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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rytmen bor i mina steg : En rytmanalytisk studie om kropp, stad och kunskap / The rhythm lives in my steps : A rhythm-analytical study of body, city and knowledge

Johansson, Sara January 2013 (has links)
This thesis brings together a fascination with the city and a keen interest in the knowledge process. The point of departure is the bodily, sensory and emotional experience. That the author uses her own perceptions and experiences and is preoccupied with her own knowledge process means that she writes herself into an autoethnographic context. She also experiments with the writing and allows it to take on a more literary form as she writes about her own sensory impressions and feelings. The term rhythmanalysis is employed as a way of assessing, exploring, interpreting and understanding the world that embraces the embodied experience. Human beings are embodied beings, a claim we can make by referring to our own experiences as well as how we perceive, communicate and interact. The study delves into two aspects of rhythmanalysis, first as a way of describing the knowledge process as rhythm-analytical, which implies that bodily experiences are equally important as intellectual ones, and secondly as a way of talking about the city as polyrhythmic. It follows upon the latter that embodied rhythmanalysis of the city is possible. The rhythmanalysis may ultimately be seen as a project aimed at overthrowing the Cartesian dualism between body and mind. That we are embodied has a methodological consequence that is as simple as it is essential: the scholar exists in the world she studies. The researcher is not a neutral observer. She is a co-creator. She is a body, placed in time, space and history. She is situated, which means that her knowledge is also situated. Thus, the rhythmanalysis encompasses the body, the senses and feelings, and can be described with one key word: movement. It finds support in theories that acknowledge the fluid, the becoming, the situated, the performative, the relational, the dynamic, the material. It seeks methods that experiment, that focus on practices rather than discourses, that are preoccupied with a movable world rather than a static one.

Präsenz des Gedichts um 1900

Märtin, Björn Ludger 10 January 2023 (has links)
Die Dissertationsschrift setzt sich mit der Karriere der Materialität in der Lyrik der Moderne auseinander. Im Übergang zur Moderne bildet die Lyrik Konzeptionen aus, die den Lyrikbegriff des 19. Jahrhunderts überwinden, indem sie materielle Eigenschaften von Literatur in die Produktion lyrischer Werke einbeziehen und im ästhetischen Erleben des Gedichts wirksam werden lassen. Die Untersuchung erforscht in ihrem Fortgang die produktive Wirksamkeit materieller Substrate der Lyrik in ihren technischen und poetologischen Ausprägungen. Im Zuge dessen werden Möglichkeitsbedingungen für die Rezeption lyrischer Werke herausgestellt, die durch einen veränderten Mediengebrauch entstehen. Dabei wird aufgezeigt, dass der Umgang mit den Substraten der Lyrik einer historischen Genese unterliegt, die zumindest in den bisher von der literaturwissenschaftlichen Forschung herausgestellten Gesichtspunkten zum Themenkomplex kaum beachtet wurde, die jedoch zu einem dezidierten Verständnis moderner Lyrik führt. In einer durch die Fragestellung gesteuerten Auswahl sind Gegenstände der Untersuchung sowohl Gedichte als auch Essays und Manifeste. / The dissertation is about the career of materiality in poems of the early modern period. In the shift from the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century, lyricism develops conceptions comprising the material qualities of literature into the production of lyric works and make them operant in the aesthetical experience of poems. In this project I do research on the productive efficacy of material substrates of poems and describe them in their technical and poetical characteristics. In the course of this the basic preconditions for the reception of lyrical works as they effect from the changed use of media are elucidated. Based on this I assume, that the use of the substrates of lyrical production is subject to a historical genesis, that was neglected by studies in literature until now, although it would help to develop a deicide understanding of lyrical works of the modern period. Due to a problem based selection of texts the subjects of the research are poems as well as essays and manifestos.

Hur blir du en framgångsrik tiggare i Sverige? : en undersökning av tiggandets och givandets bilder 2011 till 2016 / How do you become a successful beggar in Sweden? : an inquiry into the images of begging and giving 2011 to 2016

Parsberg, Cecilia January 2016 (has links)
Mitt första möte med en tiggande föranledde mig att under fem år undersöka den nya situationen för tiggeriet och giveriet i Sverige. Förutsättningen är att vardagliga handlingar och reaktioner gentemot en annan människa kan synliggöras estetiskt med en etisk klangbotten. Min undersökning utspelar sig i första hand i gaturummet och i medierna. Det är hela tiden bilderna som är utgångspunkten för resonemangen och de gestaltande verken. Bilder som både separerar och länkar samman kroppar. Vilka bilder är i spel i tiggeriets och giveriets sociala koreografi? Hur kan bilder i detta sammanhang aktiveras på nya sätt? Hur kan nya genereras? Tiggandet är en uppmaning till social interaktion, och vare sig givaren socialt interagerar eller inte med den tiggande människan på gatan så involveras givaren i det europeiska samfundets asymmetriska värdesystem. I min första gestaltning anlitas en professionell marknadsundersökare för att ta reda på hur en tiggare i Sverige skulle kunna göra för att bli framgångsrik. Det blir en film som jag sedan visar mittemot en film där tiggande pratar om hur givare ger. Ur detta verk följer så en rad gestaltningar och en interdisciplinär teoretisk diskussion med bland andra Judith Butler, Sara Ahmed och Hannah Arendt, samt med en rad konstnärers arbeten, kring hur bilder – och kroppsliga handlingar – är kopplade till samhällsbilden och samhällskroppen? Körernas uppställning i gestaltningen Tiggandets kör och Givandets kör anger ett utrymme för social interaktion och demonstrerar därmed en annan ordning som kräver andra insatser, i språk, rörelse och attityd gentemot varandra. Det är en social koreografi: när körerna tränade och sjöng tillsammans uppstod en politisk form. Min förhoppning är att estetiskt synliggöra ett politiskt handlingsutrymme mellan tiggandet och givandet som kan utnyttjas för fortsatta etiska förhandlingar, och nya gestaltningar. / My first encounter with a begging person led me to spend five years investigating the new situation regarding begging and giving in Sweden. The premise is that every-day actions and reactions to another person can be made visible through aesthetics with ethical underpinnings. My investigation takes place mainly in the urban landscape and in the media. The images always constitute the point of departure for the reasoning and for the staged works. Images that separate as well as connect bodies. Which images are at play in the social choreography of begging and giving? In this context, how can images be activated in new ways? How can new images be generated? Begging is a call to social interaction, and regardless of whether the giver interacts socially with the begging person on the street, the giver is implicated in the asymmetrical value systems of the European Union. In my first staged work I hire a professional market researcher to find out how a beggar in Sweden should behave to be successful. This becomes a film that I then show opposite another film in which begging people talk about how givers give. This is followed by a number of staged works and an interdisciplinary theoretical discussion involving, among others, Judith Butler, Sara Ahmed, and Hannah Arendt, as well as a number of artistic works concerning how images – and bodily actions – are linked to the social image and the body politics. The arrangement of the choirs in the staged work The Chorus of Begging and The Chorus of Giving, indicates a space for social interaction and thus demonstrates a different order that demands different actions in terms of language, movement, and attitude toward each other. It’s a social choreography: when the choirs rehearsed and sung together a political form emerged. My hope is to make visible a space for action between the begging and the giving that can be used for continued ethical negotiations and new staged works. / <p>Föreliggande doktorsarbete har genomförts och handletts i forskarutbildningen i Fri konst vid Konsthögskolan, Umeå universitet. Doktorsarbetet läggs fram vid Lunds universitet inom ramen för samverkansavtalet mellan Konstnärliga fakulteten vid Lunds universitet och Konsthögskolan Umeå angående utbildning på forskarnivå i ämnet Fri konst inom ramen för Konstnärliga forskarskolan.</p><p>This dissertation has been carried out and supervised within the graduate programme in Fine Arts at Umeå Academy of Fine Arts, Umeå University. The dissertation is presented at Lund University in the framework of the cooperation agreement between the Malmö Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts, Lund University, and Umeå Academy of Fine Arts regarding doctoral education in the subject Fine Arts in the context of Konstnärliga forskarskolan.</p><p>Avhandlingen är även utgiven i serien: Malmö Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts, Lund University: Doctoral Studies and Research in Fine and Performing Arts, 14. ISSN: 1653-8617</p>

Tränen in der modernen Kunst

Spiekermann, Geraldine 15 June 2012 (has links)
Tränen überschreiten die Grenzen des Körpers von innen nach außen und werden damit zu einem sichtbaren Anzeichen eines seelischen Extremzustands. In der Arbeit wird untersucht, ob die Träne, die Körpergrenzen gefährdet oder sogar auflöst, in der modernen und gegenwärtigen Kunst Metapher und Trägerin innerästhetischer Transgression werden kann. Dies bedeutet zugleich, dass eine Umwertung der Träne, von der Perle der Reinheit zu einem bedrohlichen Fluidum, stattgefunden hat. Die Träne als eine bedrohliche Grenzüberschreiterin ist ein Motiv, das in früheren Kunstepochen so nicht anzutreffen ist. Damit verweist sie zugleich exemplarisch auf die Auflösungsstrategien, welche die Kunst des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts bestimmen. Fotoarbeiten von Man Ray, Madame Yevonde und Sam Taylor-Wood, Zeichnungen von Pablo Picasso und Hans Bellmer, Performances von Marina Abramović und Gina Pane, Video-arbeiten von Bill Viola und Bas Jan Ader, Installationen von Daniele Buetti und eine Buchserie von Dieter Roth, denen allen das Motiv der Träne gemeinsam ist, werden in einem Close Rea-ding auf Auflösungstendenzen hin untersucht. Besonderes Augenmerk gilt medienspezifischen Strukturen und Analogien. / Tears overstep the bounds of the human body from within – to become evidence of a crit-ical state of mind. The present study examines whether the tear, which endangers or even dispels the boundaries of the body, could be seen as a metaphor and even as an indication of aesthetic transgression in modern and contemporary art. This would mean that the tear as motif has also undergone a paradigm change, from the pearl of purity to a threatening fluid. The aspect of the tear as a transgressor of boundaries is not to be found in earlier periods of art. Accordingly, it also references the process of disintegration, which strongly determines 20th and 21st century art. Photographs by Man Ray, Madame Yevonde and Sam Taylor-Wood, drawings by Pablo Picasso and Hans Bellmer, performances of Marina Abramovic and Gina Pane, video works by Bill Viola and Bas Jan Ader, installations by Daniele Buetti and a series of books by Dieter Roth – which all deal with the tear complex – will be examined in close reading. Their connection with disintegrative tendencies will be scrutinised, and special attention given to media-specific structures and analogies.

Motivation & Motivierung zum Alterssport / Motivation & motivating to sport and exercise at advanced age

Dahlhaus, Jörg 12 November 2004 (has links)
No description available.

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