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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L’expérience du torse ; suivi de L’expérience du texte

Babin, Marc 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Voix et échos des romancières aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles

Côté, Julie January 2012 (has links)
Hélisenne de Crenne, Marie de Gournay et Madeleine de Scudéry : trois voix de femmes qui, en prenant la plume, ont transgressé les règles établies par des sociétés patriarcales, pour qui l’idéal féminin doit être gouverné par la modestie, la pudeur et la discrétion. Notre thèse examine l’instrumentalisation du genre romanesque qui est effectué par ces auteures pour faire entendre un discours revendicateur, réclamant un accès à l’éducation et à la culture, ainsi que le droit au bonheur et à l’amour dans les questions d’ordre matrimonial. En étudiant Les angoysses douloureuses qui procèdent d’amours, le Promenoir de Monsieur de Montaigne et Mathilde, cette thèse fait état de la continuité et de l’écho d’un discours propre à une posture féminine, porteur à la fois de la doxa défavorable aux dames et de propositions visant à faire advenir le « féminin », qui prend en compte l’aspiration au bonheur.

Den retoriska modernisten : T.S. Eliots objektiva korrelat som retoriskt begrepp

Bjurbom, Helena January 2020 (has links)
Uppsatsen är en retoriskt studie av T.S. Eliots begrepp objektiva korrelat; ett litterärt begrepp som, enligt Eliot, var det konstfulla sättet att framställa känslor på. Känslan skulle framställas i dikt genom att en objektiv framställning, Detta innebar att känslan skulle ha en konkret motsvarighet i dikten, exempelvis skulle den inkapslas i ett objektiv, en situation eller händelsekedja. Detta skulle i sin tur omedelbart väcka känslan hos läsaren. Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka och visa att det objektiva korrelatet förutsätter en retorisk kommunikationsmodell. Detta görs mot bakgrunden till att det fanns en modernistisk uppfattning om retoriken som skadligt, något som litteraturen skulle befrias ifrån. För att uppfylla syftet undersöks text-, författare-, och läsarfunktionen, vilka kan förstås som viktiga delar i en kommunikationsmodell.   Studien visar att begreppet delar flera likheter med och förstås utifrån flera retoriska teorier, exempelvis Chaïm Perelmans auditoriebegrepp, Mats Rosengrens definition av doxa och Wayne C. Booths begrepp telling och showing. Det objektiva korrelatet kan förstås som en poetisk argumentation som ämnar påverka läsarna, men vars funktion också är avhängig publiken då författaren måste förhålla sig till de kollektiva referenspunkter som publiken håller gemensamt. Studien visar att de kommunikationsparameterar som undersöks är av retorisk karaktär och såldes förutsätter begreppet en retorisk kommunikationsmodell.

Experiences of Social Inequalities Related to Skin Colour Enhaced by Fashion Magazines in South Africa : A case study on how women in South Africa identify themselves in relation to the representation of race in South African fashion magazines

Åkerlund, Josefine January 2013 (has links)
This study was carried out during the spring of 2013 in Cape Town, South Africa with a Minor Field Study (MFS) scholarship funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA). South Africa is a country with a complex society due to the still recent history of Apartheid. South Africa faces great challenges with the gap between rich and poor, high unemployment and deep expertise gaps between the white minority and the historically disadvantaged coloureds and black majority. As a result the contemporary situation is extensive segregation and difficulties for the multicultural population to conduct a common cultural identity. The aim of this study was to find out how four South African issues of international fashion magazines deals with the representation of black, white and coloured people. Furthermore, to find out how South African women from socially diverse areas experience and perceive this representation. Quantitative content analysis, connotative and denotative picture analysis and the conduction of interviews was made in order to reach a result. Consequently, it turned out that the investigated magazines do not present a fair and equal representation of the South African society, hence highly over representing the white minority in each magazine. Additionally, South African women do not describe the fashion magazines as presenting an equal representation of race, neither that a reality based ideal is being conveyed.

"Yes! Man kan bli kranförare." : - En studie av manligt tolkningsföreträde i svensk inrikesnyhetsjournalistik

Höjer, Joakim, Svensson, Ivar January 2013 (has links)
The free press is an invaluable part of the democratic society and a pillar stone in the creation of ideas, opinions and norms. According to theories such as agenda-setting and framing the media have a significant influence on people’s perspectives and opinions. With this view of media along with the gender system provided by Yvonne Hirdman as a framework, this study intends to examine the gender representation in Swedish domestic news journalism. The study consists of a quantitative analysis of two major Swedish morning papers, Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet, where the gender representation regarding journalists, main news sources and pictures are being accounted for. The material being used consists of a total of 241 articles taken from the first domestic news article in each third paper 2012. Furthermore the study contains a supplementary qualitative part consisting of two interviews with female journalists working on the examined newspapers. The analysis of these interviews takes on a Bourdieuan approach, which focuses on the journalistic field, it’s doxa and the symbolic values within the field. The questions at issue in this study are whether it exists a male interpretive precedence within the Swedish domestic news, what type of norms within the journalistic culture that potentially can affect the representation regarding journalists and main sources and lastly we intend to assess the impact of the gender system on the media and subsequently the medias reproductive affect on the gender system as a whole. The core, quantitative, study indicates a substantial difference regarding gender related representation within the examined material concerning journalists, pictures and main sources. The results reveal a significant female underrepresentation both amongst journalists (36,5 percent) and main sources (34,9 percent). Our quantitative study as well as our interviews prove a pattern where an elite orientated praxis, when it comes to choosing sources, is dominant. Since the elite sources are predominantly male this has a negative impact on the female representation amongst the sources. The underrepresentation of women, both as sources and journalists, combined with theories such as agenda-setting and framing indicates the presence of a male interpretive precedence. The gender related structures of society are reflected in the media, and as a consequence of this occurrence the structures themselves are also reproduced, and consolidated, through medias impact on popular values and opinions.

Gestaltningen av diabetes i svensk press : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av svenska dags- och kvällstidningar. / Framing of diabetes in the Swedish press: a quantitative content analysis of Swedish daily and evening newspapers

Sandqvist, Cecilia January 2018 (has links)
Background: Diabetes is a global health issue on the rise. Besides genetics as a cause of diabetes, diet, weight and lifestyle are amongst the main factors. Due to the modernized society, new technology and risks, there has been a shift in responsibility of safety and health. As a part of a health promoting policy development during the last few decades there has also been a natural de-authorization of health knowledge and expertise. Governmental expertise has been decentralized to the society and so has the responsibilities. Traces of this new health paradigm can be seen in the media discourse. It has been seen in studies of the reporting of diabetes in North American press, that societal factors – such as labor market, health care and infrastructure – often get veiled by individuals’ responsibility and guilt due to lifestyle and life choices. This affects how individuals feel about their life situation and how the public perceive them.     Method and material: A quantitative content analysis was performed on 112 articles from six Swedish broadsheet and tabloid newspapers. The articles were coded with variables measuring article theme, dominant framing of diabetes´ causes and whose responsibility, what arguments are used and what agents with dignity can be seen. Excerpts from the articles were also analyzed with qualitative tools as modality and argumentation analysis. Results: Similarities between the Swedish and the North American newspapers were discovered. Societal factors and structures as causes and means of responsibilities were not as prominent as those aiming for the individual. The responsibility of the society was also reported to a much greater extent than society as a factor contributing to cause diabetes. This can be considered a sign of the health promoting strategy and the individualism that is rooted in modernization, industrialization and economic liberalization. Doctors and scientists were given dignity as often as celebrities and private citizens, which indicates the de-authorization of health knowledge and the further use of scientists and doctors as a truth repository in media. Several of the articles concern the critique of the diabetes unawareness and predominant individual responsibility that was the outset of this study. Celebrities and private citizens were frequently given dignity in these cases. In their criticizing, high modality contributed to a strong authority in their knowledge. / Grund för forskningsfrågan: Diabetes av olika slag drabbar ett växande antal människor världen över. Sjukdomen tros främst bero på genetik och omgivande faktorer så som livsstil, vilken påverkas av den omgivande miljön. Det har visat sig i studier av rapportering kring sjukdomen i bland annat nordamerikansk press att samhälleliga faktorer ofta hamnar i skymundan och att skulden och ansvaret för sjukdomen framstår ligga hos individen och dess egenvalda livsstil. Detta kan bero på en hälsofrämjande strategi som setts växa fram under de senaste decennierna, som en reaktion på effekterna av teknisk utveckling, modernisering och marknadskrafter. Strategin har inneburit en naturlig av-auktorisering av hälsokunskapen och individualisering av ansvaret. Detta hälsoparadigm återspeglas i medierna.   Studien: Denna studie undersöker rapporteringen av diabetes i svensk press, genom en kvantitativ innehållsanalys av 112 artiklar från sex svenska dags- och kvällstidningar. Materialet kodades med variabler för bland annat artikeltema, dominant gestaltning av orsak samt ansvar för diabetes, vilka argument som förekommer och vilka aktörer som tillskrivs dignitet i sammanhanget. Detta kompletterades med en kvalitativ analys av några textutdrag från materialet, med verktyg och begrepp från och argumentationsanalys samt det lingvistiska begreppet modalitet.   Resultat: Det framträder stora likheter mellan de svenska tidningarna och de nordamerikanska. Samhällsstrukturer som orsak till och ansvar för diabetes framgår inte i samma utsträckning som individens roll. Samhällets ansvar för sjukdomen framgår dock i större utsträckning än dess skuld, vilket går i linje med individualiseringen av hälsoansvaret. Läkare och professorer tillsammans förekommer med dignitet i ungefär lika många artiklar som privatpersoner och kändisar tillsammans, vilket indikerar avauktoriseringen av hälsokunskapen, och den fortsatta användningen av läkare och professorer som ett slags ”sanningsvittnen”. I flera artiklar framträder just den kritik mot okunskap kring sjukdomen och hur individerna själva måste arbeta för att förändra läget, en utgångspunkt för denna studie. Kändisar och privatpersoner fick i dessa fall dignitet. I deras kritiserande av andra uttalanden de inte höll med i, agerade hög modalitet en faktor som gav dem auktoritet i sina uttalanden.

Samhällsmuseum efterlyses : Svensk museiutveckling och museidebatt 1965–1990 / Calling for the Community Museum : Development in Swedish museums and the museum debate 1965–1990

Näsman, Olof January 2014 (has links)
A new cultural policy developed in Sweden in the 1960’s in order to renew the activities of mseums in a more socially relevant direction. The dissertation examines whether the museums adopted the new policy and to what extent the objectives were achieved. The thesis analyses three main areas: the new cultural policy and the attempts to implement it; activities in selected museums along with different intellectual trends that shaped their activities; and the debate between different “thought collectives” (L. Fleck) regarding museums’ missions and objectives as well as expectations within the museum sector. How did the various “actors” relate to the objectives of the new cultural policy? The thesis confirms the potential of the museums as generators for renewal and innovation in terms of democracy and development of the society. There was a clear shift in attitudes from values associated with the “Cultural heritage museum” towards the in this thesis introduced idea of the “Community museum”. The study shows how museums tried to introduce activities relating to current political and social issues, which supports the principal hypothesis in the study, that the museums became more socially relevant during the investigated period. However, during the 1980s, there could be seen a clear recurrence back to the idea of “Cultural heritage museum”. The movement in opposite directions illustrates the museums’ strong ties to the earlier traditional ”styles of thought” (Fleck) and their role as cultural guardians, which severely restricted their capacity for innovation and new ways of thinking. Nevertheless, the Swedish Exhibition Agency (Riksutställningar) performed a role as a searhead for the new cultural policy, corresponding with the heterodoxy and new style of thinking represented by the “Community museum”. A number of persons dominating the debate within the museum sector had a crucial importance in the shift towards the concept of “Community museums”. A revitalisation of the exhibitions, pedagogy and content was accomplished, often as a result of the Swedish Exhibition Agency’s efforts to develop the medium. During the period 1965–1990 Swedish museum exhibitions moved towards a temporary and more socially oriented content. According to Steven Conn’s principal thesis “Do museums still need objects?” the importance of objects gradually declined during the last century. In line with this development, the new Museum of Work had no objects/collections of its own. Furthermore, the arrival of new technology in the late 1980’s gave preconditions for reshaping knowledge and contributed to new attitudes towards communication. Museums were now seen as centres for social contact and communication. The role of museology as an academic discipline in the reprogramming of the museums towards a more socially oriented approach is another important issue. Museology has been criticized by those who – int the debate – questioned the entire idea of “Community museum”.

Att bli bemött och att bemöta : En studie om meritering i tillsättning av lektorat vid Uppsala universitet

Gunvik-Grönbladh, Ingegerd January 2014 (has links)
The general purpose of this thesis is to contribute to further understanding of the academic appointment process explored and defined as participation in a collegial educational process. The appointment process for academic positions has historically been regulated by state authorities ever since the first university was established in Sweden and has continuously been questioned for necessity, procedure etc. The object of study is the appointment process focusing the consideration of teaching skill in appointing academic teachers. A theoretical construction is used as a method in order to grasp what the experts and applicants consider. The thesis draws theoretical inspiration from the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu especially his work on social practice and his explanations within praxeological knowledge. In this thesis cultural capital, habitus and doxa are used as concepts for constructing a social practice. Inspired by Bourdieu’s concepts, the appointment process is made visible grounded on documentation: judgments of qualifications written by external experts and the applicants’ documentation in their applications. The empirical material on merits is analyzed according to Bourdieu’s indicators on symbolic capacities. The disposition of habitus (as an inner organizing principle) is limited to cultural capital and background demographic data. The indicators on scientific skill are also transmitted into symbolic capacities on teaching skill. Three appointments as assistant professors are analyzed, framed by information on advertisement, description of documentation, time lapse and final decision in appointment committees. The main conclusions are that the experts select whom to appoint using their practical sense unaware of the driving forces, explained as social practice. The experts act in line with the purpose of the assignment and they follow all the rules and instructions. Teaching skill is focused by the applicants and experts as practical mastery in the subject field (pedagogical authority). Selection is explained by the concept of habitus. Another conclusion is the tendency to “nuanced” co-optation similar to when appointments were made by self selection and teaching ability was important in early 19th century. A final conclusion is that in positioning of arguments in shared beliefs (doxa) in questioning the appointment process, researchers in the early years of this century represent heterodox opinions.

Significant others : a visual analysis of the representation of gender in the Afrikaans corporate church

Koenig-Visagie, Leandra Helena 03 December 2012 (has links)
This study explores how contemporary Afrikaans churches represent gender in their visual culture. For these purposes, a Barthean semiotic analysis is done on visual material produced between 2007 and 2008 by three Afrikaans corporate churches in the Pretoria- Centurion area, namely the Dutch Reformed congregations Moreletapark and kerksondermure (“church without walls”), and Doxa Deo’s Brooklyn and East campuses – Afrikaans Apostolic Faith Mission congregations. The analysis seeks to demystify and denaturalise the material’s potentially mythical, ideological and hegemonic underpinnings. Operating from an interdisciplinary theoretical framework comprising aspects of Visual Culture Studies and Gender Studies, this study primarily provides a focused analysis of the representation of men and masculinity in the selected churches according to three themes, namely professional occupation and leadership; physical activity and adventurism; and fatherhood. This focus was adopted owing to the lack of available literature on men and masculinity in the church and Christianity, as opposed to the more ready availability of research on women and femininity. The representation of gender in Moreletapark, kerksondermure and Doxa Deo is conceptualised in broad terms through a comparison of the representation of masculinity with femininity as its foil. In this regard gender is analysed in the three churches according to notions of gendered ontology and matters of work, marriage and family. Exscripted, or non-represented, themes are also problematised. It is argued that the churches under investigation represent gender in dualistic, essentialist and often stereotypical terms. This particular depiction of gender attests to the churches‟ participation in the biological essentialising of gender, polarising men and women into strict binary dualisms, whilst also visually denying the existence of homosexuality and alternative sexualities. This tendency is problematic, not only because it fails to provide a realistic portrayal of men and women in the three churches, but also because it visually participates in conservative and fundamentalist gender discourses. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / Visual Arts / unrestricted

Skyddsuppmaning inom den sociala barnavården : En kvalitativ studie av fenomenet när socialsekreterare uppmanar en vårdnadshavare att skydda barnet från den andre vårdnadshavaren

Rindeskog, Emma January 2021 (has links)
Studien handlar om ett av mig identifierat fenomen inom den sociala barnavården i Sverige som jag benämnt skyddsuppmaning. Studiens syfte har varit att ta del av socialsekreterares förståelse av skyddsansvaret när barnets vårdnadshavare är skilda och en av dem utgör en risk för barnet. Ytterligare ett syfte har varit att ta del av hur socialsekreterare problematiserar fenomenet skyddsuppmaning. Studien bygger på intervjuer med sex socialsekreterare vid olika socialförvaltningar i landet, som alla arbetar med utredningar enligt socialtjänstlagen gällande barn.  Resultatet visar att socialsekreterare uppfattar att det är vårdnadshavarens skyldighet att skydda barnet och att det är ett beslut som endast vårdnadshavare kan fatta. När socialsekreterare kommunicerar skyddsansvaret med vårdnadshavarna uttalar de sig med olika grader av styrka i sin uppmaning. Socialsekreterare anser att skyddsuppmaning främst vilar på det generella föräldraansvaret som finns angivet i föräldrabalken (1949:381). De problematiserar skyddsuppmaning genom att bland annat ange de känslomässiga påfrestningar som uppstår för vårdnadshavarna, samt att skyddsuppmaning späder på en redan konfliktfylld relation dem emellan.  När intervjumaterialet betraktas i ljuset av teorin kan det förstås som att skyddsuppmaningen blivit institutionaliserad och för givet tagen inom den sociala barnavården, vilket återfinns i Bordieus begrepp doxa. Den låga graden av laglig reglering av skyddsuppmaning gör att det finns få likheter med Webers byråkratiska, rättssäkra modell, men däremot utrymme för socialsekreterarnas överväganden. Det öppnar för normerande inslag som finns inom socialt arbete.  En analys av materialet visar dels att socialsekreterarna implicit beslutar om skyddet med förväntan att vårdnadshavaren verkställer det, dels att det finns en växelverkan mellan socialsekreterarnas styrka i skyddsuppmaningen och vårdnadshavarnas responser. Utifrån det kan skyddsuppmaningen leda till fyra olika typer av intagna positioner hos vårdnadshavarna. Dessa är ”De naturliga”, ”De övertalade”, ”De skrämda” och ”De övergivna”.

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