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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ska vila på vetenskaplig grund... : En studie om lärares förutsättningar för vidareutbildning / Based upon disciplinary foundation... : A study on teachers’ prerequisite for continuing professional development (CPD)

Tham, Jakob January 2013 (has links)
In Based upon disciplinary foundation... – A study on teachers’ prerequisite for continuing pro- fessional development (CPD) I have examined the prerequisites that teachers in Nacka have for CPD, due to the new school law that states that all teaching must be based upon disciplinary foundation and proven experience. According to a recently published governmental report, as well as international research, not only structural aspects like time and financial compensation are crucial to whether teachers continue their development. Encouragement from the principal and colleagues are also a contributing factor; and not to mention those factors combined. There is a world wide shared consensus among educational researchers claiming that one very important piece in creating a successful school is having a well-educated and updated staff. By embracing that idea, in our new school law, there must also exist a platform where that idea can be implemented. The aim of this study is to find out to what extent teachers in Nacka are given prerequisites for continuing professional development, in other words carry out their assignment according to the law. This study is based upon two questionnaires sent to all primary school teachers in Nacka and their principals. What are the structural prerequisites that teachers in Nacka are given for CPD? Does principals encourage their staff to further CPD? Are their any local or regional plans regarding CPD? Do the teachers’ and the principals’ respective views regarding prerequisites for CPD correlate? The study showed that even though teachers and principals had similar views of the different prerequisites, principals did rate their strategies more positive than teachers valued them. It turned out that only one principal had a plan for how to make his or her teachers to continue their development. Maybe the teachers were not aware of their prerequisites; perhaps the principals overrated their offers. But what was clearly shown is that there is a lack of communication between the teachers and principals.

Kurbits-ReBoot : svensk folksång i ny scenisk gestaltning

Rosenberg, Susanne January 2013 (has links)
This artistic research project is an explorative study in new forms of expression of Swedish folk singing in a scenic context, exploring expressive qualities in traditional Swedish folk song from the point of view of the folk singer as a creative performer. The fundamental research question is how, in a scenic context, can space be given to what is a characteristic quality of traditional folk song, namely creative interpretation in the moment, through variation and improvisation using the song as a concept rather than a fixed work. How can this view be expressed in a staged concert form that enhances the perception of the music being created in the moment? How can the aesthetic qua- lities and forms of variation and improvisation that are inherent to traditional folk singing be explored?The artistic exploration has been performed through five productions/projects, each one with its own specific theme: ReBoot/OmStart – en folksångperformance, Kurbits-Koral, The Spirit of the Moment – en musikhändelse, Getens horn – en musikskapelse, Voice Space – Röstrymd, Kulning – en utsmyckning av oändligheten. The thesis focuses on two aspects of the knowledge that has been developed in the artistic work, namely the processes for creating the work and the artistic concepts used to explore the question artistically.In ReBoot/OmStart the subtle forms of variation typical of traditional Swedish folk singing are explored within the frame of a concert consisting of one continuous set, a folk song performance. In this work principles of varia- tion for music and lyrics that are typical for Swedish traditional folk singing are explored, as well as new concepts for associative variation in the performance. This includes improvised combinations of different melodies as well as utilizing the frame story of a ballad as the ground for the performance rather than a specific ballad text.Kurbits-Koral has been inspired by traditional folk hymns, historical evidence of traditional folk hymn sing- ing, by the role of sacred folk song in traditional contexts and from folk polyphony. It can be viewed as a prac- tical exploration of the dimension of polyphony – monophony in folk vocal performance. This concert-perfor- mance also explores a form for interactive performance where the boundary between the audience/auditorium and the artists/stage is challenged, based upon the idea that the audience and the artists are jointly involved in a musical ritual or story-telling – the concert as a musical happening.Getens horn is an ensemble performance of entirely original music, which uses the form of an associative musi- cal narration in a scenic context that was developed in the previous concert projects. The lyrics of the songs ori- ginate from traditional and new stories about creation, how everything came about. It can be viewed as a musical saga, but not in the sense of a coherent literary narrative, rather as a musical narration, an associative web.In Voice Space traditional folk singing meets live electronics in a scenic space, where the interplay between live electronics and voice/instruments creates the possibility for an associative musical narration, a Voice Space. Can the fixed, static nature of a loop pedal and the flexibility of traditional folk singing voice introduce a creative tension? Voice Space can be regarded as a playful exploration of illusions and expectations within dimensions such as space, polyphony-monophony and improvisation-composition.Kulning explores the pedagogical and artistic applications of kulning as a vocal expression, in terms of style and vocal technique. How can the art of kulning as a form for vocal and artistic expression be explored pedago- gically, from a performance perspective?The result of this doctoral project consists first and foremost of the individual works, as documented in recordings/films, a book and in ‘musical scripts’, but also of the creative methods and artistic musical concepts that have been revealed by reflective analyses documented in the written thesis. In particular, concepts and methods stimulating improvisation, variation, presence and creation in the performance have been explored, from the point of view of the song as a concept and the folk singer as a creative performer. The written thesis can be regarded complementary to the performances, and is in itself an analysis of artistic processes, methods and concepts, placed in a theoretical framework relating to concepts such as orality-literacy, performance, flow and artistic expression.

Förstföderskors perspektiv på förlossningsskador och fysioterapeutens roll i förlossningsvården. / Primapara ́s perspectives of delivery impairments and the physiotherapists place in obstetric health care.

Hagberg, Jennifer January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: I Sverige är det vanligt att drabbas av förlossningsskada framförallt för förstföderskor. Allvarliga bristningar kan leda till lidande på lång och kort sikt som smärta, sexuell dysfunktion, sänkt livskvalitet, inkontinens och psykiskt lidande. Syf- tet med magisteruppsatsen var att undersöka och beskriva förstföderskors perspektiv på förlossningsskador och deras tankar om fysioterapins plats i förlossningsvården vad gäller förebyggande av förlossningsskador och deras egna önskemål om yrkets behjälplighet i ämnet. Metod: En deskriptiv kvalitativ fokusgruppsintervju genomför- des med semi-strukturerade frågor. Förstagångsgravida kvinnor 18-46 år gamla, bo- satta i Sverige, svensktalande, ej uttalad förlossningsrädsla, ej förlöst dödfött barn, i trimeter två eller tre inkluderades från en Facebook-annons med bekvämlighetsurval. Fyra förstagångsgravida inkluderades i fokusgruppen. Intervjun hölls med Skype som videokonferens och transkriberades sedan. Grundad teori användes för att analysera datan. Resultat: Huvudtemat som uppstod var; Tilltro till svensk förlossningsvård trots nya erfarenheter och bristande information. Ur data-analysen framkom även fem underkategorier; Från oro/rädsla till pepp och informationssökande, Källan och typ av information påverkar sannolikheten att till sin den, Egen hälsa riskeras nedprioriteras, Kommunikation ger tillit och minskad oro/rädsla, Fysioterapeuter besitter viktig kun- skap som bör ges till samtliga gravida. Konklusion: slutsatsen kan dras att hos delta- garna i fokusgruppen finns en tilltro till förlossningsvården men även utrymme till förbättrad information vad gäller förebyggande och behandling av förlossningsskador samt att de önskar fysioterapi som en del i förlossningsvården. / Background: In Sweden it is common with delivery damage to the pelvic floor especially for primiparous women. It variates throughout the country when it comes to risk in percentage of severe damage, grade 3-4. Such impairments can lead to suffering in both short term but also long term perspective as pain, sexual dysfunction, decreased quality of life, mental disorder and incontinence. The aim with this master first year thesis was to explore and describe primapara ́s perspective on delivery impairments on the pelvic floor during vaginal child birth. Also to seek understanding of their thoughts regarding physiotherapy in obstetric healthcare and how a physiotherapists knowledge and skills could be helpful in preventing delivery damage and further how the occupation could fit their ideas and wishes in the field. Method: With a qualitative approach data were collected through a focus group interview via Skype video-conference. Result: Four primaparas were conducted through Facebook recruitment and included in the focus group interview. The main theme that appeared through data analyses were; Credence in Swedish obstetric health care despite new experiences and lack of information. Through analysis five subcategories came through; From anxiety/fear to pep and seeking information, The Source and type of information affects likelihood of receiving it, One ́s own health risks getting a reduced priority, Communication provides confidence and reduces anxiety/fear, Physiotherapists posses important knowledge that should be given to all pregnant women. Conclusion can be drawn that in the participants of the focus group there is confidence in childbirth care but also space to experience better information and that they wish for physio- therapy as being part of obstetric health care.

Med föremål som källa : En textilhistorikers perspektiv på mötet mellan praktisk kunskap och Material Culture Studies

Pallin, Karolina January 2017 (has links)
The interest for doing this study is developed during my time as a student in textile history atUppsala university, Sweden. Textile history, as it is taught in Uppsala, uses both practical andtheoretical knowledge as a base for analysing, understanding and interpreting, textiles as sourcematerial in research. As a student in textile history I have sometimes experienced a lack ofunderstanding for the position it takes in the academic field, both from people within the textilehistorical field and from the outside. In this study, I take the opportunity to explore this position.I understand textile history research as a field in between the practical and theoretical.Knowledge in craft are used as a base for understanding source material, but are then oftenconnected to the theoretical framework of Material culture studies (MCS) for interpretation.But, even though this is an often-used theory, the problems of finding relevant texts and frame-works are difficult.By generating a grounded theory about the field of craft- and practical research in Swe-den, and then moving on to see what kind of literature the field of MCS can offer, I discuss theposition that textile historical research take between them. The generated theory shows that themain concern in the field of practical research are the aim to be an accepted part of the academy.The analysis of the literature in the field of MCS shows that the areas of technology and materialsciences need tools to understand the human aspect of production. From this I conclude thattextile history, as a field that is already part of creating a meeting between practical researchand MCS, could well take up the position to write its own theories. Theories grounded in prac-tical knowledge, but as a part of the field of MCS. Doing that would be of gain for both fields,and for the textile historians inhabiting and creating a meeting in between the fields.

Pokémon Go - En ny syn på aktivitet

Löfgren, Louise, Perdomo de Pietro, Martina January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva barn och föräldrars upplevelse av att spela PokémonGo, samt att redogöra vilka komponenter som motiverar till fysisk aktivitet. Genom enkvalitativ metod med latent ansats utfördes fyra stycken intervjuer med hälsopromotion ifokus. Urvalet av informanter varierade i ålder 7-12 år och var av båda könen samt minst endeltagande förälder. Dataanalysen tillät oss att göra en latent tolkning genom eninnehållsanalys vilket resulterade i följande huvudtema: Pokémon Go bidrar till ökad fysiskaktivitet samt gemenskap med vänner och familj. Resultatet visade att informanterna genomPokémon Go skapat en ny attityd gentemot fysisk aktivitet och att Pokémon Go som appöppnat upp möjligheten till gemenskap och att fysisk aktivitet är roligt. Vi hoppas att meddenna studie kunna bidra till framtida forskning för att integrera interaktiva appar såsomPokémon Go som visat positiva effekter på ungas fysiska aktivitet och hälsa. / The purpose of this study is to describe children and parents experience of playing PokémonGo, as well as explaining what components motivate to physical activity. Through aqualitative approach, four interviews were conducted with health promotion in focus. Theselection of informants varied between the ages of 7-12 and was of both sexes and at least oneparent. Data analysis allowed us to make a latent interpretation through a content analysiswhich resulted in the following main themes: Pokémon Go contributes to increased physicalactivity and community with friends and family. The result showed that the Pokémon Goinformants created a new attitude towards physical activity and that Pokémon Go as appopened up the possibility of community and physical activity is fun. We hope that this studywill contribute to future research to integrate interactive apps such as Pokémon Go, whichshowed positive effects on young people's physical activity and health.

Bildterapi – en väg till inre förändring och förbättrad hälsa

Holmqvist, Gärd January 2018 (has links)
Avhandlingens övergripande syfte var att undersöka bildterapins möjlighet att bidra till inre förändring och förbättrad hälsa hos individen. Med inre förändring avses en strukturell och varaktig förändring som sker på ett psykologiskt djupare plan, till skillnad mot en yttre och mer tillfällig förändring. Den bildterapeutiska behandlingen bygger på en kombination av bildskapande och olika grad av reflekterande, bearbetande samtal. En triangulär relation, patient – bild – terapeut, är det som på ett avgörande sätt skiljer bildterapi från andra verbala behandlingsmetoder. Avhandlingens design var främst kvalitativ, med undantag för delstudie I som var en review. I delstudie I granskades studier om bildterapi för tre olika patientgrupper. En kvalitetsbedömning genomfördes med två olika system för evidens. I delstudie II djupintervjuades kvinnor om upplevelser av inre förändring och om den visat sig i utvalda målade bilder. Intervjuerna analyserades med deduktiv och induktiv innehållsanalys. I delstudie III ställdes via e-post två öppna enkätfrågor till bildterapeuter om vad de uppfattade som en inre förändring hos patienten. Data analyserades med tematisk analys. I delstudie IV genomfördes en sekundäranalys av intervjuerna från delstudie II. Utifrån ett teoretiskt perspektiv undersöktes förekomst av vitalitetsaffekter och grundaffekter samt deras betydelse för inre förändring. En deduktiv innehållsanalys genomfördes. I avhandlingen beskrivs inre förändring och förbättrad hälsa ur tre olika perspektiv; en grupp kvinnliga patienters upplevelser, en grupp bildterapeuters uppfattningar samt ur ett teoretiskt perspektiv. Resultatet visar att bildterapi kan bidra till en varaktig inre förändring som innebär identitetsförändring, förändrat beteende och förbättrad hälsa. Kvinnor som inte upplevt en inre förändring fann att bildterapin var ett stöd i vardagen. Existentiella frågor om meningen med livet var centrala både i kvinnornas och i bildterapeuternas utsagor. Resultatet visar att den terapeutiska alliansen och förmågan att utveckla en reflektiv distans till bilden är avgörande för om en individuell inre förändring är möjlig. Vidare är det viktigt med ett utforskande förhållningssätt och samtal om bildens betydelse för att en inre förändring skall kunna ske. En bildterapeutisk förändringsprocess innehåller vitalitetsaffekter och grundaffekter. Den leder till ökad insikt och medvetenhet om känslor. Den förbättrar självbilden, ökar autenticitet och autonomi, samt ger vidgade perspektiv. Avhandlingen bidrar till ökad kunskap om inre förändring och förbättrad hälsa genom behandling med bildterapi. Genom att beskriva och visa på att inre förändringar sker, beskriva vad i terapin som upplevs och bedöms som en inre förändring och att bekräfta inre förändring utifrån bakomliggande teorier, kan avhandlingen bidra till att avmystifiera den konstnärsmyt som ofta omger bildterapin och göra den mer förklarbar. Avhandlingen kan bidra till förbättrad kommunikationen mellan bildterapeuter och vårdgivare avseende metodens möjligheter och begränsningar. Vården kan därigenom överväga att använda bildterapi både som ett komplement eller ett alternativ till annan behandling. / The overall aim of the dissertation was to investigate the ability of art therapy to contribute to inner change and improved health in the individual. Inner change refers to a structural and lasting change that occurs on a psychologically deeper level, as opposed to an external and more temporary change. Art therapy treatment is based on a combination of image creation and a different degree of reflective, processing dialogue. Art therapy is distinguished from other verbal therapies by a triangular relationship, patient – image – art therapist. The thesis design was primarily qualitative, except for study I, which was a review. Study I involved examination of studies of art therapy for three different patient groups. A quality assessment was carried out using two different evidence systems. In study II, interviews were carried out with women about their experiences of inner change and whether these were exhibited in selected painted images. The interviews were analysed using deductive and inductive content analysis. In study III, two open questions were sent to art therapists about what they perceived as an inner change in the patient. Data was analysed using thematic analysis. Study IV entailed a secondary analysis of the interviews from study II. Based on a theoretical perspective, the occurrence of vitality affects and basic affects and their importance for inner change were investigated. A deductive content analysis was conducted. This thesis describes inner change and improved health from three different perspectives: a group of female patients, a group of art therapists and a theoretical perspective. The results show that art therapy can contribute to a lasting inner change that involves identity change, changed behavior and improved health. Women who did not experience an inner change found that art therapy provided support in everyday life. Existential questions about the meaning of life were central to both the women's and the art therapists’ statements. The results show that therapeutic alliance, attachment and the ability to develop a reflective distance to the image is crucial to whether an individual inner change is possible. Furthermore, an exploratory approach and reflective dialogue about the importance of the image is important for an internal change to occur. An art therapeutic process of change contains vitality affects and basic affects. It leads to increased insight and awareness of feelings. It improves self-esteem, increases authenticity and autonomy, and provides widening perspectives. The thesis contributes to increased knowledge of inner change and improved health through treatment with art therapy. By showing that inner change occurs, describing what, is experienced and perceived as inner change, and by confirming inner change by theories, the thesis may demystify the myth of artistry that often surrounds art therapy and make it clearer. The thesis may contribute to improved communication between art therapists and caregivers with regard to the method’s possibilities and limitations. Caregivers can therefore consider using art therapy as a complement or as an alternative to other treatments.

Patterns of corporate visual selfrepresentation in accounting narratives

Eriksson, Emelie January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation deals with firms’ visual and pre-visual self-representations in accounting narratives. Self-representations are those descriptions about the company that firms include in accounting narratives to convey the current standings and their identity. External stakeholders increasingly expect non-numerical information about firms to be disclosed, and accounting narratives are a key medium for firms to account for their activities and maintain legitimacy as social actors. The question of which reporting conventions exist for legitimating selfrepresentations, especially from a visual perspective, remains unexplored. The purpose of this study is therefore to explore the empirical phenomenon of self-representations in accounting narratives in relation to legitimation rhetoric. The study is based on three research papers dealing with different patterns of self-representations in accounting-related narratives, including corporate reporting and business model diagrams. The examples are viewed through the theoretical lenses of semiotics and institutional theory, particularly legitimation theory. The study combines visual methods (visual content analysis and visual taxonomy) with other methods (interviews, text analysis) to conceptualize and exemplify what is meant by self-representations in accounting narratives. The study finds that there may be multiple parallel pre-visual self-representations at play to influence representations of the self, that visual self-representations are becoming more common in accounting narratives, and that several rhetorical strategies for legitimation are observable in these representations. By showing how diagrams can serve a legitimating purpose in accounting narratives, it is argued that diagrams should be considered on par with graphs and photographs as visual rhetorical devices in accounting narratives, and that they could be used as key communicative elements in the accounting process. Second, based on the longitudinal and comparative examples of self-representations, it is suggested that self-representations increasingly refer to abstract rather than concrete referents. This change is discussed in terms of the increasingly digital and service-based knowledge economy, where material referents give way to “amaterial” values. The contribution of this study is to describe selfrepresentations through several empirical examples, and to thereby increase awareness among practitioners and researchers of how visuals serve as communicative resources with legitimating functions in accounting narratives. Four concepts are proposed as tools for explaining the observed developments, and for improving visual literacy with regard to accounting narratives: inclusive perspective on accounting narratives, amateriality, self-representation, and diagrams. / Denna licentiatavhandling handlar om företags visuella och ”för-visuella” själv-representationer i kontexten redovisning. Till självrepresentationer hör de beskrivningar som företaget inkluderar i sin externt rapporterade information för att förmedla dess ställning och identitet. Externa intressenter förväntar sig i ökande utsträckning att även icke-numerisk information redovisas av företaget, vilket gör denna typ av externt rapporterade information viktig för att redovisa aktiviteter och för företag att därigenom bibehålla legitimitet som sociala aktörer. Frågan om vilka rapporteringskonventioner som finns kring företags självrepresentationer är i dagsläget inte utforskad. Syftet med denna studie är därför att undersöka det empiriska fenomenet självrepresentationer i kontexten redovisning kopplat till perspektivet legitimeringsretorik. Studien baserar sig på tre forskningsartiklar som behandlar olika empiriska exempel och mönster av självrepresentationer, exempelvis affärsmodellsdiagram. Dessa betraktas utifrån de teoretiska linserna semiotik och institutionell teori, speciellt legitimeringsteori. Studien kombinerar visuella metoder (visuell innehållsanalys och visuell taxonomi) med andra metoder (intervjuer och textanalys) för att konceptualisera och exemplifiera vad som menas med självrepresentation i kontexten redovisning. Studien finner att det kan förekomma många parallella för-visuella självrepresentationer som påverkar företags självuppfattning, att visuella självrepresentationer blir alltmer vanliga i företags externt publicerade information, och att flera retoriska legitimeringsstrategier förekommer i det undersökta materialet. Genom att visa hur diagram används som kommunikationsresurs så argumenterar studien för att fortsatt forskning behövs för att undersöka hur diagram, likt mer utforskade visuella format såsom grafer och fotografier, bidrar till företags legitimeringsretorik i externt publicerad redovisningskommunikation, samt att diagram kan fungera som viktiga resurser för självrepresentation i företags redovisningsprocess. Dessutom föreslås, baserat på longitudinella och jämförande exempel, att självrepresentationer i ökande grad relaterar till abstrakta snarare än konkreta referenter. Denna förändring diskuteras i termer av en alltmer digital och tjänstebaserad kunskapsekonomi, där materiella referenter överges till förmån för ”amateriella” värden. Studiens bidrag är att beskriva själv-representationer genom flera empiriska exempel, och att därmed öka medvetenheten hos praktiker och forskare om hur visuella format kan tjäna legitimeringssyften i kontexten redovisning. Baserat på studiens analys och resonemang lyfts fyra begrepp fram för att förklara den observerade utvecklingen, samt för att bidra till att förbättra praktikers såväl som forskares ”visuella läskunnighet”: ett inkluderande perspektiv på externt publicerad information, amaterialitet, självrepresentation, och diagram.

Idén om ett jämlikt möte

Ekholm, Rebecka January 2020 (has links)
Denna essä är en del av ett projekt som utforskar verktyg och metoder för dokumentära berättelser om landsbygden, från ett perspektiv av en dokumentärfilmare utan tolkningsföreträde på platsen. Om maktstrukturer, fördomar, och plats som huvudkaraktär. Projektet består dels av den konstnärliga praktiken, och dels av filosofiska reflektioner på dessa ämnen, med en dokumentär kortfilm som utgångspunkt.

Orð Víkinganna. The level and scale of literacy in the Viking World : The cases of Birka and Sigtuna. / Orð Víkinganna. Läs - och skrivkunnighet (literacy) i vikingarnas värld : En fallstudie baserad på det arkeologiska materialet i de vikingatida städerna Birka och Sigtuna

Zacharopoulos, Themistoklis January 2021 (has links)
This thesis aims to study the level and scale of literacy as it expanded in Viking towns during the 8th-12th century. In order to get an understanding of this spread, I have worked with two case-studies of Viking towns, as they were founded and prospered during and by the end of the Viking Age in Sweden; the town of Birka located in Björkö Island in Lake Mälaren, and the town of Sigtuna located in the province of Uppland, in central Sweden. Through the study of selected archaeological material, this paper aims to bring together scattered information and shed light on what we know about the level and spread of literacy in Viking society. The purpose of this endeavour, is to question not only the notion of an illiterate pagan society that the Viking Age Scandinavians are considered to have been, but also question both the methodology in which the scholarly archaeological community studies literacy, as well as the way literacy itself is defined in the study of the ancient world. The paper includes a bibliographic and a material-studying approach, as well as a section where digital archaeological research methods are used with Geographical Information Systems (GIS) software in order to illustrate the level and scale of literary expansion in Viking Age Sweden. / <p>The proceedings of the Thesis defence were undertaken in the form of a web meeting via Zoom, in accordance to the local restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic.</p>

Universell design för lärande : En aktionsstudie om lärares lärande / Universal Design for Learning : A Research-based Study about Teacher´s Learning

Mickelsson, Annelie January 2020 (has links)
Denna masteruppsats syftar till att bidra med kunskap om lärares lärande och undersöka deras användning av kulturella redskap i en aktionsstudie. I studien undersöks processen i ett arbetslag där universell design för lärande (UDL) presenteras och diskuteras som en möjlig stödstruktur för undervisningen i form av en aktionsstudie. Målet med den är att bidra med kunskapsbildning om hur undervisning kan planeras och utformas med hjälp av den systematik UDL bidrar till.  För att kunna besvara studiens frågeställningar genomfördes en aktionsstudie med tre lärare på en F–6 skola. Studien är genomförd med en kvalitativ metod där loggboksanteckningar från aktionsstudiens sessioner utgör en del av empirin, åtföljd av enskilda, reflekterande intervjuer. Deltagarna undervisade två klasser i ett tre–lärarskap på ett mellanstadium och diskuterade och reflekterade över texter och filmer om universell design för lärande (UDL) under sex sessioner.   Resultaten från aktionsstudien visar hur språket och kommunikationen förändrades under sessionerna, vilka möjligheter och hinder för implementeringen av UDL som identifierades och inställningen till forskningsbaserade arbetssätt utkristalliserades. Hur deltagarna använde sig av kulturella redskap i sitt eget lärande likväl som i sin undervisning framkommer också som ett resultat av denna studie. / This master thesis aims to contribute with knowledge about teachers´ learning and investigate their use of linguistic tools in an action research study. In this, where UDL is presented and discussed as a possible scaffolding structure, the process in a team of teachers at a middle school is investigated. The aim of the action research study is to create knowledge about how the systematic work with UDL can contribute to the planning and forming process of teaching.   In order to answer the research questions in the study, an action research study was conducted with three teachers at a middle school. The study is conducted with a qualitative method, in which field notes from the sessions in the action research study is one part followed by separate, reflective interviews with the participating teachers. The participating teachers were teaching in two classes in a grade at a middle school and have during six sessions discussed and reflected on texts and films about Universal Design for Learning (UDL).   The results from this action research study showed how the use of language and communication changed during the sessions, which possibilities and obstacles could be identified in implementing UDL and how the attitude towards research based approaches could be seen. How the participants used sociocultural tools in their own learning as well as in their teaching can also be seen as a result of this study.

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