頻服務的品牌推廣;三、應掌握寬頻使用者的喜好;四、寬頻網站的經營有賴於網路廣告主的支持;五、建立使用者付費為未來發展趨勢;六、未來應加強寬頻服務在電視介面的應用。最後,由於本論文牽涉的議題極廣,屬於初探性研究,因此期待後續研究者對於上述寬頻網站在內容服務的各項議題上有更深入的探討。

法人說明會資訊對供應鏈上下游公司間股價之影響-以我國半導體產業為例 / The effect from up-stream company’s conference call information on down-stream’s company’s stock price-an example from semi-conductor industry in Taiwan

汪戊安, Wang, Wu An Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討台灣半導體產業供應鏈上游公司召開法人說明會是否會影響中下游公司之股價。本研究將法人說明會公布之資訊區分為財務資訊及非財務資訊,除探討財務資訊對供應鏈中、下游公司股價是否具影響效果外,亦探討財務及非財務的法人說明會資訊是否具有增額效果。實證結果顯示財務資訊在法人說明會召開前後一天與累積異常報酬呈現顯著正向關係,但非財務資訊卻呈現顯著反向關係,顯示非財務資訊會修正財務資訊所造成之效果。另外,資訊於供應鏈中移轉之距離越長,則移轉效果會越小,但若單純為好消息或壞消息,則移轉效果將增強。 / This research examines the influence of conference call information on the stock price of supply chain partners. The semi-conductor industries in Taiwan were used in this paper to examine the issue. I examined two kinds of information disclosed from conference calls: financial information and non-financial information. I first examined the information contained in conference calls for any effects on supply chain partners. Furthermore, I also examined to see if the non-financial information contains any additional effects to the supply chain partners. The empirical results show that the accumulated abnormal return of the supply chain partners is significantly positive related to the financial information around the conference call date. The accumulated abnormal return of the supply chain partners is significantly negative related to the non-financial information around the conference call date. The results show that both financial and non-financial information would influence the accumulated abnormal return of supply chain partners. The non-financial information contains additional information that revises the influence of the financial information.


莊坤榮 Unknown Date (has links)
在全球持續電子化的過程中,台灣一路扮演著落實有效製造與實現設計的推手,無論從主機板、被動元件、面板、晶片設計、晶圓製造以及封裝甚至高精密組裝無所不包,在如此資本密集產業,如何操作才能達到供需平衡,為整體產業經濟創造出良性的競爭平台,避免惡性競爭,就成了不可輕忽的課題。 本文以晶圓產業為探討對象。全球產能平均利用率多年來總維持於中檔 (88%), 且平均銷售單價只能緩降而無強勢反彈,近年企業無不減少資本支出來度過低潮,整合元件製造廠(IDM)相繼喊出工廠資產輕化(fab-lite)的營運策略,這時我們的命題即是:要不要繼續投資?如何調整價值鏈? 本研究中,我們會先檢視目前市場對半導體成長預測的準確度,再經由產業價值活動代表性指標回歸分析法對相關參數做一整合之解析,對晶圓需求量與銷售價建立配適之模型,找出先行指標來達到預測,並定義上下限以供快速比對分析,最後再根據分析結果提出可能之產業趨勢議題。 / This thesis analyzes the semiconductor industry growth worldwide. The leading index via regressions has been established to achieve a reliable forecast on worldwide ASP, wafer demand and revenue. In the long run, we expect the semiconductor demand will continue to grow at CAGR 8% (compound annual growth rate) and display less extreme cycles than past decade. However, revenue’s CAGR might be diluted to around 5%, lower than demand’s growth. Moreover, it might go down to zero-growth for some times since the ASP still slightly trend down before emerging market demand really expanded. Continuous outsourcing is one possible solution for IDM to be fab-lite, since fab’s fix charge is billion- base that needs high utilization to maintain break-even operation. But what is the solution for foundry side to avoid ASP erosion all the way down? Our analysis identifies a need for executive managers to well predict the demand on capital expenditure when making decision.

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