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Obefläckad Maria : Miles Aldridges Immaculée analyserad i en samtida kontext / Immaculate Maria : Miles Aldridge's Immaculée analysed in a contemporary contextGassberger, Molly January 2021 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka Miles Aldridges fotografi Immaculée#5 som gestaltar en Jungfru Maria som innehar ett uttryck av extas. Med hjälp av Panofskys ikonografiska metod och feministisk och psykoanalytisk teori analyseras verket för att utforska hur det religiösa verket kan tolkas i en samtida kontext. Slutsatsen innehåller en konklusion om att en förhistorisk kontext om Jungfru Maria och genomförda kritiska analyser visar att Immaculée#5 kan representera ett visuellt kvinnoförtryck baserat på bland annat sexuell voyeurism. / The purpose of the essay is to examine Miles Aldridge's photograph Immaculée#5, which depicts a Virgin Mary holding an expression of ecstasy. Using Panofsky's iconographic method and feminist and psychoanalytic theory, the work is analyzed to explore how the religious work can be interpreted in a contemporary context. The conclusion is that a prehistoric context about the Virgin Mary and critical analyses show that Immaculée#5 can represent a visual oppression of women based on sexual voyeurism, among other things.
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Finns det skillnad i den mediala framställningen av hedersrelaterat våld och våld i nära relationer? : En diskursanalys av svenska dagstidningars inverkan och rapportering av hedersrelaterat våld och våld i nära relationer / Is there a difference in the medial production of honour-related violence and domestic violence? : A discourse analysis of Swedish newspapers impact on the reports of honour-related violence and domestic violence.Orrgren, Ami January 2021 (has links)
Genom användning av diskursanalys ämnar denna studie besvara följande frågor: ”Hur framställs skillnaderna och likheterna mellan våld i nära relationer och hedersrelaterat våld, och hur betraktas de som olika fenomen?” samt ”Hur kan synen av olika kulturer påverkas genom att definiera våldet på olika sätt?”. För att besvara dessa frågor har 29 tidningsartiklar om våld i nära relationer och 61 artiklar om hedersrelaterat våld som skrivits i svenska dagstidningar mellan åren 2002 och 2021 samlats in. Dessa har sedan analyserats med hjälp av Laclaus och Mouffes diskursanalys. Analysen fokuserar på hur hedersrelaterat våld och våld i nära relationer presenteras i den mediala debatten. Utifrån analysen uppkom två diskurser: ”Det främmande våldet” samt ”Den mediala rapporteringen av distinktionen mellan olika våld”. Diskursanalysen tillhör det socialkonstruktivistiska perspektivet. Majoriteten av den tidigare forskningen berör det feministiska perspektivet. Dessa perspektiv brukas för att försöka förklara om det finns någon skillnad mellan nyhetsrapporteringen av hedersrelaterat våld och våld i nära relationer samt hur detta påverkar synen på icke-svenska kulturer. Studien klargör att det finns en skillnad på rapporteringen av hedersrelaterat våld och våld i nära relationer. Detta bidrar bland annat till att kunna särskilja olika grupper i samhället där etniska minoriteter framställs som främmande och oförmögen att kunna anpassa sig till det svenska samhället. / Through the application of discourse analysis, the purpose of this study is to answer the following questions: “How are the similarities and differences of domestic violence and honour-related violence portrayed, and in what ways are they viewed differently?” and “How can the perception of other cultures be affected by redefining the violence?”. To answer these questions, 29 news articles regarding domestic violence and 61 news articles regarding honour-related violence have been collected and then analysed with the help of Laclau’s and Mouffe’s discourse analysis. The analysis focuses on the way domestic violence and honour-related violence is portrayed in the journalistic space. Through this analysis, two discourses emerged: “The foreign violence” and “The distinction in portrayal of difference types on violence in the sphere of media”. Discourse analysis lies within the realm of social constructivism. Most prior research touches upon the feministic perspective. These perspectives are used in order to explain any difference in the reporting of honour-related violence and domestic violence in the media, and furthermore how it affects the regard of non-Swedish cultures. The study identified that there is a difference in the portrayal of honour-related violence and domestic violence in Swedish media. Ramifications include segregation, leading to the view that ethnic minorities are unable to conform to the structure of Swedish society at large.
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Den oändliga jakten på frihet : En analys av patriarkatets kvinnoförtryck i Jonas Gardells släktkrönika Till minne av en villkorslös kärlek. / The endless pursuit of freedom : An analysis of patriarchy’s oppression of women in Jonas Gardell’s family saga In memory of an unconditional love.Kalogeropoulou, Konstantina January 2021 (has links)
Genom en närläsning av släktkrönikan Till minne av en villkorslöskärlek, analyserar denna uppsats hur det patriarkala samhället begränsar huvudkaraktären Ingegärd Rasmussen. Med utgångspunkt i Yvonne Hirdmans teori om genusskapande samt Lois Tysons feministiska teori och litteraturkritik, presenterar jag de rådande könsroller, könsnormer samt genusordningar som begränsar Ingegärd Rasmussen under hela hennes livstid. Hennes normbrytande och normföljande beteende, resulterar i att hon aldrig riktigt lyckas befria sig från patriarkatets begränsningar. / Through a close reading of the family chronicle In memory of an unconditional love, this essay analyzes how the patriarchal society limits the main character Ingegärd Rasmussen. Based on Yvonne Hirdman's theory of gender creation and Lois Tyson's feminist theory and literary criticism, I present the prevailing gender roles, gender norms and gender arrangements that limit Ingegärd Rasmussen throughout her life. Her norm-breaking and norm-following behavior results in her never really succeeding in freeing herself from the limitations of patriarchy.
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Ingen liten sak? : En rättsanalys av djurens juridiska status som egendom i våld i nära relationer / No small thing? : A legal analysis of the juridicial status of animals as property in the domestic abuse contextFischer, Beatrice January 2021 (has links)
This paper aims to examine how the legal status of animals as property affect them and their owners in the context of domestic abuse, and to answer the question of whether it would be appropriate to change this. Several methods are used, most notably the legal dogmatic, legal analytic, and socio-legal. A feminist perspective is also applied. Animals are classified as objects in the Swedish legal system. According to the courts, however, they are not an object like any other. Despite their legal status, they are entitled to certain rights. Through research on what is called the link, it has been proven that animals play a very important role in domestic abuse relationships. They are effectively weaponized against the woman, and they are also often themselves abused, something that is not always understood considering the animals’ status as property. Because of recent court judgements and other societal tendencies, it can however be discussed if this is still the case, or if the order is slowly shifting. The paper finds that it cannot be claimed that animals by the legal order are viewed as more than objects in cases of domestic abuse. It can however be claimed that court judgements, public projects and recent changes on the animal rights area show inclinations of the Swedish legal system increasingly acknowledging animals within the domestic abuse context, however principally to the extent the abused woman views the animal as meaningful to her. Further findings include that it is not expedient to broaden the right of appeal in animal rights cases for the sake of the domestically abused animal, until they are considered more than property. It is furthermore not expedient to consider all or certain types of animals as more than property in the context of domestic abuse, as it would not outweigh the opposing interests. The findings lead to the conclusion that animals in situations of domestic abuse are best protected within Swedish law by strengthening animal welfare, by recognizing abuse against animals as a form psychological violence against women, and by establishing national measures on how the link problematic is to be addressed and redressed.
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Kan konventionsstaters reservationer stjälpa syftet i FN:s kvinnokonvention? : En jämförande fallstudie om hur reservationer från konventionsstaterna kan påverka Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women?Petersson, Betty January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to, based on a comparative case study design, find out what reservations have been made against CEDAW. Furthermore, the purpose is also to compare differences and similarities between the states that have ratified the Convention and made reservations against it. In addition, the study will examine whether the purpose of the convention is sought based on the reservations made. In the study, two international relations theories have been applied, the feminist theory and the liberal internationalist theory. To respond to this purpose, two questions have been formulated. What type of reservations have been made against CEDAW and by which countries? What are the differences and similarities between the reservations and their countries that have made reservations? The results that emerged during the study show that reservations have been made against 9 articles in the convention and the reservations have been made by several different countries. Furthermore, the results also showed that there are more similarities than differences between the countries. The most prominent similarities are based on religion, governance and legislation. One differences between the countries was their completely different rankings on Freedom Houses annual world report on political freedoms and civil rights.
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Hilma af Klint - från en liten asketisk kvinna till geni : En feministisk textanalys av utställningskataloger och recensioner av Moderna Museets utställningar av Hilma af Klint 1989, 2013 och 2022Montelius, Malin January 2022 (has links)
Denna uppsats har undersökt hur Hilma af Klint har framställts i utställningskataloger och recensioner av Moderna Museet i Stockholms tre utställningar – 1989, 2013 och 2022. Uppsatsen har granskat ordval, fraser och åsikter gällande beskrivningar av henne, hennes konst och hennes plats i konsthistoriens skrivning. Undersökandet har utifrån ett feministiskt synsätt. Genom Linda Nochlins Varför har det inte funnits några stora kvinnliga konstnärer, Whitney Chadwicks Women, Art & Society samt Hélène Cixous dikotomier och text Laugh of the Medusa har uppsatsen kommit fram till att återkommande ordval som hänvisar på af Klint som kvinna har förekommit främst i samband med Moderna Museets första utställningen. Idag vid utställningen 2022 ifrågasätts Moderna Museets roll mer i deras återkommande synlighet av af Klint och hur vidare hon ska förklaras som ett geni som marknadsför museumet, mer än henne som en konstnär. / This essay has examined how Hilma af Klint has been described in exhibition catalogues and reviews of Moderna Museet in Stockholm’s three exhibitions - 1989, 2013 and 2022. The essay has examined word choices, phrases and opinions regarding descriptions of her, her art, and her place in the writing of art history. The examination has used a feminist approach. Through Linda Nochlin’s Varför har det inte funnits några stora kvinnliga konstnärer, Whitney Chadwick’s Women, Art & Society, as well as Hélène Cixous’ dichotomies and text Laugh of the Medusa the essay has reached the conclusion that recurring word choices that refer to and highlight to af Klint’s gender as a woman are most visible in the first exhibition from 1989. Today, at 2022’s exhibition, the role of Moderna Museet is challenged more in their repeated visualising of af Klint and also how she is now depicted as a genius to market the museum, more than her as an artist.
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"Till man och kvinna skapade han dem" : Relationen mellan kvinnan och mannen i Första Mosebok, Första Korintierbrevet samt Andra Klemensbrevet: En jämförelse utifrån feministisk och ideologisk teori.Rudolfsson, Camilla January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to investigate and compare how the relationship between woman and man is expressed in Genesis, First Corinthians and Second Clement based on a feminist and ideological theory. This paper argues that the relationship between woman and man in all three texts (Gen, 1 Cor and 2 Clem) is equal. It is described that both Eve/woman and Adam/man are created by God, they must unite and become one, and they are in a mutual dependence on each other and God. Through a feminist and ideological theory, the creation story can contribute to understanding 1 Cor in a way where the woman is equal to the man. When the three texts are presented next to each other (heading 2.1.8), their similarities emerge clearly, and both 1 Cor and 2 Clem have eschatological undertones and explain above all that the female and the male belong together. My interpretation is that both 1 Cor and 2 Clem wants to correct incorrect hierarchies that arose in their contemporaries based on using the non-hierarchical order of the creation story to highlight how the relationship between women and men is actually intended. Interpreting the creation of Eve based on Adam's need for her means that Eve and thus the woman is Adam's equal helper. There is nothing in the text to suggest that women should be seen as subordinate to men. The point of the whole pericope is that Eve (created from Adam's bones and flesh) and Adam through marriage and sexual union will become one. What Paul expresses in 1 Cor 11:11-12 appears to be an explanation for the theological meaning of the verses of the creation story. "For just as the woman is from the man, so also the man through the woman and all are from God." Although Eve was created from man, Adam was the one who benefited from Eve's creation. He needed her both as a partner and companion and also as an enabler for humans to reproduce. Exactly how the verses in 2 Clem should be interpreted is unclear among the scholars presented in this paper. But on the other hand, the text expresses that the relationship between woman and man is, and should be, completely equal. The pericope explains how the Lord's kingdom will come when humans actively act according to the message of the text. There is no sign whatsoever of any kind of hierarchy between women and men.
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Development Initiatives’ Impact on Women’s Empowerment : A Field Study on a Business Training and Microcredit Program in Kenya / Utvecklingsinitiativ och deras påverkan på kvinnors egenmakt : En fältstudie om ett entreprenörskaps- och mikrokreditprogram i KenyaGrafford, Josefin, Hansson, Josefin January 2020 (has links)
The primary goal of development organizations is poverty reduction, but their initiatives have in recent years also been recognized as a potential tool in empowering women and raising their status. Previous knowledge on the topic is largely based in an understanding of empowerment that seems to miss or overlook limitations and impacts of initiatives which authors with a more feminist view on empowerment address. Thus, this thesis aims to increase the understanding of women’s empowerment in relation to development initiatives. A case study focusing on women who had previously participated in the business training and microcredit program of an NGO in Nairobi, Kenya was conducted. The study shows that through development organizations’ various initiatives women can be empowered on a personal and a collective level. For instance, the women’s self-confidence has increased and they see themselves as entitled to do things on their own, such as running a business. Further, through coming together as a group they gain access to new spaces and agency to act on their collective interests. However, little evidence of women’s empowerment on a relational level is seen. The study also shows that there are economic and gender-related barriers constraining the empowerment process. / Utvecklingsorganisationers primära mål är att minska fattigdom, men deras initiativ har på senare tid också kommit att erkännas som ett potentiellt verktyg för att främja kvinnors egenmakt och höja deras status. Tidigare kunskap om kopplingen mellan egenmakt och organisationers initiativ utgår i stor utsträckning från en förståelse av begreppet egenmakt som verkar missa eller förbise vissa begränsningar och effekter av initiativen, som andra med en mer feministisk syn på egenmakt lyckas belysa. Syftet med denna uppsats är därför att öka förståelsen för kvinnors egenmakt i förhållande till utvecklingsinitiativ och den har utförts som en fallstudie fokuserad på kvinnor som tidigare deltagit i ett entreprenörskaps- och mikrokreditprogram hos en ideell organisation i Nairobi, Kenya. Studien visar att genom organisationers olika initiativ kan kvinnors egenmakt stärkas på ett personligt och ett kollektivt plan. Bland annat har kvinnornas självförtroende ökat och de ser sin rätt att göra saker på egen hand, såsom att driva ett företag. Genom att samlas som grupp får kvinnorna dessutom tillgång till nya utrymmen och möjligheter att agera på sina kollektiva intressen. I studien ses emellertid svaga tecken på kvinnors egenmakt inom äktenskapet. Slutligen visar studien att det finns ekonomiska och könsrelaterade barriärer som begränsar utvecklingen av kvinnors egenmakt.
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Responses to the Abolition of the Swedish Feminist Foreign Policy : Insights from document analysis and interviews with Swedish civil society organisationsAspington, Caroline, Shekh Mohamed, Idil January 2024 (has links)
This study uncovers the reactions and responses of Swedish civil society organisations to the abolition of the Swedish feminist foreign policy. Sweden, a pioneer in 2014 as the first country to develop and adopt a feminist foreign policy, took a surprising turn in 2022 by becoming the first to abolish it. Through qualitative methods of document analysis and key informant interviews, this study aims to understand how these crucial foreign affairs actors responded to this policy shift. The findings reveal deep-seated disappointment and concern about the negative development of Sweden’s foreign affairs, as the government dismantled Sweden’s gender equality commitments without offering new, measurable strategies. By engaging with feminist international relations theory, the results illuminate potential regression in global gender equality achievements, human rights, and democratic values as the government severs dialogical and financial ties with civil society.
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Communicating Care : The Contradictions of HPV Vaccination CampaignsLindén, Lisa January 2016 (has links)
Denna avhandling undersöker tre statligt finansierade kampanjer mot human papillomvirus (HPV) i Sverige. Författaren visar att kampanjerna innehåller och artikulerar olika former av omsorg som inte är begränsade till att endast uppmana människor att ”ta hand om sig själva” eller ”bry sig om andra”. Istället studeras omsorg som något mångfasetterat och kontextuellt, och som något som innefattar såväl mänskliga som icke-mänskliga komponenter. I studien fokuserar författaren på hur aktörer möjliggör och problematiserar olika former av omsorg. Dessa aktörer inkluderar yrkesverksamma inom landsting som försöker kommunicera omsorg till tjejer och deras anhöriga, men också olika materiella ting, såsom en ”HPV-app”, en Facebook-kampanjsida och en vaccinationshusvagn. Kampanjmedia, intervjuer och textbaserade cancerberättelser analyseras med hjälp av teoretiska perspektiv från fältet feministiska teknik- och vetenskapsstudier (STS). Studien är situerad till forskning kring omsorgspolitik inom teknik och vetenskap, och bidrar till diskussioner om tidsmässiga dimensioner av omsorg. I kampanjmaterialet som studeras dominerar ett fokus på omsorg som något som skall göras nu för att möjliggöra en hälsosam och lycklig framtid. Genom att använda sig av ett ”etiskt-politiskt” ställningstagande, och en analytisk ansats, där fokus ligger på att synliggöra marginella, frånvarande och alternativa omsorgsformer problematiserar författaren sådana ”snabba” framtidsorienterade omsorgsvisioner enligt vilka omsorg ses som något som skall göras omedelbart i preventivt syfte. Detta görs genom ett synliggörande av ”långsammare” och sammanflätade ”omsorgstemporaliteter” som öppnar upp för osäkerheter, tveksamheter, obestämdheter samt för olika känslouttryck, och som möjliggör mer omsorgsfulla praktiker. / This dissertation examines three state-funded human papillomavirus (HPV) campaigns in Sweden. The author shows that they include and articulate a range of different forms of care that are not limited to just asking people to “take care of themselves” or “care for others”. Care is instead approached as a multilayered, contextual and contingent phenomenon, and as made by a heterogeneity of human and nonhuman components. The study shows how care is articulated by human actors such as county council professionals who try to communicate care to girls and their relatives, and by material devices like an “HPV app”, a Facebook campaign site and a vaccination trailer which enable, distribute and trouble different forms of care. Campaign devices and campaign media, interviews, and textual cancer narratives are analyzed using a feminist science and technology studies (STS) approach. The study is situated within feminist STS discussions on the politics of care in technoscience, and contributes to discussions on temporal dimensions of care. In the campaign material the study examines, there is a dominant focus on care as something that needs to be done now to enable a healthy and happy future. By working with an ethico-political and analytical standpoint that is focused on making present neglected, marginal, absent and alternative matters of care, the author disrupts and troubles such future-oriented visions of care as an “anticipatory immediacy” through a focus on other temporalities of care. These include slower, messier and folded temporalities which open up for uncertainties, hesitations, indeterminacies, a range of feelings, and for more caring articulations of what care is. / Prescriptive Prescriptions: Pharmaceuticals and "Healthy" Subjectivities
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