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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Küppers, Carolin 25 April 2017 (has links)
Mit dem Begriff der Intersektionalität wird die Verschränkung verschiedener Ungleichheit generierender Strukturkategorien, wie Geschlecht, Ethnizität, Klasse, Nationalität, Sexualität, Alter etc. erfasst. Er soll aufzeigen, dass keine dieser Kategorien alleine steht, sondern sowohl für sich als auch im Zusammenspiel mit den anderen einen die gesellschaftlichen Machtverhältnisse mitkonstituierenden Effekt hat. Die historischen Wurzeln liegen im 19. Jahrhundert und gehen auf die Erfahrungen Schwarzer Frauen und Lesben zurück, die sich im Feminismus westlicher weißer Mittelschichtsfrauen nicht wiederfanden. Leslie McCall unterscheidet drei methodologische Zugänge: den anti-kategorialen Ansatz, den intra-kategorialen Ansatz und den inter-kategorialen Ansatz.

An unjust execution: a case study of Inouye Kanao, the Kamloops Kid

Fitzgerald, Kyla 31 August 2020 (has links)
This thesis examines the legal case of Inouye Kanao, a second-generation Japanese Canadian who was executed for high treason in August 1947 in Hong Kong. In this thesis, I trace not only Inouye's legal case, but also his early life, the broader political context, diplomatic correspondence, and other war crimes cases. By employing race-thinking and Critical Race Theory as theoretical frameworks, I consider the role of race and racism and aim to better understand its influence on Inouye's legal case. In doing so, this thesis challenges previous narratives and misinformation about Inouye. I conclude that racism was a significant factor that affected all aspects of Inouye's case, resulting in an unjust execution that did not reflect the crimes. Ultimately, Inouye was executed not because of his actions but because he was racialized as a treacherous and cruel Japanese Canadian. / Graduate

Allegiance and Identity: Race and Ethnicity in the Era of the Philippine-American War, 1898-1914

Cadusale, M. Carmella 29 August 2016 (has links)
No description available.

La transparence et la commande publique / Transparency et public order

Lekkou, Efthymia 26 November 2012 (has links)
La transparence, à travers ses multiples applications par le juge européen, est érigée en principe général du droit de l’Union européenne. Ses fondements juridiques retentissent sur sa portée, impérative et supplétive, son champ d’application matériel et personnel ainsi que sur son extension progressive et sa limitation aux seuls rapports verticaux développés entre les autorités adjudicatrices et les opérateurs économiques. La transparence est rattachée directement aux libertés fondamentales des soumissionnaires potentiels dont elles assurent la protection juridique et indirectement au principe de libre concurrence par la suppression des obstacles privés à la libre circulation des activités économiques. Ainsi, au service d’une finalité immédiate, la transparence garantit l’accès à la commande publique et, au service d’une finalité médiate, elle protège les structures du marché de la commande publique. Le principe général de transparence donne alors naissance aux contrats relevant de la commande publique qui prennent le relais des contrats publics. Instrument d’intégration et élément structurel du marché intérieur, cette nouvelle génération des contrats matérialise l’accès à la commande publique qui constitue un secteur d’activité économique faisant partie du marché intérieur. / Transparency, through its multiple applications by the european judge, has become a general principle of european law. Its legal basis resound its purview, imperative and suppletive, its personnal et material scope, as well as its progressive extension and its restriction to the vertical relationships developed between contracting authorities and economic operators. Transparency is attached directly to potential bidders fundamental freedoms whose its provides legal protection. It is attached indirectly to the principle of free competition by the elimination of private barriers to the free movement of economic activities. Thus, in the service of an immediate finality, transparency guarantees access to public procurements and, in the service of a mediate finality, it protects the market structures of public procurement. The general principle of transparency gives then rise to contracts of public order (contrats relevant de la commande publique) which take over public contracts. Instrument of integration and structural element of the internal market, this new generation of contracts materialize access to public order (commande publique), that constitutes a sector of economic activity as part of the internal market.

”Känn dig själf” : Genus, historiekonstruktion och kulturhistoriska museirepresentationer / "Know Thyself" : Gender Historical Construction and Representations in a Museum of Cultural History

Grahn, Wera January 2006 (has links)
I den här avhandlingen undersöks hur privilegierade representationer av femininitet och maskulinitet tar sig uttryck och konstrueras i samtida museipraktiker med fokus på Nordiska museet i Stockholm. Studien visar hur dessa musealt imaginära representationer samverkar med intersektionella aspekter som klass, etnicitet, nationalitet och sexualitet. Avhandlingen diskuterar också epistemologiska och ontologiska frågor om hur historiska narrativ skapas och hur museala artefakter kan förstås. Huvudargumentet är att de dominerande representationerna skapas med hjälp av en reducerad matris av stereotypa skript för kön, klass, etnicitet, nationalitet såväl som sexualitet, vilket kan ses som uttryck för en fallogocentrisk betydelseekonomi. Denna undersökning av samtida skript på Nordiska museet har använt teoretiska tankegångar och analytiska redskap från de överlappande kunskapsfälten sexual difference, queer- och sexualitetsforskning, genus/könsmaktforskning, kvinnohistorisk forskning, maskulinitetsforskning, postkolonial feministisk forskning, samt feminist studies of science and technology. Ett pluralistisk feministisk nomadologisk metateoretiskt ramverk har skapats för att analysera och försöka förstå det empiriska materialet utifrån de nämnda teorierna. Världen och däribland museernas verksamhet är så komplex och mångfasetterad att många olika genusteoretiska ingångar krävs för att kunna läsa och förstå olika gestaltningar. I avhandlingen ritas en översiktskarta över de fallogocentriska museala skripten upp bredvid vilken en partiellt situerad terrängkarta placeras som kastar ljus över det musealt imaginära. / This study investigates how privileged representations of femininity and masculinity are created in contemporary work at The Swedish National Museum of Cultural History, Nordiska museet, in Stockholm. The thesis shows how these representations closely intersect with the museal imaginaries of class, ethnicity, nationality and sexuality. The study gives rise to ontological questions of how historical narratives are produced and how museal artifacts are apprehended. The main argument is that the dominating representations are created through a reduced matrix of stereotyped scripts for gender, class, ethnicity, nationality and sexuality that can be understood as reflections of a phallogocentric order. This exploration of contemporary scripts at Nordiska museet is performed with analytic tools from the overlapping fields of sexual difference, queer and sexuality studies, gender studies, women’s studies, masculinity studies, post colonial feminist studies and feminist studies of science and technology. A pluralistic feministinformed nomadological metatheoretical frame is used as an umbrella to embrace these theoretical approaches. The complexity of the social world and of a museum demand different theories to be applied to different situations. A general map of the phallogocentric museal scripts is drawn, besides which a partial and locally accounted one is juxtaposed that gives shape to the museal imaginary.

La mobilité des sociétés de l’espace OHADA : étude à la lumière du droit européen et international des sociétés. / The mobility of companies from OHADA area : research in the light of European and international company law.

Sane, Claude MIchel 15 December 2017 (has links)
À coté de l’objectif immédiat d’uniformiser les législations des États membres, l’OHADA s’est fixée un objectif médiat, celui de créer un vaste marché sans frontière. Or au regard des difficultés pour les sociétés commerciales de déplacer leurs sièges sociaux d’un État membre à un autre, nous ne pouvons que constater que l’existence de ce marché intégré n’est pas encore une réalité pour elles. Il apparaît alors que la seule uniformisation du droit des sociétés commerciales par l’OHADA ne suffit pas à leur permettre de réaliser des opérations de restructuration transfrontalière. Cette thèse a ainsi montré que l’OHADA a besoin d’évoluer et de se transformer pour mettre en place un véritable droit à la mobilité pour les sociétés commerciales au sein son espace communautaire. Elle doit pour cela compléter son intégration juridique par une intégration économique consacrant un libre établissement dont les opérations de mobilité seraient des modalités d’exercice, comme l’a fait l’Union européenne. Ce droit à la mobilité ne devra toutefois pas s’exercer de manière abusive. L’OHADA devra donc trouver un équilibre entre une mobilité fluidifiée et une protection efficace des actionnaires, salariés et tiers. De même il conviendra de rechercher un équilibre dans la gestion de la coexistence des normes communautaires qui ne manquera pas de se présenter dans le régime des opérations de mobilité puisqu’il s’agit d’un problème récurrent dans l’espace OHADA. / Apart from the direct objective of the Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa (OHADA) to standardize the law, its indirect objective relates to the creation of a large common market. However, regarding the difficulties for companies to transfer their registered office from one member state to another, we can see that the existence of such market is still not a reality for them. Therefore, it appears that the only standardizing of the corporate law by OHADA is not sufficient to allow them to perform their cross-border mergers. This research shows thus that OHADA needs to change and to transform itself to put in place a real right to mobility in the community area for the companies. Like the European Union, it should complete the legal integration by an economic integration setting up a freedom of establishment, including border restructuring operations. But this right to mobility should not be abused. OHADA will have to find a balance between facilitating the mobility and protecting efficiently minority shareholders, employees and third parties rights. Similarly a balance must be struck to solve the conflict of community norms in the restructuring operations legal regime, since it is a recurrent problem for OHADA space.

La lex societatis en droit international des affaires / Lex societatis in international business law

Youbo, Lou Bouinan Sonia 17 September 2015 (has links)
La recherche de la loi applicable à la société, lex societatis, est incontournable carc’est de cette loi dont dépendront les règles de constitution, de fonctionnement et dedissolution de la société. Mais la problématique de la détermination de la lex societatis enDroit International des Affaires réside dans l’identification d’un mode adéquat derattachement des sociétés transfrontalières à un territoire national. Le caractère transfrontalierdes sociétés actuelles accentue le conflit entre les différents systèmes de rattachement dessociétés traditionnellement retenus par les législations. La pluralité de système derattachement des sociétés est à l’origine de conflits auxquels l’uniformisation de la règle deconflit de lois en matière de détermination de la lex societatis peut être une solution.Le droit des sociétés doit être un instrument au service des affaires, et non un frein àleur évolution et à leur développement. Ainsi pour répondre aux besoins des affairesinternationales, outre l’élimination des entraves aux échanges il faut envisager une adaptationdu contenu des règles de conflit de lois actuelles qui permettent la détermination de la lexsocietatis ainsi qu’une modification de leur source. / The search of the law applicable to the company, lex societatis is a must because it isthis law which will depend on the rules of formation, operation and dissolution of thecompany. But the problem of determining the lex societatis in International Business Law isthe identification of a suitable method of attachment of cross-border companies on a nationalterritory. The transboundary nature of today’s societies accentuates the conflict between thedifferent companies of connecting systems traditionally retained by the legislation. Theplurality of connecting corporate system is causing conflicts that standardization of the rulesof conflict of laws determining the lex societatis can be a solution.Company law should be a tool for business, not a hindrance to their development andtheir development. So to meet the needs of international business, besides the elimination ofbarriers to trade should be considered an adaptation of the contents of the current conflict oflaws rules that allow the determination of the lex societatis and a change of their source.

Consumer Loyalty in Fast-Food Restaurants in Saudi Arabia

Bukhari, Sulafah January 2015 (has links)
This study assesses the loyalty behaviour of consumers in fast-food restaurants in Saudi Arabia by studying the antecedents and the consequences of loyalty behaviour. The sample consisted of 231 Saudis and non-Saudis living in Saudi Arabia. They were approached using the “snowball” technique. Participants were all over the age of eighteen, and they were customers of Al-Baik restaurants. Data was collected through a face-to-face questionnaire, and analyzed using SPSS software. Specifically, Cronbach’s Alpha test, Pearson correlation coefficient, Spearman correlation coefficient, and multiple regression analysis were used. Results show that significant relationships exist between the antecedents and the consequences of loyalty behaviour. It is also indicated that participants’ personalities and values were significantly related to the loyalty behaviour of consumers in Saudi Arabia. The major limitation of this study is that it was conducted in only one city, Jeddah. Therefore, additional research should be carried out in other cities with larger samples. The research results offer compelling evidence that Saudi loyalty behaviour differs from Western behaviour. Therefore, it suggests that international fast-food operators in Saudi Arabia should take local factors into account when formulating marketing strategies, such as the role of women and youth in Saudi society. This thesis makes a novel contribution to the literature, as it is the first to model the antecedents and the consequences of loyalty behaviour of consumers in a single study. It is also the first to study contributed to the literature to examine the relation between the Six Dimensional Achievement Motivation Scale (Jackson, Ahmed, and Heapy, 1976), Rokeach Value System (1973), and loyalty behaviour of consumers.

Grassroots Canadian Muslim Identity in the Prairie City of Winnipeg: A Case Study of 2nd and 1.5 Generation Canadian Muslims

Hameed, Qamer January 2015 (has links)
What are grassroots “Canadian Muslims” and why not use the descriptor “Muslims in Canada”? This thesis examines the novel concept of locale specific grassroots Canadian Muslim identity of second and 1.5 generation Muslims in the prairie city of Winnipeg, Manitoba. The project focuses on a generation of Muslims that are settled, embedded, and active in a medium sized Canadian metropolis. Locale plays a powerful part in the way people navigate identities, form attachments, find belonging, and negotiate communities and society. In order to explore this unique identity a case study was conducted in Winnipeg. Interviews with 1.5 and second generation Muslims explored the experience of grassroots Canadian Muslim identity. The project does not focus on religious doxy or praxis but rather tries to understand a lived Canadian Muslim identity by exploring discourse and space as well as strategies, social perceptions and expectations. Participant observation, community resources and literature also aid in the understanding of the grassroots Canadian Muslim experience. This study found that the attachments, networks, and experiences in the locale give room for an embedded Canadian Muslim experience and more negotiable identities than most studies on Muslims in Canada describe. These individuals are not foreigners living in Canada. Their worldviews develop out of this particular and embedded grassroots experience. They navigate a new kind of hybrid Canadian Muslim identity that is unique and flexible. This is the Canadian Muslim experience of 2nd and 1.5 generation Winnipeg Muslims.

”By the iron hand of oppression" : The performance of the parliamentary election contest in Nottingham and Middlesex 1802-1803

Blomgren, Alvar January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to investigate how politics was done at the level of the parliamentary constituencies at the time of the treaty of Amiens 1802-1803. This is achieved through two case studies of the elections in Middlesex and Nottingham, which are investigated as social practices. This thesis argues that understandings of masculinity and national identity, as well as questions about the nature of the constitution and citizen rights were central to participants in the extraparliamentary political process. Collective emotions were also highly important in the process of mobilising political support, and this thesis emphasises that participation in these elections was a collective effort; men and women from all levels of society were significant political actors. Moreover, this thesis demonstrates the importance of competences such as knowledge about the organisation of crowds and political violence in the performance of the election.

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