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Att arbeta med kontroversiella frågor i en mångkulturell kontext : En intervjustudie med högstadielärare i de samhällsorienterade ämnena / Working with controversial issues in a multicultural context : An interview study with secondary school teachers in social studiesBengtzelius, Arthur January 2019 (has links)
Detta arbete syftar till att bidra med kunskap om undervisning i kontroversiella frågor på skolor med en hög andel elever med utländsk bakgrund. Mer precist syftar arbetet till att synliggöra hur och varför lärarna låter kontroversiella frågor utgöra en del av undervisningen samt hur lärarna beskriver sin roll i undervisningssituationen och varför de väljer att göra på så sätt. För att svara på detta görs intervjuer med sex högstadielärare i de samhällsorienterade ämnena. Två utgångspunkter för undersökningen är att olika frågor upplevs som kontroversiella baserat på individens kultur, tro och identitet samt att lärarnas didaktiska överväganden påverkas av elevgruppens bakgrund och situation. Två analysverktyg nyttjas i syfte att sortera in lärarnas svar i olika kategorier där deras didaktiska överväganden behandlas. Resultatet pekar resultatet på att det inte finns någon generell preferens bland lärarna på dessa skolor att anta ett särskilt förhållningssätt till undervisning i kontroversiella frågor men att samtliga lärare delvis utgår från elevernas bakgrund i deras didaktiska överväganden kring undervisning i kontroversiella frågor. / This paper aims to contribute with knowledge about teaching controversial issues in schools with students of foreign background. Concretely the aim is to showcase how and why teachers teach controversial issues aswell as how and why teachers teach in a specific way when they teach controversial issues in the classroom. To answer this six interviews with secondary school teachers in the subjects of social studies, religion, history and geography is carried out. The premiss in this paper is that different issues are considerd controversial by individuals of different age, culture, faith, and identity, and also that teachers make different considerations in their teaching based on the students background and situation. Two analytical tools are used to sort different answers in to categories where the teachers considerations are brought up. The result of the study shows that there are no clear preferences among the teachers as to how controversial issues should be handled. However, the reslut also shows that all teachers base many of their considerations on the students background and situation and there are some preferences as to why controversial issues should be handled.
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Den nordliga Orienten : En granskning av samisk historia i digitala läromedel ämnade för grundskola och-, gymnasienivå / The Northern Orient. : A research of Samí history in digital teaching materials for primary-, and secondary school.Slettemo, Johan January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to analyse how Samí history is portrayed in six digital teaching materials. The six teaching materials are intended for both primary school and secondary school. This comparative study aims to investigate whether Samí history is portrayed, and as well to present differences and similarities between the presentations of what that mainly represent Samí history. Therefore, a qualitative content analysis has been used to achieve the purpose of the study. The information regarding Samí history in the digital teaching materials has been divided into three categories, History, Politics and community, and Identity. Thereafter, the categories have been analysed one by one, through six converted theoretical perspectives of orientalistic stereotypifications. The study shows that the stereotypification of Samí history is mostly portrayed as ‘passive’ and ‘undeveloped/outdated’. That means, for example, that only two publishers of the teaching materials present facts about the minority group, as a resisting group to the colonization. The same number of publishers portray Samí history as ‘undeveloped/outdated’. The result is based on that the Samí perspective is mainly reduced and instead is the Swedish state, colonizers, the normative perspective. The study also shows that the teaching materials have a similar way of generalizing the content, especially regarding the how Samí people wore affected of the colonization. The difference though is the approach angle, and the unequal variety of supplying the readers with further detailed facts of certain historical decisions or events in Samí history.
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Realia i textböcker : En undersökning av realia i textböcker i spanska för årskurs 7–9 / Realia in textbooks : An investigation of realia in Spanish textbooks for years 7–9Sjöberg, Erik January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to find out to what extent and what frequency realia is highlighted in Spanish textbooks for year 7–9. As realia is a wide concept this study has focused on geography, history and music. For this study, a content analysis of both texts and images in teaching materials for year 7-9 has been conducted in order to detect what types of realia are being highlighted and how. The results showed that both teaching materials give a large amount of realia hence a comparison has also been made. In conclusion, all the books in both series do highlight realia, however, they do so in different ways. This means that it matters for the realia education which teaching material is used on an everyday basis, but also that, regardless of what series is used for teaching, the other can serve as a complement. / Syftet med den här studien är att få reda på i vilken bredd och med vilken frekvens man tar upp realia i textböcker i spanska för årskurs 7–9. Då realia är ett vitt begrepp har studien fokuserat på geografi, historia och musik. För undersökningen har en innehållsanalys av både texter och bilder i läromedel i spanska för årskurs 7–9 genomförts för att ta reda på vilken typ av realia som tas upp och hur. Resultatet visade att båda läromedelsserierna ger en stor mängd realia och en jämförelse mellan läromedlen har också gjorts. Som slutsats kan man se att alla böcker i serierna tar upp realia men att det görs på olika sätt. Detta bidrar till att valet av läromedel för den vardagliga undervisningen spelar roll för undervisningen av realia men även att oberoende av vilken av dessa serier man använder kan den andra fungera som komplement till undervisningen.
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Ungdomars attityder till sexAppelfeldt, Emmy, Johansson, Frida January 2009 (has links)
<p>Sexuality has an important role in human life and there are many opinions about how to handle questions about sexuality. The attitudes have change over time and differ between different cultures, gender and age. This study deals with the question about youth attitudes to sex and personal relationships and what impact the education in this filed have on the youth. We have also studied how the education is organized. To get answers to these questions we have performed a questionnaire study among 116 students in grade seven to nine in an elementary school in Western Sweden. We have also interviewed two teachers in nature science in high grade and one school nurse. The analyses about the youth attitudes to sex and personal relationship are based on theories about sexuality, gender, socialization, culture differences, globalization, and consumption society. The study shows that the youth in general are equal in their attitudes to sexuality. Nearness, respect, love, self-knowledge are important, regardless gender. The attitudes about intercourse were different between boys and girls. They didn´t value the factors about sexual intercourse in the same way. Internet and sms plays an important role in how come in touch with each other. Boys thought that internet are important in sexual education.</p>
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Ungdomars attityder till sexAppelfeldt, Emmy, Johansson, Frida January 2009 (has links)
Sexuality has an important role in human life and there are many opinions about how to handle questions about sexuality. The attitudes have change over time and differ between different cultures, gender and age. This study deals with the question about youth attitudes to sex and personal relationships and what impact the education in this filed have on the youth. We have also studied how the education is organized. To get answers to these questions we have performed a questionnaire study among 116 students in grade seven to nine in an elementary school in Western Sweden. We have also interviewed two teachers in nature science in high grade and one school nurse. The analyses about the youth attitudes to sex and personal relationship are based on theories about sexuality, gender, socialization, culture differences, globalization, and consumption society. The study shows that the youth in general are equal in their attitudes to sexuality. Nearness, respect, love, self-knowledge are important, regardless gender. The attitudes about intercourse were different between boys and girls. They didn´t value the factors about sexual intercourse in the same way. Internet and sms plays an important role in how come in touch with each other. Boys thought that internet are important in sexual education.
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Vad är vardagsteknik? : Niondeklassares syn på ämnet teknik och teknikundervisningen. / What's every-day technology? : Grade 9 pupils view on the technology subject and teaching of technology.Elfgren, Carl January 2015 (has links)
Utgångspunkten för det här examensarbetet är några av de synpunkter som Skolinspektionens har i sin kvalitetsgranskning av teknikämnet 2014. Undersökningen ställer frågorna; vad tycker eleverna om teknikundervisningen, hur ser eleverna på teknikämnets utformning? I examensarbetet har en enkätstudie genomförts i en förortsskola i Stockholm. Enkäten har gått ut till 125 elever i årskurs 9. Examensarbetet fokuserar på arbetsområdena som eleverna anser att de kan använda i sin vardag. Enkäten omfattar även bakgrundsfrågor med elevernas värderingar av den aktuella skolan, undervisningen i stort och teknikundervisningen. Resultaten visar att eleverna uppfattar teknikundervisningen som varken intressant eller ointressant. Undervisningen är heller inte användbar i vardagen. Engagerade elever är också de elever som värdesätter teknikundervisningen mest. Dessa elever ser också mest nytta av undervisningen. Nyttan de ser är av relativt komplex teknisk natur. Det är också komplexa tekniska områden de skulle vilja arbeta med i undervisningen. / Based on some of the objections of the Swedish Schools Inspectorate quality audit of the subject technology in 2014 this research puts some questions; What do the students think about the technology subject, what do the students think the subject should teach? The research was conducted as a survey in a suburban school in Stockholm, presented to 125 students in grade 9. The research is focused on objects that the students they have worked with and the objects they want to work with, and where the objects can be used in the students' everyday lives. The questionnaire also includes background questions with the students' assessments of the current school teaching in general and the teaching in technology. The results show that students perceive a technology education that is neither interesting nor uninteresting. The technology teaching is not useful in their everyday life. Students who value technology education the most also see the most benefits from the subjet. The benefits they see are of relatively complex technical nature. It is also complex technological objects or areas they would like to work with.
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Läraryrket - Ett yrke On Demand : En kvantitativ studie om högstadielärares kontakter med vårdnadshavareÅkerström, Andreas January 2015 (has links)
Ett gott samarbete mellan lärare och vårdnadshavare är en av de viktigaste förutsättningarna för att uppfattas som en bra lärare. Detta kan bidra till en ökad administrativ belastning, vilket kan bidra till ökad stress och minskad tid för att förbereda undervisning. Hur mycket tid, vilka frågor som hanteras och vilka kontaktmedier som används för kontakter med vårdnadshavare är huvudsakligen okänd. I denna studie har mängden och tiden av kontakt med vårdnadshavare kvantifierades och de frågor som hanteras och vilka kontaktmedier som används analyseras. Både antalet kontakter och hur mycket tid kontakterna tog varierade kraftigt mellan individer, men kvinnliga lärare, som grupp, hade fler kontakter och använde mer av sin tid för kontakt med vårdnadshavare än sina manliga kollegor. Från de insamlade uppgifterna var det också uppenbart, i enlighet med den granskade litteraturen, att kommunikation om administration och information prioriterats framför pedagogiska frågor. Dessutom, arbetsuppgifter som det som inte är lagstadgade utförs, hade i högre grad, utanför arbetstid. Det insamlade materialet ger en god överblick över hur kontakt med vårdnadshavare kan se ut, och kan ge en grund för diskussioner om lärarnas arbetsmiljö och kan hjälpa unga lärare förbereda sig. / A good cooperation between teachers and guardians is one of the most important requirements for being perceived as a good teacher. This may contribute to an increasing administrative load and contributing to increased stress and reduced time to prepare for teaching. How much time is spent, what issues are handled and what contact media is used for teacher-guardian contacts is mainly unknown. Therefore, in this study, the amount of, and time spent on contact with guardians was quantified and the issues handled and contact media used analyzed. Both the number of contacts and how much time was allocated to contact guardians varied widely between individuals, although it was clear that female teachers, as a group, had more contacts and spent more of their time on contact with guardians than their male colleagues. From the collected data it was also evident that communication regarding administration and information was prioritized over communication regarding educational activities. In addition, duties that where not legislative had to be carried out outside working hours. The material collected provide a good overview of how contact with guardians may look, may provide a basis for discussion of teachers' work environment and may help young teachers prepare.
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Att döma hunden efter håren: En designstudie i bokomslagets utformning och dess betydelse för högstadiekillars läslust / Judging a book by its cover: A design study in book covers and its significance for the desire to read among teenage boysArntén, Linnea, de Klerk, Paulina January 2018 (has links)
Statistik visar på att unga, framför allt killar, läser allt mindre. Detta kan antas bero på en rad olika faktorer, bland annat de senaste årens teknologiska framsteg. Denna studie ämnar undersöka hur ett omslag inom genren ungdomslitteratur kan utformas för att tilltala högstadiekillar samt hur stor betydelse omslaget har för målgruppens läslust. Utifrån insamlad data från målgruppen och yrkesverksamma inom bokbranschen samt relevanta teorier, har sex olika designförslag tagits fram. Designförslagen baserades på befintliga titlar från 2017. För att kunna uppfylla studiens syfte lät vi målgruppen och personer i närliggande grupper rent demografiskt värdera dessa, såväl som en formgivare på Bonnier Carlsen. Värderingen påvisade att målgruppen anser att det viktigaste med ett bokomslag är att det förmedlar en känsla. Avbildande illustrationer eller fotografier och tilltalande färger verkar spela en central roll för ett bokomslags attraktionskraft hos målgruppen. Typografi har visat sig vara mindre viktigt än motivet, medan helheten är det som verkar vara viktigast. Studien visar även att bokomslag har en stor betydelse för högstadiekillars läslust.
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Resande genom historien : Framställningen av romer i grundskolans läroböcker för historia mellan åren 1964–2014 / Travelers through History : The portrayal of Romani in history textbooks for lower secondary school between the years 1964–2014Bergkvist, Daniel January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to analyze the portrayal of the Romani people in 23 history textbooks marketed towards the Swedish lower secondary school between the years 1964–2014, but also which uses of history emerge from within these descriptions. During this period, the curriculum has passed through five different stages with varying approaches towards ethnic minorities. The method used to compare different textbooks, passages and time-periods was a qualitative and comparative content analysis based on a model by Professor Lennart Hellspong. This was supported by a theoretical framework focused around the typologies of uses of history by Professor Klas-Göran Karlsson. The findings show that Romani people are portrayed in similar themes or contexts over different curriculum-stages and many of the written passages focuses on the victimization and mistreatment of Romani by either Swedish or international actors. A comprehensive account of an objective and cultural history is only found in a few of the most current textbooks. The Romani and their history are often overlooked in favor of the majority society’s historical narrative if not a specific duty is charged towards their inclusion in the schools control documents. In the year 2000 the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities was ratified by the Swedish government and the subsequent revision of the curriculum made this inclusion a permanent fixture. However, some textbooks keep minority history brief and unsatisfying. The uses of history regarding Romani people vary over time and appear to be subject to the overarching sociopolitical landscape. An excluding and existential nationalistic narrative is identified to be common during the 1960’s but transforms towards a more including variety over time. Non-use and political-pedagogical use are both partial in varying degrees during all the curriculum-periods coupled with a perceived scientific presentation of historical facts, but not scientific use of history. The current curriculum introduces a widely moral and conciliatory use of history. This study confirms earlier research to an extent, but at the same time it extends to focus on the Romani people, a wider variety of books and a longer time-period compared with earlier studies on the subject. The findings open the possibility for future research on other Swedish or international minorities – or the Romani from other methodological or theoretical standpoints.
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Implementering av utökad fysisk aktivitet i skolor i hälsofrämjande syfte : Undersökning om elevers upplevelser av pulsträningspass i jämförelse med idrottslektioner / Implementation of increased physical activity in schools for health promotion : Investigation on students’ experiences of “pulsträningspass” in comparison with classes in physical educationRoslund, Johan January 2019 (has links)
Eftersom att ungdomar inte rör på sig tillräckligt har en trend bland skolor i Sverige utvecklats att implementera pulsträningspass, bland annat med avsikt att främja elevers hälsa. Syftet med undersökningen var att öka förståelsen av hur elever upplever det hälsofrämjande arbetet på pulsträningspass i jämförelse med det hälsofrämjande arbetet på idrottslektioner. Undersökningen utgick från en kvalitativ hermeneutisk metodansats genom att tolka elevers upplevelser med hjälp av semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Studiens utgångspunkt baserades på Albert Banduras Social Cognitive Theory om hur beteenden kan förändras genom samspel mellan omgivningen och individen. Nio högstadieelever från en skola som har implementerat pulsträningspass intervjuades. Datamaterialet kategoriserades i teman över hur elever upplevde (1) hur deras hälsa främjades och (2) deras förväntade effekter. I båda fallen jämfördes upplevelser av pulsträningspass med upplevelser av idrottslektioner. Resultatet visade att intensitetsnivån, förmedling av teoretiska kunskaper och den sociala omgivningen var tre teman som skiljde sig beträffande hur hälsan främjades mellan passen och lektionerna. Fysiska, studierelaterade och sociala effekter var tre teman av elevers förväntade effekter som skiljde sig mellan de två olika aktiviteterna. Studien kom fram till att pulsträningspassen kan fungera som ett betydelsefullt komplement till idrottslektionerna. Men problematik kan uppstå om idrottsämnet inte upplevs lika motiverande och lekfullt som pulspassen eftersom betydelsefulla värden gällande hälsa i idrottsämnet då kan nedvärderas hos elever. Medvetenhet hos lärare om att de förväntade positiva effekterna kan fungera som incitament samtidigt som de negativa effekterna kan verka som hinder för elevers fysiska aktivitet är betydelsefullt för att kunna forma en undervisning som kan främja elevers hälsa. / As a result of physical inactivity among adolescents, Swedish schools have implemented “pulsträningspass”, a physical activity with pulse surveillance with the intention to promote students’ health. The aim of the study was to increase the understanding of how students experience health promotion in pulsträningspass in comparison with it in physical education. The study was based on a hermeneutic approach. It involved interpreting students’ experiences using semi-structured interviews. The investigation was guided by Albert Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory about how behavior can be changed by interaction between the environment and the individual. Nine students from a secondary school that had implemented pulsträningspass were interviewed. The data were categorized regarding how students experienced (1) how their health was promoted, and (2) their outcome expectations. In both cases, pulsträningspass responses were compared with physical education responses. The results showed that: level of intensity, mediation of theoretical knowledge and the social environment differed regarding how their health was promoted between the pulsträningspass and the classes. Physical, study-related and social effects were three themes of students’ expected outcomes that differed between the two activities. Pulsträningspass can operate as a significant complement to physical education. However, problems can appear if physical education is not as motivating or playful as pulsträningspass, since students can then downgrade significant values regarding health in physical education. Awareness by teachers that positive outcome expectations can function as incentives while negative outcome expectations can work as obstacles for the students’ physical activity is important. It can help teachers to form an education that can promote students health.
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