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冷戰後俄中軍事交流對台海安全之衝擊黃松源 Unknown Date (has links)
另一方面,隨著冷戰結束、蘇聯解體,美、蘇對抗的終結,崛起的中國成為美國全球戰略的潛在競爭者,尤其是中國自1993年起,從俄羅斯獲得先進武器科技,也取得導彈、雷射、太空系統的先進材料和製造技術,點出中國急欲建構新世紀戰力的企圖心,也對台海兩岸的局勢增添更多的不穩定因素及不安全感。究竟對台海安全造成的衝擊有多大?本論文試圖探討中國在此期間軍事上的獲利及武力上的增長,對海峽兩岸的均勢是否產生變化,以及產生何種變化?本論文依據上述問題,設計相對應之章節,其各章節架構如下:第一章緒論。第二章俄中軍事交流的背景分析。第三章:冷戰後俄中軍事交流概況。第四章:俄中軍事交流對台海安全之衝擊。第五章:俄中軍事交流對台海安全之衝擊:我國因應對策。第六章:結論。 / Russia, the former Soviet Union major successor, stepped on world history stage after Soviet Union collapsed on Dec 25, 1991, which also drew an end for the cold war era. In order to inherit Soviet Union’s international position, to take over troop and weapon and military installations, and to manage to prevent its economy collapse. Russia had released its over produced weaponry and technology. The technology transformation and weaponry releasing led Mainland China a chance to expand its military strength and brought China’s military strength rising abruptly. The situation affects the security of the Western Pacific Ocean and Taiwan Strait. This study aims on the foreign and military policy of Kremlin toward China after the collapse of Soviet Union and the impact of ROC’s inclining military power between two sides of Taiwan Strait.
On the other hand, with the end of cold war and the concluded confrontation between U.S and U.S.S.R, the rising China turned out to be the potential global strategic enemy to United States. Especially China, since1993, obtained the cutting edge military technology, the advanced material and manufacture technique for guiding missile, laser and space system from Russia. This transformation pointed out that China’s keen to build a new modern military in the 21 century. The situation also created the unstable factor and insecure feeling between cross strait and no one can predict what impact will it arouse? This study is to analysis on: Will the PRC’s military strength expansion varies the cross strait situation and what variation wills it happen? According to above theory the structure of this thesis is designed as follow: Chapter One: Introduction. Chapter Two: Analysis on Russia–Chain’s military exchange background. Chapter Three: The post cold war general situation of Russia–Chain’s military Exchange. Chapter four: The impact on Taiwan Strait security by Russia–Chain’s military exchange. Chapter Five: The proper way to deal with the impact of Russia–Chian’s military exchange Chapter six: Conclusion.
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趙紫陽崛起之研究胡國君, Hu, Guo-Jun Unknown Date (has links)
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中國和平崛起外交戰略之研究 / On China's "Peaceful Rise" Diplomatic Strategy黃奕龍, Huang, Yi-lung Unknown Date (has links)
針對外界流傳已久的中國威脅論,中國於2003年底開始推出「和平崛起」論述,主張中國以和平的方式崛起,並且旨在維護和平、以和平為目的。除了基於國際環境給予的動力與壓力之外,中國決策者對中國崛起的自信,以及期望建立一套新的國家發展論述促使和平崛起戰略的出台。中國建立了以和平崛起為目標的國家發展戰略,其中對外建構了一套和平崛起外交戰略,具體落實在大國外交、睦鄰外交、與發展中國家關係及多邊外交上。本研究自中國崛起的背景著手,從國際環境、國家實力與決策者認知理解中國提出和平崛起的原因、目的與特色,並觀察中國相應而生的具體外交作為。最後,本研究指出和平崛起外交戰略面臨到中美權力競逐與矛盾問題、中日安全困境與衝突利益問題、領海與資源爭議以及台灣問題的嚴格考驗。 / This dissertation focuses on the “peaceful rise” argument brought by China in the end of 2003. By contending that China will rise by peace, for peace, and peacefully, the so-called “peaceful rise” argument tried to counter “China threat” argument, which distributed for a long time. The making of China’s “peaceful rise” national strategy is motivated and forced by the international environment. On top of that, the confidence of Chinese decision-makers for a rising China provides power to the formation of the new national strategy as well as the expectation for a new national development discourse. Following the national development strategy which aims at a peacefully rising China, the “peaceful rise” diplomatic strategy was built by a series of concrete foreign policies, including “Big-power diplomacy,” “Good-neighboring diplomacy,” “Relations with developing countries,” and “Multi-lateral diplomacy”. This dissertation starts from the background of a rising China, comprehends the reason, goal and character of China’s “peaceful rise” by international environment, national power, and decision-maker’s cognitive approaches. Moreover, concrete foreign policies accompanying its national strategy are analyzed. Finally, this research finds that the peaceful rise diplomatic strategy needs to deal with certain challenges such as Sino-U.S. power struggle with conflicting issues, Sino-Japan security dilemma with conflicting issues, peripheral territorial sea and land disputes, and last but not least, the Taiwan problem.
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從中國的崛起探討對我國防政策之影響 / The Rise of China at Taiwan's National Defense Policy.孫國華 Unknown Date (has links)
國防建軍的理念,不在與敵人作量的競賽,而是建立一支高素質、高科技的精銳武力,以確實嚇阻敵人;因此,就現況而言,維持兩岸現況以及足夠的嚇阻力量,乃是降低兩岸動武機率的兩大要素。 / The rapid growth of China’s economy and advancement in national comprehensive power have drawn attention to the world. China’s neighboring countries and great powers are sensing the escalating pressures of “China Threat”. Since the second half of 2003, China’s leadership and analysts have initiated the concept of “Peaceful Rise” as China’s future strategy in the next few decades. China is now attempting to change the international community’s misconception toward China.
The national defense is aimed to the need for the overall national security. National defense encompasses political, economical, psychological and military aspects rather than just for the military motive. To “deter” in the peace time and to “defense” in the war time are mayor concerns of national defense policy. Consequently, exterior military threat remains the top issue in each country’s national security.
China’s military modernization for the short-term goal is to coerce Taiwan and prepare for any possible cross-straits confrontation. China not only has the ability but also the ambition to challenge the U.S. hegemony role in the Asia. China’s military budget is relatively small compared to the U.S. military expenses in the last few years. However, China’s military modernization is very phenomenal in the past few years. Since the 1990s, China’s official documents reveal that its military expense grows in the rate of more than 10 percent. The rising China and its rapid military expansion become the most unpredictable variables for the stability and security in the Cross-Straits region.
The ideal type of building military forces is to build a high-quality and high-tech forces rather than to compete with the enemy in terms of figures. Inferring Maintaining status quo and have the forces to deter China’s military intention are two important factors to reduce the military confrontation in the Taiwan Strait.
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美印戰略夥伴與中共區域強權之互動張皖民 Unknown Date (has links)
中國「和平崛起」強調努力發展和壯大自己,維護世界和平,堅持開放與平等互利原則,與各國發展經貿,強調現在與未來不稱霸。美印戰略合作,將使得中共在海洋戰略發展受限,同時更影響了中、印兩國的經貿發展。中國為了防止美、印戰略關係所形成的衝擊,必須展現其大國外交作風,穩固與印度經貿上的合作,深化與歐盟實質關係,運用「上海合作組織」來強化其在區域大國的地位,以防範美國對其所實施的新圍堵策略。 / India, one of emerging countries in recent years, has had great progress in politics, economics, information, technology and military. India’s current social status and economic strength has drawn everyone’s attention, especially in BRICs, it plays an important part. In terms of its geo-strategic prospects, India, locating between Strait of Malacca and Persia Gulf, is an essential commercial access.
After the Cold War, the new-generation elites think India should take the strategy of replacing democratic function with power. Because of the fear resulting from the India-Pakistan conflicts and the threat of nuclear power in China Communist, India must rebuild its military forces by developing nuclear power so that some threat to the national defense will be released. The problem about nuclear competition is getting worse. As a result, America and India start to set up “the relationships of strategic partnership toward 21st century” to face the challenge coming from “Peaceful Rise” in China.
After Soviet invaded Afghanistan in December 24, 1979, the Cater Administration, realizing the importance of India’s strategic status, regarded India as a defense stopping the communist from spreading and regained the nuclear cooperation plan between America and India to make India a member of the alliance of anti-china communist. After the Cold War, the Clinton Administration addressed the strategy of “enlargement and engagement”, emphasizing that safety, economics and democracy are three main parts in diplomatic policy in U.S.A. America started to cooperate with India in commerce and military to meet their own national interest.
George, W. Bush considered China a “strategic competitor” and regarded “Peaceful Rise” as a threat to America. After 911 terror attack. America made efforts to establish the relationship of “strategic partnership toward 21st century” with India and prevent China’s “Peaceful Rise” from challenging America’s powerful status.
America and India’s cooperation restricts the development of China’s ocean strategy and influences the development of economics and commerce between China and India. Therefore, China tries hard to make use of “Shanghai Cooperation Organization” to reinforce its status and guard against America’s “Geopolitics”.
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中共「新安全觀」下之中美關係:2001-2008黃嘉永 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵詞:新安全觀、中國崛起、911事件、中美關係、反恐合作、朝核問題、中美戰略經濟對話 / There exists no further superpower confrontation since the end of the Cold War. Nonetheless the global situation has turned out to be a realm of “one superpower and many other powers.” As the plausible China’s threat emerges, China with its rising synthesizing strength recognizes that the international community, especially the United States, is forging a strategy of “containing China.” To stabilize its adjacent environment, the PRC initiates a “New Security Concept,” proclaiming a unique security concept, to implement bilateral and multilateral diplomatic ties with other nations. China emphasizes its “Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence,” solving disputes with others by way of coordination and cooperation.
In this thesis, the author reviews the purpose and strategy based on China’s “New Security Concept,” and explore “Big Power” diplomacy and the consequent effect of U.S.’s Asia-Pacific strategy. In addition, the author analyzes the evolving changes of Sino-U.S. relationship under the “New Security Concept” so as to realize China’s very motive in manipulating foreign policy.
This thesis does the following fundamental research: 1. Illustrate the background, means, and diplomatic practice based on China’s “New Security Concept.” 2. Confer the U.S.’s role in China’s “New Security Concept” policy, the U.S. reaction to China’s “New Security Concept,” and U.S.’s viewpoint to the “China Rise.” 3. Analyze the shift of international strategy, the adjustment of U.S. national security strategy and the Sino-U.S. relationship after the 911 Incident. 4. On the issues like antiterrorism, North Korea’s nuclear program, missile defense system, Taiwan issue, Sino-U.S. economic talks, the author also tries to analyze the Sino-U.S. interaction within China’s mentality of “New Security Concept.”
After studying the above issues, the author contends that China assures her national interest by means of “New Security Concept” and the U.S. cooperation. Though there still are concurrences and opposite opinions on issues of “Big Power” relationship and regional security between U.S. and China, China’s comprehensive policy is striving for proactive interaction and preventing it from having direct conflict with the U.S. China and U.S. take this historic chance of improving relationship, stress their diplomatic cooperation, and mind the core issues and critical benefits. The author believes China’s “New Security Concept” has initially reached the objective on Sino-U.S. relationship. Nevertheless there are challenges to be overcome. China will expand the relationship with U.S. and other states with “New Security Concept” so as to promote its national interest.
Keywords: New Security Concept, China Rise, 911 Incident, Sino-U.S. relationship, North Korea nuclear program, Sino-U.S. strategic & Economic talks
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九○年代美「中」關係中的「中國威脅論」 / "China Threat Theory" in Sino-America Relations in the Ninties王裕宏, Wang, Yu-Hong Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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從中共崛起論台灣應有的安全戰略楊長政, Yang,Chang Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
本文的論述主要從中共崛起的戰略意涵及中共對於未來的戰略企圖,從軍事、經濟、政治、文化層面,解構中共崛起後,臺灣安全威脅的變化,分析臺灣如何在「中共崛起」、「國際、區域」局勢更迭中,從國際、兩岸關係、臺灣內部的軍事、經濟、政治、文化層面,建立臺灣應有的認知共識,與具體的戰略思考。以選擇臺灣「避戰爭之兇、趨和平之吉」的最好方法。 / Many of the ideas of the rise of the PRC come from the new security concept, which was formulated by thinktanks in the international comunnity in the mid-1990s. Concerning unification, China is the single most threat to Taiwan’s survival. Spatial expansion, a result of rising China, is gathering momentum to impact Taiwan security.
There are controversial arguments. Rationalist argues that China need to be contained through deterrence. Liberalist argues that in order to reduce potential conflict, China can be tampered through international norms. Constructionist argues that China could be bad or behaving boy. Regarding Taiwan security, these arguments are irrelevant to contemporary Taiwan security. As long as China not to exclude the possibility to use force in the unification, China is the single most threat against Taiwan.
Regarding Rising China, this paper exams its implications and her strategic intentions. Finally, facing the threat this article tries to find the most feasible strategy in the regional/global environment with economic, political, military, cultural considerations.
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胡溫體制下中共大國外交與睦鄰外交戰略研究張北海 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:大國外交、睦鄰外交戰略、新安全觀、和平崛起、和諧世界 / After the cold war, China is gradually gaining a raising status of military strategic position in the Asia-Pacific region as well as in global layout. International order and Globalization is at its developing phase, thus forming a advantageous circumstance for Chinese government to enhance its foreign affair status with surrounding countries also providing a chance to stabilize regional diplomatic pressure.
In the beginning of 21st centry, 4th generation leaders of Chinese government carefully evaluated situations and adjusted their diplomatic policies, focusing their diplomatic strategies on foreign affair with powerful nations and surrounding countries, insisting their foreign policy to be based on trust with views of long-term balance. With the objectives of mutual growth, china is dedicated to build amicable relation with powerful and surrounding countries by bonding full collaboration and assured partnership.
After the 16th Congress political report, china listed “Big-Power Diplomacy” and “Good-Neighborly Diplomacy” as their major foreign affair strategy. Besides building friendly relation and applying traditional foreign tactics with major nations such as USA, Russia, Japan, EU, and India, China’s foreign tactics also includes financial and military collaboration, visiting friendly soil by country leader(s), etc. China also actively leads and/or joins associtions/organizations with concern of global issues regarding political, economical, and military importance, in attempt to demonstrate the image of a powerful nation and to establish the good-neighborly figure in the international society.
China’s overall foreign affair strategy is focused on gaining national benefits and later seeks global growth collaboration and international security. This change of strategy is based on considerations of economical benefits and regional security, achieved by actively attending international events, with clear objectives of expanding maximum strategical gain and developing the representation of an accountable country. Governor Hu and governor Wen had been actively building strategic partnership with major nations and vicinal countries. At present, there are 30 countries having strategic partnership with Chinese government. Examining china’s strategic means and diplomatic tactics, one can obviously notice how china is aggressively maintain and further create the circumstance which is most beneficial for extending its national strategic space and range, thus accomplish its goal of raised international influence.
Key word:Big-power Diplomacy、Good-Neighborly Diplomacy、New Security View、Peaceful Rise、Harmonize the world
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巴西、中國大陸、美國在西半球的權力競逐 / Power Competition among Brazil, China and U.S. in Western Hemisphere施欣妤, Shinyu Shi Unknown Date (has links)
歷經第二次伊拉克戰爭與經濟危機,冷戰後主導世界秩序的支配強權-美國國力遭受打擊,進而出現美國衰落的論述;同一時期,太平洋另一端新興大國—中國藉由快速的經濟發展在世界舞台展露頭角。因應此國際情勢而生的「權力轉移理論」便是探討既存支配強權與新興崛起挑戰者間權力轉移過程的理論。權力轉移論者認為,當新興挑戰國的能力增強至足以與既存支配強權匹配時,若同時其對現狀滿意度越來越低,便可能觸發戰爭。然而,國際政治受各區域國家所牽動,兩強間分庭抗禮且須考量區域中舉足輕重的領導國家。傳統上拉丁美洲被視為美國後院,而中國對該區域各國互動密切,更有論者提出中國直搗美國後院一說。綜觀拉美各國,其中擁有豐富天然資源、作為美洲第二大經濟體的巴西,是首屈一指的區域領導國家。是而本研究以巴西為舞台,從美國-巴西互動、中國-巴西互動,討論新興大國中國與既存支配強權美國間權力轉移的過程,從三方來往間探討權力轉移的跡象並驗證權力轉移論者的主張與假設,另外,本研究嘗試補充權力轉移論者中較少著墨的第三國-區域領導國家,在既存、新興兩強發生權力轉移時所扮演的角色與考量。 / After 2003 Iraq War and financial crisis, the power of dominator, United States is on the way fading. Meanwhile, on the other side of the pacific comes an emerging challenger -China. U.S. decline and China rise complete power transition theory as to illustrate the process of dynamic power change between dominated country and potential challenger. Power transition theory discusses that the war along with power shifting from dominanted state to potential challenger may explore while fulfilling two variables, power parity as the opportunity and negative evaluations of the status quo as the willingness. However, the world politics is well effected by regional countries even on the interactions between two major agents in power transition. Latin America is traditionally regarded as “backyard” of the U.S. but with increased cooperation from China, this claim has been slack. Among all countries in Latin America, Brazil devotees in leading the region due to its rich natural resources and political-economic influence. This article focuses on Brazil and imply competitions between the U.S. and China on the interactions with Brazil so to discuss the power transition phenomena and relevant hypothesis verifications. Furthermore, it tends to develop the autonomy and active position of third state while participating in power transition.
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