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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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廖坤榮, Liao, Kun-Rong Unknown Date (has links)
第一章:導論,以美蘇中共三角關係為基本架構,說明對南亞權力互動的影響。 第二章:南亞內在權力衝突的根源,以歷史分析敘述自英國在印度次大陸殖民統治時 期迄印巴獨立之後衝突根源所在。克什米爾問題的爭執成為印巴衝突敵對的焦點,也 由由於歷史因素種下衝突之因,使得外在勢力趁機介入為衝突之果。 第三章:國際權力在南亞之戰略競爭與其政策,美蘇中共分別介入南亞,使南亞成為 三角關係的制衡與反制衡的權力運用籌碼。 第四章:印巴孟對外政策選擇與其政治前途,主要乃分析印度不結盟政策與其在國際 行為的關係,巴基斯坦尋求盟友以便對抗印度,及孟加拉以獲得外國援助多寡為其外 交政策取向。 第五章:現階段國際權力與南亞穩定,主要說明美蘇中共在印度洋競爭情形,加上蘇 俄入侵阿富汗以來對南亞地區權力關係的衝擊及印度與巴基斯坦分別與美蘇中共關係 的微妙變化。 第六章:結論,並評估印度未來在亞洲及不結盟國家中的角色將日愈重要且可能使美 蘇中共不得不重視印度的角色,南亞穩定主要端賴印巴敵對能否消除,爭執能否解決 。


李銘哲, Li, Ming-Zhe Unknown Date (has links)
一、概述: 近幾年來,行銷管理中的通路理論,國外學者開始由其行為層面的變數( 如權力、衝 突、角色、溝通等) 來加以探討。唯至目前為止,其實證研究仍在發展之中,係屬于 一待開發的領域。 二、研究問題: 本研究鑑于以往的文獻研究大都偏向于單一行為變數的衡量與實證,較少作兩個變數 之間關係的研究;尤其是權力的運用與衝突之間的關係。因此,本研究乃嘗試著探討 本國的經理人員在面對衝突現象時,如何考慮各種周遭的外部變數,來作反應的決策 。 三、研究目的: 1.辨認通路成員權力運用的來源及其運用方式。 2.探討這些權力在何種衝突情況下,如何被加以使用。 3.探索權力的使用決策和外部變數有何種關係存在。 四、研究孌數與分析方法: 本研究的四個自變數為:通路成員特定因素、通路權力分配結構、外部競爭環境、通 路衝突性質。依變數為:經理人的決策方式。將經由問卷收集得來的資料,利用相關 及迴歸分析等統計方法探討變數之間的關係。


楊裕能, Yang, Yu-Neng Unknown Date (has links)
本文整個研究架構是以個案分析為基礎,針對組織系統中,團體互動過程所發生的 衝突行為深入的研究,目的在於將團體衝突在組織系統中普遍存在的特質,經由動 態的分析,提供給管理者加以運用而發揮其對組織有利的效用。 團體衝突在組織系統中大致可分為直線幕僚衝突,部門衝突,正式和非正式團體衝 突和利益衝突等,最為顯著的是部門間的衝突和直線幕僚的衝突,由於衝突行為型 態係隨其行為動機不同,故團體衝突給予其份子需要滿足的程度亦不相同,其帶給 整個組織系統有利與不利的作用亦不相同,須視衝突的環境和團體行為型態而定。 但是管理者應可利用團體競爭的衝突態度來平衡組織內部團體動態並運用團體衝突 及競爭的情劫來導發組織結構的重建或改善,以引導組織朝設計的目標發展,此一 動態最足以說明團體衝突在管理過程中的「手段特性」。 #2810419 #2810419

族群衝突與政治整合:比利時與台灣之比較研究 / Ethnic Conflict and Political Integration : A Comparative Study of Belgium and Taiwan

劉華宗, Liu, Hua-tsung Unknown Date (has links)
東西冷戰結束後,族群衝突問題躍為國際政治社會最主要的焦點。比利時和台灣的族群衝突,共同點為少數族群為優勢族群,對多數族群進行強勢支配,多數族群在經過一段時間後,為爭取自身權益群起抗爭,少數族群為維護相對優勢地位及利益,對多數族群的抗爭起而反制,於是族群衝突問題加劇。族群衝突的結果,兩敗俱傷,於是乃有走上政治整合之路以解決之。 本文以權力分享途徑、政治體系環境因素、政治社會學的分析法與比較法,比較研究比利時和台灣的族群衝突問題,包括衝突的背景、衝突的事實,以及解決之道。研究結果,比利時的制度化政治整合,雖保障了族群權益,卻也造成族群隔閡的制度化與永久化。台灣未來解決族群衝突問題,有自然融合與政治制度化保障兩條途徑,兩者各有其利弊得失,惟從過去十餘年的發展歷程來看,未來採族群自然融合發展的可能性較高。

國立高中職校長衝突管理、行政溝通與教師工作滿意度關係之研究 / A Study on the Relationships among Principals’ Conflict Management, Administrative Communication, and Teachers’ Job Satisfaction

莊勝利 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主旨在探究國立高中職教師對於校長衝突管理、行政溝通行為的知覺與教師工作滿意度相關性,以及不同教師個人變項、學校變項等因素與校長衝突管理、行政溝通、以及教師作滿意度的相關性,同時進行理論模式驗證,並提出研究結論與建議。 本研究採問卷調查法,針對國立高中職教師對於校長衝突管理、行政溝通行為的知覺與教師工作滿意度相關性進行探究。本研究首先經由文獻探討與分析,建立研究架構與理論模式。在問卷發展方面,共分為預試問卷與正式問卷二部份,首先在預試問卷方面,以192位國立高中職現職教師為預試樣本,進行信度與因素分析,正式問卷則依據預試問卷的分析結果發展而成。正式問卷以台灣區國立高中職學校教師樣本,採分層隨機抽樣方式,共計回收有效樣本為642份。研究資料的統計處理與分析方面,包括描述統計、t考驗、變異數分析、相關分析以及線性結構方程模式等統計方法。 本研究之主要研究結果如下: 一、目前國立高中職教師對於校長衝突管理、行政溝通行為的知覺是正面的,教師工作滿意度整體上是高的。 二、校長衝突管理的方式與行政溝通行為之間呈現顯著正相關。 三、校長衝突管理的方式與教師工作滿意度之間呈現顯著正相關。 四、校長行政溝通行為與教師工作滿意度之間呈現顯著正相關。 五、不同教師個人變項與校長衝突管理、行政溝通、以及教師工作滿意度等部分因素呈顯著差異。 六、服務不同背景變項學校的教師對於校長衝突管理、行政溝通的知覺、以及教師工作滿意度等部份因素呈顯著差異。 七、教師對於校長衝突管理、行政溝通行為的知覺能有效解釋教師工作滿意度。 根據上述的研究結果,本研究提建議如下: 一、對教育行政主管機關的建議 (一) 加強國立高中職校長解決組織衝突的能力、以及行政溝通能力。 (二) 適度增加教師薪資,以及升遷的機會。 (三) 國立高中職學校規模不宜太大,最好在40班以下。 二、對國立高中職校長的建議 (一) 加強學校行政領導,以提高教師工作滿意度。 (二) 提高解決組織衝突,以及行政溝通的能力。 (三) 重視教師個人變項對校長衝突管理、行政溝通、以及教師工作滿意度不同知覺反應。 (四) 重視學校變項對校長管理、行政溝通、以及教師工作滿意度的影響。 三、對未來研究之建議 (一) 研究對象方面: 擴大研究對象範圍,提高研究價值。 (二) 研究方法方面: 量化研究方面可以增加校長自評,此外,可輔以質化研究,如訪談、實地觀察等,以使研究層面更臻完善。 (三)研究內容方面: 探討其他研究變項,建構新的架構模式。 / The purpose of this study is to explore the relationships among principals’ conflict management, administrative communication, and teachers’ job satisfaction. The relationships between background variables of teachers, and schools and principals’ conflict management, administrative communication, and teachers’ job satisfaction were also examined. A theoretical model was constructed and confirmed, and some research conclusions were made and suggestions were offered as well. This study adopted the questionnaire survey, exploring the relationships among principals’ conflict management, administrative communication, and teachers’ job satisfaction. First, a research frame, and theoretical model were built based on the literature analysis. As for the development of the questionnaires, 192 public senior high school teachers were chosen as the pre-test samples. Based on the reliability analysis, and validity analysis of the pre-test samples, the formal questionnaires were developed. There were 642 public senior high school teachers who were randomly chosen as the research subjects. Their questionnaires were used as the research data, and some statistical techniques such as descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, correlation analysis, and SEM were employed. The major findings from this study are as follows: 1. The perceptions from the senior high school teachers about principals’ conflict management, administrative communication are positive, and teachers’ job satisfaction are high. 2. Principals’ conflict management styles and administrative communication are positively correlated. 3. Principals’ conflict management styles and teachers’ job satisfaction are positively correlated. 4. Principals’ administrative communication and teachers’ job satisfaction are positively correlated. 5. With different personal background variables , the perceptions of teachers on principals’ conflict management styles, administrative communication, and teachers’ job satisfaction are in parts significantly different. 6. With different school background variables, the perceptions of teachers on principals’ conflict management styles, administrative communication, and teachers’ job satisfaction are in parts significantly different. 7. The perceptions of teachers on principals’ conflict management styles and administrative communication can effectively explain the teachers’ job satisfaction. The suggestions made by this study are as follows: A. The suggestions to the educational administrative institutes: 1. Develop public senior high school principals’ capabilities to handle organizational conflict, and administrative communication. 2. Raise teachers’ salary, and provide more chances of promotion. 3. Limit school size under 40 classes. B. The suggestions to public senior high school principals: 1. Strengthen school administrative leadership to raise teachers’ job satisfaction. 2. Equipped well with the capabilities of handling organizational conflict, and administrative communication. 3. Place stress on the effects of teachers’ personal background variables on principals’ conflict management styles, administrative communication, and teachers’ job satisfaction. 4. Place stress on the effects of school background variables on principals’ conflict management styles, administrative communication, and teachers’ job satisfaction. C. The suggestions to the research in the future: 1. The research subjects: expand the research subjects to raise the value of the study. 2. The research methods: Besides the quantitative methods, qualitative methods such as the visiting survey, case study, may be used to get holistic research results. 3. The research contents: Explore other variables, and establish new research frames.

論保險經紀人之自律規範與法令遵循 / Study On Code Of Conduct and legal compliance of insurance brokers

林媗琪, Lin,Hsuan-chi Unknown Date (has links)
我國加入WTO後,保險市場加速開放,保險行銷亦走向多元化,而保險經紀人屬於保險行銷之一環,因此如何健全保險經紀市場以維護保險業之正常運作,並兼顧消費者權益,實係監理機關之一大課題。 2004年10月14日,美國紐約州檢察官史匹哲(Eliot Spitzer)正式起訴國際保險經紀人,此起訴案為保險經紀業界投入震撼彈,引發保險經紀人之利益衝突等問題。而我國亦隨之檢討保險經紀人於保險交易中,雙重代理及保單條件與再保條件不一致之問題。因此如何避免保險經紀人之利益衝突,並尋求解決之道,無疑係現階段各國監理機關之重要課題。 而本文以「論保險經紀人之自律規範與法令遵循」為題,嘗試先就保險經紀人之利益衝突之態樣、國內外案例及解決方法做一探討;其次再就美國、歐洲、巴塞爾銀行監理委員會及國際保險監理官協會等之法令遵循計畫做介紹,嘗試為我國保險經紀人之法令遵循制度勾勒完整之藍圖;再其次針對英國金融服務管理局、保險監理官協會、紐約州之保險經紀人自律規範為介紹,引導出我國保險經紀人自律規範之立法走向;最後做一評析與建議。 / Since the entrance into WTO, the market of insurance is opened speedily and the marketing of insurance also trends to diversify in Taiwan. To be a part of insurance marketing, it is essential for the regulatory to enhance the operation of market of insurance brokers regularly and protect the rights of consumers. In 14 Oct,2004, the New York Attorney General Spitzer filed a civil suit in State Supreme Court in Manhattan, bringing charges of fraud and antitrust violations against leading insurance broker Marsh & McLennan Cos. (MMC). This case shocked the industry of insurance brokers and emerged the scandals of conflict of interest. Therefore the fierce debate on dual brokerage and difference in condition during the process of insurance mediation was going on in Taiwan. So undoubtedly the most important task of the regulatory all over the world right now is to avoid the conflict of interest of insurance brokers and solve it . The main theme of this paper focuses on the issue of Code Of Conduct And Legal Compliance Of Insurance Brokers. In the first place, the forms of conflict of interest of insurance brokers in Taiwan and overseas are addressed and the solutions are suggested. Second, some models of the legal compliance are examined, including U.S., Europe, Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and International Association of Insurance Supervisors. And the structure of legal compliance of insurance brokers in Taiwan is established. Third, the codes of conduct of insurance brokers abroad, ex: the Financial Services Authority of UK, National Association of Insurance and the Insurance Department of New York State are introduced. Then the guidance of code of conduct of insurance brokers in Taiwan is proposed. As possible contribution to the reform of insurance brokers in Taiwan, some conclusive remarks and suggestions are submitted in the final place.

寵物食品業面對多重通路衝突的行銷策略 - 以美商艾汾臺灣分公司為例

吳勝良, Wu, Sheng Liang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究觀察臺灣的狗食市場,並且選擇兩家動物醫院與三間的寵物商店進行深入訪談,從訪談過程中發現在專業市場通路裡的動物醫院和寵物店之間明顯存在經營邏輯與對狗食商品定位截然不同的期待,這種對於狗食的期待不同,形成狗食品牌經營者在產品定位、包裝規格、定價策略與促銷安排上,對不同的通路型態,必須制訂不同的行銷策略,以避免不理性的通路衝突,而造成行銷資源的浪費與消費者對品牌認同的干擾。 依照深度訪談的整理結果,發展出寵物食品通路量表,此量表主要可分為販售狗食的目的、選擇販售狗食品牌的考量因素以及選擇往來經銷商之考量因素三部分,並以郵寄的方式施測於艾汾公司全省13家經銷商所掌握的467家寵物店和297家動物醫院。 從回收的問卷中發現:在銷售寵物食品的目的上,寵物商店較動物醫院更重視增加營業收入以及增加其他商品的銷售目的,但在追求經營利潤、提供飼主一次購足的便利以及創造衍生性服務的目的上,兩通路間並無顯著差異;在選擇銷售的狗食品牌的考量因素上寵物店比動物醫院更在乎該品牌廠商是否有消費者促銷活動、消費者是否對該品牌指名購買和試吃包與餵養手冊的提供;而動物醫院則相對較重視特殊功效、與來源國形象;寵物店與動物醫院在選擇與哪家經銷商往來時,二者的考量因素並無明顯差異,並不因本身專業知識的多寡,而對前來拜訪的業務員或所提供的配送服務,有不同的期盼或要求。 多重通路衝突現象在寵物食品業確實存在,寵物店或動物醫院都不希望本身所販賣的狗食在其他通路也有販售,深怕其他通路因為販售目的的不一致,而造成促銷價格難以掌控的困擾,尤其是其他通路開啟價格戰時,可能進而被消費者貼上黑店記號,或是有利潤減損與存貨滯銷的風險。利潤是影響專業市場通路業者是否推薦某一品牌狗食的主要考量,而價格的限定與依通路別區隔產品,是通路利潤能否確保的主要關鍵,因此本研究提供作為企業在面對多重通路型態時,價格訂定與行銷策略制訂之參考。 / From the study of Taiwan Dog food market and the in-depth interviews with 2 Vet Clinics and 3 Pet Shops, it was identified that significant difference existed in the business model and role of Dog food in their overall product portfolio between Vet clinics and Pet Shops in Taiwan, although these two store types were both classified as the “Specialty Trade” channel for Petcare products. Given this different expectation for selling Dog food, it was inevitable for Dog food suppliers to provide different product offerings and marketing mix for different trade customers, in order to avoid the irrational trade conflicts, wastage in brand investment and consumers’confusion about brand image. From the results of those in-depth interviews, we also developed questionnaire to conduct quantitative research on 467 Pet Shops and 297 animal hospitals that had business with the 13 regional distributors under Mars Foods Taiwan. The questionnaire composed of three major sections, which were: Purposes for selling Dog food, Major factors in brand selection and choices of distributors. Based on those responded questionnaires, it showed that, in terms of selling objectives, both Pet shops and Vet clinics were quite similar in the pursuit of profit, providing one-stop shopping for pet owners and generating additional demand for other services items, although Pet shops were also keen to drive incremental sales of other products. In the selection of Dog food brands, Pet shops cared more about consumer promotion, consumers’ preference for the brands and the offering of sample packs and feeding booklets, while animal hospitals concerned more with origins of country and functional benefits. As to the selecting criteria for local Petfood distributors, there was no major variance in their expectation/request on the salesmen or logistics service between these two store types. “Multiple channel conflicts” truly existed in Petfood market, as both Pet shops and Vet clinics did not want to see the same products also available in the other grocery channels with the fear of consumers’ complaints caused by other channel’s inconsistent pricing and different selling strategy on Dog food. In particular, the price war on Petfood among major retailers may get consumers mad about the Pet shops or Vet clinics and cause negative impact on their margin and inventory of the same dog food brands. It was crucial for suppliers to provide stable trade margin to earn the recommendation from Pet shops and vet clinics by strict cross-channel pricing control and channel-specific products offering, as profit was the most important motivator for “Specialty Trade” customers. This study provided a couple of initial thoughts for marketers to better deal with the pricing management and marketing strategy across multiple trade channels.


王巽澤 Unknown Date (has links)
當「解釋」這個概念不再只是單純做為一種使用的功能之後,也就是說,當「解釋」這個概念不再只是反思活動上的一種行動之後,那麼「解釋」這個概念的所有存在樣貌將會開展出它自身作為一種結構性的存有。這一點是詮釋學從技藝學進入到哲學的關鍵之處。本論文藉由從《真理與方法》與《詮釋的衝突》那裡汲取而來的對哲學詮釋學的初步認識,欲求更加領會此「解釋」概念的哲學轉變,這樣的領會指引出一種超越自我有限視域的可能性。 在詮釋學領域中,「詮釋學」自身這個概念就是個需要釐清的概念,而這釐清的準備性功夫,需要對其歷史發展的脈絡有一定程度上的認識。隨著對詮釋學漸次逐步的認識,「理解」的概念也展現出它作為存有學上的重要觀點;因此諸如像「解釋」、「說明」、「體驗」等等概念也有其新意上的把握。不過在高達美的《真理與方法》中,關於理解的存有學論述的部份,「循環」佔據著一個很先在性的領會部份,由此方能稍有所領會其「實效歷史意識」、「時間距離」等等他的重要見地。而在呂克爾的《詮釋的衝突》中,「繞道」的抉擇是他落實詮釋學研究的重要見地,也因此他讓充斥在各篇論述中的矛盾、衝突等糾葛,形成一種「詮釋弧」 (the interpretative arc)的張力,而突顯出「中介」的詮釋學態度。


郭亮延 Unknown Date (has links)
在台灣,連鎖加盟已經行之有年,並且經營的技術也趨於成熟,可是不管在各行各業中,仍然是會看到某些加盟品牌會扶搖直上,而有些卻逐漸衰退,在資訊不對稱的情況下,往往加盟者是很難透過網站上的資訊或是簽約前與加盟總部的認知中獲得詳細和確實的資訊,因此也可能導致事後合作的不愉快,甚至是最後解約的情況產生,而這樣不良的關係同時也會嚴重影響加盟主的品牌聲望和優勢。 本研究的對象乃是一般的市售連鎖飲料店,欲從加盟總部的領導行為、競爭優勢、彼此之間的信任以及總部的取代能力等外生變數,去探討如何影響加盟者與加盟總部的衝突與忠誠度關係。 本研究以路徑分析得到以下的實證結果,主要發現如下: (一)支援性領導、總部競爭優勢、信任與總部取代能力都可以顯著地影響整體滿意度,而滿意度也顯著地影響衝突下降和忠誠度提昇。 (二)參與性領導與指導性領導在本研究不顯著,可能與本研究探討加盟體制所導致。 (三)績效的因素在本研究中並不顯著,同樣的專屬資產亦是,可能跟問卷的選項有關。

女性BBS社群的衝突處理--從符擔性概念談PTT「站崗的女人」版集體合作溝通行為 / Conflict Tackling in Female BBS Communities -- Taking An Affordance Perspective on the Cooperative Communication Behavior of PTT's GFonGuard Discussion Board

王靜怡, Wang, Flora Unknown Date (has links)
本文研究者採取合作原則與符擔性理論的觀點,以在台灣特有的徵兵制度下形成的「站崗的女人」版面為田野,探究其使用者面對衝突事件時採取高度合作溝通行為的原因,其中特別關注在使用者最後決定採取高度合作溝通行為之前,她們如何思考自己與環境(社群/介面)以及她們與其他社群成員的關係。研究發現,「站崗的女人」版成員面對衝突時,並不尋求長足的討論並推衍出結論以解決該衝突凸顯的問題,而是採取情感取向的方式,求急切、快速地平息衝突;採取此溝通模式的過程中,她們透過文章與推文的文字感知到社群的溫馨氛圍,並修正自身的溝通方式,集體追求在短時間內平抑衝突以確保個人層次與社群層次溝通目的的存續。本研究並且發現,在她們的思考過程中,人際的因素比介面的物理因素影響其溝通行為更甚。 / This research aimed at taking an affordance perspective on the collective cooperative communication behavior of members of the GFonGuard discussion board amid conflicts in one of Taiwan’s most popular bulletin board systems (BBS). The researcher was most interested in the reasons behind the conflict tackling mode of members of the GFonGuard – an online community whose spaciotemporal peculiarity results from Taiwan’s compulsory military service – and how members of the community deliberate over their relations with the community/text-only medium and with other participants of the communication while deciding on how to tackle conflicts. The research found that members of the community sought to immediately quell the conflicts instead of seeking a lengthy discussion and a final resolution to the problems the conflicts highlighted. Throughout the deliberation process, the members perceived an amicable atmosphere via the choice of words and tone of articles on the discussion board. They modified their own communication style and pursued immediate appeasement of conflicts in an attempt to ensure the survival of their communication goals on the individual and community levels. The research also found that they were more concerned about “interpersonal” factors than about “medium” factors during their deliberation.

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