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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

落空的權利—從法律多重製圖觀點看日月潭邵族原住民族土地同意權的實踐 / The Hollow Rights: The Practice of Thao’s Indigenous Land Rights in Taiwan from the Perspective of "Multi-Layered Mapping of Law"

沈世祐, Shen, Shih Yu Unknown Date (has links)
《原住民族基本法》於2005年通過,是台灣原住民族運動努力多年的成果,但是近年來原住民族仍持續面對各種壓迫。在土地權利方面,該法第21條規定政府或私人於原住民族土地進行開發利用時,需事先諮詢當地原住民族之同意或參與(簡稱「同意權」),然而在許多案件中,原住民族主張此條文表達反對時,經常未能得到行政部門正面回應。本研究以日月潭邵族反對向山旅館開發案為例,理解「同意權」如何變成「落空的權利」。 許多文獻討論,將原住民族權利與實踐的落差歸因於「個人權」(individual right)與「集體權」(collective right)兩種概念的差異及行政部門本位主義因素。本研究則想更進一步釐清,又有哪些其他因素也影響原住民族權利的落實? 在這些因素的影響下,「同意權」的規範運作又產生了何種實際效用? 本研究將從「法律多重製圖」之觀點回答上述問題,首先將探究「同意權」概念在國際法、國內法與行政實踐中的規範生產與運作,分析在不同的場域下,場域內的參與者如何對「同意權」進行法律製圖。本文主張,法律生產過程中對權利概念的意義內涵轉換、法律生產與運作場域的邏輯結構,皆影響原住民族權利的實踐。同時,本研究進一步以日月潭邵族的案例,說明原住民族土地權中「自由與事先知情同意原則」或「同意權」規範,理想上是以原住民族的「參與」並實現自決權為目標,但在邵族的案例中,實際運作卻是不斷「排除」原住民族的過程,法律成為排除原住民族權利的合理化機制,更避開各種議題對立面的討論。 權利的落空一方面指權利主張不被理解與正視,更進一步指原住民族社會愈遠離「集體」的過程,因而我們需對原住民族同意權或各種集體權的運作有更多的反省,並持續探詢屬於每個部落或族群中所謂「好生活」(good life)的意義。本文最後藉用「草根後現代主義」(grassroots post-modernism)之概念,介紹原住民族在追求「好生活」的道路上,如何藉著在地思考、找回與族群內部的連結,以此對抗全球化、新自由主義趨勢下對原住民族權利的影響與侷限。 / Though its enactment in 2005 can be regarded as an achievement of Indigenous movement in Taiwan, The Indigenous Peoples Basic Law does not work as it promises. The indigenous people are still struggling for the fulfillment of rights. With respect to land rights, Article 21 of the Law requires the participation and consent of local indigenous people before the development and utilization of the indigenous land. However, the article is often neglected by the government in many cases. This case study then focuses on Thao people (邵族)who live around Sun-Moon Lake (日月潭)and their opposition to a Hotel program located in Xiangshan(向山), which is regarded as the traditional territory of Thao. By adopting the perspective of “Multi-Layered Mapping of Law”, I hope to analyze the enactment process and the effect of law concerning the principle of Free, Prior and Informed Consent as well as land rights of indigenous people, and try to describe how the “right to consent” becomes a “hollow right” in practice. The study depicts the right as “hollow” for two meanings. On the one hand, it shows the situation for indigenous people facing the gap between the law’s promise and law’s practice in the complex process of law making and law enforcement. On the other hand, it further describes the more distance from collectiveness within indigenous society. The study suggests that more dialogue and more reflection is needed when claiming rights. The last part of the study then introduces the idea of “grassroots post-modernism” which discuss the way to “Good Life" and the way of resistance against globalization and neoliberalism. Although the issues need further discussion in future studies, the idea can be a guidance for indigenous people as they pursue the fulfillment of land rights, autonomy and self-determination.


釘貫, 亨 02 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(C)(2) 課題番号:10610408 研究代表者:釘貫 亨 研究期間:1998-2001年度

過錯的界線:戰後初期臺灣與韓國的轉型正義比較分析(1945-1950) / The boundaries of wrongdoing: a comparative analysis of transitional justice in early postwar Taiwan and Korea, 1945-1950

吳宗達 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著世界各國在民主化後對重新審視、扭轉過去壓迫性政權作為的嘗試,近年來以臺灣史料為題材的研究中,以轉型正義為主題的論文也有逐漸增加的趨勢。不過多數研究習慣將視野集中於國民黨來臺後的族群歧視、整個國家退守臺灣後基於反共/防共的白色恐怖對人權的侵害、或是臺灣政治民主化後的補償與歷史正義,相對少有探討臺灣戰後初期對日本統治的反省內容,同時也缺乏比較性地跨越不同政權統治時期,嘗試從外來政權如何統治社會與汲取資源方式的角度,研究國家建構如何影響轉型正義主張與行動的作品。   相較先行研究,本論文以從日本殖民時期以至戰後初期的臺灣與朝鮮為研究對象,指出日本對新領土的國家建構工程使兩地在戰後初期都出現了轉型正義的行動與主張,而兩地在遭受殖民前與殖民期間發展出的共同體意識、社會成員處境、和殖民者建構國家的手段與過程均影響了兩地轉型正義的內容與強度;而兩地在戰後分別受到外來政權統治,再次出現國家意圖控制社會的國家建構行為,使兩地原有的轉型正義主張遭到壓抑-在臺灣,新統治者與臺灣社會認定的犯過錯者結合,以自己的轉型正義標準壓制臺灣人的權利和對政權的批判,臺灣人因此重新審視共同體界線;朝鮮/韓國對民族獨立與犯過錯者的究責要求則一直未滅,然而新統治者與其後繼者為了穩定政權,出現了無視社會要求,以新標準區別敵人並阻礙轉型正義的情形,最後,戰後初期統治兩地的新政權皆為其國家建構目的犧牲了社會的轉型正義要求,同時製造了新的不正義。 / With countries of the world tried to review and redress doings oppressive regimes did in the past after democratization, the number of theses topic on transitional justice by studying Taiwan historical resources increases recently. However, most of the researches focus on ethnic discriminations after Kuomintang seized Taiwan, human right violation and persecution in white terror era, and redress or historical justice after political democratization. There come relatively fewer discussions on reflections on Japanese rule in early post war Taiwan, and lack of comparative, cross-regime works try to explain how state-building influenced transitional justice ideas and actions, by applying viewpoint that different alien regimes carry out ruling and extraction resources from society.  Compared with former researches, I adopt the era Taiwan and Korea under Japanese colonization to early post war period as research subjects. I first point out Japanese state-building crafts brought out transitional justice ideas and actions in early post war Taiwan and Korea, different development degrees of community imagines, situation of society members, means and process colonizers took to build state before and in the colonial period made postwar transitional justice different in the two places. Next I point out new alien regimes befell post war Taiwan and Korea, new state-building process came out once again, and transitional justice was repressed. In Taiwan, new rulers built a patron-client relationship with local wrongdoers, they put Hanjian accusation standard on Taiwanese, suppress their political right and critique, and therefore Taiwanese started to review the boundary of community. In Korea, desires to nation independence and punish wrongdoers never faded, however, post war rulers ignored society requests and used new standard to mark new enemy within, blocked transitional justice for stable regime. At last, regimes ruled Taiwan and Korea in early post war days sacrificed society requests for transitional justice, instead by pursuit of state-building goals, and brought out new injustice.

中国農村部における貧困削減の政策と実態に関する研究 / チュウゴク ノウソンブ ニオケル ヒンコン サクゲン ノ セイサク ト ジッタイ ニカンスル ケンキュウ

陳 艶, Yan Chen 21 March 2019 (has links)
本研究は中国農村部における貧困問題、特に2000年代以降の南西部少数民族地域の貧困と経済発展、および政府の貧困削減政策について研究するものである。世界銀行や中国国家統計局などの公的機関が公開したデータ、および研究対象地域で収集された農家家計や地域経済発展に関するデータを用いて、農村貧困の実態、政府による「精準扶貧」政策の実施と効果、少数民族地域貧困地域の生活と貧困、および自力で貧困状況を改善した地域の事例について分析した。 / This study sheds a light on the poverty issues in rural China from the 2000s, with a specific focus on the poverty and economic development in ethnic areas in south-western China, and the poverty alleviation policies implemented by the government. Utilizing the data published by organizations such as World Bank and National Bureau of Statistics of China, and the data collected from the research area, the following research questions are discussed: the actual conditions of poverty in rural China; the implementation and the effect of the governmental poverty alleviation policy, named Targeted Poverty Relief Strategy (jingzhun fupin); the livelihood and poverty of ethnic minorities living in deprived area; and the case study of a region which has lifted themselves out of poverty. / 博士(現代アジア研究) / Doctor of Philosophy in Contemporary Asian Studies / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

Post-election violence and governance in Kenya : the rise and fall of the Truth, Justice, and Reconciliation Commission (TJRC) / ケニアにおける選挙後の暴力と統治:真実正義和解委員会(TJRC)の興亡 / ケニア ニオケル センキョゴ ノ ボウリョク ト トウチ : シンジツ セイギ ワカイ イインカイ TJRC ノ コウボウ

室仁 多日帝, David Muroni 19 September 2020 (has links)
この論文は、ケニアの選挙後の暴力の年表に焦点を当てています。それがどのように始まり、頂点に達し、減少、そして再発を探ります。ケニアで2008年に創設された真実、正義、和解委員会は、独立後35年間の過去の人権不正と不正行為を文書化に行なった。複数の要因が組み合わされ、複数政党の大統領選挙で暴力を引き起こします。政府が問題の一部であるため、委員会による良心的な最終報告書と勧告は保留中です。 / This thesis focuses on the chronology of post-election violence in Kenya. It explores how it started, peaked, faded, and returned. The Truth, Justice, and Reconciliation Commission created in 2008 in Kenya documents 35 years of past human rights injustices and malpractices from independence in 1963. Multiple factors combine and trigger violence in multiparty presidential elections. The conscientious final reports and recommendations by the Commission remain in limbo as the government is part of the problem. Unequally shared land resources and a grave presidential contest cause post-election violence. Empowering the Supreme Court is a necessity for fair justice. / 博士(グローバル社会研究) / Doctor of Philosophy in Global Society Studies / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University


呂貴香 Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文是以中國大陸甘肅省臨夏回族自治州的州治所在臨夏市為主要的田調場域,研究對象是臨夏市穆斯林社群的婦女們,研究切入的時間點正值西部大開發帶動臨夏社會經濟現代化的契機,此地的穆斯林因應此變化被迫必要調整其傳統倫理規範對婦女們的制約,讓婦女走出家庭、甚至走出河州,解放其勞動力,隨其知識獨立經濟獨立後,藉此良機提升地位,並對社會做更大的貢獻。 臨夏市的穆斯林社群是傳統華夏社會的縮影,惟因位處邊緣加上歷史因素,其社群相對封閉而變化較緩,婦女地位低下仍是目前社群內部普遍存在的問題。搭乘大開發的列車,為呈現穆斯林女性地位已出現或可能有的變化,在章節的安排上,第一章、第二章針對回回婦女集體歷史記錄的失落,企圖利用有限的文獻材料,重構此邊緣族群婦女的歷史圖像,順勢彰顯華夏社會“男尊女卑”、“男主外,女主內”根深柢固的傳統與臨夏穆斯林社群的婦女地位問題相對應的關係,特別是在複合文化交疊、異例突出的邊緣地帶;為釐清外界對伊斯蘭教與回回社群的誤解,特別在第三章釐清這個複合規範的內涵,分從儒家的道德綱常、伊斯蘭的倫理觀與西北特殊的風俗民情三部分論述,時至今日臨夏穆斯林婦女所承受的規範制約,究竟是哪一部分需要調整或必要革新,或許在地的穆斯林也並不是那麼清楚所謂的傳統,究竟是舊封建社會的遺緒,抑或是伊斯蘭教教義、教法使然,不願人云亦云、積非成是地全歸咎於伊斯蘭的宗教特性,對照歷史軌跡尋繹,從理性認知解放臨夏穆斯林婦女,自覺、自尊方能由此建立。 筆者如此關注臨夏穆斯林婦女地位的問題,乃因在臨夏調研時的實際觀察,仍見臨夏穆斯林社群婦女很傳統的生活面向,故在第四章介紹傳統規約下的婦女生活,從婦女的婚姻、家庭生活、勞務分工與宗教規箴對女學的影響等方面提供一些民族誌的觀察。由於社會調查有其普遍採樣的困難和限制,加上臨夏正處在社會經濟變遷的過渡階段,多元、多樣正是此階段的特色,故選擇口訪對象盡可能是在一定的社會高度,有較廣泛見聞以及能理性陳述的對象,不乏公部門幹部、老師、醫師和律師,藉之強化此民族誌觀察的可信度與說服力。 本篇論文的第五章則談論臨夏經濟發展人力需求的趨勢,而穆斯林婦女所須具備的競爭條件,而從臨夏婦女接受義務教育的現實問題、宗教女學蓬勃發展的利弊以及婦女法律認知、制度配套與人為因素致使婦女權利在實踐上出現相當的落差,於田調實察所得數據和資料來說明社群內部有待改變、革新之處。現代化的潮流和進程難以阻擋,臨夏市在現代化社會的轉型過程,舊價值與新發展之間的矛盾和衝突性無可避免,婦女地位提升已成為社會整體進步的關鍵,也漸成為穆斯林社群的共識;包括臨夏面對都市化的衝擊,伊斯蘭Jamaat內部可能面臨的文化危機,保守的宗教體制內是否應該與時俱進地賦予女學新定位、新任務,促使婦女在族教邊界的維繫上發揮固基的力量,故在第六章仍以民族誌的觀察為主,介紹臨夏部分穆斯林女性在宗教、學術、經濟與政治等領域不凡的表現,她們衝破既有族教藩籬與限制,力爭上游,成為在地穆斯林婦女效法的標竿。總之,改善不利於穆斯林婦女發展的負向指標,提升她們的地位,在推動臨夏社會經濟進步極具現實價值,是本論文的研究旨趣所在。 任何社群只要存在兩性的差異,婦女學與兩性研究就有存在下去的理由。過往少數民族婦女議題歸屬學術研究的邊陲,本篇論文就學術價值而言,其貢獻有二:一則,為社會科學研究婦女民族誌開闢了新領域,強化女性文化的基礎;二則,選擇邊緣穆斯林族群的婦女議題,除了釐清對伊斯蘭教在中國西北世俗化過程的許多誤解,也使穆斯林婦女在現代婦女史與婦女民族誌中不再留白,或無言。


董孟忠 Unknown Date (has links)

台灣原住民文化產業之智慧資源規劃─以編織工藝為例 / The research of intelligence resources planning of indigenous cultural industry in Taiwan - case study on knitting techniques

林佳穎, Lin, Chia Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本研究著眼於原住民文化產業智慧資源規劃的議題,特別是以原住民工藝產業當中的編織工藝作為研究對象。在智慧資源的創造和保護方面,對於原住民民俗創作的法律討論和立法行動,在我國雖然已有初步成果,但卻仍有許多爭議尚待解決,因而仍無法提供原住民族人充足的保護,不過即使如此,產業仍然需要在此模糊不清的法律狀態下,尋找最佳的發展路徑,換言之,從智慧資源的管理和應用方面,在盡可能建立智慧資源的基礎之後,管理者應如何透過原先具備或後天取得的資源,促使經營的事業體找出適當的發展模式,毋寧更是原住民文化產業能否永續發展的優先考量。而在產業發展較成熟之後,若再回頭主張產業從業者真正需要的法律規範,或許更可以提供規範制定者值得參考的意見。 在上述的法律和管理並重的思考邏輯之下,本研究從文獻探討開始,檢視國際間、各國和我國在處理原住民民俗創作保護時的問題現狀,在確定文化資產和智慧財產各有其規範角色,卻又會互相影響的前提之下,推導出存在於原住民文化產業當中,同時可以致力於文化資產活化,以及智慧財產創造的幾種可能的發展模式,供作本研究後續個案的探討模型,以及未來的產業從業者決定發展方向時的可能參考選項。 故在本研究個案部份,即同時反映上述類型化模型的思考。第四章的第一個個案就是較具有公共性(commons)本質的尤瑪‧達陸與野桐工坊個案,而第五章的第二個個案就是較具有完整企業經營理念的湛賞文化藝術工作坊,此二個案同時都是以編織工藝為主要經營項目,但是因為經營者的目標不同,因而展現出不同樣貌,本研究透過此二個案呈現經營面向的議題,同時也針對智慧資源規劃議題,給予個案未來發展之建議。 最後的結論與建議,本研究主要針對於政府機關和產業從業者兩方面,從之前論述當中發現的議題和可參考的適例,重新思考現存問題的解決方案,期待在研究者的共同努力下,台灣原住民文化產業能夠走上更亮麗的舞台。 / This research is focused on intelligence resources planning of indigenous cultural industry, especially in the field of knitting techniques. From creation and protection of intelligence resources perspective, legal discussion and legislative movement for aboriginal people’s cultural expressions seem to achieve slight success in Taiwan, but there still exists many unresolved issues, resulting in insufficient protection for aboriginal people as before. However, even in such legally ambiguous situation, the industry still needs to find its way out, looking for the best path to develop itself. In other words, from management and application of intelligence resources perspective, after trying best efforts to set up the foundation of intelligence resources, how the managers are devoting to figure out the suitable model for the business unit, by using original or adopting resources, becomes the first priority of concerns of whether the indigenous cultural industry can be sustainable. When the industry becomes more mature, the participants of the industry may look back, to propose their real needs for regulations, and at the same time, these proposals may be very valuable for the regulators. Based on the above thinking in accordance with both legal and managerial logic, this research makes observation to problems when dealing with aboriginal people’s folklore expressions in international society, in various countries and in Taiwan, from the beginning part of literature analysis to the latter parts; then, this research makes sure that cultural heritage and intellectual property both play parts on the focused topics, while each has its regulatory role as well as has impact on the other, and such nature and connection becomes the premise of the following several models respectively for activation of cultural heritage and creation of intellectual property at the same time in indigenous cultural industry. These models will be used as the analytic tools for the following case study and as the referable choices of business development for future participants in the industry. Furthermore, case study of this research reflects foregoing categorical models. The first case in Chapter 4 is commons-oriented Yuma Taru and Lihang Studio case. The second case in Chapter 5 is under complete company management, which is Siku Sawmah Cultural Art Workshop case. Both cases’ major revenue come from knitting techniques, but the managers have different business goals, resulting in different business models. This research tries to reveal managerial issues when running workshop through these two cases; this research will also gives suggestion to them in relation to intelligence resources planning. In the final part of conclusion and suggestion, this research aims at governmental departments and participants in the industry, and for them it rethinks solutions towards existing problems regarding previously found issues and referable cases. This research expects the indigenous cultural industry in Taiwan to eventually get on a more radiant stage with the cooperation of all the researchers and participants.


張漢平 Unknown Date (has links)
「地緣政治」從字面上來看,就知道它是與地理、政治有關的課題研究,從深層的角度來看它則是以地理的宏觀思維來解釋一個國家的政治行為的科學。人與自然環境之間的關係是永久存在的,因而地理環境對人類社會總會有一定的影響和制約。中西方學者的對地緣政治地理的詮釋都不盡相同。有必要先將地緣政治理論的淵源、定義及形成的因素加以深入探討,以建構本文研究立論之基礎。 自從第二次世界大戰後所形成的兩極對抗終結後,世界各個主要國家無不針對此一新的國際環境重新思索未來的發展與相應作為,以利其在新的國際體系產生醞釀過程中,爭取國家的安全發展與最佳角色、地位及對全球之影響力。中共利用地理上海陸兼備的特色及廣大經濟市場需求的優勢,積極營造有利其爾後綜合國力發展的地緣政治環境,並已躍昇為國際多強體系中的「一極」。尤其是中國大陸位於亞太地理位置的中心,而且是目前是世界經濟增長最快的地區,尤其中國大陸乃是全球人口最多、市場需求容量最大、經濟增長速度最快的國家,若中共能夠針對其地緣政治環境之特色,因勢利導,調整因應,以海陸交鋒的地理條件採全方位輻射同步發展的模式、以優勢的文化背景吸附多數鄰國為伍、以平等互惠爭取周邊強國的支持,則其後續的發展潛力不僅能成為亞洲區域或歐亞大陸的權力主宰者,更足以挑戰美國的全球霸權地位。 基於全球經濟發展與經貿整合不可逆轉的趨勢,中共未來地緣政治發展的主軸仍然會指向經濟方面,同時透過睦鄰政策的持續推動與夥伴關係的建立,營造一個以中國大陸為核心的東亞大陸地緣政治板塊。進而藉軍事變革的力量,將解放軍改造成一支能有效執行防衛國土的地面部隊、能達到對強權嚇阻的飛彈部隊、能走出大洋的空中武力與遠海艦隊。並以「上海合作組織」及「六方會談」打擊國內的三股勢力,同時爭取東北亞區域事務的主導權;積極參與「東協」組織,在經濟上維持東南沿海的經濟整合與發展及建立可以聯繫歐洲的地緣經濟板塊,在政治上突破美國的圍堵,爭取東南亞地區政經命脈的主控權。最後是發揮「博鰲論壇」的最大影響力,建構一個真正屬於「亞洲人的亞洲」、「中國的亞洲」的地緣政治理想。 冷戰結束後,所形成的國際大環境呈現出全球化的趨勢、以合作代替對抗的國際互動模式及經濟發展的主流意識等地緣政治環境特色,對即將成長、茁壯的中共而言,無非是一種新的機遇。另一方面,中國大陸周邊地區既有美國在西太平洋、中亞地區軍事部署上的圍堵;以及周邊「三股勢力」(恐怖主義、分裂主義、極端主義)的興起,加上鄰國潛在的糾紛衝突及領土、主權、資源的爭奪等複雜交錯的危機,對中共內外環境及爾後的向外發展也會產生一定程度的制約與挑戰。中共在此機遇與挑戰相互拉扯的過程中,若能「掌握機遇,積極發展」及「厚植國力,迎接挑戰」,將在未來的地緣政治發展開創出嶄新局面。 一國的地理位置決定了它周邊安全與發展的環境,也決定了它在國際戰略格局中的地位,這是一個國家在地理上的根本特性,其影響具有恆久性。拿破崙曾說:「瞭解一個國家的地理,就可以瞭解其對外政策。」任何一個國家所面臨的利益、威脅與未來發展,都與該國的地緣位置息息相關。也就是一個國家的行為必然會受到地理的制約,為了建構符合本身利益的地緣政治環境,就必須掌握形成地緣政治的因素,充分運用地理的優勢,同時避開地理的限制,才能夠達到維護國家安全與發展之目的。總之,檢視中共在冷戰結束後所呈現的國家政治行為之目標,可歸納惟下列幾點地緣政治的戰略意涵: 一、營造「多極化」的格局-打破美國所主導的全球地緣政治格局。 二、提升大國地位-突顯中共崛起的意志與決心,並爭取對國際政治權力的分配。 三、擴大順從中共周邊的勢力範圍-強化對周邊地緣政治板塊的影響力度。 四、遏制「台獨、疆獨、藏獨」的分離勢力-維持中國大陸地緣政治內外環境的安全與穩定。 台灣的地理位置處於中國大陸的東緣,正位於東北亞與東南亞的中央樞紐地帶,這個自然地理特徵限制著台灣必須朝向南北或東面方向發展,也就是要以經營亞太地區作為發展的主要腹地。冷戰結束後中共也趁勢在亞太地區安全、政治、經濟領域中積極建構扮演主導及領航的角色,主要目的除了改善與周邊國家的關係外,就是要藉此強迫他們在台灣與中共兩邊作出明確的選擇,以達到孤立台灣的目的。此外由於中共地緣政治的發展效用,已反映出中共在國際影響力漸次上升,促使美國在現實利益的考量下,在美國、台灣、中共的三角關係中,美國選擇向中共傾斜的發展。未來在中共逐起崛起的大環境不變狀況下,美國也將被迫向中共靠攏,相對地稀釋了台灣與美國之間的關係,這將是台灣未來安全與發展的一大警訊。 冷戰結束後,隨著美蘇兩強對抗格局的消失,在全球各個區域普遍響起經濟發展及經濟整合的熱潮,在現代國際發展趨勢而言,以經濟利益為基礎的發展途徑,將能創造另一個政治、外交地緣政治新局,其中以「自由貿易區」模式的發展最具成效。預期未來「地緣經濟」勢必成為國際體系建構與發展的一個主流模式。最後來觀察陸地與海洋兩者的相互關係,陸地會對海洋構成控制的效果,海洋則對陸地產生包圍與封鎖的作用,在現代的國際政治權力環境中,它們都可以具體呈現出國家權力的所在。

The Taiwanese Communist Party and the Comintern (1928-1931)

白安娜, ANNA BELOGUROVA Unknown Date (has links)
as English abstract / Oppressed by the severe surveillance of the Japanese police in Taiwan, short-lived Taiwanese Communist Party (TCP) (1928-1931) marked a significant step in the Taiwan’s anti-Japanese movement and social thought. The TCP was the first political organization in Taiwan to put forward the slogan of Taiwan’s independence. Following the Comintern’s activation in the East in 1920s, the first contacts between the Taiwan’s leftists and the Comintern representatives took place in early 1920s. Starting from 1927, the Comintern pursued the policy of activation of the communist movement in the colonies and establishment of communist parties in these countries. Established on the Comintern directive in Shanghai with the help of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and being subordinated to the Japanese Communist Party (JCP), the TCP was developing quite independently under the leadership of Xie Xuehong and in the close alliance with the Taiwan Cultural Association and the Taiwan Peasants Union, until the end of 1930 when the TCP established a contact with the Far Eastern Bureau (FEB) of the Comintern through the TCP Shanghai representative, Weng Zesheng, who served as liaison with the Comintern. As the result, the Comintern activated its work toward Taiwan, started dispatching emissaries to Taiwan who in the framework of the Comintern’s rhetoric of that time promoted the Party’s reform to eliminate the “opportunistic errors”. The activation of the Party’s work followed, the Union for Reorganization was established. The Comintern did not have chance to adjust the activity of the reformed TCP as within few months after the beginning of actual interaction between the Comintern and the TCP, the TCP was destroyed by arrests. The thesis is devoted to the Comintern’s role in the TCP’s establishment, development, reform, establishment of the Union for Reorganization, the Party’s activation and destruction. The research is based on the TCP files deposited in the former archive of the Comintern. The documents include the correspondence of the representative of the TCP, Weng Zesheng, with the Comintern FEB. The correspondence between Weng Zesheng and the FEB sheds light on the inner-party processes in the TCP, clarifies the essence of the inner-party struggle and reform, and explores the role of personal relations in the inner-party struggle which resulted in the UFR establishment without direct involvement of the Comintern. The available now text of the consultations of Weng Zesheng with the CCP representative Qu Qiubai makes it possible to clarify the CCP’s involvement in the TCP’s development and reform and to conclude as to whose directive it was to commence the struggle against Xie Xuehong. The TCP’s history was short but very intensive. Abandoned by its superior, the JCP, and not having relations with the international communist leadership, the TCP suffered lack of the financial and ideological support, and was left for the mercy of unpredictable fate of the exhausting inner factional struggle, still was able to survive under the “white terror” until the Party’s reorganization in 1931. According to the research results, the TCP inner-party struggles during 1928-1931 were in fact the result of resistance to emigrant party groupings who were attempting to take control over the TCP’s Taiwan based Party organization. Neither the JCP and the CCP, nor the Comintern had a real opportunity to influence the activities of the Taiwan-based communists. Taiwan’s communists overseas used the Comintern’s rhetoric and their contacts with the Comintern and the CCP to promote their agenda in the inner-party struggle. The implementation of the plans of Weng Zesheng and the opponents of Xie Xuehong in Taiwan on the Party’s reform and activation led to the Party’s destruction by the Japanese administration.

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