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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ett dubbelsidigt mynt – IKEA:s identitet internt och externt : en ideationell studie om IKEA:s betydelseskapande / A double-sided coin – IKEA’s identity internally and externally : an ideational study of IKEA’s construction of value

Vågerö, Emma January 2019 (has links)
This study aims to examine how meaning and value is created in IKEA’s internal and external means of communication. I want to see if the values expressed in the internal and external communication tangent. I will additionally inspect how IKEA present themselves depending on whether the recipients are internal coworkers or external customers. The last thing to be inspected is the internal and external “ideal reader”, which is translated from the Swedish term “modelläsare” (Björkvall 2003). Furthermore, the objective of the study is to contribute to the field of linguistic research. This is done by exposing how values are used to shape different versions of the identity of organizations internally and externally. The internal documents consist of a vision and a “värdegrund”, in English called “fundamental values”, and the external communication entails three images from the advertising campaign “Where life happens”. I analyzed the material through the ideational metafunction belonging to the theory of systemic functional grammar and through a sociosemiotic multimodal analysis. The result reveals that nearly all of the expressed values occur both internally and externally. An example of prominent values is togetherness, inclusiveness and openness. However, the way in which IKEA present themselves towards internal and external target audiences varies markedly, as does the constructed ideal reader. The internal ideational representation of IKEA marks the coworker as part of the organization. At the same time multiple demands describing how the coworker should act and think greatly constricts and controls the internal audience. The external recipients, however, are free to be of a varying kind. IKEA expresses how the external target audience includes everyone. As a result, there are no expectations of who the external ideal reader should be, with one exception. The internal and external ideal readers are both part of a community, as contrasting to being portrayed as solitary.

Integritet online ur olika generationers perspektiv : En studie om hur generation digital natives & pre-internet värdesätter sin integritet online

König, Lovisa, Romney, Ellen January 2020 (has links)
Den digital utvecklingen har gjort att vi idag rör oss i digitala miljöer för att jobba, kommunicera, söka information, shoppa och underhållas. Företag kan idag kan spara, kartlägga, mäta och analysera privatpersoners aktiviteter online vilket ställt högre krav på näringsidkare att hantera denna personliga information korrekt. Ett exempel på detta är GDPR som infördes under 2018. Lagen har lyft frågan om integritet online och gjort gemene man mer medveten om informationsinsamlingen som pågår runt oss då företagen är skyldiga att informera om den. Syftet med denna studie är att se hur två olika grupper, de generationer som har växt upp med internet sen barnsben gentemot de generationer som har tagit till sig internet vid vuxen ålder, resonerar kring integritet online. Vi vill se vilka skillnader/likheter som finns mellan grupperna, ifall det finns faktorer utöver ålder som är avgörande och ifall det finns någon paradox mellan åsikter och agerande i praktiken. I slutändan ämnar vi kunna ge praktiska råd kring hur företag ska kunna hantera konsumenternas integritet online. För att undersöka detta har vi studerat tidigare forskning på området samt gjort fem djupintervjuer inom vardera grupp. Den teoretiska referensramen innehåller teorier om the privacy paradox, medvetenhet kring informationsinsamling, Communication Privacy Management och Customer Relationship Management. Även GDPR och riktad marknadsföring behandlas, vilket sammantaget har ställs i relation till det insamlade materialet från respondenterna. Därefter har vi besvarat vår problemformulering: “Hur resonerar generation digital natives i jämförelse med generation pre-internet kring företags hantering av deras integritet online?” Resultatet av studien visar att det viktigaste för bägge respondentgrupper var att det finns ett relevant och tydligt syfte för att de ska delge sin information, samt ifall de får någon typ av kompensation. Den största skillnaden gick att se i deras delgivningsnormer, där den yngre respondentgruppen kände större press att dela med sig på social media och därmed indirekt till företag. Den mest framstående skillnaden på individnivå gällde medvetenhet kring insamling, där det varierade från respondent till respondent. Bägge grupperna känner dock en oro inför framtiden, då de ofta känner sig övervakade online. Denna oro härleds ur en känsla av maktlöshet och okunskap kring hur de kan skydda sin data. I spår av maktlösheten har många skapat sig en fabricerad trygghet där de i brist på kunskap istället hoppas på att de ska skyddas av lagar, regleringar och att vara “en i mängden”. Utifrån våra slutsatser rekommenderar vi företag att informera konsumenterna när och varför insamling sker, ge kompensation i någon form samt skydda den data de innehar.

Hur representeras genus i webbshoppen på klädföretaget I Can I Will? : En kvantitativ och kvalitativ analys med fokus på kroppspositivitet / How does the clothing company I Can I Will represent gender in theironline shop? : A quantitative and qualitative analysis focusing on body positivity.

Dettwiler, Mimi January 2023 (has links)
This paper uses a quantitative and qualitative approach to analyze whether the Swedishfitness clothing brand I Can I Will’s representation in their online shop corresponds with theirspoken concept of being a brand for everyone who works out regardless if you are training togain strength, change your looks or just because you enjoy it. The quantitative analysisinvestigates the models length compared to height statistics around the world, and theirclothing size relative to social norms about the ideal body. The qualitative analysis is basedon examining visual signs such as eye contact, body language, posture and fitting of clothing.These components are analyzed through a body positivity and gender perspective, usingtheories about representation, body positivism, the ideal body, gender roles, male gaze,advertising and commodities.Findings suggest that there is a lack of representation of different bodies in I Can I Will’sonline shop. The male models are exclusively tall and muscular and the female models aremostly thin or slim. The few times female representation of a larger size occurred, the modelsstill had the, according to society, ideal body. In the visual analysis, there was nothing thatcould be perceived as norm breaking as all of them are following the social structured genderroles. To summarize, the clothing companies representation does not correspond with itsspoken concept of addressing everybody who wants to train regardless of their looks, it seemslike they only like to address tall and already well-trained men and mostly slim women with abody shape where breasts and hips are wider than their waist.

Regulating a Controversy : Inside Stakeholder Strategies and Regime Transition in the Self-Regulation of Swedish Advertising 1950–1971

Funke, Michael January 2015 (has links)
This thesis concerns the development of the self-regulation of advertising in Sweden from 1950 until 1971. Self-regulation was initiated in the 1930s due to a business desire to regulate fair competition in marketing, and while it initially was a minor operation, the 1950s and 1960s were characterized by extensive development. When self-regulation was overtaken by state policies in 1971, it included several interlocking systems, of which parts survived the introduction of the state regime. The thesis’ aim has been to analyze how the rapid regime transitions in the self-regulation regime can be understood. The existing literature identifies four major transitions that occurred during the studied time period. To understand them, the thesis has studied the policy processes leading up to these transitions. Focus has been on the business interest organizations that controlled the regime and their regulatory strategies. Theoretically, the analysis has departed from the hypothesis that tensions between these organizations, due to their members’ different market interests and varying levels of exposure to regulation and public badwill, to a significant degree informed their strategic choices as well as policy outcomes. The results show that the policy processes preceding the regime transitions were characterized by internal tensions, whereby organizations representing advertisers, and to a lesser degree media carriers, due to their members’ higher level of exposure to regulation and public badwill, successfully supported stronger market policing, while ad agencies, being less exposed, as well as a peak industry organization for the proliferation of marketing largely opposed such measures, preferring a more lenient regulation. However, due to increased exposure to regulation and bad will, the ad agencies finally abandoned their opposition and took the lead in regulatory innovation through the introduction of an extensive clearance program that survived the launch of the state regime, becoming a key component in the co-regulatory structure that followed.

Subliminal priming : Manipulation till att välja en specifik kulör på plastpåse / Subliminal priming : Manipulation to choose a specific colour on a plastic bag

Nordberg, Rickard January 2014 (has links)
Primad information är lättare tillgängligt i minnet och kan således lättare bli igenkänt. Förutsättningar för priming är bland annat subliminal perception, mål, tillförlitlighet, icke vaksamt och icke vanemässigt. Studiens syfte är att få bredare förståelse gällande subliminal primings påverkan. Frågeställningen var om kunder i en affär kan manipuleras, primas, till att ta en specifik kulör på plastpåse vid kassan samt om det finns någon könsskillnad vid effekten av priming. Deltagarna var 490 kunder, varav 333 män. Två olika skyltar med olika kulörer placerades vid kassan. Det noterades om kunderna valde den primade kulören på plastpåse eller inte. Kontrollgruppen bestod av 117 personer och dessa fick inte se någon skylt. Resultatet visade en signifikant skillnad, deltagarna valde samma kulör på plastpåse som skylten. Inga könsskillnader påträffades. Forskning visar att primingeffekter kan motstridas genom att individen gör sig medveten av potentiell omedveten påverkan. / Primed information is more accessible in memory and can thus easily be recognized. Prerequisites for priming include subliminal perception, goals, reliability, non alert and non habitually. The study aims to gain broader understanding regarding subliminal primings influence. The purpose of this thesis was to see whether the customers in a store could be manipulated, primed, to take a specific colour on plastic bags at checkout and if there are any gender differences in the effect of priming. Participants were 490 customers, of whom 333 men. Two different signs with different colours were placed at the checkout. It was noted if customers chose the primed colour of the plastic bag or not. The results showed a significant difference, the participants chose the same colour on the plastic bag as the sign. No gender differences were found. Research shows that priming effects can be opposed if people make themselves aware of potential unconscious influences.

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