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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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吳有臺 Unknown Date (has links)
中越關係,如同中蘇關係,是國際關係學習很好的一課。中越共50餘年的正式關係,大致言之,可分四個階段,第一階段自1950年至1964年,此為兩國關係最密切友好的時期。第二階段自1964年至1975年,雙方仍維持友好關係,然同時存在若干的磨擦和衝突,致雙方關係每下愈況。第三階段自1975年至1991年,此為兩國關係最惡化的時期,尤其在1979年「懲越戰爭」之後,有10餘年的時間,雙方中斷了正常的往來。第四階段自1991年迄今,兩國關係恢復正常,並穩步成長。 支配每個階段雙方關係演變的因素非常多,吾人可從國際及國家層次結合中越關係的實際發展情形,綜合歸納有以下五大變數主導兩國關係的發展:一、國際情勢。二、意識形態。三、民族矛盾。四、領土糾紛。五、軍經援助。這五大變數在中越關係每一個發展階段中,一直存在,並同時互為因果,交相作用。而且各變數在不同的階段,對兩國的關係具有不同程度的影響,其所導致的結果也有所不同。 亙中越關係發展的全期,五大變數中的國際情勢因素,始終都發揮較強的影響力,而在第三階段中,五大變數的影響力同時增強,並使雙方關係迅速惡化,此階段的中越關係亦為雙方53年關係的最低潮。 國家之間在政治、經濟和安全領域的相互依賴是國際關係,特別是現代國際關係中的一個重要的問題。它為國際的合作和衝突提供了更多更新的可能和機會。在53年的中越關係中,有合作友好的一面,也有衝突對抗的一面,這也正好是相互依賴關係的特徵之一。而因為相互依賴有導致國際衝突的內在傾向,中越間的衝突與對抗,就是這種內在的傾向被激化的結果。 五大變數不僅直接影響中越關係的發展,同時亦成為觀察雙方互賴關係的重要指標。如在軍經援助因素中,吾人可從中共對越南支援的質量,來判讀越南對中共依賴的程度;再如民族矛盾與領土糾紛因素中,吾人可從越南挑起此類問題的時機和其發生的頻率,來研析中越間敏感度與脆弱度的轉換;此外亦可從國際情勢及意識形態因素的變化中,來比較雙方主要需求的規模和替代性。


王巨中, Wang, Jiu Chung Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 開宗明義質問人類學與民族誌的排灣族如何與現今的自我認同相連?今日的排灣族「民族意識」很清晰的源頭不是出於主觀認同,而是出於外力強加。在人類學出現之前,其實今日被指稱為排灣族的人群,根本沒有「民族」的想像共同體存在。而是許多個以部落或部落同盟作為想像共同體的人群;這概念不同於民族的定義,不該被外來知識當作「必要的客體」而粗暴分類。而「台灣原住民族」分類之演變是基於日本帝國主義的殖民需求,由早期台灣殖民地人民的「原漢分類」輪廓,並以「高砂族」之改造為最終目的。列舉所引用的有關排灣族傳統文化的特徵,也試著回到本論文的主題「民族傳統文化」的辯證假設。借用部份人類學的知識文本,來開啟本論文場域中特定人群之民族邊緣、文化認同與社會變遷的探討。 第二章 就本論文所限定的區域範圍提供背景論述,以利讀者作為認知與思考的必要參考。包括一般性的地理與人文,以呈現其多重邊緣位置的特色。在被殖民統治前,其神話傳說建構的「我群」與權力體系之介紹,表明其有完整的知識系統以及對應的權力結構。而後敘及獅子鄉各村之行政沿革,新身份符號所使用的新概念系統,本文是以「鄉」作為一個觀察單位,以「鄉民」的認同與「族藉」認同再作另一層的觀察對比。 第三章 回顧歷史上發生在本區域的異文化接觸與外來統治。文化接觸在此分為兩個層面,即輭性的自然互動狀態以及武力對抗時期。當傳統文化優勢不再,民族邊緣的消長於是發生,民族認同的需要也進入當地人的心智中。而後更強烈的文化衝擊,來自異族的政治改造;使得傳統文化的優勢不但不可能繼續存在,反而有可能遭到根本的鏟除。 第四章 權力、知識、信仰與理論的興替:簡而言之就是不同的知識邏輯在強烈的競爭,建立自己的領域與穩固其優勢。而信仰、知識與權力是三位一體的,且三者之間運用各種理論來加強與包裝。本章試從三個角度解析,第一是頭目家庭權力勢微,並使得傳統的知識邏輯不再能執行應用程式之改寫。第二是國民教育取代傳統,新舊知識與權力鬥爭下此消彼長。第三當外來統治勢力更易後,處於信仰空窗期的人們受到新的、有組織的宗教團體所帶來的新文化刺激;祖靈信仰改宗基督,又一次的知識邏輯重組,族群與認同邊緣的形成受到更深度的影響。最後是與世界接軌後,多元文化思想論戰隨著台灣內部之民主化而成熟,傳統與新興勢力兩邊同時得到大量的知識擙援,新一輪的權力攻守值得進一步觀察。 第五章 文化認同與社會變遷實為一體之兩面,因為社會變遷的發生,迫使文化需要有新的程式來執行新的工作。例如新的法律身份、歷史意識建構等,而身份與文化認同的轉換又取決於外部社會的客觀條件。由傳統身份轉為現代身份,新的認同產生了重疊與多元的情況。尤其是民生需求之取得方式,出現了斷裂式的轉換。有關民族傳統文化風貌的變遷,藉由直接呈現獅子鄉現時的文化面貌,以對比的方式顯示截然異於同樣擁有「族藉身份」的北排灣區域人群,希望能引發進一步的思考。尤其出人意外,在最沒有「原味」的「原鄉」,竟舉辦國內規模空前絕後的全國原住民族嘉年華「麻里巴狩獵祭」,無疑是一個值得觀察與探討的重點。 第六章 反思與回顧,希望能藉由思辯的方式進一步對本論文所建構的民族邊緣、文化認同與身份認同間的互動關係與社會變遷作整體性再思考。由對「民族傳統文化」的認同力度,去思考民族邊緣的移動。有關人類學與民族認同,是否該回到「想像共同體」的論述脈絡中,重新檢視一個被人類學所建構的民族邊緣。而這個民族的邊緣經過一個世紀的煅煉是否有了民族意識或文化內涵之「中央」與「邊陲」的相對性出現。另外,「教育、教化與同化」過程中,從知識的生產與再生產去觀察,進一步探討民族認同與文化認同間的互動關係。甚至應該思考所謂的國民教育是為了建構「現代國家」認同或是「民族傳統文化」認同。本地區的另一大特色是戰爭與文化重生,這項因素遠大於一般性的社會變遷,對於初民社會人群與民族國家體制直接戰爭對抗時,所產生的傳統知識邏輯斷裂之可能性,以及族群對歷史選擇性的遺忘,作反思探討並回顧學界漢化、土著化、在地化等論述的實地驗證,並提出本論文所獲之研究心得「權力化」觀點,供思考目前台灣「民族問題」與「認同問題」時另一新視野。 結論 作全篇寫作精神、信念、風格與意義的總結。 / Since 1872 Japanese troop invaded this area, for the first time, the indigenous people in the mountain tribes met the nation’s force of the outside world. In 1895 Japanese occupied Taiwan, and started its colonial careers, the indigenous peoples in the mountain area were treated as wild beast never been protected under the constitution or law. After 10 years military suppression in 1915 all the weapons of indigenous people had been taken away, and strictly police control system had set up. In 1942, after the Japanese stated the Pacific War. Thousands of what so called volunteers had been leaded to the front line of jungle battlefield from the indigenous people’s tribes, more than 70% died, the others almost all of them wounded when they were sent back in 1946. In 1949, the Chinese ruler party KMT lost the civil war and slipped to Taiwan. Since then by the excuse of anticommunist, millions of people in this island live under the martial law for 40 years, of course those indigenous peoples were included. After the dictatorial president Chiang died in 1989, some of the Taiwanese tried to found an independent nation, Culture identity and nation identity became the biggest issue in this island especially during the campaign of voting seasons. Unfortunately, more than half million indigenous people can’t stay away from the arguing, and somehow be used to prove that Taiwanese is not Chinese. In 2000, for the first time what so called the president of Republic of China, has been taken by a 13 years old young party from the one who is already more than 100 years old. But almost more than 90% of the indigenous people’s voting were not supporting this young party, the ironic result push the new ruler has to face his idol with a much more serious attitude, and the latter aware of his un-replaceable value in this new political market. The culture identity especially for the traditional part has been changed more than twice in last century, the article is trying to find out the relations between indigenous people’s psychological activities inside and the social’s reforming outside during last 100 years. Shih Tzu country (which is a basic administrative unit comprising 8 villages about 5,500 in population) of Ping Tung country in southern Taiwan, people here were identified as Paiwan, they use the same dialogue as well as the other Paiwan, but except that there is almost no other traditional culture has left. From this very particular aspect caused the research in this title ahead.


陳漢傑, Chen,Han-Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
原教旨主義是穆斯林世界回應現代化所產生的政治與社會思想,尤其當時代表穆斯林世界的鄂圖曼帝國在現代化的過程中逐漸崩解,不僅結束一統的伊斯蘭社群,同時因財政與內政問題下喪失政治與經濟的主權。現代化伴隨著西方殖民主義在穆斯林世界投下負面陰影,卻也激發了Jamal ad-Din al-Afghani等人,期望以社群團結回應殖民主義的思想,是為現代伊斯蘭原教旨主義的濫觴。 al-Afghani的思想為後人繼承,弟子Muhammad ‘Abduh建立了伊斯蘭的理性主義,一方面回應西方對伊斯蘭的誤解,另一方面論證穆斯林及其社群自身權利的來源。Rashid Rida則透過al-Afghani的政治架構來表現‘Abduh對社群權利的肯定,提出「新哈里發制度」作為嘗試。原教旨主義的嘗試,雖然沒有成功,迄至二十世紀,民族主義成為穆斯林爭取獨立的意識形態,尤其埃及受到英國勢力的入侵,企圖更形強烈。埃及民族主義日趨世俗化,卻遲遲未能解決問題,終於導致日後伊斯蘭原教旨躍然而起。 第一次世界大戰結束後,創立穆斯林兄弟會的Hasan al-Banna以行動發起伊斯蘭原教旨主義的運動,以積極而群體的方式涉入政治與社會事務,並指出伊斯蘭和民族國家之間的融通,期望以穆斯林社群作為「跨國之國」來統整穆斯林世界的力量。在政治體制上,甚至主張神聖統治下的伊斯蘭民主。這種具有政治與文化歸屬感的政治體制,既是一種追求政治、經濟獨立自主的力量,同時也是文化認同與原生的產物。 然而,原教旨主義的政治理念從未落實。埃及在歷經三十餘年的君主立憲後為軍人推翻,一九五二年由那瑟主導的社會主義共和國取代。新政府名義上保留立憲民主,實質上卻走向社會主義的集權統治,引發伊斯蘭原教旨主義者強烈的批判,視為仿效西方失敗後變形而成的「新暴政」。 其中影響廣泛的伊斯蘭激進主義思想家Sayyid Qutb,重新定義「蒙昧」與「奮戰」(Jihad)的教義,鼓勵民眾用和平或暴力的手段積極參與政治。除了對於西方文明、資本主義、工業化社會,以及物質主義等大加撻伐,並試圖從伊斯蘭的宗教內涵提出神聖主權的政治法理與正義的社會型態,逐漸周延原教旨主義的政治、社會、經濟藍圖。

原住民族部落土地資源自主治理之研究--以苗栗縣南庄鄉為例 / A Study of Self-governing about Indigenous Land Resources

林薏伶, Lin, Yi Lin Unknown Date (has links)
原住民部落資源自主治理(self-governing)之概念已陸續地推展於原住民地區,過去有關於部落資源自主治理相關議題之討論與研究鮮少從原住民族土地問題切入,少數結合原住民族土地問題與部落資源自主治理者,研究場景也僅著重於原住民族單一族群內的自主治理組織發起與運作過程描述分析,至於在現實政經環境背景下,不同族群間自主治理的過程究竟該如何運作?以及藉由分析其運作過程產生的相關問題,進一步檢視現行原住民族自主治理部落土地資源之政策與地權及地用等相關法令規定者,尚乏相關論著。 本研究選取苗栗縣南庄鄉蓬萊村為實證研究對象,以Elinor Ostrom(1990)所提出的成功自主治理共用資源(common pool resources)八個設計原則(design principles)為檢驗基礎,分析蓬萊溪封溪護魚與八卦力民宿村部落土地資源自主治理制度設計成功與否、歸納制度脆弱或未成功的原因,並且透過社會關係網絡(social context)與取得權(access theory)等相關概念,分析兩案例之社會關係網絡與利益流樣態,以理解制度規範建構之互動過程與核心理由,發掘置於國家權力統治與資本主義貨幣經濟(cash economy)之現實場景下,原╱漢「多族群間」、以及「同族群內部」到「多族群間」自主治理部落土地資源之問題,並指出現行部落自主治理之地用與地權政策規劃與部落現實場景間之差距。 由實證案例分析可知,原住民族傳統部落組織的瓦解與重構過程中,原住民與平地人之間的政經稟賦差異加大,原住民族自主治理之立意往往被扭曲,平地人卻能掌控部落土地資源進而分享大部分之利得。此外,原住民族自主治理部落土地資源之政策走向,忽略漢人使用原住民族傳統領域土地亦有其特殊歷史背景或政策因素,是以在政策層面上當有再深入研究及通盤檢討之必要。而多族群間亦須放棄成見、加強溝通以謀求彼此共識,增加地方自主治理的社會資本,方可妥善管理部落土地資源,朝共同治理之目標邁進。 / The concept of indigenous resources self-governing has been promoted to the indigenous areas one after another. However, there have been few issues and studies about tribal resources self-governing observed from the viewpoint of indigenous land management. Even though minority of issues and studies link up indigenous land problems with tribal resources self-governing, their research background also only puts emphasis on the analysis of a single indigenous race, which describes the establishment of organization and operation for self-governing. How is the self-governing mechanism operated among different races under the realistic political and economical background? How is the self-governing policy of tribal land resources manipulated further? How are laws related to land ownership and land use implemented? All of these topics still lack correlative studies. Therefore, this research takes the tribe of the Penglai Village in Nanjhuang Township Miaoli County as an example, using eight design principles proposed by Elinor Ostrom (1990) to examine the case, which the Penglai stream blocking for fishing resources protection and the self-governing for tribal land resources in the Baguali B&B(bed-and-breakfast) village. The context of illustrations are: (1) analyzing whether the design of institution for the case is successful; (2) inducing the reason why institution is unsuccessful or weak; (3) analyzing the social context and benefit flows of the case to understand the interactive process and the core reason for the establishment of institution standard by the concept of social context and access theory; (4) finding the self-governing problems of tribal land resources among indigenous /Han multi-races(the case of Penglai River) and from one single race to multi-races(the case of Baguali B&B Village) under the realistic background of state right governing and cash economy of capitalism; and (5) pointing out the gap between the current land use and landownership policy plan for tribal self-governing and the realistic situation of tribe. By the analysis of the case, we can find that the disintegration and restructuring of the indigenous tribal organization because of the difference of the political and economical endowment from Han people results in the phenomenon, which the purpose of the indigenous tribe self-governing for land common pool resources has been twisted. In addition, the formulation of the self-governing policy for indigenous land resources ignores that the Han people using the indigenous traditional territory also have its special historical background or resulted from policy implementation. Therefore, it is necessary to study further and overall review, to strengthen the communication to seek a consensus among multi-races and to gain the social capital of local self-governing. In this way, it will be possible to manage the tribal land resources well and achieve the goal of common governance.

以民族誌決策樹與模糊本體論法研究失智症照護之供需 / Investigation of the long-term institutional care requirements of patients with dementia and their families by qualitative and quantitative analysis

張清為, Chang, Chingwei Unknown Date (has links)
台灣在過去的數十年內,罹患失智症人口逐漸增多,其中的多數皆有接受了各層面的照護,舉凡藥物治療、醫護治療、復健治療以及職能治療,然其中的成效與需求之研究仍相當缺乏。故本研究採以質性與量性研究方法,以便於探索目前失智症患者家屬照護時所面臨的實際抉擇歷程與主要需求,並同時探索個案醫院內的治療效果與病患入院時狀況之關係,本研究希望藉由中部地區失智症病患照護的需求及機構之供給的角度來探索研究所能增進其醫療服務品質之處。 在質性研究方法部分,本研究以民族誌決策樹研究法來洞悉與探索家屬在面臨照護失智症病患時是否要採行機構式照護的決策歷程以及決策條件。藉由深度訪談結果粹取出的判斷準則發現,影響家屬決策之最主要考量為失智症病患者的失智程度,其餘包含道德規範、照護負擔、病患是否需要騎他的專業醫療照護以及照護中心的軟硬體環境。本研究整合考量這些判斷準則的優先順序、輕重緩急以及因果關係後將之建立決策樹,並以另外五十名家屬驗證該模型之預測力,得到預測準確率為92%。 此外,本研究再以量性方法來探索治療對於不同失智症病患的成效。結果顯示入住時狀況較好的失智症住民會以更積極的態度來接受職能治療,也因此他們擁有較大的改善或控制病情的機會,然而當住民以消極的態度接受職能治療時,則其治療效果遠不及積極治療者,也因此病情退步的機會較大,主要原因在於多數情況較差的住民具有攻擊、抗拒治療的傾向,使得照護工作變得更為艱鉅,故本研究建議家屬應重視職能治療以及與病人互動之重要性,不論是在居家照護亦或是機構式照護 / Over the past decade, the number of long-term care (LTC) residents has increased, and many have accepted treatments such as medication, rehabilitation and occupational therapy. This study employs both qualitative and quantitative techniques in order to discuss senile dementia patient care in long-term care institutions, and we use a supply and demand viewpoint to explore what services are really necessary for the patient and their family. In qualitative method, the main purpose of this stage is to use the ethnographic decision tree model to understand and explore the decision criteria of the subject. Our study found that the degree of dementia of the patient always affects the decisions made by family members – in fact, this is the most important of all criteria elicited from the interviews with family members. There are also ethical constraints, care burden, norm of filial obligation, patient need professional medical care and institutional environment, etc. which mentioned by families. We linked together the decision criteria considered most important in accounting for the decision-making sequence of family members to be the ethnographic decision tree model which predictive power is 92%. In quantitative stage, our study discussed the effectiveness of occupational therapy when given to dementia patients of different contexts. The results of this stage showed that patients of a good condition in the first stage present a more positive attitude towards participation in the occupational therapy designed by the institution; therefore, they have a greater chance of their condition improving or remaining the same. However, patients of an average condition have a more passive attitude towards taking part in any therapy; therefore, they have a greater chance of their condition deteriorating, because of their violent tendencies and their resistance to care, the task of caring for these patients is more difficult than caring for patients in the other groups. Above all, we suggest that families adopt the therapies no matter in homecare or institutionalization, as early as possible in order to improve the likelihood of being able to control the patient’s condition. It is understandable that accepting more therapies and interaction in the early stage of dementia, having higher chance to go well, however, by waiting until then they also miss the best opportunity to attempt to improve the patient’s condition, it is really not the good way we suggest to be.


林郁迢 Unknown Date (has links)
《水經注》、《洛陽伽藍記》、《魏書》自五世紀以來並存於世近一千五百年,或許是因為性質差異過大,使三書幾乎是各別分立的存在。雖說《水經注》與《洛陽伽藍記》在文學史中偶被並舉,如《四庫全書總目提要》言:「(洛陽伽藍記)其文穠麗秀逸,繁而不厭,可與酈道元《水經注》肩隨。」《洛陽伽藍記》更被視為可補《魏書》之闕,如吳若準《洛陽伽藍記集證》云:「足以補魏收所未備,為拓拔之別史。」但三書之間從未共同形成一張研究網脈。 因中國近百年世運對文史工作者的催逼,論者逕自反省當代文化困頓的同時,隱約靈視到三書過去不曾被揭示的內在聯繫,發現三書分別隸屬於「北魏洛陽時期」、「東魏遷鄴時期」、「北齊代魏時期」的作品。三書成書的時間先後間隔不過三十年左右,但卻是南北朝政治社會急遽變遷、文化正統爭奪最劇烈的時期,而三書的內容也各按其時地回應了當時最重要的歷史課題。 南北朝文化之爭其實是受到政治正統之爭的激化。中國雖執著於大一統,然分裂與統一的時間卻各占歷史之半,因而正統之爭無時不在,其中又以南北朝最為明顯,也最具典範性;許多立論正統的說法都是北朝人士所提出,並成為後世爭辯正統的重要通用語彙及理論依據。然而,此事實卻在崇南抑北,普遍視南朝為文化主體的研究視野中一再受到忽略。本文合議三書,透過各書的臨史心態、政治立場、正統架構、民族認同、文化態度等問題的發掘與對照,重新審視南北朝文化之爭的內涵。盼望此研究成果不僅能擴充三書的文化蘊涵,也可呈現有別以往的研究新視野。


謝素珍 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在探討三重埔的中南部移民移住現象,關注彰化、雲林、嘉義的移民,結合移民所建立的宮廟觀察彼此的互動關係,強調中南部移民與宮廟對三重埔地方發展的重要性,作為觀察臺灣民間信仰與地方發展的案例。 三重埔是主要研究場域,緒論中說明三重埔的開發歷史與宮廟發展,將三重埔的發展分為開墾初期、街庄形成、街庄成熟三個階段來釐清研究場域的歷史脈絡,並說明三重埔宮廟發展的傳統面貌與嶄新面貌的差異性,文本中的「在地廟」是中南部移民之前的傳統宮廟,「移民廟」是中南部移民所建的嶄新宮廟。 中南部移民是主要關注的對象,第一章討論三重埔的中南部移民,根據人口統計資料與田野訪談,說明三重埔的人口結構和移民的籍貫等,著重在民國40年代以後三重埔人口大增的原因,來自彰化、雲林、嘉義縣市人口最多,以移民廟作為佐證。 移民廟是中南部移民在三重埔留下的重要資產,第二章針對三重埔立案的38間宮廟逐一實地探查,找到9間中南部移民興建的宮廟,除了在三重埔實地探查移民廟,更擴展探查的範圍到彰化、雲林、嘉義移民謁祖進香的祖廟,詳實紀錄移民廟的主祀神、歷史沿革、謁祖進香、廟慶、儀式等,運用GPS衛星定位GIS繪圖來說明移民廟與在地廟的空間分佈,找出移民移住現象與宮廟之間的時空關係。 第三章將田野實查與文獻資料整合加以分析研究,討論中南部移民的宮廟與三重埔民間信仰,探究移民廟與在地廟的的主祀神與信徒結構、祭祀慶典儀式與功能、宮廟與移民的認同等問題。 本論文研究貢獻在於探討中南部移民與移民廟的關係時所得到的結論: 一、民國40-60年代中南部移民有群聚現象:中南部移民的時空背景和宮廟建立有直接關係,移民移住的時空背景和宮廟的空間分佈是一致的。 二、移民廟與在地廟的區別:從三重埔歷史發展的新、舊移民所認同的主祀神和宮廟分布區域不同,同時展現三重埔地方開發的先後脈絡。 三、移民廟的認同表現,9間移民廟以主祀神和謁祖進香來凝聚移民,藉著靜態與動態的認同力量增強移民的團結意識。 四、移民廟的在地化:移民廟的在地化帶領三重埔宮廟的轉型,各宮廟展現出包容與多元化的特質。 五、新三重廟:移民廟的在地化帶動走向新三重廟出現,現在的新三重廟是分區發展、配祀神增加、祭祀圈重疊、移民廟的地位提升,信眾祈求安定身心時有更多神靈庇祐,移民廟的謁祖進香依舊是移民廟的重要廟會活動,藉由活動來凝聚信眾人群,讓地方特有的民俗技藝代代相傳延續下來,保存著飲水思源的良善社會風氣。

現代性/民族性:韓少功、莫言、阿來長篇鄉 土小說中的認同政治 / Modernity/Nationalism : Identity Politics of Han Shao-Gong, Mo Yan and A-Lai’s Native-soil Fictions

郭澤樺, Kuo, Tse-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
鄉土文學作為一種文學類別,源出於作家們對前現代、傳統文化與土地關係的關懷。隨著時代變遷,鄉土文學被賦予更多的功能。不再只是再現吾人現代性精神危機的烏托邦救贖,也不單純只是對逝去的純美人情的哀悼,更不僅被當作現代性的對立面。從五四時期以來的鄉土文學至今,已然發展出全然不同的面貌,唯一不變的是,鄉土文學的核心價值依舊是以「人與土地」為主軸,從人與土地的關係出發,思考不同階段的社會轉型與文化衝擊。在持續的現代化與全球化的當下,鄉土文學必然受到衝擊,在現代化與高度資本主義的社會環境中,都市文學與大眾娛樂文化的雙重夾擊下,鄉土文學成為一種艱難的文類,在世代差異之下,鄉土文學必然喪失其影響力與活力。 此外,中國特殊的政治體制與其制度,使得鄉土文學產生不同的變化,轉型成為一種彈性的文類,將鄉土視為全球化的在地資本,再者,因中國快速的全面轉型,使得新舊文化被雜揉於同一時期。新與舊、現代與傳統、都市與鄉村就這樣被濃縮在同一時期裡。因此鄉土文學在中國,除了因疆域廣大,現代化程度的普及性仍有一定限度外,最重要的是,當今中國的中堅世代,都是歷經高度文化衝擊下的一員,在他們身上仍舊保留傳統文化的親歷性,也同樣對現代化的利弊具有深刻理解,作家們依循自己的生命經驗試圖理解當代中國與世界。 本研究先以中國當代文化語境與鄉土文學之發展脈絡為背景,再以三位50後作家韓少功、莫言、阿來之專章,討論其鄉土小說中的身分認同。此三位作家皆完整經歷中國當代劇烈的社會變遷,並循著自身的「鄉土經驗」,重新審視中國現代性如何擺盪在現代性與民族性之間,並展現其中的文化能動性,以多元的鄉土文體形式來界定主流政治。 自新時期以來,中國作家與主流政治共同自「鄉土」汲取文化動能,建構屬於自身獨特的話語形式(discourse)回應中國新時期的後革命論述。 / As a literary category, the native-soil literature was originated from the care that the writers had on the relationship between pre-modern, traditional culture and the land. With the changing times, the native-soil literature has been given more functions. It is no longer just to re represent the utopian salvation of our modern spiritual crisis, or just the mourning for the passed-by beautiful interpersonal affection, or only be viewed as the opposite of modernity. Since the May Fourth period, the native-soil literature has now developed a completely different appearance. The only constant is that the core value of the native-soil literature remains to be centered around the “people and the land”, rooting from the relationship between people and the land to think about the different stages of social transformation and cultural impact. Under the ongoing modernization and globalization, the native-soil literature is bound to be impacted. In the modern and highly capitalist social environment and under the double attacks of urban literature and mass entertainment culture, the native-soil literature has become a difficult genre. Due to the generation differences, the native-soil literature will inevitably lose its influence and vitality. In addition, the special political framework and system of China cause the native-soil literature to have different changes, transforming into a flexible genre and viewing the “native soil” as the globalized local capital. Moreover, due to rapid and comprehensive transformation of China, the old and new cultures were rubbed into the same period. The concepts of new and old, modern and traditional, and urban and rural were all condensed into the same period as well. Therefore, while the native-soil literature of China has been somewhat limited in terms of degree of modernization and popularity due to the vast territory, the most important thing is that the backbone generation in China today all went through high cultural impact, and they still retain the traditional cultural experiences while having deep understandings about the pros and cons of modernization. The writers try to understand the contemporary China and the world through their own life experiences. This study uses the development processes of Chinese contemporary cultural context and native-soil literature as background, and then discuss the identity identification within the native-soil novels through dedicated chapters of three writers who were born after 1950 – Han Shao-gong, Mo Yan and Alai. All three writers went through dramatic social changes of contemporary China, and with their “native-soil experiences”, they re-examined how China's modernity swung between the modernity and nationality, displayed the cultural motility therein, and defined the mainstream politics in the form of multivariate native-soil literature. Ever since the new era, writers and mainstream politics in China have all been drawing cultural energies from the “native-soil” to construct their own unique discourse forms, so as to respond to the post-Revolution discourse of China’s new era.

整合參與式製圖建置原住民族傳統領域WebGIS平台 / Integrating Participatory Mapping to Build a WebGIS Platform for Traditional Territories of Indigenous Peoples

陳祈安, Chen, Chi An Unknown Date (has links)
長久以來,台灣原住民族的土地及領域權利始終受到忽視和剝削,原住民族的傳統領域與其知識逐漸式微。為了重新爭取原住民族的土地權利及保存珍貴的傳統生態智慧,恢復傳統領域和傳統領域知識即為首要任務。 近一、二十年來,隨著國際上主張生物多樣性和多元文化的思維潮流,我國也開始提倡對原住民文化及其自然關係的尊重,從早期的部落地圖運動到傳統領域土地調查計畫,透過調查與部落地圖的繪製可將隱藏在生活中的歌唱、舞蹈、傳說故事…等傳統領域知識記錄、保存下來;而這些田野調查工作有許多不同的方式,如參與觀察、個案研究、深度訪談、工作坊…等,並常搭配不同的參與式製圖為其工具,如:心智圖、參與式立體模型(Participatory 3D Modelling, P3DM)、地理資訊系統(Geographic Information System, GIS)…等。 本研究參與觀察並分析比較各項參與式製圖法,將觀察到的成果結合文獻整理之設計準則,納入至原住民族傳統領域WebGIS地圖平台與其他網頁之設計規劃。建置一以原住民族傳統領域為主題,蒐集劃設傳統領域知識和範圍並傳遞資訊的參與式平台,達到參與式製圖之目的。並至平台啟用後使用網頁分析工具和使用者深度訪談,追蹤分析其後續之公眾參與成效,藉此改善平台功效並提出方案以促進公眾參與及使用率。

這片土地是⸢我們的⸥: 台灣原住民族和政府共同管理的研究 / This Land is “Our” Land: A Study of Indigenous-State

葛明麗, Emily Grubb Unknown Date (has links)
過去幾十年來,當地社區,科學家和政府官員不得不面對日益惡化的環境惡化以及對可持續發展和資源利用日益增長的需求。 近年來,為了解決日益增長的問題,土地和資源共同管理的概念越來越受歡迎。 共同管理通常被定義為⸢兩個以上的社會行為者之間談判,界定和保證公平分享給定領土,地區或一套自然資源的管理職能,權利和責任的情況⸥ (Borrini et al. 2000) 。 更具體地說,森林共同管理是指分享責任的領域和資源與森林有關的請況。 在理論上,森林共同管理的好處不僅應該是環境,而且應該是社會經濟。 在本論文中,我將對台灣的共同管理案例研究,十多年前成立的太魯閣國家公園合作管理委員會,以及另一個最近新出現的魯凱族和 台灣林業局。 為了提供台灣共同管理協議的示範框架,我還將討論加入加拿大國家公園管理的共同管理。 我將在台灣和加拿大的相關殖民時期追溯土著國家關係的歷史和演變,以更好地了解當前原住民族和國家共同管理工作的基礎。 本論文還將討論國際原住民族權利制度的出現在台灣制定本國原住民族政策方面發揮的作用。 我將了解原住民如何適應台灣國家公園和森林管理工作的政策和決策框架。 在評估原住民族與中央政府在這方面的權力關係的性質時,我的目的是回答以下問題:台灣當地原住民族如何與台灣政府達成共同管理協議? 在分析歷史和國際背景,政策框架和每個案例的具體細節時,我將就台灣當局與原住民部落未來的共同管理工作提出建議。 / Over the past several decades, local communities, scientists, and government officials have had to contend with increasing environmental degradation and the growing need for sustainable development and resource use. In more recent years, in order to address these rising concerns, the concept of co-management of land and resources has become increasingly popular. Co-management is commonly defined as “a situation in which two or more social actors negotiate, define, and guarantee amongst themselves a fair sharing of the management functions, entitlements and responsibilities for a given territory, area or set of natural resources” (Borrini et al. 2000). More specifically, forest co-management refers to situations in which the area and resources for which responsibility is being shared are forest-related. In theory, the benefits of forest co-management should not only be environmental, but socioeconomic as well. In this thesis, I will conduct two case studies of co-management in Taiwan, the Taroko National Park co-management committee, which was established over a decade ago, and another more recently emerging case of co-management between Rukai indigenous peoples and the Taiwan Forestry Bureau. In order to provide a model framework for Taiwanese co-management agreements, I will also discuss co-management as it has been incorporated into Canadian national park management. I will trace the history and evolution of indigenous-state relations across the pertinent periods of colonization in both Taiwan and Canada to better understand the foundations upon which current indigenous-state co-management efforts have been constructed. This thesis will also touch upon the role that the emergence of an international indigenous rights regime has played in shaping domestic indigenous policies in Taiwan. I will identify how indigenous peoples fit into the policy and decision-making frameworks of Taiwan’s national park and forest management efforts. In assessing the nature of power relations between indigenous peoples and the central government in this context, I aim to answer the following question: how do local Taiwanese indigenous peoples engage in co-management agreements with the state government of Taiwan? Upon analyzing the historical and international contexts, the policy frameworks, and the specific details of each case, I will posit suggestions for future co-management efforts between the Taiwanese state government and indigenous communities.

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