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楊昭仁 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究所欲探討的主題,為國內 ISP 業者降低客戶流失率所採用的做法。由於目前ISP業競爭十分激烈,各業者為了爭奪市場,常常以低價,乃至於不計成本的做法爭取客戶。然而這些虧本爭取的客戶若不能有效的留住,之前的投資可為白白浪費。因此,如何能夠有效的降低客戶流失率,是ISP業者非常重要的課題。 降低客戶流失的可行手段之一,是提高服務品質,讓客戶滿意於供應商的服務而樂於長期使用。另一種方式則是產品之鎖定機制 (Lock-in) 的運用,使客戶一旦購買某一項服務,因受到產品機制的鎖定而提高轉換成本,而不願轉換 ISP。一旦ISP能夠以適當有效的做法降低客戶流失率,就能以各種即使沒有利潤乃至於虧損的做法先吸引客戶進門,再由後續的服務回收應得的利潤。也唯有如此,ISP業者才能在嚴酷的競爭中存活。 本研究透過瞭解 ISP 產業之特性與類型;對台灣的十一家具有代表性之ISP業者,調查與整理其服務品質,以及所使用的產品鎖定機制;探討服務品質高低與市場佔有率之關係,以及不同類型之 ISP 所採用之做法的差異,並給予不同的改進建議。主要的研究結論如下: ◆ 高品質的服務有助於大型ISP業者維持市場佔有率,同時對於中小型業者的市場佔有率提昇有所助益。反之,低服務品質對於ISP維持市場佔有率有不利的影響。 ◆ 同時有助於吸引新客戶與維繫舊客戶的服務要素,以及可直接增加營收,或是減少成本的服務要素,為ISP優先重視之項目。 ◆ 服務品質領先之業者與落後者的差異,主要為交易中的服務要素。 ◆ 大型與中小型ISP在服務品質有差異之項目上,大型業者具有絕對領先優勢。兼營IDC業務之ISP與純ISP,在服務品質有差異之項目上,兼營IDC之業者具有絕對領先優勢。 ◆ 簡單之產品鎖定機制最受到ISP業者的歡迎。

跨國新產品銷售預測模式之研究-以電影為例 / Models Comparing for Forecasting Sales of a New Cross-National Product - The Case of American Hollywood Motion Pictures

李心嵐, Lee, Hsin-Lan Unknown Date (has links)
現今市場競爭愈來愈激烈,迫使廠商紛紛至海外尋求產品消費市場,在跨國銷售的背景之下,需要有更多可以確定國家選擇、預測銷售及估計需求的方法。而其中可以滿足這些需求的方法之中,就是研究產品跨國擴散型態,藉以瞭解後進國家與領先國家中新產品如何擴散且會如何互相影響 (Douglas and Craig, 1992)。 在眾多的跨國產品中,本研究選擇好萊塢電影做為實證分析的對象。 經由集群分析,本研究發現(一)台灣高首週票房且口碑佳的電影,會遇到假日人潮、有很高的美國總票房、以及很高的美國首週票房;(二)美國影片在美國及台灣映演的每週票房趨勢有差異存在;(三)片商沒有做好影片在台灣映演的檔期歸劃;(四)三群電影中,在影片類型沒有明顯地區別。 經由十二個新產品銷售預測模型的建立:對數線性迴歸模式(LN-Regression Model)(不考慮新產品領先國擴散經驗)(以OLS估計)、卜瓦松迴歸模式(Poisson Regression Model) (不考慮新產品領先國擴散經驗)(以MLE估計)、負二項分配迴歸模式(Negative Binomial Distribution Regression Model) (不考慮新產品領先國擴散經驗)(以MLE估計)、Exponential Decay模式(以OLS估計)+迴歸方程式體系(不考慮新產品領先國擴散經驗)(以SUR估計)、Exponential Decay模式(以OLS估計)+迴歸方程式體系(考慮新產品領先國擴散經驗)(以SUR估計)、Exponential Decay模式+層級貝氏迴歸模式(考慮新產品領先國擴散經驗)、Bass連續型擴散模式(以NLS估計)+迴歸方程式體系(不考慮新產品領先國擴散經驗(以SUR估計)、Bass連續型擴散模式(以NLS估計)+迴歸方程式體系(考慮新產品領先國擴散經驗(以SUR估計)、Bass離散型擴散模式(以OLS估計)+迴歸方程式體系(不考慮新產品領先國擴散經驗)(以SUR估計)、Bass離散型擴散模式(以OLS估計)+迴歸方程式體系(考慮新產品領先國擴散經驗)(以SUR估計)、層級貝氏BASS離散型擴散模式+迴歸方程式體系(不考慮新產品領先國擴散經驗)(以SUR估計)、層級貝氏BASS離散型擴散模式+迴歸方程式體系(考慮新產品領先國擴散經驗)(以SUR估計)。本研究發現:(一)在考慮影響後進國的新產品擴散速度時,領先國的擴散經驗為絕對必要的考慮因子;(二)必須使用Bass連續型擴散模式做為建構新產品銷售預測模型的基礎;(三)必須使用Bass連續型擴散模式的NLS估計法估計Bass模型的創新係數p、模仿係數q及市場潛量m。

中年族群成為網際網路使用者及消費者之潛力 / Internet Commerce Potential of the Middle Aged Population in Taiwan

侯雅茹, Helen Hou, Ya-Zoe Unknown Date (has links)
The merging of business operations with computers and the Internet has largely transformed our way of life. In less than a decade, the Internet evolved from a primarily academic network into a highly sophisticated commercial marketing medium. It encompasses a variety of business and personal utilities and is accessible to a wide range of organizations and individuals. Statistics indicate phenomenal growth in the number of Internet users and consumers. In Taiwan, the government has embarked on a National Information Infrastructure project, in which the initial effort centered on the promotion of Internet use. Despite the recent explosion in Internet growth, little has been done to target the middle-aged group on the Web. In an effort to discover potential Internet users, Internet consumers, and new uses of the Net, this research focuses on middle-aged people in Taiwan and studies the results of different attitudes toward and behaviors on the Internet. This research profiles the population into three groups: non-Internet users, Internet users and Internet consumers and determines factors that enable or deter each group from either using or purchasing on the Internet. The study also projects potential and popular products and features that may boost electronic sales.

台灣電腦網路廠商組織知識創造平台之研究 / The Platform of the Organizational Knowledge Creation : The Case Study in Taiwan Computer Network Industry

陳弘睿, Chen, Hung-Ruei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要透過新產品的開發專案,探討技術知識特質對組織知識創造平台的影響。研究範圍以台灣電腦網路廠商為主,針對其產品創新表現優秀的企業為主,深入訪談其產品開發專案負責人與核心成員,瞭解其產品開發的過程,與組織知識的創新平台。本研究結果顯示如下: 一、技術知識特質會影響台灣電腦網路廠商之知識創造平台 (一)技術知識路徑相依度低之產品開發專案,CEO在概念與生成及發展扮演重要角色。技術路徑相依度高的開發專案,概念的生成主要來自於各功能性部門。 (二)技術知識路徑相依度低的專案,與上游技術網路的成員保持較緊密的關係。技術知識路徑相依度高的專案,與上游技術網路成員保持較鬆散的關係。 (三)當組織開發的產品為新產品線的研究發展時,團隊管理者偏向「專案管理型」的角色,與市場方面的連結則以PM/行銷/銷售部門為主。當組織開發的產品為擴展公司現有產品線的深度時,團隊管理者偏向「總經理型」的角色。當組織開發的產品為改良或修正現有產品時,團隊管理者偏向「企劃型」的角色。 (四)當組織開發的產品為新產品線的研究發展時,組織傾向於使用「自主型團隊」來進行產品開發。當組織開發的產品為擴展公司現有產品線的深度時,組織傾向於使用「重型團隊」來進行產品開發。當組織開發的產品為改良或修正現有產品時,組織傾向於使用「輕型團隊」來進行產品開發。 (五)技術知識複雜度高,則技術網路成成員種類較多。技術知識複雜度低,則技術網路成員種類較少。 (六)技術知識複雜度愈高,組織溝通方式傾向以整合問題解決模式,若生產在專案過程參與較少,則研發與生產之間會透過產品工程做連結。 (七)技術知識複雜度高,則團隊成員組成多元程度較高。技術知識複雜度低,則團隊成員組成多元程度較低。 二、台灣電腦網路廠商知識創造平台的特性 (一)在組織知識創造的場域(Ba)中,對組織成員適度的關懷(Care)是台灣優秀電腦網路廠商的特色。 (二)在Dialoing Ba中,正式與非正式的溝通同樣為外化過程中不可或缺的方式。 (三)台灣優秀的電腦網路廠商的創新類型偏重於架構式創新,並與國外技術提供者保持適度的跨組織的知識交流。 (四)技術知識特質對組織知識創造的場域(Ba)的影響並不明顯。

數位產品網路行銷之顧客資訊滿意度衡量模式 / The Measurement Model of Customer Information Satisfaction for Internet Marketing of Digital Products

王怡舜, Yi-Shun Wang Unknown Date (has links)
資訊管理文獻中,對於電子商務環境的顧客資訊滿意度衡量模式甚少探討。目前文獻中的使用者資訊滿意度(UIS),以及使用者自建系統滿意度(EUCS)兩種衡量模式,主要是適用於「傳統資料處理環境」或是「使用者自建系統環境」。因此,本研究將發展一個適用於「數位產品網路行銷環境」的顧客資訊滿意度衡量模式。首先,本研究探討了網站顧客資訊滿意度(WCIS)的概念性定義,作者從文獻中歸納出初步的顧客資訊滿意度衡量構面與問項,並透過訪談、焦點群體、先導研究等方法來加以補充與調整。再者,本研究也說明了量表問項產生過程、資料蒐集方法、以及純化測量的步驟。作者並運用兩個配額樣本來進行探索性因素分析以及驗證性因素分析,其中嚴謹地檢驗了顧客資訊滿意度衡量模式的信度、內容效度、效標關聯效度、收歛效度、區別效度,以及法理效度。最後,本研究探討了顧客資訊滿意度衡量模式在實務界與學術界的應用方式,並討論了本研究所面臨的若干限制,同時提出一些未來可以進一步研究的方向。作者希望本研究所提出的顧客資訊滿意度衡量模式,未來可以被其他研究人員用來發展網路行銷或電子商務理論。 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION….………………………………………….….…1 CHAPTER 2. DOMAIN OF WEB CUSTOMER INFORMATION SATISFACTION ……………………………………………………………………..4 2.1 The Focus of This Study…………………………………………….…..…….4 2.2 The Impact of E-commerce on the Business Process of DPSPs….……….…..5 2.3 Instruments for Measuring User Information Satisfaction (UIS) and End-User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS)…….……………..……………….6 2.4 The Conceptual Definition of Web Customer Information Satisfaction ….…..9 2.5 The Theoretical Framework for Assessing WCIS……………………….…..12 2.6 Service Quality versus Customer Satisfaction………………………….……14 CHAPTER 3. GENERATION OF SCALE ITEMS……….……………………...16 3.1 Generation of Initial Item List……………………………………………...16 3.2 Pilot Study…………………………………………………………………....17 CHAPTER 4. SCALE PURIFICATION AND EXPLORATORY FACTOR ANALYSIS…...…………………………………………………………..19 4.1 Sample and Procedure……………………………………………………….19 4.2 Item Analysis and Reliability Estimates……………………………………..20 4.3 Identifying the Factor Structure of the WCIS Construct…..…………………21 4.4 Reliability…………………………………………………………………….23 4.5 Content Validity………………………………………………………………25 4.6 Criterion-Related Validity……………………………………………………25 4.7 Reliability and Criterion-Related Validity by Type of Web Site……………..26 4.8 Discriminant and Convergent Validity……………………………………….27 4.9 Nomological Validity………………………………………………………...28 CHAPTER 5. THE CONFIRMATORY FACTOR ANALYSIS OF THE WCIS INSTRUMENT………………………………………………...……………30 5.1 Need for Confirmatory Analysis………………………………………….….30 5.2 Methods……………………………………………………………………....33 5.3 Data Collection for Confirmatory Analysis………………………………….41 5.4 Alternative Models…………………………………………………..……….43 5.5 Criteria for Comparing Model-Data Fit…..………………………………….46 5.6 Checks for Statistical Assumptions………………………………………….49 5.7 Estimation Method…………………………………………………………...50 5.8 Results………………………………………………………………………..50 5.9 Assessment of Reliability and Validity………………………………………55 5.10 The Measurement of Service Quality……………………………………….60 5.10.1 The Development of SERVQUAL and IS-adapted SERVQUAL………61 5.10.2 Refinement of an EC-adapted SERVQUAL…………………………...66 5.11 Research Findings for Confirmatory Analysis……………………………...72 5.11.1 Findings for Question One……………………………………………72 5.11.1 Findings for Question Two……………………………………………74 5.12 Comparison of Underlying Dimensions Between UIS, EUCS and WCIS…………………………………………………………………..76 CHAPTER 6. IMPLICATIONS………….………………………………………..77 6.1 Implications for Practice……………………………………………….....….77 6.2 Implications for Research.……………………………………………………79 CHAPTER 7. CONCLUSION……..………………………………………………81 REFERENCE……………...………………………………………………………..83 GLOSSARY…………………………………………………………………………95 APPENDIX A Measurement of Web Customer Information Satisfaction – Forty-Three Items Used in the Pilot Study…………………………………………...97 APPENDIX B Observed Correlation Matrix of WCIS Instrument in Confirmatory Analysis..……………………………………………………………....99 APPENDIX C Observed Correlation Matrix of Initial EC-SERVQUAL Instrument…………….……………………...………………………………………100 APPENDIX D The LISREL Program for WCIS Model 1……..…………………...101 APPENDIX E The LISREL Program for WCIS Model 2.……….………………...102 APPENDIX F The LISREL Program for WCIS Model 3...………………………...104 APPENDIX G The LISREL Program for WCIS Model 4..………………………...105 APPENDIX H The LISREL Program for EC-SERVQUAL Model 1.…………….106 APPENDIX I The LISREL Program for EC-SERVQUAL Model 2.…………….107 APPENDIX J The LISREL Program for The Structural Model Between WCIS and EC-SERVQUAL Measures………………………………..………………...108 ABOUT THE AUTHOR…………………………………………………………...110 / MIS literature has not addressed the measurement of web customer information satisfaction (WCIS) in electronic commerce. Current models for measuring user information satisfaction (UIS) and end-user computing satisfaction (EUCS) are perceived as inapplicable as they are targeted primarily towards either conventional data processing or the end-user computing environment. This study develops a comprehensive model and instrument for measuring customer information satisfaction for web sites that market digital products and services. This paper first discusses the concepts and definitions of WCIS construct from the literature. The researcher summarizes his findings in a theoretical framework. Based on this framework, the researcher develops a measurement instrument to measure web customer information satisfaction. The procedures used in generating items, collecting data, and purifying a multiple-item scale are described. The researcher has carefully examined evidences of reliability, content validity, criterion-related validity, convergent validity, discriminant validity, and nomological validity by analyzing data from two quota samples. The potential applications for practitioners and researchers are then explored. Finally, the researcher concludes this study by discussing limitations and potential future research. The researcher hopes that the proposed WCIS instrument with good reliability and validity can be used by other researchers to develop and test Internet marketing and EC theories in the future.


湯嘉祥, Tang, Jia-Xiang Unknown Date (has links)
高科技產業已經成為台灣極為重要的產業,而代工業務始終在台灣高科技產業佔有重要的角色。台灣未來產業要升級、並發展成為科技大國,除了要注重研發能力,更需要加強行銷能力,尤其是品牌的經營。 為了能夠深入了解高科技企業的品牌策略,本研究經由深度的訪談,來了解高科技企業是如何面對環境的變化與運用本身的條件來自創品牌,而在自創品牌之後,高科技企業是如何運用行銷活動及品牌管理。這樣的完整經營品牌的過程,是本研究所要了解的課題。 台灣目前的高科技產業是以資訊業為主,而宏基電腦為我國資訊業中在自創品牌方面最富盛名的企業,因此本研究選擇宏基電腦為本研究的研究對象。 本研究得到了下列的結論: (1) 就世界趨勢而言,自創品牌是高科技企業應走的路(2) 高科技產品品牌與消費品品牌策略的基本精神相同,主要的差異在於兩種產品的產品本身、銷售的對象以及市場因素(3) 發展高科技企業品牌策略的先決條件為產品條件與決心(4) 高科技企業可以藉由品牌購併及品牌延伸來達到提升品牌價值的目的(5) 高科技企業的品牌行銷活動除了推廣活動之外,尚須加強服務的工作(6) 高科技企業的品牌策略為整體作業活動的整合性設計。 / High-tech industry is the important industry in Taiwan. However, in order to become the "Technology Island", not only should we improve the ability of R&D, but also the ability of marketing, especially branding. The author used personal interview to understand the brand strategy of high-tech enterprise. The brand strategy means how does high-tech enterprise face the environment、 allocate the resource、 design marketing and brand management activities to create a global brand. Computer industry is the major type of Taiwan high-tech industry. Acer, the most famous enterprise of creating global brand in Taiwan computer industry, was chosen the research object. The conclusions of the research are as follows: (1) For the international trend, creating a self-owned brand is necessary for Taiwan high-tech enterprises. (2)The basic ideas between high-tech and consumer brand strategy are simi lar. But the main differences between these two categories are product itself, consumers who buy it, and market factors. (3)The essential conditions for high-tech products branding are products' quality and executives' determination. (4)High-tech enterprise can enhance its brand value by brand acquisition and brand extensions. (5)Beside brand marketing activities, high-tech enterprise should also enforce its services. (6)Branding strategy of high-tech enterprise should be implemented as the integrated redesign of business model.


洪萱 Unknown Date (has links)
消費者滿意與顧客忠誠一直都是行銷學術研究的重點之一。過去研究指出,如果產品或服務的表現能夠符合顧客的先前期望,顧客便會感到滿意,而滿意的顧客,會提升他們對品牌的忠誠。但在現今科技發達、資訊複雜的市場中,顧客的滿意並不一定會轉變成忠誠。而事實上研究也發現,留住現有顧客所能帶給公司的利潤往往比吸收新顧客來得高。隨著消費者需求不斷提升,對產品的認知也越來越清楚,消費者瞭解如何在成本的考量下,替自己創造最高的效用。因此,光是滿意的顧客顯然是不夠的,可能還是無法保證顧客的再惠顧行為,進而增加公司的利潤。相信不論對行銷學界或是實務應用上,深入瞭解顧客忠誠的形成因素,是非常迫切且值得探討的。   在追求顧客滿意與顧客忠誠之間,滿意度或許是達到忠誠度的必要條件,但並非充分條件,可能還有其他因素會直接影響顧客忠誠。換句話說,提升顧客滿意,進而使得他們在態度與行為上對廠商忠誠,勢必還有一些其他的因素,是廠商必須深入瞭解且努力的目標。本研究以交易成本理論為主,透過以大型百貨/購物中心消費者為假設驗證對象,希望能夠深入探討影響顧客滿意與忠誠的形成因素。   根據實證結果發現,對百貨/購物中心的消費者來說,廠商所提供的產品、服務,以及消費者對該廠商的信任度都會影響消費者的整體滿意度;而整體滿意度、信任度,以及消費者與該廠商所建立的專屬資產會影響消費者在態度上的忠誠;此外,本研究實證結果也說明,除了態度忠誠外,與消費者建立相當的專屬資產,也可以使消費者在行為上忠誠該廠商。   最後,由上述實證結果,以交易成本理論為基礎,提供給百貨/購物中心業者關於如何創造顧客滿意度與忠誠度的建議。

使用者導向研究:從工作脈絡與客戶痛點中 設計雲端安全的創新 -以趨勢科技使用者洞見計畫為例 / Protecting the cloud: Use the work practice and pain points to find customer insight

劉宛婷, Liu, Wan Ting Unknown Date (has links)
電腦病毒的演化瞬息萬變,特別是近年來,駭客在有利可圖的動機驅使下,逐漸形成了專業分工的產銷供應鏈,讓病毒的演化速度和變種數量以指數型成長。攻擊事件數量不斷竄升,資訊安全市場理應增加不少機會,但多數防毒廠商經常對這樣的市場機會望洋興嘆,每年花費數億金額,動員研發團隊提出新產品、新版本、新服務,使用者卻始終興趣缺缺。供需兩方認知差異讓防毒軟體廠商面臨龐大開發費用的損失,也讓企業持續存在於不定時資安風險的恐懼之中。 資安軟體公司在產品研發前,做足使用者需求蒐集流程工作,依照使用者描述所進行開發的產品,為什麼卻不是客戶需要的?本研究以質性研究法觀察國內一家電腦防毒廠商的新產品開發過程,更以為期一年的行動研究方式參與該公司使用者洞見計畫(Customer insight program),結合跨部門團隊的智慧和力量,以雲端運算的資安機會為主題進行客戶觀察和新產品構思。 經過一年的行動研究蒐證,本研究指出使用者導向設計的迷思,並強調瞭解工作脈絡對於系統性產品創新的重要性。由於系統性產品複雜程度較高,使用處於分工較細的系統運作流程之下,往往不自覺工作特殊之處,也難以確切表達總體需求。本研究的分析方式則透過使用者工作脈絡,即以客戶的商業模式和雲端運用的特殊情境,其次定義使用者於脈絡中獨特的痛點,進而找到創新機會。 使用者雖然是創新的來源,但是本研究發現,使用者不一定能知道自己的需求,唯有瞭解他們的工作實務,瞭解使用者在特定工作情境的痛點,才能化痛點為創新的亮點。研究貢獻上,補強現行使用者研究的三大方向,分別是使用者假設的不同、產品面設計的不同與創新來源不同。實務貢獻上,本研究提供複雜度較高的系統產品廠商在使用者導向設計流程之建議,以及企業中各部門如何透過使用者創新設計思維發揮價值所在。 / The rate of rapid evolution in computer virus results in an increase of computer crime and business attack incidents. Opportunities in the information security market began to grow and expected to exceed $125 billion USD by 2015, according to a new report by Global Industry Analysts. In this situation, anti-virus company tried everything they can to launch high-technology, fancy, and more powerful product every year. But they found customer is always lack of interest in their new products. This not only makes the loss on large investment in software development for anti-virus company, and also makes enterprise customers continuously at the risk of data stolen and computer virus attacks. By asking users what they want and trying really hard to listen to them before the development, however the product still hasn』t meet the customer needs? This research is based on qualitative method and action research project to investigate an anti-virus company』s product development process and customer insight programs. The one year project was cooperated with company internal cross-functional team and focused on 『Protecting the cloud』 topic. There are three cases was selected in the final. In order to know the user』s working context in the high-complexity information security product system. The analysis structure in three cases used four steps to find out. First of all, identify the enterprise user』s business model. Secondly, observe their local knowledge in cloud computing usage. Thirdly, clarify the organization's unique pain points. The last but not the least, find the potential security opportunities for innovation. While user becomes a significant source of innovation, the study shows that users don』t necessarily know their own needs. Only to understand customer』s work practices, pain points under specific working situations, and use design thinking to make the pain points to transform into fit customer needs. The research emphasized the importance of local context in innovation theory and reinforced the inadequacy part of the lead user theory. Key words: User-centric innovation, Product innovation, Service innovation, Cloud computing, Anti-virus software, Qualitative research, Action research


高玉龍 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對台灣工具機產業廠商,探索其研發專案知識管理對新產品開發績效的影響,及其技術知識特質對知識管理的關聯性。本論文以深入個案訪談法為主要的研究方法,訪談國內具代表地位的二家工具機業大廠之設計及開發部門,並自其中各選擇二個研發專案作為研究對象。   本研究歸納分析所得到的研究發現如下:   【研究發現一】研發專案知識吸收來源愈多、範圍愈廣、組織學習活動愈多,其新產品開發績效愈高。   【研究發現二】研發專案知識創造技術突破愈多、創新價值愈高,其新產品開發績效愈高。   【研究發現三】研發專案知識蓄積文件化程度愈高、蓄積活動愈多、累積專案核心能耐愈多,其新產品開發績效愈高。   【研究發現四】研發專案知識擴散方式愈多、擴散活動愈多,其新產品開發績效愈高。   【研究發現五】技術知識變動程度對研發專案的知識管理有明顯的影響。   【研究發現六】技術知識外顯程度對研發專案的知識管理有明顯的影響。   【研究發現七】技術知識路徑相依度對研發專案知識管理的影響,似乎不是很明顯。   【研究發現八】技術知識模組化程度對研發專案知識管理的影響,似乎不是很明顯。   【研究發現九】技術知識複雜化程度對研發專案的知識管理有明顯的影響。   因此,本研究建議企業為了提升新產品開發的成效,的確需要強化知識管理,同時其研發部門應設計符合技術知識特質及利於推動知識管理的組織型態與作為。平時應作好內部技術傳承及外部技術來源佈置工作,並在新產品開發不同階段妥善配置適合的資源與人力。 / This research is focused on Taiwan's CNC machine industries for exploring the impacts of knowledge management on the performance of new product development. The influence of the characteristics of technological knowledge on knowledge management is also studied. The research was conducted mainly based on deep case studied. The research subjects include four R&D projects two which are selected from two companies of CNC machine industry.   The preliminary conclusions are as follows:   1. The more the R&D project knowledge is absorbed from different sources, wide ranges,and multiple organizational learning activities, the better the performance of new product development would be.   2. The more the R&D project knowledge creates the technological breakthrough and thenewly added value, the better the performance of new product development would be.   3. The more the R&D project knowledge is accumulated with the documentation, the amass of activities, and the core resourcefulness, the better the performance of new product development would be.   4. The more the R&D project knowledge is diffused in different patterns and activities, the better the performance of new product development would be.   5. There exists a direct relationship between the knowledge management of R&D project and the degree of change of technological knowledge.   6. There exists a direct relationship between the knowledge management of R&D project and the degree of explicitness of technological knowledge.   7. There doesn't exist a direct relationship between the knowledge management of R&D project and the degree of path dependence of technological knowledge path.   8. There doesn't exist a direct relationship between the knowledge management of R&D project and the degree of modualization of technological knowledge.   9. There exists a direct relationship between the knowledge management of R&D projects and the degree of complexity of technological knowledge.   As a result, it is suggested that the R & D departments of the companies possessed with different characteristics of technological knowledge should design the organizational form and activities that are conformed to the characteristics of technological knowledge for facilitating the practices of knowledge management.   The internal technology inheritance and the external technology resource deployment have to be executed ordinarily; and the appropriate resources as well as human powershall be properly allocated in accordance with the different steps of new product development with a view to intensifying the satisfactory result.

台灣消費性IT產品進入俄羅斯市場的策略 – 以華碩公司為例 / Entry strategies for Taiwan IT consumer products companies to achieve commercial success in Russian Market – A case study of Asus

康坦齊, Manjekhanov, Konstantin Unknown Date (has links)
Many companies from around the world enter the global market. The firms have to specialize in order to sustain their competitiveness. Many Taiwanese companies are export-oriented. The major export markets are Japan, the US and Europe for those Taiwan companies. But these markets are mature and the growth rate is low unlike Russian market. That is why many Taiwan companies entered or plan to enter Russian market. Due to the fact that Russia is a potentially big market and geographically far from Taiwan-ROC, and a fast developing economy, establishing business in Russia is certainly interesting. According to the Bureau of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Economic Affairs Taiwan- ROC, mutual trade in 2009 posted US$2,9 billion, Bureau of Foreign Trade (2010). While many companies show great interest in entering the Russian market, there still seems to be some kind of hesitation due to the special nature of the Russian market. In this thesis I will focus on an emerging Russian market and its appeal to foreign companies, namely Taiwanese company such as Asus which made its path into Russian market. Target is to describe Asus initial entry strategies. Problem Statement There are many external factors affecting entry strategies picked up by firms around the world. Legal, political, cultural and institutional factors are just some of the many factors that should be dealt with when operating business on a foreign turf. Many people want to know more on Russian market business experiences, it is hard to find any particular works/papers which can describe a current situation and lead them to commercial success. Russian Federation is a very complex region with its own traditions and business culture. What particular Foreign Operation Methods should a company choose? Indeed choosing right FOM represents a critical component of international business activity. Once described as a ”frontier issue” in international business, researchers as well as practitioners now regard it as fundamental to any discussions about international business strategies and the performance by companies in the international arena. Purpose Despite the fact that in Russian Federation the cost of opening a business is higher than in most other countries and many other destabilizing factors, Asus has found its path to success. How was it possible? What are the lessons one can learn from that experience? The purpose of the thesis is to find out the success factors of Asus as well as study its entry strategy. The research purposes of this paper are as follows: 1. To review the related literature of Entry Strategies 2. To study Russian market 3. To analyze Asus initial entry strategies and analyze its Russian business

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