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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Det är inte bara en PFAS : Om begränsningen av evighetskemikalier i EU / It is not just a PFAS : On the restriction of forever chemicals in the EU

Fredman Smith, Andrea January 2024 (has links)
I Europa kan omkring 20 miljoner människor vara exponerade för dricksvatten som innehåller evighetskemikalien PFAS. Tidigare har försök att begränsa enskilda PFAS-ämnen endast resulterat i att det förbjudna ämnet i fråga har bytts ut till ett annat PFAS-ämne. Den europeiska kemikaliemyndigheten (ECHA) har utfärdat rapporten Annex XV Restriction Report, Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) där två förslag om hur begränsningen av PFAS-ämnena kan utformas har introducerats. Rapporten presenterar möjligheten att utfärda ett generellt förbud av alla PFAS-ämnen. Om beslutet om en generell begränsning fattas i den Europeiska unionen (EU) kan det bli ett av de största förbuden någonsin mot kemiska ämnen i Europa. Arbetets syfte är att utreda huruvida de presenterade förslagen för hur PFAS ska begränsas i begränsningsrapporten är ändamålsenligt utformade utifrån konceptet av effektorienterad lagstiftning. Begränsningsförslagen analyseras med hjälp av miljörättsvetenskaplig metod och ställs i relation till begreppet hållbar utveckling. Att undersöka om begränsningsförslagen är ändamålsenligt utformade är särskilt intressant, eftersom ett beslut som begränsar PFAS-användningen enligt de presenterade förslagen skulle påverka såväl EU:s ekonomi som ekologi. Om ett juridiskt beslut fattas, måste det vara väl avvägt och nå önskad effekt, särskilt när det påverkar hela EU. I uppsatsen utreds vidare vilket begränsningsförslag som bäst tillgodoser behovet av god dricksvattenkvalitet och människors hälsa, samt hurbegränsningsförslagen förhåller sig till en hållbar utveckling. Efter en analys av begränsningsrapporten dras slutsatsen att båda begränsningsförslagen är ändamålsenligt utformade utifrån effektorienterad lagstiftning. Begränsningsförslagen är utformade så att de riktar begränsningar mot aktörer (människor) för att motverka att deras agerande har negativ inverkan på reaktörer (naturen och miljön). Begränsningsförslagen är dock olika orienterade. Begränsningsförslag två är mer aktörsorienterat än begränsningsförslag ett, eftersom begränsningsförslag två tar en större hänsyn till industrisektorns intressen. Båda begränsningsförslagen har ändå en starkt reaktörsfokuserad karaktär, eftersom de hindrar PFAS-användning från att förorena miljön. Ohållbar miljöpåverkan till följd av användning av PFAS kan motiveras i vissa fall, om det tillgodoser allmänna intressen eller är nödvändigt av lagtekniska skäl. Vidare dras slutsatsen att det begränsningsförslag som bäst tillgodoser behovet av goddricksvattenkvalitet är begränsningsförslag ett. Behovet av god hälsa bör kunna tillgodoses bäst genom begränsningsförslag ett för den största gruppen människor, eftersom detbegränsningsförslaget inte tillåter några undantag från PFAS-förbudet. Ett begränsningsförslagsom inte tillåter undantag möjliggör för en mindre mängd PFAS-exponering. Den gruppmänniskor i EU som är i behov av PFAS i medicinskt syfte kan dock dra nytta av att begränsningsförslag två tillåter användningsspecifika undantag. Avslutningsvis dras slutsatsen att båda begränsnignsförslagen leder till en reduktion av PFAS-utsläpp samt PFAS-exponering och är således hållbara utifrån ekologisk hållbarhet. Utifrån ekonomisk hållbarhet bör begränsningsförslag två vara mest gynnsamt, eftersom det är mest troligt att tillåta en hanterbar omställning för de olika industrisektorerna. Utifrån sociala aspekter av hållbarhet såsom hälsa, välbefinnande och privatekonomi, bör begränsningsförslagett vara det mest gynnsamma begränsningsalternativet. Detta trots att begränsningsförslag två tillåter medicinsk användning av PFAS samt tar en större hänsyn till industrisektorns ekonomi,vilket påverkar enskildas privatekonomi.

Deepfakes: ett upphovsrättsligt problem : En undersökning av det upphovsrättsliga skyddet och parodiundantagets samspel med AI-assisterade skapandeprocesser / Deepfakes: A Copyright Issue : An Inquiry of the Copyright Protection and Parody Exception's Interplay with AI-assisted Creative Processes

Atala Labbé, Daniel Atala January 2022 (has links)
In the age of digitalizarion several new ways of creating immaterial property have sprung up due to the resurgence of artificial intelligence (AI). This has paved the way for different kinds of tech including the assistance of AI in a more normalized way. A prominent variation of this tech is called "deepfake". Deepfakes are a technology that essentially places your face, likeness, mannerisms, and voice onto new situations that the creator then steers to make the deepfake do or say things that the person whose deepfake is based on hasn't done or said. This technology has been used in a myriad of ways, all from humourous content to extorsion and revenge porn. The aim of this master thesis is to analyse how immaterial law protection is achieved through current Swedish immaterial law principles and how these fit within the context of heavily based AI-tech such as deepfakes. This is done through a dogmatic lens, meaning that a systematization and mapping of both Swedish and EU-based laws and praxis are done as well as discussing the current thoughts on AI-assistance throughout the creative process. Another subject that is touched upon is the parody exception in immaterial law and the concept of adaptation and how these work with and apply to AI-based creations. Part of the problems that we face right now is that we have no existing legal parameters to solve the problem of larger AI-involvement in creative processes, this is certainly going to change how we view copyright law today. When comparing and using EU as well as Swedish praxis to analyze the AI-problem a common denominator is that all copyright law and praxis is based around the presumption that there needs to be a human involved in the majority of the creative process. AI already exists as a part of many creative processes today without any questions asked, however when the AI-part is more significant in the process the question becomes complicated when paired with traditional copyright law perspectives. However, some discussions have been going on in both Swedish and EU legal spheres, mostly in the EU who are going to legislate more in the field of AI. In Sweden there have been no legislative processes when it comes to AI in copyright law however there have been some governmental organisations and essays that have shed a light on the matter. I conclude this master thesis by writing about the findings of each question as has been mentioned above, namely that AI becomes a significant factor in deciding if a deepfake achieves copyright protection or not and the same can be said about parodies. After this I make a concluding analysis of the urgency of a need for laws that tackle AI in the area of immaterial laws listing other areas that might need it more than immaterial laws as has been explored throughout this thesis as well and that Sweden needs to take part in every discussion about this to form a sustainable legal framework for AIs in the context of immaterial laws. This will open up for a clear framework when assessing different technologies that use AI like deepfakes as well.

Skyddsgrunder för ensamkommande barn : - en rättsvetenskaplig analys

Cirik, Aleyna Yildiz, Tawfik, Hanin January 2023 (has links)
With the increase in unaccompanied children in 2015, it has become common to discuss the legal status of unaccompanied children. By the Swedish law persons under the age of 18 are considered to be minors and therefore have no ability to make decisions in personal matters with legally binding effects. A childs case does not always require the same seriousness as adult cases to be able to obtain a residence permit. This leads to at different asylum process for unaccompanied children who lack guardians upon arriving to Sweden. Various assessments are made for unaccompanied children that adults do not need to undergo for a residence permit. Through the legal dogmatic method, an analysis and report has been made in relation to the EU law, current Swedish laws and international commitments that affect unaccompanied childrens rights within Swedish legislation. The courts way of assessing grounds for protection, as well as how these are tried has been analyzed. The concept of unaccompanied children has been defined, but the focus on their rights in Sweden has also been reported. / I samband med ökningen av ensamkommande barn under år 2015 har det blivit ofta förekommande att diskutera ensamkommande barns rättsliga ställning. Personer som är under 18 år betraktas enligt svensk rätt som omyndiga och har därför ingen förmåga att med rättslig bindande verkan fatta beslut i personliga angelägenheter. Ett barns ärende behöver inte alltid ha samma allvar och tyngd som krävs för att vuxna personer ska kunna få uppehållstillstånd vilket leder till en annorlunda asylprocess för ensamkommande barn som saknad vårdnadshavare vid ankomsten till Sverige. Det görs olika bedömningar för ensamkommande barn som vuxna inte behöver genomgå för uppehållstillstånd. Genom den rättsdogmatiska metoden har det gjorts en analys och redogörelse i relation till EU-rätten, gällande svenska lagar och internationella åtaganden som påverkar ensamkommande barns rättigheter inom den svenska lagstiftningen. Domstolarnas sätt att bedöma skyddsgrunder samt hur dessa prövas inför domstolar har bedömts och analyserats. Begreppet ensamkommande barn har definierats men även fokus på deras rättigheter i Sverige har redogjorts.

Transnational Corporations and Human Rights : Assessing the position of TNCs within international human rights law, and the appropriateness of an international treaty on business and human rights

Söderlund, Erik January 2018 (has links)
Transnational corporations are playing an important role in the global economy of today. Many of these corporations have great economic resources and have the possibility of contributing to the development of societies in developing states. At the same time, in their search for profit, the activities of TNCs have proven fatal to some of the individuals employed by them, or otherwise in contact with their activities. Within the international legal framework, corporations are not traditionally treated as subjects and if a TNC allocates its production to a state with lax human rights protection, no binding international standards exist to regulate the conduct of the corporation.  In my thesis I will assess the position of TNCs under the present core human rights instruments and soft law initiatives. I will also analyze a draft treaty text produced by the Intergovernmental Working Group on Business and Human Rights, released in July 2018, to reach a conclusion on whether such an instrument would affect the international legal status of TNCs and provide a more robust protection of international human rights.

Återkallelse av testamente : Särskilt om bedömningen av om testator har avsett att återkalla sitt testamente / On the Revocation of Wills : Especially regarding the assessment of whether the testator has intended to revoke his will

Steen, Johan January 2023 (has links)
In most European legal systems, drafting a will is subject to formal requirements. In the same way, most European legal systems prescribe formal requirements for the revocation of a will. However, Swedish law is unique in this respect as it does not prescribe formal requirements for the revocation of a will. For the revocation of a will, Swedish law only requires that the testator has unequivocally announced that the disposition no longer expresses his ultimate will. This is stated in the 5th Section of the 10th Chapter of the Swedish Inheritance Code. Under Swedish law, it is therefore only a question of proof whether the testator has revoked his will. However, it may be difficult to assess whether the testator has intended to revoke his will when the testator is alleged to have revoked his will informally. Therefore, the main purpose of this thesis is to examine how the assessment of whether the testator has intended to revoke his will is carried out under current Swedish law. To achieve the purpose of this thesis, a traditional legal dogmatic method is used. This means that the material used is limited to the traditional Swedish sources of law. These are legislation, preparatory works, case law and Swedish legal doctrine. Since Swedish law does not prescribe any formal requirements for revoking a will, a will can be revoked in an unlimited number of ways. It has therefore been necessary to limit the scope of this thesis to the most common ways of revoking a will. For this reason, this thesis only covers the revocation of a will by executing a new will, by physical destruction of a will, by strikeouts and inscriptions on the will, by oral statements made by the testator and by the revocation of a previously revoked will. Consequently, other ways of revoking a will are not closer analysed. The analysis shows that no general conclusions can be drawn on how to assess whether the testator intended to revoke his will. Instead, the assessment depends on the way in which the testator is alleged to have revoked his will. However, the analysis also shows that some more specific conclusions can be drawn. It can be concluded from Swedish case-law that a high standard of proof is required for a revocation allegedly made by an informal measure. However, this does not apply if the will has been destructed. In such cases, there is instead a presumption that the will has been destructed by the testator with the purpose of revoking the will. Consequently, the burden of proof is reversed when the will has been destructed. The analysis also shows that it often can be uncertain whether the testator has intended to revoke his will by an informal measure. This is because there may be no reliable evidence of the testator’s intention in such cases. Therefore, the con-clusion is that a testator who wishes to revoke his will should do so by executing a new will which expressly states that the will is revoked. By doing so, the testator significantly reduces the risk of future disputes concerning the validity of the will.

De grundläggande rättsprinciperna vid direktupphandling : HFD 2018 ref. 60 och EU-rätten / The General Principles of Swedish Direct Awards : HFD 2018 ref. 60 and EU Law

Lignell, Elias January 2022 (has links)
This thesis examines the general principles in European Union (EU) public procurement law, as they apply to Swedish direct awards of low value, outside the scope of the EU procurement directives. A combination of Swedish and EU legal methodology is used to investigate two overarching themes. Firstly, the two different legal bases of the general principles, in the light of the Court of Justice of the EU’s definition of cross-border interest, as well as the Swedish implementation. Secondly, the central substantive consequences imposed by the principles on direct awards. The only national precedent on the subject, HFD 2018 ref. 60 of the Supreme Administrative Court, is both utilised and criticised against the backdrop of EU law to paint a picture of the principles’ inner workings in a direct award context. Pertaining to the first theme, an analysis of the applicability of EU primary law on direct awards is undertaken in order to distinguish the legal bases of the principles. If a contract is of certain cross-border interest, the general principles flow directly from EU law. In the absence of such an interest, the principles are exclusively based in Swedish law, which nationally extends the EU principles to all procurement (gold-plating). Overall, contracts valued below a quarter of the applicable EU directive threshold usually lack certain cross-border interest, unless there are concrete indications of the opposite. As a result, most direct awards fall outside the scope of EU law. An awareness of the legal bases of the principles is relevant to avoid breaches of EU primary law. It is argued that the Swedish gold-plated implementation of the general principles causes unnecessary uncertainty, and that separate national principles should be introduced outside the scope of EU primary law. As for the second theme, a thorough analysis concludes that the principles do not prohibit direct awards given without any exposure to competition, as long as the contracts are of low enough value. Direct awards can therefore be conducted through direct contact with a single supplier, in accordance with the legislative aims of the procedure. This may not be the case for social and other specific services of relatively high value. Nonetheless, the principles still affect direct awards, for instance in prohibiting flagrant cases of differential treatment without objective justification, based in arbitrary or corrupt decision-making. Unfortunately, these requirements are able to be circumvented due to the wide discretion given to procuring entities. On the other hand, if a direct award procedure is voluntarily advertised, the principles have greater practical significance. Still, the requirements in such cases are more lenient than in ordinary procurement procedures.

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