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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Regionální a strukturální politika EU se zvláštním zřetelem na členské země střední a východní Evropy - vývoj, problémy, výhledy / Regional policy of the European Union focused on the member countries of Central and Eastern Europe

Knotková, Pavla January 2009 (has links)
Thesis is focused on regional policy of the European Union (known as cohesion policy). The goal of the regional policy is to reduce regional disparities among the member countries of the European Union. Therefore, regional policy has an important role among other policies of the European Union. In the period from 2007 to 2013, regional spending account for 36% of the EU budget. The recent enlargement to 27 Member States has dramatically increased disparity levels across the EU. The new Member States have lower levels of income per head and employment rates than other EU countries. This thesis is divided into two parts. The first part characterizes development of the regional policy, its principles and financial instruments. The second part describes enlargement of the European Union to 27 member states, its impacts, reform of the regional policy and the time period from 2007 to 2013. Different views on impacts of the regional policy together with short case study are added. The goal of this thesis is to evaluate the convergence process among the old and new Member states.

Contribución de la legislación urbanística al control de la especulación del suelo. Concreción en la Comunidad Valenciana

Martí Sancho, Victoria Francisca 15 April 2016 (has links)
[EN] ABSTRACT The intense process of elevation of the housing prices in Spain during the real estate "boom" and at the time of the start of the 2008 crisis, has brought to light again the role of the soil in such a process, and in particular the relationship between soil - dwelling and speculation: is the shortage of land driven by speculation that causes higher housing prices; or it is the expectation of continuing of the latter lifting which exerts pressure on land prices and encourages speculation? In the center of this issue is the characterization of the soil, which can be not comparable to a perfect and efficient market in the terms in which economic theory defines them and that throughout this study we are going to check. The research takes as the main object of study the Spanish urbanistic legislation and part of the analysis of the treatment that she does on the land speculation, since the beginning of the new real estate cycle of 1994 until the current crisis of 2008. Work that develops tries to give some general ideas of the evolution of this period and its influence on urban development, taking only State law while competencies in housing and urban development belong to the autonomous communities, but not for this reason, a detailed study of such a situation in the Valenciana. Con community to renounce this research intends to identify the possible effects or results of urban development in the current market legislation of the soil, how through their different ways of management and normative regulation, has been able to influence the price and the value of soil and if analysed conclusively speculation in land control. Aspects such as non-substitutability between soils located at different locations; or recent political positions, associated with the recent urban developments, describing it as a scarce resource, or claims, as "the soil is the major cause of the rise in prices, should avoid speculation", and not forgetting the importance that in the past two decades has given to article 47 of the Constitution proclaims the right of Spaniards to decent and adequate housing and instructs the public authorities do so through cash relevant standards that regulate the soil and avoid speculation, has led us to the need to consider the study research on the imminent need for control, the land speculation and if the legislative powers have been able to carry out this mission. Deepen to study if throughout the planning processes of the last two decades and the new laws have been effective regulation, to non-intervention. Through the law of soil and other laws have known trying to give solutions to this approach and response. / [ES] RESUMEN El intenso proceso de elevación de los precios de la vivienda en España durante el "boom inmobiliario" y en el momento del inicio de la crisis del 2008, ha sacado a la luz de nuevo el papel del suelo en dicho proceso, y en particular la relación entre suelo- vivienda y especulación: ¿es la carestía del suelo conducida por la especulación la que provoca al alza a los precios de la vivienda; o es la expectativa de elevación continuada de estos últimos la que ejerce una presión sobre los precios del suelo y alienta la especulación? En el centro de esta cuestión está la caracterización del suelo, que no puede asimilarse a un mercado perfecto y eficiente, en los términos en que la teoría económica los define y que a lo largo de este estudio vamos a comprobar. La investigación toma como principal objeto de estudio la legislación urbanística española y parte del análisis del tratamiento que ella hace sobre la especulación del suelo, desde el inicio del nuevo ciclo inmobiliario de 1994 hasta la actual crisis del 2008. El trabajo que se desarrolla trata de dar unas ideas generales de la evolución de este periodo y de su influencia en el desarrollo urbanístico, tomando únicamente la legislación estatal a pesar de que las competencias en vivienda y urbanismo pertenecen a las comunidades autónomas, pero no por ello, renunciar a un estudio pormenorizado de tal situación en la Comunidad Valenciana. Con esta investigación se pretende identificar los posibles efectos o resultados de la legislación urbanística en el actual mercado del suelo, de cómo a través de sus diferentes formas de gestión y regulación normativa, ha sabido influir sobre el precio y el valor del suelo y si ha analizado de forma concluyente el control de la especulación en el suelo. Aspectos como la no sustituibilidad, entre suelos situados en diferentes localizaciones; o las posiciones políticas recientes, asociadas a los últimos desarrollos urbanísticos, calificando a este como un bien escaso, o las afirmaciones, como "el suelo es el causante de la subida de precios, hay que evitar la especulación", y sin olvidar la importancia que en estas dos últimas décadas se ha dado al artículo 47 de la Constitución donde se proclama el derecho para los españoles a una vivienda digna y adecuada y ordena a los poderes públicos hacerlo efectivo mediante las normas pertinentes que regulen el suelo y eviten la especulación, nos ha llevado a la necesidad de considerar el estudio la investigación sobre la inminente necesidad de controlar, la especulación del suelo y si los poderes legislativos han sabido llevar a cabo este cometido. Profundizar para estudiar si a lo largo de los procesos urbanísticos de la últimas dos décadas y las nuevas legislaciones han sido efectivas la regulación, que no intervención. Si a través de la Ley de Suelo y otras legislaciones han sabido tratar de dar respuesta y soluciones a tal planteamiento. / [CAT] L'intens proces d'elevacio dels preus de la vivenda en Espanya durant el "BOOM immobiliari" i en el moment de l'inici de la crisis del 2008, ha tret a la llum de nou el paper del sol en dit proces, i en particular la relacio entre sol- vivenda i especulacio: ¿es la carestia del sol guiat per l'especulacio la que provoca a l'alça als preus de la vivenda; o es l'expectativa d'elevacio continuada d'estos ultims la que eixercix una pressio sobre els preus del sol i encoraja l'especulacio? En el centre d'esta qüestio està la caracterisacio del sol, que no pot assimilar-se a un mercat perfecte i eficient, en els termens en que la teoria economica els definix i que a lo llarc d'este estudi anem a comprovar. La investigació presa com principal objecte d'estudi la legislació urbanística espanyola i part de l'anàlisi del tractament que ella fa sobre l'especulació del sòl, des de l'inici del nou cicle immobiliari de 1994 fins a l'actual crisi del 2008. El treball que es desenrotlla tracta de donar unes idees generals de l'evolució d'este període i de la seua influència en el desenrotllament urbanístic, prenent únicament la legislació estatal a pesar que les competències en vivenda i urbanisme pertanyen a les comunitats autònomes, però no per això, renunciar a un estudi detallat de tal situació a la Comunitat Valenciana. RESUM Amb esta investigació es pretén identificar els possibles efectes o resultats de la legislació urbanística en l'actual mercat del sòl, de com a través de les seues diferents formes de gestió i regulació normativa, ha sabut influir sobre el preu i el valor del sòl i si ha analitzat de forma concloent el control de l'especulació en el sòl. Aspectes com la no sustituibilitat, entre sols situats en diferents localisacions; o les posicions politiques recents, associades als ultims desenrolls urbanistics, calificant a este com un be ESCASO, o les afirmacions, com "el sol es el causant de la pujada de preus, hi ha que evitar l'especulacio", i sense oblidar l'importancia que en estos dos ultimes decades s'ha donat a l'articul 47 de la Constitucio a on se proclama el dret per als espanyols a una vivenda digna i adequada i orde als poders publics fer-ho efectiu mediant les normes pertinents que regulen el sol i eviten l'especulacio, mos ha portat a la necessitat de considerar l'estudi l'investigacio sobre l'imminent necessitat de controlar, l'especulacio del sol i si els poders llegislatius han sabut portar a veta este comés. Profundisar per a estudiar si a lo llarc dels processos urbanistics de l'ultimes dos decades i les noves llegislacions han segut efectives la regulacio, que no intervencio. Si a través de la Llei de Sol i atres llegislacions han sabut tractar de donar resposta i solucions a tal plantejament. / Martí Sancho, VF. (2016). Contribución de la legislación urbanística al control de la especulación del suelo. Concreción en la Comunidad Valenciana [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/62581 / TESIS

The history of dentistry in South Africa since 1900

Grob1er, Vilma January 1983 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / Nineteenth Century dentists in South Africa were brought under the provision of legislation in Natal and the Transvaal (1896) and the Cape Colony and the Orange Free State (1899). By the end of the Nineteenth Century a group identity had been established and the transition from a craft to a profession completed. From 1900-1958 dental societies were formed. Key dates are 1922 when the South African Dental Society, which became the Dental Society of South Africa (D.A.S.A.) after Incorporation in 1935, was constituted. Collective action by dentists, implemented through the societies, shaped the profession. From 1933-1948 the constitution of the D.A.S.A. was streamlined. The Magna Charta of Dentistry (Act 13, 1928) was enacted defining dentistry and the practice thereof. The Dental Mechanicians Act (1945) protected the mechanician, the dentist and the public against illicit practitioners. The D.A.S.A. initiated the Professional Provident Society for dentists, now extended to include all the professions. In 1936 tbe first National Congress was held, in 1953 the first International Congress, setting a future pattern. The status of the dentist was further improved by obtaining the right to use the courtesy title Dr and by the abolition of the professional licence fee (1938). The earliest .societies set up voluntary clinics for children and the indigent. The Transvaal initiated a provincial scheme for childrens' followed by the other provinces. Dental Services, a fully fledged of Health. dentistry, This evolved into branch of the Department Witwatersrand University established a dental school in 1925, followed by .the Universities of Pretoria, Stellenbosch , Western Cape and Medunsa. Facilities for postgraduate 'study exist at all these institutions. The R.E.D. Fund Aids Research Education and Development in the field of dentistry. The first unofficial Dental Journal was published in 1927, followed by the Official Bulletin (1945-1946) and finally the Official Journal of the D.A.S.A. During the Anglo Boer War the importance of healthy dentitions'for soldiers was first realised. Four conntract dentists att~nded to the British soldiers. The South African dentists served in the Army Dental Corps during the two world wars. Dentistry in South Africa is now on a par with dentistry in any country of the Western world.

What Factors Influence Medicare Reimbursement Payments for Healthcare Providers that Admit Diabetic Patients?

Saffore, Lateef Yusef, PhD 29 April 2011 (has links)
No description available.

The Ecological Function of Fish Mucus

Maxi Eckes Unknown Date (has links)
Ultraviolet light is damaging but fish have evolved protective mechanisms, which allows them to live in shallow water reefs, high in UV radiation. This thesis details my investigation into the physiological ecology of solar ultraviolet (UV) absorbing compounds, known as mycosporine-like amino acids found in the external epithelial mucus, and examines the supporting role potentially played by a UV-induced DNA repair mechanism in coral reef fish of the Indo-Pacific. Using reverse phase chromatography and UV spectrophotometry, I examined whether the distribution of MAA compounds across different areas of the body is correlated with differential UV exposure. Comparisons were made between the MAA content and the absorbance spectra of mucus from the dorsal, ventral, caudal and head body surface areas in five species of Scaridae (Chlorurus sordidus, Scarus schlegeli, S. niger, S. psittacus and S. globiceps) from Ningaloo Reef, Coral Bay, Western Australia. All fish analysed had at least five MAAs present, and results showed that fish had increased UV absorbance in mucus over the dorsal area, which receives the brunt of UV radiation. Little UV protection was found in mucus from the ventral area, which receives the lower level of UV radiation mostly via reflection of the sand and reef surfaces. Furthermore, UV absorbance per mg dry mucus versus standard fish length showed that there is a positive relationship in C. sordidus with increasing size. I examined whether there is a difference in the quantity of UV screening compounds found in the mucus of fish along a longitudinal geographical gradient from inshore reefs (Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef) to the outer edge reefs to oceanic reefs (Osprey Reef). MAA absorbance increased with longitudinal distance from the mainland landmass of Australia to more oligotrophic outer reefs, where UV attenuation is reduced and the ocean is more transparent to UV wavelength. I determined that fish living on inshore, more turbid reefs where UV attenuation in shallow waters is high have lower levels of MAA protection than fish from clear oceanic reefs. Furthermore, there seems to be a direct relationship between light attenuation and exposure with the quantity of protective sunscreening found in the mucus of reef fish. It is know that UV irradiation decreases with water depth and that mucus from fish with deep habitats absorbs less UV than that of fish from shallow habitats. It is unknown however, whether this UV protection is variable within the same individuals and if so, how fast changes 11 occur. To test this, I relocated 9 ambon damselfish from a deep reef (18 m) to a shallow reef (1.5 m) to expose fish to increased levels of UV and relocated another 7 fish from a shallow to a deep reef to expose fish to decreased levels of UV. One week after relocation, all fish were returned to their original reef site to determine whether MAA levels would return to their initial levels. Fish relocated to a shallower depth were recovered and had a 60% (SD+/-2%) increase in mucus UV absorbance. Conversely, the fish relocated to a deeper depth were recovered and had a 41% (SD+/-1%) decrease mucus UV absorbance. No difference was found between UV absorbance of relocated and original fish at both depth. Six days after fish were returned to their original reef, mucus UV absorbance levels had returned to 67% +/- 4% of the original level. These results show that mucus UV absorbance is variable in individual ambon damselfish and that the sunscreen protection typical for a certain depth is reached in relocated fish within just a few days of relocation. The rate of MAA loss is higher than the accumulation of MAAs suggesting that diet is not the sole determining factor involved in the sequestration of MAAs to mucus. The cleaner fish Labroides dimidiatus performs a mutualistic service by removing ectoparasites such as gnathiid isopods as well other dead infected tissue from its clients. Cleaner fish however are also known to feed on client mucus. The benefits of eating mucus until recently were unclear. In this study, we analysed the mucus of several cleaner fish clients to determine whether mucus feeding has a nutritional advantage over gnathiids and whether cleaner fish obtain their own MAA protection through this dietary mucus ingestion. Results show that host fish that are infected with gnathiids of poor nutritional value, in contrast to those that harbour gnathiids with higher nutritional value, continuously exude mucus that has both high nutritional value and high MAA content. These findings support the conclusion that in a competitive market for cleaners some host fish are forced to offer more than parasites to cleaners. Ultraviolet light that is not filtered by UV absorbing compounds such as MAA may still lead to DNA damage such as the formation of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) or 6-4 photoproducts (6-4 PPs). However, coral reef fish have alternative mechanisms to overcome UV induced damage via the photolyase DNA repair mechanisms. We experimentally demonstrated for the first time that a coral reef fish species, the moon wrasse Thalassoma lunare has the ability to repair DNA damage via photoreactivation. Fish both with and without MAA protection were irradiated with UVB wavelength to induce DNA lesions. Half of the experimental fish were then exposed to photoreactivating wavelength to induce DNA repair 12 while the other fish were blocked from the repair mechanisms. Fish which had undergone DNA repair had the lowest number of lesions regardless of mucus MAA protection. When fish were blocked from photoreactivation wavelengths MAA sunscreens clearly served a photoprotective role. The amount of damage was greatest in fish which both lacked MAAs and which were also blocked from photoreactivating wavelengths. Thus for the overall UV protection of fish both the MAA sunscreens as well as the DNA repair system play a significant role in counteracting UV damage. Ultraviolet protection by MAA sunscreens is ubiquitous in marine fish. To date the same 5 MAA compounds (palythine (λmax 320 nm), asterina (λmax 330 nm), palythinol (λmax 332 nm), usujirene (λmax 357 nm) and palythene (λmax 360nm) have been identified in the mucus of several different species of reef fish from Australia. Here we report the first evidence of the presence of additional UV absorbing compounds found in the mucus of fish from Indonesia. Using UV spectroscopy the mucus of four species of fish was compared between both geographical regions. The presence of an additional peak between 294-296 nm wavelengths suggests the presence of gadusol and/or deoxygadusol, which are photoprotective compounds, thought to be the precursors of MAAs. Thus, UV protecting compounds in the mucus of fish may not be as conserved between different regions as previously assumed. Our knowledge concerning the effect of UV radiation has advanced considerably in the past decade and my research findings contribute to the better understanding of protective mechanisms of marine fish. The correlations I have found between UV attenuation/exposure, depth, and longitude of sampled individuals lead me to believe that mucus UV absorbing MAA compounds are a highly efficient adaptive defence.

Etude de l'adhésion de composites thermoplastiques semi-cristallins; application à la mise en oeuvre par soudure

LAMETHE, Jean-Florent 08 December 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Cette étude visait à améliorer la compréhension des principaux phénomènes (interdiffusion et cristallisation) impliqués dans l'adhésion de composites thermoplastiques semi-cristallins (PEEK ou PPS renforcés de fibres de carbone) et à optimiser le procédé d'empilement avec soudage et consolidation en continu. L'utilisation d'un nouveau dispositif expérimental de soudage a permis de découpler les paramètres du procédé (temps, température, pression), et d'explorer leurs effets sur la qualité des assemblages réalisés, évaluée par test de clivage en coin. Les cinétiques de cristallisation ont été déterminées expérimentalement, dans des conditions similaires aux essais de soudage, puis modélisées. Les temps de relaxation des polymères ont été caractérisés par rhéologie pour évaluer les cinétiques d'interdiffusion. Finalement, l'évolution de la température d'interface lors du procédé a été étudiée expérimentalement et modélisée pour expliquer les différences d'énergie d'adhésion mesurées.

Integration der Transpondertechnologie zur Erhöhung der Leistungsfähigkeit der operativen Produktionssteuerung

Jansen, R., Mann, H., Harms, St., Riegel, J., Finger, M. 02 February 2005 (has links)
Getrieben von einem weltweit zunehmenden Kostendruck sind insbesondere die produzierenden Unternehmen im kmU-Bereich angehalten, ihre Geschäftsprozesse insbesondere in der Fertigung, Montage und Logistik effizienter, flexibler und kürzer zu gestalten. Als wesentlicher Faktor dafür gilt die rationelle, schnelle und echtzeitnahe Erfassung, Aufbereitung, Weiterleitung und Speicherung der Ressource Information, insbesondere für eine operative Produktionsablaufsteuerung und - überwachung. Mit der Nutzung der Transpondertechnologie (bzw. RFIDTechnologie) zur Gestaltung eines hocheffektiven und kostengünstigen Informationsflusses in den Produktions- und Logistikabläufen besteht dafür ein hohes zukunftsträchtiges Potenzial, welches es praxisrelevant aufzubereiten und zu überführen gilt. Mit der Integration dieser Technologie in die Prozesssteuerung bzw. in ihre Abläufe wird die Eigenschaft genutzt, Zustands- und Prozessdaten zeitkonform zu erkennen, bewerten, aktualisieren und sie wieder an Objekte mit ausgestattetem Transponder zu übertragen, um operativ auf die Prozesse Einfluss nehmen zu können. Die wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse und die in hohem Maße gemeinsam mit der Praxis erzielten Forschungsinhalte entstanden aus einem gemeinsam mit dem Fachgebiet Logistik der Universität Dortmund (Prof. Dr.-Ing. R. Jansen, MSc St. Harms, Dipl.-Ing. M. Finger, Dipl.-Kfm. J. Schmidt, Dr.-Ing. B. Bohl ) erarbeiteten und von der Arbeitsgemeinschaft industrieller Forschungsvereinigungen (AiF) geförderten Vorhaben Integration der Transpondertechnologie zur Erhöhung der Leistungsfähigkeit der operativen Produktionssteuerung (ITELOP). Die AiF- Vorhaben- Nr. lautet: ZUTECH 65 ZBG / 1. Die Ergebnisse des Forschungsprojektes münden in einen internetbasierten Leitfaden, in welchem auf Basis der Planungsmethodik die Schritte zur Neuplanung eines RFID-Systems - wahlweise zur Produkt- oder Ladungsträgeridentifikation aufbereitet und gestaltet werden (http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/mb/InstBF/ITELOP).

Étude de la perception de dirigeants de bibliothèques universitaires québécoises envers un système technologique innovant : les plateformes de services pour bibliothèques

Bertrand, Nicolas 11 1900 (has links)
L’innovation est un sujet d’intérêt en bibliothéconomie. Aussi, ce mémoire de maîtrise explore l'innovation en bibliothèques universitaires en cherchant à comprendre les perceptions de dirigeants de ces bibliothèques sur un outil innovant et sur son adoption potentielle au sein d’un regroupement : les plateformes de services pour bibliothèques (PSB). Ces plateformes sont décrites comme étant mieux intégrées que le système intégré de gestion de bibliothèque. Elles donnent accès à des données bibliographiques partagées et proposent de nouveaux flux de travail. Elles facilitent aussi la mutualisation des ressources entre plusieurs bibliothèques. Dans cette étude de cas simple, des entrevues semi-dirigées ont été réalisées auprès de sept dirigeants du groupe SB9, un réseau de bibliothèques de l’Université du Québec, pour recueillir leurs perceptions sur les PSB, à la suite de l’amorce d’une réflexion en vue d’une adoption partagée. Des résultats ressortent les avantages et les désavantages de ces systèmes pour les bibliothèques universitaires au sein d’un regroupement. Ils permettent aussi d’évaluer la compatibilité de ces systèmes avec leur contexte et la complexité liée à leur adoption. Enfin, ils font ressortir les sources d’influence poussant à l’adoption des PSB. Cette étude met en évidence comment l’adoption potentielle d’une innovation technologique peut agir comme levier pour la transformation organisationnelle, la création de services à valeur ajoutée pour les usagers et de nouvelles collaborations entre bibliothèques. L’impact des PSB va au-delà de leurs fonctionnalités, offrant de nouvelles opportunités aux bibliothèques. Enfin, cette étude offre une perspective nouvelle sur l’innovation dans les bibliothèques universitaires du Québec. / Innovation is a topic of interest in librarianship. Therefore, this master’s thesis aims to explore innovation in academic libraries by examining how library managers perceive an innovative tool, the library services platform (LSP), and its potential adoption by a group of libraries. These platforms are described as being better integrated than integrated library systems. They provide access to shared bibliographic data and allow for new workflows. Moreover, they facilitate resource sharing among several libraries. In this simple case study, semi-structured interviews were conducted with seven library managers from the SB9 group, a network of libraries affiliated with the Université du Québec with the aim of gathering their perceptions of these innovative tools. At the time of data collection, the group was at the stage of considering the shared adoption of an LSP. Results highlight the advantages and disadvantages of such systems for academic libraries in a consortium context. They also shed light on the compatibility of LSPs in context, as well as the complexity associated with their adoption. Finally, they show the sources of influence driving the adoption of LSPs. This study demonstrates how the potential adoption of a technological innovation can act as a lever for organizational change, for the creation of value-added services for patrons, and for new collaborations between libraries. The impact of LSPs goes beyond their mere functionalities, offering new opportunities for libraries. Finally, this study provides a new perspective on innovation in Quebec academic libraries.

Challenges and potentials of channeling local philanthropy towards development and aocial justice and the role of waqf (Islamic and Arab-civic endowments) in building community foundations

Daly, Marwa El 16 May 2012 (has links)
Diese Arbeit bietet eine solide theoretische Grundlage zu Philanthropie und religiös motivierten Spendenaktivitäten und deren Einfluss auf Wohltätigkeitstrends, Entwicklungszusammenarbeit und einer auf dem Gedanken der sozialen Gerechtigkeit beruhenden Philanthropie. Untersucht werden dafür die Strukturen religiös motivierte Spenden, für die in der islamischen Tradition die Begriffe „zakat“, „Waqf“ oder im Plural auch „awqaf-“ oder „Sadaqa“ verwendet werden, der christliche Begriff dafür lautet „tithes“ oder „ushour“. Aufbauend auf diesem theoretischen Rahmenwerk analysiert die qualitative und quantitative Feldstudie auf nationaler Ebene, wie die ägyptische Öffentlichkeit Philanthropie, soziale Gerechtigkeit, Menschenrechte, Spenden, Freiwilligenarbeit und andere Konzepte des zivilgesellschaftlichen Engagements wahrnimmt. Um eine umfassende und repräsentative Datengrundlage zu erhalten, wurden 2000 Haushalte, 200 zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen erfasst, sowie Spender, Empfänger, religiöse Wohltäter und andere Akteure interviewt. Die so gewonnen Erkenntnisse lassen aussagekräftige Aufschlüsse über philanthropische Trends zu. Erstmals wird so auch eine finanzielle Einschätzung und Bewertung der Aktivitäten im lokalen Wohltätigkeitsbereich möglich, die sich auf mehr als eine Billion US-Dollar beziffern lassen. Die Erhebung weist nach, dass gemessen an den Pro-Kopf-Aufwendungen die privaten Spendenaktivitäten weitaus wichtiger sind als auswärtige wirtschaftliche Hilfe für Ägypten. Das wiederum lässt Rückschlüsse zu, welche Bedeutung lokale Wohltätigkeit erlangen kann, wenn sie richtig gesteuert wird und nicht wie bislang oft im Teufelskreis von ad-hoc-Spenden oder Hilfen von Privatperson an Privatperson gefangen ist. Die Studie stellt außerdem eine Verbindung her zwischen lokalen Wohltätigkeits-Mechanismen, die meist auf religiösen und kulturellen Werten beruhen, und modernen Strukturen, wie etwa Gemeinde-Stiftungen oder Gemeinde-„waqf“, innerhalb derer die Spenden eine nachhaltige Veränderung bewirken können. Daher bietet diese Arbeit also eine umfassende wissenschaftliche Grundlage, die nicht nur ein besseres Verständnis, sondern auch den nachhaltiger Aus- und Aufbau lokaler Wohltätigkeitsstrukturen in Ägypten ermöglicht. Zentral ist dabei vor allem die Rolle lokaler, individueller Spenden, die beispielsweise für Stiftungen auf der Gemeindeebene eingesetzt, wesentlich zu einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung beitragen könnten – und das nicht nur in Ägypten, sondern in der gesamten arabischen Region. Als konkretes Ergebnis dieser Arbeit, wurde ein innovatives Modell entwickelt, dass neben den wissenschaftlichen Daten das Konzept der „waqf“ berücksichtigt. Der Wissenschaftlerin und einem engagierten Vorstand ist es auf dieser Grundlage gelungen, die Waqfeyat al Maadi Community Foundation (WMCF) zu gründen, die nicht nur ein Modell für eine Bürgerstiftung ist, sondern auch das tradierte Konzept der „waqf“ als praktikable und verbürgte Wohlstätigkeitsstruktur sinnvoll weiterentwickelt. / This work provides a solid theoretical base on philanthropy, religious giving (Islamic zakat, ‘ushour, Waqf -plural: awqaf-, Sadaqa and Christian tithes or ‘ushour), and their implications on giving trends, development work, social justice philanthropy. The field study (quantitative and qualitative) that supports the theoretical framework reflects at a national level the Egyptian public’s perceptions on philanthropy, social justice, human rights, giving and volunteering and other concepts that determine the peoples’ civic engagement. The statistics cover 2000 households, 200 Civil Society Organizations distributed all over Egypt and interviews donors, recipients, religious people and other stakeholders. The numbers reflect philanthropic trends and for the first time provide a monetary estimate of local philanthropy of over USD 1 Billion annually. The survey proves that the per capita share of philanthropy outweighs the per capita share of foreign economic assistance to Egypt, which implies the significance of local giving if properly channeled, and not as it is actually consumed in the vicious circle of ad-hoc, person to person charity. In addition, the study relates local giving mechanisms derived from religion and culture to modern actual structures, like community foundations or community waqf that could bring about sustainable change in the communities. In sum, the work provides a comprehensive scientific base to help understand- and build on local philanthropy in Egypt. It explores the role that local individual giving could play in achieving sustainable development and building a new wave of community foundations not only in Egypt but in the Arab region at large. As a tangible result of this thesis, an innovative model that revives the concept of waqf and builds on the study’s results was created by the researcher and a dedicated board of trustees who succeeded in establishing Waqfeyat al Maadi Community Foundation (WMCF) that not only introduces the community foundation model to Egypt, but revives and modernizes the waqf as a practical authentic philanthropic structure.

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