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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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陳聖儀 Unknown Date (has links)
這些年來,經濟環境持續惡化,市場利率不斷下滑,壽險公司面臨利差損的巨額損失,然而相關修正法規通過投資型商品的銷售,因此壽險公司積極開發投資型商品,運用此商品來對抗利率下跌所產生的風險,同時提供消費者「保險」與「投資」雙重功能的新商品。 本文根據當前金融環境及壽險業所面臨的問題,來探討壽險公司對投資型商品的經營策略,並實際訪談己推出投資型商品外商、本土具代表性的壽險公司,最後依據研究結果做出結論及建議。 本研究得到的結論歸納如下:(1)壽險公司銷售投資型商品,朝改善商品結構,有效防範和化解經營風險,提升核心競爭力,亦是建立長期競爭優勢。(2)經營投資型保險經管風險的評估,其最大費用是教育訓練及軟体系統的投資與維護,即作業風險是最大考量。(3)外商保險公司發展投資型保險商品速度快於本土保險公司,對市場反應力較強。而本土保險公司,要落實教育訓練較為費時,因此本土公司都從簡單易懂商品開始,漸進式轉入投資型保險。(4)外商公司的競爭優勢是商品設計,行政作業靈活及電腦系統優異,而本土公司的核心競爭力則是行銷通路及眾多業務員,因此由簡易套裝商品切入市場建立客戶群。(5)保險公司業務員仍為主要行銷通路,而「全方位理財顧問」將是業務人員的定位,因此教育訓練及選才是壽險公司進入投資型保險的重要課題。(6)對行銷人員來說,以往「人情保」或「退傭金」的銷售模式己不適用,而是要規劃客戶需求的責任風險,及提供相關金融知識,成為客戶個人及家庭的理財顧問。(7)金融自由化及金控法規通過,壽險公司必需整合資源形成經濟規模,對於投資型商品的投資靈活性、商品成本透明度與投資種類的組合等方面將是壽險業之間競爭模式的轉變。(8)投資型商品具有保障和投資雙重功能,但需將投資型保險當作保險商品來運用而非投資工具,並且要「長期持有」才能顯現基金績效;而業務人員誠實揭露相關費用及明確告之消費者權益和義務是避免銷售糾紛的最重要關鍵。 關鍵字:投資型保險商品,經營策略,行銷通路,教育訓練 / Because economic environment is getting worse and the interest rate is lower and lower, the life insurance companies are in face of huge profit loss. In the meaning time, the related laws and regulations were released; therefore the hfe insurance companies strongly developed the investment-linked insurance to overcome the impact of lower interest rate and to offer new products to customers, which meet insurance and investment both benefits. Based on financial environment has today and the problems of insurance industry, this study is to discuss the operation strategies of investment- linked insurance products. By extensive interview with the major of four insurance companies, we come out conclusions and related suggestions. The main conclusions of this study are described as followings: (1) For effective and solving the operation risk, the life insurance companies should sell investment-linked products and keep improving the structure of the products. In the long run, the life insurance companies need to build up core competence through investment-linked insurance products. The middle size company may consider Investment-linked products as major products to develop business. (2) There are two major factors to evaluate the business risk, which are the training course and the cost of software. (3) Foreign insurance companies very fast-developed investment-linked insurance products to meet market request. The local insurance companies have to build up customers based through simple-packaged products. The large size companies have to consider the training system early and to help sale improving the financial knowledge. (4) The competitive advantages of foreign companies are design products, operation system and computer hardware. The strength of local companies is having channel infrastructure and many salesmen. (5) The agents are main marketing channels and to be a financial consonant. The training course and selection are important to the life insurance companies. (6) By brothering customers or returning commission, it is not a suitable sales model for salesmen. To offer right risk plan and financial knowledges, salesmen are a financial consonant for customers or customers’family. (7) The completive situations between life insurance companies are to offer investment-linked insurance products, which have investment information, cost and investment portfolio. (8) The investment-linked insurance products have insurance and investment both benefits, but tibey should be regarded as a tool of insurance. Customers have to keep them long turn to get the benefits of fund. Salesmen also have to tell customers clearly about their rights and all costs to avoid argument after sell. Key words: investment-linked insurance products, management strategies, marketing strategies, training course.

台商在中國大陸投資醫療服務業之經營策略研究─以湖南旺旺醫院為例 / Strategy of Investing and Managing Medicare Services in China by Taiwanese: the Case of Hunan Want Want Hospital

李素芳, Lee, Sue Fang Unknown Date (has links)
中國自推動改革開放政策以來,經濟成長迅速,國民所得不斷提升,醫療需求與日俱增;再加上中國為順利加入WTO,2000年起更釋放醫療利多措施,放寬外資投入中國醫療服務市場限制。為此,旺旺集團旗下之湖南旺旺醫院搶得機先,於2005年底開業,不惟成為《中外合資、合作醫療機構管理暫行辦法》頒布後,中國第一家中外合資大型綜合醫院;亦是台商在大陸興建完成且正式營運之首家醫療機構,甚具指標性意義。 本研究除介紹中國醫療產業環境及相關政策法令外,更以個案研究法探討湖南旺旺醫院之興建動機、進入模式及經營策略。透過深入訪談並輔以次級資料分析,本研究發現,目前中外合資醫療機構由於數量少、進入時間短,尚不足以撼動公立醫院的地位,但在中國「看病難,看病貴」問題依然無法有效解決的情況下,以效率及品質著稱的民營大型醫院,應有相當之競爭優勢與發展空間。湖南旺旺醫院營運迄今已兩年餘,其透過醫院資訊系統建構整體醫療流程、以制度及人才奠定厚實根基等著重內部發展之經營策略,已逐漸獲得病人信賴並在經營實績上漸受肯定,應可供作其他跟進者發展布局參考。 至於兩岸醫療交流合作議題,由於台灣醫師薪資普遍較高,未必是符合成本的必然選項,建議應善用台灣管理經驗,就地建置系統性人才來源,方能掌握雙贏契機。總之,無論台資企業或醫療機構,唯有入境問俗、順勢而為,改變傳統思維與既有作法,才能在競爭激烈的中國醫療市場占有一席之地。 / Since China started to adopt the reforming and opening-up policy, it has seen rapid economic growth and ever-increasing medicare demand. To join WTO, China opened its medicare service industry for foreigners to invest in year 2000. Given such a background, the Want Want Group pioneered to found the Hunan Want Want Hospital—the first Chinese-foreigner joint ventured large general hospital following the dictum of “Interim Measures for Administration of Chinese-foreign Joint Venture and Cooperative Medical Institutions”. The hospital consequently sets an example of such joint ventures. In addition to discuss the environment of the Chinese medicare service industry and corresponding policies/regulations, this study explores the founding motivations, the entry mode, and the set of management strategies of Hunan Want Want Hospital. Through in-depth interviews and secondary data analysis, the study finds that owing to the still-small number and the still-short history of which, Chinese-foreigner joint hospitals have not yet gained the high ground to challenge public hospitals’ position in China. However, the study also finds that large private hospitals, renowned for their efficiency and quality, own substantial competitive advantage and expansion potentials. As an example for followers to emulate, Hunan Want Want Hospital has nurtured trust among its customers and performed well on several fronts because it developed a comprehensive information system to handle details of complicated medicare procedures, set up concrete rules for layers of management, and well-utilized human resources after more than two years’ operation. As far as the cross-straight medicare cooperation is concerned, this study finds that disparity in human resource cost across the straight may be an issue for Chinese-foreigner joint hospitals in China to address, and suggests that a win-win situation is achievable through the import of Taiwanese management expertise as well as the localization of human resource management. To conclude, Taiwanese medicare services, just like Taiwanese businesses in China, should adapt to Chinese local market environment and change accustomed management mindset so as to survive and grow in the Chinese medicare market.

土木技師公會經營策略之個案研究 / A Case Study of Business Strategy for Professional Civil Engineers Association

王劍虹, Wang,Chien Hong Unknown Date (has links)
土木技師公會係依政府法令規定而由具有執業土木技師資格者為會員組成之社團法人組織,兼具業務服務與非營利組織雙重的特質。由於執業權受環境的影響,土木技師公會自成立以來即不斷與政府法令抗爭,目前收入最大宗的現況鑑定業務,也面臨了激烈的競爭環境。 本論文採Aaker策略市場管理模式,綜合Glueck提出之策略規劃架構,以個案研究方式,選擇台北市土木技師公會作為研究對象,探討個案公會目前面臨問題及可採行之經營策略,獲得結論如下: 1. 土木技師公會現況鑑定業務經營之關鍵成功因素為良好的人脈關係、良好的工作品質、良好的社會形象及良好的價格優勢。 2. 因環境改變,個案公會面臨現況鑑定業務的減少。 3. 外在環境仍讓個案公會會員之執業權受限。 4. 宜要求政府立法成立一專責機構負責推動全國土木建設事宜。 5. 個案公會業務宜採穩定策略,保障執業權宜採擴張策略。 文最後對個案公會可採行策略方案提出建議,另外對土木技師公會面臨問題、政府作法及後續研究方向也提出建議,以供後續研究者參考。

台灣銀行業在中國營業據點的經營發展策略之研究 / A study on the operation and development strategy of Taiwan 's banking in Mainland China

張俊智, Chang, Chun Chih Unknown Date (has links)
台灣金融機構得以至中國大陸地區設置分支機構的法源主要來自於立法院在於2006年11月時修正准許台灣銀行業赴中國大陸地區設立分行。本研究針對39家台灣銀行業在中國大陸營業據點之經營策略與績效進行分析,並採採多元迴歸模型檢定其經營策略與績效之關係。 根據本文實證後的主要研究結果如下: 一、無論是以資產報酬率 (ROA) 或是股東權益報酬率 (ROE) 等兩項獲利指標所檢定的結果,均未有足夠的證據顯示台灣銀行業在中國大陸地區積極設置分行等據點的經營策略或方向是可行的。 二、由股東權益報酬率 (ROE) 分析的結果,支持台灣銀行業若採行提早投入中國大陸地區設置實體據點的發展策略,對於其股東權益報酬率 (ROE) 會呈現顯著的正向關係。 三、無論是以資產報酬率 (ROA) 或是股東權益報酬率 (ROE) 來做為被解釋變數,結果皆無法支持台灣銀行業在中國大陸地區設置分行等實體據點的數量規模大小與銀行的資產報酬率 (股東權益報酬率) 有關。 / Because of the Legislature amended the Act in November 2006, Taiwan’s Banking had been permitted and set up branches in mainland China since 2006. This paper analyzed the business strategy and performance of 39 Taiwanese banks in mainland China. The multiple regression models were adopted and we test the relationship between their business strategy and performance. The main results of this paper were as follows: First, whether the rate of return on assets (ROA) or return on equity (ROE) profitability indicators, there is no sufficient evidence that the Taiwan’s banks actively set in mainland China Branches and other positions of the business strategy or direction is feasible according to the other two test result. Second, as a result of the ROE analysis, it is significant to support the Taiwan’s banking industry to adopt the development strategy of setting up an entity base in mainland China, which has a significant positive effect on the ROE. Third, whether the return on assets (ROA) or the return on equity (ROE) as an explanatory variable, the results are unable to support that the the scale of Taiwan’s banking in mainland China have a relation with the ROE or ROA.

投資型保險商品經營策略之研究 / A Study on the Management Strategies of Investment Linked Insurance Products

麥瑋玲 Unknown Date (has links)
投資型保險商品乃為因應市場利率走低,提高壽險業之競爭力而設計之產品,適逢主管機關修正保險業資金運用之相關法令限制,投資型保險商品在台灣市場推行之時機似已來臨。 本文根據英、美發展投資型保險商品之金融、產業環境背景,檢視當前環境狀況,評估我國是否具有發展投資型保險商品之條件與需求;並透過個案研究方式,對八家壽險公司進行深度訪談,以了解壽險業者對投資型保險商品之經營策略,經由個案分析比較,依循研究架構發展出相關命題,並據此歸納出研究結論及建議。 本研究主要結論如下:(1)利率持續走低與法令的開放,象徵投資型保險商品時代臨。(2)外商公司未來將以經營投資型保險商品為主,本土公司將採取投資型保單與傳統保單並重的經營策略。(3)外商公司競爭優勢為擁有國外經驗,本土公司優勢為擁有較大的通路。(4)高所得、有投資共同基金或股票經驗、有退休金規劃者為業者主要的目標市場。(5)目標客戶及通路的選擇將影響產品策略。(6)公司業務員為主要行銷通路,銀行、證券公司為積極開發的次要通路(7)壽險公司今後的競爭取決於管理、服務和資金運用績效。 / To comply with the down trend of market interest rates, enhance the competibility of insurance industry, at this time the governmental institutions revised investment limitation of the related laws & regulations, it seems the time to promote investment linked insurance products is comming. This study will help us to overview current situation and evaluate whether Taiwan owns enough criteria and demand to develop investment linked insurance products based on the financial environmental background to develop investment linked insurance products. By extensive interviews with the major of eight insurance companies, the case study oriented approach will help us better understand the operation strategies of investment linked insurance products whatever insurance companies will take. We will build up key points following study structure and come out conclusions and related suggestions through case study comparisons. The main conclusion of this study are described as followings: (1) Due to going down interest rates and the regulation liberalization, this trend symbolically indicates that the era of investment linked insurance products is coming. (2) Foreign insurance companies will mainly focus on running investment linked insurance product business in future; local insurance companies will involved in both investment linked insurance product business and traditional insurance products business. (3) The competitive advantage of foreign companies is that they have strong international experiences; the strength of local companies is having sales channel infrastructure. (4) The target market will focus on those who have higher income, have experiences in mutual funds and stock investment, and have planning for pensions. (5) The choice of target market and channels will affect product strategies. (6) The agents are main marketing channels; bank and security companies will be subsequent channels we have to aggressively target on. (7) The competitive strength of insurance companies depends on management, services, and performances of utilizing capitals since now.


李惇弘 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從資源基礎的角度切入,分析成功之網路商店的核心資源及其經營策略,研究結果摘要如下: 研究發現1-1:產業知識(Domain Know-how)和網路技術能力(Web-technology)是經營網路商店的核心資源。 研究發現1-2:品牌/商譽是網路商店的核心資源。 研究發現1-3:資金在網路商店的經營上目前並不缺乏。 研究發現2-1:產品線廣度是網路商店業者共同追求的策略重點。 研究發現2-2:台灣網路商店目標市場大多為”全球華文市場”。 研究發現2-3:網路商店業者偏向於將金流與物流業務委外處理,將資源著重在加強資訊流與商流的部分。 研究發現2-4:網路商店的經營策略可依虛擬-實體化程度,區分為”純虛擬”與”虛擬+實體”兩類型。 研究發現2-5:策略聯盟是經營網路商店經常採取的方式。 研究發現3-1:企業核心資源較屬於技術能力的掌握者(博客來、百羅網),傾向於”純虛擬”的經營方式。而核心資源為產業知識的掌握者(金石堂、摩比家、飛行網)則較傾向於”虛擬+實體”的方式。 命題一:產業知識與網路技術能力的掌握有助於網路商店之經營。 命題二:在網際網路激烈的競爭環境下,品牌知名度與商譽對行銷活動有關鍵性的影響。 命題三 :網路商店目標市場之區隔與選擇與語文變數有關,與地理區隔變數的關聯性較低。 命題四:電子商務發展迅速,為有效掌握網路商機,尋求合適的策略聯盟夥伴可增加互補綜效。 命題五:掌握網路技術能力的網路商店業者傾向於純虛擬的經營策略;擁有產業知識掌握能力的業者則較傾向於虛擬結合實體的經營策略。 命題六:網路商店採全產品線之經營策略,有助於降低消費者的搜尋成本,提高消費者光臨網站的意願。 命題七:降低消費者的交易成本並提高其對網路商店的信心與安全感,對網路商店之經營績效有關鍵性的影響。

台灣資訊服務業進入中國零售通路市場關鍵成功因素之研究-以A公司為例 / The research on the key success factor of Taiwan it services at china retail market – a case study of company a

王盛中 Unknown Date (has links)
中國市場具備龐大內需實力,預期2027年將成為世界第一大經濟體,已成為全球注目及亟欲進入以獲取商機之必爭之地。中國零售業自改革開發迄今30年中,連鎖零售企業門市總數由2003年4.7萬家增加至2006年12.4萬家,批發零售貿易業零售總額,由2002年2,973億人民幣增至2007年7,561億人民幣;零售業者對IT系統需求自2000年僅止於足敷前台收款及後台物管相關連結能正常運作,至2005年起開始重視管理層面的有效性考量,至2009年起更甚而重視系統建置於數據擷取後的分析於績效展現及決策運用;零售企業在IT上的平均投資額由2004年的50餘億人民幣增加至2008年100億人民幣。台灣資訊服務產業軟硬體及系統應用整合開發能力均已臻成熟,在同文同種及地理優勢下,此刻正是揮軍中國市場的絕佳時機。 本研究結果顯示,台灣資訊服務業或可參考A公司以「市場定位目標明確性」及「持續動態發展的經營策略」為基礎的經驗,藉由外部資源引進及內化成果紮根的同步展現,建構符合市場發展階段需求之企業優勢。此外;台灣資訊服務產業若能採以專業分工垂直或水平整合形成策略聯盟夥伴關係,掌握市場需求脈動與即時供給具完備性服務內容,當可合力擊退其他國際企業,大規模實質搶攻大陸商機。 / The enormous potential of China domestic market was expected to become the world's largest economies in 2027, the demand has caught the world's attention and desire to explore the great opportunity. After 30 years of development since economy reformation , China retail industry has grow the total number of retailers from 4.7 million in 2003 to 12.4 million in 2006; the total sales revenue of retail business increased from 297.3 billion RMB in 2002 to 756.1 billion RMB in 2007. Whereas in the mean time, retail IT system has expand its function from POS and back office management in 2000 to the efficiency of business management in 2005, and furthermore, IT requirement expand to data capture and analysis for decision supporting system in 2009; along with the increasing demand of information management, the capital investment in IT has increased from 5 billion RMB in 2004 to 10 billion RMB in 2008. With years of development, Taiwan information service industry now has great opportunity to enter China retail market by leveraging its culture homogeneity and geographical advantages with established core competence in both hardware and system integration. This research explores how company "A" could be a reference for Taiwan information industry. Company "A" build up its core competences thru "market positioning" and "dynamic business strategy", with the integration of external resources and internal talents in different development stages. Pursuant to the reference, if Taiwan information services industry could establish vertical integration or horizontal strategic alliance or partnerships, and keep the same pace with market demands and provide total solutions in timing basis, Taiwan information service industry should be able to compete with international major players of the industry and be part of the rapid growth of China retail business.

台灣銅箔基板產業經營策略之個案研究 / A case study of the business strategy for the industry of copper clad laminate in Taiwan

洪崇文, Hung, Chung Wen Unknown Date (has links)
印刷電路板產業被稱為「電子系統產品之母」,在我國工業中扮演極為重要的角色,而銅箔基板為印刷電路板生產製造所需之最主要原料,其不僅對印刷電路板產品之品質有很大的影響,也在其材料成本中佔最高的比重。銅箔基板產業上承樹脂、銅箔及玻纖布等原物料供應鏈,下接印刷電路板之製造,居印刷電路板產業鏈之樞紐位置,其重要性不言可喻。 歷經長期的發展,銅箔基板產業已逐漸由成長期步入成熟期,產業的競爭也已趨於白熱化。近年來的產業環境變化,如四C(電腦、通訊、消費性電子與汽車)產業的蓬勃發展、環保意識抬頭及其相關法令政策的制、修訂、大陸世界工廠的成形、以及業界的垂直整併與規模擴張等,除對業者造成衝擊與挑戰外,也帶來了新的機會,如何掌握機會並因應挑戰?考驗著經營者的智慧。 本研究採個案研究方式探討台灣銅箔基板產業之經營策略,首先檢視產業之外部環境,其中並以Porter之五力分析模型進行產業的結構與競爭分析,再彙整出外部環境變化所產生的機會與威脅;其次,透過資料蒐集及深度訪談方式,探討個案公司過去之經營策略與績效、其組織之策略困擾及挑戰、與其內部優、劣勢後,提出研究者對該公司經營策略的觀察與建議。也期望藉本個案研究可以讓台灣的銅箔基板廠商對整體外部環境之變化有更進一步的了解,並可供作其審視組織內部優、劣勢,及擬定經營策略時之參考。 關鍵詞:「印刷電路板」、「銅箔基板」、「經營策略」、「五力分析」、「SWOT分析」 / The printed circuit board (PCB) industry is called “the mother of the products of electronic systems” and plays a very important role in Taiwan’s industry. Copper clad laminate (CCL) is the most essential material necessary to the manufacturing of the PCB. It’s not only strongly related to the quality of the PCB products, but also accounts for the maximum proportion of the material cost. The CCL industry succeeds to the supply chain of materials such as resin, copper and glass cloth and connects with the production of PCB. It’s situated at the pivot position of the PCB industry and the importance of CCL industry is self-evident. After long-term development, CCL industry has gradually stepped into the “maturity stage” from the “growth stage” and the competition in this industry has become intense. The recent changes in the industry environment such as the prosperous development of the 4C industries (Computer, Communication, Consumer electronics and Car), environtal consciousness gaining ground and leading to the legislation and amendment of the related ordinances and policies, the forming of China as the world factory, the industrial vertical integration and scale-up expansion etc. not only result in the impact and challenges but also bring in new opportunities. How to grasp the opportunities and respond to the impact challenges the wisdom of the senior management. The business strategy of Taiwan’s CCL industry was looked into by means of case study in this present research. Firstly, the external environment of the industry was examined among which Poter’s five forces framework was used to analyze the industry structure and the competition inside. Then, the threats and opportunities resulted from the changes of external environment were summarized. Secondly, the case company’s business strategies and achievements in the past, the bother and the challenges of the organization in strategy formulation, the internal strengths and weaknesses of the corporate were investigated via data collection and depth interview. Eventually the observations and suggestions on the business strategy of the case company were addressed. It is hoped that this research could provide Taiwan’s CCL manufacturers with a further understanding to the changes of external environment and serve as a reference resource while the manufacturers examine their strengths and weaknesses and formulate their business strategies. Key Phrase: PCB, CCL, Business Strategy, Five Forces Analysis, SWOT Analysis

台灣地區房地產產業經營發展策略之探討─以A建商為例 / 無

羅志明 Unknown Date (has links)
房地產產業之興衰深受大環境變動所影響,因此廠商如何因應外部環境變遷所帶來的機會與挑戰,隨之調整自身所有的資源以改善劣勢,往往是企業能否創造持續競爭優勢之所在。而本研究之研究核心為台北市之小型建商,透過對台北市之A建商之深入訪談,以了解A建商之現況與遭遇問題,以擬定對策,提昇A建商之競爭力。 於分析台灣之總體經濟情勢與房地產市場後,本研究發現,未來兩年之房地產市場發展,仍呈現樂觀之情況,對於A建商而言,為規模擴張之適當時期。而分析A建商之問題後,發現A建商之發展關鍵,為規模之擴大與品牌之塑造,針對A建商面臨之情勢,本研究提出策略上之建議,以期增加A建商於產業中之競爭力。

企業經營策略與關鍵成功因素之研究- 以顯示器個案公司為例 / A study of the business strategy and key success factors for enterprises:the case study of LCD company

陳冠宏, Chen, Kuan Hung Unknown Date (has links)
液晶顯示器(LCD)產業是二十一世紀最令人矚目的產業,不僅因為液晶顯示器是一項融合了高科技與大量經濟投資的產業,更因為液晶顯示器的各種應用與消費者的日常生活習習相關,因此具有無限潛力的特色。 近年來,液晶顯示器隨著面板價格的快速滑落,使得液晶顯示器的售價越來越能讓消費者接受,也吸引了眾多的廠商投入,包含原日、韓及其他國家顯示器及電視大廠,歐美之資訊品牌或通路,台灣廠商也積極切入液晶顯示器和電視廠商之OEM及ODM代工,少數台商也切入自有品牌,也由於液晶顯示器價格的大幅滑落,新技術的興起,及眾多廠商的競逐其中,造成當前液晶顯示器產業之異常激烈競爭環境,而LCD 產業為台灣兩兆雙星產業之一,故其競爭力之提升不僅攸關該產業各相關企業存亡,對台灣維繫其日益流失之競爭優勢亦具樞紐地位,所以如何加強競爭力,並結合政府及民間之力量,從容面對日本、韓國之威脅,是國內目前產官學界所必須共同努力之目標。 經研究結果發現,個案公司之主要競爭優勢在於掌握關鍵零組件之生產、彈性之製造管理能力及全球通路行銷,積極進行策略聯盟以尋求與供應商上中下游及行銷通路間的垂直整合,以強化企業之競爭優勢。因此業者必須掌握企業核心競爭力、認清液晶循環趨勢及擬定企業競爭策略;進而尋求企業合併,並且建議政府提供穩定的投資環境與提昇廠商研發能力,藉以在液晶顯示器產業中取得持續性的競爭優勢。 本研究運用包含「五力分析」、「鑽石模型」、「競爭策略」及「SWOT」等產業分析理論,來研究企業如何建立核心能力,進一步歸納出液晶顯示器廠商競爭優勢的經營策略,並從中萃取出產業關鍵成功因素,以期望能提供作為業界參考及學習之用,並作為公司擬定其未來策略方針之用。

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