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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

DEN IDEALA COWBOYEN : En komparativ studie av maskuliniteten inom den amerikanska audiovisuella westerngenren på 1950-talet samt 2010-talet

Falk Renström, Johannes January 2019 (has links)
Den hegemoniska maskuliniteten är försatt i ett stadie av konstant förändring och omförhandling. Saker som i en viss tidsepok kommit att associeras med femininitet kan vid en annan tidpunkt komma att tillskrivas som ett maskulint attribut. Då mannens relation till sig själv  – och hans relation till sin omgivning – påverkas av den maskulina idealbild som förmedlas, i bland annat populärkulturellt material, blir det därför viktigt att undersöka hur denna hegemoniska maskulinitet yttrar sig i olika tidsepoker. Detta dels för att utröna varför den ser ut som den gör idag och hur den porträtterats historiskt, men även för att förutspå hur gestaltningen av maskulinitet kan komma att förändra sig i framtiden. Denna studie har utfört en komparation mellan westernfilmer som av diverse forskare och kritiker ses som typiska tidsenliga exempel på filmer inom westerngenren. Detta gjordes för att fastställa hur den historiska porträtteringen av den hegemoniska maskuliniteten skiljer sig från den i ett modernt populärkulturellt material inom samma genre. Detta gjordes genom att utföra en semiotisk bildanalys av protagonistens och antagonistens slut- samt introduktionsscen, därefter jämfördes de observationer som gjorts i analysen, varpå övergripande analyser gjordes, i vilken återkommande drag, behandlingen av minoriteter, kroppsattribut och miljöerna som dessa befann sig i och bebodde, diskuterades och sammanställdes. Kontentan av resultatet var att attribut som tidigare associerats med protagonister i materialet från 1950-talet numera utgjordes av antagonisterna i materialet från 2010-talet. Den tidigare maskuliniteten som gestaltades av storväxthet och breda axlar har förändrats, och den hegemoniska maskuliniteten har nu gett upphov till en man med mer komplexa motivationer, större känsloliv och hänsynsfullhet än den som skänktes av protagonisten i dom tidigare gestaltningarna. Genom att uppnå sina målsättningar kunde även protagonisterna i materialen från båda tidsperioderna dölja att dessa antagit attribut som tidigare varit kvinnligt kodade i den nya maskulina idealbilden, exempelvis fällandet av tårar.

Detection of annual rings in wood

Jonsson, Christian January 2008 (has links)
<p>This report describes an annual line detection algorithm for the WoodEye quality control system. The goal with the algorithm is to find the positions of annual lines on the four surfaces of a board. The purpose is to use this result to find the inner annual ring structure of the board. The work was done using image processing techniques to analyze images collected with WoodEye. The report gives the reader an insight in the requirements of quality control systems in the woodworking industry and the benefits of automated quality control versus manual inspection. The appearance and formation of annual lines are explained on a detailed level to provide insight on how the problem should be approached. A comparison between annual rings and fingerprints are made to see if ideas from this area of pattern recognition can be adapted to annual line detection. This comparison together with a study of existing methods led to the implementation of a fingerprint enhancement method. This method became a central part of the annual line detection algorithm. The annual line detection algorithm consists of two main steps; enhancing the edges of the annual rings, and tracking along the edges to form lines. Different solutions for components of the algorithm were tested to compare performance. The final algorithm was tested with different input images to find if the annual line detection algorithm works best with images from a grayscale or an RGB camera.</p>

Modern Stereo Correspondence Algorithms : Investigation and Evaluation

Olofsson, Anders January 2010 (has links)
<p>Many different approaches have been taken towards solving the stereo correspondence problem and great progress has been made within the field during the last decade. This is mainly thanks to newly evolved global optimization techniques and better ways to compute pixel dissimilarity between views. The most successful algorithms are based on approaches that explicitly model smoothness assumptions made about the physical world, with image segmentation and plane fitting being two frequently used techniques.</p><p>Within the project, a survey of state of the art stereo algorithms was conducted and the theory behind them is explained. Techniques found interesting were implemented for experimental trials and an algorithm aiming to achieve state of the art performance was implemented and evaluated. For several cases, state of the art performance was reached.</p><p>To keep down the computational complexity, an algorithm relying on local winner-take-all optimization, image segmentation and plane fitting was compared against minimizing a global energy function formulated on pixel level. Experiments show that the local approach in several cases can match the global approach, but that problems sometimes arise – especially when large areas that lack texture are present. Such problematic areas are better handled by the explicit modeling of smoothness in global energy minimization.</p><p>Lastly, disparity estimation for image sequences was explored and some ideas on how to use temporal information were implemented and tried. The ideas mainly relied on motion detection to determine parts that are static in a sequence of frames. Stereo correspondence for sequences is a rather new research field, and there is still a lot of work to be made.</p>

I Gripdjurets grepp : om skandinavisk djurornamentik, bildtolknings metodik och djurhuvudformiga spännen / The grip of the beast : Scandinavian animal art, image interpretation methodology and animal-head brooches

Melander, Victor Niels Love January 2013 (has links)
Animal art is one of the more mystical aspects of Scandinavian Iron Age culture. It has foremost been regarded in the light of art and style history. Interpretation has also – mainly from the 1990s and onwards – been made through iconographic analysis. But the problem here is that iconography requires textual analogy, something that the Scandinavian Iron Age lacks. The purpose of this paper is to lift some of the ”mystical fog” that engulfs the scandinavian animal art, by developing a method for interpretation of pre-historic images that evades the flaws in the iconographic method. This by doing an interpretation of the gripping beast motif on Gotlandic Viking Age animal-head brooches. The study is divided into three parts. Part one focuses on reception within research history and how the use of language and methodological approaches shapes the perception of animal art within it's own time, it also discusses animal art in the light of style, motif and communication. Part two aims to outline a method for pre-historic image interpretation, a structuralistic iconology with addition of contextualization and anthropological theories of agency. The chapter also discusses the cosmological order through means of ”structuralistic iconology”. Finally part three contextualizes the gripping beast to the object – the animal head-brooch – through notions of use, combination and age. Concluding that the gripping beast should be understood as a hybrid creature closely linked to ancestry, odal and the fatalistic worldview of Iron Age Scandinavia.

Implementation and evaluation of content-aware video retargeting techniques / Implementation och utvärdering av innehållsstyrd omformatering av videosekvenser

Holmer, Stefan January 2008 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this master thesis was to study different content-aware video retargeting techniques, concentrating on a generalization of seam carving for video. Focus have also been put on the possibility to combine different techniques to achieve better retargeting of both multi-shot video and single-shot video. This also involved significant studies of automatic cut detection and different measures of video content. The work resulted in a prototype application for semi-automatic video retargeting, developed in Matlab. Three different retargeting techniques, seam carving, automated pan & scan and subsampling using bi-cubic interpolation, have been implemented in the prototype. The techniques have been evaluated and compared to each other from a content preservation perspective and a perceived quality perspective.</p> / <p>Syftet med examensarbetet har varit att studera tekniker för ändring av bredd/höjd-förhållandet i videosekvenser, där hänsyn tas till innehållet i bilderna. Fokus har lagts på en generalisering av "seam carving" för video och möjligheterna att kombinera olika tekniker för att nå bättre kvalitet både för videosekvenser som består av endast ett, eller flera, klipp. Detta innefattade således också omfattande studier av automatisk klippdetektering och olika mått av videoinnehåll. Arbetet har resulterat i en prototypapplikation utvecklad i Matlab för halvautomatisk förändring av bildförhållande där hänsyn tas till innehållet i sekvenserna. I prototypen finns tre metoder implementerade, "seam carving", automatiserad "pan & scan" och nedsampling med bi-kubisk interpolering. Dessa metoder har utvärderats och jämförts med varandra från ett innehållsbevarande perspektiv och ett kvalitetsperspektiv.</p>

Muskler och kön : En kvalitativ studie av genuskonstruktioner inom styrketräning på nätet.

Silfverlåås, Corinne January 2015 (has links)
Det övergripande syftet med denna uppsats är att vidga kunskapen om ett relativt utforskade ämne, nämligen genus inom fältet styrketräning. Detta undersöks genom analysera bilder på vältränade människor med rådande teorier inom ämnet för att på så vis bidra till ny kunskap. Mer specifikt så är syftet med denna studie att undersöka hur föreställningen om manligt respektive kvinnligt reproduceras i form av bilder på två webbsidor som behandlar styrketräning. De olika typer av bilder som återfinns på hemsidorna präglas av tydliga genusskillnader som på ett extremt sätt framhäver männens makt över kvinnorna genom att porträttera dem på både tydliga och mer subtila sätt vilket har lyfts fram i analysen. Genom att belysa dessa aspekter så har ett relativt outforskat område nu fått en mer nyanserad och genomskinlig bild genom att rikta ljus på hur genus skapas genom bilder i fältet för styrketräning. Frågor som uppsatsen ställer sig är: Hur framställs genus i bild på kvinnor respektive män som i varierande grad utövar styrketräning och kroppsbyggning på utvalda webbsidor? Vilka olika typer av bilder av kroppen återfinns på webbsidorna? Hur framställs de och vilka skillnader finns mellan könen vad gäller dessa bilder? Analysen av bilder på två olika nätsidor som riktar sig till kvinnor och män som styrketränar visar att det verkar finnas ett större behov av att skilja män och kvinnor åt i just styrketräningssammanhang, detta eftersom kvinnan här närmar sig vad som anses vara männens sfär.

The Spotlight is on Gender Roles : A Study of Verb Dynamics and Gender in Spotlight 7/8/9

Wirgell, Linnea January 2010 (has links)
In the present study I have conducted a linguistic investigation of the textbook series Spotlight 7, 8 and 9 (Natur &amp; Kultur 2008-2010) which is used in grades 7-9. The purpose of the investigation is to examine what gender roles are presented in the material. The theoretical approach is Halliday’s (2004) Functional Grammar Theory. The second part of the study presents a discourse analysis of three selected texts from Spotlight 7, 8 and 9 where the texts as well as the related pictures are analysed. The results from the whole study are compared to the goals on gender equality stated in the National Curriculum and the Educational Act.                       The result of the study reveals that the gender roles presented in the teaching material are less stereotypic than hypothesized but that, in accordance with my hypotheses, males were represented to a higher extent than females and transgenders. This result suggests that the material only partly fulfills the demands on gender equality that is found in the National Curriculum and the Educational Act.

Botaniska teckningar och fotografier : En innehållsanalys / Botanical Illustrations and Photographs : a content analysis

Kronsell, Caroline January 2021 (has links)
Botaniska bilder har varit en viktig del inom medicin och vetenskap sedan antiken och de har fortfarande en etablerad plats i vårt samhälle i form av floror, faunor och annat utbildningsmaterial. Den stora förändringen som skett är övergången från teckningar till fotografier och i denna uppsats tittar jag närmare på hur samtida botaniska bilder är uppbyggda och jämför teckningar och illustrationer ur perspektivet visuell kommunikation. Jag använder en kvalitativ innehållsanalys kodad med nyckelord hämtade från bland annat kognitionsteori och representationsteori. Resultatet tyder på att valet av medieform är mindre avgörande ur ett visuellt kommunikativt perspektiv och att medieformerna delar samma styrkor och svagheter. / Botanical images have been an important part of medicine and science since ancient times and they still have an established place in our society in the form of flora, fauna and other educational materials. The big change that has taken place is the transition from drawings to photographs and in this essay I take a closer look at how contemporary botanical images are structured and compare drawings and illustrations from the perspective of visual communication. I use a qualitative content analysis coded with keywords taken from, among other things, cognitive theory and representation theory. The results indicate that the choice of media form is less decisive from a visual communicative perspective and that the media forms share the same strengths and weaknesses.

En pixlad analys : Hur applicerbara är äldre bildanalysmetoder på pixel art? / A pixelated analysis : How applicable are older image analysis methods on pixel art?

Holm, Anna January 2022 (has links)
This thesis examines the possibility of expanding the toolset for art historical studies of digital art, doing so by studying if older influential art theories can be used in image analysis of digital artworks. More specifically, the study centers around the application of Heinrich Wölfflin’s objective classifying principles as well as Erwin Panofsky’s iconology and iconography on the digital art form pixel art. The aim of the thesis is to research the level of applicability of these well-used image analysis methods on the art style, arguing for the legitimacy of pixel art as an art form as well as contributing to the expanding knowledge about digital art within the Swedish art history field. The results of the study showed that both Wölfflin’s and Panofsky’s image analysis methods are applicable on pixel art artworks, but in different ways with different prerequisites. The objective classifying principles of Wölfflin as well as the pre-iconographical stage of Panofsky’s method center around “surface level” aspects of a work of art such as lines, shading or image composition. These are aspects that in many ways differ greatly in execution between traditional painted art and pixel art, so for these methods to work there needs to be some translation to terms and aspects more applicable to pixel art. Panofsky’s iconography and iconology are on the other hand interested in “deeper” as well as contextual aspects of a work of art such as symbols or references. These aspects of pixel art artworks function in the same way as most other art, traditional or otherwise, and can therefore be directly applied without “translation”.

Error i cisblicken : en normkritisk studie om cisnormen

Strömbeck, Wendel January 2014 (has links)
The cis norm could be described as the norm that forces everyone to be either female or male and that genitals, gender identity and juridical sex should be constant throughout a person’s lifetime. “Cis” means “on the same side” in Latin, and in this study Wendel Strömbeck, student at the Pedagogy Institution of Konstfack, University College of Arts, Crafts and Design, has coined the notion “the cis gaze”. “The cis gaze” refer to a performative act of sorting bodies into a female or male category. Wendel study how people with trans* experiences could experience gazes and pictures in relation to the cis norm. The study is based on the queer community that Wendel is a part of, and includes interviews and self-reflections. “Trans” means “to move over” in Latin and “trans*” refers to the whole spectra of possible ways of transgressing the cis norm. The study is devided into two parallel works, an essay and an artistic figuration, a comic book. The comic book includes rendering of the interviews that Wendel has carried out and an irreverent study of cis gendered persons. The essay also includes rendering of the same interviews and an analysis of a poster for the Hollywood movie Glen or Glenda from 1953

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