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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Currency Rollercoaster : Trade With Exchange Rate Volatility

Andersson, Felicia, Knobe Fredin, Oscar January 2024 (has links)
This essay examines the relationship between exchange rate volatility, estimated using a GARCH model, and level of trade for Sweden and Finland. The data used was collected from Refinitive Eikon Datastream with monthly observations for the time period January 2005 - December 2022. The obtained results indicate that the volatility of the Swedish Krona and Euro positively increases the level of trade for Sweden respectively Finland according to the ARDL model. However, while examining different time perspectives the conclusions resulted in inconclusiveness for the countries and perspectives. The ARDL bounds test for Sweden corresponded with inconclusive results regarding a possible positive long term relationship between SEKs exchange rate volatility and level of trade. Furthermore, the Granger causality test did not state a short term relationship between the two variables for Sweden nor did it state a reversed relationship. On the other hand, for Finland, the ARDL bounds test and Granger causality test denied both a long term and short term positive relationship between the EURs exchange rate volatility and level of trade for Finland. However, for Finland a reversed Granger causality test was shown indicating that the level of trade has an impact on the volatility of the EURs exchange rate.

Klimatanpassningen i Sverige, Finland och Holland : Styrningens uppbyggnad, problem och möjligheter / Climate change adaptation in Sweden, Finland och Netherlands : Seering structure, problems and opportunities

Kyhlbäck, Måns, Kling, Josefin January 2015 (has links)
För att möta kommande klimatförändringar behövs klimatanpassning vilket innebär att skydda samhället mot klimatförändringarna och ta tillvara eventuella möjligheter. Olika länder har tillämpat olika sätt att styra anpassning, vilka generellt kan delas in i top-down och bottom-up styrning. Dessa styrformer generar olika problem och möjligheter för implementering. Till exempel så brister ofta styrning genom top-down implementeringen på lokal nivå, medan bottom-up ofta försvåras av att lokala aktörer saknar resurser i implementering. I denna litteratur och dokumentsbaserade studie undersöker vi aktuell forskning och policydokument för att med stöd av Environmental Governance-teorin, klargöra styrningsformernas uppbyggnad, effektivitet, problem och möjligheter. Länderna Sverige, Finland och Holland är i fokus då de tillämpar olika styrformer och har kommit relativt långt i implementeringen av klimatanpassning. Resultaten visar bland annat att en kombinerad modell där båda styrformerna används är den bästa för att styra klimatanpassning. Det finns också skillnader, top-down tenderar att sakna tydliga riktlinjer från nationell nivå, medan bottom-up ofta är drabbat av brist på ekonomiska resurser, styrmedel och informationsmedel. Men styrformerna har även likheter som problem med att inkludera privata aktörer i implementering av anpassning. / In order to manage anticipated effects from future climate change, adaptation is needed. Which implies protecting society against risks and take advantage of possible new opportunities. Different countries, are using different methods to steer adaptation, which generally can be described the top-down and bottom-up approaches. However, there are different problems and opportunities with those arrangements. For example, control through top-down is often weak in implementation at local level, while on the other hand local actors in the bottom-up system often lacks resources to carry out implementation. In this literature- and document study, we examine current research and policy document with the support of the Environmental Governance theory, in order to clarify the structure, effectiveness, problems and opportunities of this steering approaches for the implementation of adaptation. The countries Sweden, Finland and Netherlands, were selected as case countries since they have chosen different approaches and have relatively developed climate adaptation systems. The results show, among other things, that a combined model in which both control methods are used is the best model to guide adaptation. There are also differences, top-down tend to lack clear guidelines from the national level, despite the national plans, while the bottom-up system often is affected by lack of financial resources, instruments and information resources. But those arrangements also have similarities, such as problems with the inclusion of private actors in the implementation of adaptation.

"Åtgärder som befrämja rikets försvar och överensstämma med flaggans värdighet" : En undersökning av Sveriges marinstrategi våren 1941

Strömgren Lasell, Victor January 2021 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker Sveriges marinstrategi i händelse av krig med Tyskland respektive Sovjeteunionen våren 1941 utifrån Chefen för Marinens instruktioner för krigsfall I respektive II. / This paper explores Swedish naval strategy during the Second World War (1939-1945), an area that has not seen significant research. This paper focuses on how Swedish maritime forces were to be used in case of war with Germany (War Plan I; Krigsfall I), and with the Soviet Union (War plan II; Krigsfall II). This paper focuses on Swedish planning during the spring of 1941. The period after the fall of France (June 1940) and before the German invasion of the Soviet Union (June 1941) was a period where both Germany and the Soviet Union possessed what could be described as strategic freedom of action. This means large parts of their armed forces could have been used for operations against Sweden. The basis for each potential conflict was different: Germany occupied Norway and Denmark and could launch a ground invasion of Sweden directly; meanwhile Sweden and the Soviet Union were still separated by Finland and the Baltic Sea. Maritime forces would therefore play very different roles in the two War Plans. No official plans in case of war with the western Allies existed at the time, and hence this has not been explored here. The conclusion of this paper is that Swedish naval strategy at the time was somewhat offensive and focused on gaining sea control, at least in the Baltic Sea and Gulf of Bothnia, to maintain freedom of action to be able to conduct troop movements along the Swedish coast, to the island of Gotland, and to Finland.

An e-learning instructional design framework for mobile devices in Africa

Garbers, Rachel 12 1900 (has links)
English text, with summaries in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / This study aims to propose an e-learning framework for mobile devices in Africa to help improve enrolment rates and education standards in the FET (Further Education and Training) phase. The study is qualitative in nature and employs document analysis as main research method. An overview of the South African education context with supporting statistical data to motivate why an e-learning alternative is crucial for improving South African and African education is provided. The literature review includes a descriptive analysis of 7 existing e- and m-learning frameworks, with key features highlighted for possible adaptation or incorporation into an e-learning framework for Africa. Behaviourism, Constructivism and Connectivism are discussed as applicable learning theories to pedagogically underpin this proposed e-learning framework. Thereafter, a critical evaluation of current South African education policy documents (White Papers, the Norms and Standards for Educators and the Draft Policy for the Provision and Management of Learning Teaching and Support Materials) is conducted to determine whether these policies support and enable e-learning effectively. Part 2 of Chapter 5 comprises a critical analysis and comparison of education systems and applicable legislation in the USA, Finland and Malawi to establish how education is structured and how e-learning is administered in these countries to make relevant recommendations for South Africa and to inform the design of an e-learning framework for Africa. Research findings are presented as answers to the research questions posed and the proposed e-learning framework with further recommendations are presented to the South African Department of Basic Education, teachers and researchers. / Die doel van hierdie studie is om ‘n e-onderrig-en-leer raamwerk vir mobiele toestelle vir Afrika voor te stel, sodat inskrywingsgetalle en onderrig- en leerstandaarde in die Verdere Onderrig en Opleidings (VOO) fase verbeter kan word. Dit is ‘n kwalitatiewe studie en dokumentanalise word as navorsingsmetode toegepas. ‘n Oorsig van die huidige Suid-Afrikaanse onderwysstelsel en konteks met ondersteunende statistiese bevindinge word verduidelik om e-onderrig-en-leer as noodsaaklike alternatief vir Suid-Afrika en Afrika te motiveer. Die literatuuroorsig sluit ‘n beskrywende analise van sewe bestaande e- en m-onderrig-en-leer (mobiele-onderrig-en-leer) raamwerke in. Hoofkenmerke van elke raamwerk word uitgelig vir moontlike aanpassing en inkorporering in ‘n e-onderrig-en-leer raamwerk vir die Afrika-konteks. Leerteorië, nl Behaviourisme, Konstruktivisme en Konnektivisme (Connectivism) word in diepte bespreek as pedagogies fundamenteel om die e-onderrig-en-leer raamwerk te onderbou en te ondersteun. ‘n Kritiese evaluasie van Suid-Afrikaanse onderwysbeleid (d.w.s. Witskrifte, die Norme and Standaarde vir Onderwysers en die konsepdokument oor die Voorsiening en Bestuur van Onderrig-, Leer- en Ondersteuningsmateriaal) is gedoen om vas te stel of die beleid wel e-onderrig-en-leer effektief ondersteun en prakties moontlik maak. ‘n Krities analitiese en vergelykende studie van die VSA (Verenigde State van Amerika), Finland en Malawi se onderwysstelsels- en wetgewing is gedoen in hoofstuk 5 deel 2 om te bepaal hoe dié lande onderwys struktureer en hoe e-onderrig-en–leer geadministreer word, sodat relevante voorstelle vir Suid-Afrika gemaak kan word en om insae te lewer in die ontwerp van ‘n e-onderrig-en-leer raamwerk toepaslik vir die Afrika-kontinent. Navorsingsbevindinge word voorgelê aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Departement van Basiese Onderwys, onderwysers sowel as aan navorsers. / Lolu cwaningo luhlose ukuphakamisa uhlaka lwe-e-learning lamadivaysi eselula e-Afrika ukusiza ukuthuthukisa izinga lokubhalisa nezindinganiso zemfundo kwiSigaba se-FET (Further Education and Training). Ucwaningo luyimfanelo enemvelo futhi lusebenzisa ukuhlaziywa kwedokhumenti njengendlela yokucwaninga eyinhloko. Ukuhlolisisa umongo wezemfundo waseNingizimu Afrika ngokusekela imniningwane yezibalo ukugqugquzela ukuthi kungani enye yokufunda email ibalulekile ekuthuthukiseni imfundo yaseNingizimu Afrika ne-Afrika. Ukubuyekezwa kwezincwadi kuhlanganisa ukuhlaziywa okuchazayo kwezinhlaka eziyisikhombisa ezisekhona ze-e- e-m-learning, nezici eziyinhloko eziqokonyiswe ukukhishwa kwe-adaption noma ukufakwa kwisakhiwo se-e-learning se-Afrika. Ukuzikhethela, Ukwakhiwa kwe-Constructivism (Kwe Zokwakha) kanye ne-Connectivism (Kwe Zokuxhumana) kuxoxwa njengezifundo ezifanele zokufunda ukusekela lolu hlelo oluhlongozwayo lwe-e-learning. Ngemuva kwaloko, ukuhlolwa okubalulekile kwemibhalo yamanje yemfundo yaseNingizimu Afrika (Amaphepha Asemhlophe, Imigomo Nemigomo Yabafundisi kanye neNqubomgomo Yohlaka Lokufundiswa Nezifundo Nokusekela) kwenziwa ukuze kutholakale ukuthi lezi zinqubomgomo zisekela futhi zikwazi yini ukufundisa nge-e-ephumelelayo. Ingxenye yesibili yeSahluko sesihlanu iqukethe ukuhlaziywa okubucayi kanye nokuqhathaniswa kwezinhlelo zemfundo kanye nemithetho esebenzayo eMelika, eFinland nase Malawi ukuqinisekisa ukuthi imfundo ihlelwe kanjani nokuthi i-e-learning inikezwa kanjani ukwenza izincomo ezifanele eNingizimu Afrika nokwazisa ukuklama uhlaka lwe-e-learning lwe-Afrika. Imiphumela yokucwaninga inikezwa njengezimpendulo zemibuzo yokucwaninga ephakanyisiwe kanye nohlaka oluhlongozwayo lwe-e-learning kanye nezincomo ezengeziwe ezethulwa eMnyangweni wezemfundo Eyisisekelo, othisha nabacwaningi baseNingizimu Afrika. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / M. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)


李文郎, Lee,Wen-Lang Unknown Date (has links)
監察制度(control system)是民主體制中重要的監督機制,主要的功能是監督行政和保障人權,隨著第三波民主化的發展,從一九八0年代開始,監察使制度(ombudsman system)快速擴散至全世界,形成一股「監察風潮」(Ombudsmania)。在民主國家中,我國與芬蘭都是實施監察制度較悠久的國家,僅次於瑞典。無獨有偶,兩國都在一九九0年至二000年進行一連串的憲政改革,修憲後我國政府體制從修正式的內閣制(Parliamentarism)轉變為半總統制(Semi-Presidentialism),而芬蘭則從典型的半總統制傾向議會內閣制。同時在憲政改革的過程中,兩國的監察制度也都有許多的變革。 本文是從權力分立原則(Doctrine of Separation of Powers)、有限政府(Limited Government)和第四權(The Fourth Branch of Power)概念等監察理論作為法理基礎,並以法制研究途徑(Legal-Institutional Approach)和新制度主義(New Institutionalism)作為分析架構,從靜態的法制層面和動態的運作層面,探討我國的監察制度和芬蘭的國會監察使制度,以及兩國在二000年憲政改革之後的運作情況,以瞭解兩國制度之特色及優劣,並且針對中、芬兩國基本國情、監察制度的基本差異、制度與制度變遷、實務運作與案件、實施成效等幾個面向來作分析比較,剖析其間之異同及其原因。 再者,本文也根據國際性比較與芬蘭國會監察使制度之優點和成功經驗,歸納出監察制度實施成功之條件,包括:(一)監察使「權威」(authority)的建立。(二)具備獨立性、中立性和專業性的特性。(三)健全的國家廉政體系。(四)國會的支持與配合。(五)政治人物對監察使和監察制度的尊重。(六)監察使與外界建立良好的互動關係。並進一步評估我國現行監察制度之問題,主要有下列幾項:(一)形式獨立但實質獨立性不足。(二)監察院的權威未建立。(三)部分監委人選不適任。(四)監察院的功能有待提升。(五)缺乏行銷以及與外界互動不足。 最後,筆者針對以上缺失,分別從監察院的定位、組織規模、監委選任、特殊監察使的設立、監察院的職權、監察院的預算、人權保障、與外界互動、對監委的監督等幾個面向,提出具體改革之建議。 / The control system is an important mechanism in democracy to supervise administration and to protect human rights. Since 1980, with the development of the third wave democratization, the ombudsman system rapidly disseminate to all parts of world, forming the phenomenon of “Ombudsmania”. Among the democratic countries, the control system has been carried out for long in both ROC and Finland, only shorter than Sweden Coincidently, both countries underwent a series of constitutional reform during 1990 to 2000. Thereafter, ROC transformed from the revised Parliamentarism to the Semi-Presidentialism, while Finland turned from the classical Semi-Presidentialism to the parliamentarism. The control systems of both countries have also changed a lot during the constitutional reform. Based on the control theories including concepts of Doctrine of Separation of Powers, Limited Government, and The Fourth Branch of Power as the legal basis, this article utilized the Legal-Institutional Approach and the analysis constructs of New Institutionalism to explore the ROC’s control system and parliamentary ombudsman system of Finland, as well as their operation after the post-constitutional reform in 2000, from the static legislative level and the dynamic operational level. This provided understanding of the characteristics and evaluations of the systems in both countries. Moreover, we focused on the aspects of the essential differences in cultures and in the control systems, the evolution of the systems, the functioning, the cases, and their outcomes to analyze the reasons for the differences between the two systems. Furthermore, based on the international comparison and the success experience in parliamentary ombudsman of Finland, the conditions required for successful practice of the control system was involved: (1) establishment of the authority of the ombudsman, (2) the independent, neutral, and professional characteristics, (3) The national integrity system, (4) the support and cooperation of the parliament, (5) The respect of the politicians to the ombudsman and to the control system, and (6) The well-established interaction between the ombudsman and the outside. Further evaluation found the major problems in the present control system in ROC, including (1) lack of the substantial independence, (2) not established authority, (3) the incapability of some Control Yuan members, (4) the necessity to improve the functions of the Control Yuan, (5) the deficiency of marketing and of interaction with the outside. Finally, for the weakness mentioned above, I proposed the concrete recommendation for reformation, from the aspects of the position of the Control Yuan, the dimension of the organization, the election of the committee members, the establishment of specific Ombudsman, the powers and the budgets for the Control Yuan, the protection of human rights, the interactions with the outside, and the administrations of the committee members.

Household preferences for energy goods and services:a choice experiment application

Ruokamo, E. (Enni) 12 March 2019 (has links)
Abstract This thesis includes three studies on household preferences for energy goods and services. The first study examines determinants of households’ heating system choices using a choice experiment. The choice sets include six main heating alternatives (district heating, ground heat pump, exhaust air heat pump, solid wood boiler, wood pellet boiler, and electric storage heating) that are described by five attributes (supplementary heating systems, investment costs, operating costs, comfort of use and environmental friendliness). The results imply that hybrid heating appears to be accepted among households. The results also reveal differing preferences for the main heating alternatives and show that they are affected by demographic characteristics. The studied attributes also play a significant role when heating systems are being chosen. The second study is a methodological one that extends the analysis of the first study. The second study explores the effect of perceived choice complexity on the randomness of choices in choice experiments. The study investigates how different self-evaluated factors of choice complexity affect mean scale and scale variance. The findings suggest that perceived choice complexity has a systematic impact on the parameters of econometric models of choice. However, differences exist between alternative self-evaluated complexity-related covariates. The results indicate that individuals who report that answering the choice tasks is more difficult have less deterministic choices. Perceptions of the realism of home heating choice options also affect scale and scale variance. The third study utilizes the choice experiment to analyze households’ willingness to participate in demand side flexibility. The study examines whether individuals are willing to time their electricity usage and heating; whether they are interested in dynamic pricing contracts such as real-time pricing, two-rate tariffs, or power-based tariffs; and how emissions reductions affect their choices. The results indicate that households’ sensitivity to restrictions in electricity usage is much stronger than their sensitivity to restrictions in heating. Households also require compensation to choose real-time pricing over fixed fees. The findings suggest that room may exist for new dynamic electricity distribution contracts, such as power-based tariffs, in the market. Other value-creating elements besides monetary compensation also exist that could incentivize households to offer demand side flexibility because households value power system level reductions in CO2 emissions. / Tiivistelmä Tämä väitöskirja koostuu kolmesta tutkimuksesta, joissa tarkastellaan kotitalouksien preferenssejä energiahyödykkeitä ja -palveluita kohtaan. Ensimmäinen tutkimus keskittyy kotitalouksien lämmitysjärjestelmävalintoihin ja niitä määrittäviin tekijöihin. Tämä tutkimus on tehty valintakoemenetelmällä, jonka valintatilanteet sisältävät kuusi eri päälämmitysjärjestelmävaihtoehtoa (kaukolämpö, maalämpöpumppu, puulämmitys, pellettilämmitys, varaava sähkölämmitys ja poistoilmalämpöpumppu). Päälämmitysjärjestelmiä kuvataan viiden ominaisuuden avulla, jotka ovat tukilämmitysjärjestelmä, investointikustannukset, käyttökustannukset, käyttömukavuus ja ympäristöystävällisyys. Tulosten mukaan kotitalouksien preferenssit päälämmitysjärjestelmävaihtoehtoja kohtaan ovat vaihtelevia. Valintaan vaikuttavat sekä tarkastellut ominaisuudet että kotitalouden demografiset tekijät. Tulokset myös paljastavat, että kotitaloudet suhtautuvat myönteisesti hybridilämmitykseen. Toinen tutkimus on menetelmällinen, missä hyödynnetään ensimmäisen tutkimuksen aineistoa. Tämä tutkimus keskittyy yksilöiden kokeman vastaamisen vaikeuden vaikutuksiin valintakoemenetelmässä. Vastaamisen epätarkkuus tunnistetaan valintakoemenetelmässä skaalan ja skaalavarianssin avulla. Tutkimus tarkastelee, kuinka itsearvioidut vastaamisen vaikeutta mittaavat tekijät vaikuttavat keskimääräiseen skaalaan ja skaalavarianssiin valintojen ekonometrisissa malleissa. Tulosten mukaan koettu vastaamisen vaikeus vaikuttaa systemaattisesti ekonometrisen valintamallin parametreihin. Vastaamisen vaikeutta mittaavien tekijöiden välillä on kuitenkin eroja. Tuloksien perusteella vastaajat, jotka kokevat valintatilanteisiin vastaamisen keskimääräistä vaikeampana, tekevät satunnaisempia valintoja. Myös valintatilanteiden koettu realistisuus vaikuttaa skaalaan ja skaalavarianssiin. Kolmannessa tutkimuksessa arvioidaan kotitalouksien halukkuutta osallistua energian kysyntäjoustoon valintakoemenetelmällä. Tämä tutkimus selvittää ovatko kotitaloudet halukkaitta siirtämään sähkönkulutusta ja lämmitystä, ja kuinka kiinnostuneita he ovat dynaamisista sähkön hinnoittelusopimuksista kuten pörssisähkösopimuksesta, yösähkösopimuksesta tai tehoperusteisesta sopimuksesta. Lisäksi tutkitaan vaikuttavatko järjestelmätason päästövähennykset kotitalouksien valintoihin. Tulosten perusteella kotitaloudet suhtautuvat sähkönkulutuksen rajoituksiin selvästi negatiivisemmin kuin lämmityksen rajoituksiin. Kotitaloudet myös vaativat rahallista korvausta valitakseen pörssisähkösopimuksen kiinteähintaisen sopimuksen sijaan. Tulosten mukaan markkinoilla voisi olla tilaa uudenlaisille sopimustyypeille, kuten tehoperusteiselle vaihtoehdolle. Tulokset osoittavat, että kotitaloudet arvostavat järjestelmätason hiilidioksidipäästövähennyksiä. Täten rahallisen korvauksen lisäksi on olemassa myös muita arvoa luovia tekijöitä lisätä kotitalouksien osallistumista kysyntäjoustoon.

Компаративна анализа програма биологије за основну школу у Србији и другим европским земљама / Komparativna analiza programa biologije za osnovnu školu u Srbiji i drugim evropskim zemljama / Comparative Analysis of Biology Curriculum in Primary Schools in Serbia and Other European Countries

DŽamić Šepa Nada 22 December 2014 (has links)
<p>У докторској дисертацији је&nbsp; на основу&nbsp; ранијих истраживања и&nbsp; званичних докумената&nbsp;Министарстава образовања&nbsp; изложена&nbsp; компаративна&nbsp; анализа&nbsp; обавезног образовања и Наставних&nbsp;програма биологије у Србији,&nbsp; Хрватској, Словенији, Аустрији, Финској&nbsp; и Руској&nbsp; Федерацији.&nbsp; Циљ&nbsp;истраживања&nbsp; је био да&nbsp; се сагледају&nbsp; њихове међусобне сличности и разлике&nbsp; и могућност да се&nbsp;<br />позитивна искуства у реформи образовања и програма биологије других земаља &nbsp;примене&nbsp; за&nbsp;унапређење образовног система и наставе биологије у Србији&nbsp; у наредном периоду.</p><p>Анализом је утврђено постојање значајних разлика у образовним системима анализираних&nbsp;земаља које се односе на: структуру, дужину трајања, дужину трајања појединих образовних&nbsp;циклуса, број ученика у одељењу, број наставних дана у години, дужину наставног часа, рад школа&nbsp;по сменама, заступљеност обавезних, изборних и факултативних предмета...&nbsp;</p><p>Анализом је утврђено постојање значајне разлике&nbsp; и&nbsp; у заступљености наставних &nbsp;предмета&nbsp;Природа и Биологија по разредима, недељном и годишњем фонду часова, васпитно-образовним&nbsp;циљевима, обиму садржаја по разредима, као и у структурним елементима програма.</p><p>Поређењем Наставних програма Природе и Биологије&nbsp; у&nbsp; анализираним земљама, њихове&nbsp;концепције и карактеристика, констатовано је:<br />&ndash;&nbsp; Да су програми растерећени од сувишних садржаја&nbsp; и да&nbsp; се&nbsp; ослањају на савремена&nbsp;научна достигнућа и перспективу биологије, као науке XXI века.<br />&ndash;&nbsp; Постоји&nbsp; корелација&nbsp; садржаја&nbsp; програма природних наука и њихова примереност&nbsp;интересовањима и потребама ученика&nbsp; као и поступност и систематичност у&nbsp;презентовању садржаја.<br />&ndash;&nbsp; Основни&nbsp; елементи&nbsp; садржаја&nbsp; су&nbsp; дефинисани&nbsp; у складу са узрастом ученика, што&nbsp;доприноси квалитетнијем и трајнијем усвајању знања и могућности његове примене у&nbsp;конкретним животним ситуацијама.<br />&ndash;&nbsp; Садржаји програма Природе и Биологије васпитавају ученике за хуман однос према&nbsp;природи и живим бићима, развијају њихову еколошку свест и одговоран однос према&nbsp;сопственом здрављу.<br />&ndash;&nbsp; У&nbsp; Словенији, Аустрији, Финској и Русији садржаји из биологије се у једном или више&nbsp;разреда обрађују интегрисано са садржајима Географије, Физике и Хемије, &nbsp;са&nbsp;нагласком на еколошки аспект и одрживи развој&nbsp; у његовој реализацији.<br />&ndash;&nbsp; Програми Природе и Биологије у Словенији, Аустрији и Финској подељени су у&nbsp;<br />тематске области, за које нису прцизирани типови ни број часова, тако да наставник&nbsp;распоређује годишњи фонд часова према карактеристикама наставних целина.&nbsp;<br />&ndash;&nbsp; Структурни елементи програма предмета Природа и Биологија су: васпитно-образовни&nbsp;циљеви, оперативни задаци по разредима, дидактичке препоруке, очекивана постигнућа&nbsp;ученичка по образовним циклусима, оцењивање и вредновање ученичких постигнућа.<br />&ndash;&nbsp; Стандардизацијом програмских захтева и садржаја, тежиште образовања је померено&nbsp; са&nbsp;наставних програма и наставника ка резултатима учења и ученицима, што&nbsp; је допринело&nbsp;квалитетнијој реализацији наставних садржаја,&nbsp; објективнијој провери ученичких&nbsp;постигнућа, трајнијим и квалитетнијим знањима &nbsp;ученика.<br />&ndash;&nbsp; У свим анализираним земљама напуштају се традиционални облици, методе&nbsp; и технике&nbsp;рада у настави, а примењују савремени дидактичко-методички&nbsp; приступи интерактивног&nbsp;учења/наставе: тимска, проблемска, програмирана и&nbsp; пројектна настава,&nbsp; непосредно и&nbsp;посредно посматрање&nbsp; природних појава, истраживања,&nbsp; излети и екскурзије. Овакав рад&nbsp;захтева многобројне ученичке активности које се огледају у: организацији и планирању&nbsp;активности на терену, формирање базе и збирки података, организовање и учествовање&nbsp;у дебатним и панел дискусијама, израду мини пројеката и слично.</p><p>У односу на Републику&nbsp; Србију, најновије реформе образовања у Хрватској, Словенији,&nbsp;Аустрији, Русији, а нарочито Финској одвијале су се брже и темељније. Реформи образовања у овим&nbsp;земљама је приступљено креативно,&nbsp; са&nbsp; оријентацијом&nbsp; на модерне узоре, а&nbsp; да&nbsp; при том&nbsp; ове земље&nbsp;нису изгубиле сопствену оригиналност&nbsp; у образовању. Циљеви реформе&nbsp; основног&nbsp; образовања у&nbsp;Србији,&nbsp; која је&nbsp; започела 2000.&nbsp; и завршена&nbsp; 2010.&nbsp; године,&nbsp; су били слични онима у Финској и другим&nbsp;анализираним земљама, али она није довела до суштинских промена у основношколском образовном систему.&nbsp; Постављени циљеви нису остварени,&nbsp; па исти задаци остају за неку следећу реформу.</p><p>Важећи&nbsp; Наставни програм биологије у&nbsp; Србији (иако је недавно реформисан)&nbsp; је&nbsp; и даље&nbsp;традиционалан, са линеарним рапоредом садржаја, писан је као листа тема са обимним садржајима у&nbsp;свим разредима,&nbsp; без&nbsp; могућности&nbsp; изборних садржаја.&nbsp; Непостојање корелација садржаја са другим&nbsp;предметима, али и у оквиру саме биологије по разредима, онемогућава интегрисање &nbsp;садржаја.</p><p>Оцене реформисаног Наставног програма биологије&nbsp; за основну школу у Србији на основу&nbsp;проведене анкете за наставнике&nbsp; биологије, крећу се од крајње позитивних, преко умерених до&nbsp;крајње негативних.</p><p>Због наведених и других разлога потребна је нова коренита промена основног образовања и&nbsp;Наставног програма биологије&nbsp; у основној школи у Србији која би се радила студиозно и пажљиво,&nbsp;са реално постављеним циљевима и задацима. У програм&nbsp; биологије&nbsp; треба&nbsp; увести&nbsp; кључне&nbsp; наставне&nbsp;области&nbsp; из биолошке науке,&nbsp; које би се&nbsp; сагледавале комплексно и интегрисано (као&nbsp; у Словенији,&nbsp;Аустрији и Финској), у складу са потребама ученика у реалном животу, &nbsp;а реализовале&nbsp;интерактивном наставом са много више креативности и наставника и ученика.</p> / <p>U doktorskoj disertaciji je&nbsp; na osnovu&nbsp; ranijih istraživanja i&nbsp; zvaničnih dokumenata&nbsp;Ministarstava obrazovanja&nbsp; izložena&nbsp; komparativna&nbsp; analiza&nbsp; obaveznog obrazovanja i Nastavnih&nbsp;programa biologije u Srbiji,&nbsp; Hrvatskoj, Sloveniji, Austriji, Finskoj&nbsp; i Ruskoj&nbsp; Federaciji.&nbsp; Cilj&nbsp;istraživanja&nbsp; je bio da&nbsp; se sagledaju&nbsp; njihove međusobne sličnosti i razlike&nbsp; i mogućnost da se&nbsp;<br />pozitivna iskustva u reformi obrazovanja i programa biologije drugih zemalja &nbsp;primene&nbsp; za&nbsp;unapređenje obrazovnog sistema i nastave biologije u Srbiji&nbsp; u narednom periodu.</p><p>Analizom je utvrđeno postojanje značajnih razlika u obrazovnim sistemima analiziranih&nbsp;zemalja koje se odnose na: strukturu, dužinu trajanja, dužinu trajanja pojedinih obrazovnih&nbsp;ciklusa, broj učenika u odeljenju, broj nastavnih dana u godini, dužinu nastavnog časa, rad škola&nbsp;po smenama, zastupljenost obaveznih, izbornih i fakultativnih predmeta...&nbsp;</p><p>Analizom je utvrđeno postojanje značajne razlike&nbsp; i&nbsp; u zastupljenosti nastavnih &nbsp;predmeta&nbsp;Priroda i Biologija po razredima, nedeljnom i godišnjem fondu časova, vaspitno-obrazovnim&nbsp;ciljevima, obimu sadržaja po razredima, kao i u strukturnim elementima programa.</p><p>Poređenjem Nastavnih programa Prirode i Biologije&nbsp; u&nbsp; analiziranim zemljama, njihove&nbsp;koncepcije i karakteristika, konstatovano je:<br />&ndash;&nbsp; Da su programi rasterećeni od suvišnih sadržaja&nbsp; i da&nbsp; se&nbsp; oslanjaju na savremena&nbsp;naučna dostignuća i perspektivu biologije, kao nauke XXI veka.<br />&ndash;&nbsp; Postoji&nbsp; korelacija&nbsp; sadržaja&nbsp; programa prirodnih nauka i njihova primerenost&nbsp;interesovanjima i potrebama učenika&nbsp; kao i postupnost i sistematičnost u&nbsp;prezentovanju sadržaja.<br />&ndash;&nbsp; Osnovni&nbsp; elementi&nbsp; sadržaja&nbsp; su&nbsp; definisani&nbsp; u skladu sa uzrastom učenika, što&nbsp;doprinosi kvalitetnijem i trajnijem usvajanju znanja i mogućnosti njegove primene u&nbsp;konkretnim životnim situacijama.<br />&ndash;&nbsp; Sadržaji programa Prirode i Biologije vaspitavaju učenike za human odnos prema&nbsp;prirodi i živim bićima, razvijaju njihovu ekološku svest i odgovoran odnos prema&nbsp;sopstvenom zdravlju.<br />&ndash;&nbsp; U&nbsp; Sloveniji, Austriji, Finskoj i Rusiji sadržaji iz biologije se u jednom ili više&nbsp;razreda obrađuju integrisano sa sadržajima Geografije, Fizike i Hemije, &nbsp;sa&nbsp;naglaskom na ekološki aspekt i održivi razvoj&nbsp; u njegovoj realizaciji.<br />&ndash;&nbsp; Programi Prirode i Biologije u Sloveniji, Austriji i Finskoj podeljeni su u&nbsp;<br />tematske oblasti, za koje nisu prcizirani tipovi ni broj časova, tako da nastavnik&nbsp;raspoređuje godišnji fond časova prema karakteristikama nastavnih celina.&nbsp;<br />&ndash;&nbsp; Strukturni elementi programa predmeta Priroda i Biologija su: vaspitno-obrazovni&nbsp;ciljevi, operativni zadaci po razredima, didaktičke preporuke, očekivana postignuća&nbsp;učenička po obrazovnim ciklusima, ocenjivanje i vrednovanje učeničkih postignuća.<br />&ndash;&nbsp; Standardizacijom programskih zahteva i sadržaja, težište obrazovanja je pomereno&nbsp; sa&nbsp;nastavnih programa i nastavnika ka rezultatima učenja i učenicima, što&nbsp; je doprinelo&nbsp;kvalitetnijoj realizaciji nastavnih sadržaja,&nbsp; objektivnijoj proveri učeničkih&nbsp;postignuća, trajnijim i kvalitetnijim znanjima &nbsp;učenika.<br />&ndash;&nbsp; U svim analiziranim zemljama napuštaju se tradicionalni oblici, metode&nbsp; i tehnike&nbsp;rada u nastavi, a primenjuju savremeni didaktičko-metodički&nbsp; pristupi interaktivnog&nbsp;učenja/nastave: timska, problemska, programirana i&nbsp; projektna nastava,&nbsp; neposredno i&nbsp;posredno posmatranje&nbsp; prirodnih pojava, istraživanja,&nbsp; izleti i ekskurzije. Ovakav rad&nbsp;zahteva mnogobrojne učeničke aktivnosti koje se ogledaju u: organizaciji i planiranju&nbsp;aktivnosti na terenu, formiranje baze i zbirki podataka, organizovanje i učestvovanje&nbsp;u debatnim i panel diskusijama, izradu mini projekata i slično.</p><p>U odnosu na Republiku&nbsp; Srbiju, najnovije reforme obrazovanja u Hrvatskoj, Sloveniji,&nbsp;Austriji, Rusiji, a naročito Finskoj odvijale su se brže i temeljnije. Reformi obrazovanja u ovim&nbsp;zemljama je pristupljeno kreativno,&nbsp; sa&nbsp; orijentacijom&nbsp; na moderne uzore, a&nbsp; da&nbsp; pri tom&nbsp; ove zemlje&nbsp;nisu izgubile sopstvenu originalnost&nbsp; u obrazovanju. Ciljevi reforme&nbsp; osnovnog&nbsp; obrazovanja u&nbsp;Srbiji,&nbsp; koja je&nbsp; započela 2000.&nbsp; i završena&nbsp; 2010.&nbsp; godine,&nbsp; su bili slični onima u Finskoj i drugim&nbsp;analiziranim zemljama, ali ona nije dovela do suštinskih promena u osnovnoškolskom obrazovnom sistemu.&nbsp; Postavljeni ciljevi nisu ostvareni,&nbsp; pa isti zadaci ostaju za neku sledeću reformu.</p><p>Važeći&nbsp; Nastavni program biologije u&nbsp; Srbiji (iako je nedavno reformisan)&nbsp; je&nbsp; i dalje&nbsp;tradicionalan, sa linearnim raporedom sadržaja, pisan je kao lista tema sa obimnim sadržajima u&nbsp;svim razredima,&nbsp; bez&nbsp; mogućnosti&nbsp; izbornih sadržaja.&nbsp; Nepostojanje korelacija sadržaja sa drugim&nbsp;predmetima, ali i u okviru same biologije po razredima, onemogućava integrisanje &nbsp;sadržaja.</p><p>Ocene reformisanog Nastavnog programa biologije&nbsp; za osnovnu školu u Srbiji na osnovu&nbsp;provedene ankete za nastavnike&nbsp; biologije, kreću se od krajnje pozitivnih, preko umerenih do&nbsp;krajnje negativnih.</p><p>Zbog navedenih i drugih razloga potrebna je nova korenita promena osnovnog obrazovanja i&nbsp;Nastavnog programa biologije&nbsp; u osnovnoj školi u Srbiji koja bi se radila studiozno i pažljivo,&nbsp;sa realno postavljenim ciljevima i zadacima. U program&nbsp; biologije&nbsp; treba&nbsp; uvesti&nbsp; ključne&nbsp; nastavne&nbsp;oblasti&nbsp; iz biološke nauke,&nbsp; koje bi se&nbsp; sagledavale kompleksno i integrisano (kao&nbsp; u Sloveniji,&nbsp;Austriji i Finskoj), u skladu sa potrebama učenika u realnom životu, &nbsp;a realizovale&nbsp;interaktivnom nastavom sa mnogo više kreativnosti i nastavnika i učenika.</p> / <p>Based on earlier research and official documents of the Ministry of Education, the PhD thesis&nbsp;gives the comparative analysis of compulsory education and Biology curriculum in Serbia, Croatia,&nbsp;Slovenia, Austria, Finland and the Russian Federation. The aim of the research was to observe their&nbsp;similarities and differences and the possibility to use the positive experiences of the reform of education&nbsp;and Biology curriculum in these countries in order to improve educational system and Biology teaching in&nbsp;Serbia in the times to come.</p><p>The analysis shows the existance of considerable differences in educational systems of the anаlyzed&nbsp;countries regarding: structure, length, length of certain educational cycles, number of students in a class,&nbsp;number of schooldays, length of a lesson, working in shifts, presence of compulsory, optional and&nbsp;facultative subjects.&nbsp;</p><p>The analysis also shows a considerable difference in the presence of subjects Nature and Biology&nbsp;in grades, number of lessons per week and year, educational objectives, scope and content in different&nbsp;grades as well as in the structural elements &nbsp;of the curriculum.</p><p>Comparing Nature and Biology curriculums of the analyzed countries, their concepts and&nbsp;characteristics, the following was concluded:<br />-&nbsp; The curriculums are unburdened of unnecessary contents and&nbsp; they rely on contemporary scientific&nbsp;achievements and the perspective of Biology as a science of the 21<sup>st&nbsp;</sup>century.<br />-&nbsp; There are cross-curricular links among natural sciences and they are adapted to the interests and&nbsp;needs of students, and there is a gradual and systematic approach in presenting contents.&nbsp;<br />-&nbsp; Basic elements of the content are defined in accordance with the age of students which contributes&nbsp;to a better and more permanent knowledge acquisition and makes it possible to use the knowledge&nbsp;in everyday&nbsp; situations.<br />-&nbsp; The content of Nature and Biology curriculums teach children to be humane to the nature and&nbsp;other living beings, to develop environmental awareness and responsible attitude to their own&nbsp;health.<br />-&nbsp; In Slovenia, Austria, Finland and Russia Biology content is taught together with Geography,&nbsp;Physics and Chemistry content in one or more school years with emphasis on environmental&nbsp;aspects and sustainable development in their realization.&nbsp;<br />-&nbsp; Nature and Biology curriculums in Slovenia, Austria and Finland are divided into units without&nbsp;recommended type or number of classes so that a teacher distributes the annual number of lessons&nbsp;according to the characteristics of the units.<br />-&nbsp; The structural elements of the program of subjects Nature and Biology are: educational aims,&nbsp;operational tasks per year, didactic recommendations, expected achievements of the students in&nbsp;each educational cycle, marking and evaluating students&rsquo; achievements.&nbsp;<br />-&nbsp; By standardizing the program requests and contents, the focus of education&nbsp; is shifted from&nbsp;teaching programs and teachers to the results of learning and students, that contributed to better&nbsp;realization of the teaching contents, more objective evaluation of students&rsquo; achievements, long -lasting and knowledge of a higher quality.<br />-&nbsp; In all the analyzed countries the traditional teaching methods and techniques are dismissed and&nbsp;modern didactic and methodical approach of interactive teaching/learning is applied: team work,&nbsp;problem solving, programmed and project teaching, direct and in direct observation of natural&nbsp;phenomena, research, trips and excursions. This kind of work requires extensive students&rsquo;&nbsp;activities such as: organization and planning of field activities, creation of database and data&nbsp;collections, &nbsp;organizing and participating in debates and panel discussions, development of mini-projects and the like. &nbsp;</p><p>Contrary to Serbia, the latest reforms of education in Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Russia and&nbsp;specially in Finland were carried out faster and more thoroughly. The education reform in these countries&nbsp;was approached in a creative way, bearing in mind modern models without losing their own national&nbsp;educational originality. The aims of the reform of primary education system in Serbia, which started in&nbsp;2000 and finished in 2010, were similar to those in Finland and other analyzed countries, but it &nbsp;has not&nbsp;made substantial changes in primary education system in Serbia. The set aims were not reached thus the&nbsp;same tasks are left for some future reform.</p><p>The current Biology curriculum in&nbsp; our country (although reformed recently) is still traditional,&nbsp;with linear distribution of the content, written as a list of topics with extensive content in each year without the possibility of optional contents. The lack of correlation with other subjec ts, as well as within Biology content in one year prevents the integration of the contents.</p><p>According to a survey carried out with Biology teachers, the evaluation of the reformed Biology&nbsp;curriculum for primary schools in Serbia vary from utterly positive, moderate to &nbsp;utterly negative.</p><p>For all the mentioned and some other reasons, a new radical change of primary education and&nbsp;Biology curriculum for primary schools in Serbia is necessary. It should be carried out carefully and&nbsp;thoroughly with aims and tasks set objectively. Biology curriculum should include key teaching areas of&nbsp;Biology as a science that would be considered in a complex and integrated way (as in Slovenia, Austria and&nbsp;<br />Finland), in accordance with the needs of students in the real life, and realized through interactive lessons&nbsp;with much more creativity on the part of both teachers and students.</p>

品牌國家與公眾外交-以芬蘭與Nokia為例 / Brand state and public diplomacy-take Finland and Nokia for example

林佳蓉, Lin, Chia Jung Unknown Date (has links)
品牌國家是近年來新興的議題。荷蘭籍學者彼得.范.海姆(Peter van Ham )於2001年在《外交事務》上發表文章提出:「隨著全球化和媒體革命的發展,已使得每一個國家更明白自身的形象、聲譽及態度,簡言之,即為其品牌。過去的傳統性外交重要性已逐漸消失,在未來政治家必須訓練自己有更好的國家品牌資產經營能力。品牌國家將不僅與他們自己競爭,更需與世界性的超級品牌媲美。」如今許多國家政府對此已相當重視。 本文試圖經由非傳統外交、軟權力、公眾外交、國家行銷等學術探討,對品牌國家的定義及內涵作一個更全面性的研究及瞭解;並藉由芬蘭與諾基亞相互之間關係的案例分析,對品牌國家做更多闡述,期藉此為我國政府運行帶來一些新的想法。 / Brand State is an emerging issue in recent years. In the year of 2001, the Dutch scholar Peter van Ham talked about this concept in Foreign Affairs that “Globalization and the media revolution have made each state more aware of itself, its image, its reputation, and its attitude -- in short, its brand. The traditional diplomacy of yesteryear is disappearing. To do their jobs well in the future, politicians will have to train themselves in brand asset management. Brand states will compete not only among themselves but also with superbrands.” Nowadays, many countries have paid a lot of attention to it. This thesis attempts to illustrate the definition and content of Brand State more comprehensively by researching non-traditional diplomacy, soft power, public diplomacy, national marketing and other academic theories. Also, it examines the case of the relevance between Finland and Nokia to elaborate Brand State more and tries to bring new ideas to our government.

Papper och lump : studier av kontinuitet och förändring i nordisk pappersindustri från 1600-tal till 1900-tal

Sjunnesson, Helene January 2006 (has links)
<p>. This thesis consists of an introduction and four previously published articles. The joint empirical focus is papermaking based on textile rags as fibre raw material. Furthermore the physical environment is central in the studies. The relationship between continuity and change is a prevailing theme. The thesis also pays attention to the use of different sorts of rags and to the connection between this kind of papermaking and the textile industry.</p><p>The overall purpose is to throw new light upon the paper industry based on rags – a part of early industry seldom mentioned in historical surveys of the industrialization process in Sweden. The aim is also to question the prevalent Swedish historical writing commissioned by the branch, characterized by set divisions between different phases of technical and industrial development, from simple craft to modern industry. One of these borderlines has been drawn between papermaking by hand and papermaking by machine, with the 1830s as the selected transition period. By studying and analysing changes in the traditional and seemingly static papermaking as well as the opposite: the traditional that has lingered in the new, this thesis shows that the course of events was much more complicated than that. An outcome of the studies is that the industrialization of the rag based paper industry has been a complex, uneven and prolonged process.</p><p>The first main part of the thesis consists of two Swedish regional studies centred on the province of Östergötland in a long-time perspective. The focus is mainly on the long continuity of papermaking by hand, which was carried out between 1628 and 1968. The study shows that a variety of types and sizes of mills regarding ownership, forms of production, location, paper qualities and techniques can be identified. Continuity was the dominating feature but within this framework technological and industrial change also took place.</p><p>The second main part of the thesis has a Nordic perspective and deals with a shorter period, mainly 1830-1870. One study examines the introduction of the paper-machine and the establishment of the first machine-made paper mills in Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland with special attention given to the Swedish mill Holmen in Norrköping and the Finnish Tammerfors mill, both situated in textile mill towns. A second Nordic study surveys hand-made paper mills founded during and after the time when the paper-machine technology had been established. As the studies show, two parallel development tracks were prevalent in the paper industry in the Nordic countries during the period 1830-1870 – papermaking by machine and papermaking by hand.</p><p>The first paper machines were imported from Britain to some of the oldest and largest paper mills. The introduction of the new technology led to changes in for instance the paper mill buildings and the organization of work regarding the papermaking process. In the preparatory and finishing work manual methods remained, and as before it employed mostly women.</p><p>At the same time, papermaking by hand continued to change and new hand-made paper mills were founded until as late as the 1890s. The study discusses possible explanations, among them growing markets for special qualities and combinations with other branches of industry.</p><p>All the studies show a connection between hand-made paper mills and wool mills on one hand, and machine-made paper mills and cotton and linen mills on the other hand. The paper industry based on rags could in fact be characterized as a kind of textile industry</p>

Bound together : being-with gay and lesbian leather communities and visual cultures, 1966-1984

Campbell, Andrew Raymond 05 May 2015 (has links)
Bound Together elucidates how gay and lesbian leather communities, in the years between 1966 and 1984, contested and expanded fungible notions of sex, community, and history, mostly through material and visual cultural systems: dress codes such as the hanky code, architectural spaces (bars, bathhouses, private clubs), garments, posters, advertisements, newsletters, films, and performances. In examining visual and material cultures, procedures of archival research, as well as the physical states of key archives associated with historic gay and lesbian leather communities, this dissertation opens out a discussion of a set of visual documents and terms rarely considered within the discipline of art history, or academia at large. Through rigorous rhetorical experimentation Bound Together seeks to propose new ways of writing histories. Long and short chapters are interpolated, telescoping between historical leather communities and key works of contemporary art which reformat 1970s documents and visual sources. Jean Luc-Nancy’s conception of “being-with,” a state of coterminous existence that lies at the foundation of being and subjecthood, provides an ideal framework for coming to terms with the challenges of writing leather histories. Nancy’s notion is one that privileges mutual and relational difference. The structure of Bound Together works similarly, building a set of differential modes of viewing, analyzing and writing. In this way I wish to, in the words of Tilottama Rajan, use “history as the condition for an internal distanciation and for self-reflection on what we do,” and to furthermore present alternatives to a discipline’s often “routinized, even commodified […] repeatable techniques.” / text

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