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從風險管理與犯罪預防觀點論保險詐欺之防制林秉耀 Unknown Date (has links)
保險詐欺是自有保險制度以來就有的問題,世界各國都被這個問題所困擾。因為沒有受到廣泛的宣傳及討論,加上執法機關的忽視、抗拒提供調查機能及加強追訴,所以在1980年代以前沒有被當作重大問題予以重視,一般民眾完全不知它的嚴重性,把它當作「沒有被害人的犯罪(victimless crime)」。然而保險詐欺隨時都在發生,而且範圍及程度日益擴大,已堪稱為「溫和的巨災(quiet catastrophe)」,不但影響個人經濟負擔,且破壞社會安定,因此本文就如何防制保險詐欺加以探討。
(一) 風險自承原則:對規模小、影響層面小的保險詐欺案件,列為「堪忍的詐欺」,予以承受,以節省相關的查證經費。
(二) 風險規避原則:建立「防範保險詐欺查核表」,在進行核保、理賠作業時嚴格查核,積極避開保險詐欺風險。
(三) 風險分散原則:針對損失頻率低、損失幅度大的案件採取同業共保的方式;對損失頻率高、損失幅度小的案件採取約定自負額方式承保,以分散風險。
(四) 風險轉嫁原則:約集保險同業成立相互保險組織,把保險詐欺所帶來的風險移轉給相互保險組織。
嚴謹的法令規範是防制犯罪的根本,經由本文的探討發覺保險詐欺的盛行,除了民眾法治觀念差以外,現行法令不周全,讓歹徒有機可乘及執法單位強制力不足,亦是原因之一。修訂保險法及刑法,對於防制保險詐欺有很大的效益。 / “Insurance Fraud” has been an issue, by which the countries all over the world are perplexed, since there exists the system of insurance. By 1980’s, not much attention has been paid to this issue which deemed a victimless crime and the public does not realize how serious the problem is due to the lake of broad propaganda and the ignorance, being rejected to offer the function, and being refused to strengthen prosecution by the law enforcement agency.
Nevertheless, insurance fraud happens all the time and has already been called the “quiet catastrophe” because the range and severity caused keep expanding day by day. Resulting from, not only the financial burden of the individual is influenced, but the social stability is destroyed as well. Therefore, this paper probed into “how to prevent Insurance Fraud”.
Since Insurance Fraud would strike the financial stability and security of an insurance company, it becomes kind of risk on company’s management. This paper would be analyzing the practical operation of an insurance company and trying to find out the feasibility of Insurance Fraud Prevention by using various kinds of risk management countermeasures. By which, this paper discovers the losses caused by insurance fraud could be prevented and/ or reduced. The followings are those risk management countermeasures studied and applied:
A. The principle of “Risk Retention & Reduction”:
Sorting out those cases by loss amount scale. Smaller ones are classified & named as “Admitted Fraud”, and settled without verification in order to save the related expenses for investigation.
B. The principle of “Risk Avoidance or Hedging”:
Setting up “Checking List of Insurance Fraud”, by using which to actively avoid the risk of insurance fraud while carrying on the operations of underwriting and claim handling.
C. The principle of “Risk Sharing & Diversification”:
Co-insuring with peer companies for those accounts with the characteristic of low frequency & high severity in terms of loss exposure. As to other accounts, appointing an appropriate policy deductible level to disperse the risk of Insurance Fraud.
D. The principle of “Risk Transference or Shift”:
Establishing the pooling system or organization to transfer the risk of Insurance Fraud to the peer companies.
Basically, Insurance Fraud is a criminal offence, which could be eliminated and / or reduced by way of methods of management, design, and operation on the crime environment. It is found that the occurrence of Insurance Fraud could be depressed by:
A. Promoting measures of “The Fraud Management Lifecycle Theory”, such as deterrence, prevention, detection, mitigation, analysis, policy, investigation, prosecution etc., and
B. Executing the countermeasures of “The Situational Crime Prevention Theory” such as increasing perceived efforts, increasing perceived risks, reducing anticipated reward, removing excuses etc., and
C. Arousing the public the thought of fighting Insurance Fraud mutually.
A rigorous legal system is the base of preventing criminal offence. As discovered and presented by this paper, reasons why the Insurance Fraud has been prevailing are not only because of a poor sense of legal compliance of the public, but also the un-thoroughness of the current legal system resulting in offering ruffians opportunities to take advantages from Insurance Fraud and the in-sufficient power of prosecution of the law enforcement agency. Therefore, to revise the insurance law and criminal law would be greatly workable for preventing Insurance Fruad.
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銀行授信行為違背職務之研究 —以銀行法第125條之2為中心 / A Study on Criminal Liability of Article 125-2 Banking Act: Focused on Criteria Regarding Duty Violation of Bank's Responsible Person and Staff Member王芷涵, Wang, Chih Han Unknown Date (has links)
銀行法第125條之2中「違背職務」要件之解釋在實務上分歧甚大,當涉及授信行為時,涉及複雜商業實務與認定,則更顯難解。因此,於第二章中,本文自財務金融領域的觀點,提出授信的定義、種類與目的,分析授信之相關風險與風險因子之判讀方式,並詳介授信實務之流程、職責分配及規範類型,期能描繪出銀行授信行為於真實世界中的輪廓。在第三章中,本文自法律領域的觀點,分析銀行法背信罪之立法背景、與普通背信罪的關聯、各構成要件的解釋。並針對其中「違背職務」要件的解釋爭議,篩選出若干具有代表性的判決用以後續之分析。在第四章中,本文結合了財務金融領域及法律領域的觀點,提出了本文見解。首先,本文援引了德國學者Hefendehl的集體法益與累積犯理論,認為本罪的保護法益為「人民對銀行制度的信賴」,而銀行財產則僅為「個別累積效果的」明文化規定,亦即保護法益的中介載體。接著本文復援引容許風險之概念,主張應實質判斷個案之授信行為是否已逾越容許風險,藉以判斷是否構成違背職務。最後,本文提出了四階層的具體化判準,並指出在實質判斷風險之存否與高低時,應以巴塞爾協定提出的內部評等法,借 EL=PD×LGD×EAD 之公式協助吾人判斷,至於各該風險因子之判讀,亦應參考本文第二章所提及的若干財務金融知識,以做出最合於現實法益變動的判斷。
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由社會法律理論的發展探討校園網路規範-從功能結構理論出發陳蕾琪 Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論
第二章 校園網路規範相關研究
第三章 校園網路規範之相關問題—從法律社會學的功能結構理論來觀察
第四章 從法律文化觀察校園學術網路規範
第五章 結論
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論人壽保險人之免責事由張筱筠 Unknown Date (has links)
最後,對於前述之問題,本文建議除了從我國保險法第一百零九條、一百二十一條、第三十二條之內容加以修正之外,亦可從保險犯罪防制中心之成立,進行危險控制之工作。 / Defrauding death benefits of life insurance has become more and more serious recently, so the government and insurers must keep their eyes open about the liability exception of life insurers. This is also the inspiration source of this essay.
This essay tries to describe the definition and contexts of the liability exception of life insurers from the insurance law and insurance theories points of view. After bringing the cases and laws in different countries forward, the writer will proceed to the next step: to investigate into the statutory liability exception of life insurers; and then, to center on Model Provisions of Life Insurance Policy, studying the related regulations about the exceptions or exclusions of life policy.
The main issues of the liability exception of the life insurers arise from Sections 109 and 121 of the Insurance Law of R. O. C.. Although the Model Provisions of Life Insurance Policy S.14 also came from these rules, the main issues still remain unsolved. Moreover, this essay will also discuss about whether or not the insurers should be liable for the insurance events caused by the wars, civil strifes, other armed forces and nuclear reaction.
Finally, this essay suggests amending the Insurance Law of R.O.C., S.109, 121, and 32 to solve the issues mentioned above as well as establishing the Crime Prevention Center of Insurance Institute to carry out the work of risk control.
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論刑事程序中國家取得之偵訊自白陳昭龍 Unknown Date (has links)
本文亦將分析我國學說對於偵訊自白的處理,尤其是學說判定偵訊自白證據能力的議題,嚴重受到實務見解「自白法則」之影響,導致偵訊自白的證據能力難以為有系統的說明。相較於此,本文擬從我國歷年修法之相關法制進行研究,並以德國、美國的現行法、判決實務、學說討論進行比較分析。其中在相關議題上,採擇歐陸法系典範的德國學說、實務論述、並及於近年我國刑事訴訟法修訂的法律繼受國美國及日本的學說與相關實務見解,部分並佐以筆者所知悉的歐洲人權法院判決。論述時尤著重於相關概念的說明,特別是在外國學說或實務引介時,探討其所所涵蓋之範圍,避免文義上之誤解 。
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從行政過程論稅務調查-以所得稅為中心 / A study of tax investigation from the perspective of administrative process with a focus on the income tax劉麗霞, Liu, Li Hsia Unknown Date (has links)
我國所得稅係採年度申報自繳制度,具有大量、反覆之特性,因此稅捐稽徵機關在所得稅申報期間之前,即已進行各種課稅資訊之蒐集活動,除藉此定出各類所得、費用標準,以作為核課依據外,嗣人民申報其年度所得稅後,即將蒐集之課稅資料與申報資料互相勾稽,作為選定事後審查對象及釐正申報資料與核定所得額之依據;當年度之所得稅申報資料及核定情形復又成為次一年度之課稅基本資料來源及比較對象,二者環環相扣,互為因果關係,形成一個獨立體系,而得以單獨作為研究之對象。次為掌握稅務調查制度之全貌,必須對其作全面性之審視及檢討,故本文採用源自日本之行政法學研究方法「行政過程論」從實現稅務行政目的之過程,歸納、整理所得稅事前課稅資訊蒐集活動及事後審查階段之調查手段、程序、屬性、相關人之法律關係、調查效果及其救濟途徑,以宏觀角度檢視現行法制下之稅務調查制度,藉以發現問題並試圖提出解決方法或修法建議。 / Taiwan adopts an annual self-reporting system for income tax return. Such reporting system involves massive and recurrent information. Hence tax authorities would collect all kinds of tax information before the annual income tax reporting period and use such information to set out the norms for different types of income and expenses as basis for taxation. Upon receiving the annual income tax returns filed by taxpayers, tax officers would check the filed data against the collected tax information, and based on the results, determine the taxpayers to be audited and the assessed income tax. The information contained in an annual income tax return and the results of assessment become the source of basic tax information and comparison for following year’s return. Hence income tax returns of two successive years are interrelated and can form discrete units for research purpose. In order to grasp the full view of the tax investigation system, comprehensive examination of the system is necessary. Thus this study employs the methodology of the “theory of administrative process” originated in Japan to examine the tax investigation system under the prevailing law in a macroscopic manner, from the process of tax administration, pre-filing tax information collection, the means, procedure and attributes of post-filing investigation, legal relationship of the parties concerned, to the effect of investigation and remedies available. This study attempts to discover problems, and based on which, propose solutions or suggestions for regulatory amendment.
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空間統計在研究犯罪外溢作用之應用張紹禕 Unknown Date (has links)
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經濟犯罪被害人財產權保障之救濟--從憲法觀點論刑事附帶民事訴訟之修改方向 / The remedies for the victims protection of the economic criminal property right—the legislative revision opinions upon adhesionprocess in our criminal procedure code from the constitutional viewpoint黃士元, Huang, Shih Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
果,俾利被害人程序主體性之建立及擴大紛爭解決一次性之要求。 / Economic crime in Taiwan is defined by the administrative regulations of the Judicial Yuan and the Ministry of Justice, respectively. Such regulations are aimed at financial crimes that damage personal property. Because the proceeds of economic crimes are “quasi-kondiktionelle Ausgleichsmaßnahme”, the courts should seize the profits, and then use them to either compensate victims or confiscate them in the name of serving justice. So long as this offense is contradictory to criminal law (i.e. constituting the penal code and finding no specific legal cause for that offense), the courts need not review the problem of offender's guilt. As ill-gotten gains are stipulated as “Nebenstrafe” in the Taiwan penal code, the courts cannot confiscate those gains unless there is a simultaneous conviction, which seems too slow. The following suggestions are presented. The individual laws regulating “Verfall” and compensation to the victims should be reorganized in the penal code and characterized as “maßnahme”. The legal effect of these laws as “Nebenstrafe” should be deleted. The articles relating to the compensation of criminal proceeds to the victims should be increased as well. In addition, the courts should be allowed to announce verdicts either alone by its authority or according to the prosecutor’s request.
In Taiwan, defendants accused during the adhesion process are not limited to being defendants in the process of criminal litigation, but also include other persons who should bear damages in accordance with civil law. When criminal court judges face this situation, since it is not certain whether there is a right to impose criminal punishment, or what the scope of punishment should be, there are inconsistencies in the operations of the criminal litigation procedure. There have been attempts to imitate Germany’s Criminal Litigation Law Clause 403, in which the accused should be limited to criminal defendants.
The purpose of the rules on the adhesion process is to prevent a double workload and multiple judgments. However, according to existing requirements for criminal litigation, in addition to criminal judgments, judges must also make civil litigation judgments. This violates the aforementioned purpose of adhesion process rules. Thus, the way to rectify this situation is to create another adhesion process judgment based on the proceeds of crime, in order to assign restitution or to pay a certain amount to the victim, inside the main text of the criminal judgment.
Restorative justice, in which the victim and offender jointly participate, has recently been affirmed in its importance, both in theory and in practice, all over the world. In order to concretely realize the principle that constitutional litigation rights should protect crime victims, as well as provide fair and effective remedial paths and procedural subjectivity, this study suggested that in the stage prior to judging criminal cases, there should be expanded use of enforced arbitration and mediation systems, in which the defendant and the victim jointly participate, in order to determine the best course for promoting restorative justice, to satisfy the demand for victim procedural subjectivity, and to expand the one-time character of dispute resolutions.
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私人之現行犯逮捕─其歷史溯源、法理基礎與比較法分析 / Private person's arrest after caught in the act簡士淳 Unknown Date (has links)
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論兩岸交流衍生之非傳統安全問題 / The Emerging Non-Traditional Security Problems of Cross-Strait Interactions蔡茂林, Tsai, Mau-Lin Unknown Date (has links)
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