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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interkulturell pedagogik inom fritidshemmet : En kvalitativ studie om lärare i fritidshem vilka utmaningar och möjligheter de möter inom arbetet med interkulturell pedagogik / Intercultural education in after-school program : A qualitative study on teacher in after-school programs views on which challenges and possibilities that exists with intercultural education

Thörn, Edvin, Keryakous, Johan January 2023 (has links)
Den här studien handlar om hur interkulturell pedagogik i fritidshemmet. Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilka möjligheter och utmaningar lärare i fritidshem möter i det interkulturella pedagogiska arbetet. I studien behandlas bakgrundshistorik, studier samt vad som framkommer i styrdokument om ämnet. Grunden i studien är semistrukturerade intervjuer. Intervjuerna genomfördes på två olika skolor där elevgrupperna var mångkulturella. Fyra lärare på en skola och två på den andra skolan deltog i intervju. Intervjuerna analyserades och det framkom hur lärare i fritidshem arbetar med interkulturell pedagogik. Språket, både verbalt och visuellt var en huvudpunkt i resultatet. Att arbeta med kommunikation, kunskap och förståelse lyfts fram som viktiga möjligheter i resultatet. När det gäller utmaningar utmärkte sig språkkunskaper och kulturskillnader i resultatet. Det som utmärkte sig mest i resultatdiskussionsdelen var tematiskt arbete, högläsning och kontakten med vårdnadshavare.

Interkulturell pedagogisk kompetens i religionskunskapsundervisningen : Vad vet vi egentligen om interkulturell pedagogisk kompetens i religionskunskapsundervisning?

Iskandar, Daniel January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med den här allmänna litteraturstudien var att undersöka hur interkulturell pedagogisk kompetens beskrivs och synliggörs i religionsdidaktiska studier eller religionkunskapsrelaterad forskning. Studien sökte svar på hur de interkulturella pedagogiska dimensionerna kommunikativ kompetens, social kompetens och medborgerlig kompetens beskrivs och synliggörs i tidigare forskning. Resultatet av litteraturstudien visar att interkulturell pedagogisk kompetens både beskrivs och synliggörs i olika sammanhang, både icke-konfessionella och konfessionella, i monokulturella kontexter såväl som mångkulturella. Studiens resultat visar på en ämnesspecifik interkulturell pedagogisk kompetens för religionskunskap där en central del av den interkulturella pedagogiska kompetensen innebär att utgå från social kompetens i form av att initiera interaktioner mellan elever i syfte att öka lärandet. Studien visar även att det forskningsbaserade underlaget för interkulturell pedagogisk kompetens inom religionskunskap är outforskat och att det finns ett framtida forskningsbehov för att bidra till utvecklingen av interkulturell pedagogisk kompetens.

Interkulturell samlevnadsundervisning? : En textanalytisk undersökning av två läromaterial inom sex- och samlevnadsområdet.

Olsson, Sofie January 2009 (has links)
<p>This paper is intending to examine the intercultural aspects of two teaching aids used in Swedish schools today. How does the material take the students prerequisite in consideration? Is every student included in the material in order with the standpoint and laws in the Swedish school system? And if they are not, who is the outsider in this occasion? With intercultural pedagogy lies the idea that everyone is unique and that teachers has an opportunity to develop and make student grow mentally. Intercultural endeavor is to learn to accept our differences and see them as assets instead. The theory’s used in this paper in mostly the postcolonial theory with its dividing between "us" and "the others".</p>

Interkulturell samlevnadsundervisning? : En textanalytisk undersökning av två läromaterial inom sex- och samlevnadsområdet.

Olsson, Sofie January 2009 (has links)
This paper is intending to examine the intercultural aspects of two teaching aids used in Swedish schools today. How does the material take the students prerequisite in consideration? Is every student included in the material in order with the standpoint and laws in the Swedish school system? And if they are not, who is the outsider in this occasion? With intercultural pedagogy lies the idea that everyone is unique and that teachers has an opportunity to develop and make student grow mentally. Intercultural endeavor is to learn to accept our differences and see them as assets instead. The theory’s used in this paper in mostly the postcolonial theory with its dividing between "us" and "the others".

Undervisning i naturkunskap, demokratiuppdraget och interkulturell pedagogik : Kan en interkulturell pedagogik öka intresset och motivationen för ämnet naturkunskap bland elever på samhällsprogrammet?

Erös, Maria January 2011 (has links)
Since studies points out declining interest in science among students in Swedish schools, I have in this paper chosen to examine how some students at the Social Science Programme are experiencing the lessons in Natural Science and how to make lessons more interesting according to these students. The purpose of this study was to gain a greater understanding of how teachers would develop new perspectives and tools to make lessons in Natural Science more interesting. I also wanted to investigate whether an intercultural perspective could be a possible tool to increase students’ interest and motivation. As a theoretical framework, I have assumed Vygotskij's sociocultural perspective, Habermas's theory of deliberative conversations and an intercultural perspective. Through a qualitative approach, I conducted interviews with students and teachers. The main results showed that students felt that natural Science lessons were too theoretical and undemocratic and that they wanted to have more student interactions, such as discussions and group works. One problem highlighted was the fear of saying the incorrect thing or for the teacher to reveal incompetence. The conclusion is that the students wanted to have more practical aspects of teaching, which can be relatively simple and that an intercultural education would benefit the school's democratic mandate, encourage more students' preferences of learning strategies and enable more students through more secure environment where everyone feels included.

Bortom en ridå av fördomar : Elevers erfarenheter av att bära slöja i svensk skola och deras tankar kring feminism / Behind a curtain of prejudices : Pupil’s experiences of wearing veil in the Swedish school and their thoughts about feminism

Lind, Johan January 2018 (has links)
This study examines what experiences female, Muslim pupils have of wearing veil in the Swedish school and their thoughts about the veil and feminism. The method used is a qualitative semi structured interview study based on six pupils at an upper secondary school in south Sweden. The theoretical framework in the essay is based on multicultural education and postcolonial feminism. The results of this study reveal that the respondents have both positive and negative experiences of wearing the veil in school. On the one hand we find that none of the respondents share any story of being seriously discriminated or offended on the grounds of wearing a veil. On the other hand, are the pupils, either in specific situations or in general, feeling alienated through subtle gestures, looks and whispers in school. Regarding the respondent’s thoughts about feminism, the study concludes that all the respondents accept the fundamental values of feminism, that women should have the same rights and opportunities as men. Simultaneously they feel skeptical about the term ‘feminist’ and that feminism entails a certain way of life where the veil doesn’t belong. One important remark on the outcome of the study is that it would be desirable to incorporate discussions about other cultural phenomena in education, as the veil for example, which would not only make the education more pertinent to more pupils but also educate the pupils in intercultural sensibility. Secondly, a more nuanced education about the diversity within feminism could have the potential of including pupils who, for different reasons, are feeling a resistance against feminism.

"På natten drömmer jag att jag är i Afghanistan, och jag är rädd" : En kvalitativ studie om framgångsfaktorer i undervisningen av nyanlända elever / "At night I dream that I am in Afghanistan, and I'm afraid" : A qualitative study on the factors of success in educating newly arrived pupils

Brager, Andreas January 2017 (has links)
This study highlights newly arrived pupils’ experiences of the Swedish school system. From a socio-cultural and intercultural perspective, the pupils’ school experiences have been interpreted and analyzed in accordance with the study’s purpose of looking into the importance of collective processes and an intercultural approach for newly arrived pupils' learning. The study should be interpreted in the light of the Swedish school challenges where, in a short period of time large groups of newly arrived pupils have started their studies at the secondary school’s introduction program. The study's qualitative materials were obtained through qualitative field interviews with six newly arrived students. The results of these interviews are explained and analyzed based on the theoretical perspectives of the thesis. The result shows that collective processes and the socio-cultural perspective focus on social interaction, language development and cognitive challenges, also fits well with the newly arrived pupils’ perceptions of their learning. The study also argues that there tend to be few intercultural elements in education in the Introduction Language program, even though the Swedish National Agency for Education and the curriculum asks for its presence in the education of newly arrived pupils. A third conclusion set out in the study is that newly arrived pupils want more intercultural elements in their education, to seek understanding and increased knowledge on issues relating on cultures and identities.

Vadå, arbeta interkulturellt? : En vetenskaplig essä om det svårhanterliga begreppet interkulturell pedagogik, sett ur ett fritidshemsperspektiv / What, intercultural work? : A scientific essay about the difficult concept of intercultural pedagogics, from a leisure time centers perspective

Samuelsson, Karin, Swärd Ulriksson, Marie January 2021 (has links)
The concept of interculturality is complex and its full meaning seems unknown to many schools and leisure time centers. How can teachers at leisure time centers teach students the intercultural approach if they don’t have the knowledge? This essay takes its starting point from our self-experienced intercultural dilemma situations at our leisure time centers. We ask ourselves if we acted interculturally in those situations, and what difficulties we can identify with regards to intercultural teaching.  The purpose with this essay is to reflect on the meaning and difficulties with intercultural teaching, intercultural competence and how interculturality based on our mission and the conditions given teachers in leisure time centers can be understood. We have chosen to write a scientific essay as a method, where the writing helps us reflect over our practical action and the observations we’ve done, seen in relation to scientific theories which we consider relevant to our research. We have understood that the intercultural concept includes more than being attentive to cultures from different countries. It’s an approach to how we treat one another and cultures that are different to our own, and how we can be enriched with new perspectives and how to work against our own and students' stereotypes. We realize that society and the media are spreading these prejudices. This, combined with lack of intercultural competence, are key factors which complicate the intercultural mission. Thus, allowing for the risk that intercultural meetings are tainted with conflicts, rather than being harmonious and open. We have come to believe that teachers in leisure time centers with intercultural competence actually can transfer the intercultural approach to the students by modelling and communicating the values in daily situations. Moreover, we find it important to be aware of the dominant power aspect in intercultural meetings, which can affect relationships and the quality of the conversations.

"Vi är alla migranter i tiden" : En maktanalys av Mohsin Hamids Exit väst och romanens didaktiska potential / "We are all migrants through time" : A Power Analysis of Mohsin Hamid's Exit West and its Didactical Potential

Stanic, Sofija January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med följande studie är att med utgångspunkt i en maktanalys av Mohsin HamidsExit väst undersöka romanens didaktiska potential i svenskämnet och i skolans värdegrundsarbete. Studien refererar till Martha C. Nussbaums teori kring den narrativa fantasin och interkulturell pedagogik som didaktiska verktyg vid arbete med romanen.Exit väst skildrar de utmaningar och svårigheter som flyktingar och immigranter kan uppleva i västvärlden. Genom en maktanalys blir de orättvisa och negativa maktdynamiker som skildras i romanen tydliga. Studien vill visa att eleverna kan utveckla ett empatiskt och emotionellt förhållningssätt till karaktärerna och deras erfarenheter genom narrativa fantasi. Detta i sin tur kan vidga elevernas förståelse för olika människor och deras skilda livsvillkor. Exit väst öppnar även upp för interkulturell undervisning i svenskämnet och i värdegrundsarbetet. Studien visar att det finns didaktisk potential i användningen av romanen i litteraturundervisning för att uppfylla kursmål och värdegrundsarbete.

Språk- och kunskapsutveckling för nyanlända elever i ordinarie klass i årskurs F-3

Möller Kozlovski, Maj-Britt January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med examensarbetet är att undersöka hur klasslärare i grundskolans tidiga årundervisar nyanlända elever i ordinarie klass för att främja deras språk- ochkunskapsutveckling, hur de ser till att nyanlända elever får en likvärdig utbildning i enskola för alla samt hur de ser på sin undervisningspraktik. Därtill att ta reda på hurstudiehandledare undervisar nyanlända elever på deras modersmål i grundskolans tidiga årför att främja deras språk-och kunskapsutveckling, hur de samarbetar med klassläraren ochhur de ser på sin yrkesroll.Bakgrundsteorin baseras främst på framträdande forskare inom området och derasteorier samt svenska skolmyndigheters granskningar och stödmaterial. Resultaten grundarsig på empiriskt material som har insamlats genom observationer av svenskundervisningoch studiehandledning på modersmålet samt intervjuer med klasslärare ochstudiehandledare i grundskolans tidigare år.Resultaten utifrån forskningen visar att explicit undervisning, interaktion, specifikstöttning, höga förväntningar, framåtsyftande respons och kognitivt utmanande uppgifter ärfrämjande för nyanlända elevers språk- och kunskapsutveckling. Vidare är trygghet och tidsamt ett tillåtande klimat avgörande för att nyanlända elever ska våga använda det nyamajoritetsspråket. Resultaten belyser även att tillgången till modersmålet ochstudiehandledning är avgörande för att nyanlända elever kan erövra skolspråket ochtillgodogöra sig den ordinarie undervisningen.Examensarbetet avslutas med en diskussion av de övergripande slutsatserna medkoppling till vilka konsekvenser det kan ha på läraryrket. En viktig slutsats är att trotsklasslärarnas språkinriktade undervisning vilar på vetenskaplig grund och beprövaderfarenhet efterfrågar de mer studiehandledning på modersmålet till de nyanlända eleverna.

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