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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

公共利益的看守者:從1410大禹治水聯盟檢視非營利組織政策監督 / The Watchers of Public Welfare: An Examination of Public Policy Supervision by Non-Profit Organization from the 1410 Ta-Yu Water Management Alliance

李翰林, Li,Han Lin Unknown Date (has links)
在2006年1月,立法院通過了總金額合計高達1410億水患治理特別條例、石門及其集水區整治特別條例。本文以許多民間非營利組織為監督治水預算成立的1410大禹治水聯盟為研究個案,希望能瞭解立法過程裡,民間聯盟如何監督公共政策?又如何打破國會與官僚的結盟結構,實際影響政策?本文採用深度訪談、報章資料與參與觀察等方式,藉由McAdam的政治機會結構理論為分析架構,以說明治水預算裡行動者擴編預算的動機與過程。並分析在立法院審查各階段治水聯盟的因應策略、實際行動和內部運作,以及監督成效。研究發現在地方水患陰影下,又面對官僚、國會與地方政府三者鐵三角般的互利合作,主張審慎監督的治水聯盟其實無力回天。一方面因議題範圍實在太大,無法動員特定地區相關者;另一方面也是鐵三角間同盟關係非常穩固,國會遊說發揮不了作用。故只能藉少數友好立委,在朝野協商爭取加入更多資訊公開、績效評估與公民參與機制。透過這些機制,在後續八年政策執行過程中找出更多公共參與和監督的著力點。藉此也讓原先僅有地區性互動的環保運動與社區大學運動在本案上交會。此新合作方向是否會對未來環保運動帶來新的在地網絡與群眾支持,值得後續觀察與研究。 / In January 2006, the Legislative Yuan passed the Special Enactment on Flood Management in Areas Susceptible to Floods and the Special Enactment on Restoration of Shi-Men and its Catchments Area amounting to NT$141 billion. This paper makes a study of the 1410 Ta-Yu Water Management Alliance formed by a number of civil non-profit organizations for the purpose of supervising and auditing the water management budget. The study seeks to understand how the civil alliance supervises public policies during the legislative process and how they break the alliance structure between the Legislative Yuan and bureaucracy to actually influence policies. By using McAdam’s political opportunity structure theory as its analysis structure, this paper gives an account of the motives and processes of activists in the creation of the water management budget through in-depth interviews, newspaper reports and participate observation. It also analyzes the countering strategies, activities, internal functioning and the results of the supervisory actions of the Water Management Alliance. This research discovered that in the face of the alliance’s proposition of prudent supervision could not be upheld in the face of mutual cooperation within the iron triangle of bureaucracy, the Legislative Yuan and local government. On one hand is the alliance’s inability to mobilize related parties in specific areas due to the issues covering too wide a range and on the other hand is the solid relationship within the iron triangle alliance and negates lobbying efforts in the Legislative Yuan. It is only by a few friendly legislators that mechanisms for the increased disclosure of information, performance evaluation and civil participation were added during negotiations between the ruling and opposition parties. Through these mechanisms it is hoped that more foothold for public involvement and supervision can be found in the following eight years of policy implementation. Also, such mechanisms would allow conservation movements and community college movements which used to be limited to territorial interactions to meet. Whether this new direction in cooperation brings new grassroot support for future environmental movements remains worthy of follow up observation and research.

幼兒就學準備度相關因素之研究 / The factors influencing young children school readiness

施玠羽, Shih, Chieh Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的在於瞭解幼兒就學準備度之內涵,並以實證方式進行幼兒學前教育經驗、幼兒園品質、家庭背景、家長參與的現況瞭解,以及與幼兒就學準備度之間的差異情形、相關情形、預測情形。依隨機抽樣方式,以問卷調查進行兩階段實施,第一階段,抽取632位文山及萬華區小ㄧ學童為研究對象,進行幼兒就學準備度的施測,可用率為75.5%,共477位學童;第二階段根據學童分布的141家公私立幼兒園(幼稚園或托兒所),進行幼兒園品質調查,可用率為51.8%,共計73家幼兒園。本研究採用量化方法,以SPSS 14.0套裝軟體進行分析,包括獨立樣本t考驗、卡方分配、單因子變異數分析、Scheff’e事後比較、皮爾森基差相關、多元逐步回歸等方式做資料的處理。 研究結果顯示:1、幼兒園屬性及類型對就學準備度有顯著差異,就讀私立幼兒園者其就學準備度高於就讀公立幼兒園者;就讀不同幼兒園類型的孩子其就學準備度有顯著差異。2、幼兒就讀幼兒園年數與學準備度呈現正相關。3、幼兒園品質與就學準備度的無顯著相關。4、家庭背景中的「每月收入」、「父母教育程度」、「父母職業類型」、「父母社經地位」皆與幼兒就學準備度有顯著差異。5、幼兒園與小學時期家長參與呈正相關,兩時期的家長參與與就學準備度也呈現正相關。6、「家庭每月收入」、「幼兒園時期家長參與」、「就讀幼兒園年數」對就學準備度達顯著預測性。 另外其他研究發現部分:1、幼兒園及小學時期家長參與度中偏高。2、幼兒就讀幼兒園類型與家庭環境及區域分佈有關,且家庭背景會影響幼兒園類型選擇。3、幼兒進入小學後就學準備度「學業成績」方面表現不錯,「生活適應」方面表現中等。4、家長參與和家庭背景因素呈現正相關,父母教育程度、職業、社經地位、家庭每月收入月高的家庭,家長的參與程度會越高。5、各類型的幼兒園其幼兒園品質有顯著差異。 本研究並根據研究結果提出建議,以提供家長、學校、政府機關以及未來研究者之參考。 / The main purpose of this study is to understand the concept of school readiness, and examine the experience of early childhood education, the educational quality in ECE (early childhood education), the background of family, parents participate, and the relationships of these items. This study adopts literature analysis and questionnaire investigation to achieve the goal. This study are 2 steps, the first step, 632 first grade elementary school students in Wenshan district and Wanhua district of Taipei City, and 477 samples were received, making the return rate of 75.5%. The second step, basing on 141 early childhood education centers the children attended in last year, and 73 samples were received, making the return rate of 51.8%. The sample results were analyzed by means, standard deviations, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Person’s product-moment correlation and stepwise multiple regression analysis. Depending on the result, the conclusions are as fallows: 1. The children study in private center is better than in public. And the school readiness of children in different types childcare centers has obvious different. 2. The correlation analysis found that there is moderate positive relationship between “How long are children in childcare centers” and “early childhood school readiness”. 3. The correlation analysis found that there is no moderate relationship between “the educational quality in ECE” and “early childhood school readiness”. 4. There were significantly different perceptions towards school readiness to different background family. 5. The correlation analysis found that there is moderate positive relationship between parents participate in early childhood time and elementary school time. “The parents participate in two step” and early childhood school readiness” also show positive relationship. 6. The income of the family per month, the participation of parents in early childhood time and how long children in childcare centers are were appropriate indicators in predicting early childhood school readiness. Otherwise, there are other researches results are discovered as follows: 1. The participation of parents in early childhood time and elementary school time are obviously high. 2. Family backgrounds can affect the choice of the type of the early childhood centers, and the type of the early childhood centers are concerned with family backgrounds and which areas they are in. 3. After children enter the elementary school, their school readiness in” study achievements “are good, and in “live hood adaption” show average. 4. There were moderate positive relationship between “the participation of parents” and “the factors of family backgrounds”, the higher level of education of their parents, their occupations, their position of social and economics and the income per month, the participation of parents show higher. 5. There were significantly different perceptions between types of early childhood centers and their qualities. According to previous conclusions, the researcher proposes some suggestions for parents, school, administration and researchers in the future.

聽障網路使用者之傳播研究 / The communication study of the internet users with hearing-impairment

吳宗蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之研究對象為「聽障網路使用者」。探討之主題為:一、聽障網路使用者之傳播工具使用偏好概況;二、聽障網路使用者使用網路獲取資訊之情形;三、聽障網路使用者以網路與他人互動溝通之情形;四、網路傳播對聽障者社會參與之影響。 研究設計方面,先以質化的參與觀察及深度訪談法進行前導性研究,再以量化的網頁及書面問卷進行調查研究。最後共回收307份有效樣本,進行統計分析。 綜合質化及量化研究的結果,對目前聽障傳播政策有以下建議: (一)考量不同的聽障特質,選擇適合的傳播方式 (二)電視節目加設字幕 (三)補助聽障者之簡訊及寬頻費用 (四)善用網路服務聽障市民 (五)加強社會教育、宣導「聽障傳播權」概念 (六)落實聽障傳播權法規之執行 關鍵字:聽障、聾、重聽、傳播、網路、手語、社會參與、電視字幕 / This research is to investigate communicational behavior and preference of the people with hearing-impairment, and to investigate how the people with hearing-impairment use Internet to communicate with others and to access information. This research also aims at finding out how the Internet affects social participation of people with hearing-impairment. In order to gather excessive amount of data, participant observation and in-depth interviews were used as pilot study in this research. After pilot study, a sample data about 307 people with hearing-impairment was collected via web survey and general survey. Based on the findings of this research, there are the following suggestions: 1.In order to achieve better communication effect, the government should use different communication channels when communicating to different type of people with hearing-impairment. 2.Add captions to all television programs. 3.Grant people with hearing-impairment subsidy to purchase SMS services from mobile phone companies and to purchase broadband network services. 4.0ffer services via Internet to people with hearing-impairment. 5.Propagate the communication rights of people with hearing-impairment by social education. 6.Enforce correlative rules to assure the communication rights of people with hearing-impairment. Key words: hearing-impairment, deaf, hard of hearing, communication. Internet, sign language, social participation, captions


簡龍鳳 Unknown Date (has links)
「促進民間參與公共建設法」賦予民間機構從事開發交通建設所需用地,藉以提高交通建設之財務自償能力。回顧目前國內所推動之高速鐵路及捷運建設BOT案,均藉由土地開發收入以挹注建設成本,誠然所引發公共論壇的焦點環繞在土地開發利益議題上。惟土地開發收入取決於開發規模及代理人努力效果等因素,在政府與民間機構存在對土地市場價值資訊不對稱下,恐衍生委託代理問題與權力宰制。 審視現行法令賦予私有土地參與捷運場站開發制度,包括政府和所有權人合作開發、政府徵收開發、所有權人申請開發等多樣性之土地開發方式。面對具提高不動產價值之捷運場站土地開發,研究思維理應從單向滿足民間機構對土地開發需求外,亦需同時考量維護所有權人參與之權益,各方最佳的策略與報酬,並非獨立於他人的行動之外,其間之策略組合報酬主要涉及土地開發方式之權益分配率及開發回饋金,捷運場站開發制度存在策略賽局關係。 因此,如何建構兼具代理規範、參與決策及均衡結果為導向的制度經濟分析模型,已成為推動民間參與捷運場站土地開發之關鍵所在。本研究首先,嘗試以代理理論、權力面向及賽局理論分析方法,作為民間參與捷運場站土地開發制度之立論基礎;其次,深入分析土地開發之代理與權力交互效果,重新詮釋資源配置效率問題;其三,研擬民間參與之代理與賽局整合模型,經由制度賽局均衡結果以達成各方自由選擇下之同意;最後,進行案例模擬分析。 本研究所獲致之結論包括:(1)民間參與捷運場站土地開發制度得以代理理論、權力面向及賽局理論一窺全貌;(2)制度的賽局均衡觀得以降低因徵收土地開發之代理與權力交互關係對資源配置效率之衝擊;(3)模擬分析民間參與之代理與賽局整合模型具可操作性並可運用於實務界。再者,本研究所提出之建議包括:(1)建構政府與民間機構之代理模型俾以降低委託代理問題;(2)建構政府與所有權人之制度賽局模型俾以達成自願交易;(3)建構代理規範與制度賽局之整合模型以維護所有權人參與土地開發之權益。 / “Law for Promotion of Private Participation in Public Infrastructure Projects” provides a mechanism for the private sector to develop the land for any public infrastructure project so that the financial self-liquidating ratio may be increased. The financial concept of BOT projects in Taiwan, such as HSR and MRT, is to recoup the cost of the infrastructure project by land development revenues. Indeed, the public concerns focus on the revenues, which depend on the institution and scale of development. However, the revenues depend on the scale of development and effect of the agent’s efforts. While the information asymmetry exists, there may arise the issues of agency and power control. The institution of the MRT station development provides a diversity of land development, including cooperation development, expropriation development and application development. The development issue has switched from government-led development approaches to the interaction between the government and landowners. As for the payoff function of their strategy combination, it depends on the right distribution rate and feedback payment. In the MRT station development institution exists a form of strategic game. Therefore, how to establish an institutional economic analysis model takes agency norm, and involves decision-making and equilibrium, which forms the criterion, serving as a key to promote the private participation in MRT station development. This study attempts: First, to analyze the private participation in MRT station development based on the agency theory, power dimension, and game theory. Second, to explore the allocation efficiency of resources under the interaction effect of agent and power. Third, to establish an integrated model of both the agent and the game, which by equilibrium-of–the-game view of institutions reach a mutual agreement among the government, private sector, and landowners. Finally, case simulation. It is concluded that, (1) the institution of the private participation MRT station development may be fully reviewed by agency theory, power dimension, and game theory. (2) the equilibrium-of–the-game view of institutions may reduce the impact on the allocation efficiency of resources under the interaction effect of agent and power. (3) by case simulation found that the integrated model of both agent and game is available. It is suggested that, (1) to establish an agency model for both the government and private sector serves to solve agency issues. (2) to establish an institutional game model for both the government and landowner functions as voluntary exchanges. (3) to establish an integrated model of both agent and game helps to keep landowner on the rights of participation in MRT station development.


黃楷元 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以台大批踢踢實業坊(PTT)政治類看板為例,企圖評估電子布告欄(BBS)系統是否為承載政治意見的理想論域。 在文獻探討的過程中可知,「政治參與」對於民主發展至為重要,而其中透過網際網路進行的政治意見表達,在數位時代來臨後的重要性與日俱增。因此本研究以哈伯瑪斯的公共領域與溝通行動理論為核心,建立「理想意見論域」的三項標準:開放性、公共性、理性。並據此三項標準,對研究場域PTT政治類看板進行評估。 本研究以量化的內容分析法為主,輔以直接觀察,對研究場域及其中政治意見的性質,進行客觀的描述與分析。研究結果發現,PTT政治類看板進入和參與的門檻低、互動熱絡頻繁、討論規範也並未限制理性發言空間,在「開放性」上表現佳;至於「公共性」的部分,在討論規範與看板管理者的約束下,討論的議題多能與公共事務相關;然而在「理性」面向上,論證嚴謹程度普遍不足,亦僅有半數的發言能完全保持冷靜平和。 另外,在把政治意見的各項性質進行交叉分析後,可歸納出「理想網路論域」中的「理想政治意見」,應該具有的條件包括:沒有明顯的政黨傾向、篇幅充實、切合討論主題、以事實陳述輔助個人意見、不純粹批評而是褒貶參半或持平而論、情緒冷靜平和、論證深入而嚴謹等。

上海白領青年消費前衛之社區參與研究:城市青年與農村青年比較 / the relationships between the vanguard of consumer and the participation in community affairs of the young middle class in shanghai: a comparative study of urban and rural youth.

廖筱縈, Liao,Hsiao Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之問題意識為消費主義與公共事務涉入之關係。藉由消費主義轉化公共事務涉入的相關論點,分析中國大陸城鄉白領青年在感染相異消費主義的程度後,進而解釋他們對公共事務涉入的態度和行為;透過此,以闡述中國大陸兼蓄併存的城市消費個人主義與農村集體主義的價值體系差異。 研究發現,消費主義的確抑制個人對公共事務涉入的程度。其中,透過本文假說進而涵蓋三組不同層次的意義:首先,城市白領青年高感染消費主義,因此對城市公共事務涉入消極;其次,農村白領青年低感染消費主義,致使對農村公共事務涉入積極熱情;第三,農村白領青年低感染消費主義,但因非我家園之故,導致他們疏離城市公共事務的涉入。 城市白領青年對公共事務低涉入的原因體現在生活即消費的個人本位思想,並藉追求與他者的品位區隔和消費符號以突顯自我,致使他們對經濟穩定的現狀有著較高需求,因此不會出現反抗、異議或關於改變政治情況的訴求。此外,城市白領青年對群體的身分認同訴求亦透過消費達成,並出現諸如攀比、競逐消費等情形。另一方面,當物質條件不足以融入某群體的消費方式時,便會出現被排斥在外、或納入其內的群體身分認同現象。當城市白領青年考量如何兼顧、維持自身的社會資本網絡時,他們多數會投注時間關切自身所認同或歸屬的團體,最終導致對公共或社區集體事務涉入的冷漠回應。 另一方面,農村白領青年高涉入家鄉公共事務的原因,主要來自於農村的集體主義特色。出生、成長於農村集體主義環境的白領青年,由於低感染消費主義,所以對公共事務有著較高的熱情。無論是村事務抑或國政相關的討論均賴以農村群體網絡頻繁往來的特色,以及因集體主義所創造出的集體價值信念。 再者,當農村白領青年在城市工作時,卻因仍受集體主義思維所影響,使他們對消費少有符號性追求或無節制的購買行為。此外,由於生長於經濟匱乏的內地農村,所以他們會將自己在城市工作所得部分匯回家鄉以維繫、改善家鄉父母兄弟的生活環境,並同時將消費限制在理性的購買之上。同時,從外地省份大舉遷入城市工作的農村白領青年,由於其在人口意義上仍呈現流動性質,再加上多透過租賃的方式居住,因此他們最終不一定會在城市落戶或常住久居。這便致使他們沒有動因涉入小區的公共事務,因而出現農村白領青年在城市低涉入、農村高涉入公共事務的情形。然而,他們亦可將對集體的熱情轉移在國政事務的關注上,透過此際以排解他們對於公共事務的熱情追求。 / The dissertation focuses on the relationships between consumerism and the involved in China’s local governance—the residents’ committee and the owners’ committee of young middle class came from city and the rural area. Through discovering the different levels of infecting consumerism explaining how the young middle class’ origins from city and the rural area have diverse attitudes and behaviors in public affairs respectively. Based on several case studies, I defined that the three hypotheses explaining my arguments given above. First of all, the urban young middle class has been infected more consumerism that they rather pay attention to consume than involve in public issues. Secondly, the rural young middle class has been affected by the Chinese collectivism from traditional village; consequently, they take notice of public matters in their hometown. On the other hand, despite the rural young middle class has been infected the lower consumerism in contrast to the urban one, however, living and working in the city where not their hometown but only a temporary residence is. Therefore, the rural young middle class lacks for the reasons to involve in public affairs in the city; nevertheless, they transfer their passion and positive behaviors in collective matters to take more care of political issues of the nation during the period when they stay on in the city. In conclusion, after being infected the higher level of consumerism, the urban young middle class involves negatively in public affairs of their own communities which is a common phenomenon. Furthermore, conversely to the urban one, the rural young middle class puts their positive convictions of involved in public matters into action. It is interesting to note that there are great differences between the former and the latter; indeed, the two types of young middle class came from distinct regions have been infected diverse consumerism leading their involved in public affairs to proceed in opposite directions.

臺北市區公所如何營造民主參與的公民社會:新公共服務途徑 / How to establish the democratic-participating civil society by Taipei City District Office : new public service approach

林正德, Lin, Cheng Te Unknown Date (has links)
2000年Denhardt氏二人提出新公共服務理論,主張「信任合作」、「公共利益」、「服務」、「共享」等理念,強調政府角色的轉變由領航轉變成為服務、重視公民社會與公共利益、注重政府與社區之間的溝通等,以提升公共服務的尊嚴與價值,並確保公共行政的民主、公民資格與公共利益等核心價值。因此,現今政府機關除了講求為民服務,也應該重視人性尊嚴,強調民主參與及公民精神,而公共行政人員也應當自我省思、重新體會服務的意義,以及現代公務人員應有的認知、態度和價值,同時建立民主參與或民主治理的機制,引導公民透過公共事務的參與和意見的表達,共同建立公民社會,以追求公平、正義、關懷等價值之實現。 區公所作為臺北市政府最基層的為民服務單位,其如何提供公共服務並引導民眾參與公共事務、協助公民社會之建立,實有研究之必要。本研究乃從新公共服務面向切入,藉由文獻的回顧與整理,建立新公共服務、公民社會與臺北市區公所三者的關係,並且運用參與觀察法及深度訪談法,蒐集分析區公所人員、里長、社會團體代表及區民對於公共服務及公民參與的認知與看法,以及區公所和與民眾、社區和團體的互動情形,期能對於政府機關、公務人員及民眾在為民服務、公民參與及公民社會的建立上提供相關建議。 本研究發現,臺北市區公所近年來致力於公共服務品質的提升,已獲民眾肯定,而在公私協力合作方面,亦獲得許多社會資源的協助;另一方面,雖然市政府及區公所提供了許多管道讓民眾得以參與公共事務,但民眾之公民參與仍有待加強,而其公民意識亦有待培養。因此,本研究建議,政府機關服務要更主動積極,對於各項活動及政策要加強宣導,並應負起公民教育的責任,與民間團體建立長期的夥伴關係,同時應落實輪調制度、建立內部參與管道並適時激勵員工;公務人員應體認新公共服務精神,把公務生涯當作修行、公共服務當作志業,同時對自己的工作進行反思,透過自我充實,增加智慧解決問題與壓力,以建立服務的心態與熱忱,勇於面對未來的挑戰;而民眾亦應瞭解新公共服務的意涵,提昇自己的公民性格及民主素養,學習尊重別人並為他人服務,積極參與公共事務並承擔社會責任,為公民社會的建立共同努力。 / In 2000, Denhardt and Denhardt unveiled their theory of the new public service to give out such concepts as trust and cooperation, public interest, serving and sharing. They stress the government should change its role from steering to serving, pay attention to civil society and public interest, and lay emphasis upon its communication with communities, so as to boost the importance and value of public service and assert the democracy of public administration and the core value of citizenship and public interest. For the sake, in addition to serve people, the government nowadays should also pay attention to human dignity and encourage democratic participation and civil spirit, while public administrators should reconsider the meaning of service and what knowledge, attitude and values they should learn as a public administrator. Meanwhile, they should establish institutions for democratic participations and democratic rule and find ways for people to establish a civil society through participation in public affairs and expression of personal opinions to pursue the cause of fairness, justice and humanistic concerns. Since district offices are grass-root service unit for Taipei Municipal Government, finding how they offer public service, steer people to participate in public affairs and help establish a civil society is essential. So, focusing on the new public service, the Study managed to establish the links between the new public service, civil society and district offices of Taipei Government by reviewing and taking up the literature available. Furthermore, by means of participant observation and in-depth interview, the Study has succeeded in collecting data about district office staff, li heads, representatives of social group and district residents’ knowledge and views of public service and citizen participation, and interactions between district offices, the general public, communities and social groups. The purpose is to offer ideas to government institutions, government employees, and citizens in general with respect to public service, citizen participation and the establishment of a civil society. As a result, the Study found that the district offices’ efforts at boosting the quality of public service has been approved by the people while obtaining lots of help from many sources in the society for their cooperation program between public and private units. But, on the other hand, though lots of opportunities were offered by Taipei Government and its district offices for people to participate in public affairs, their participation willingness is still be desired and their civil identity is still to be cultivated. So, the Study suggested the government institutions to render their service more positively, boost their policy and activities introduction, bear their responsibilities for civil education, establish long-term partnership with civil groups, enforce rotation system, and establish channels for inside participation so as to encourage the employees at due course. It is expected that government employees will heed the spirit of the new public service and make their career a life-time devotion and public service their cause. They should also examine their jobs critically and try to better themselves so as to solve their problems and pressure with more wisdom while facing future challenge with their readiness to service and enthusiasm. On the part of the citizens, they should learn to understand the meaning of the new public service, uplift their citizen character and breeding, respect others and render service to others, take part in public affairs positively and shoulder their own social responsibility so as to establish a civil society through mutual efforts.

政策趨同?全球「電子化政府」與「電子民主參與」的發展分析 / Policy convergence?: Understanding the global development of E-government and E-participation

李仲彬, Lee, Chung Pin Unknown Date (has links)
在資訊化與全球化的浪潮之下,政府間的政策趨同(policy convergence)現象,在學術界或是實務界都已有頗多討論。理論上,此議題是比較公共政策的延伸,與政策學習、政策擴散等概念有密不可分的關係;實務上,更是政策過程重要的假定基礎,唯目前學界對於趨同現象的發展仍有許多爭議。本論文主要目的是以政府業務電子化發展為個案,回應資訊化與全球化將提升國家間政策趨同可能性的觀點;並進一步透過個案分析,建構影響政府電子化發展的解釋模型。研究提問首先是政府業務電子化的全球發展,是否產生同型化主義、科技決定論所預測的政策趨同現象?其次是什麼因素影響電子化政府與電子民主參與的發展?為了回答以上研究提問,本論文分析聯合國2003-2005年,以及布朗大學2003-2008年的電子化政府成效調查資料。 研究結果顯示,即使多數文獻認為電子化已成為全球的發展趨勢,並且建構出許多發展階段模型,但資料顯示,全球電子化政府與電子民主參與發展,呈現出「國家間彼此差異擴大,只有部分國家持續往政策理想點移動」的現象。以政策趨同的概念來說,電子化發展成效沒有σ或δ型態的趨同;此外,在發展路徑上,電子化的發展類型沒有一定的規則可循,有些國家先著重線上交易互動,有些先著重電子民主參與,發展路徑多元。此外,透過2003-2005年度的定群資料分析,與2005年資料的分量迴歸分析,包含網路應用程度、全球化程度、人力資本指數、自由程度、相鄰國家發展程度、國民生產毛額..等,都與電子化成效有正向的顯著關係。網路應用程度越高電子化政府發展越好,在專制獨裁型國家的影響效果高於總統制國家;全球化程度越高電子化發展越好,尤其在剛開始發展電子化的國家中。電子化民主參與方面,自由程度是電子化民主參與能否從低階發展到進階的重要因素;網路應用程度與人力資本指數,對高度電子民主參與發展的國家而言是重要的影響因素;相鄰國家的成績越好,發展電子化的動機越強,且影響力量隨著電子化發展成效的上升而加強;最後,經濟條件所產生的影響集中在那些剛開始發展電子化的國家中。在方案的選擇上,影響國家是否優先發展電子民主參與的因素來自於內外在的需求,全球化的程度越高,「電子化政府」就越不可能被忽略,議會制是最不可能優先發展電子民主參與的政體。 本論文基於政策趨同並未發生在電子化個案中的研究發現,主張即使在全球化的架構下,政策趨同的思維有重新界定與分析的必要。在實務上,本論文建議各國政府放棄追求一體適用的全球性架構,停止國際名次的追求,建構以地方為中心、使用者為導向的電子化措施。整體而言,本論文的貢獻為全球化與資訊化環境底下的政策發展理論,提供了新的實證資料與解釋,也對長期以來科技決定論與社會科技主義兩者平衡提供了一個穩固的基礎。 / Both e-government and e-participation have been recognized as worldwide trends. Many studies offer e-government development models that are based on intellectual speculation rather than data from empirical observation. This research argues that both e-government and e-participation are not only incorrectly dominated by technology determinism, but also misuse the global policy convergence assumption. Although the cross-national policy convergence is an established issue in comparative research, its academic popularity has not resulted in a general consensus. Whether societies become more and more alike, implement similar policies, or pursue the same policy goal is still an unanswered question. By analyzing the United Nation's 2003-2005 e-government index and Brown University's 2003-2008 e-government survey data, this paper aims to achieve two goals: the first is to analyze the development path of global e-government and e-participation, and to answer the question whether global e-government and e-participation performance have converged on the ideal policy point; the second is to construct e-government and e-participation performance models for different types of regimes. The findings show that there is no sigma convergence which means the difference of performances among countries is decreasing over time, and there is also no delta convergence which means all counties are pursing the same ideal point. Regarding the development path, only a few counties converge on (abide by) the theoretical speculation. The findings of the second research question show that the competition pressure from the neighboring countries, the degree of globalization, human capital index, freedom index, the percentage of internet users, and GDP all have positive associations with e-government and e-participation performance. It is also interesting to note that there are some important differences noticed in the different stages of the conditional distribution of e-government and e-participation. While the effect of competition pressure is not significant for all countries, the results show that it is significant for countries classified as highly developed. The freedom degree has a positive significant effect on countries that have developed higher e-participation and shows no association with countries that are less developed in the area of e-participation. The competition pressure has a higher effect on a presidential system than a parliamentary system and the degree of globalization produce higher pressure on a parliamentary system than on a presidential system. A key factor for the early development of e-participation is citizen needs, but for the further maintenance of e-participation, this factor must be coupled with the degree of societal freedom. In conclusion, this research argues that both e-government and e-participation development do not have a generally agreed upon global framework. Taiwan should focus on local citizens needs; give up the pursuit of the title of world leader; and rebuild the e- policy vision.

群眾外包平台的服務參與良性循環之研究 / A Study of Virtuous Cycle of Service Participation on Crowdsourcing Platforms

李欣穎, Lee, Agnes H.Y. Unknown Date (has links)
隨著資通訊的快速發展,使得我們進入一個雲端、社群以及行動的時代,人們利用網際網路便捷的特性,創建各式平台,有效地把大家串聯在一起,從個人、企業、社區、政府到國家。近年來,不論學界或業界人們大量運用群眾外包這個概念,在網路上展開平台革命,用更有彈性的方式來解決各種問題和完成任何事情。然而這種靠著群眾力量而運作的平台,除了現有的外在技術環境(科技)以及引人入勝的產品服務(核心價值),更重要的是有快速應變的配套措施(策略佈局與操作機制),才能夠促使群眾外包平台不斷地隨著人流的成長,產生豐富的資訊流,進而帶動金流,讓平台得以持續壯大。 本研究的主要目的是探索與了解成功的群眾外包平台的經營,如何誘發和刺激群眾外包平台上產品服務提供者(供給方)以及產品服務要求者(需求方)的使用動機,使得該平台能夠維持有一個良好的運作循環、持續成長茁壯。本研究採用質性個案研究,透過少數的文獻和大量的網路、報章、媒體等個案資料,分為兩個階段進行研究。第一階段,根據蒐集的資料,(一)我們建立四種類型的群眾外包平台:資訊型、勞務型、線上和線下型、創造型;(二)找出使用者的平台服務參與之動機與平台供需平衡的經營管理之關鍵因素和概念架構圖。第二階段,我們鎖定四家在台灣的勞務型群眾外包平台,進行專家訪談,透過訪談來驗證並修改使用者平台服務參與之動機和平台良性循環之關鍵因素,更深入地了解(一)群眾外包平台上的供給者多受到內在動機的刺激,而要求者則多受到外在動機的刺激在平台上有服務參與的行為;(二)確認在經營群眾外包平台事,平台受到技術環境、策略佈局和操作機制等三個層面的多個關鍵因素影響,要讓平台朝向良好的正向運作循環經營下去,這三個重要層面的相關的關鍵因素是值得去注意和加強的。簡而言之,透過本研究,能夠幫助學界和業界的群眾外包平台的經營者都更進一步了解群眾外包平台及其成功經營的做法。 / Crowdsourcing is a phenomenon that is receiving attention both inside and outside of academia. With the rapid development of ICT and the prevalence of the Internet, the crowdsourcing platform business model has had a dynamic impact on the market. Crowdsourcing offers a good transactional environment in which to fulfill people’s needs and wants, seizing values from products and/or services that are provided and/or requested in more flexible ways to solve problems and accomplish virtually anything in recent years. However, it is important to understand why participants (on both the supply and demand sides) join platforms to provide and request products and/or services. In addition, the operation of such platforms using the power of crowds includes three dimensions – technology assistance, strategy deployment, and operational mechanisms – to constantly attract and balance the flow of crowds, to generate information flows, and to stimulate the cash flows that allow the platform to continue to grow. The objectives of this research are as follows: (1) to explore what drives people to deliver and capture values by providing and requesting products or services on crowdsourcing platforms and (2) to investigate how to manage a successful crowdsourcing platform by motivating their virtuous cycles. This is a qualitative multiple case study. There are two phases to this research. First, based on information gathered across industries and academia, we categorized crowdsourcing platforms into four major types: Information, Labor, Online plus Offline (OplusO), and Creation. We then revealed platform participants’ motivations for service participation and developed a conceptual framework to manage a virtuous cycle of service participation on crowdsourcing platforms. Second, we focused on Labor crowdsourcing platforms in Taiwan by conducting expert interviews to verify and revise our results from the first phase. This research provides a broader view of crowdsourcing platforms and their types in academia. Providers are typically motivated more by intrinsic motivations (autonomy, safety, and trust), whereas requestors are motivated by extrinsic motivations (such as finding practical (alternative) solutions, building reputation, and creating monetary wealth) in the crowdsourcing platform context. Moreover, this research provides practitioners with realistic management references in the technology, strategy, and operational dimensions to ready the platform and to meet the demand in the market. Technology is at the beginning of adopting crowdsourcing platforms and should be scalable. Scalability of the crowdsourcing platform involves constructing an ecosystem for a good transactional environment that facilitates growth, such that strategy deployment and operational mechanisms play important roles to support.

兒童教育成就之研究:幼兒就學準備度之觀點 / Children's Educational Achievements:The Perspective of School Readiness

李晨帆 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在以回溯方式瞭解兒童過去的幼兒園經驗、家庭背景因素與兒童教育成就及其幼兒就學準備度之相關情形,並更進一步探討就學準備度對於目前學童在教育成就表現上的影響 本研究以問卷調查法進行研究,問卷調查樣本以立意取樣的方式選取臺北市文山區、萬華區與信義區之公立小學三年級兒童為研究對象,共387位,樣本回收162份,回收率為42%,可用樣本為133份,可用率為34%。研究工具主要分為三大部分,第一部分為瞭解兒童教育成就現況,分別使用兒童小三上學業成績與生活適應能力表現(自評問卷)做為替代指標;第二部份則以家長問卷的方式瞭解兒童個人與家庭背景現況;第三部份為蒐集兒童過去幼兒就學準備度的表現,使用兒童在小一上學期五個學習領域之成績做為替代指標。本研究所使用的統計方法包含描述性統計分析、交叉表(Crosstabs)與卡方檢定(Chi-square test)、皮爾森積差相關(Pearson’s product -moment correlation)、斯皮爾曼等級相關(Spearman's rank correlation)、t考驗(t- test)與多元階層迴歸分析(Multiple hierarchical regression analysis)方法進行分析。 根據分析結果歸納之結論如下: 一、過去就讀公私立幼兒園的兒童在教育成就表現上無顯著差異;二、就讀幼兒園年數與兒童教育成就無顯著相關;三、家庭社經地位與兒童學業成績有顯著正相關,與兒童生活適應能力則無顯著相關;四、小學時期家長參與與兒童教育無顯著相關情形,幼兒時期家長參與與兒童學業成績有顯著正相關,與兒童生活適應能力則無顯著相關;五、兒童教育成就與幼兒就學準備度有顯著正相關;六、「母親教育程度」、「幼兒就學準備度」與「生活適應能力」對兒童學業成績有顯著預測力,「學業成績」對兒童生活適應能力有顯著預測力;七、過去就讀公、私立幼兒園的兒童在幼兒就學準備度上無顯著差異;八、就讀幼兒園年數與幼兒就學準備度無顯著相關;九、家庭每月總收入與幼兒就學準備度有顯著正相關;十、幼兒時期家長參與與幼兒就學準備度有顯著正相關。 最後,本研究根據分析結果,俾供相關建議給家長、教育工作者、教育單位及未來欲從事相同主題之研究者。 / The main purpose of this study is to investigate children’s experience in kindergarten, their family’s background, educational achievements and school readiness by ex-post-factor research. This study tries to explore the relationship between children’s educational achievements and school readiness. By questionnaires investigation, researcher collects data from the third grade students in Wenshan, Wanhua, and Xinyi district in Taipei City. Out of 387 questionnaires handed out, 162 were returned, of which 29 were invalid or partially answered, resulting in a total of 133 effective surveys. There are three questionnaires in this study, including children’s educational achievements, parents’ socioeconomic background, and school readiness. Data were analyzed by descriptive analysis, Crosstabs, Chi-square test, Pearson’s product -moment correlation, Spearman's rank correlation, t- test, and multiple hierarchical regression analysis. Based on the statistics analysis of the questionnaire, the results of this study are as follow: A. There is no significant difference towards children’s educational achievements between public and private kindergarten. B. There is no significant correlation between children’s school year in kindergarten and children’s educational achievements. C. There is a significant and positive correlation between parent’s socioeconomic status and children’s academic achievement. D. There is a significant and positive correlation between parents’ participation in early childhood and children’s academic achievement. E. There is a significant and positive correlation between children’s educational achievements and school readiness. F. Mother’s education level, school readiness, and the ability of life adaptation are appropriate indicators in predicting children’s academic achievement. G. Children’s academic achievement is an appropriate indicator in predicting children’s ability of life adaptation. H. There is no significant difference towards school readiness between public and private kindergarten. I. There is no significant correlation between children’s school year in kindergarten and school readiness. J. There is a significant and positive correlation between family’s income and school readiness. K. There is a significant and positive correlation between parents’ participation in early childhood and school readiness.

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