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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

De två vännerna och Jerzy : En studie om representationen av kriminologer i svensk storstadspress

Nilsson, Simon, Åkerström, Niclas January 2017 (has links)
Experterna i media har till uppgift att kommentera och analysera nyhetshändelser. Genom rollen att göra skeenden begripliga för en större publik besitter de makten att påverka samhällsopinionen. Med utgångspunkt i mediernas fascination för att rapportera om brott och straff undersöktes i den här studien svensk press användning av kriminologer som experter. Studiens empiriska material bestod av 710 artiklar publicerade i elva storstadstidningar mellan den 1 april 2012 och den 31 mars 2017. Uppsatsens teoretiska ramverk byggde på medielogik som förklarar den process i vilken medierna presenterar och distribuerar information. I den här studien bidrog den med förståelse till svensk press val av kriminologer och hur dessa kan kopplas till mediernas behov. Dessutom användes representationsteori i syfte att analysera kriminologernas citat. För att studera detta tillämpades en kvantitativ innehållsanalys där ett kodschema konstruerades och variabler utformades för att besvara studiens frågeställningar. Senare användes en kvalitativ innehållsanalys för att analysera tematik i kriminologernas citat.    Resultatet visade att fördelningen av kriminologer är obalanserad. Framför allt framträdde Jerzy Sarnecki i en dominerande del av artiklarna, men också Leif GW Persson och Mikael Rying förekom i en förhållandevis stor utsträckning. I resultatet konstaterades dock att Leif GW Perssons namn och ansikte oftast användes för att locka till läsning, något som nyanserar bilden av Jerzy Sarnecki som mediernas favoritkriminolog. Vidare påvisades det att studiens topp tre kriminologer sällan tilldelas en närmare presentation än att de är just kriminologer, detta jämfört med övriga kriminologer som ofta legitimeras med forskningsunderlag och ytterligare yrkesroll. Dessutom uppmärksammades att kriminologerna, beroende på hur de uttalade sig, gavs varierat utrymme i olika frågor. / Recent years the criminologists has possessed a larger quantity of space in the Swedish media; many times to contribute with knowledge and theories for the public regarding crime events. At the same time news desks experience a greater task with an increasing pressure to be first with publishing different stories, which could lead to a comfortable approach to new expert sources. The main purpose of the thesis was therefore to examine how criminologists are represented and presented in some of the major Swedish newspapers from a perspective of Stuart Hall’s ideas of representation. With a quantitative and qualitative content analysis a total of 710 news articles in eleven different papers were examined, from the beginning of April 2012 until the end of March 2017. In an early stage it was clear that just three criminologists occurred in over 70 percent of the articles. Later different themes between them could be identified which displayed how their attributes were used in different ways, giving them access to express themselves in varied topics. Furthermore the analysis showed that the experts were represented in a rather hard boiled manner. For example topics as fatal violence and criticism of the police were two categories in which they often appeared.

Konsten att sända objektivt om val : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av politiker i radio

Ohlsson, David January 2017 (has links)
This study is a based on a quantitative content analysis with the purpose to analyse if the Swedish Radio’s local radio channel P4 Norrbotten is objective during there coverage of the 2014 election in Sweden. The analysed material consists of the newscast from the local radiostation. All newscasts were broadcasted from September 1st 2014 to September 14th 2014. The material was transcribed at the The Swedish Media Database (SMDB) at the National Library of Sweden. The study used different theories, the objectivity concept presented by Westerståhl (1972) and a theory presented by Asp (2011) about how political parties and political actors are favoured or disadvantaged by the news presented in the local broadcast. The political theory of mediatization has also been used. 600 analysis units were encoded in the code analysis. Of these, 84 were about the 2014 election or contained political parties. Results from the quantitative content analysis shows that the Social Democrats where the political party that occurred most frequently in the news. Asp’s (2011) theory shows that the Swedish Democrats were favoured the most from news reporting, while the Green Party was most disadvantaged by the news reporting. According to the results from the code analysis, the local radiostation P4 Norrbotten is objective in its news coverage of the 2014 election campaign in Sweden. / Denna studie är en kvantitativ innehållsanalys där syftet är att undersöka om Sveriges Radio P4 Norrbotten är objektiv i sin bevakning av valrörelsen 2014. Materialet som är analyserat är P4 Norrbottens egna nyhetssändningar som sändes mellan den första september 2014 till och med den 14:e september 2014. Materialet har samlats in och transkriberats vid SMDB vid Kungliga Biblioteket i Stockholm, Sverige. De teorier som har använts är Westerståhls (1972) objektivitetsbegrepp, Asps (2011) aktörsbehandlingsindex samt politisk medialisering. 600 analysenheter kodades i kodanalysen. Av dessa berörde 89 stycken antingen valet 2014 eller så förekom politiska partier. Resultatet från kodanalysen visar att Socialdemokraterna var det parti som förekom mest frekvent i nyheterna. Utifrån aktörsbehandlingsindexet gynnades Sverigedemokraterna mest av rapporteringen medan Miljöpartiet missgynnades mest av nyhetsrapporteringen. Enligt resultatet från kodanalysen är P4 Norrbotten objektiva i sin bevakning av valrörelsen 2014.

Street Smarts: An examination of the nature of local media coverage of recent street conversion programs in New York City and Stockholm / Street Smarts: En undersökning av karaktären av lokal mediebevakning av nya program för ombyggnad av gator i New York City och Stockholm

Kassing, Regan Maureen January 2023 (has links)
The twin crises of the Covid pandemic and the climate emergency have led to a need to reconsider the way we use our cities. Many cities have implemented street conversion programs, aimed at shifting away from prioritization of cars in street usage. Two fairly successful examples of these types of programs are the Open Streets program in New York City and the Future Streets program in Stockholm.This study uses thematic coding to examine how local journalism portrayed these programs to readers, supplemented by interviews with the planners in charge of the programs as well as academics studying the programs.The outcome of this study reveals differing local coverage of the programs in New York City and Stockholm. Local coverage in New York City tended to be more detailed and focus more on the theory behind various decisions. This coverage also relied heavily on opinion. Local coverage in Stockholm was more sparse, and relied more on close reporting of practical details of the program, as well as direct quotes from residents. The reporting in both instances provides insight on how planning projects are written about in local media, as well as the way public participation plays out with the help ofreporting.

Kampen om tidningssidorna: landsort vs. storstad : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av landsorts- och storstadsnyheter i två rikstäckande tidningar / The battle of the newspaper pages: rural vs. urban : A quantitative content analysis of rural and urban news in two national newspapers

Jonsson, Jon January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to examine and compare the news covering of Swedens three biggest cities (the metropolitan areas) and their surrounding areas with the covering of the rest of the country (the provincial areas) in two daily national newspapers, Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter. The aim has been to answer the following questions:- What amount of the news coverage in Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter concern the metropolitan areas compared to the provincial areas, and how do these two newspapers differ in the news covering of these areas?- Is there a difference in the news articles size and content, depending on weather they concern the metropolitan or the provincial areas?- How has the balance between news concerning metropolitan and provincial areas changed over the recent 20 years?The theories used in this study are News values, the media commercialization and Popular Journalism, and The Agenda Setting Theory. The method that has been used is a Quantitative Content Analysis.Despite the essays hypothesis, that the news coverage in the two newspapers would be dominated by material from the metropolitan areas, the result showed that a majority of the examined articles concern the provincial areas. It also showed that Aftonbladet has a bigger percentage of provincial news than Dagens Nyheter. The result also pointed towards the conclusion that the metropolitan areas and the provincial areas are similarly represented in the news, regarding the articles’ sizes and content.The overall conclusion in this study is that the fact that the provincial areas are being overrepresented in the examined newspapers news coverage ought to mean that the consumers of these papers are probable to get a wide, true image of what is Sweden, considering the Agenda setting theory and it’s view on how the media’s priorities will become important to the public.

Nationalism och Norrientalism : En diskursanalys av den norrländska självständighetsdebatten sensommaren 2016 och framåt / Nationalism and Norrientalism : A Discourse Analysis of the Norrlandic Independence Debate of Late Summer 2016 and Beyond

Bergström, Tim, Eriksson, Jon January 2017 (has links)
The student thesis Nationalism and Norrientalism: A Discourse Analysis of the Norrlandic Independence Debate of Late Summer 2016 and Beyond aims to examine the style and content of the recent secession debate in the Swedish and Norrlandic printed press. From the late summer of 2016 to the beginning of 2017 the question of Norrlandic sovereignty was a prioritized topic in the legacy media debate, as well as in social media. It commenced after the Swedish government enterprise Vattenfall planned to relocate forty employment opportunities from Jokkmokk, raising the question of Norrlandic independence based on a post-colonialist view of the region. This thesis examines how the framing of Northern Sweden as a colony has been established, re-established or refuted in the different discourses of the printed debate, through a faceted lens composed of various theories of Orientalism and nationalism. Rooted in the discourse theory of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe, merged with the critical discourse analysis of Norman Fairclough, and leaning against media theories of inoculation and framing, the study takes aim at the myths, metaphors, articulations and antagonisms which constituted the polemics in the printed press of the period. The results conclude that the debate revolved around independence, resources, and the myth regarding Norrland—often described as a barren landscape, marked by vast distances and a lack of social services. The term colony was used to describe Norrland as marginalised and robbed of its natural resources, whereas the term was met by opposition from the objecting side, who emphasised the historic and present representation of Norrlanders in high politics. The colonial identity was constituted in the press through internal Orientalism by Stockholm writers and self-Orientalisation by Norrlandic ones. The most distinct patterns of difference between the objecting side and the advocating side of independence was the determination of the real economic loser of a Norrlandic secession from Sweden.

Djävulen sitter i detaljerna: Etiska överväganden bakom svenska redaktioners rapportering om gängkriminalitet : En kvalitativ intervjustudie med ansvariga utgivare / The devil lies in the details : Ethical considerations behind Swedish newsrooms reporting on gang crime – A qualitative interview study with responsible editors

Hampus, Skoglund, Eric, Heller January 2024 (has links)
Abstract "The devil lies in the details": Ethical considerations behind Swedish newsrooms reporting on gang crime – A qualitative interview study with responsible editors. This study investigates how Swedish newsrooms, through their editors-in-chief, manage ethical considerations in reporting on gang-related crime. With a combination of qualitative interviews, literature review, theoretical framework including the Social Responsibility Theory by the Hutchins Commission and the Theory of Consequence Neutrality by Erik Fichtelius, which help understand the ethical dilemmas and processes editors face. The essay explores how editors-in-chief balance the need to inform the public with the responsibility to avoid unnecessary fear and stigmatization. The study addresses the following questions: How do editors-in-chief ensure ethical reporting on gang-related crime? What ethical considerations are made by Swedish newsrooms when choosing to report on gang-related incidents? How do societal expectations shape local newsroom reporting on gang crime? The findings reveal that editors-in-chief face significant challenges in navigating ethical dilemmas, such as avoiding glorification of criminal lifestyles and managing the potential impact of their reporting on public perception. Ethical considerations in sensitive publications are paramount, with editors carefully weighing the impact of naming and picturing individuals involved in gang crime. Editors emphasize the importance of ethical guidelines and the need for a careful, balanced approach to reporting that respects personal integrity and avoids sensationalism. The study also identifies areas for future research and development, emphasizing the importance of continuous adaptation to the evolving media landscape and societal expectations. Keywords: gang crime, media ethics, news reporting, editors-in-chief, public perception.

Nyhetsmedieindustrin och den syntetiska revolutionen : En kvalitativ studie om hur nyhetsmedieindustrin hanterar utvecklingen av syntetisk media

Kadhum, Zainab, Rosvall, Amanda January 2024 (has links)
Syntetisk media är en form av manipulerat eller genererat innehåll som skapas med hjälp av avancerad AI. Denna teknik har potentialen att revolutionera skapandet av medieinnehåll men medför också betydande utmaningar, som spridning av desinformation. Denna studie utforskar de konsekvenser som syntetisk media har för nyhetsmedia, som traditionellt följer strikta journalistiska standarder. Verktyg som skapar syntetisk media har potentialen att effektivisera delar av nyhetsproduktionen och frigöra tid till andra uppgifter. I takt med att syntetisk media utvecklas blir det svårare att verifiera äktheten hos audiovisuell media. Studien undersöker syntetisk medias betydelse för nyhetsmedia genom empirisk datainsamling med respondenter som är yrkesverksamma inom svensk nyhetsmedia. Studiens slutsats resulterade i fyra rekommendationer riktade till nyhetsmedieindustrin för att hantera utvecklingen, inklusive implementering av AI-policyer, teknisk utbildning, förbättrade verifieringsprocesser och ökade investeringar i faktagranskning. / Synthetic media is a form of manipulated or generated media created using advanced AI. This technology has the potential to revolutionize news media production, but it also poses several challenges that need to be addressed and remedied, one of them being the increased risk of disinformation deployment. As the technology behind synthetic media evolves, it also challenges the journalistic principles that the news media industry are built upon. Thus this study aims to explore the implications that synthetic media has on the news media industry, through empirical data collected from interviews with Swedish news media professionals. The findings of the study conclude a number of key strategies that the news media industry are recommended to implement to maintain their credibility, while also adapting to the development of AI and synthetic media. The strategies include implementing AI policies, providing essential AI education, enhancing verification and detection processes, and further investing in specialized fact-checking desks. Furthermore, the findings of the study highlights the need of implementing a holistic approach that combines technical solutions, with journalistic expertise and legislative measures to maintain public trust in news media. The study also calls for further research to understand the broader implications of synthetic media across the industry.

Från frigörelse till folkfest : En kritisk diskursanalys av Prideparaden i Svenska Dagbladet

Simander, Cecilia, Agelou, Elisabet January 2019 (has links)
Prideparaden är kulmen för det som kallas Stockholms Pridefestival. Det är ett årligt evenemang och lockar många människor för att både delta och åskåda. Paraden är unik på så sätt att den har ett politiskt syfte som når ut genom glädje och festligheter. Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka och analysera hur Prideparaden har gestaltats i Svenska Dagbladets nyhetsrapportering mellan åren 1979-2018, men också hur diskursen haft en påverkan på gestaltningens förändring. Frågeställningarna behandlar vilka skillnader och likheter det finns gällande vilka ämnen som betonas och vilka aktörer som omtalas i artiklarna, samt vilken förändring vi kan se i rapporteringens gestaltning över tid rörande Prideparaden i relation till diskursen. Metoden som används är en kritisk diskursanalys, där totalt 14 artiklar analyseras. Urvalet är begränsat till artiklar som enbart rör paraden. Därefter görs en komparativ analys av resultatet. Studiens resultat visar att det finns skillnader i vilka ämnen som betonas samt vilka aktörer som får komma till tals. Gällande diskursens påverkan på framförallt rapporteringen besvaras detta genom en diskussion då det inte går att dra några generella slutsatser kring resultatet.

Sanning och konsekvens : En studie av den estetiska intentionen hos tre verk av Felix Gmelin / Estetik i förhållande tillverklighet : Tre verk av Felix Gmelin, Hito Steyerl och Ann-Sofi Sidén

Hydén, Malin January 2009 (has links)
<p>You could say that the Swedish artist Felix Gmelin in his art uses media to get closer or further away from what we consider to be the reality and also truth. The purpose of this study is to discuss what this means for the intention of his art works. The starting point is my own aesthetic experience of his painting and the installations <em>A Gentleman’s agreement (1996), Farbtest, Die Rothe Fahne II (2003) and Tools and Grammar 2.5 (2007).</em> Each of these works of art consists of different kinds of prefabricated material such as articles, films and documents. These kinds of material are often considered to stand in the way of the aesthetic experience, maybe because they are supposed to be closer to reality and therefore to truth. The thesis of this study is that the truth in art is inscribed in the aesthetic framework of each art piece and also in the technical support it uses. If for example the support consists of an investigative journalist’s documentary research, in Rosalind Krauss’ description, the truth might be found in the authenticity of the documentary material. If the technical support has to do with sampling instead, as in the re-use of existing materials to create new works of art, the truth can probably not be found in the different pieces of material but in the work ofart in itself. It does not matter then if the different pieces of material it consists of is traditionally considered unaesthetic. The conclusion of this study is that Gmelin’s <em>Gentleman’s agreement</em>, <em>Farbtest, Die Rothe Fahne II</em> and <em>Tools and Grammar 2.5</em> actually discuss what truth is and if there is an aesthetic truth.</p> / Examensarbetet består dels av en vetenskaplig rapport (se Huvudtitel och Abstract), dels av en vetenskaplig artikel (se Alternativ titel).

Sanning och konsekvens : En studie av den estetiska intentionen hos tre verk av Felix Gmelin / Estetik i förhållande tillverklighet : Tre verk av Felix Gmelin, Hito Steyerl och Ann-Sofi Sidén

Hydén, Malin January 2009 (has links)
You could say that the Swedish artist Felix Gmelin in his art uses media to get closer or further away from what we consider to be the reality and also truth. The purpose of this study is to discuss what this means for the intention of his art works. The starting point is my own aesthetic experience of his painting and the installations A Gentleman’s agreement (1996), Farbtest, Die Rothe Fahne II (2003) and Tools and Grammar 2.5 (2007). Each of these works of art consists of different kinds of prefabricated material such as articles, films and documents. These kinds of material are often considered to stand in the way of the aesthetic experience, maybe because they are supposed to be closer to reality and therefore to truth. The thesis of this study is that the truth in art is inscribed in the aesthetic framework of each art piece and also in the technical support it uses. If for example the support consists of an investigative journalist’s documentary research, in Rosalind Krauss’ description, the truth might be found in the authenticity of the documentary material. If the technical support has to do with sampling instead, as in the re-use of existing materials to create new works of art, the truth can probably not be found in the different pieces of material but in the work ofart in itself. It does not matter then if the different pieces of material it consists of is traditionally considered unaesthetic. The conclusion of this study is that Gmelin’s Gentleman’s agreement, Farbtest, Die Rothe Fahne II and Tools and Grammar 2.5 actually discuss what truth is and if there is an aesthetic truth. / Examensarbetet består dels av en vetenskaplig rapport (se Huvudtitel och Abstract), dels av en vetenskaplig artikel (se Alternativ titel).

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