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契約損害賠償預見可能性原則之研究_以1980年聯合國國際商品買賣公約為中心 / Research on Foreseeability Doctrine under the Vienna Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods林毓棟 Unknown Date (has links)
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兒童權利公約在台灣的國內法化--以離婚後子女親權行使與兒少安置案件中兒童及少年被傾聽的權利為例 / Incorporation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Taiwan: With a special focus on the child’s right to be heard in child custody and care proceedings林沛君 Unknown Date (has links)
儘管自2009年以來,除兒童權利公約外,立法院已先後透過施行法將其他四部聯合國人權公約轉換成為國內法律;然針對公約適用之若干核心議題,包括解釋及適用公約時應遵循之原則、公約與國內法律衝突時衍生之法律適用及權利遭受侵害之救濟機制等,皆有待闡釋及釐清。就此,本論文總結英國、德國、法國及美國等四國之實踐經驗而認為儘管公約之落實並「無一放諸四海皆準之方式」(no one right way),但以下公約國內法化之核心問題亟待確立:(一)施行法應明訂公約具直接適用效力條文之優位地位;(二)明確將「公約解釋模式」此一法院於個案審理中最強而有力、最能直接將公約標準導入國內法律體系之工具納入施行法;(三)透過公約解釋性文件資料庫之建置協助司法人員掌握公約規範之精神與內涵;(四)明文要求增修法律前應提出法案影響評估以確保增修內容與公約並未牴觸等,期使國內法制更能順利接軌國際人權公約。
本論文嘗試由實務面思考兒童權利公約於國內實踐之現況並導引出應更受重視之諸多面向及困境,期待法院及政府各級機關能更廣泛地採行及運用公約之規範及理念,在國內深化落實兒童權利公約之際,對於「兒童權利」精神所在及其可能為兒少所帶來之改變能有進一步之認知及體悟,並以此為基礎,在影響兒少甚鉅之司法及行政事件中建構一個更能鼓勵兒少參與及表達意見之友善環境。 / Following the coming into effect of the “Act to Implement Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)” on 20 November 2014, the Taiwan Government has adopted various initiatives to implement the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), demonstrating the Act’s steady, yet far-reaching influence in incorporating the CRC into domestic law. In addition to harmonizing national legislation for children with the standards contained within the CRC, it is also of crucial importance for the government to ensure that children whose rights are being violated or disregarded have access to remedies, and that an effective framework is available to children to assist in the exercise and enjoyment of their rights.
Despite the fact that the Taiwan Government has promulgated four implementation acts to incorporate international human rights conventions into domestic law since 2009, several fundamental issues remain with regard to the interpretation and application of the convention. Drawing on the experiences of England, Germany, France and the United States, this thesis makes the following observations: (1) the ‘convention-compliant’ approach to legal interpretation is one of the most powerful tools by which convention rights are directly transposed into domestic legal norms and should be expressly provided for in the Act; (2) to resolve potential conflict(s) between domestic law and convention rights, the Act should explicitly state that the CRC shall prevail in cases of inconsistences; (3) the Act should provide for the establishment of a database of interpretative documents issued by United Nations treaty bodies, to aid the practice and understanding of the CRC; and (4) human rights impact assessments should be undertaken before passing any new laws or amendments.
The observations in this thesis are also based on in-depth interviews conducted by the researcher with 17 children’s practitioners. Such interviews highlight that not all children enjoy the right to be heard in family proceedings and that there is a gap between law and practice. More specifically, they highlight that “for rights to have meaning, effective remedies must be available to redress violations”; and family proceedings should be more child-centred with child-friendly designs, so that children in such settings can exercise their right to be heard effectively. This thesis also attempts to demonstrate that when mechanisms set up by the government fail to accomplish their legislative purpose and act as a safeguard for children’s rights, it is the more vulnerable groups of children (for example, children in care) who suffer from being denied the same rights as other children.
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社工專業於福利服務法制中之定位 —以兒少保護安置與收出養認可案件為中心 / The Social Workers’ Legal Status on Social Welfare Law: With Emphasis on Child Protection Placement and Children Adoption黃國媛 Unknown Date (has links)
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世界文化遺產法制:國際公約與國內法比較研究 / The Legal Norms of World Culture Heritage: A Comparative Study of Domestic Law and International Conventions桑慧芬, Sang, Hui Fen Unknown Date (has links)
研究發現我國文化法規整體規範尚未包含無形文化遺產的保護保存,此一部分亟待未來立法。此外,現行法規內容及文物分類與國際公約所行方式不同,另一方面,我國文化事務主管機關執行政策時所遇困難,可參酌國際公約與他國現行方式,本於我國文化資產特性與文化整體特色因應調整。除立法修法建議之外,本論文亦從個案分析與比較研究發現,我國對於文化資產保存的概念採物質取向,衍生文化物私權凌駕公權之上的衝突情況,若期文化永續發展,宜將「文化資產」概念轉化為「文化遺產」觀點,從更高的文化哲學層面執行我國文化事務的全面保護保存政策。 / Regarding the destruction of many precious human culture, either due to globalization to cultural homogenization, or because of armed conflict, environmental degradation and other factors, the arouse concerns and collective strength of international cultural cooperation led to maintain cultural diversity, promoting cultural dialogue and mutual respect for ethnic coexistence. Based on the world's cultural consensus for the protection of cultural heritage, firstly the 1954 Hague Convention and consequently the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage Convention, both have built up a well-organised system for culture preservation and conservation. In Taiwan, The Culture Property Preservation Act has also been implemented in 1982.
This paper explores historical development of the relevant international conventions on cultural preservation and protection as well as the existing cultural legislation and practical issues in Taiwan. Drawing upon case studies as qualitative research method, the analysis of twelve cases selected from the highest administrative court judgments illuminates currently controvercial issues and leads to make suggestions of what action of amending should be considered to empower authorities and provide more effective administration to enhance domestic culture policies.
The result of analysis indicates that the intangible cultural norms and regulations have not been viewed as an important issue and legislation for intangible cultural heritage should be put on top priority in national culture development policies. The difficulties encountered while implementing policies of cultural affairs shed lights on central and local hieracheical institutions that the realm of autonomy should be distinctively clarified so that administrative agency could be helpful to solve conflicts and diversities. In addition, the case study and comparison also found that collective rights on the preservation of cultural assets were derived overriding private rights. However, if the sustainable development of culture would be expected then a balance between collective and provate rights on cultural affairs should be taken as legal norms
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國際法上養護與管理漁業資源問題之研究石柏士, SHI, BO-SHI Unknown Date (has links)
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環境議題的政治經濟分析-以聯合國氣候綱要公約在臺灣的實踐為個案研究 / The Political Economy of the Environment Issue-a case study on the practice of the UNFCCC in Taiwan劉雅娟, Liu, Ya-Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係透過聯合國氣候綱要公約在臺灣的實踐為個案研究來就環境政策形成過程為政治經濟分析。首先,先就環境問題的原因與特徵及國際環境意識形成的政治經濟因素為介紹。為了個案研究,也檢視了國際環境法在全球暖化議題的發展來了解國際的發展方向,再就臺灣的國內環境政策與國際環境政策為了解以提供本研究的背景資料。透過深度訪談來就組織、法令及政策來探討聯合國氣候綱要公約在臺灣的實踐。本研究發現,組織的設計仍有部分限制,相關法令尚未全面的檢視,政策則缺乏一上位的指導綱領。由於政治及經濟因素均對環境政策的發展扮演著重要的角色,臺灣未來有關全球暖化政策的發展取決於執政黨的決心與執行力。 / This study explores the political economy behind the environmental policy making process through a case study of Taiwan’s practice of the UNFCCC. First, this study analyzes the reasons and characteristics of environmental problems, as well as the political economy of the formation of international environment awareness. For the case study, the development of international environment law toward global warming is reviewed to clarify international trends in dealing with this problem. Next, the author analyzes two aspects of Taiwan’s environmental policy: domestic environmental policy and international environmental policy in the past fifty years to give background information of Taiwan’s global warming policy. Then, through in-depth interviews, an examination of organization, legislation, and policy aspects of the UNFCCC practice in Taiwan is conducted to understand how the policy implements. The conclusions are as followed: (1) Institution settings for Taiwan’s global warming policies still have some limitations and need to be reviewed. (2) Although some GHG reduction regulations have already been sent to the Legislative Yuan to be reviewed, the government has yet to carry out overwhelming legal evaluation in all aspects to address the climate change issues. (3) Policy lacks superior guidelines laying out the direction for whole country to follow and implement. After all, political and economic factors both play influential roles in the development of environmental policy. Taiwan’s future action regarding global warming still depends on the determination and executive ability of the new ruling party.
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自律公約與公平交易法 / A study on Self-Regulation in Competition Law林柏男, Lin, Po Nan Unknown Date (has links)
近年台灣社會邁向管制開放,同時公平交易委員會功能是否發揮預期功能,相關討論為數不少。競爭的基本理念是相信市場有自我治癒之功能,如果市場有自我治癒的能力,政府是否還有積極介入之必要?如果市場功能不彰,政府究竟應採取逕行介入之思考,或培養市場自我治癒之能力?如果市場自我治癒之功能彰顯,相對而言,政府行政任務即相對減輕,亦減少政府過多之干預。因此本文希望藉由文獻分析方式,參酌外國立法例、分析事業遵循自律公約之誘因,以提高自律公約之可行性,並期將來能建立自律公約制度,由事業自行負起監督之責,使公平交易委員會之行政任務得以簡輕,使事業不為不公平競爭,達到促進競爭之目的。 / This thesis focus on the topic of self-regulation issues in competition law. By observing Germany, Japan and US how to carry out self-regulation , we can know the value of self-regulation. This article also discuss whether self-regulation agaist Competition Law. In pursuit of successful self-regulation , it’s necessary to know what’s industry’s incentive to obey slef-regulation and self-regulation how to work smooth. Successful self-regulation can ease the burden of government and improve the effect of market, so it’s expected self-regulation comes ture.
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芬蘭中立政策研究:中立與不結盟廖琬瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
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從新自由制度主義分析中美因應氣候變遷議題:1992~2010 / Climate change in Sino-U.S. relations, 1992-2010: A neoliberal institutionalism approach陳臆尤, Chen, Yi You Unknown Date (has links)
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歐洲人權法院裁判對英國人身保護法制的影響 - 以1998年人權法施行前後的比較為例 / The Influences of ECHR Judgements on British Legal Institutions of Personal Freedom -Based on the Comparison between Periods before and after Human Rights Act 1998葉佳韻 Unknown Date (has links)
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