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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tyskar i Kalmartrakten : En etnologisk studie av berättelser om historia, identitet och tillhörighet

Johnsson, Barbro January 2009 (has links)
The study deals with the life stories of six women and four men who were born in Germany and who now live in Sweden.  Its purpose is to examine the histories of those who grew up in Germany during and after the Nazi era, their descriptions of their lives and experiences during childhood and adolescence, and how they regard their encounters with Swedish people, and the ways in which these encounters have affected their ways of describing the growth of their attachment to this country. The main approach is a narrative analysis focussing on the interview interaction and the wider social and political contexts of their life stories. When speaking of their lives in the two countries they show varying degrees of attachment to the places involved. This is why I use the term “travellers” when describing how their feelings of “belonging” change. The theoretical concepts used are those of habitus and capitals derived from Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of practice, and Marianne Horsdal’s view that people often refer to the idea of a “good life” when relating their life stories. This concept can of course vary widely from one person to another. Nine of the group emigrated to Sweden voluntarily; the remaining one came here as a refugee after the end of the second World War.  The older ones - born between 1920 and 1940 - have memories of their early years in Nazi Germany and of the wartime period. The younger ones, born after 1950, have differing memories of childhood and adolescence spent in East and West Germany. Some of them lost close relatives during the war.  Those who came to Sweden during the late 1940s and the 1950s were met with very negative attitudes from some Swedes, while the later immigrants were treated with respect. / Tyskland i Sverige och Sverige i Tyskland

"A Queer Fish" : En Queerläsning av John Galsworthys The Forsyte Saga.

Åström, Josephine January 2012 (has links)
This paper aims to examine the heteronormativity that is present in John Galsworthy’s The Forsyte Saga. This is achieved by performing a queer reading of the text with the help of Swedish Queer theorists Fanny Ambjörnsson and Tiina Rosenberg. I study the norm and how it is enforced by law, society and family. To get a complete image of the heteronormativity I also need to analyze the gender presented in the saga. For that task I use Judith Butler’s definitions of gender identity and the heterosexual matrix. I conclude that there is only a slight gender variation in the saga, mostly concerning the woman. Meanwhile the norms are broken repeatedly by different people and for different reasons. Generally all the non-normative behavior that is out of the public eye gets included and silenced by the family who acts as the norm. / Den här uppsatsen behandlar genus och heteronormativitet i romansviten Forsytesagan, hur dessa tar sig uttryck och vilken inverkan de har på romanfigurerna. Detta görs genom en queerläsning fokuserad på vad som sägs och än mer inte sägs i sagan. Det som analyseras är relationerna mellan människor, kraven som ställs på dem och deras begär till makt över egendom och över varandra. Vidare diskuteras hur heteronormen förändras under romanens gång, hur romanfigurerna bär sig åt för att hålla sig inom normen och vad som händer med dem som bryter mot normen. Slutsatsen blir att sagan behandlar förvånansvärt många frågor som än idag är aktuella, vissa av dem inlindade för att kunna tas upp i en sekelskiftsroman. Dessutom visas hur både genus och heteronorm förändrats under romanens gång, både i samhället i stort och inom familjen. Inte minst ges exempel på hur familjen agerar som norm och inkluderar alla avvikelser så länge som dessa sköts privat.

„Familie“ als Diskursobjekt : Veränderungen im Spiegel des Sprachgebrauchs der Presse seit den 1960er Jahren in Deutschland und Schweden / "Family" as a Discursive Object : Changes in Language Use in the Press since the 1960s in Germany and Sweden

van der Woude, Ida Nynke January 2011 (has links)
The concept of "family" has undergone major changes over the past 50 years. This thesis examines changes in attitudes and values that can be detected in German and Swedish during this time. In order to investigate these changes in the concept of "family" I have analyzed how the German focus word Familie and the Swedish focus word familj are used in newspaper articles from the 1960s, 1980s and early 2000s. The empirical data consists of German and Swedish newspaper corpora from the three different periods. The theoretical point of departure is a social constructionist perspective, where family is considered to be something constructed and negotiated in language use. The method is corpus linguistic discourse analysis: compound words, collocations and multi-word patterns that include the focus words are analyzed using large text corpora. The study is both about changes in HOW the words familj and Familie are used and WHAT is said about the family in public language use. The thesis shows changes in both Swedish and German language use. I conclude that two different sub-concepts are being constructed and negotiated: the family as a GROUP OF PERSONS and family as a WAY OF LIVING TOGETHER. As regards the family as a group of persons this sub-concept has undergone major changes during the period studied. Differences in Swedish and German language use indicate more and sometimes earlier changes in the Swedish concept of family. The sub-concept of family as a way of living together is more constant. The observed changes can also be seen against a background of Swedish and German conceptual norms of family that do not change to the same extent. New family structures such as nätverksfamiljer (reconstituted families) and regnbågsfamiljer (rainbow families) are partly constructed as deviations from these conceptual norms. The thesis also shows that the sub-concept of family as a group of persons has become even more complex, especially in Swedish language use and particularly in so-called bio boxes, where pets are mentioned as family members and couples without children label themselves as familj. / Begreppet ”familj” har genomgått stora förändringar de senaste 50 åren. I den här avhandlingen studeras vilka förändringar i synsätt och värderingar som kan upptäckas i det tyska och det svenska språkbruket under denna tid. För att undersöka dessa förändringar i begreppet ”familj” analyseras hur det tyska fokusordet Familie och det svenska fokusordet familj används i tidningstext från 1960-talet, 1980-talet och början av 2000-talet. Det empiriska materialet består av tyska och svenska tidningskorpusar från de tre olika perioderna. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten är ett socialkonstruktivistiskt perspektiv, där familj betraktas som någonting som konstrueras och förhandlas i språkanvändning. Metoden är korpuslingvistisk diskursanalys: med hjälp av stora textkorpusar analyseras sammansatta ord, kollokationer och flerordsmönster där fokusorden ingår. Det handlar här både om förändringar i HUR orden familj och Familie används och i VAD som sägs om familj i offentligt språkbruk. Avhandlingen visar på förändringar i både den svenska och den tyska språkanvändningen. Jag kommer fram till att två olika delbegrepp konstrueras och förhandlas: familj som PERSONGRUPP och familj som SAMLEVNADSFORM. När det gäller familj som persongrupp genomgår det delbegreppet stora förändringar under den studerade tidsperioden. Förändringarna visar sig vara större och ibland tidigare i det svenska materialet än i det tyska materialet. Delbegreppet familj som samlevnadsform är mer konstant. De förändringar som kan observeras sker också mot en bakgrund av svenska och tyska normbilder av familj, som inte förändras i samma grad. Nya familjebildningar som nätverksfamiljer och regnbågsfamiljer konstrueras delvis som avvikelser från dessa normbilder. Avhandlingen visar också att delbegreppet familj som persongrupp blir allt mer mångfacetterat, särskilt i svenskt språkbruk och i synnerhet i s.k. faktarutor, där även husdjur nämns som familjemedlemmar och par utan barn får etiketten familj.

Barn till beskådan : Familj, välfärdsstat och nation i fototävlingar och fotoböcker 1930-1944

Hallberg, Mathilda January 2017 (has links)
I fokus för den här avhandlingen står åskådningskulturen under 1930- och 40-talen, närmare bestämt fototävlingar och fotoböcker med bilder på barn som bärande element. Den här studien granskar hur fototävlingar och fotoböcker var en del i förhandlingen om välfärdens organisering rörande barn och familj. I studien undersöks hur familj, välfärdsstat och nation konstruerades genom representationer av barn, vilka budskap som därigenom etablerades och vilka politiska visioner som kommunicerades. Analyser av bilder och texter visar att fototävlingar och fotoböcker presenterade ett enhetligt budskap om att det behövdes fler och bättre barn, men också hur fototävlingar och fotoböcker förmedlade skilda visioner om hur detta skulle uppnås. Studien bidrar till att synliggöra hur användbara representationer av barn var i bygget av välfärden. De hade potential att förmedla både skilda och gemensamma visioner om välfärdssamhället. / This dissertation focusses on the culture of visual display during the 1930s and 1940s, more specifically photo contests and photo books based on photographs of children. The overall purpose of this investigation has been to study how photo contests and photo books have been a part of the negotiation of the organization of welfare for children and the family. It examines how the family, the welfare state and the nation were constructed by means of representations of children, the messages that were thus established, and the political visions that were communicated. Analyses of images and texts show that photo contests and photo books presented a unified message which said that more and better children were needed, but also how photo contests and photo books communicated disparate visions of how this goal should be reached. The study highlights how useful representations of children were in the construction of welfare. They had the potential to communicate both different visions and a shared vision of the welfare society.

Family caregiving for persons with heart failure : Perspectives of family caregivers, persons with heart failure and registered nurses

Gusdal, Annelie K January 2017 (has links)
Heart failure is a growing public health problem associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Family support positively affects outcomes for the person with heart failure while also leading to caregiver burden. Registered nurses have a key role in supporting and meeting the needs of family caregivers. The overall aim was to explore the situation and needs of family caregivers to a person with heart failure, and explore requisites and ways of supporting and involving family caregivers in heart failure nursing care. Two interview studies, one web survey study and one intervention study were conducted between 2012 and 2017. A total of 22 family caregivers, eight persons with heart failure and 331 registered nurses participated in the studies. Family caregivers' daily life was characterized by worry, uncertainty and relational incongruence but salutogenic behaviours restored new strength and motivation to care. Family caregivers experienced that their caregiving was taken for granted by health care professionals. Family caregivers expressed a need for a permanent health care contact and more involvement in the planning and implementation of their near one’s health care together with health care professionals. Registered nurses acknowledged family caregivers’ burden, lack of knowledge and relational incongruence. A registered nurse was suggested as a permanent health care contact to improve continuity and security. Registered nurses neither acknowledged family caregivers as a resource nor their need for involvement. Registered nurses working in primary health care centres, in nurse-led heart failure clinics, with district nurse specialization, with education in cardiac nursing care held the most supportive attitudes toward family involvement in heart failure nursing care. Family health conversations via telephone in nurse-led heart failure clinics were found to successfully support and involve families. The conversations enhanced nurse-family relationship and relations within the family. They also provided registered nurses with new, relevant knowledge and understanding about the family as a whole. Family health conversations via telephone were feasible to both families and registered nurses, although fewer and shorter conversations were preferred by registered nurses. This thesis highlights the divergence between family caregivers’ experiences and needs, and registered nurses’ perceptions about family caregivers’ situation and attitudes toward the importance of family involvement. It adds to the knowledge on the importance to acknowledge family caregivers as a resource and to support and involve them in heart failure nursing care. One feasible and successful way is to conduct Family health conversations via telephone in nurse-led heart failure clinics.

Närståendes upplevelser av att vårda en anhörig med cancer i livets slutskede i hemmet : en litteraturöversikt / Family’s experiences of caring for a relative with cancer at the end of life at home : a literature review

Mahne, Fanny, Ohlsson Moberg, Sofie January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Varje år behöver 70 000–75 000 människor palliativ vård, varav de flesta har en cancersjukdom. Närstående har en viktig och central del i palliativ vård och kan påverka den drabbades mående innebär att lindra symtom och lidande där fokus inte ligger på att bota sjukdomen. Sjuksköterskan har en viktig roll att stötta och involvera närstående i kommunikationen.  Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva närståendes upplevelser av att vårda en anhörig med cancer i livets slutskede i hemmet.   Metod: Metoden som valdes var en litteraturöversikt. Tio vetenskapliga artiklar inkluderades i resultatet. Artiklarna analyserades enligt Fribergs metod. Resultatartiklarna hade kvalitativ design och hämtades från CINAHL Complete och MEDLINE.   Resultat: Litteraturöversikten presenterades i tre teman och fem underteman. Det första temat innefattar att bli en vårdare, med undertemat ansvar att ständigt vara på vakt. Det andra temat innefattar känslor av vårdandet, med underteman stress och tiden nära döden. Det sista temat innefattar behov av stöd, med underteman stöd från familj och vänner, stöd från hälso-sjukvården.   Slutsats: Resultatet visade att närstående kände ett ansvar av att vårda sin anhörig, detta ansvar medförde bland annat att tunga beslut låg i deras händer angående anhörigas autonomi. Ansvaret bidrog även med negativa effekter både psykiskt och fysiskt i form av utmattning. Förberedelser inför döden visade sig vara en viktig del för närståendes mentala hälsa samt att stöd från familj, vänner och vårdpersonal framkom som betydelsefullt. / Background: Every year, 70 000–75 000 people need palliative care, most of them have cancer. Relatives have an important and central part in palliative care and can affect the victim's mood. Palliative care involves relieving symptoms and suffering where the focus is not on curing the disease. The nurse has an important role to support and involve relatives in the communication. Autonomy is seen as a difficult ethical dilemma in palliative care as the sufferer may have difficulty being self-determined in the final stages of life.   Aim: The purpose was to describe relatives' experiences of caring for a relative with cancer in the final stages of life at home.  Method: The chosen method was a literature review linked to Friberg. Ten scientific articles were included in the results. The articles were analyzed according to Friberg's method. The result articles had a qualitative design and were taken from CINAHL Complete and MEDLINE.   Results: The literature review was presented in three themes and five sub-themes. The first theme includes becoming a caregiver, with the sub-theme responsibility to be constantly on guard. The second theme includes emotions of care, with the sub-theme of stress, the time close to death. The last theme includes need for support, with the sub-theme support from family and friends, support from health care.   Conclusion: The results showed that close relatives felt a responsibility to care for their relatives, this responsibility meant, among other things, that heavy decisions were in their hands regarding the relatives' autonomy. The responsibility also contributed with negative effects both mentally and physically in the form of exhaustion. Preparations for death proved to be an important part of the mental health of close relatives and that support from family, friends and care staff emerged as meaningful.

Att erkänna barnet som teologiskt subjekt : Childism, asymmetri och Axel Honneths erkännandeteori / To Recognize the Child as a Theological Subject : Childism, Asymmetry and Axel Honneth’s Theory on Recognition

Johansson, Katarina January 2021 (has links)
Questions concerning children's rights and children's place in society have been on the agenda for some decades now. Parallell to this movement questions about children's place in the bible, in the church and in systematic theology have entered the academical conversation. This paper attempts to find a method to investigate whether systematic theology as we know it, has the tools to address these new questions. Axel Honneth's theory on recognition will be important, since the three levels of recognitions he describes are designed to point out the difference between rights and solidarity, between formal recognition and the recognition that sprouts from genuine intrest in shared experience.  The thougths from Honneth are combined with John Wall's argumentation on seeing the child as a full humna being, as a subject. Risto Saarinen's discussion on asymmetrical relations, adds an important perspective. From these three theories, a method is formulated for putting the child in focus on the theological agenda. The gain is not only the recognition of a neglected group, measured to one third of humankind. The new viewpiont shreds its light upon questions important to all of us. The method is a systematic theological tool both useful for pointing out inconsistencies and to suggest solutions to the very same problems.  In the final discussion I show how this could be done by adressing the children's place in the postmodern family project, described by Katarina Westerlund, and children as liturgical leaders with the help of Karin Rubensson's thesis.

A Bridge Between Home and School : A qualitative study about promoting parental school involvement of immigrant parents, for enhancing children’s academic success

Amouri, Hasnaa January 2023 (has links)
The overall purpose of this thesis was to explore the program “Bredsands Brobyggare,” which aims to increase immigrant parents’ involvement and participation in their children’s schooling. This was achieved by studying how the “bridge builders” experience relationship building with the parents and what strategies they use while working with the target group, as well as how these strategies are considered to affect the parents’ involvement in school. In the thesis, four semi-structured interviews were conducted with service providers working in the investigated program. The results were analyzed from a hermeneutic abductive approach through a thematic analysis. Dempsey and Sandler’s theoretical model of motivational sources for parents’ involvement in their children’s schooling is the theoretical framework underlying the analysis. The results showed that the bridge builders used their cultural-understanding ability to build a relationship with the parents and increased other professionals’ awareness and understanding of their difficulties and needs. Furthermore, after establishing a relationship with the parents, the bridge builders used other approaches, such as a strength-based approach and the implementation of individualized support according to the parents’ needs, aiming to create a stable line of communication between school and home, which in turn can potentially develop parents’ involvement in their children’s schooling. / Det övergripande syftet med denna uppsats är att utforska programmet "Bredsands Brobyggare" vars syfte är att öka utrikesfödda föräldrars engagemang och delaktighet i sina barns skolgång. Detta genom att studera hur yrkesutövarna, de så kallade "brobyggarna", upplever relationsbyggandet med föräldrarna och vilka strategier de använder i arbetet med målgruppen, samt hur dessa strategier anses påverka föräldrarnas delaktighet i skolan. I uppsatsen genomförs fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer med yrkesutövare som arbetar inom den undersökta verksamheten. Resultatet analyserades utifrån en hermeneutisk abduktiv ansats, genom en tematisk innehållsanalys. Den teoretiska ramen som ligger till grund för analysen är Dempsey and Sandlers teoretiska modell om motivationskällor för föräldrars delaktighet i barnets skolgång. Resultatet visar att yrkesutövarna använder sig av relationsskapande och andra förhållningssätt vid arbete med föräldrar som har en invandrarbakgrund. Specifikt indikerar resultatet att brobyggarna använder sig av sin kulturell-förståelse förmåga, både för att bygga en relation med föräldrarna samt för att öka övrig personals medvetenhet och förståelse av föräldrarnas svårigheter och behov. Efter etablering av relation med föräldrarna, använder brobyggarna andra förhållningssätt till exempel som ett styrkebaserat förhållningssätt samt implementering av individualiserat stöd enligt föräldrars behov, detta i syfte att skapa en stabil linje av kommunikation mellan skolan och hemmet som i sin tur kan tänkas utveckla föräldrars delaktighet i sina barns skolgång.

Barn, föräldrar, välfärdsstat : Den politiska debatten om föräldrautbildning och föräldrastöd 1964-2009 / Children, parents, welfare state : The political debate about parent education and parenting support 1964-2009

Littmarck, Sofia January 2017 (has links)
The political debate concerning parent education and parenting support between 1964 and 2009 has been scrutinized in this study in the light of the development of and changes in the welfare state. The investigation is based upon the analysis of official government inquiries and parliamentary papers dealing with parent education and parenting support. This study analyzes the different choices in the organization of welfare relevant to children and the family for which political actors have argued, and it examines the views on the relations between children, parents, family and the welfare state that were expressed in the argumentation. Parent education and parenting support aim at changing the living conditions of children by means of the parents. The study shows that the interest in this type of investment has been shared by both the political left and center-right, but from different arguments and political visions on how welfare for children and families with children should be organized, as well as from different views of the role of parent education and parenting support in the welfare. / I den här avhandlingen granskas den politiska debatten om föräldrautbildning och föräldrastöd mellan 1964 och 2009 i ljuset av välfärdssamhällets utveckling och förändring. Studien bygger på en analys av betänkanden från statliga utredningar och riksdagstryck i frågan om föräldrautbildning och föräldrastöd. I studien granskas vilka vägval i organiseringen av välfärden kring barn och familj som politiska aktörer har argumenterat för och vilken syn på relationerna mellan barn, föräldrar, familj och välfärdsstat som kommit till uttryck i argumentationen. Föräldrautbildning och föräldrastöd syftar till att förändra barns villkor genom att påverka föräldrarna. Analysen visar att intresset för denna typ av åtgärd har delats av såväl vänster som borgerliga, men utifrån skilda argument och politiska visioner för hur välfärden kring barn och barnfamiljen ska organiseras, såväl som utifrån olika sätt att se på föräldrautbildningens och föräldrastödets roll i välfärden.

Kaleidoscope : Reflection through ornaments in childhood memories

Vashchenko, Yuliia January 2024 (has links)
The following work examines how childhood ornaments and memories can be translated into the material world, particularly through graphic design. This process not only creates a beautiful symbol of childhood but also offers a reflection in adulthood.

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