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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Allmänhetens uppfattningar om våldsutövande föräldrar : En kvantitativ jämförelse av allmänhetens uppfattningar om allvarlighetsgraden när mammor eller pappor utövar fysiskt våld mot sina barn / The public’s perceptions of abusive parents

Florén, Sofia, Lindborg, Sofia, Nilsson, Emma January 2024 (has links)
Sverige var första land i världen att år 1979 förbjuda all form av misshandel av barn. Sedan dess har acceptansen för våld mot barn minskat, men utövandet av våld mot barn pågår fortfarande. Att ha en positiv inställning till våld mot barn är associerat med utövandet av våld mot sina barn. Litteraturen är delvis bristfällig, men acceptansen för föräldrars våld mot sina barn verkar vara lägst i västländerna. Denna studie ämnade undersöka allmänhetens uppfattningar om våldsutövande mammor och pappor, och skillnader i dessa uppfattningar mellan kvinnor och män samt vårdnadshavare och icke-vårdnadshavare. En vinjettstudie med webbenkäter genomfördes där deltagarna (N = 226) fick läsa ett fiktivt scenario med antingen en våldsutövande mamma eller pappa och därefter ta ställning till frågor och påståenden om scenariot. Resultaten visade att kvinnor uppfattade händelsen som allvarligare jämfört med män, och vårdnadshavare uppfattade händelsen som allvarligare jämfört med icke-vårdnadshavare. Resultaten var motstridiga vad gäller uppfattningen om våldsutövande mammor eller pappor. Resultaten diskuterades tillsammans med tidigare forskning, teorin om ideala offer och ideala förövare samt feminina och maskulina könsnormer. / Sweden was the first country in the world to ban all forms of child abuse in 1979. Since then, the acceptance of violence against children has decreased, but the practice of violence against children still continues. A positive attitude towards violence against children is associated with parents perpetrating violence against their children. The literature is partly inadequate, but the acceptance of parental violence against their children appears to be lowest in the western countries. This study aimed to investigate the public’s perceptions of abusive mothers and fathers, and differences in these perceptions between women and men as well as guardians and non-guardians. A vignette study with online questionnaires was conducted where the participants (N = 226) had to read a fictional scenario with either a violent mother or father and then take a position on questions and statements about the scenario. The results showed that women perceived the event as more severe compared to men, and guardians perceived the event as more severe compared to non-guardians. The results were conflicting regarding the perception of abusive mothers or fathers. The results were discussed together with previous research, the theory of ideal victims and ideal perpetrators and feminine and masculine gender roles.

Män har också ätstörningar : En kvalitativ studie om vårdpersonalens upplevelser av varför män i mindre utsträckning söker vård för ätstörningar. / Men Also Have Eating Disorders : A Qualitative Study on Healthcare Professionals Perceptions of Why Men Seek Treatment for Eating Disorders Less Frequently.

Johansson, Tilde, Eek, Wilma January 2024 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine healthcare professionals perspective on why men are less likely to seek healthcare for eating disorders. The study seeks to understand and highlight the potential challenges men face when seeking healthcare for these conditions. To address this issue, the following three questions were posed: What social factors contribute to the low proportion of men seeking healthcare for eating disorders? How are men affected by gender-specific norms and expectations when they seek healthcare for eating disorders? What difficulties do healthcare professionals experience in treating men with eating disorders? The study included healthcare professionals working in eating disorder teams across various regions of the country. The empirical data comprised ten interviews, which were analyzed using thematic analysis. The theoretical frameworks used in the analysis were social constructivism, gender theory, hegemonic masculinity theory and stigma. The results of this study indicate significant challenges in encouraging men to seek healthcare for eating disorders. Based on these findings, we claim that increasing awareness and communication, as well as challenging existing  stereotypes and norms, can enhance the effectiveness and supportiveness of healthcare for men with eating disorders. A lack of experiences among healthcare professionals also emerged as a significant barrier to effectively treating men with eating disorders.

”Alla är lika mycket värda!” : En kvalitativ studie om elevers perspektiv på jämställdhet samt erfarenheter av ojämställdhet / ”Everyone has the same worth” : A qualitative study about pupils’ perspective on gender equality and experiences of inequality

Söderholm, Malin January 2019 (has links)
Denna studie utgår från en undersökning om hur elever i grundskolans årskurs 4 – 6 uppfattar jämställdhet och vilka erfarenheter eleverna har av jämställdhet respektive ojämställdhet. Jämställdhet diskuteras aktivt i samhället och berör alla människor, vuxna som barn. Barnen bör få vara delaktiga i det jämställdhetsarbete som är igång. Trots detta har jag endast hittat lite forskning kring hur just barn tänker om jämställdhet. Därför utgår denna uppsats ifrån just barns perspektiv på jämställdhet. Syftet med studien är därför att undersöka elevers perspektiv på jämställdhet för att förstå hur eleverna uppfattar området för att vidare kunna involvera eleverna ytterligare i jämställdhetsarbetet. Metoden för insamlingen av empirin är gruppintervjuer där elever indelats i grupper för att diskutera förberedda frågor om jämställdhet. Eleverna har i grupperna diskuterat de olika frågorna och sett en film om jämställdhet som senare också diskuterats. Under aktiviteten har jag antagit en passiv roll större delen av tiden. Eleverna visar att de är väl medvetna om jämställdhet och genusfrågor och har många olika erfarenheter av ojämställda händelser i deras skolvardag. Samtliga elever tycker det är viktigt att jobba med området i skolan för att göra varandra, både barn och vuxna, medvetna om hur man agerar i vardagen utifrån vissa stereotypiska könsmönster och könsroller. Eleverna upplever att de själva har blivit väldigt påverkade och uttrycker traditionella könsmönster på flera olika sätt exempelvis genom att anta att pojkar spelar bättre fotboll eller att flickor är lugnare. Pojkarna upplever sig själva som roligare medan flickorna uppfattar dem som att de måste skämta för att upprätthålla en social, konstruerad roll. / The purpose of the study is to investigate what pupils in primary school’s grades’ 4 – 6 think about gender equality and what experiences they have of both gender equality and inequality. Gender equality is currently being discussed in society and all people are affected by it, adults as well as children. The children should be able to be involved in the contemporary work about equality. Even so, I have found few studies about how children think about this. Therefore, this essay is based on their perspective. Following the purpose of this essay is to learn about pupils’ perspective on gender equality in order to involve them more in the future in this important matter. The method that is being used to collect the information is group interviews where pupils have been divided into groups to discuss questions about gender equality. In these groups the pupils have discussed different questions and then watched a movie on the topic of equality that later was discussed. During the activity I took on a passive role most of the time. The pupils show that they are well aware of gender equality and questions about gender and they have many different inequality experiences of incidents from there school days. All the pupils think it is important to work with these questions in school to make each other, both adults and children, aware of how you normally tend to act based on stereotypical gender patterns. The pupils experience that they themselves have been affected by stereotypes and express several traditional gender patterns, for example by assuming that boys are better at soccer or that girls are generally calmer. The boys experience themselves as funnier while the girls assume that the boys must joke around more to uphold a socially, constructed role.

”Det räcker med att han rör vid mig för att jag ska vara fast i hans våld” : En kvalitativ analys av våldsskildringar i bokserien After / “It´s enough with him touching me for me to be stuck in his violence” : A qualitative analysis on how domestic violence is portrayed in the book series After

Sandin, Lisa, Karlsson, Klara January 2021 (has links)
The fiction book series After for young adult has had a big impact and spread among young people, this was also made possible based on the book series being filmed. The book's descriptions have been debated based on the book's content, the discussion has been based on whether the book portrays a young relationship as a destructive or a fantastic love story. The purpose of this study is to examine the fiction book series After with a focus on domestic violence. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, a qualitative thematic analysis has been applied, to examine the content of the book series and investigate the existence of domestic violence. To interpret and understand the study material, the normalization process has been used. The results show that various forms of violence are described in the books, psychological violence is most common but also other forms such as material, economic, physical and sexual violence occur. Response from the social network and the victim is made visible in the results. The results also indicated that violence and control can be made possible by digital platforms, and it is a prominent form in young relationships. The study highlights the importance of having a discussion with young people about the depictions of violence presented in the media and fiction books. / Den skönlitterära bokserien After har haft stort genomslag och spridning hos unga, detta möjliggjordes även utifrån att bokserien filmatiserades. Bokens skildringar har varit omdiskuterade utifrån bokens innehåll, diskussionen har grundats i om boken porträtterar en ung relation som destruktiv eller en fantastisk kärlekshistoria. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka den skönlitterära bokserien After med fokus på våld i nära relationer. För att uppnå studiens syfte har en kvalitativ tematisk analys tillämpats, för att granska bokseriens innehåll och undersöka förekomsten av våld. För att tolka och förstå studiens material har normaliseringsprocessen använts. Resultatet visar att olika former av våld skildras i böckerna, psykiskt våld är mest förekommande men även andra former som materiellt, ekonomiskt, fysiskt och sexuellt våld förekommer. Respons från det sociala nätverket och från den utsatte synliggörs i resultatet. Resultatet indikerade även att våld och kontroll kan möjliggöras och effektiviseras av digitala plattformar, då det är en framträdande form av våld i unga nära relationer. Studienlyfter vikten av att föra en diskussion med ungdomar kring de våldsskildringar som presenteras i media och skönlitterära böcker.

Kvinnors våld mot män i nära relationer, könsnormer och maskulinitet : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares erfarenheter av möten med utsatta män / Women's domestic violence against men, gender norms and masculinity : A qualitative study about social workers' experiences of meetings with male victims

Meakin, Matthias, Poturak, Dzenana January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate social workers' experience in meeting men who are victims of domestic violence by women. Through this study we want to acquire an in-depth understanding of how social norms of gender and masculinity have an impact on domestic violence by women as well as its impact on social workers in their treatment of the abused men. The methodological starting point of this study is based on a hermeneutic qualitative approach where empirical data have been obtained through semi-structured interviews. The interviews were conducted with six social workers who all come in contact with domestic violence through their work. Results from this study show that the norms of gender and masculinity which exist in our society do affect the view of men and manhood and it affects the view on women’s violence and violence in general. It also affects how the social workers treat men who are victims of domestic abuse by women. The result of this is that men feel a lot of shame about being victims of domestic abuse hence making it hard to reach them in efforts to help. Our conclusion is that social workers need to learn more about how norms of gender and masculinity affect what the men are feeling and hence find ways to treat these men without shame interfering in that treatment.

Debatten om Drottningarna: drama eler dokumentär? : En doxisk analys av debatten om TV4:s Drottningarna

Sylvén, Emelie January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

“I won’t be the first, or the last. Men do it all the time” : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys om hur kvinnliga och manliga karaktärer framställs i tv-serierna "Scener ur ett äktenskap". / “I won’t be the first, or the last. Men do it all the time” : A qualitative content analysis of the female and male characters in the television series "Scenes from a Marriage".

Poric Di Zazzo, Alinn January 2022 (has links)
In this study the purpose is to explore how female and male characters are depicted in two tv-shows named “Scenes from a marriage¨ with a qualitative content analysis as a method. These two tv-shows are made with a gap of 48 years, the first tv-show was made and televised 1973 by Ingmar Bergman and a remake of the tv-show was made and televised 2021. The three questions asked to the study was; “How are the female and male characters portrayed?”, “What are the differences or similarities between the versions in the portrayal of male and female characters?” and “What gender norms and gender roles are seen or absent in the tv series?”. The theories used in this research was gender system and gender contract from Yvonne Hirdman but also the male gaze from Laura Mulvey in order to analyze the chosen scenes. To help analyze the terms gender norms and gender roles have been used. The results shows that the portrayal of the female and male characters in the older version of  “Scenes from a marriage” from 1973 was more traditional in its depictions of gender and norm-conforming but with some social interactions that shows norm-breaking, while the portrayal of the female and male characters in the new version from 2021 was more norm-breaking when the gender roles was reversed and gender norms were not followed by the characters but with some social interactions that shows norm-conforming.

Vägen till framgång : En kritisk diskursanalys av Bossbabes webbkommunikation

Lindskog, Ida, Nilsson, Julia January 2022 (has links)
Title: Road to success: A critical discourse analysis of Bossbabe's web communication  The aim of the study was to investigate and problematize how companies involved in coaching of women's entrepreneurship relate to and construct the discourse of success. The theoretical areas covered are individualisation and reintegration, the expert society, gender theory and gender roles, and relationship-building marketing. The study used critical discourse analysis and semiotics as a method to analyze screenshots from the Bossbabe company's website. From the analysis, findings emerged that Bossbabe challenges and reproduces norms of success. Visibility work was found to be mainly used as an additional source of income. Success was personified by Bossbabe both by showing experts as concrete symbols of success and by advocating a certain type of lifestyle. Bossbabe also uses relationship-building marketing such as pink marketing and word-of-mouth (WOM). From the analysis we see a pattern of reproduction and challenge of gender norms within the discourse of success.

Looking at Gender Stereotypes in Language Behaviour: Questions, Compliments, and Interruptions in the Films of Hayao Miyazaki

Meshcheryakova, Arina January 2022 (has links)
The films of Hayao Miyazaki have been praised world-wide for their strong female characters and their wide range of gender representation. While most of previous research has been focusing on narrative, in particular, characters’ social behaviour therein, or their visual appearance, this thesis aims to understand whether these praised films do challenge the usual gender stereotypes associated with contemporary Japanese society and popular fiction also linguistically. Specifically, it focuses on questions, compliments, and interruptions in a quantitative analysis examining the frequency of tagged language behaviour in female and male main characters. The results show that language behaviour associated with gender stereotypes – not only with regard to the Japanese society but the whole world – can be seen in the analysed films Lupin III: Castle of Cagliostro (1979), Kiki’s Delivery Service (1989), Spirited Away (2001) and Howl’s Moving Castle (2004). For a more complex understanding of the linguistic stereotypes in the films, this thesis argues that further research on the Japanese language and Japanese gender norms would be required. / 宮崎駿の映画は、強い女性の登場人物と幅広いジェンダーの象徴として、世界中で称賛されている。 先行研究の多くは、物語、特に登場人物の社会的行動や容姿に焦点を当てているが、本論文の目的は、 これらの映画が、現代日本社会と人気フィクション作品に関連する通常のジェンダー・ステレオタイ プに、言語面においてどのような関連性があるかを理解することにある。具体的には、相手に質問し たり、相手を褒めたり、相手の会話を遮る時における言葉の選択の仕方に焦点を当て、男女の主人公 における「言葉の選び方の違い」と「その言語選択がどのような状況で頻発に使用されるか」といっ た言語行動の頻発性の違いについて適量分析を用いて調べる。結果は、ジェンダーのステレオタイプ に関連する言語行動は、日本社会に特有のものではなく全世界に共通することが、分析対象とした映 画: 『ルパン三世 カリオストロの城(1979)』、『魔女の宅急便(1989)』、『千と千尋の神隠し (2001)』、『ハウルの動く城(2004)』から確認できた。本論文では、これらの映画における言 語的ステレオタイプをより理解するためには、日本語と日本のジェンダー規範をより深く研究すべき であるとの見解に至った。 / Hayao Miyazaki’s filmer har hyllats världen över för deras starka kvinnliga karaktärer och breda inkludering av könsrepresentation. Medan majoriteten av tidigare forskning har fokuserat på narrativet, i synnerlighet karaktärernas sociala beteende, eller deras utseende, syftar den här kandidatuppsatsen till att förstå huruvida dessa hyllade filmer utmanar de vanliga könsstereotyper associerade med nutida Japan och genrelitteratur även lingvistiskt. Specifikt så fokuserar den på frågor, komplimanger, och avbrytande genom en kvantitativ analys som undersöker frekvensen av utvalda språkliga beteenden hos kvinnliga och manliga huvudkaraktärer. Resultatet visar att språkligt beteende associerat med könsstereotyper – inte endast avgränsat till Japan men för hela världen – kan ses i de analyserade filmerna Slottet i Cagliostro (1979), Kikis expressbud (1989), Spirited Away (2001) och Det levande slottet (2004). För en mer komplex förståelse av de lingvistiska stereotyperna i filmerna, menar den här uppsatsen att det japanska språket och japanska könsnormer bör undersökas vidare.

"Symbiosis" : En granskning av könsnormer i romancegenren i Power Plays & Straight A’s / "Symbiosis" : A study of gender norms within the romancegenre in Power Plays & Straight A's

Hanna, Filippa January 2024 (has links)
This study aims to explore gender norms within the romance genre when they are no longer applied on a romantic relationship between a man and a woman. Through a close reading of the novel Power Plays & Straight A’s by Eden Finley and Saxon James, the study examines the main characters, Foster Grant and Zach Sawyer, to observe how they fit into the roles of a traditional romance hero and heroine. The main source for this observation comes from Janice Radway’s study Reading the Romance: Women, Patriarchy, and Popular Literature (1991) which exemplifies the differences between the genders with the use of contrasting traits. The characters are also analysed in a societal context to observe how they abide by traditional masculinity and how their sexuality plays a part in it. There is also an overview of the novel through the perspective of both a traditional romance as well as a queer romance novel, in which terms like escapism, happy endings and coming outs are explored. Finally, there is a section specifically focused on desire and how it has changed within the genre, which is applied because the novel in question is an erotic novel as well as a romance novel. The conclusion showcases how the characters cannot be assigned to a typical female nor male role, as they both possess the traits traditionally assigned to both genders. As for their role in society, traditional masculinity is questioned, seeing as the character of Foster specifically embodies the rules of masculinity through his athletic pursuits and place within the jock culture – but would still get shunned because of his bisexuality. Furthermore, the novel possesses several traits of a traditional romance novel, most importantly the happy ending, while also including typical queer romance traits – such as a coming out scene. Desire also takes a prominent role since both main characters have an equal craving for the other. The overall conclusion of this study showcases the changing tides of the romance genre and how, despite its formulaic layout, it doesn’t render the ability for change of a genre that once seemed predictable. / Denna uppsats utforskar könsnormer i romancegenren när det inte längre tillämpas på en romantisk relation mellan en man och en kvinna. Genom en närläsning av romanen Power Plays & Straight A’s av Eden Finley och Saxon James, undersöker studien huvudkaraktärerna, Foster Grant och Zach Sawyer, för att observera hur de passar in i rollen som hjälte och hjältinna utifrån en traditionell romance-roman. Den primära forskning som uppsatsen bygger på är Janice Radways studie Reading the Romance: Women, Patriarchy, and Popular Literature (1991) som exemplifierar skillnaderna mellan könen med användning av motsatta egenskaper. Karaktärerna analyseras också i ett samhälleligt sammanhang för att observera hur de förhåller sig till traditionell maskulinitet och den påverkan som karaktärernas sexualitet har i förhållande till den maskulina kulturen. I uppsatsen görs även en översiktlig studie av romanen genom perspektivet av både en traditionell romance och en queer romance, där jag utforskar begrepp som eskapism, lyckliga slut och att komma ut. Slutligen finns det ett avsnitt som fokuserar på begär och hur det har förändrats inom genren, vilket tillämpas eftersom romanen i fråga är en erotisk roman såväl som en romance-roman. Slutsatsen visar hur karaktärerna inte kan tilldelas en typisk kvinnlig eller manlig roll, eftersom de båda har egenskaper som traditionellt tilldelas båda könen. När det gäller deras roll i samhället ifrågasätts traditionell maskulinitet, eftersom karaktären av Foster specifikt förkroppsligar maskulinitetens regler genom hans plats inom sportkulturen - men ändå skulle bli avvisad från machokulturen på grund av sin bisexualitet. Romanen innehåller flera drag av en traditionell romance-roman, viktigast av allt det lyckliga slutet, samtidigt som den innehåller typiska queerromance drag – som en komma ut-scen. Begär tar också en framträdande roll eftersom båda huvudkaraktärerna likgiltigt får sukta efter den andre. Den övergripande slutsatsen av den här studien visar romancegenrens föränderliga tidvatten och hur den, trots dess typiska formler, inte hindrar möjligheten till förändring av en genre som en gång framstått som förutsägbar.

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