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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

“Det är klart att jag blir upprörd!” : En kvalitativ studie om hur socialsekreterare hanterar egna och andras känslor i ärenden där det förekommer sexuella övergrepp mot barn. / ”Of course I’m upset!” : A qualitative study on how social service workers handle their own and others feelings in cases where sexual abuse of children occurs.

Rasmussen-Östman, Erika, Åhman, Vanessa January 2018 (has links)
This study aimed to gain an understanding of how social workers emotionally dealt with cases where there were suspicion or knowledge of sexual abuse of children occurring. This study was based on six qualitative interviews with social workers within child and youth units at social services in Stockholm County. The theoretical framework was Hochschild’s theory of emotional work. In accordance with previous research, our results showed that emotions in social work are extremely important and that children who have been exposed to sexual abuse cause a more emotional working environment. The social workers wanted to protect the children who had been abused. The results also showed that some form of specialist education should be compulsory required to work with children and to investigate their families and environment.

En sexualbrottslagstiftning byggd på frivillighet : Ett fullgott skydd för den sexuella självbestämmanderätten eller ett luftslott? / A sexual offence legislation based on consent : A sufficient protection of sexual autonomy or a castle in the air?

Jarblad, Simon January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Den förlorade barndomen : - en studie av sex tidigare fosterbarns upplevelser av vanvård vid placering i samhällsvård

Bergfors, Gisela, Cernvall, Anna January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study has been to describe and analyze how former foster children experienced foster care which have been filled with maltreatment and neglect and how this has influenced their adult life when it comes to health, education and relationships. We also wanted to study how the former foster children coped with their placement. Furthermore we wanted to study whether there has been any turningpoints during their growth. Finally we wanted to describe how the former foster children experienced the authorities control. To make the purpose of this study complete we chose to use qualitative interviews with six former foster children as our research method. When we analyzed the results we used developmentalpsychopathology, sense of coherence and earlier research. Our results shows that former foster children who have been maltreated and neglected in foster care have health problems, both mental and physical, they enter adolescence with low education and they have problems with close relationships. Our results also shows that former foster children who have been in foster care for a longer timer tend to have lower Sense of coherence. Furthermore our study shows that our interviewees are satisfied with their lives today.

Girls on the Verge of Exploding? : Voices on Sexual Abuse, Agency and Sexuality at a Youth Detention Home

Överlien, Carolina January 2004 (has links)
The present thesis investigates the dilemmas and difficulties the staff at a youth detention home encounter and struggle with when working with young women who are understood to be victims of sexual abuse. At the center of attention is talk about the problems of talking about sexual abuse and other difficult experiences. The overall aim in conducting the study was to open up an arena that has been neglected and little investigated - youth detention homes for girls and young women, by talking to staff and the young women at the detention homes, and talking about sexual abuse. Also in focus was the young women's own thinking about the body and sexuality. The findings are presented in five articles. The first article examines what discursive devices are employed when using the focus group method when talking to the young women in forced care. The study shows in what ways the focus groups is a fruitful method for studying marginalized young women and their views and thoughts about being young women today. The second article addressed the issue of how the staff form narratives of sexual abuse. Stories of sexual abuse were "power stories" as well as "work identity stories" and were considered to have the power to heal as well as the power to harm. The third article examines the process leading up to the definition of sexual abuse. The study is concerned with the process in which the staff members define whether or not a young woman has been a victim of sexual abuse. A determining factor was whether or not the act involved a person who was defined as a victim. A core issue was an evaluation of the credibility of the alleged abused girl and the degree of consent. The fourth article addresses the issue of how the staff and the young women at the detention home talk about sexuality. The article compares the different views of the staff and the young women and concludes that the staff talk about the young women as asexual children and as victims of sexual abuse, and the young women talk about themselves as having sexual agency. Finally, the fifth article shows how the young women talk abut childbearing and motherhood. The study shows that the issue of talking about sexual abuse and other difficult experiences is complex. The different views of how to talk about sexual abuse, whether to talk about sexual abuse, when to talk and to whom, as well as the question about whether there is a need to talk, makes the issue of talking about sexual abuse multi-layered and contradictory.

Våldsutsatta Äldre Kvinnor : Yrkesverksammas erfarenheter

Dani, Elisabeth, Strand, Emelie January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this qualitative study was to explore which inner conceptions about the abused older women the professional social workers had and how they experienced the enconter of an abused old woman in an intimate partner relation. The theoretical background is social construction by Berger and Luckmann. This theory was uset to analyze the transcribed interviews. This study is based on nine interviews with five professionals in social services, three volunteers from the voluntary sector and one social worker who worked in a community based support group for abused older women. The result of this study shows that older women were often abused, by a relative they were dependent on, in their home. The participants describe emotions of insecurity and frustration in their efforts to help the older women. They also described difficulties in creating confidence with the women. The conclusion is that the abused older women don´t always get the support of interventions from the social service agencies.

"Föräldrarna ska kunna hjälpa barnet" : - En kvalitativ studie om de icke-förövande anhörigas behov av stöd för att stödja sitt sexuellt utnyttjade barn / Help the non-offending parents to help their sexually abused children : – A qualitative study about the supports the non-offending parents gets to support their children

Fadel, Diana, Johansson, Sofie January 2014 (has links)
Through an internship at a nonprofit organization called ATSUB[1], specialized at giving support to non-offending parents to sexually abused children, one of the authors to this study found that there was a lack of care for the parents by governmental operations. While studying the previous research we found a great deficiency when it came to non-offending parents and far most about non-offending fathers. We found studies proving that the child’s non-offending parents are the best support for the child during their healing process. Research also shows that parents must be able to get good support and treatment during their crisis for the parents to be able to support the child, since they’re also in great despair over their child being sexually abused. We decided to do qualitative interviews with professionals who care for the non-offending parents within the county of Kalmar in Sweden. We found through the informants affidavit, studying the previous research and applying theoretical approaches that the support is good but misdirected. The results have shown that there are some miscommunications between government operations and specialized knowledge in treating parents and their situation doesn’t exist or its deficit. The professionals knew what kind of needs the non-offending parents have and they knew how important the parent is for the child’s wellbeing. The professionals also believed that it was important to give individual care to the parents, but there’s where the problem lies, they have such a great focus on the child’s treatment that the care for the parents who are supposed to be the most valuable support for the child, falls aside. [1] Anhöriga Till Sexuellt Utnyttjade Barn (Parents To Sexually Abused Children)

Ovärderligt men samtidigt svårt och komplext : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares erfarenheter av samverkan med Barnahus i ärenden där det finns misstanke om sexuella övergrepp / Invaluable but at the same time difficult and complext : A qualitative study of social workers' experiences of collaboration with Barnahus in cases where there is suspicion of sexual abuse

Torbjörnsson, Maria, Smajlovic, Nermina January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to deepen the knowledge of investigative work with children exposed to sexual abuse through an examination of social workers experiences of interorganizational cooperation within Swedish Barnahus. The data in this study was obtained from seven interviews with people who works within Barnahus with cases where children has been exposed to sexual abuse. The findings of this study shows that professionals experiences of cooperating within Barnahus is positive and looked upon as helpful, but also that it needs improvements in various areas. Access to competent staff is invaluable, but the cooperating actors in Barnahus need to learn more about each other’s professions.

Gymnasieelevers utsatthet för sexuella övergrepp : En kvalitativ studie kring skolkuratorernas arbete med elever som utsatts för sexuella övergrepp

Grbic, Jessica, Habonimana, Annabelle January 2018 (has links)
Sexual abuse is a global issue that can result in psychosocial consequences for the on that has been abused. Statistics show that girls and boys in high school age are among the group that are most vulnerable to sexual abuse and studies shows that high school counselors have or should have resources that can help students that has been abused. The purpose of this study is, through interviews study the work of high school counselors regarding students that have been sexually abused but also how they work to prevent sexual abuse. We also wanted to investigate if there are any differences in the mode of work depending on gender. Our study is based on interviews of six high school counselors that we interviewed in person at their work place. To analyze our data, we took help from previous research on the subject but also theories about action space, sexuality and gender. Our result shows that the high school counselors work in different ways to help students that have been sexually abused but there are no specific guidelines on how the high school counselors are supposed to work to prevent sexual abuse and deal with students that have been abused. Their main job is to be a support system for the student if she or he need to talk to somebody and guide the student through the process of pressing chargers or contacting different authorities. It became evident in our study that prevention and the way of dealing with sexual abuse needs to improve in the high school counselors’ work, which most of the school counselors said themselves. None of the counselors said that they work differently based on the student´s gender but half of them used the word boy when describing the perpetrator and girl when describing the victim. With the help of our theory we could see that there is a perception in society where the male gender is often seen as the perpetrator and that this perception affects how high school counselors see and talk about sexual abuse. This perception makes it also more difficult for boys to talk about sexual abuse and also realize when they have been victims of sexual abuse.

Idrottsledares upplevelser av att arbeta för att skydda barn inom idrott / Coaches’ experiences of working to keep children safe in sports

Palmér, Amanda, Williams, Joakim January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the study was to investigate coaches’ experiences of their own as well as their clubs’work with safeguarding children in Swedish sport. The study was carried out through qualitative interviews with five experienced coaches. The material was analyzed through a thematic analysis. The theoretical perspectives used to analyze the results were Systems theory and Learning theory. The results show some deficiencies in the proactive work and a certain lack of discussions about the subject in the clubs. The coaches showed individuals were prioritized higher than results, but identified flaws in sports in general. Results indicate that there has been a lack of coverage regarding abuse in the education coaches have received and they claimed that sexual abuse was particularly difficult to discover. Despite the lack of plans of action, the coaches were prepared to confront situations that might occur. The authors argue that Swedish sports is heading in the right direction, but that there is still a lot of work to be done. / Studiens syfte var att undersöka idrottsledares uppfattning om sitt samt sin förenings arbete med att skydda barn från att fara illa inom svensk idrott. Studien utfördes genom kvalitativa intervjuer med fem erfarna tränare. Materialet analyserades genom en tematisk analys. De teoretiska perspektiv som användes för att analysera resultaten var systemteori och inlärningsteori. Resultaten visar på vissa brister i det förebyggande arbetet och viss brist på diskussioner kring ämnet inom föreningarna. Idrottsledarna visade att individer var prioriterade högre än resultat, men identifierade brister allmänt inom idrottsvärlden. Resultaten indikerar att det funnits vissa brister kring ämnet övergrepp i utbildningar idrottsledarna fått och de menar att sexuella övergrepp är särskilt svåra att upptäcka. Trots brist på handlingsplaner var idrottsledarna beredda att ta tag i situationer som kan uppstå. Författarna argumenterar för att svensk idrott går i rätt riktning, men att det fortfarande finns mycket arbete att göra.

Se mig som liten är : En studie bygger på pedagogers erfarenheter kring barn som lever i en riskfylld vardag.

Larsson, Johanna, Hägelmark, Emilie January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka vilka erfarenheter pedagoger i förskolan har om “ barn somfar illa ”, och hur de hanterar denna problematik. Detta har utförts genom en kvalitativ metod i form avsemistrukturerade intervjuer, med fokus på pedagogerna i förskolans verksamhet. Metoden har vuxit framur en hermeneutisk ansats vilket har yttrat sig i en tolkade aspekt av pedagogernas perspektiv på barn somfar illa. Studien innefattar sammanlagt tio verksamma pedagoger och det har besökts sex förskolor i tvåolika kommuner. Den insamlade empirin har noggrant analyseras, tolkas och sorterats, vilket har bidragittill resultatets fyra huvudområden; Relationen mellan pedagog och barn , Pedagogernas erfarenheter kring barnsom far illa , Pedagogernas roll och ansvar gentemot barn som far illa och Anmälningsplikten med dess hinder.Resultatet i studien belyser vikten av att skapa en positiv relation till barnen som grundas i trygghet, därde får bekräftelse och uppmuntran. Pedagogernas erfarenheter kring barn som far illa var inte stor, utanresultatet visade på en bristande kunskap hos dem kring att uppfatta signaler som barn kan uppvisa om defar illa. I intervjuerna framkommer det att pedagogerna i studien upplevde anmälningsprocessen ochbegreppet barn som far illa, som problematiskt. Studien visade på att begreppet innefattade olikadefinitioner utifrån varje enskild pedagog. Pedagogerna upplevde sig ändå ha en del kunskaper angåendebemötandet och hanteringen av barn som far illa. Studiens resultat visade att pedagoger främst behövermer kompetens och utbildning för att öka kunskapen och se signaler hos barn som indikerar ett rop påhjälp. / <p>Betygsdatum 2018-01-05 i Ladok.</p>

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