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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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電視新聞媒體代言人形象與代言關係之研究:以有線電視新聞台為例 / A Study on the Relationship between the Image of a Spokesperson and the Brand of the Company: Cross-case Analysis of the Cable TV News Stations in Taiwan

陸剛, Lu, Kang Unknown Date (has links)
台灣有線電視頻道自1993年開放至今,已經多達上百個頻道可供選擇。多項調查研究顯示,有線電視是台灣觀眾收看電視的主要選擇,其中「最常收看」和「最喜愛」的都以新聞頻道為主。各頻道之間競爭激烈,開始藉由建立品牌,做出區隔,其中也包括藉由品牌代言人來加強閱聽人的印象。然而,代言人在言行出現爭議時,一般企業和媒體企業的處理,卻有所差異。 本研究先從理論歸納出一般企業代言人的選擇、考量的條件,再從實務操作中,修正、整理出有線電視新聞台代言人的選擇、考量條件。再透過個案研究,試圖找出影響有線電視新聞台代言人代言關係的關鍵因素,並對有線電視新聞台的管理者提出經營管理代言人的建議。 研究發現,有線電視新聞台代言人的綜合形象條件與代言關係,並非全部正相關,而且也沒有一致性的關鍵因素,必定導致代言關係受到影響,大多是時空環境、社會氛圍、以及收視績效等綜合考量。儘管如此,代言人與觀眾的契合度,仍是一個重要的參考指標。 因此,有線電視新聞台在經營管理代言人上,應以新聞專業為基礎,以節目品質與代言人形象相互拉抬,建立正面的品牌形象。更明確的規範代言人言行、並藉由文化的養成,將規範內化。培養代言人應以企業策略為導向,知人善任、因材施教,提升與觀眾的契合度,達成企業的策略目標。 / Since the ban on cable television channels was lifted in 1993, there have been more than one hundred channels in Taiwan. According to previous studies and reports, cable TV has been the top choice among local audience, and news channels are often selected as "most watched" and "mostly liked." Due to fierce competition among news channels, many stations began to create their own brand, find a niche market, and even hire spokespersons to attract the audience's attention. However, as far as how to manage a spokesperson's controversial behavior or comments, there seems to have some differences between businesses in general and the media. Based on existing theories and studies this study built a preliminary understanding of how businesses choose the spokespersons and the bases of their considerations. Then, this study identified, from hands-on experiences, the traits and quality of a spokesperson for cable news stations. Through multiple case studies, this study uncovered the determinant factors in cable news stations' endorsement cases, and provide valuable suggestions to the management of cable news stations as to work with spokespersons. Findings of this study suggest that there is no correlation between a cable news station's spokesperson's image in general and his or her partnership with the station. Furthermore, there is no single key factor which can lead to an endorsement failure. The affecting factors are combinations of history background, social environment and TV reviews and ratings. Nevertheless, the chemistry between a spokesperson and the audience is still a crucial factor. Therefore, cable news stations should put the professionalism as the top priority when choosing a spokesperson and try to establish a positive image for the station via promoting program quality and spokesperson image. How should a spokesperson conduct his or her behavior needs to be clearly defined and internalized through cultural development. In order to nurture a spokesperson, a company has to set up its business strategies as guidelines, understand its employees well, encourage them to thrive, train according to one's ability, promote compatibility with the audience, and realize the strategic goals.


馬濟華, Ma, Ji-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要是利用市場區隔的方法,對電視觀眾之生活型態、心理需求及人口、社經 等特徵加以剖析,并探討不同特徵的觀眾在觀看時間、節目因素的偏好上的差異。 第一章探討研究動機、目的,并界定研究對象、範圍與研究中的所有變數。第二章詳 細論述各變數的理論基礎與相關性,并評述中外有關的研究。第三章為研究設計,內 容包括研究構架與假說的建立、研究工具、預試的信度分析,抽樣設計及資料收集與 分析的方法。第四章分析抽樣的結果。第五章剖析觀眾的特性并加以區隔。第六章分 析不同區隔的觀眾對電視節目的看法。第七章為研究的結果與意義,以及爾後研究的 建議。


曾麗心, Tsang, Li-hsin Unknown Date (has links)
電視購物在國外行之有年,美國、韓國的電視購物業者更是大規模經營,市場也相當成熟。近年來,我國電視購物產業也逐漸發達和進步,其原因包括了隨著有線電視產業之成熟、網際網路發達、虛擬交易的興起、以及數位電視的推動等。 本研究採取質化研究之個案研究法,首先介紹美國QVC公司、韓國電視購物、以及中國大陸電視購物,說明各國電視購物產業發展現況,並透過深入訪談介紹國內企業東森得易購、富躍購物、以及即將進軍電視購物產業之統一集團,作為現有業者、新進業者、以及潛在進入者之代表個案。 本研究歸納電視購物的關鍵成功因素為無形資產類、有形資產類、與組織能力三類,這些優勢均具有不易模仿與不易轉移的特點,且對企業維持長久的競爭優勢有顯著的影響,說明如下。 一、無形資產類 (1) 品牌聲譽:包括電視購物業者本身的品牌聲譽以及所銷售產品之品牌聲譽,品牌有助於提升消費者對電視購物的信心。(2) 供應商關係: 電視購物業者與供應商之間必須建立緊密的共存合作關係,使新進者無法取代。 二、有形資產類 (1) 掌握具寡佔特性的頻道資源:由於國內頻道空間有限,因此電視購物業者可透過垂直整合達成通路之寡佔,構成強大的議價力與利益交換空間。(2) 集團資源:此點特別是有形之資金與子公司間的合作效益,既可創造內部市場,同時還可以帶來交叉銷售、資源共享等利益。(3) 規模經濟:電視購物產業之規模經濟來自於有線電視系統、商品進貨量、節目製作、客戶服務中心、物流系統、資訊系統等。 三、組織能力類。(1) 產品與服務之創新能力:隨著產業競爭日益激烈,加上業者彼此模仿挖角,因此業者必須致力於產品和服務的創新,形成差異化才能維持市場領導地位。(2) 價值活動整合能力:電視購物業者無論是自行整合或是透過與價值鏈上下游廠商策略聯盟,都必須具備良好的價值活動整合能力,透過具有人才或是策略聯盟等,可有效創造垂直整合的優勢。 本研究之貢獻在於借鏡國外個案以及整理國內業者之經營型態,歸納出具系統性的關鍵成功因素,無論是現有業者或是新進業者均可參考。但由於關鍵成功因素會隨著產業生命週期變化,本研究完成於國內電視購物產業之成長期,現有業者與新進者之間的競爭態勢尚未底定,產業結構也持續變動。故此,後續研究限制如下:一、產業持續變動。二、 國內成功業者有限。三、廣電三法持續修正,產業生態多有變數。四、數位電視方興未艾,勢將帶動下一波產業發展。

電視傳播產業互動電視服務運作之探討 / The study of interactive TV service in the TV industry

黃瓊玉 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著傳播、網路、資訊等科技等發展,電視服務已可邁向互動電視服務。然而,因於互動電視服務不僅涉及科技、商業、政策等層面,更因其具有電視服務的大眾傳播特點,而影響社會大眾、法律規範,並促使商業運作的改變,故互動電視服務的研究,可以非常廣泛與深入。然而本研究為促研究聚焦而著力電視傳播產業投入互動電視觀看型、購物頻道型與商務型服務時,所需考量的觀念面和營運面之探討。 其中,可發現電視傳播產業提供互動電視觀看型、購物頻道型與商務型服務,具有的共同點:業者需具有的能力,包含提供互動電視轉播、附增與插播內容與服務等以滿足用戶觀看、交流與交易所需的前端與後端能力、對訂戶端收視情況與收視意見的回傳資料直接取得與運用的能力;而用戶需具有可與接收業者內容與其交流的家庭終端設備與操作設備。 互動電視服務與目前多頻道電視服務異同處是電視傳播產業業者在運作互動電視服務時應考量的要項。本研究發現可以延伸多頻道電視市場之市場結構-行為-績效而建構電視傳播產業運作互動電視服務時應考量的項目與架構。另外,多頻道電視服務演變為互動電視服務是需要時間;電視傳播產業業者應有互動電視服務市場開創期(即多頻道電視服務為主,而互動電視服務為副的時期)與互動電視服務市場競爭期(即互動電視服務普及化的時期)之觀念。業者身處於市場開創期之策略思維與身處於市場競爭期之策略思維應有異。 而業者投入互動電視觀看型服務,應了解此型互動電視服務乃著重提供用戶不涉及商務交易之觀看及交流的內容與服務,則拓展用戶的閱聽範圍與收視便利性是其著力點;用戶於節目收視面與廣告效力面的回傳資料是可幫助業者了解用戶的收視而利於營運的改進。至於探討電視傳播產業投入此型互動電視服務的市場結構-行為-績效分析,可以劉幼琍(1997)所提的多頻道電視市場結構-行為-績效分析為基礎,但須增加「資訊科技」以表達對直接互動層次與附增內容範疇等直接互動化層面之重視。而個別公司投入績效之探討,於開創期時,可從扮演互動電視服務先驅者角色之權威性優勢、附加互動電視服務而建立有線電視服務之差異化優勢、或以掌握訂戶直接回應而強化有線電視服務之資訊性優勢等探討之;於競爭期時,可從公司於以訂戶收視為終端、以企業廣告為終端、以回傳資料應用為終端等價值鏈之角度探討之。 而業者投入互動電視購物頻道型服務,應了解此型互動電視服務乃著重以提供用戶電視線上購物的內容與服務,則提供吸引用戶進行電視線上購物的內容及便利性是其著力點,亦即完善提供吸引用戶購物之前端內容以及購物前、購物時與購物後的(包括物流、客服等)商務流程,是提供此型互動電視服務的要件。而用戶呈現於購物前反應與購物後意見的回傳資料,可助業者對商品挑選、流程設計、服務內容等營運層面的改進。至於探討電視傳播產業投入此型互動電視服務的市場結構-行為-績效分析,可以互動電視觀看型服務市場結構-行為-績效分析為前端內容基礎,並於節目製作項目納入電視購物服務內容分析之考量,以表達對電視購物情境設計的重視,再加上流通業與Scherer and Ross(1990)產業研究的結構-行為-績效模型發展後端買賣執行的市場結構-行為-績效分析。而個別公司投入績效之探討,可以與其相近的線上零售商 (Afuah and Tucci,2003) 為探討方向。 而業者投入互動電視商務型服務,應了解此型互動電視服務乃著重提供用戶與加盟的第三方業者進行電視線上交流或交易的內容與服務為主,則拓展用戶進行電視商務的便利性是其著力點,即互動電視商務平台經營商須著重提供吸引並完善導引用戶到加盟的第三方業者視訊網站的(互動電視)內容/服務,而購物前、購物時與購物後的商務流程是加盟的第三方業者所需注意。而用戶呈現於要求導引前的回傳資料有助業者改進包含導引服務的內容與服務、導引後的反應及與加盟的第三方業者交易之回傳資料會影響業者與第三方業者加盟條件,故皆須注意、用戶於節目收視面與廣告效力面的回傳資料,可助業者對商品挑選、流程設計、服務內容等營運層面的改進。至於探討電視傳播產業投入此型互動電視服務的市場結構-行為-績效分析,可以互動電視觀看型服務市場結構-行為-績效分析為前端內容基礎,但部份項目須加入擔任導引服務提供者的考量,並須加上「入口加值服務」項目,以表達對導引服務提供者的注重。而個別公司投入互動電視商務平台經營商績效之探討,可以訂戶收視為終端或以企業廣告為終端等兩種價值鏈斟酌追求權威性、差異化或低成本策略為探討方向。 本研究期藉由對電視傳播產業投入互動電視觀看型、電視購物型、商務型服務運作的探討,而鼓勵資訊與電視傳播產業投入互動電視服務,以利互動電視服務的實務營運,進而發展電視商務,開創另一商務高峰,即是本研究目前貢獻。 對後續的研究建議,從研究內容與研究方法提出。在研究內容方面,一則可深入互動電視服務運作以外層面的探討,如與收入、投資、產業合作等層面,以利互動電視服務的實務發展。二則可深入其他互動電視服務類型的探討,如Tsaih et al. (2005)所提的互動電視網際網路型服務等類型,以促研究的完整。在研究方法方面,一則可以個案方式進行研究,而以第一手的實務資料擴大或深入研究。二則可以量化方式進行研究,而以數據資料的佐證、統計檢定的類推、真偽假說的實證等量化資料而強化研究。 / The development of information and televisual technology has led to a nascent market for interactive TV (hereafter, itv ) service. Since the provision of itv involves numerous sectors, this study discusses the different aspects of itv service including viewing, shopping and business service. In this study, the performance of individual service provider is analyzed at two different phases: the phase of development and the phase of competition. The study of the former focuses on pioneering authority, service differentiation and information, whereas study of the latter examines the value chain of user-viewing, business-advertising and data collection. The study shows that providers of itv shopping channel service are concerned with creating attractive content and managing easy shopping service. In analyzing the market structure, conduct and performance, this study includes the “TV shopping service content” and “design of TV-shopping surroundings” factors in investigation of the front end, and utilizes the model of market structure and economic performance of Scherer and Ross (1990) for examination of the back end. The study demonstrates that providers of business service are concerned with enhancing the content and improving communication service for users and third parties. Market research on viewing and communication patterns can offer significant insights for service providers. In analyzing market structure, conduct and performance, this study builds upon the model of front end research with the addition of “portal service” with particular emphasis on the factor of “guidance”. The performance of individual provider is assessed by examining the value chain of user-viewing, business-advertising and data collection. Issues of authority, differentiation and operational costs are taken into consideration.


林積慶 Unknown Date (has links)
本文是以處在文化全球化發展進程下的台灣社會現況做為研究背景,針對十四位現年二十三歲到二十九歲的台灣青年世代觀眾的美國影集收視經驗,進行深度訪談研究。這群台灣的青年觀眾因為熟稔網際網路與電腦科技操作,善於以下載數位檔案、燒錄光碟、以及購買DVD的方式,自行且主動安排出個人的電視收視方式與內容。本文關注這群青年觀眾利用各種傳播科技工具進行休閒娛樂,他們對諸多來源地區的外國電視節目做出取捨時,電視節目的出品地區是否對他們的消費心態有任何影響。筆者以Mittell(2004)所倡議的電視節目類型研究建議,結合全球化理論、消費理論、電視觀眾等研究傳統,設計出本文的研究架構。 本文的提問有二:其一是在全球化的文化情境背景下,主動且大量收看美國影集的台灣青年觀眾,在生活中利用什麼工具與方法、付出多少時間在收視美國影集一事上,而收看美國影集對於這群觀眾生活的其他部分有何影響。其二是關於受訪者是基於怎樣的品味標準,養成了獨鍾美國影集的收視選擇與收視習慣,對於生活中其他國家的電視劇又抱持怎樣的想法。 本文發現,美國影集在受訪者生活裡扮演的功能歷經數次重要的轉變,隨著年紀增長,受訪者對美國影集的收視態度也從被動到主動。受訪者喜歡在看美國影集時尋獲看見真實美國社會的感受,而他們認為日、韓、台三地的電視劇都無法提供這樣的寫實感。本文更進一步發現,這些受訪者的文化認同狀況,遠較單純地被美國文化洗腦來得複雜許多。他們是以不斷重覆消費腦中虛構的美國印象為工具,並以此鑑賞力為榮,他們認為自己的品味獨到,優於其他台灣民眾。 本文的研究發現有三:首先,本文認為吾人在思考文化全球化問題時,應避免以二分的對立觀點去看待全球化和在地化;我們應該思考個人是如何在權衡全球和在地兩方的力量之後,創造符合個人認知的生活方式。其次,本文認為收視節目的選擇有宣示個人品味的消費功能,而本文受訪者貴遠賤近的心態,也顯示區域文化商品的文化鄰近性優勢應被重新評估。最後,本文發現受訪者對個人虛構出來的美國印象產生文化認同,而且他們不經客觀事實查證也確信從美國影集中所得的資訊為美國社會之真實,證明電視的收視樂趣涉及感覺的消費,而受訪者希望以對美國影集的長期收視與喜愛,來與在地的其他地區電視節目收視品味區隔,以達成在文化資本上的秀異宣稱。

影響電視新聞編輯編排的因素及策略─以24小時新聞台為例 / Factors affecting tv editing and responsive strategy: a case study fo 24-hour news channel

許適欐, Hsu, Shih Li Unknown Date (has links)
本論文的研究目的在探討影響電視新聞編輯編排的因素,以及24小時新聞台編輯因應這些因素發展出來的編排策略。依照Shoemaker〈1991〉所提的影響守門人因素的五個層次,包括個人層面、常規層面、組織層面、媒介外層面以及社會文化層面,作為分析架構,藉此了解電視編輯對於各層面的因素對其影響的程度,問卷調查總計訪問了127位新聞台的編輯人員,再針對問卷調查的分析結果,以深度訪談的方式訪問7位編輯人員。研究結果發現個人層面對新聞台編輯的影響主要包括:編輯在新聞價值判斷上偏重新聞的話題性及畫面的精采度;而越年輕、職務越低的編輯再編排新聞時越容易受到個人喜好影響;另外「獨家新聞」無論其新聞價值性如何,編輯普遍都盡量會排播。 常規層面部分,最主要影響的因素是「時間」面向,包括到帶時間及新聞播出的時間篇幅限制;而編輯負責的編排時段也會影響新聞的選擇,如是「黃金時段」新聞選擇較多樣化,「一般時段」就會考量「消化」新聞;而編輯一次負責編排的時數也會影響新聞的重複率;另外,晚夜時段編輯較早午時段編輯不偏愛SNG連線。編輯通常會選播做新聞品質較有口碑的記者的新聞;另外,編輯普遍認為一則普通新聞長度最好不要超過90秒;而平衡報導的操作模式已內化在編輯的操作模式中。 組織層面部分,部份編輯認為電視台屬性確實會影響其編排;而年紀輕、資歷淺、職務低的編輯也較會受到長官指示編排新聞;在「以編領採」的新聞室內,其新聞製作及編排方向越會以收視率為導向;而組織文化會影響編輯對於新聞品質的要求;本研究也發現組織獎懲對於編輯編排的影響不大。 媒介外層面部分,有93.7%的編輯認為其編排時會考量收視率,而且教育程度越高、年資越久的編輯影響越高,顯示收視率已逐漸內化成編輯判斷新聞的實考模式,而且前一天的收視率對於新聞規模及擺放位置有關鍵性指標;在禁止「每分鐘收視率」之後,編輯通常是以新聞區塊或新聞節奏思考觀眾喜好的趨向。另外被要求編排「業配新聞」對編輯而言是習以為常的事,通常編輯會將之排在新聞的最後,或依照業配新聞的性質隱藏在其他新聞之間。另外年紀越輕、資歷越淺、職務越低的編輯越容易受到其他媒體議題設定的影響;而本研究也發現,編輯是電視新聞「跟報風」的推手之一。 在社會文化層面,編輯認為若社會環境趨勢也是影響其編排的重大指標。另外編輯也認為馬賽克、消音等製播限制有逐漸增加趨勢,甚至在編播上有自我更加限縮的情況。本研究也發現,媒體自律隱隱成形,對於暴力、色情、自殺新聞的選擇並沒有放寬,尤其是自殺新聞基本上不選用。 比較五個層面的影響程度,編輯普遍認為媒介外層面是最主要的原因,其次為個人層面、接續是社會層面、組織層面及常規層面。 關於編輯編排策略上,研究發現編排模式會融合固定新聞模式及議題分散模式為主;編排節奏也趨於緊湊;新聞編排的重複率降低。除了TVBS恢復「整點開播」之外,其他新聞台仍是提早開播,因TVBS「整點開播」模式對其他台的收視率無明顯受衝擊,因此其他台均認為沒有跟進的必要。「短廣告」策略出現,其目的是為了減低觀眾廣告轉台機率,並且分散每段廣告時間的廣告量;此策略目前僅TVBS使用,其他台為跟進的原因是考量其觀眾的收視習慣不同。本研究也發現監看友台而調動新聞順序的頻率減少;並且插播新聞也已非隨到隨播;另外「假連線」已成目前新聞台的製播常態。 / This thesis aims to investigate the factors affecting TV news editing and the responsive strategy developed by editors in 24-hour news channel. It adopts Shoemaker’s (1991) five levels of gatekeeping decisions and forces, including individual, communication routines, organizational, extramedia, and social system level. Based on this analytical framework, the research was conducted by survey of 127 editors which was followed by in-depth interview of 7 editors. The research findings can be summarized into the five levels respectively. On individual level, editors preferred to evaluate news with the extent of controversy and excitement; the younger and lower-positioned editors were more easily to be subjective in editing news. Furthermore, “exclusive news” enjoyed higher priority to be broadcast regardless of its news value. On communication routine level, the influential factors are “time-related”. First, editors were concerned about the timing of videotape arriving and limited length of broadcasting time. Second, the session for which editors were responsible was also important. The news was more diversified in “prime time”, but more repetitive in “general session”. Third, editors of morning and noon sessions were more likely to conduct SNG connection than editors of late night session. Fourth, editors preferred to broadcast the news reported by reporters with fine reputation. Moreover, the consensus among editors was that general news should not be longer than ninety seconds; the principle of balanced report has been internalized in editors’ operational model. On organizational level, interviewees agreed that attributes of the channel and organizational culture were more consequential than reward system in news editing. The younger, lower-positioned, and junior editors were more likely to follow instructions from supervisors. Generally, the producing and editing of news were rating-oriented. On extramedia level, 93.7 per cent of interviewees would consider rating in news editing, especially the more educated and senior editors. This result indicated that rating has been internalized as the standard of editing. Specifically, the pridian rating is critical in deciding the length and placement of news in the following day. However, after the “rating per minute” was prohibited, editors inferred audience preference from news zone or news rhythm. Furthermore, “product placement” was placed in the end of or among other news according to its characteristics. This study also found that editors partook in promoting the trend of “follow suit” TV news. On social system level, editors thought that the social trend was critical in editing news. Some editors considered that constraints of broadcast such as blurring and muting were increasing which made editors more self-limited. This study also found that media self-regulation was in shape. The news about violence, pornography, and suicide were highly restricted or even abandoned. Based on interviewees’ response, the five levels can be listed in order of the extent of influence. The primary factors were on extramedia level which followed individual level, social system level, organizational level, and the communication routine level. This study found that editing strategies include: combination of fixed news model and issue diffusion model, tighter schedule, lower rate of repetition, and “short advertisement”. The last one was only used by TVBS channel in order to keep audience stay tune and to dilute quantity of advertisement in every intervals. TVBS was the only channel resuming “on the hour” news. Since this broadcast model had no significant impact on TV rating, other channels remained broadcasting a few minutes earlier. Last but not least, this study also found that “fake connection” has been commonly used and emergency news would not be broadcast on time. Fewer changes of broadcasting order due to monitoring news of other channels.

從文化傳播看族群電視台節目製作~以原住民電視台為例 / A study of the production of tribal television stations by interculture communication -Taiwan Indigenous Television

李賢華, Lee, Shien Hua Unknown Date (has links)
多元文化是目前社會的主流價值,事實上,每個文化都有其優勢,在不同時代都可以有貢獻。但族群文化常在傳播過程中出現矛盾與爭議,本研究試圖從文化傳播的觀點,找出製作族群電視台節目時,應掌握的原則和精神,並以原住民電視台為例,探討不同文化間如何有效的溝通。 本論文主要是以漢文化和原民文化為主,並透過社會學、人類學和文化傳播等文獻探討進行理論上的對話;同時,也探討原民文化重要的核心價值與內涵,期盼在文化傳播時能達到最佳效果。本研究採社會科學中的質性研究法,以深度訪談與焦點團體進行資料蒐集、分析與討論。 研究發現,在文化傳播歷程中族群電視台會遭遇下列幾種困難:閱聽人期待不同、文化節目製作團隊素質要高、族語和文字保留不易、文化衝突降低傳播效果、族群捍衛文化產生防衛心;但透過幽默、靠近、善用刻板印象、建立顧問團隊和政府刻意的協助,能突破困難,讓不同文化有良性溝通;除此之外,本研究也發現,族群文化反而可以為主流文化的瓶頸找一條出路,例如原住民文化中對大自然的尊重、部落意識、樂舞教導、和自然幽默的性格,與目前的全球思維等議題有密切關聯。 最後本研究提出三點建議:建議政府籌備第二台原住民電視台、主動培訓原住民傳播人才、學術界的文化學者應積極投入族群文化節目之製作團隊。筆者相信,如此必能提升文化傳播的效益,也能使多元文化的普世價值得到彰顯。 / Multi-culture is the mainstream in nowadays. Actually, each culture has its own advantages. There are conflicts and disputes of tribal culture in the communication process. This research aims the principles and the spirits of producing tribal television programs in the point of interculture communication. Taiwan Indigenous Television is taken as the example to discuss how to communicate effectively among different cultures. This research focuses on the Han culture and aboriginal culture and studies the theory through the documents of sociology, anthropology and interculture communication. At the same time, it also studies the core values and intensions of aboriginal culture. This research, gathering, analyzing, and discussing the data by deeply-interview and focus groups interview, takes the qualitative methods of sociology. The research finds out that tribal television stations may encounter the following problems: the different expect from audience, the quality of tribal television program producing team, the keep of the provin- cial speech and words, the ineffective communication results due to conflicts between different cultures, and the defend of indigenous people for their own culture. However, the problems would be solved by the help of humor, touching, breaking stereotypes, building consulting team, and the assistance from the government. The study also finds that tribal cultures may provide the solution for mainstream culture which is under the limits by itself. The advantages of aboriginal culture are the respect of the environment, tribal recognition, the teaching of music and dance, and the humor. They all are closely related to the global issues. There are three suggestions in the research. First, the government should plan to establish the second indigenous television station. Second, We should actively train indigenous media experts. Third, the scholars in the culture academic circle should eagerly involve producing tribal television programs. It is convinced that by doing so, the culture communication would be more effective, and the society would emphasize on multi-culture value much more.


謝佳凌 Unknown Date (has links)
文本的意義不僅是在觀看時協商,同時在對話中決定。本文目的在於了解電視劇迷在網路社群中談論電視劇的互動型態,以及如何實踐身為劇迷的身份。這個電視劇迷集結的網路空間,同時是虛擬社群、觀眾社群、也是迷的實踐社群的集合體。 研究過程以中情局BBS站中三個電視劇討論區以及奇摩家族中二個電視劇討論區為觀察主體,對討論區的文章作歸納分析、訪問討論區管理者以及進行迷們的電子問卷調查。研究發現,電視劇討論區受訪者認可其社群的存在,並感受尊敬、友善、溫馨、互助氣氛,但電視劇的播出壽命會主導著電視劇迷社群的興盛。這並非指該社群會消失,而是這群迷會轉往其它地方繼續存在。電視劇迷看電視劇原因以「喜愛該劇演員」為主,而電視劇討論區聚集了不同演員的支持者,因此電視劇討論區的凝聚力比起劇中演員的專門討論區來得小。 對電視劇迷群而言,電視劇觀看過程延攬至和朋友、同學、父母每日的對話,並融入網路這新興的口語書寫文化中。他╱她們從消化電視劇所提供的素材再生產出網路討論的文本,藉由對文本的共同詮釋來獲得歸屬感和友誼。 電視劇迷是具生產性的一群,不僅由書寫談論賦與媒體文本意義、創作同題材的網路小說,更聚集迷群力量,抗議製作體系拖戲及希望修改故事線。在討論區互動中,迷們接合現實空間和網際空間的分界,實踐、交換迷身份展現的論述。

有線電視分組付費可能實施方式之研究 / The Research of Possible Executive Ways of CATV Channel Tiering

林軒如, Lin, Hsuan-Ju Unknown Date (has links)
台灣有線電視早期因業者惡性競爭,採大量增加頻道、降價促銷方式爭取訂戶,形成獨特的「大碗公」收視文化,民眾支付六百元月租費,即可收看約一百個基本頻道。有線電視頻道雖多,但消費者事實上無力收視,卻仍需為其付費,同時無法選擇符合個人需求的頻道內容。在「大碗公」收視文化下,消費者收視權益難以保障,頻譜無法有效利用則造成社會資源浪費。 近年來消費者意識抬頭,反應希望收看較少的頻道並支付較少費用;為回應消費者擇其所好之收視需求,政府方面提倡實施「分組付費制度」。分組付費制度可落實使用者付費觀念,有助於業者提高市場運作績效、杜絕私接戶,並可保護青少兒收視環境。 過去業者曾經實施分級付費,然而並不成功;其後,政府方面亦提出數種分組付費模式,但截至目前各界仍未達成共識。分組付費立意良善,未能推動實為可惜,因此研究者針對產、官、學進行深度訪談,探討分組付費過去失敗因素、目前面臨問題、各界對分組付費之態度,試圖匯整不同意見,探討分組付費未來可能實施之方式。 研究結果發現,現階段分組付費面臨諸多問題。「大碗公」收視文化使消費者欠缺「使用者付費」精神;加上消費者對於目前有線電視滿意度頗高,推動新制動力不足。此外數位機上盒裝機意願低,亦影響分組付費之推動。業者方面,分組付費將使系統業者收視費之收益降低、購片成本提高;頻道業者廣告收益大幅減少,宣傳行銷成本上升,因此業者反對實施。政府方面認為現階段推動分組付費確有一定困難,但為維護消費者收視權益,未來仍應繼續推動。學者專家則呈現市場開放與加強管制的兩極意見。 雖然分組付費議題目前仍然缺乏共識,但研究者由研究過程中釐清現階段分組付費面臨問題,可供未來研究者針對問題擬定解決方案。研究者亦發現,分組付費並非孤立之政策,其與產業結構、數位化…等議題息息相關,建議未來可由結構面進行探討,同時思考有線電視數位化、相關法規之研議修訂…等議題。此外,為促使有線電視費率合理化,建議相關單位積極輔導其他媒體平台,促成市場公平競爭機制,並擬定具體之數位化政策,提供有線電視業者誘因與獎勵,以較有彈性的角度來思考分組付費問題。 / Because of the serious competition, during early developing time, Taiwan’s CATV system operators provided lots of channels and greatly lowered the CATV price to promote channel services. This promotion strategy has run for years and formed a very unique CATV environment in Taiwan. CATV consumers only have to pay NTD. 600 per month, then they can watch about 100 basic channels nowadays. Although CATV consumers can watch so many channels, they don’t really have so much time watching them all but still have to pay for them. Besides, the CATV bundling price doesn’t allow consumers to choose the channels they really need and want. On the social resource perspective, the CATV bundling pricing strategy keeps CATV channels from being used effectively and brings a waste. In recent years, consumers’ awareness of their rights is getting stronger. Consumers begin to find out the possibilities of paying fewer CATV price and watch fewer channels. In order to respond to the need of consumers, the government advocated CATV channel tiering policy. Channel tiering brings several advantages: consumers can be more active and own more choices; the CATV industry can work more effectively and system operators can prevent those who access CATV services illegally. Also, the advanced technology and hardware of channel tiering can prevent juveniles from watching inappropriate CATV programs. In the past, some CATV system operators tried to implement channel tiering, but it was not successful. The government also advocated several kinds of channel tiering models, but until now, there is still no consensus. CATV channel tiering is basically a good policy for consumers, and it’s a pity that this policy can’t be successfully execute. Therefore, by in-depth interview, the researcher of this study collects opinions from managers of CATV industry, government members and professors to discuss the failure reasons of channel tiering, the problems of execute channel tiering nowadays and different attitude toward this issue. Furthermore, the researcher tries to integrate different opinions to find out possible executive ways of channel tiering in the future. According to the research findings, CATV channel tiering faces many complicated problems now. First, because of the “bowling CATV culture”, Taiwan’s CATV consumers lack for the spirit of “user-payer” principle. Besides, they are pretty satisfied with the CATV services now and have no intention to push a new policy. Furthermore, consumers’ intentions to order digital CATV services and the distribution of DSTB are pretty low, and this situation barriers to the implementation of channel tiering, too. As to the CATV industry, the implementation will affect both CATV systems and channels, so the CATV industry objects to this policy. In order to preserve the rights of consumers, the government members hold that CATV channel tiering policy should execute in the future although it faces many difficulties now. They suggest the government should find an appropriate way and keep pushing this policy. The opinions from professors are very divergent. Some consider that the government should open the CATV market and give the industry more freedom, but some consider that the government should regulate more strictly. Although there is still no consensus on CATV channel tiering, the researcher has some findings during the research process. CATV channel tiering is a very complicated policy which relates to lots of other policies, laws and issues. Therefore, the researcher advices that the channel tiering issue should be considered together with other issues like digital policies, the problems of CATV industry structure and so on. Furthermore, in order to make the CATV service price more reasonable, the government should encourage more medium to provide services equivalent to CATV channel services, give consumers more choices, and build an equally competitive market. To summarize, the research advices that channel tiering issue is not a single policy and we should rethink it in a more flexible way.

Transmedia Storytelling for Television in Taiwan: Do Audiences Want to Engage?

潘偉力, Portwood, Mark Unknown Date (has links)
Transmedia Storytelling is an often-discussed buzz word in entertainment circles, but currently there are very few cases of it in Taiwan’s television market. Furthermore, there is very little literature or research done addressing this field in a way that would enable would-be producers to design a transmedia production to meet their targets successfully. The aim of this study was to gather empirical data on how likely consumers of television programs in Taiwan are to interact with transmedia content for their preferred TV programs. This information should prove useful to producers to have a reference of what types of transmedia extensions to put time and money into and which platforms to target for maximum audience engagement. Additionally, any researchers that are interested in audience-side information on transmedia consumption and engagement in Taiwan should find this study of interest. This study employed the use of survey data and to generate some meaningful data about this topic. Now that the data has been gathered and analyzed, a clearer picture of audience engagement with possible transmedia productions in Taiwan has been shown.

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