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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

New Public Management och sjuksköterskans vardagliga praktik : En studie om hur New Public Management påverkar sjuksköterskans profession och yrkesidentitet i den vardagliga praktiken

Bergquist, Evelina, Söderkvist, Lovisa January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Under 1980-talet uppdagades en problematik kring att den offentliga sjukvårdens verksamhetsstyrning var för kostsam och där förtroendet för professionella yrkesgrupper gavs för stort utrymme. Detta resulterade i en ny verksamhetsstyrning i form av New Public Management som bidrog till ökad kontroll inom den offentliga sjukvården där målstyrning och ekonomisk granskning fick större utrymme. Innan New Public Management byggde kontroll- och arbetsregimer på ett förtroende men genom den nya verksamhetsstyrningen förändrades kontrollregimerna i syfte att styra och kontrollera de professionella.  Syfte: Studiens syfte är att få en djupare förståelse för hur offentligt anställda sjuksköterskor upplever att en verksamhetsstyrning byggd på New Public Management påverkar deras profession och yrkesidentitet i den vardagliga praktiken.  Metod: Studiens tillvägagångssätt har varit en kvalitativ fallstudie. Det empiriska materialet har inhämtats genom fem semistrukturerade intervjuer med sjuksköterskor inom den offentliga sjukvården på Gotland. Slutsatser: Studien visar att införandet av en verksamhetsstyrning byggd på New Public Management förändrat kontrollregimen genom olika kontrollsystem vilket har medfört en förändring i sjuksköterskornas arbetsregim. Vi kan se att kontrollregimer påverkar och organiserar arbetsregimerna och därmed sätter ramarna och villkoren för sjuksköterskornas profession och yrkesidentitet i det vardagliga arbetet. / Background: During the 1980s a problem was discovered that the public healthcare operations management was too costly and where the trust for the professionals was given too much space. This resulted in a new form of governance in the form of New Public Management, which contributed to increased control in the public healthcare where goal management and financial auditing were given more space. Before New Public Management control and work regimes were based on trust, but through the new operations management, the control regimes were changed in order to regulate and control the professionals. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to gain a deeper understanding of how public sector nurses experience that operations management based on New Public Management affects their profession and professional identity in everyday practice. Methodology: The study's approach has been a qualitative case study. The empirical material has been obtained through five semi-structured interviews with nurses in public healthcare in Gotland. Conclusions: The study shows that the introduction of an operations management based on New Public Management changed the control regime through different control systems, which has changed the nurses work regime. The study's result shows that control regimes influence and organize the work regimes, thereby setting the framework and conditions for the nurses profession and professional identity in everyday work.

Kan vem som helst vara en arkivarie? : En kvalitativ studie om Uppsala studentnationsarkivarier identifierar sig som arkivarier / Can anyone be an archivist? : A qualitative study about whether the Uppsala student nation archivists identify themselves as archivists

Bergdahl, Sara January 2020 (has links)
The student club archives in Uppsala are interesting because they occupy somewhat of a special position as a community archive. Their archives occupy a unique position from a professional point of view, as they usually are handled by students who lack archival education or even some general knowledge of archives. The situation for the student club archivist is special because it can be people without prior knowledge who will take care of the archives. When these people take on the role of an archivist, they shadow the professional archivist role when they have to manage an archive at their office similar to a professional archivist. There is also a problem about how to define the word archivist. There is a large gap in the definition of an archivist since both a professional and a hobbyist can consider themselves as an archivist. But where does the boundary between a hobby archivist and a professional archivist part? This aspect contributes to the possibility of a student club archivist to identify as an archivist even though they have a voluntary based position. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how the archivists at the student club identify with their position, if they identify themselves as archivist, what the learning of the so-called professional identity looks like and examine the problems that can arise with regard to the archives being conducted on a voluntary basis. Hopefully, this study can contribute to a greater understanding of how the professional identity of the archivist position in non-profit community archives can be manifested in the non-professional person, and how it extends the aspect of identity formation and community that community archives are often associated with when it comes to research on community archives. This is a two years master's thesis in archival science

Flexibilitetens paradox : En makt- och professionsteoretisk studie om grundlärare i fritidshems yrkesidentitet / The paradox of flexibility : A power- and professional theory oriented study about primary school teachers in leisure centers professional identity

Johansson, Betina, Juntunen, Karolina January 2021 (has links)
Synen på professionen grundlärare i fritidshem undersöks genom en kvantitativ undersökning där platsannonser med tjänster riktade mot lärare i fritidshem studeras. Vidare görs även en kvalitativ undersökning där rektorer intervjuas för att få ett skolledarperspektiv på fritidshemmet och lärarna som arbetar där. Studien syftar till att undersöka om en välavgränsad och sammanhållen yrkesidentitet är görlig utifrån de förväntningar som finns och de förutsättningar som ges och diskuterar hur betydelsen av dessa möjligheter och hinder kan tolkas utifrån relevanta makt- och professionsstudier. Trots alla försök till flexibilitet genom att försöka hitta sin plats i organisationens olika delar är det uppenbart svårt att skapa en välavgränsad och sammanhållen yrkesidentitet när många av arbetsuppgifterna inte kommer organiskt, sprungna ur ett fritidspedagogiskt perspektiv på lärande. Istället är de pålagor där den obligatoriska skolundervisningen är norm vilket innebär att fritidshemslärarna hamnar i underläge. / The view of the profession of primary school teachers in leisure centers is examined through a quantitative study in which job advertisements with services aimed at teachers in leisure centers are studied. Furthermore, a qualitative study is also conducted where principals are interviewed to get a school leader perspective on the leisure center and the teachers who work there. The study aims to investigate whether a well-defined and cohesive professional identity is feasible based on the expectations that exist and the conditions that are given and discusses how the significance of these opportunities and obstacles can be interpreted based on relevant power- and professional studies. Despite all attempts at flexibility by trying to find their place in the different parts of the organization, it is obviously difficult to create a well-defined and cohesive professional identity when many of the tasks do not come organically, sprung from a leisure pedagogical perspective on learning. Instead, they are levies where compulsory schooling is the norm which means that the primary school teachers in leisure centers ends up at a disadvantage.

Från en glasklar karriär till ett brokigt CV : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om individers upplevelse av pandemin som en påtvingad brytpunkt i karriären / From a crystal-clear career to a cracked CV : A qualitative interview study examining individuals’ experiences of the pandemic as a forced turningpoint in their career.

Stahl, Pernilla, Ahnér, Ingeli January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine how individuals who became involuntary unemployed due to the Covid-19 pandemic experience and handle the situation as unemployed. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, demand for products and services in certain industries has drastically reduced and work opportunities have decreased.  Whilst working as career counsellors within support during this year we have encountered a new group of job seekers – those who have higher education experience, who, before 2020, were not part of the natural unemployment in Sweden. During the interviews it was noticed that most of these participants expressed a strong professional identity associated with their previous professional role.  This, in turn, could be attributed to having an impact on their coping strategies and their way of reflecting over their situation of being unemployed. The empirical data that was produced using qualitative interviews were later analysed using Hodkinson and Sparkes careership theory, Mezirow's Transformative learning and Ylva Ulfsdotter and Malin Lindes explanation of the term Professional Identity. This study highlighted that most participants continued to have a strong connection to their previous professional identity and that a forced turning point due to the pandemic contributed to a feeling that unemployment would only be temporary. It also concluded that those participants who had an inherent idea of a new career or a new lifestyle acted quickly and were able to make the transition to a different occupation. The turning point also contributed to the participants learning as they planned alternative careers as backups for eventual, future, turning points to come / Det här examensarbetet syftar till att skapa en förståelse för individers upplevelser och hantering av en påtvingad brytpunkt och ofrivillig arbetslöshet orsakad av Covid -19 pandemin. I våra yrkesroller som studie och yrkesvägledare inom Stöd och matchning har vi under 2020 kommit att möta en ny grupp arbetssökanden vilken är målgruppen för studien. Målgruppen vilken vi benämner som den nya gruppen arbetssökanden är individer med eftergymnasial utbildning som vid uppsägningen befann sig mitt i karriären i yrken förknippade med deras tidigare utbildningsval. Den nya gruppen arbetssökande befann sig innan 2020 mitt i karriären och var inte var en utmärkande del av den naturliga arbetslösheten i Sverige.  I många branscher har efterfrågan på produkter och tjänster minskat drastiskt till följd av pandemin och arbetsmöjligheterna är få. Empirin togs fram genom kvalitativa intervjuer som senare analyserades till stöd av Hodkinson och Sparkes Careership teori, Mezirows begrepp referensramar samt Ylva Ulfsdotter och Malin Lindes förklaring av begreppet yrkesidentitet. Under intervjuerna har vi reflekterat över att en stark yrkesidentitet förknippad med tidigare yrkesroll påverkat respondenternas hantering och upplevelse av den ofrivilliga arbetslösheten. Det framgick även att respondenter som haft en inneboende idé om en ny karriär eller en ny livsstil tenderat att agera snabbt och åter komma i sysselsättning. Resultatet visar på att en effekt av brytpunkten var att respondenterna planerade alternativa akademiska karriärer som backup för eventuella framtida brytpunkter.

Relationen mellan det sakrala och profana : en kvalitativ intervjustudie om upplevelsen av att vara både diakon och socionom i Svenska kyrkan / The relationship between the sacred and the profane : a qualitative interview study about the experience of being both a deacon and a social worker in the Church of Sweden

Aspberg, Simon, Janoff, Sandra January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att ge kunskap om hur diakoner i Svenska kyrkan upplever att deras yrkesidentitet påverkas av spänningen mellan att vara yrkesutbildad socionom och att vara kallad till diakon av Gud och kyrkan. Studien baserades på åtta kvalitativa, semistrukturerade intervjuer med diakoner från åtta olika församlingar i Stockholms stift. Empirin har bearbetats genom tematisk analys och hermeneutisk meningstolkning och analyserats utifrån begrepp från två rollteorier. Studien visar att diakonerna kan förhålla sig till det sakrala och profana i sina yrkesidentiteter på tre olika sätt. För vissa diakoner är det sakrala och profana i yrkesidentiteten välintegrerat, dessa diakoner upplever inte några motstridigheter mellan det sekulära i att vara socionom och det religiösa i att vara kallad av Gud. För andra diakoner tar antingen det sakrala eller det profana över, exempelvis om de upplever att de inte har tillräckligt med kunskap i teologi och därför främst arbetar med socialt arbete och det profana. Det tredje förhållningssättet är att det kontinuerligt sker en förhandling mellan det sakrala och profana, detta tar sig till exempel uttryck i att diakonerna ibland får stöd och vägledning genom sitt kall, men ibland genom sin kunskap från socionomutbildningen. Gemensamt för diakonerna är att relationen mellan det sakrala och profana i diakonernas yrkesidentitet påverkas av kontextuella faktorer, som organisationen och det sekulära samhället. / The purpose of this study is to provide knowledge about how deacons in the Church of Sweden experience that their professional identity is affected by the tension between being a professional social worker and being called to be a deacon by God and the church. The study is based on eight qualitative, semi-structured interviews with deacons from eight different parishes in the diocese of Stockholm. The material was processed through thematic analysis and hermeneutic interpretation of meaning. It was later analyzed based on concepts from two role theories. The study shows that deacons can relate to the sacred and profane in their professional identities in three different ways. For some deacons, the sacred and profane in their professional identity is well integrated, these deacons do not experience any contradictions between the secular in being a social worker and the religious in being called by God. For other deacons, either the sacred or the profane take over, for example if they feel that they do not have enough knowledge in theology and therefore mainly work with social work and the profane. The third approach is that there is continuous negotiation between the sacred and the profane. An example of this is that deacons sometimes find support and guidance through their calling, and sometimes through their education in social work. The deacons have in common that the relationship between the sacred and the profane in their professional identity is influenced by contextual factors, such as the organization and the secular society.

Om läkarbehov och läkartillgång : En analys av läkarkårens uppfattning om läkartillgång och läkarbrist i Sverige under 1950- och 1960-talen / On demand and supply of medical doctors : An analysis of the medical profession's perception of the availability and shortage of doctors in Sweden in the 1950s and 1960s

Hanson, Moa January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to understand whether, and if so why, the Swedish medical profession's position on the availability and shortage of doctors during the 1950s and 1960s could be interpreted as an expression of an overall common mentality within the medical profession. The start and end points of the study (1950 and 1970) cover the emergence of the Swedish welfare state. The emergence of the welfare state is the contextual background to this study and how that influenced the medical profession's social status and perception of the future role of their own profession. The source material for the study is mainly from the Swedish medical journal (Svenska Läkartidningen) and meeting minutes from various Swedish medical organisations, primarily the Swedish Medical Association (Sveriges Läkarförbund). Government public inquiries, government bills and the daily press have also been analysed. The analysis is based on three central proposals for action from the government to secure the future supply of doctors and stem the shortage of doctors. The proposals were the transfer of foreign doctors to Sweden, the expansion of education of doctors and the reorganisation of the Swedish health care system. The study shows that the argumentation from the Swedish medical profession against all proposals from the government consisted of several different rhetorical manoeuvres to exercise social closure. Another conclusion is that until the mid-1960s, both the Swedish Association of Young Doctors and the Swedish Medical Association acted mainly as professional associations, rather than as traditional trade unions regarding the expansion of the medical profession. From the mid-1960s, there are tendencies indicating that the association more began to resemble a traditional trade union. However, professional issues such as improvement in the profession, demands for exclusivity, social status and issues of legitimisation appear to have been more important throughout the period than more traditional trade union issues such as pay, employment conditions and the working environment. The professions' opposition to increasing the number of doctors, regardless of the method proposed by the government and responsible authorities, was characterised by a clear guild spirit. The study shows that the medical organisation arguments against the various proposals were driven by union strategies, attitudes, and norms and in some cases ideology. The mentality of medical professional representatives and individual doctors was influenced by the professional status of the medical profession with inherent norms and attitudes based on the doctors' self-perceived expertise and scientifically anchored professional identity. A central conclusion from the study is that the main rhetorical line of the professional representatives was that more doctors were neither desirable nor needed in the medical profession and therefore most of the arguments against an expanded medical profession were based on some form of protectionism. This was justified by the profession by using historical analogies and by conducting their own 'objective and scientific' investigations. A right-wing based criticism of society at the time and a fundamentally conservative view of the economy, the tax system and the expansion of the welfare state also served as rhetorical tools from the medical profession in the debate on the shortage of doctors.

Instrumentalpedagogers syn på musikalisk bredd och dess betydelse för undervisning

Lagg, Edvin January 2023 (has links)
I detta arbete undersöks instrumentalpedagogers syn på musikalisk bredd och dess betydelse för undervisningen. Genom intervjuer med yrkesverksamma instrumentalpedagoger och musiker utforskas frågor kring yrkesidentitet och yrkesroll med fokus på hur pedagogerna uppfattar sig själva som både pedagoger och musiker på sina huvud- och biinstrument, och hur detta påverkar deras undervisning. Resultaten från intervjuerna visade att en gemensam grundidé var att läraren bör behärska instrumenten de undervisar på, samtidigt som det är viktigt att förebilda och utstråla självförtroende på instrumenten för att skapa positiva upplevelser för eleverna. / This work examines instrumental educators views on musical breadth of musical knowledge and skills and its significance for teaching. Through interviews with professional instrumental pedagogues and musicians, questions regarding professional identity and role are explored, with a focus on how pedagogues perceive themselves as both educators and musicians on their main- and secondary instruments, and how it affects their teaching. Results from the interviews indicate a common idea: that pedagogues should be skilled on their instruments, but put more emphasis on the idea that you should be a role model and show self-confidence on the instruments to create positive experiences for their students.

Hur beskriver chefer sin yrkesidentitet och hur reflekterar de kring sitt ledarskap? / How do managers describe their working identity and how do they reflect on their leadership?

Sidiropoulos, Konstantin January 2020 (has links)
Efter att jag har genomfört en litteraturgenomgång fann jag ett forskningsgap som berör chefers yrkesidentitet och deras reflexivitet. Studiens syfte är därför att bidra med mer kunskap om hur chefer beskriver sin yrkesidentitet och hur de reflekterar kring sitt ledarskap. Min ambition är att fylla ett forskningsgap som berör chefers yrkesidentitet och deras reflexivitet. Kvalitativ metod användes för att undersöka hur respondenterna tänker och beter sig i olika situationer som berör yrkesidentitet och reflektion. Narrativa semistrukturerade intervjuer tillämpades som kvalitativ forskningsmetod för att samla in data. Totalt intervjuades åtta chefer från olika nivåer i företagshierarkin i ett IT konsultföretag med minst 200 anställda. En teoretisk analysmodell och tidigare forskning tillämpades för att kunna analysera och tolka empirin. Empirin består av två kategorier och sex innehållskategorier som är strukturerade utifrån studiens två forskningsfrågor. Den första forskningsfrågan som lyder "Hur beskriver chefer sinyrkesidentitet i ett företag?" är relaterad till kategorin yrkesidentitet och de tre innehållskategorierna: hur ledarskap utövas, företagets struktur och vad som påverkarledarskapet samt när ledarskap inte utövas. Medan den andra forskningsfrågan som lyder "Hur reflekterar chefer kring sitt ledarskap i ett företag?" är kopplad till kategorin reflektion och de tre innehållskategorierna: situationer som leder till reflektion och icke-reflektion, skapa goda förutsättningar för anställda och att förbättra sig samt tidens roll vid mest respektive minst reflektion. Studiens slutsatser är att respondenterna ville lyssna på sina medarbetare innan respondenterna tog ett beslut och vara allmänt öppna för feedback. Företagets struktur, aspekter inom och utanför företagets kontext kunde påverka ledarskapet. I de fall ledarskap inte utövades var för att exempelvis medarbetare skall kunna utvecklas. Reflektion kring ledarskapet kan utlösas i form av utvärderingar med underställda, innan en tuff sak skall framföras och sättet att kommunicera med underställda. Reflektion kring sitt ledarskap var framträdande kring att utveckla sina medarbetare och underlätta deras arbete. Respondenterna reflekterar och tänker kritiskt kring sitt ledarskap mest efter arbetsdagen och minst under arbetsdagen. De som var reflexiva på arbetet var oftast meta-reflexiva. / After I conducted a literature review, I found a research gap that concerns managers' professional identities and their reflexivity. The purpose of the study is therefore to contribute with more knowledge about how managers describe their working identity and how they reflect on their leadership. My ambition is to fill a research gap that affects managers' working identity and their reflexivity. Qualitative method was used to examine how the respondents think and behave in different situations that affect working identity and reflection. Narrative semi-structured interviews were applied as a qualitative research method to collect data. A total of eight managers from different levels in the company hierarchy were interviewed in an IT consulting company with at least 200 employees. A theoretical analysis model and previous research were applied to analyze and interpret the empirics. The empirics consist of two categories and six content categories that are structured along the study's two research questions. The first research question that reads "How do managers describe their working identity?" is related to the category of working identity and the three content categories: how leadership is exercised, the company's structure and what affects the leadership and also when leadership is not exercised. While the second research question is "How do managers reflect on their leadership in a company?" is linked to the category of reflection and the three content categories: situations that lead to reflection and non-reflection, create good conditions for employees and to improve yourself and also the role of time in most and least reflection, respectively. The conclusions of the study are that respondents wanted to listen to their employees before the respondents took a decision and be generally open to feedback. The company's structure, aspects within and outside the company's context could affect leadership. In cases where leadership was not exercised where for example so employees could be developed. Reflection on leadership can be triggered in the form of evaluations with subordinates, before a tough thing is to be presented and the way of communicating with subordinates. Reflection on their leadership was prominent in developing their employees and facilitating their work. The respondents reflect and think critically about their leadership most after the working day and least during the working day. Those who were reflexive at work were usually meta-reflexive.

Att vara brandman : En analys av hur brandmän skapar, befäster och utvecklar yrkesidentitet genom social interaktion / To be a firefighter : An analysis of how firefighters create, confirm, and develop professional identity through social interaction

Johansson, Emmy January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study is to perform a rhetorical analysis of how a professional identity is constructed through deliberation. The object of study is firefighters, as they have a strong sense of community. Using rhetorical ethnographic method, the research question is to investigate how firefighters create, confirm, and develop professional identity through social interactions. Recordings and transcriptions of their internal communication were made, in search of recurring themes and perspectives. The theory of this work is based on Aristotle’s practical definition of rhetoric as deliberation, further developed by Burke’s theory of identification. In addition, Perelmans understanding of auditorium and Wolrath-Söderbergs theory of topos form the basis of the theoretical perspectives. The results show that the recurring themes and perspectives in the firefighter’s conversations depict what it means to 1) work as a firefighter, and 2) live as a firefighter. The conclusion is that the day-to-day tasks and other shared interests constitute meeting points for discussion, where the firefighters construct their professional identity through social strategies, such as identification and disassociation, proximity and distance in the communication.

“Är du en sån där?” : -En kvalitativ studie om HR-arbetarnas yrkesidentitet

Olsson, Johanna, Karlsson, Hanna January 2023 (has links)
A common conversation starter is to ask for someone's working title, this title is then often used as a label to define an individual. To label an individual affects how they perceive themself both at work and outside of work. Therefore work plays a big part in an individual's life and is also strongly connected to one's identity. It is in the social interactions that the identity process takes place, both the professional identity and the personal identity. The aim of this study is therefore to study how interactions and perceptions about the HR-profession affects HR-working professionals' own views of their working identity and personal identity. The method that is used to answer the study's aim and research question is a qualitative method based on six semi-structured interviews. Working HR-professionals within the public sector were interviewed. Theories used in this paper to analyze results are Mead's theory about “I and Me” as well as Berger and Luckammans theoretical concept including: socialization, internalization and typification. The findings of the study conclude that HR-professionals do not perceive that their own perception of the profession is coherent with other individuals' perception. Lastly the results show that HR-professionals personal identity is affected by their working identity but in different ways. Their personal identity is affected by both working life experience and social interactions, this is because work is present in a lot of conversations outside of work. / Arbetet är många gånger en konversationsstartare och yrkestiteln blir ofta en etikett på hur en människa är. Denna etikett kan påverka hur en individ uppfattar sig själv både på arbetet och utanför arbetet. Yrket blir därav en stor del av människans liv som också kan bli starkt förknippad med en identitet. Det är i de sociala interaktionerna som identitetsskapandet sker, såväl yrkesidentiteten som den personliga identiteten. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur omgivningens interaktioner och föreställningar om HR-yrket påverkar HR-arbetarnas syn på deras yrkesidentitet och personliga identitet. Metoden som används för att besvara studiens syfte och frågeställningar är en kvalitativ metod baserat på sex semistrukturerade intervjuer. Yrkesverksamma HR-arbetare inom den offentliga sektorn intervjuades och den teoritillämpning som används för att analysera studiens resultat är Meads teori om “I and Me”. Samt Berger och Luckmanns begrepp: socialisering, internalisering och typifiering. Slutsatserna av studien visar att HR-arbetarna inte upplever att deras egen uppfattning om yrket överensstämmer med den föreställning som de upplever att omgivningen har. Slutligen visar studien att HR-arbetarnas personliga identitet påverkas av yrkesidentiteten men detta sker på olika vis. Deras personliga identitet påverkas av både arbetslivserfarenheter och sociala interaktioner då yrket är närvarande i många konversationer utanför arbetet.

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