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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

殘障福利法定額晉用規定推行不彰之原因探討--由雇主的態度分析 / The Ineffectiveness of the Quota Scheme for Employment the Disabled: An Analysis of Employers' Attitudes

陳鳳雅, Chen, Fung-Ya Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要在探討雇主對殘障工作者的印象、對定額晉用的態度、雇用殘障者態度及雇用行為四個變項的關係。參與本研究的受試為 272位服務於百人以上民營企業、有實際參與雇用決策且擔任現職一年以上之人事主管及單位主管。研究的結果發現:(一)雇主對殘障工作者持有正面的評價。(二)雖然雇主認為定額晉用制度是難以達成且不公平的,但是仍認為有其存在的必要。(三)在雇用態度上,雇主有高的雇用意願,認為雇用殘障者不會提升雇用成本,且同意雇用殘障者可獲致一些雇用上的利益。(四)在雇主個人變項與各項態度的相關上,研究發現:(1)低學歷者(高中以下) 較高學歷者(大學及研究所)有正向的態度。(2) 在工作場合中曾與殘障者接觸者較不曾接觸者有正向的態度。(3) 知道定額晉用規定者較不知道者有正向的態度。(五)在各項態度的相關上發現對殘障者印象、定額晉用態度與雇用殘障者態度間均有相關存在殘障者態度最有預測力。(六)在各項態度與行為的相關上發現人事主管中態度與行為的關聯性較單位主管強。(七)組織規模小的企業(較大企業)及製造業(較服務業)達成定額晉用的比例高。 / The purpose of this research was to explore the relationships between employers' impression toward the disabled, attitudes toward employmentthe disabled, attitudes toward the quota scheme (in Welfare Laws for theInvalid), and the performed behaviors for employment the disabled. Twohundred and seventy-two direct and personnel managers attended this research. The major findings of this study were as follows: (1) Employer shad favorable impression toward the disabled, especially on the dimension of job attitudes. (2) The quota scheme was evaluated to be difficult and unfaire, but also necessary. (3) Employers had high willing to employ thedisabled, and tought that to employ the disabled would not heighten the cost of employment, but also could gain some benefits. (4) Employers whohad lower educational level, who had contact with the disabled at work,or who knew of the quota scheme before attending this study had more favorable attitudes than had other employers. (5) There were positiverelationships between the impression toward the disabled, attitudes towardemployment the disabled and attitudes toward the quota scheme. (6)the linksbetween the attitudes and the performed behaviors were stronger in personnelmanagers than in direct managers. (7)The rate of achieving the legal numbersfor employment the disabled was heigher in manufacturing or small corporations tnan in service or large corporations.

電視新聞女記者對社會新聞陰性化影響之研究 / The Impact of Female TV Journalists

廖依婷, Liao,Yi-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以電視新聞社會線為研究場域,旨在探討電視社會女記者與電視社會新聞之陰性化現象之間的關連。本研究採取質性研究的多元途徑,以參與觀察法、深度訪談法、案例分析法,探討兩大研究問題:一、近年來,電視社會新聞內容有沒有陰性化的傾向?1.社會新聞記者怎麼看待陰性的社會新聞主題?2. 社會新聞記者怎麼看待陰性的新聞報導角度?3.社會新聞記者採取什麼樣的工作倫理?二、電視新聞工作場域文化與社會女記者的新聞產製1. 社會線的文字記者需要具備什麼特質? 2. 社會線女記者的女性身份,是否影響:(1)社會線女記者線上關係之建立(2)社會線女記者在組織中的任務分配與評價(3)社會線女記者和受訪者的互動(4)社會線女記者社會新聞的角度? 在電視社會新聞的陰性化方面,本研究發現,在電視社會新聞內容方面,由於以市場為主要考量,軟性議題儘管增加,其份量和重要性仍低於感官化取材,而女性議題仍居少數。在電視社會新聞的處理方式與記者敘事方式上,趨向實用、貼近觀眾感受的陰性報導角度增加,但社會新聞仍以陽性化的感官處理為主要走向。 在電視社會新聞工作場域文化方面,研究發現組織當中父系意識型態的主導,與商業邏輯的感官化操作思維相結合。在社會女記者的新聞產製方面,女記者發展出中性化的性格特質與女性化的性別特質,並接受父系觀點對她們的觀視或期待,這是一種對場域文化的投降策略。因此,女記者的社會新聞報導與男性記者沒有差別。 / This study takes the impact of TV female journalist on the feminization of TV social news as the main inquiry. Adopting the channel of qualitative research, this study takes the participant-observation method, in-depth interview method, and case study method to discuss two significant issues. I. Is TV socail news feminized in the past few years? 1. How do journalists of TV social news view feminine topic of news reporting? 2. How do journalists of TV social news view feminine angle of news reporting? 3. What kind of working ethics do journalists of TV social news hold? II. The field culture of TV news work & the news production of female journalists 1. What are the conditions required for female journalists? 2. Does sex factor have influence on TV social news female journalists in aspects below: (1) their relationship with steady news source (2) the assignments and evaluation they get (3) their interation with news source (4) their angle of news? As to the phenomenon of the feminization of TV social news, we have found that market is the major consideration of news production. Though the soft news issues have increased, the amount and value of this kind of issues are still far less then those of sensational issues. Meanwhile, women issues are few. Concerning the style and the way of reporting of TV social news, it has tended to practical value and has become closer to the feelings of audience, which is a feminized new style. However, sensationlism remain the main mode that journalists deal with social news. In the aspects of the field culture of TV news work, we have found that the paternal hegemony is the leading power in newsroom, and it has been integrated with the sensational ways of newsmaking oriented towards commercial pursuits. As to female journalists, they practice neutralized characters and female sexual characteristics, and accepted the paternal gazing and expection imposed on them, which is considered as a strategy of surrender to the field culture. Therefore, there is no distinct difference between the news reporting of male and female journalists.

台灣人怎麼看非洲? 台灣大學生的刻板印象認可程度之探索式研究 / Taiwan’s Eye on Africa: An Exploratory Study of Stereotype Endorsement Among Taiwanese University Students

慕以萱, Moi, Barbara Unknown Date (has links)
大學生是一群熱切使用媒體和科技的世界公民,他們特別會透過新媒體接觸來自整個地球村的大量資訊。大學生可以透過學校課程與活動、與國際學生社群互動以及到國外旅行都是其中的管道。本研究援引社會建構理論與涵化理論,以質性研究探討台灣大學生的人口變項、與非洲接觸行為、西方媒體使用、世界主義意識以及媒體呈現偏誤之察覺與台灣大學生對非洲刻板印象建構之間的關係。 線上問卷收集共215位台灣大學生有效樣本。研究顯示非洲接觸行為與媒體呈現偏誤之察覺,皆與刻板印象認同呈現正相關。 / University students are some of the more cosmopolitan groups in society, as voracious consumers of media and technology, especially new media, and exposed to a plethora of information about the global community. University courses, interaction with the international student communities, events on-campus and opportunities to travel abroad are some of the avenues available to them. Using quantitative analysis, this study examined the relationships between demographic and contact variables, Western media exposure, cosmopolitanism and perceived bias of media portrayals and its effect on Taiwanese university students’ endorsement of stereotypes of Africa. The research framework is informed by the theory of social construction of reality and the cultivation theory. Using an online survey, data was collected and analyzed from a sample of 215 Taiwanese university students. The analysis reveals that contact with Africa and perceived bias of media portrayals have the most significant influence on stereotype endorsement.

The Diary from Qutang Gorge and the letters about Donner Lake : A literary study of Mulberry and Peach by Nie Hualing

Jiang Nyfelt, Ling January 2022 (has links)
Mulberry and Peach is a novel written in the 1970s by a Chinese American writer named Nie Hualing (1925- ). It contains overlapping letters and diaries with flashbacks and flashforwards in first-person narration. Taohong is the new identity after Sangqing’s schizophrenia in the USA in 1969-1970. The book starts with Taohong’s letter, which introduces the main female character Sangqing´s life stories, told through her diaries between 1945-the 1970s in four places of her diasporic lives from mainland China to Taiwan, then the USA. The aim of this thesis is to explore the title of the book, the prologue and the epilogue, Sangqing’s first Dairy on Qutang Gorge (1945), and the four letters from Taohong, using the close reading method and combining the theories and concepts of characterization and symbolism, impressionistic, female aesthetic, intertextuality in literature and the cultural symbols for a deep and detailed text reading analysis.

女性求職者照片外觀性別與工作典型性別一致性及照片微笑有無對招募者人事決策之影響 / Congruence between female applicants' photo facial appearance and the job type and smiling in the photo on recruiting decisions.

陳子瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討女性求職者其履歷表照片外觀性別與應徵工作的典型性別間一致性與否與微笑有無對招募者人事決策之影響;此外,並探討前述關係之中介機制及調節效果;亦即前述兩類效果是否透過影響招募者對求職者工作能力契合度、外向性或吸引力的知覺,進而影響招募者的人事決策,而招募者性別角色態度是否調節前述之性別一致性效果。 / 本研究使用實驗法,採2(女性求職者照片微笑:有或無)×2(女性求職者外觀性別與工作性別間一致性程度:高或低)完全受試者間實驗設計。依變項則為推薦意願之人事決策。以在職者為樣本,共有214位受試者參與,隨機分派受試者至四種實驗情境之一,在閱讀職缺訊息及履歷表後,回答對求職者知覺、人事決策及人口統計變項等問題。去除操弄失敗的樣本後,本研究分析之有效樣本為141人。 / 本研究以階層迴歸分析來檢驗所有研究假設。研究結果顯示,求職者微笑有無對推薦意願之主要效果達顯著,且招募者對求職者之外向性與外表吸引力知覺會中介此效果;但「外觀性別與工作性別間一致性」的主要效果並未達顯著。此外,招募者之家庭外角色態度具有顯著調節效果,但性別刻板印象之調節效果不存在。研究者並針對本研究之研究結果、理論與實務意涵加以討論。 / In the present study, the researcher examined whether the congruence between female applicants' photo facial appearance and the job type and whether female applicants showed smile in the photo affected recruiters' hiring recommendation. Additionally, mediators and moderators of the above relationships were also examined. Specifically, the researcher examined whether recruiters' perceptions of applicant’s demands-abilities fit, extraversion, and facial attractiveness mediated the above relationship and whether recruiters' sex role attitudes moderated the above relationship. / This study used a 2 × 2 between-subjects factorial experimental design. The two independent variables were whether female applicants showed smile in the photo (smile or non-smile) and the congruence between female applicants' photo facial appearance and the job type (high or low). The dependent variable was hiring recommendation. Two hundred and fourteen current incumbents participated in this study. After reading a fictitious job description and a fictitious resume, participants answered questions about the perceptions of the applicant, hiring recommendation, and participants’ demographic informaiton. After dropping participants who failed to pass the manipulation check, the valid sample size for analysis was 141. / Results of hierarchical multiple regression analyses indicated that the main effect of applicants' photo smile on hiring recommendation was significant, and the recruiter' perceptions of applicant's extraversion and facial attractiveness were mediators of the aforementioned relationship. However, recruiters' hiring recommendation was not influenced by congruence between female applicants' photo facial appearance and the job type. In addition, recruiters' attitudes toward extra-familial roles moderated the relationship between congruence between female applicants' photo facial appearance and the job type and demands-abilities fit. However, the moderation of recruiters’ gender stereotype was not significant. Finally, practical implications and avenues for future research in selection biases are discussed.

就業上肥胖歧視之研究 / On Obesity Discrimination In Employment

張弘諺 Unknown Date (has links)
在我國抑或是世界其他的國家,肥胖的問題日趨嚴重,根據世界衛生組織(World Health Organization, WHO)的研究,2008年全球約有15億以上的超重成年人,其中有2億的男性和將近3億的女性體重已經達到所謂的「肥胖」,另外2010年全世界約有4300萬5歲以下的兒童超重 。綜上所述,肥胖的問題正影響著每一個社會。 肥胖者在日常生活中的食衣住行可能會受到一定的歧視與不便,由於可以討論的範圍過廣,本文僅聚焦在「就業上的肥胖歧視」。為了探討此問題,本文第二章說明何謂就業歧視,闡述肥胖者在就業上可能會面臨的歧視有哪些、主流群體對於肥胖的態度與刻板印象,最後論證國家就業上肥胖歧視的正當性與必要性。 第三章介紹美國法就業上肥胖歧視之解決途徑。在美國關於肥胖者於就業上受到的歧視,可能有三種法律救濟途徑。第一、可以尋找聯邦或是州法律有沒有在保護基於「身心障礙」之就業歧視;第二、他可以思考目前所面臨的「肥胖歧視」,得否繫於其他法律保護的歧視類型,例如:種族或是性別;第三、他可以尋找他所居住的州或是城市是否有針對肥胖歧視的直接立法?本文就美國聯邦與各州禁止身心障礙歧視的相關立法做初步的分析,並且帶出相關之判決;另本文亦分析某些州或城市直接禁止「肥胖歧視」之反歧視法與相關案例分析。 第四章則回到我國,分析我國目前法制關於就業上肥胖歧視之議題該如何處理,主要區分私人企業與國家兩種途徑,私人企業上,我們將著重在《就業服務法》第5條之規範,提出本文對於此條文用以解決肥胖歧視之利與弊;國家方面則從我國公務人員考試涉及BMI值判斷的合憲性。 最後第五章結論的部分,綜合分析美國法制與我國法制之間的異與同,最後提出個人對於此議題之建議,以期達到消弭就業上肥胖歧視之長遠目標。 / Obesity discrimination is a serious problem affecting millions of workers. Fat people, and fat women in particular, experience job-related discrimination in hiring, wages, and the terms and conditions of their employment. Hence, this research focus on the problem of obesity discrimination in employment. Part II defines "what is obesity?",and describes mainstream attitudes towards fatness, considers the empirical and anecdotal evidence demonstrating that fat people experience employment discrimination because of their obesity. Then discusses medical information about weight and health as well as weight loss in order to debunk the myth that being fat is always unhealthy and that weight loss is a viable or desirable outcome, this part concludes that being fat is immutable and deserve legal protection. Part III introduces American legal remedies. In America have three legal avenues to explore. First, someone could pursue an action under federal and state laws that protect people from employment discrimination based on disability or perceived disability. Second, someone could consider whether the weight discrimination he (or she) experienced was tied to him(or her) sex, race, or some other protected class. Finally, someone could determine whether any state or local law where he (or she) lived specifically prohibited weight discrimination in employment , since a few jurisdictions have included weight as protected category in their antidiscrimination laws. This part will discuss federal and state disability antidiscrimination laws and cases, and reviews antidiscrimination law passed by three earlier jurisdictions that specifically include weight as a protected category. Part IV discusses how to solve obesity discrimination in employment? This part separate privately owned businesses and national measure. In privately owned businesses, this part will focus on Employment Service Act Article 5 and analyze how to use Employment Service Act solve obesity discrimination in employment. On the side, this part will discuss on some national examinations have qualification restricted are constitutionally.

ヒューム『人間本性論』における「知覚」的世界の自然主義的再構成 : 印象と観念の差異としての「生気」にかんする因果的解釈を軸として / ヒューム ニンゲン ホンセイロン ニオケル チカク テキ セカイ ノ シゼン シュギテキ サイコウセイ : インショウ ト カンネン ノ サイ トシテノ セイキ ニカンスル インガテキ カイシャク オ ジク トシテ / ヒューム人間本性論における知覚的世界の自然主義的再構成 : 印象と観念の差異としての生気にかんする因果的解釈を軸として

大槻 晃右, Kosuke Otsuki 20 March 2021 (has links)
本論の目的は、「知覚」的世界の実相の解明を通じて、『人間本性論』におけるヒュームの哲学の基本的枠組みを闡明するところにある。本論文は、印象と観念の差異としての「生気」を因果的力能と捉える解釈を軸とし、次のように展開する。最初に、関係的知覚の構造と、因果の観念の知覚的起源を究明する。それに基づいて、「生気」にかんする因果的解釈を明確化する。最後に、この解釈に依拠して、観念の表象性および真理についての自然主義的な説明を試みる。 / The purpose of this dissertation is to make explicit the basic framework of Hume's philosophy, by clarifying the nature of Humean 'perceptions' upon which his arguments in Treatise are founded. I begin with the hypothesis that the liveliness of perceptions, to which Hume refers to differentiate impressions and beliefs from ideas, is a kind of causal power to produce certain effects. I firstly investigate Hume's view on the perceptions of relations and on the perceptual origin of causal ideas. I then articulate the causal interpretation of liveliness. Finally I pursue its consequences, reconstructing Hume's conception of ideas as representations from a naturalistic point of view about truth and inquiry. / 博士(哲学) / Doctor of Philosophy / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

《奧菲歐爵士》:音樂的時空性 / The Temporality of Music in Sir Orfeo

鄭文嘉, Cheng, Wen Chia Unknown Date (has links)
《奧菲歐爵士》(Sir Orfeo) 是一首十三世紀晚期至十四世紀初期的傳奇敘事詩,其中重複出現的時空特性強調出奧菲爾斯傳統中「失去」的主題。克服失去的難題顯示了在無常的世界中維持恆常的困頓—如何在娑婆的世間找尋精神的寄託所在,以解失去對於個人時空感受所造成的罣礙,體驗生命的當下?於多數奧菲爾斯版本之中,到冥界挽回尤瑞柢思 (Eurydice) 的旅程是一個重要的場景,其突顯了在無常之中對於秩序與生命延續 (continuity) 的訴求。這首詩中,不同的延續觀出現於聽覺導向的人間王國與視覺導向的精靈王國,再再顯示了維持恆常的重要性。作為重回秩序的工具,奧菲歐的豎琴為此議題提供了重要的線索。問題的重心在於音樂中協調時空的力量,也就是所謂的共時性,其中蘊涵了奧菲爾斯文本中自身與世界的關係,及其與變動時空,延續感,以及重建秩序的關聯。 奧古斯都 (St. Augustine) 的《音樂論》(De musica) 從八世紀晚期到十五世紀以來一直都是一部影響深遠的著作,為音樂中的時間經驗提供了完整的哲學分析。從奧古斯都的音樂時間觀所呈現的先驗及秩序概念出發,此論文目的在於檢視奧菲歐的豎琴中所顯示出中古時期對於無常 (temporalia) 與先驗(transcendence) 的關懷主題。此項研究在於一種經由音樂與時空所協調出的經驗感受。除了探討人類王國與精靈王國之間的辯證關係,也揭示了《奧菲歐爵士》對於存在、當下、以及人類價值 (humanity) 所表現出來的核心態度。誠如奧菲歐與野外動物們共享短暫的和諧經驗所示 (272-80),奧古斯都的先驗及永恆觀與奧菲歐豎琴中變動的感官特性並不相符。儘管如此,他對於靈魂律動所提出的解釋,以及記憶是一種出於心智印象 (phantasiai) 的看法,為我們提供檢驗精靈王國時空感的理論基礎。 為了解釋音樂中的和諧如何經由時間經驗讓奧菲歐在變動的世界中維持恆心,此篇論文分成四個章節:第一章介紹相關主題及評論。第二章介紹 中古時期與奧菲爾斯神化相關的音樂理論背景並且闡釋奧古斯都音樂論中的時間觀。在第三章中,我將進一步分析《奧菲歐爵士》中的時空觀。奧菲歐的豎琴所帶來的和諧經驗將會以個人內在與變動外在的互動回饋機制來檢視。這樣的內外交流呈現出一種變動的先驗觀,將永恆寄託在一種有機變動中所體驗的延續感。 其同時也揭露了自身與世界互動的關鍵模式,透過精神蛻變 (metamorphosis) 和冥界之旅等面向,增進我們了解失去及無常的主題。最後,我將在第四章以豎琴的社會意義作結,解釋其對於口說傳統的文化傳承帶來什麼樣的影響,並提供其他奧菲爾斯文本一個不同的角度來觀看自身與世界的關係。 / Loss, the dominant theme in the Orphic tradition, is accentuated by the recurring issue of temporality in Sir Orfeo, a late thirteenth or early fourteenth century romance. The difficulty of overcoming loss posts the question of finding spiritual residence and maintaining spiritual progress in the temporal world. The underworld journey to retrieving Eurydice, as a major scene in most adaptations of the myth, signifies the quest of order and continuity through changes. Such an issue of maintaining constancy is highlighted by the different features of continuity appearing in the hearing-oriented human kingdom and the sight-oriented fairy world. Orfeo’s harping, as the means for recovery, offers a significant clue in viewing this issue. The question falls on the meditative power of music itself, i.e. the contemporal experience of sentiments, which reveals the particular self-world relationship embedded in the Orphic texts and its relation to temporality, duration, and the restoration of order. Augustine’s De musica, which had been an influential work from the late eighth century to the fifteenth century (Fitzgerald 575-76), provides an overall philosophical illustration on the experience of time in music and its relation to maintaining order. Deriving from Augustine’s idea of how the experience of time in music contributes to an understanding of transcendence and order, this thesis aims to examine the medieval concern of temporalia and transcendence manifested in Orfeo’s harping. It is a study of a relationship in space and experience of time that is negotiated through music, which explores the dialectic relationship between Orfeo’s kingdom and the fairyland, and also reveals essential attitude toward existence, presence, and humanity in Sir Orfeo. Although Augustine’s conception of timeless transcendence does not match the temporal and sensual nature of Orfeo’s harping, as seen in the temporary harmony Orfeo shares with the wild animals (272-80), his exposition on the movement of the soul, together with the explication of memory as images (i.e. phantasiai) operated in the motions of the mind, provide us a theoretical basis for examining the temporality of the fairy world. To illustrate how the harmonic order generated through the experience of time in music contributes to the maintenance of internal consistency within the temporal world, this thesis is divided into four chapters: Chapter one introduces relevant issues and literary criticism. Chapter two offers a detailed explanation of the historical background of medieval music theories, the associated allegorical readings of the Orphic texts, and Augustine’s conception of time in the experience of music. In chapter three, I further analyze the temporality of music in Sir Orfeo and distinguish two types of temporality, that of Orfeo’s court and that of the fairyland. The harmonic relationship maintained by Orfeo’s harping is examined in terms of the reciprocal interaction between the inner self and the operating world, which prescribes continuity in temporal transcendence and reveals a significant mode of self-world relationship. Such a study contributes to our understanding of the theme of loss and change in relation to spiritual metamorphosis and the underworld journey. Finally, I conclude in chapter four with the social significance of the harping in order to examine the cultural legacy of the bardic tradition. Through the examination of the mediation of music, I offer an alternative view on the self-world relationship in the Orphic texts.


江偉峰, Chiang,Wei-Feng Unknown Date (has links)

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