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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

公民社會的自主性原則及其組織條件 / The Principle of Autonomy in Civil Society and the Conditions of its Orginization

林勝偉, Lin, Sheng-Wei Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

藝文工作者的社會保障--以台灣現行制度及德國藝術家社會保險法為例之研究 / Artist Security--Taiwan and Germany

阮曉眉, Juan, Hsiao-Mei Unknown Date (has links)
全民健康保險自一九九五年起開辦,即將所有台灣的公民納入保險之列,與此同時,藝文工作者該劃歸為哪一類被保險人範疇亦爭論不休。本文即是嘗試從社會保險的角度來探討藝文工作者的社會及經濟處境。 本文檢視全民健康保險開辦之前及之後藝文工作者的社會保障,發現無論在全民健康保險開辦之前或之後,藝文工作者的保障皆是不足的,此除了政策設計的不周到之外,藝文工作者在社會變遷與專業化的訴求下,身份的難以定義亦是主要的原因之一。 德國在一九八九年實行藝術家社會保險法,保障藝文工作者免於遭受生老病死等意外時,生活陷於無保障之虞。因此本論文第四章即介紹德國藝術家社會保險,以此為例進行比較分析的研究,並評估台灣援引德國藝術家社會保險的可能性及限制。最後我呼籲政府應加強藝文工作者的保障,保障藝文工作者即是促進台灣文化的具體措施之一。 第一章 緒論 壹、 研究問題之提出 貳、 研究之範圍 參、 研究方法與流程 第二章 社會變遷下藝文工作者的生活處境與福利需求 壹、 藝文工作者的定義與分類 貳、 社會變遷與藝文工作者的生活處境 一、 封建瓦解與工業革命 二、 藝文工作者作為一種職業 三、 藝文工作者的福利需求 四、 社會變遷下台灣藝文活動與藝文工作者的衝擊 第三章 台灣現行社會安全體系下與藝文工作者生活保障相關之制度 壹、 概說 貳、 藝文工作者的職業災害保障 參、 藝文工作者的醫療保障 肆、 藝文工作者的老年保障 伍、 小結 第四章 德國藝文工作者保障制度 壹、 概說 貳、 藝術家社會保險制度的立法過程 一、 1976年藝術家社會保險法第一次草案 二、 1979年5月藝術家社會保險法第二次草 三、 1979年9月藝術家社會保險法第三次草案 四、 1980年藝術家社會保險法第四次草案 參、 藝術家社會保險制度實施後之修改 肆、 藝術家社會保險制度的主要內容 一、 被保險人 二、 給付內容 三、 財源 四、 組織 伍、評估與展望 第五章 比較觀察與制度援用之可能性評估 第六章 結論 參考書目 / In 1995, every citizen in Taiwan is recruited into National Health Insurance, but the problem of which category of artists should be has at the same time raised. I investigate social and economic conditions of artists and find that artist security is not enough in Taiwan, even National Health Insurance taking into effect. I demonstrate that the inadequateness of artist security in Taiwan is not only because of policy failure, but also the consequence of social modernization and professionalization of artists. To know the situation in other country, I introduce "Kunstlersozialversicherung Gestzt(artist social insurance)", which has executed from 1989 in Germany. From the Germany experience, I compare the difference and uniqueness of artist status between Taiwan and Germany. I also assess the possibility of quoting " Kunstlersozialversicherung Gestzt" in Taiwan. Finally, I argue for the attentation to the artists social and econmic security in Taiwan, that is to say, securing artist is also to promote culture in Taiwan.

社群網絡與線上社會運動之初探研究 / Action online – a preliminary study on social media activism on facebook

簡銘佐, Chen, Mingtso Unknown Date (has links)
This study posits that there is a connection between political action online and activism in the real life. In addition, social ties and networks as well as political knowledge and efficacy play an important role in this connection. Causes, an application on Facebook, was selected for analyzed. A mixed method study was conducted, consisting of two stages. In the first stage (quantitative), a survey was utilized to investigate the correlation between activities on Causes and conventional political engagement. A total of 45 responses were gathered using convenience sampling. It was found that there is a strong correlation between action on Causes and conventional political engagement. For example, information retrieval activities are correlated with conventional activism (r=.418, p<.05), and social networking activities are also correlated with conventional activism (r=.661, p<.05). In addition to the survey, intensive interviews (N = 5) were conducted in the second stage (qualitative) to elaborate and clarify the results from the survey as well as to explore new grounds on the significance of ties and networks. Some themes have emerged from the interviews, including motivations for the use of Causes, Causes as an information channel, potential and problems of Causes, online versus offline activism, affiliation and involvement, political knowledge and efficacy as well as ties and networks. Interview findings concluded that the high correlation between online and offline activism is further specified by the interviewees to be an extension of each form of activism, meaning they are complementary rather than identical.

不同型態社交網站使用對個體之影響 / The influence of different types social networking sites usage

賴正育 Unknown Date (has links)
社交網站一直都是網際網路相關應用與發展中相當蓬勃的一部分。過去傳統的社交網站主要是提供使用者人際互動的服務平台,然而隨著網路技術的進步,社交網站的型態以及所提供的功能也逐漸出現轉變。例如:近來在台灣引起風潮的微網誌Plurk,以及因為其中遊戲開心農場而引起風潮的Facebook都展現了一些過去社交網站所沒有的特質。不論是微網誌簡單、即時的特點,又或Facebook所展現的遊戲性,其所呈現出來的現象、效應,以及對於使用者的影響,實非過去社交網站相關研究所能良好詮釋,並且不論在學界或業界也都越來越受到關注。 基於過去的研究文獻,本研究分別針對兩種不同型態的社交網站進行實證。針對具有簡單、即時特性的微網誌,本研究從訊息特性的差異切入探討,試著去瞭解個體動機對於其在微網誌中自我揭露、即時資訊分享的行為,並且探討個體的使用行為對於其社會支持、對社交網站的依賴以及社會自我效能的影響。而在針對Facebook的部分,本研究則將個體使用社交網路的行為分為從事網路社交活動以及使用網站內嵌社交遊戲,來探討個體使用動機與兩者之間的關係,並且同樣進一步討論使用後對於個體心理與社交層會產生什麼樣的影響。 本研究使用偏最小平方法(Partial Least Squares)針對實證所回收的樣本進行分析。模式一的部分,研究結果顯示人氣、社交與追求流行會顯著影響個體在微網誌中自我揭露的行為;社交和娛樂需求則會正向影響個體即時資訊分享的行為。而自我揭露行為與即時資訊分享會正向影響個體知覺社會支持,並且個體使用微網誌所知覺到的社會支持也會正向影響其社會自我效能。至於在模式二的部分,研究結果顯示人氣、社交、娛樂以及追求流行四種需求會正向影響個體在Facebook中從事網路社交的行為;而沉浸與成就需求則會正向影響個體使用Facebook中內嵌社交遊戲。此外,網路社交行為與社交遊戲使用都會正向影響個體知覺社會連繫以及對於社交網站的依賴,並且社會連繫的高低也與其社會自我效能有正向的關聯性。


王本壯, Wang, Ben-chaung Unknown Date (has links)
自1994年開始推動的「社區總體營造」,可謂台灣近十年來最具朝野共識的政策方案之ㄧ。研究者在長達十餘年的實際參與執行過程中,觀察到有兩項未曾間斷且持續操作的社區營造重點工作,其一為社造人才的培育,其二為社區環境空間的改造。而這兩項工作其實就是社區總體營造在台灣推動這十年來,亟欲達成的階段性目標,也對於往後社區營造的永續發展有著關鍵性的影響。 本研究嘗試從參與主體互動關係的角度切入,探討在「社區培力」的觀點下,在民眾參與社區環境空間改造時,所產生的政府、非政府組織與社區民眾,三個參與主體所扮演的角色、定位、功能與任務,以及各參與主體在人才培育的工作中,如何在學習成長的過程中,運用培力的方式以達成有效益的成果累積。 研究者採用行動研究的方法,以苗栗縣為研究場域,並透過對於社區營造、社區培力、民眾參與、社區環境改造與國內外多個案例等的課題分析歸納,並結合苗栗縣推動社區總體營造與社區規畫師等計畫的執行過程中,探究各參與主題的互動關係變化,進而影響其各自的角色、定位、功能與任務的網絡結構,以及有效的社區培力機制。 在經過2001-2005五年間的行動研究歷程,研究者發現三個參與主體間的關係應是由最初的「上下互賴關係」,轉變為「水平互動關係」,方有可能達成「三角互補關係」的理想社區總體營造網絡結構。而在不同的階段中,三參與主體的也應動態的變換不同的角色與相對應的功能與任務,以因時、因地制宜的推動社造工作。尤其非政府組織除了必須具備有「中介、潤滑與形塑」的功能外,還要能「提升社區民眾公共參與層級」的能力。因為,民眾對於公共事務的決策能力並非由其他主體移轉而來,而是在有效的學習成長過程中,創發出來的。而透過本研究引入「契約學習」的學習方式,更確認有效的學習過程應提供「提問式的教育環境」,教學者與學習者在一定的知識基礎上,於動態的互動過程中調整所扮演的角色,進而將所習得的知識內化為生活的一部份,再透過行為外顯呈現。 本研究在苗栗縣的特定情境脈絡下,探討民眾參與社區環境改造此類與生活密切關聯,但又需要專業知識與技能的社區營造面向,如何藉由參與主體間的關係轉變與互動過程,以及學習成長的社區培力機制的運作,應可提供相關研究人員參考,並作為政府、非政府組織與社區民眾彼此互動的依據,進而共同攜手打造社區願景。 關鍵詞:社區總體營造、民眾參與、社區培力、契約學習、社區規畫師、行動研究 / Community building can be seen as one of the most common understanding policies in Taiwan since 1994. Author of this research has been participating in the practical operation for over ten years, and observing two key points. One is talent cultivation; the other one is community space transformation. These two achievements are de facto the staged goals of Taiwan community building through these years. Most importantly, they have potentially influenced the sustainable development of community building. With the angle of interaction of participants, this research tries to discuss that under the view of community empowerment, government, NGOs and community residents become the three main participants when the public takes part in the community space transformation. The roles, position, function and mission of the three participants will be examined here. Besides, for talents cultivation, how do they exert empowerment to accumulate the efficient achievement in the learning process? Action research method is used in this research. MiaoLi County is the research area. Through analyzing the subjects of community building, community empowerment, public participation, community space transformation and overseas cases, and combining the executing process of the community building and community planner plans promoted by MiaoLi County, this research is to study the interacting changes of the above subjects. Furthermore, these subjects are to influence their own roles, position, function, mission network and effective community empowerment mechanism. After five-year action research from 2001 to 2005, this research found that the relation of the above three main participants has changed from “Top-Bottom Dependent Relationship” into “Balanced interaction Relationship”, and been finally moving to “Triangle Inter-complementary Relationship ”, an ideal net structure of community building. In the different stages, the three main participants should also shift different roles, related function and mission to promote community building timely and properly. Especially, except intermediary, lubricating and molding, NGOs should have the capability to promote the level of the public community participation. For the public’s decision ability toward public affairs is not transferred from other objects, but created from the effective learning process. This research introduced “contract learning” to confirm that an adequate learning process should provide an “asking- question education environment ”. Based on certain knowledge basis, teachers and learners have to adjust their roles during interacting, internalize the new knowledge into part of their lives, and behave properly. Under some special situations in Miao-li County, this research talks about the close relation between daily life, professional knowledge and skill of community building while the public participates community environment building. It also examines how these main participants transfer their relation and interacting process, and how to learn the operation of a growing community empowerment mechanism. These related findings and conclusions could provide some positive reference for other researchers. More importantly, it is hoped that government, NGOs and communities to cooperate to accomplish a concrete community vision in accordance with this research in the future. Key words:community building, public participation, community empowerment, contract learning, community planner, action research

社區營造共用資源自主治理之研究-以臺北市木柵二期重劃區為例- / Research on placemaking and self-governance in common-pool resources using the example of the Muzha second redevelopment zone in Taipei

吳軍湛, Wu, Chun Chan Unknown Date (has links)
台灣自1994年起由文建會推動社區營造,有別於中央主導的方式,,試圖以「在地行動」、「由下而上」的核心概念,讓社區發展以在地居民需求為導向,自發性地營造出各具特色的社區。但社造是涉及許多共用資源管理的複雜議題,早期臺灣地區居民缺乏社造經驗,參與公共事務的意願不高,加上未有一套完整的模式進行輔導,導致二十年來實際成功之案例並不多見。近年來隨著公眾議題發燒,臺灣民眾自主意識提升、開始重視公共事務,正是積極發展社造之際。但環顧國內社區對於共用資源的管理,能在期盼有一套良好的制度或模式得以依循。 本研究案例木柵二期重劃區,其自主組織「木柵二期重劃區促進發展協進會」透過社會生態系統(Social-Ecological System;以下簡稱SES)的應用,有效將自主治理理論(Self-governance Theory)運用於社造,用以解決共用資源的問題,甚至曾受邀請至世界衛生組織(WHO),分享成功經驗。但本研究發現,將自主治理理論應用於社造之研究竟付之闕如,更沒有一套可供社造工作者參考的模型。故本研究試圖以木柵二期重劃區為案例,建立一套社造自主治理之量化模型。 本研究整理自主治理領域的相關文獻後發現,自主治理的研究雖以質化研究為主,但隨著SES的演進與簡化,是有建立量化模型之可能性。故本研究先對本案例「木柵二期重劃區」進行深度訪談及問卷調查,匯整其成功自主治理之社造沿革、社造過程、社造結果的要素,並將其與SES各種核心子系統進行對應,發現有其適用性。據此,再參考2014年的架構,提出資源體系、資源單體、治理體系、參與者四個構面皆顯著影響作用情境之假設,建立本案例之社造社會生態系統模型,於2014年11月對區內20歲以上居民發放問卷。 因素分析的結果顯示,模型整體的建構效度良好;但核心子系統需修正為三個(因本案例之資源體系與資源單體的重疊性較高,故歸納為資源體系稱之)。其次,迴歸分析驗證之結果亦顯示本案例所提出之資源體系、參與者顯著影響作用情境,此兩個假設獲得支持;另外由於當初將治理體系的設定為地方政府,將自主治理組織木柵二期重劃區促進發展協進會歸納為參與者,導致結果顯示治理體系不會顯著影響作用情境。 故本研究的結果顯示,透過SES模型將自主治理理論導入社造是一條可行的方式,然社造的議題涉及層面與考量因素甚廣,且於世界各地亦有許多官方、民間的組織仍不斷的實作以及推廣。唯本研究僅以自主治理理論是否可導入社造為角度切入,與當前主流理論不盡相同,須就其優缺點、以及對現象的解釋力進行比較,然受限於本研究之時間、人力、成本,仍待後續研究者的協助。 研究者本身為協進會理事長,經由近十年之實務操作經驗,並透過本研究之驗證,深知社造之特徵實與自主治理理論概念相近、本研究所建立之社造SES模型,亦有良好的建構效度。故期望能將此實證建構之模型推廣到更多地區,建立社造成功的模式、營造更多桃花源般的社區,使人安住休息,並希望人類從此幸福、和諧、安康。 / Ever since 1994, the Council for Cultural Affairs (CCA) in Taiwan has pro-moted a placemaking movement totally different from the programs previously offered. With the core concepts of “local activities” and “bottom-up” in mind, the movement aims to help develop the communities around the island that could meet the demands of the local residents and automatically display their unique-ness. In the early days, however, the residents in Taiwan did not seem to get very actively involved in public affairs and have access to a good model to follow. Successful cases were rare in the past two decades. In the recent years, public issues have been under heated discussion and autonomous consciousness, raised among the general public. The time has come to develop the placemaking. Considering the management of common-pool resources involved with placemaking and the people’s total lack of the experience, a good system or model is needed to follow. However, the problems faced with the management of common-pool resources, home or abroad, have not been solved, either through the free market or the government centralization, until 1990 when Ostrom proposed his self-governance theory. But no research has been found on the application of self-governance theory to placemaking so far. Taking this into account, this research is intended to apply self-governance theory to the placemaking in “the second phase of re-planning the Mu-zha District” as an example. Through depth interviews and questionnaire survey, this study tries to know how residents themselves have worked on their placemaking, what are the key factors for their success, and, further, have a good grip of how their self-governance organization—The Community Development Association of the Second Phase of Re-planning the Mu-zha District —has applied self-governance theory to the placemaking so successfully. To illustrate, first, through depth interviews with experts, scholars, and local opinion leaders, this researcher collected the data on the evolution of placemaking in the second phase of re-planning the Mu-zha District, its process and outcomes, finding that “community resources in place” and “leaders with strong leadership” are the key factors for residents’ high satisfaction. Then, in the qualitative study, this researcher compared each of the counterparts both in self-governance system and social-ecological system (SES), finding that the self-governance theory has its applicability. Next, to establish a SES framework suited for this study, this researcher adapted the SES set by McGinnis and Ostrom in 2014 and proposed the resource system, the resource unit, the governance system and participants for factor anal-ysis. In November, 2014, questionnaires were handed out to the district residents aged 20 and over. Through factor analysis, it is found that the construct validity of the so-cial-ecological system for this study is good. Since there is a considerable overlap between the resources system in this study and the resources unit, we called them the resources system. The regression analysis also concludes that the resources system and participants proposed in this study are gaining support. Because the hypothesis of governance system in this research is local government, the inhab-itant trusts the Development Association; therefore the governance system cannot obviously affect the focal action situation. With one decade’s practical experience in the placemaking and through the verification of this study, this researcher, also the chairman of Community De-velopment Association realizes that the features of placemaking are quite close to the concept of self-governance theory. And the construct validity of the estab-lished SES in this study also proves to be good.It is therefore highly expected that the model of placemaking proposed in this study could be promoted to more re-gions around the whole world in the hope of building more wonderful communi-ties, where people could live peacefully and happily.

探討網絡化社運中社會網絡之形構- 以苗栗大埔事件為例 / The formation of social network in the networked social movement: A case study of Miao-li Da-pu

鄭雅云, Cheng, Ya Yun Unknown Date (has links)
近幾年的大規模社會抗爭運動,不像過往傳統社運組織由上而下的動員,強調一致的意識形態和認同作為號召,而是透過網際網路與社交媒體的訊息擴散與中介動員,形成水平式的串連。面對這種新型態的網絡化社會運動,Bennett & Segerberg(2013)提出連結性行動(connective action)概念,強調個人化行動框架的重要性,以及組織在這些新型態社會運動中扮演的不同角色。本研究以2013年苗栗大埔農地徵收一案作為本地的連結性行動個案,觀察社交媒體上的浮現社群和既有的社運組織之連結,探討線上與線下參與者之串連如何使此案成為眾所關注的社會抗爭事件。   本研究採取複合式研究方法進行資料蒐集與分析,研究場域包括線上社交媒體與線下田野觀察,並訪談實際參與者。研究發現,在2013年苗栗大埔事件中,透過社交媒體的訊息擴散與動員參與,一波又一波的訊息擴散累積為下次的動員能量,號召更多的個別行動者參與;再者,社運組織作為一個連結平台,讓線上社交媒體的議題社群,有機會與在地抗爭者共同參與活動,並捲動不同社運組織之間的連結,形成社運組織「網絡的網絡」的協作圈。 / In the 2013, residents of Miao-li Da-pu fought for their living right against the government. They organized a series of protest by mobilizing people through social media. This was one of the several high-profile networked social movements in recent years. Adopting “the logic of connective action” from Bennett & Segerberg (2013) as the conceptual framework, this study examines the online and offline social networks of activist organizations during the protest events of Miao-li Da-pu. This analysis indicates that the protest’s information flows on the social media may recruit more individuals to participate the protest. Moreover, the organizations enabled “the network of networks”, which is linked to the networks belonging to different organizations. The role of organization in the protest is not only to mobilize the resources but also an enrolling platform to connect various individuals and local residents to work together.

臺灣鄉村型生態社區實踐與推動策略之研究 / Practice and promote strategy of Rural Eco-community in Taiwan

陳彥安, Chen, Yen An Unknown Date (has links)
本研究為探究鄉村型生態社區實踐及推動的關鍵因素,綜合質化研究與量化研究,以「文獻分析」、「個案研究」及「專家問卷」為本研究之研究方法。首先以「文獻分析」透過社區總體營造及生態社區相關文獻的經驗與借鏡,彙整過去學術研究的寶貴經驗,探討推動生態社區的關鍵因素;再以「個案研究」釐清鄉村型生態社區的基礎資源及資源運用於永續功能實踐情況,探究社區轉化為永續經營的重要關鍵,並彙整推動生態社區之關鍵因素;再運用層級分析法之理論,歸納「文獻分析」及「個案研究」之研究成果,設計「專家問卷」,以社區的內部條件及外部支援資源為組成構面,建置推動鄉村型生態社區的關鍵因素指標架構第一階層為「A.政府」、「B.夥伴」、「C.社區團隊」、「D.社區環境」等四個層面,並歸納第二階層有「A1.生態社區人才培訓年齡」等二十個因素指標,並針對業界、政府部門、學界、社區等領域中之專家進行問卷調查,將回收之23份有效問卷利用專家決策分析軟體(Expert Choice 2000)進行統計之分析。 專家問卷調查分析結果得知推動鄉村型生態社區之層面首重「C.社區團隊」,權重為50.1﹪;關鍵因素整層級權重排序前五名為「C1.領導人」(17.5%)、「C2.組織團隊」(11.8%)、「D1.自然環境」(10.6%)、「C3.社區意識」(9.4%) 、「D2.人文環境」(7.7%),表示專家認為社區領導者擁有積極態度與能力及社區內民眾參與度高以建立組織健全的架構,為最重要之成功因素,若再能凝聚社區意識與聚合社區居民的行動,實為推動生態社區之最主要關鍵,而鄉村中豐富的自然環境或社區內珍貴人文環境為推廣生態社區之重要條件,於生態社區發展之初,社區必須自我檢視以確立社區生態發展之項目。 根據文獻分析、個案研究及關鍵因素權重分析結果,本研究建議在推動鄉村型生態社區時是由社區自發性開始,策略應由下而上形成,社區能自我成長,並考量外部因素,本研究分別提出社區、政府、夥伴等不同角色下之實踐與推動策略建議,供不同角色在推動生態社區時能參考並靈活且彈性的運用。 / Aimed at researching key factors for rural ecological community development, this study integrates qualitative research and quantitative research and uses “Literature Analysis”, “Case Research” and “Expert Surveys” research methods. Firstly, through “literature analysis”, the study analyzes previous records of community development and ecological community to learn from valuable experiences and organize the findings of previous academic researches for the discussion of key factors for ecological community development. Then, through “case research”, the study attempts to understand the implementation status of the use of rural ecological community basic resources in sustainable development, investigate the key factors for sustainable community development and archive the key factors for ecological community development. Next, using the concepts of Analytic Hierarchy Process, the research results of the “literature analysis” and “case research” are inducted in the design of “Expert Survey”. Using the internal factors and external support resources of the community to form the hierarchy, the key factor indicator framework for rural ecological community development is established with the first level comprising of four factors, “A. Government”, “B. Partner”, “C. Community Team”, and “D. Community Environment” while the second layer inducted over 20 factor indicators such as “A1. Ecological Community Talent Development Age”. Targeted at experts from industries, government departments and academic institutions and communities, 23 sets of effective surveys were collected and statistically analyzed using expert decision analysis software, Expert Choice 2000. From the survey analysis findings, “C. Community Team” has the greatest weight of 50.1%. The top 5 factors in the key factor hierarchy weight are “C1. Leader (17.5%)”, “C2. Organization Team (11.8%)”, “D1. Natural Environment (10.6%)”, “C3. Community Awareness (9.4%)”, and “D2. Cultural Environment (7.7%)”. This finding shows that experts believe that the most important successful factors should be a community leader with active attitudes and competency, and a community with high public participation levels in building an organized structure. If community awareness can be raised and actions of the community coordinated, these will become the main factors in developing ecological communities. As critical factors of ecological community development, the community should perform self-reviews on the rich natural environment or valuable cultural environment of the rural community during the beginning to establish objectives for the ecological development. According to the results from literature analysis, case studies and key factor weight analysis, this study proposes that in the development of rural ecological community, the development should be spontaneous, strategies should be formed from the bottom-up approach, allow for the growth of the community and take external factors into consideration. This study also proposes implementation and promote strategies and suggestions for the different roles such as community, government and partners, providing reference for the different roles in the development of the ecological community and allow flexible application of the information.

社群媒體與音樂消費:以K-Pop迷群為例 / Social media and music consumption: K-Pop fan community as an example

徐韻婷, Hsu, Yu Ting Unknown Date (has links)
韓國的文化工業發展興盛,「韓流」以韓劇的出口為開端,近年來隨著韓國流行音樂 (K-Pop) 不斷向海外擴張,韓流不僅影響亞洲各國,在歐美各國也掀起一股潮流,而社群媒體可說是這股風潮的重要推手。藉著社群媒體,K-Pop觸及了更廣大的聽眾群,歌迷也可藉著社群媒體直接表達對於偶像的喜愛及忠誠。 隨著網路及新科技發展,音樂本身對於消費者將越來越便宜,實體唱片的銷量註定會持續下降;在這情況下,消費者在演唱會以及非音樂性衍生商品的消費,對音樂產業的重要性上升。因此了解願意付費觀賞演唱會以及購買衍生商品的樂迷,對音樂產業日趨重要。 檢視過去對於迷社群的研究,多從社會學及心理學的角度出發,缺乏從商學的角度切入的觀點,本研究旨在瞭解在數位音樂時代,社群媒體以及利用社群媒體串聯的迷社群,對於迷群音樂消費的影響。本研究以韓國偶像團體Super Junior的迷群為研究對象,以深度訪談方式,訪談11位Super Junior迷,了解迷的社群媒體使用習慣,以及社群媒體上的互動跟迷的音樂消費之間的關聯性。 經過深度訪談及資料分析,本研究得出以下三點結論:(1) 透過社群媒體集結的迷群,相較傳統的迷社群,雖然信任關係發展較慢,但社群媒體的人際關係發展與真實生活較貼近,在社群媒體的上的互動,對社群內部成員有較高的影響力;(2) 社群媒體對於迷群而言具有多重的功能:與Super Junior成員直接互動的工具、獲取最新資訊的管道、擴散有時效性訊息的媒介、和其他迷互動的媒介。在音樂消費的過程中,社群媒體除了是消費資訊來源地,也是買家跟賣家的媒合地,迷對於來自於社群內部的消費資訊有較高的信任感,因此雖然社群媒體上的迷群互動不會直接將使用者變成消費者,卻可以促成消費的完成,對於音樂消費有重要影響;(3) 社群媒體在音樂產業中扮演三個角色:音樂消費與擴散的媒介、音樂相關資訊的集中地、促成產業內各角色 (迷、歌手、唱片公司) 之間的交換 (exchange)。 / Korea’s cultural industry has enjoyed rapid growth due to the rise of “Korean wave (hallyu)”, which is led by Korean drama since 1990s. Korean wave has conquered Asia, but now with the rise of K-Pop, Korean wave reaches a wider audience in the West. Social media plays a crucial role for Hallyu’s success in the global level. Social networking media make K-Pop brands easier to reach global audience, and those fans use these media tools to proclaim their devotion and to promote K-Pop to their friends. This research categorizes music products into musical product, including records and live concert, and non-musical associated product, including concert paraphernalia. New digital technologies have transformed the ways of music consumption which results in decline in sales of musical products. However, fans tend to engage with a variety of products related to their interests, and their consumption on live concerts and non-musical associated product is getting important for music industry. Existing research on fan culture mainly comes from sociology or psychology viewpoint. This research discusses fan music consumption from management perspective and tries to explore the role social media plays to influence music consumption. This research uses the most popular K-Pop group, “Super Junior,” as a case. Through interviewing 11 Super Junior fans, this research examines how fans use social media to communicate and interacts with other fans in the fan community. Through in-depth interviews and data analysis, there are three main findings concluded by this research. First, compared to traditional virtual fan community, in terms of virtual fan community, it takes longer to develop the trust relationship on social media. However, the way fans communicate on social media is closer to the real life. As a result, interactions on social media influence members much greatly. Second, social media is a multi-function tool for fans, which allows them to directly communicate with Super Junior members, to quickly receive the latest information from other countries, to quickly spread timeliness information, and to communicate with other fans. Therefore, social media and fan community do contribute to fulfillment of music consumption. Last, social media plays three roles in music industry: the platform of media of music consumption and diffusion, a place where all music-related information are collected, a contributor to exchange between different players (fans, singers, music companies) in the music industry.

社群商務流量變現過程之關鍵成功因素探討 / The key successful factors of traffic monetizing process in social commerce

王孟筠 Unknown Date (has links)
平台的興起改變了傳統消費模式,因此無論是在學術界或是實務界,強調互動的社群商務在近年來都漸漸受到重視。然而,從社群中內容經營者的角度出發探討社群商務經營狀況的相關研究不多;此外,社群商務與網路外部性的連結也相對缺乏,故本研究欲以台灣影響力最大之社群平台Facebook的粉絲專頁為例,探討社群商務「使粉絲變成消費者」的流量變現過程,供未來社群商務經營者參考。 本研究以學者Hagel & Armstrong(1998)提出的會員發展四階段作為研究架構,採個案研究法,選擇「傑利帶路 玩世界」與「I’m 布布媽咪/Chic KimBlake」為個案,透過深度訪談探討選擇個案從內容社群至社群商務的經營過程中,每一階段形成正向網路外部性的關鍵成功因素以及做法,並同時分析不同的訴求類型於粉絲專頁上的影響與效果。 研究結果顯示,在社群商務的整體經營中,人格力、社群力以及產品力為三大關鍵成功因素,並且依序在吸引會員(製造流量)、增加參與(集中流量)、建立忠貞(鎖住流量)三階段扮演關鍵角色,最終實現價值獲取(流量變現)的目的;除此之外,感性的訴求在社群商務前期扮演相對重要的角色,而訴求的有效性與社群商務提供的產品與服務類型並無直接相關。 / The new economics of platform changes traditional purchase process and reconstructs value chain, giving the market new business rules. Thus, social commerce which emphasize interaction between customers and operators has been widely discussed in recent years. Numerous studies focused on customer behavior in social commerce but barely discussed business operation of social commerce from platform operators’ perspectives. As a result, this study is aim at exploring the traffic monetizing process in social commerce operating. This study applies case study method, analytic frame is adopted from the Four Phases to Developing Sustainable Virtual Community of Prof. Hagel and Armstrong published in 1998. “JerryWalker” and “Chic KimBlake” on Facebook fanpage are chosen as the research targets. Start by in-person interview with each targeted cases and supplemented by second-hand sources, inspecting the process from solely content operating to social commerce operating, also analyze key successful factors in each phase; moreover, this study will also discuss different types of appeals’ influence in social commerce. The results of this study shows that “personality”, “community operation” and “product and service” are the three main key factors while building up a successful social commerce. Besides, these three factor correspond to Phase I-generate traffic, Phase- II concentrate traffic, and Phase-III lock in the traffic in order, through this process can monetize community traffic and reach positive network effect. Furthermore, emotional appeals show better effect in social commerce regardless of different kinds of provided product and service.

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