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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Řízení entit ve strategické hře založené na multiagentních systémech / Strategic Game Based on Multiagent Systems

Knapek, Petr January 2019 (has links)
This thesis is focused on designing and implementing system, that adds learning and planning capabilities to agents designed for playing real-time strategy games like StarCraft. It will explain problems of controlling game entities and bots by computer and introduce some often used solutions. Based on analysis, a new system has been designed and implemented. It uses multi-agent systems to control the game, utilizes machine learning methods and is capable of overcoming oponents and adapting to new challenges.

Återhämtning från psykisk ohälsa : En kvalitativ undersökning om återhämtning inom Socialpsykiatriska utförarenheten i Skärholmens Stadsdelsförvaltning / Recovery from mental illness : A qualitative study about recovery in Social Psychiatry perform purity of Skärholmens District Administration

Khanabhadi, Mahboba, Khanabhadi, Yasmin January 2014 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att öka förståelsen för hur boendestödjarna beskriver sitt vardagsarbete med brukarnas återhämtning på två boenden med särskild service inom Socialpsykiatriska utförarenheten i Skärholmens Stadsdelsförvaltning. Vi har intervjuat åtta boendestödjare. Valet av respondenter har gjorts utifrån ett kvoturval, fyra boendestödjare från Frösätra samt fyra från Solholmen. Vi har gjort semi-strukturerade intervjuer med samtliga boendestödjarna och utformat en intervjuguide. Intervjuguiden berör fenomen hur personalen på boendena beskriver begreppet återhämtning, hur de arbetar med återhämtning, hur återhämtning nås samt hur personal beskriver sin roll. Resultatet av studien påvisar att återhämtning innebär att den enskilde har möjligheten att återhämta sig från det kaotiska tillståndet samt att den enskilde tar makten över sitt liv. Återhämtning innebär utveckling och att den enskilde är självständig trots att en del av symptomen är varaktiga. Arbetet med återhämtning handlar om att lita på den enskildes förmåga och inte ge upp hoppet. Att se människan bakom symtomen och sjukdomen och därefter lyfta fram det friska. Återhämtning nås genom att den enskilde själv medverkar i sin egen återhämtning, är aktiv och villig att åstadkomma en förändring. / This study aims to increase understanding of how housing supporters describe their everyday work with the users' recovery at two sheltered housing, in Social Psychiatry perform purity of Skärholmens District Administration. We interviewed eight housing supporters. The selection of respondents was made based on a quota sample, four housing supporters from Frösätra and four from Solholmen. We did semi-structured interviews with all housing supporters and designed an interview guide. The interview guide affects phenomena such as how staff describes the concept of recovery and work on recovery. How the recovery is accessed and how staff describes their role. The results of this study demonstrated that recovery means that the individual has the ability to recover from the chaotic state, and that the individual will take charge of their lives. Recovery involves the development that the individual is autonomous although some symptoms are lasting. The work of recovery is about trusting the individual capacity and to not give up hope, to see the person behind the symptoms and the disease and highlight the healthy. Recovery achieved by the individual themselves take part in their own recovery, are active and want to make a change.

預售屋交易機制對消費者之安全保障—兼論新型態之使用權銷售 / The protection of trading mechanism of Pre-sale housing for the customers-The new mode for the sales of usufruct

楊克成, Yang, Kecheng Unknown Date (has links)
因預售屋交易具有交易標的不可預見性、多重複雜法律關係等特性,故於實務上常引發諸多爭訟,本文針對預售屋交易依下列主題進行深入研究: 一、解析預售屋交易型態   傳統的預售屋交易模式,契約當事人主要為建商與消費者,並以此為中心,對外與地主、貸款銀行、代銷公司及營造廠等產生連結,本文將整理分析學說及實務判決之相關見解,藉以對預售屋交易契約為定性,並與鄰近日本地區之預售屋交易模式進行比較研究。又自信託法公布後,實務上建商為因應融資銀行之要求,於預售屋交易機制上引入信託架構,對原有法律關係架構產生如何之影響與變化,並檢討信託機制對消費者權益保障之實質助益。 二、案例紛爭類型化與司法審查之檢討   為瞭解預售屋之實際糾紛,藉由蒐集整理法院案例,將常見紛爭歸納為「審閱期間」、「廣告不實」、「面積與找補爭議」及「房屋瑕疵與拒絕給付價金」四大類型,分析相關判決對各爭點之法律見解,並檢討法院判決能否有效發揮司法審查之作用,以期未來在進行預售屋交易時能避免並預防類似之訟爭再度發生。 三、定型化契約條款之規制   我國對預售屋定型化契約條款之行政管制,主要以內政部所公告「預售屋買賣定型化契約應記載及不得記載事項」,作為企業經營者與消費者訂定契約之依據。惟隨著實行後仍發生諸多預售屋交易糾紛,因而分別於98年及99年二度修正,故本文將以新修正之應記載事項及不得記載事項內容為討論範圍,且針對修正後條款如履約保證機制等規定,在實務運作上恐將發生之爭議問題為探討,進而提出再修正之建議。 四、新型態使用權銷售之探討   隨著多元化之發展,預售屋銷售不再僅侷限於傳統預售房屋所有權之概念,亦發展出地上權房屋、使用權房屋之案例,本文擬以實際建案「京站使用權」為研究對象,分析使用權產生之背景,探討其交易架構、當事人間之法律關係及契約條款內容,以比較與傳統預售屋銷售之差異處,並深究消費者面對此種新型態預售屋時應注意之相關事項,另新型態預售模式中所採行之交易機制,可否採行適用於傳統之預售屋交易型態。 五、預售屋安全交易機制之再建構   最後藉由歸納分析上述各項議題,考量預售屋交易特性所產生之交易風險,擬由價金返還保障與建立續建機制之角度,提出預售屋安全交易機制之再建構。又基於實務上建商常使用顯失公平之定型化契約條款,而有加以導正之必要,將從司法審查與行政規制之面向,針對現有常見之糾紛類型,評析既存判決之適法性及妥當性,並對預售屋定型化契約應記載事項及不得記載事項之內容,提示具體之修正條款,達到加強消費者安全保障之目的,以期能尋求契約自由與消費者保護間之衡平。

A review of the impact of Canadian law, policy and P3 practice on the case for procuring capital-intensive infrastructure services via P3s

Jatto, Lucky Bryce Junior 02 September 2011 (has links)
This dissertation investigates the advantages of procuring capital-intensive infrastructure services via Public-Private Partnerships (P3s or PPPs) – cost and time savings and; innovation and high levels of efficiency – accounting for these advantages by reference to the underlying legal provisions and principles that facilitate them; and in this process highlights two significant directions in which Canadian P3 law, policy and practice has evolved – the enactment of P3 legislation and/or the formulation of non-statutory P3-related policy; as well as the establishment of legal institutions that promote and/or facilitate P3 procurements. The dissertation also addresses key arguments raised against P3s, by reference to aspects of Canadian law, policy and P3 practice. The research methodology comprises a detailed review of legal and non-legal sources. The implication of the research findings is that, given the foregoing developments in Canadian P3 law, policy and practice, the key arguments canvassed against P3s are overstated and lacking in merit.

A review of the impact of Canadian law, policy and P3 practice on the case for procuring capital-intensive infrastructure services via P3s

Jatto, Lucky Bryce Jr 02 September 2011 (has links)
This dissertation investigates the advantages of procuring capital-intensive infrastructure services via Public-Private Partnerships (P3s or PPPs) – cost and time savings and; innovation and high levels of efficiency – accounting for these advantages by reference to the underlying legal provisions and principles that facilitate them; and in this process highlights two significant directions in which Canadian P3 law, policy and practice has evolved – the enactment of P3 legislation and/or the formulation of non-statutory P3-related policy; as well as the establishment of legal institutions that promote and/or facilitate P3 procurements. The dissertation also addresses key arguments raised against P3s, by reference to aspects of Canadian law, policy and P3 practice. The research methodology comprises a detailed review of legal and non-legal sources. The implication of the research findings is that, given the foregoing developments in Canadian P3 law, policy and practice, the key arguments canvassed against P3s are overstated and lacking in merit.

開發型不動產證券化之研究 / The study on development-oriented real estate securitization

胥博懷, Hsu, Po Huai Unknown Date (has links)
開發型不動產證券化制度,定義上係以未開發完成之不動產之權利,透過特殊目的機構,在破產隔離之法律關係下,加以小口化、規格化,並發行有價證券表彰該權利且對外募集或私募有價證券之行為。在我國法規範之下,制度上則可包括「不動產投資信託基金投資於開發型不動產」以及「不動產資產信託以開發型不動產作為信託財產私募有價證券」二種型態。證券化對於不動產之開發而言,係一相當有利之融資管道,且同時亦提供了小額投資人投資大型不動產開發案共享獲利之機會。一般均認為開發型不動產係對於證券化需求最大之標的,然而,因開發性不動產本質上具有較已開發不動產更高之風險,故學說、實務及立法上之討論亦有眾多見解主張對於開發型不動產之證券化應予禁止或限制。 我國不動產證券化條例於民國92年公布施行時,對於開發型不動產納入規範係採所謂「分階段立法」之模式,而在民國98年1月6日始由立法院三讀通過不動產證券化條例之修正案,正式將開發型不動產納入我國不動產證券化之法制,惟現行法基於道德危險之防止、風險控管與投資人保護等考量,對於開發型不動產之證券化仍設有多數禁止或限制規範。然而,本文認為風險控管與投資人保護之並非不動產證券化制度唯一或絕對之考量;並且,制度上之限制或禁止應屬投資人保護之最後手段,若尚可透過主管機關之有效監理降低投資風險並保障投資人時,仍應儘量朝「興利同時防弊」之方向運作,不應過度限制該制度之適用範圍,否則反而將使制度之立法目的無法達成。 綜上所述,本文嘗試從開發型不動產證券化之本質、特性與優缺點出發,參酌國外相關立法例,並考量我國民情與資本市場之特色後,分析提出我國開發型不動產證券化制度之走向,主張應修法開放募集之不動產投 資信託基金得投資於一般開發型不動產。另外,針對都市更新及BOT等開發案適用不動產證券化條例之議題,本研究採取否定見解,認為應於各該法律另行立法規範此種特別法上之開發型不動產證券化,而不應以不動產證券化條例規範之。故本研究尚針對現行不動產證券化條例、都市更新條例、促進民間參與公共建設法等法律規範提出修正建議。期能提供開發型不動產證券化制度將來修法及運作上之參考。 / The “development-oriented real estate securitization” could be defined as an arrangement that subdivides and standardizes the right of real estate which is undeveloped or under development, into separate shares through a special purpose vehicle and the bankruptcy-remoteness structure, and the public offering or private placement of the real estate securities representing ownership of such shares. Under the Real Estate Securitization Act of Taiwan, R.O.C. (the “Act”), so called development-oriented real estate securitization could also be construed as either 1) fund investment of REIT into real estate(s) under development, or 2) entrusting real estate(s) under development or to be developed to a REAT. Securitization is a favorable way to finance the development project, also it provides opportunities for investors with limited fund to invest in and profit from the same. Generally, development projects have the strongest needs for securitization financing. However, due to the risks accompanied with development, there are opinions from researchers and legislators for the restriction of their securitization. Upon the Act’s promulgation in 2003, the Legislative Yuan also resolved the guidelines for future amendment that the real estate under development or to be developed shall be included upon the maturity of real estate securitization operation. However, due to legislators’ concerns on moral hazard, risk control and investor protection, the amendment promulgated in 2009 formally adapting the development-oriented real estate securitization was still quite restricted. It is held by this thesis that risk control and investor protection are not the only or supreme purposes of the Act. Meanwhile, the restriction shall be deemed the last resort of investor protection, it is to say, if the monitoring and supervision of competent authority is operable, we shall use them to protect investors instead of legislative restriction. Or some objectives of the Act would be therefore hindered. Based on the analysis of the nature, advantages, disadvantages, comparative law study of development-oriented real estate securitization, and also referring to the customs and capital market structure of Taiwan, this thesis has provided some thoughts and suggestions for other researchers and legislators’ reference. Firstly, it is held that the restriction on publicly offered REIT’s investment in development project shall be removed. Also, the urban renewal and BOT project shall not be applicable under the Act as which shall be exceptional types respectively legislated in Urban Renewal Act and the Law for Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects. It is expected that the issues, thoughts and opinions raised or provided by this thesis could encourage further discussions toward the subject to ensure the sound and stable development of real estate securitization in Taiwan.

Self-assembling robots

Gross, Roderich 12 October 2007 (has links)
We look at robotic systems made of separate discrete components that, by self-assembling, can organize into physical structures of growing size. We review 22 such systems, exhibiting components ranging from passive mechanical parts to mobile<p>robots. We present a taxonomy of the systems, and discuss their design and function. We then focus on a particular system, the swarm-bot. In swarm-bot, the components that assemble are self-propelled modules that are fully autonomous in power, perception, computation, and action. We examine the additional capabilities and functions self-assembly can offer an autonomous group of modules for the accomplishment of a concrete task: the transport of an object. The design of controllers is accomplished in simulation using<p>techniques from biologically-inspired computing. We show that self-assembly can offer adaptive value to groups that compete in an artificial evolution based on their fitness in task performance. Moreover, we investigate mechanisms that facilitate the design of self-assembling systems. The controllers are transferred to the physical swarm-bot system, and the capabilities of self-assembly and object transport are extensively evaluated in a range of different environments. Additionally, the controller for self-assembly is transferred and evaluated on a different robotic system, a super-mechano colony. Given the breadth and quality of the results obtained, we can say that the swarm-bot qualifies as the current state of the art in self-assembling robots. Our work supplies some initial evidence (in form of simulations and experiments with the swarm-bot) that self-assembly can offer robotic systems additional capabilities and functions useful for the accomplishment of concrete tasks.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

運用營運績效付款機制興辦社會住宅之探討 / Establishment Discussion The Social Housing by Using Operational Performance Payment Mechanism

楊宛真, Yang, Wan Chen Unknown Date (has links)
政府為照護青年及弱勢族群的居住權利,興辦社會住宅為首要政策,然當前政府財政困境及資源不足情形,得運用民間資源以「公私協力夥伴(public-private partnerships,下稱PPP)」模式共同興辦社會住宅。惟現行促進民間參與公共建設法有政府不出資金及民間財務自償率適用門檻等特性,民間企業對於低自償性且具高益性之公共建設案件投資意願低;若開放附屬事業增加投資誘因,則產生政府未達公共建設目的、犧牲弱勢權益及公益性不足等爭議及輿論。 為提高民間企業投資誘因及推動社會住宅政策,本研究以我國BOT(Build-Operate-Transfer,建設-營運-移轉)模式導入國外民間融資提案(Private Finance Initiative,PFI)制度之營運績效付款概念為基礎,透過個案研究財務模擬,在促參法BOT制度下,進行現有民間自主營運及導入營運績效付款機制等兩模式進行財務效益分析,並以此作為深度訪談題綱資料,進行產、官、學三類型受訪者之個別訪談。 最後,經彙總深度訪談意見及各章節分析後,本研究得到下列幾點「運用營運績效付款興辦社會住宅」之重要結論與後續建議,以資作為未來政府機關以民間參與模式推動社會住宅或其他低自償高公益性類型之公共建設案件參考: 1.政府擔負租金率和租金調整風險,可降低民間企業營運風險,增加政府機關政策調整彈性和監督管理權力,具有達到興辦社會住宅政策目的及風險控制效益。 2.政府於營運期依營運績效給付固定價金予民間企業,除可提升公共建設服務品質,於民間企業可收取穩定租金現金流量佳,具投資誘因。 3.提供評估社會住宅之重大參數建議,包含:特許年期設定於20年~25年區間、合理利潤率設定於稅後報酬率8%~10%區間、付款機制於營運期間依服務可用度及績效評估分年付款,及土地租金得以公告地價1%或約定固定費率計收等,降低雙方案件執行風險及保障利潤。 4.促使案件順利執行之應配套事項,包含:政府機關確保長期預算編列及確保給付性、融資機構願專案融資可行性及合理制定成果規範、評核項目及扣款機制。 / To ensure the housing for young people and vulnerable social groups, implementing social housing is a top priority. Given the government’s financial difficulties and lack of resources, “public-private partnerships” (PPP) could be used to provide social housing. However, the Act for Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects (the Act) stipulates that the government provides no funding nor an applicable threshold of self-liquidation ratio (SLR) for private enterprises. Private enterprises do not have such a great interest in investing in infrastructure projects with a low SLR or benefits. If affiliated business have a greater incentive to invest, it will result in a dispute or argument over the government’s disregard for infrastructure projects, the rights and interests of vulnerable groups, and public welfare. To increase private enterprises’ incentive to invest and promote the social housing policies, the study has introduced the concept of operating performance payment in the foreign PFI (Private-Finance-Initiative) system based on the BOT (Build-Operate-Transfer) model under the Act and has analyzed the financial benefits of private enterprises and the operating performance payment through a case study. The analysis was applied to develop in-depth individual interview questions with respondents from the businessman, the government, and specialist. According to feedback gathered from in-depth interviews and the summary of each chapter, the study drew the following conclusions and recommendations for the implementation of social housing through operating performance payment. The conclusion and recommendations could be used as future references in the implementation of social housing through PPP or infrastructure projects with a low SLR and high benefits: 1.The government shall bear the risks of adjustments to rental rates and rent to reduce the operational risk of private enterprises and increase the flexibility and power of supervision and management of its policies with the aim of implementing social housing and controlling risks. 2.During operation, the government pays a fixed amount to private enterprises based on their operating performance, which can improve the quality of service of infrastructure projects and provide a more stable rent for private enterprises thus further increasing their incentive to invest. 3.Major parameters of social housing are proposed, including a concession period of 20~25 years, a reasonable profit margin set at 8%~10% of after-tax as a rate of return, the annual payment of which shall made according to the availability of services and performance evaluation during operations, and land rent charged based on 1% of the published land price or an agreed fixed rate. These parameters can help reduce the risks of implementation and guarantee profits. 4.Mechanisms that support the implementation of social housing are proposed, including the government’s guarantee of budgets and payments, the feasibility of project financing and the establishment of proper standards for evaluating the results, determining the evaluation citeria, and deduction mechanisms.

Le Vietnam et le principe de non-discrimination dans le commerce international des services / Vietnam and the Principle of Non-discrimination in International Trade in Services

Le, Minh-Phieu 06 July 2011 (has links)
Le Vietnam du Doi Moi poursuit sa libéralisation économique tout en consolidant le système politique hérité du marxisme-léninisme. Ce paradoxe influence considérablement son processus d'intégration économique internationale et se manifeste particulièrement dans le commerce des services. La manière dans laquelle le Vietnam reconnaît le principe de non-discrimination via les traités bilatéraux, plurilatéraux et multilatéraux, tant sous l'angle du commerce des services que sous l'angle de l'investissement, le prouve. Par ailleurs, dans le souci d'accélérer le développement économique, d'importantes réformes relatives au droit des affaires ont supprimé des discriminations substantielles entre les opérateurs économiques. Cependant, en raison de l'insuffisance de l'adapatation structurelle, la mise en oeuvre du principe de non-discrimination pose toujours de nombreuses difficultés. / Vietnam of Doi Moi pursues economic liberalization while strengthening the political system initiated from Marxism-Leninism. This paradox significantly influences its international economic integration process and manifests itself especially in the domain of trade in services. This is demonstrated by the manner in which Vietnam recognizes the principle of non-discrimination, through bilateral, plurilateral and multilateral agreements, in trade in services as well as in investements. Besides, in order to accelerate economic development, important reforms on business law have removed substancial discriminations between economic operators. However, the insufficient ajustement on structural matters still poses many problems for the implementation of the principle of non-discrimonation.

Examining the Privacy Aspects and Cost-Quality Balance of a Public Sector Conversational Interface

Meier Ström, Theo, Vesterlund, Marcus January 2024 (has links)
This thesis explores the implementation of a conversational user interface for Uppsala Municipality, aimed at optimising the balance between cost of usage and quality when using large language models for public services. The central issue addressed is the effective integration of large language models, such as OpenAI's GPT-4, to enhance municipal services without compromising user privacy and data security. The solution developed involves a prototype that utilises a model chooser and prompt tuner, allowing the interface to adapt the complexity of responses based on user input. This adaptive approach reduces costs while maintaining high response quality. The results indicate that the prototype not only manages costs effectively, but also adheres to standards of data privacy and security. Clear information on data use and transparency improved user trust and understanding. In addition, strategies were effectively implemented to handle sensitive and unexpected input, improving overall data security. Overall, the findings suggest that this approach to implementing conversational user interfaces in public services is viable, offering valuable insights into the cost-effective and secure integration of language models in the public sector. The success of the prototype highlights its potential to improve future municipal services, underscoring the importance of transparency and user engagement in public digital interfaces. / Den här masteruppsatsen undersöker implementeringen av ett konversationsgränssnitt för Uppsala kommun, med målet att optimera balansen mellan kostnad och kvalitet vid användning av stora språkmodeller för den offentliga sektorn. Den centrala frågan som besvaras är hur stora språkmodeller, såsom OpenAI:s GPT-4, kan integreras för att förbättra kommunala tjänster utan att kompromissa med användarnas integritet och datasäkerhet. Den utvecklade lösningen innefattar en prototyp som använder en modellväljare och promptjusterare, vilket gör det möjligt för gränssnittet att anpassa svarens komplexitet baserat på användarens meddelande. Detta tillvägagångssätt reducerar kostnaderna samtidigt som en hög svarskvalitet bibehålls. Resultaten visar att prototypen inte bara hanterar kostnaderna effektivt, utan också upprätthåller standarder för datasekretess och säkerhet. Tydlig information om dataanvändning och transparens förbättrade avsevärt användarnas förtroende och förståelse. Dessutom implementerades strategier effektivt för att hantera känslig och oväntad data, vilket förbättrade den övergripande datasäkerheten. Sammanfattningsvis tyder resultaten på att detta tillvägagångssätt för implementering av konversationsgränssnitt i offentliga tjänster är möjligt och erbjuder lärdomar om kostnadseffektiv och säker integration av språkmodeller i offentlig sektor. Prototypens framgång påvisar dess potential att förbättra framtida kommunala tjänster, men lyfter också vikten av transparens och användarengagemang i offentliga digitala gränssnitt.

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