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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigating Consumer Perception and Speculative AI Labels for Creative AI Usage In Media / Undersökning av konsumentuppfattning och spekulativa AI-märkningar för kreativ AI-användning i media.

Sivakumaran, Aswath January 2023 (has links)
The growing importance of Creative AI and its uncertain impact on people necessitates more research. Current studies mainly focus on technical aspects, neglecting consumer perspectives. This study seeks to explore consumer perceptions of Creative AI in consumer media and introduces speculative labeling as a potential solution to empower consumer choice. Through Content Analysis of 32 Creative AI tools and a survey of 40 respondents, insights on AI’s value, potential job displacement, and the need for AI usage disclosure emerged. These findings informed a workshop with 7 participants using the newly proposed N-Speculation method and uncovered consumers’ bias against AI but indifference toward creators. Factors like cost, quality, and the creator (AI or Human) affect purchase decisions. Consumers favor labeling with clear pictograms and detailed AI usage information. These findings advance our understanding of consumer preferences and highlight the need for more consumer-centric Creative AI research. This research underscores the importance of education, addressing bias, and supporting the growth of Creative AI for all stakeholders / Den ökande betydelsen av Kreativ AI och dess osäkra inverkan på människor kräver ytterligare forskning. Nuvarande studier fokuserar främst på tekniska aspekter och försummar konsumentperspektivet. Denna studie syftar till att utforska konsumentens uppfattning av Kreativ AI i konsumentmedier och presenterar spekulativa märkningar som en potentiell lösning för att stärka konsumentens val. Genom innehållsanalys av 32 Kreativ AI-verktyg och en enkät bland 40 respondenter framkom insikter om Kreativ AI:s värde, potentiell arbetsdislokation och behovet av information om AI-användning. Dessa resultat utgjorde grunden för en workshop med 7 deltagare som använde den nyligen föreslagna N-Speculation-metoden och avslöjade konsumentens fördomar mot AI men likgiltighet gentemot skapare. Faktorer som kostnad, kvalitet och skapare (AI eller människa) påverkar köpbesluten. Konsumenten föredrar märkningar med tydliga piktogram och detaljerad information om AI-användningen. Dessa resultat fördjupar vår förståelse av konsumentpreferenser och understryker behovet av mer konsumentcentrerad forskning om Kreativ AI. Denna forskning betonar betydelsen av utbildning, att hantera fördomar och att stödja tillväxten av Kreativ AI för alla intressenter

Att berätta det tunga för de unga : En kvalitativ empirisk studie som undersöker hur en barnbok som kommunicerar komplexa frågor lämpligt kan utformas med hjälp av en kreativ designprocess. / To tell the heavy to the young : A qualitative empirical study exploring how a children's book communicating complex issues can be appropriately designed using a creative design process.

Ekengren, Elin January 2024 (has links)
This study examines how complex issues can be appropriately communicated to children aged 3-6 years through the empirical research of five illustrators. Based on the empirical findings, three proposals for spreads that convey complex issues in the form of the global sustainability goals in Agenda 2030 are created. The study also investigates which creative design process is most suitable to apply in the design. This is examined by comparing two predetermined models that frame the design process in relation to the illustrators' experiences and approaches. Based on the findings, an appropriate approach is applied to the study. The study concluded that framing the creative design process within predetermined frameworks does not appear to be beneficial. All illustrators use individual approaches tailored to personal preferences and past experiences. Regarding the communication of complex issues to children, all illustrators agreed that these are topics that can and should be communicated to children. An appropriate approach in communication was to achieve a balance between the simple and the complex. It also proved important to prioritize children's positive reading experiences and to ensure that the communication is characterized by hope for the future. Based on these results, the study has created its own proposals for materials that communicate the global sustainability goals in Agenda 2030.

Reduce the gender gap in computer science education using creative programming / Minska könsskillnaderna inom datavetenskapsutbildning med hjälp av kreativ programmering

Hellberg, Louise January 2024 (has links)
Women are lacking in Science, Engineering, Technology, and Mathematics (STEM). One of the proven solutions to reduce this gap is to offer extra support to the students needing it. Further, creativity has been shown to give positive effects on females’ participation in STEM. In this thesis, a creative tool for programming education in junior high schools in Sweden was developed to give alternatives to how programming is taught and further evaluate the possible contributions it can give. The tool was tested among 14 students participating in a face-to-face workshop. To further evaluate the tool use, the study participants took part in interviews and a survey. The results show that further iterations of the tool would have been needed since the tested tool was not perceived as easy to use. Regarding perceived usefulness, the tool is on the right path since the results indicate it was fun to use but again, improvements need to be done. The contributions made are therefore an exploration of the creative alternative to programming learning in the Swedish school. Furthermore, to find out what improvements needed to be done to offer an, by users, accepted tool. Offering creative programming tools will hopefully attract a more diverse group of people to programming and decrease the gender gap within computer science. / Det finns en brist på kvinnor inom STEM. En beprövad lösning för att minska könsskillnaderna är att erbjuda extra hjälp till de som behöver. Kreativitet har också visats ha positiva effekter på kvinnors deltagande inom STEM. I denna uppsats så utvecklas ett kreativt verktyg för programmering i högstadiet i Sverige för att ge alternativ till hur programmering lärs ut och för att utvärdera vad det kan tillföra. Verktyget testades av 14 studenter som närvarade i en workshop. För att utvärdera verktyget så deltog studenterna i intervjuer och fyllde i ett formulär. Resultatet visar att ytterligare iterationer av produkten behövs eftersom verktyget inte upplevdes som enkelt att använda. Angående upplevd användbarhet så är verktyget på rätt väg eftersom resultaten indikerar att det var roligt att använda men ytterligare förbättringar är nödvändiga. Uppsatsen bidrar därför till ett utforskande av det kreativa alternativet till programmeringsinlärningen i den svenska skolan. Den bidrar även till att testa fram vilka förbättringar som är nödvändiga för att erbjuda ett, av användarna, accepterat verktyg. Förhoppningsvis kommer en grupp med större mångfald att attraheras till programmering genom att erbjuda ett kreativt programmeringsverktyg och därmed minska könsskillnaderna inom datavetenskap.

Bilder av lokal näringslivsutveckling : exemplet Värnamo

Röllgårdh, Martin January 2011 (has links)
The main aim of this licentiate thesis is to examine how local actors in a medium-sized Swedish municipality, Värnamo, in their role as decision-makers at the local arena, describe and explain the preconditions and strategies for local economic and social development. The analysis uses semi-structured interviews to reveal the connections between the local actors representations of social and economic structures and their representations of central and future strategic choices. The local actors are represented by a) firm owners or central firm managers, b) local politicians in the municipal executive board, c) civil servants in central positions and d) key actors connected to local and regional organizations. The methodological approach is based on discourse analysis. The overall aim of the study is to understand how local discourses are constructed and communicated. The analysis is deepened by relating the local discourses to relevant theoretical models in contemporary economic geography. The economic-geographical theoretical models used in the analysis focus on industrial districts, clusters and innovation systems. Path-dependency, social embeddedness and creative class are other concepts of importance to understand the formation of the local discourse. The analysis shows how local discourses are affected by the perceived globalization process while being at the same time linked to a) specific historical and environmental factors leading to predominant behavioral norms and values stating that you should be hard working, economical, cooperative and trustworthy and b) the relative location, which is conceived to be central regarding communications and regional service functions. This is combined with an image of a creative and innovative local/regional production system, based on traditions in manufacturing and trade. The foundations in manufacturing and trade are however challenged by new sectors like logistics, design, and higher education in cooperation with universities in the region.

I gränsen mellan repetition och praktik : En praktiknära studie av verket Suit of Dances (1994)

Blad, Levi January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to, within an artistic process, investigate a dance practice and how the process is enriched by the interaction with three experts within the field of dance pedagogy. Furthermore, it discusses aspects from the process that can be applied in dance education. Methods that are used is autoethnographic perspectives and self-reflective writing in the studio before inviting experts to three unique practical interviews. The results are an intense movement analysis from the work in the studio and deep interaction on the work with three interviews that highlight things such as bodily exploration, musicality and reflection on practice. The study’s conclusion is that a method for ballet class inspired by Creative movement can enrich dance education with reflexivity, but the study also highlights the importance of repetition of movement. / <p>En praktisk föreläsning av arbetet hölls 16 maj i studio 16 på Brinellvägen 58.</p>

Interaktiv musikkomposition / Interactive Music Composition

Andersson, Anders-Petter January 2012 (has links)
This dissertation, titled Interactive Music Composition, is a practice based Ph.D. thesis in the field of Musicology. The purpose is to explore if and how one can compose computer based interactive music, that is musically satisfying for an interacting audience, consisting of both laymen and skilled musicians. The text describes the design and reflection in two interactive music installations: Do-Be-DJ, open-air installation in a public park, and, Mufi, with modular and moveable interface. Based on methods and per­spectives in Musicology and Interaction Design, a composition model for interactive music is developed. The model investigates the experience di­mensions listen, explore, compose and collaborate. It also investigates the design dimensions of interaction, narrative structure, composition rule and sound node. The conceptual approach is to apply improvisation and composition methods from jazz, pop and groove based music on interactive music. It also uses the concepts of openess in musical structures and interpretation, musical mediation of actions and meaning and everyday use of music, when composing interactive music. The dissertation contributes to an understanding of how to create composition techniques for interactive music, such as: Direct, varied and shifting response. It reflects on the change in meaning of the musicological terms composition, improvisation, musical work, listener, musician and audience. And on the interaction design terms interaction, gameplay, system and user. The term co-creator is used to describe an actively, interacting and collaborating person, to complement traditional terms like audience, performer and user. / <p>Ljudfiler till avhandlingens bilaga 1, http://musicalfieldsforever.com/dobedj_more.html; Videodokumentation av Do-Be-DJ, Interaktiv installation, http://musicalfieldsforever.com/dobedj_more.html; Videodokumentation av Mufi I och II, Interaktiv installation, http://musicalfieldsforever.com/mufi_more.html; Doktorandtjänsten finansierades av Interactive Institute; Musikinspelning finansierades av Framtidens Kultur genom Skiften på Malmö högskola</p> / Interaktiv musikkomposition / Interactive Music Composition / Interaktiv ljuddesign / Interactive Sound Design / Musik och Hälsa / Music and Health

Dialog, engagemang &amp; neutralitet : Vad gör en professionell facilitator? / Dialogue, Commitment &amp; Neutrality : Skills of a Professional Facilitator

Dunne, Caroline January 2013 (has links)
I denna uppsats ställer jag mig frågan vilken praktisk kunskap jag har, i min yrkesroll som professionell facilitator.  En professionell facilitator är en för gruppen neutral mötesledare vars huvudsakliga syfte är att planera, förbereda och genomföra arbetsmöten och workshops som bygger på dialog, engagemang och delaktighet. Inte sällan med inriktning på erfarenhetsutbyte och kunskapsutveckling. Men, vad är det jag gör när jag skapar delaktighet och engagemang i en grupp, när jag får deltagarna att se sakfrågan i ett större sammanhang och genom olika metodval ger dem förutsättningar till konstruktiva dialoger? När jag underlättar för deltagare att inte bara närvara fysiskt under ett möte utan säkerställer att alla i gruppen aktivt deltar och bidrar till ett konkret resultat. Uppsatsen har skrivits inom ramen för magisterprogrammet i yrkeskunnande och professionsutveckling vid Linnéuniversitetet i Växjö under våren 2013. Empirin utgörs av de reflekterande texter som jag har skrivit inom ramen för kurserna mellan åren 2011-2013, baserade på 18 års erfarenhet av att leda och facilitera arbetsmöten och workshops. Mina erfarenheter har jag kopplat ihop med de olika teorierna inom ämnesområdet yrkeskunnande och professionsutveckling. Resultatet av uppsatsen vittnar om att mina erfarenheter och min praktiska kunskap har jag fått genom att öva och utveckla en känsla för olika människors och gruppers beteenden. Jag har också utvecklat en förtrogenhetskunskap beträffande vilka metoder och tekniker som fungerar i olika situationer och för olika sakfrågor. Varje möte som jag leder är direktsändning och det finns aldrig någon möjlighet att generalrepetera några repliker. I realtid reflekterar och analyserar jag vad som händer i gruppen. Jag använder olika metoder och tekniker. Planerat eller improviserat. Jag kallar det ibland för planerad improvisation. Jag kommer nämligen alltid väl förberedd och med en skräddarsydd mötesplan i handen, för att i själva mötessituationen kunna improvisera. Det är något jag vet av erfarenhet alltid blir fallet. Vad som kommer att hända under ett möte går aldrig att förutse. För att lyckas med denna konst behöver facilitatorn tro på varje individs lika värde, bortse från förutfattade meningar, lyssna och höra, både vad som sägs, men också lyssna efter vad som inte sägs. Facilitatorn underlättar för gruppen genom att driva mötet framåt utifrån ett specifikt syfte och önskat slutresultat. Att som facilitator vara mentalt närvarande under hela mötet och förhålla sig neutral till sakfrågan, gruppen och slutresultatet, men även till uppdragsgivaren, även om det är svårt, är kärnan i facilitatorns yrkesroll. Uppdragsgivarens betydelse ska aldrig underskattas och jag har myntat följande uttryck: Jag kan aldrig facilitera ett möte bättre än vad min uppdragsgivare tillåter. / This thesis explores a number of questions around the skills of a Professional Facilitator. It has been completed as part of the Programme on Skill and Professional Development, within the Faculty of Technology at Linneaus University, Sweden. A Professional Facilitator is a person who is both neutral to the group, and the subject under discussion. The facilitator plans, prepares, and runs workshops where dialogue, commitment and neutrality all play a central role. The practical insights presented within, are derived from the texts that I have submitted as part of the programme requirements during 2011-2013. The insights are based on my direct experience from facilitating professional workshops over the last 18 years. These insights have been presented in the context of the relevant literature and research within the areas of skill and technology. The conclusions from my work clearly show that the development of my skills is as much grounded in a structured approach to continued Professional Development as it is in experiential learning. I have developed skills regarding group dynamics, as well as methods and tools that can be appropriately applied in different contexts, subjects and groups. Every meeting I facilitate is completed in real-time, which means that I do not have the opportunity to rehearse or prepare for all eventualities. However, I am always very well prepared and have a tailor-made plan for every meeting. Improvisation is key, and is always required no matter what level of planning has been completed. My experience clearly shows that a Professional Facilitator needs to believe in the individuals potential, show no prejudice, and listen and hear what is being said both directly and indirectly. A facilitator needs to be alert throughout the whole meeting and take a neutral stance in relation to the group, the subject and the Meeting Sponsor.

Developing Skills for Successful Learning

Swersky, Liz 20 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Developing Skills for Successful Learning

Swersky, Liz 20 March 2012 (has links)
No description available.

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