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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Same eller svensk? : Om livsåskådningsperspektiv i filmen Sameblod

Wahlund, Stina January 2021 (has links)
Abstract This essay will be interested in what the sami minority experience of swedish majority society can look like. In short, the purpose is to contribute to an increased understanding of sami life as representatives of a minority in a swedish majority society. The primary material that will be used is the film Sameblod (2016) which deals with identity creation, what it can mean to hide or renegotiate one´s identity and also issues concerning reconciliation on various levels. I will identify and make visible different perspectives on life, as they are portrayed in the film. In order to make visible different perspectives on life, its possible problems and how these can be interpreted, analytical questions will be asked of the material. The survey will then address these analytical questions based on different thematic divisions, identity, world-views, sami minority in the encounter with majority society and reconciliation. In summary, the analysis shows some particularly prominent perspectives on life. The first is a sami minority perspective and the second perspective is from a swedish majority society perspective. A third perspective shows a person as a bearer of both a sami perspective and a swedish majority society perspective, which shows how a person´s identity can be shaped and renegotiated through life. Relational problems of various kinds appear in the film. Both on an individual level, on an interpersonal level and in the relationship between the sami minority and swedish majority society. Key words: Sameblod, worldviews, identity, sami minority in relation to swedish majority, reconciliation.

Historieundervisning i mångkulturella klassrum på grundskolans högstadium : En analys av lärares narrationer utifrån deras tal om sin historieundervisning

Sandelin, Kenneth January 2020 (has links)
Vilket innehåll kännetecknar historieundervisningen i klasser där samtliga eleverna har sin bakgrund i icke- europeiska länder? Hur ser innehållet ut i historieundervisningen i klasser där tvärtom alla eleverna har sin bakgrund i Sverige? Frågorna ledde fram till syftet för denna studie: att undersöka hur historielärare på grundskolans högstadium talar om innehållsval i mångkulturella klasser. Studiens datainsamlingsmetod utgörs av intervjuer, både individuella och fokusgruppsintervjuer. De lärare som kom att medverka i studien har alla stor erfarenhet av att undervisa i mångkulturella klasser på grundskolans högstadium. Resultaten av studien visar att lärare befinner sig i en balanssituation i skiljelinjen mellan ämnestradition, styrdokument och elever. Vidare framgår av samtalen att utgångspunkten för allt innehållsurval utgörs av den traditionella västerländska berättelsen, som i studien benämns ”det dominerande narrativet”. Beroende på klasskontext öppnas narrativet upp. I klasser med en hög andel elever med annan bakgrund än Sverige öppnas narrativet upp mot en minoritetsanpassning. Även i klasskontexter med få elever med annan bakgrund än Sverige har innehållet genomgått förändringar, men helt inom ramen för det dominerande västerländska narrativet. Det samtalas bland annat om andra sätt att bruka tid på än den traditionella kronologiska. Vidare hanteras delar av det traditionella narrativet utifrån olika perspektiv. Allt inom ramen för en majoritetsanpassning. Studiens bidrag kan uttryckas som att den synliggör den komplexa situation som historielärare befinner sig i, samtidigt som erfarna lärare har utvecklat strategier. Avslutningsvis hoppas jag att undersökningen bidrar till att nyansera bilden av en historieundervisning som fortgår som den alltid har gjort. / Det övergripande syftet med studien var att undersöka hur historielärare på grundskolans högstadium talar om innehållsval i mångkulturella klasser. Undersökningsobjektet utgörs av lärares samtal om den egna undervisningen. Huvudfrågan som ställs är hur innehållsnarrationerna förhåller sig till spänningsfältet mellan ett innehåll som betonar ett kanonliknande nationellt kulturarv och ett som ger utrymme för ett mer individuellt och mångkulturellt inriktat innehåll. Datainsamlingen har skett med hjälp av individuella intervjuer och fokusgruppsintervjuer, där respondenterna bestod av fem historielärare på grundskolans högstadium. Kriteriet vid urvalet var, förutom att vara behörig lärare, var att ha stor erfarenhet av att undervisa i mångkulturella klasser. Med utgångspunkt i frågeställningarna har det empiriska materialet hanterats i två steg. Dels en inledande inventering av de innehållsnarrationer som lärare talar om, dels en analys för att förstå lärares val av innehåll på grundval av klasskontext. Studiens resultat visar att allt innehållsval oberoende av klasskontext utgår från den traditionella västerländska berättelsen, eller det ”dominerande narrativet”. Utifrån två olika klasskontexter visar studien följande resultat: Då klassen bestod av en låg andel elever med bakgrund i andra länder öppnas narrativet upp med Europa som naturlig geografisk avgränsning och där svensk historia finns med som strimma. Den traditionella kronologiska tidsanvändningen är en bland flera andra sätt att bruka tid. Det traditionella innehållet behandlas stundtals utifrån andra perspektiv och andra fokus. Exempelvis samtalas om ett innehåll med större fokus på social historia och genusfrågor. Trots förändringar befinner sig innehållet inom ramen för det dominerande narrativet, vilket kan uttryckas som en majoritetsanpassning i relation till klassrumskontexten. Då klasser tvärtom bestod av en hög andel elever med bakgrund i andra länder inbjuds eleverna själva till att bidra med egna narrationer. Detta blir ett av flera sätt där det dominerande narrativet öppnas upp. Det ges även exempel på sammanhängande teman, såväl som delar av sådana, som öppnar upp narrativet. En minoritetsanpassning åstadkommes även genom att elever själva konstruerar metanarrationer, vanligtvis med temats innehåll som grund.

« Comme, j’ai jamais été victime de racisme, mais direct. […] C’est comme dans le gris, c’est pas noir ou blanc » : l’expérience socioscolaire des personnes de minorité vietnamienne de deuxième génération au Québec

Chu, Ashley 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire vise à comprendre comment les personnes de minorité vietnamienne de deuxième génération au Québec négocient leur rapport au groupe majoritaire au prisme de leur expérience socioscolaire. Cette recherche part du constat d’un écart entre l’image de la communauté vietnamienne au Québec comme une minorité modèle, c’est-à-dire un groupe minoritaire qui a connu une intégration réussie, et la présence d’une barrière entre le « nous » vietnamien et le « eux » québécois. Je m’intéresse ainsi à saisir ces tensions sous l’angle de rapports majoritaires-minoritaires. Deux concepts principaux ont été mobilisés pour rendre compte de ces négociations : celui de la blanchité et de la racialisation. Les concepts des frontières ethniques et de l’identification ont aussi été retenus dans le but de comprendre comment ces négociations s’articulent au processus d’identification de cette population. Cette recherche qualitative se base sur treize entretiens semi-dirigés et sur une analyse thématique de ceux-ci. Les résultats de la recherche montrent des négociations avec la blanchité et le vécu d’expériences de racialisation dans les interactions avec les acteurs significatifs de la sphère scolaire, tels que les pairs et le personnel enseignant. La blanchité est principalement vécue comme une norme imposée et inatteignable pour les personnes racialisées. Les témoignages des jeunes Vietnamien·ne·s soulignent par ailleurs la racialisation des personnes asiatiques comme étant à la fois des minorités modèles et des éternel·le·s étranger·ère·s. De plus, les récits des participant·e·s mettent en évidence les processus d’exclusion, d’infériorisation et de hiérarchisation auxquels font face les personnes de minorité vietnamienne de deuxième génération au Québec. Ces processus s’articulent également au processus d’identification des participant·e·s et limitent leur choix d’identification. Ces négociations affectent aussi la manière dont les personnes de minorité vietnamienne de deuxième génération appréhendent la culture vietnamienne et la culture québécoise. / This master’s thesis aims to understand how second-generation Vietnamese people in Quebec negotiate their relationship with the majority group through the lens of their socio-educational experience. This research begins with the observation that there is a gap between the image of the Vietnamese community in Quebec as a model minority, that is, a minority group that has successfully integrated, and the presence of a barrier between the Vietnamese “us” and the Quebec “them.” I am interested in understanding these tensions and will be examining them through the lens of majority-minority relations. Two main concepts have been mobilized to examine these negotiations: whiteness and racialization. The concepts of ethnic boundaries and identification were also used in order to understand how these negotiations relate to the identification process of this population. This qualitative research is based on thirteen semi-structured interviews and a thematic analysis of them. The research results show negotiations with whiteness and lived experiences of racialization in the participants’ interactions with key actors in the educational sphere, such as peers and teachers. Whiteness is primarily experienced as an imposed and unattainable norm for racialized individuals. The participants’ stories also highlight the racialization of Asian people as both model minorities and perpetual foreigners. In addition, the participants' narratives bring to light the processes of exclusion, inferiorization and hierarchization faced by second-generation Vietnamese people in Quebec. These processes are also articulated in the participants' identification process and limit their choices of identification. These negotiations also affect the way in which second-generation Vietnamese people view Vietnamese culture and Quebec culture.

An Evaluative Case Study of a Mathematics Program at a Deaf School in Ghana and an Ecological Explanation for Challenges Preventing Deaf Students Access to Quality Education

Melander, Hilary Ann 20 November 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The two purposes of this study are first, to provide an evaluation of an after-school basic mathematics program at the Demonstration School for the Deaf Junior Secondary School (DemoDeaf) in Mampong-Akuapim, Ghana. Second, it provides an ecological discussion exploring why DemoDeaf students do not have access to quality education. I designed and piloted the math program in 2005 and 2007 as an action researcher and volunteer with the Non-Government Organization (NGO), Signs of Hope International. The program was developed after finding six students in one JSS class could not count to one-hundred and all other students struggled with addition and/or subtraction. The program has been shown quantitatively and qualitatively to have statistically significant and positive effects on DemoDeaf students. In 2007, the number of students proficient in counting increased from thirty-four to forty-four. An analysis of the addition achievement test results indicate students advanced a total of twenty-nine levels; four students learned to add single-digit numbers together, eleven students learned how to add double-digit numbers together, and fourteen students learned how to add triple-digit numbers together. An analysis of the subtraction achievement tests indicate students advanced a total of nineteen levels; six students learned to subtract single-digit numbers, eight students learned how to subtract double-digit numbers, and five students learned how to subtract with triple-digit numbers. Sample-t-tests showed that the increase of students proficient in counting, addition, or subtraction (except for triple-digit subtraction) was statistically significant at the p-value of < .01 or < .05. The stigma and negative stereotypes embedded in the normative culture in Ghana and the majority/minority relations and power dynamics between hearing and deaf groups influence the socializing institutions of the family and deaf schools. The normative hearing culture influences the language choice parents/guardians give their deaf child and how they treat them. The perspectives and values of hearing educators and administrators influence deaf school design and create a hidden curriculum for deaf students. These separate forces meet in the classroom and not only prevent students from receiving a quality secular education, they also reinforce the low status ascription of deaf students in Ghana.

Majority-Preferential Two-Round Electoral Formula: A Balanced Value-Driven Model for Canada

Esmaeilpour Fadakar, Shahin January 2014 (has links)
This research is an enquiry to find an electoral formula that conforms to Canadian constitutional values. Three core values that are pertinent to the issue of electoral systems are identified: democracy, diversity, and efficiency. Each of these core values is divided into different aspects. These aspects will form the backbone of the evaluation of different electoral systems in this work. I will begin with an evaluation of the plurality model of elections, which is currently used in Canada. I will demonstrate that many of the attributes of the current system are not in tune with Canadian constitutional values, in particular with the progressive interpretation that the Supreme Court of Canada has given to the right to vote as enshrined in Section 3 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Although the interpretation of the right to vote will be the main thrust of the constitutional scrutiny in this work, attention will also be given to other pertinent rights such as equality rights, minority rights, and the freedom of expression. Next, I will examine provincial electoral reform initiatives that were initiated in five Canadian provinces. All of these initiatives - three of which were put to referenda and eventually defeated - proposed adopting a variant of proportional representation. Accordingly, I will evaluate proportional systems according to the intended values. I will conclude that these systems have problems of their own and they also cannot strike a fine balance between competing values. In the final stage, I will make a new proposal for elections to the Canadian Parliament. First, I will demonstrate that majority systems are better candidates to attain the envisioned values. Then I will introduce a new variant of the majority model, which I call a majority-preferential two-round variant. I will demonstrate that this new variant will outperform the other variants in the attainment of values if adopted for elections to the House of Commons. Finally, I will argue that the combination of a House of Commons elected through the majority-preferential formula and a proportionally elected Senate will result in a more balanced approach to the relevant constitutional values.

The best sin to commit : a theological strategy of Niebuhrian classical realism to challenge the Religious Right and neoconservative advancement of manifest destiny in American foreign policy

Cowan, David Fraser January 2013 (has links)
While few would deny America is the most powerful nation on earth, there is considerable debate, and controversy, over how America uses its foreign policy power. This is even truer since the “unipolar moment,” when America gained sole superpower status with the end of the Soviet Union and the Cold War. In the Cold War Reinhold Niebuhr was the main theological voice speaking to American power. In the Unipolar world, the Religious right emerged as the main theological voice, but instead of seeking to curb American power the Religious right embraced Neoconservatism in what I will call “Totemic Conservatism” to support use of America's power in the world and to triumph Manifest destiny in American foreign policy, which is the notion that America is a chosen nation, and this legitimizes its use of power and underpins its moral claims. I critique the Niebuhrian and Religious right legacies, and offer a classical realist strategy for theology to speak to America power and foreign policy, which avoids the neoconservative and religious conservative error of totemism, while avoiding the jettisoning of Niebuhr's theology by political liberals, and, the political ghettoizing of theology by his chief critics. This strategy is based on embracing the understanding of classical realism, but not taking the next step, which both Niebuhr and neoconservativism ultimately do, of moving from a prescriptive to a predictive strategy for American foreign policy. In this thesis, I argue that in the wake of the unipolar moment the embrace of the Religious right of Neoconservatism to triumph Manifest destiny in American foreign policy is a problematic commingling of faith and politics, and what is needed instead is a strategy of speaking to power rooted in classical realism but one which refines Niebuhrian realism to avoid the risk of progressing a Constantinian theology.

The liability of trade unions for conduct of their members during industrial action

Mlungisi, Ernest Tenza 18 September 2017 (has links)
South Africa has been experiencing a number of violent strikes by trade unions in recent times. The issue is not only to hold unions liable for damage caused during strikes, but also to reduce the number of violent strikes. This study investigates if victims of such violence can hold trade unions liable for the violent acts committed by their members during industrial action. The Labour Relations Act, 66 of 1995 (LRA) makes provision for the dismissal of employees who commit misconduct during an unprotected strike. It also provides the remedy of an interdict and a claim for just and equitable compensation which can be made against the union, during an unprotected strike. It is further possible to hold the union together with its members liable for damages in terms of the Regulation of Gatherings Act, 205 of 1993 (RGA). The study argues that a strike or conduct in furtherance of a strike that becomes violent could lose protection and the trade union should consequently be held liable, in terms of the LRA and/ or the RGA, for damages caused by its members. This study investigates the position in Canada, Botswana and Australia to determine if there could be any other basis upon which to hold trade union liable for the conduct of its members. The study recommends that the common law doctrine of vicarious liability should be developed by the courts to allow trade unions to be held liable for damages caused by members during violent industrial action. Policy considerations and changing economic conditions and the nature of strikes in the Republic favours the expansion of the doctrine of vicarious liability to trade union member relationship. / Mercantile Law / LL. D.

Jüdische Geschichtsschreibung zwischen Reform und Orthodoxie. Die Positionen von Ludwig Philippson und Marcus Lehmann

Bauer, Sebastian 13 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.

La protection des actionnaires minoritaires dans les sociétés anonymes : étude comparative du droit français et du droit chinois / The protection of minority shareholders of companies limited by shares : a comparative study of french law and chinese law

Li, Xiaoshan 22 June 2011 (has links)
La présente étude a pour objet de montrer que les moyens de la protection des actionnaires minoritaires en droit chinois et en droit français ne sont pas soumis à des critères fondamentalement différents. Dans les sociétés anonymes, les règles juridiques visent à trouver un équilibre des rapports entre les actionnaires majoritaires et minoritaires, ainsi qu’entre les actionnaires et la société ou le groupe de sociétés.C’est l’intérêt social et le principe d’égalité qui guident le législateur et le juge de proposer des solutions convenables.Il importe de noter qu’en droit français, les dispositions sur les responsabilités et les moyens de recours pour les minoritaires sont d’applications faciles qu’en droit chinois. D’ailleurs, la recherche de l’acquisition des sociétés cotées chinoises sous l’angle de la protection des minoritaires, tout à fait différent à l’offre publique en droit français, présente les particularités du marché réglementé chinois et mérite que les investisseurs étrangers découvrent davantage. / The dissertation aimed to point out that the methods of the protection of minority shareholders in Chinese law and in French law are not subject to the different criteria. In company limited by shares, the legal provisions intend to find a balance of relation between majority shareholders and minority shareholders, and between the shareholders and the company or group of company. It is corporate profits and the principal of equality that direct legislators and judges to suggest applicable solutions.It is important to notify that in French law, legal provisions about the responsibility of majority shareholders or company leaders and the ways of resort of minority shareholders provide reference for improvement of Chinese law. Besides, the study of acquisition of chinese listed companies, looked from the angle of the protection of minority shareholders, very different from tender offer in French law, demonstrate the characteristics of Chinese stock market and deserve foreign investors’ enough attention.

銀行聯合貸款業務之經營模式與策略研究-以台灣聯貸市場為例 / The Study of Banking Business Model and Strategy about Syndicated Loan Product – in Taiwan Syndication Market

葉美華, Yeh, Mei-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
政府在1990年開放新銀行申請設立、1991年共核准通過15家新銀行籌設,國內銀行自此即進入百家爭鳴的時代,各家銀行惡性競爭的結果,除了利差不斷降低外,授信品質亦不斷惡化,各銀行資本報酬率直直落,為求生存,遂絞盡腦汁不斷推出各種新型商品以促進客戶擴大信用;聯合貸款業務亦不例外,各銀行有鑑於傳統企業授信漸不能達到應有績效之際,紛紛著重於聯貸業務,於是業務競爭日趨白熱化,如何設計符合貸款企業期望的授信方案,是各銀行贏得聯合授信主辦權的重要課題。 因此,企業如何選擇聯合貸款主辦行之影響因素,是各銀行放款經理人亟盼了解的經營知識,而根據這些關鍵影響因素,各銀行為爭取主辦權所擬定的各項經營模式與策略,即是足以決定聯合貸款業務在各銀行未來之發展情形與定位,甚而決定其在聯貸市場所扮演之角色與市場佔有率。 有鑑於此,本研究主要以銀行端的角色來探討各銀行針對聯合貸款業務所為之相關措施及其後續之影響結果,並針對國內主要聯貸銀行做個案分析,以了解各銀行所採取的策略及經營方針。

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