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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ta hissen till HD : En undersökning av de fall som genom hänskjutande från tingsrätten kommit upp för prövning i Högsta domstolen / Take the leap to the Supreme Court : An examination of the cases where the district courts has submitted a particular issue in the case for decision by the Supreme Court

Matsgård, Mathilde January 2017 (has links)
The Supreme Court’s most important task today is probably to, through their precedent, lead the legislative development forward and to ensure that the legislature and the standards that the legislature subsequently creates are compatible with the constitutional and EU law. In that sense, the Supreme Court also creates its own standards. Now and then the district courts, with the parties, in an action amenable to out-of-court settlement, identifies a point of law that has not been answered neither in the legislative history nor by court practice. In those cases, it could be favourable for the legal process if the parties had the option to ask the Supreme Court to answer the question, instead of going through the court hierarchy to get the matter resolved. This would favour all parties since both costs and time can be saved. Since July 1, 1989, this is a possibility. According to chapter 56 article 13 of the Swedish Code of Judicial Procedure, a district court can, with the consent of the parties, submit a particular issue in the case for decision by the Supreme Court. The provision is discretionary, which means that it is the district court that determines if the rule should be applied. The issue in question must however be a precedent issue. In the end, it is the Supreme Court that has the final say and decides whether leave to appeal should be permitted or not. The purpose of the provisions origin was to strengthen the Supreme Court’s precedent-forming role without largely burdening the court’s workload. After the advent in 1989, only 37 cases have taken the leap to the Supreme Court which is probably far fewer than it was hoped for. The reason for this may be that the institute, despite the fact that the possibility soon has existed for 30 years, is still relatively unknown. Another reason may be that district courts are, and have been, reluctant to propose to use it, even when the possibility has arisen. Therefore, I believe that a first step to tackle the precedent drought that still exists could be to make the parties and their legal representatives more aware of the possibility, and also to encourage the district courts to, to a greater extent than today, take the initiative and propose the submitting to the Supreme Court. If this does not result in more” leap-cases”, another resort could be to also include arbitration in the regulation.

Högsta domstolen : En aktivist eller rättsbildare i tiden? / The supreme court : An activist or a lawmaker for the modern society?

Holm, Jonatan January 2018 (has links)
The research is focused on the claims that The Supreme Court in Sweden has engaged in judicial activism. The research aims to investigate if The Supreme Court has acted as an activist and which consequences that can result in for the Swedish constitution.

Representationen av Ideologi under Utfrågningar till USA:s Högsta Domstol : En Jämförande Studie om Representationen av Ideologiska Frågor i Utfrågningar till den Högsta Domstolen i USA / The Representation of Ideology in Supreme Court Hearings : A Comparative Study of the Representation of Ideological Questions during Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings

Persson, Tilda January 2023 (has links)
Building on Lee Epstein et al. (2006) article “The Changing Dynamics of Senate Voting on Supreme Court Nominees”, this study seeks to explore the representation of ideological questions during the Supreme Court confirmation hearings of Clarence Thomas and Brett M. Kavanaugh. As previous studies seek to explore the characteristics and political agenda of confirmation hearings, there is more to be discovered about the representation of ideological questions. In addition, more studies tend to explain the reasons why landmark decisions such as Roe v. Wade has managed to be overturned and scholars have demonstrated the need to study ideological polarization in the Supreme Court. To study overrulings and ideological polarization in the Supreme Court, this article explores the very beginning of the issue: the confirmation hearings of justices to the Supreme Court of the United States. By being attentive to the main themes of questions during the confirmation hearings of Clarence Thomas and Brett M. Kavanaugh, this paper explores the representation of ideological questions versus questions of fact. This theoretical perspective facilitates the exploration of further studies regarding upcoming confirmation hearings. This article indicates the reliance on the theory of Lee Epstein et al., and claims that the previous confirmation hearings have a strong representation of ideological questions.

Är svällande domskäl okej? : En undersökning av Högsta domstolens bruk av obiter dicta i tvistemål

Björnberg, Jacob January 2023 (has links)
In 1971 the right of re-trial in the Supreme Court was reformed and led to the court becoming a distinct forum for setting precedents. As a consequence of this the possibility of appeal to the Supreme Court was greatly reduced as the court’s primary task would be only to try cases and other issues of importance for the guidance of the application of the law. Before the reform in question, the focus of reviewing cases in the Supreme Court had been to ensure materially correct rulings. However, the legislator’s ambition was, through the reform, to allow the later function to disappear and instead concentrate the judicial activity to the legal system’s need for guidance, to reduce the flow of appealed cases and thereby the court’s workload. As a court of precedent, the Supreme Court’s rulings have a great authoritative effect, not only for the practice in the lower courts, but also for others who operate in the practical legal life such as government agencies, industry- and interest organizations, lawyers and, in the long run, general citizens. Furthermore, the Supreme Court’s way of writing its judgments has changed over time, especially since the 1971 reform. Today the reasons in the decisions, both in criminal and civil cases, show a considerable scope of legal argumentation from several angles in a completely different way compared to the quite laconic rulings from older times. Because of this, a common element in the Supreme Court’s verdicts nowdays is the use of obiter dicta (in singularis: obiter dictum). Ratio decidendi means the reasons that determined the outcome of the case. In other words, the parts of the court’s reasoning that is necessary for the verdict. Obiter dictum is the opposite, i.e. something that is stated in the reasons but not necessary for the court to be able to decide on the disputed matter. For instance, obiter dicta can be made through general statements containing detailed descriptions of the legal situation, solid investigations regarding related issues but not relevant for the case or drawn conclusions linked to things or circumstances not invoked by the parties and therefore outside the frame of the trial. In this context severel interesting questions arise connected to obiter dicum as a legal phenomenon and whether it is appropriate. Some prominent doctrinal authors and former judges of the Supreme Court believe that the same court lacks the mandate to present answers to unclear legal issues and precedential matters outside the framework of the trial and through obiter dicta - statements. A few have even argued that it is unconstitutional. The aim of this master thesis is to examine whether the use of obiter dicta corresponds with the Supreme Court’s main function based on the rules of procedure and other relevant legislation for the court in its precedent setting activity.

Rättstillämpningens enhetlighet : En analys av objektiva ändamålsövervägandens tillämpning i tingsrätt och Högsta domstolen / The Uniform Application of Law : An analysis of the exercise of discretion in the district courts and the Supreme Court

Löfvenberg, Olof January 2019 (has links)
Rättstillämpningens enhetlighet i tingsrätt och Högsta domstolen (HD) är en utgångspunkt som kommer till uttryck genom regleringen av rättskipningen i RF och av instansordningen i RB. Däremot talar flera utomrättsliga faktorer för att rättstillämpningen ändå kan skilja sig åt mellan tingsrätterna och HD. Det finns skillnader mellan domstolarnas adressater, domstolarnas arbetssituation och domarnas bakgrund. För att uppfylla uppsatsens huvudsakliga syfte att empiriskt utvärdera om det finns tendenser till skillnader i rättstillämpningen i tingsrätten jämfört med i HD, används en rättsteoretisk analys för att identifiera ett problemområde där det råder oenighet bland domare och i doktrinen om hur rättstillämpningen ska gå till på ett abstrakt plan. Problemområdet som urskiljs är användningen av objektiva ändamålsöverväganden, vilket definieras som all sådan tolkning och argumentation som inte bygger på tillämpliga lagar, prejudikat eller förarbeten. Sex rättsfall analyseras, systematiserade under tre olika typfall, i syfte att belysa och nyansera de tendenser till skillnader i användningen av objektiva ändamålsöverväganden som observeras. Undersökningens resultat är att HD generellt visar en större benägenhet att beakta olika sorters ändamålsöverväganden i sin rättstillämpning. Det anses innebära att det finns större chans att vinna framgång i rättslig argumentation som förutsätter en analog tillämpning eller reduktionsslut i HD än i tingsrätt. Däremot kan HD:s prejudikatbildande roll ha en avhållande effekt på dess benägenhet att tillämpa objektiva ändamålsöverväganden, vilket indikeras av att skillnaderna mellan HD:s och tingsrättens rättstillämpning i rättsfallen var som störst när prejudikatets innebörd var som otydligast.

Lojalitetsplikten i Omsättningsmålet / The duty of loyalty in Omsättningsmålet

Hodzic, Lejla, Moosawi, Elaha January 2022 (has links)
Med utgångspunkt i avtalslagens ålder med dess snäva och ofta svårtolkade bestämmelser, har det utifrån rättspraxis att utläsa, uppdagats ett behov av vedertagna rättsprinciper för att tolka avtal och i viss mån även fylla ut dem. Rättsprinciperna uttrycker sig i olika former varav lojalitetsplikten ligger till grund för en stor del av de underförstådda förpliktelserna som kan uppkomma i ett avtalsförhållande. Lojalitetspliktens innebörd i avtalsförhållanden är att tillvarata motpartens intressen såväl som sina egna. Syftet med denna princip är i synnerhet att skydda den eventuellt underställda parten i ett avtalsförhållande. Mot bakgrund av det tunt reglerade rättsområdet som avtalslagen tillhör, förekommer således utrymme för respektive part att agera otillbörligt och illojalt. Denna otillbörlighet kan till följd av de förevarande rättsprinciperna orättfärdigas. Följaktligen fyller lojalitetsplikten, jämte andra rättsprinciper, en väsentlig funktion för att upprätthålla rättvisa avtal och skydda avtalsparterna mot att utnyttjas. Det är emellertid viktigt att väga lojalitetsplikten mot att tillvarata sina egna intressen i ett avtalsförhållande. Tillvaratagandet av det egna intresset sker i enlighet med den så kallade vigilansprincipen. Denna princip upprätthålls genom ett aktsamt och omsorgsfullt beteende under kontraktets giltighet men även under ett prekontraktuellt förhållande. Vid oaktsamhet anses en part inte längre lika skyddsvärd som vid ett agerande i linje med vigilansprincipen. Principen antyder att part inte kan presumera en rättighet på grund av sin underlägsna ställning jämte motparten och kan därför anses utgöra en motpol till lojalitetsplikten. I Högsta domstolens prejudikat benämnt Omsättningsmålet, behandlas lojalitetsplikten i kommersiella avtalsförhållanden där Högsta domstolen fastställer att situationsbundna omständigheter ligger till grund för tillämpningen av lojalitetsplikten. Detta innebär en svårighet för fastställandet av lojalitetspliktens omfattning. Prejudikatet lämnar utrymme för diskussion om hur Högsta domstolens resonemang och avgörande kan komma att påverka affärskulturen och transaktionskostnaderna i samband med att kommersiella avtal sluts.

Inför högsta instans : Samspelet mellan kvinnors handlingsutrymme och rättslig reglering i Justitierevisionen 1760–1860 / Facing the Highest Legal Authority : The Interplay between Female Agency and Legal Regulation in Sweden 1760–1860

Hinnemo, Elin January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is to illuminate the interplay between female agency and legal regulation in Sweden during the period 1760-1860. The material chosen for the study relates to matters concerning women that were brought before the Judiciary Inspection, the highest legal authority in Sweden. From its central position in the state hierarchy, this court was an arena in which the central power could identify and find solutions to problems important for the stability and development of society. The study identifies issues that encouraged women to bring proceedings before the court, or prompted other parties to bring women to court. The dissertation has analysed the actions taken and arguments made in these cases by women, their counterparts, and court representatives, in relation to the regulations or the absence of regulations in each particular situation. This has shown the room for manoeuvre that could be achieved, and how the women could achieve it – in terms of right to manage property, economic agency and debt responsibility, finding ways to support themselves and their families, or affirming their positions as mothers and mistresses of households. In this way, the dissertation illuminates the freedom of agency in practice that has often been seen as contradictory in a strictly patriarchal society like early modern Sweden. The dissertation also traces some important changes over time, including the increasingly diverse class background of litigants over the period in question, shifts in understandings of property, work, family, and the meaning of legal majority. The central diachronic claims are firstly that the legal system shifted over time from one primarily based upon status, circumstance, and local opinion to one based on formalized understanding of the law founded upon contract and clear legal definitions, and that this had important implications for women’s room for manoeuvre in the courts and in society. Secondly, that the negotiation process contributed to historical change by forcing solutions to contradictions and specifying terms of property ownership and legal majority.

"... men allra viktigast är det att vara metaforisk." : En analys av metaforer i rättstillämpningen

Norell, Rebecca January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Återkallelse av testamente : Särskilt om bedömningen av om testator har avsett att återkalla sitt testamente / On the Revocation of Wills : Especially regarding the assessment of whether the testator has intended to revoke his will

Steen, Johan January 2023 (has links)
In most European legal systems, drafting a will is subject to formal requirements. In the same way, most European legal systems prescribe formal requirements for the revocation of a will. However, Swedish law is unique in this respect as it does not prescribe formal requirements for the revocation of a will. For the revocation of a will, Swedish law only requires that the testator has unequivocally announced that the disposition no longer expresses his ultimate will. This is stated in the 5th Section of the 10th Chapter of the Swedish Inheritance Code. Under Swedish law, it is therefore only a question of proof whether the testator has revoked his will. However, it may be difficult to assess whether the testator has intended to revoke his will when the testator is alleged to have revoked his will informally. Therefore, the main purpose of this thesis is to examine how the assessment of whether the testator has intended to revoke his will is carried out under current Swedish law. To achieve the purpose of this thesis, a traditional legal dogmatic method is used. This means that the material used is limited to the traditional Swedish sources of law. These are legislation, preparatory works, case law and Swedish legal doctrine. Since Swedish law does not prescribe any formal requirements for revoking a will, a will can be revoked in an unlimited number of ways. It has therefore been necessary to limit the scope of this thesis to the most common ways of revoking a will. For this reason, this thesis only covers the revocation of a will by executing a new will, by physical destruction of a will, by strikeouts and inscriptions on the will, by oral statements made by the testator and by the revocation of a previously revoked will. Consequently, other ways of revoking a will are not closer analysed. The analysis shows that no general conclusions can be drawn on how to assess whether the testator intended to revoke his will. Instead, the assessment depends on the way in which the testator is alleged to have revoked his will. However, the analysis also shows that some more specific conclusions can be drawn. It can be concluded from Swedish case-law that a high standard of proof is required for a revocation allegedly made by an informal measure. However, this does not apply if the will has been destructed. In such cases, there is instead a presumption that the will has been destructed by the testator with the purpose of revoking the will. Consequently, the burden of proof is reversed when the will has been destructed. The analysis also shows that it often can be uncertain whether the testator has intended to revoke his will by an informal measure. This is because there may be no reliable evidence of the testator’s intention in such cases. Therefore, the con-clusion is that a testator who wishes to revoke his will should do so by executing a new will which expressly states that the will is revoked. By doing so, the testator significantly reduces the risk of future disputes concerning the validity of the will.

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