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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Den osynliga muren : En intervjustudie av gränsdragningen mellan redaktion och annonsavdelning i svensk lokalpress

Tjus, Erik, Mörk, Alexander January 2017 (has links)
The relationship between editorial and advertising departments in the written press has always been under discussion. There have been incidents, in the past, where advertisers have tried to exert influence over editorial material. In the pursuit of avoiding this, the journalistic professional identity relies heavily on independency. There is something that distinguishes the difference between the department of advertising and the editorial office, a kind of "invisible wall", one might call it. The editorial part of a newspaper work with journalism, while the advertising department is working with finances, and, according to journalistic principles, the two should never meet. In this study we have investigated the relationship between the advertising department and the editorial office of local newspapers in Sweden. We have done this by making use of qualitative interviews with respondents from these workplaces, and then analyzed their responses with a vertical and horizontal analysis method. We could in our essay, to some extent, conclude that the "invisible wall" may well have changed in recent years. It was previously set in stone, in the form that the contact between the department of advertising and the editorial office was almost non-existent. Today it rather seems to be a question of smaller forms of cooperation. We came to the conclusion that the journalistic profession and the self-image seems to be somewhat unchanged, or at least similar, to what previous research have concluded. But the actual dialogue between the different departments have come to change a bit.

Stora problem delar man upp i mindre bitar : En kvalitativ diskursanalys om hur svenska och danska medier konstruerar samma gärningsman / Large problems you divide into smaller pieces : A qualitative study about how Swedish and Danish media construct the same perpetrator

Lamont, Pierre, Ternström, Pontus January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine how a Danish & Swedish newspaper reported in their news articles regarding the same perpetrator and to see if there were any differences. The perpetrator in this case was Danish, while the victim was Swedish. This was the main reason for us choosing a newspaper from each country. We examined what discourses were used for the perpetrator and analyzed both similarities and differences between the two newspapers in their descriptions. We did this by thoroughly examining each article, one at a time, dissected each sentence and analyzed it. The study answered the following question: How do Danish & Swedish news outlets construct the same perpetrator? This was answered by dividing it into two more detailed questions. How is the perpetrator manufactured in Danish/Swedish crime journalism? Which attributes are given to the perpetrator in both newspapers? We used a critical discourse analysis as our method for examining the 8 articles in total (4 from each newspaper) Our conclusion of the study shows that there are several similarities in the way the discourses are constructed around the perpetrator, often focusing on the morbid details. There are however equally big differences in the way that the specific discourses are described. Danish media focuses more on the direct quotes from the perpetrator, while the Swedish media empathises more on circumstances surrounding him. The two newspapers we chose are two of the major newspaper in respective country, Ekstrabladet & Aftonbladet.

En annan Anna och Thomas nya steg : En diskursanalys av svenska nyhetstidningars förändrade framställning av Anna Holmlund och Thomas Fogdö efter funktionsnedsättningar / Another Anna and the new step of Thomas : A discourse analysis covering the altered representation by swedish newspapers of Anna Holmlund and Thomas Fogdö following disabilities

Norell, Jesper, Storfors, Lina January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to examine how the media representation of elite skiers Anna Holmlund and Thomas Fogdö was altered following their accidents resulting in disabilities. In order to examine this a critical discourse analysis was performed on 16 newspaper articles from Tidningarnas Telegrambyrå, Expressen, Dagens Nyheter, Göteborgs-posten, Sundsvalls Tidning and Aftonbladet, out of which eight of them had been published before the skiers respective accidents and the other eight afterwards. The results showed that swedish newspapers shifted their focus from how the skiers performed in competitions prior to their accidents to how their bodies functioned and how they would perform everyday tasks following the accidents. We found that this would distance Holmlund and Fogdö, representing them as deviants when compared to non-disabled people. In contrast to this we found that Holmlund and Fogdö would be allowed to talk about or show their lives and bodies in great detail. This would seem to function as a way of teaching non-disabled people of what it’s like to live with a disability. Through this Holmlund and Fogdö were represented as ambassadors for the disabled collective. We also found that there was a risk of objectification which would increase in connection with a decrease in Holmlund and Fogdö’s represented ability to communicate and function as a non-disabled person does. This also appears to increase the risk of having one’s voice excluded by other people talking in one’s place.

Prinsessan och halva kungariket : Kronprinsessan Victorias och Daniel Westlings förlovning i fyra svenska dagstidningar

Andersson, Julia, Berglund, Sanna January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

"Vi är inte en tummelplats för dårar" : Hur journalister och ansvariga utgivare resonerar kring och förhåller sig till användargenererat material i lokaltidningar / "We are no playground for maniacs" : How journalists and legally responsible publishers reason about and react to user generated content in local newspapers

Öberg, Therese, Borgström, Johanna January 2010 (has links)
Sedan 1700-talet har läsarnas medverkan varit en väsentlig del i tidningarnas produktion. Utan deras deltagande har det inte heller blivit någon tidning. En förändring på området skedde när professionaliseringen av publicistrollen blev ett faktum och läsarnas medverkan ifrågasattes. Samhällsförändringar och tekniska utvecklingar har sedan lett fram till det vi har idag: ett samhälle där medieorganisationerna är i allt större behov av att läsarna återigen deltar i olika former. Syftet med studien är därför att undersöka hur journalister och ledning på tre olika lokaltidningar resonerar kring och förhåller sig till användargenererat material, samt vilka möjligheter användarna har att delta. Genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med lokaltidningarnas ansvariga utgivare och två journalister på respektive redaktion har vi fått fram att tidningarna generellt har ett positivt förhållningssätt till användargenererat material. De anser att teknikens utveckling både har hämmat och främjat relationen till läsarna i takt med att olika plattformer har utökat tidningarnas grundläggande publiceringskanal, det vill säga papperstidningen. Informanterna tror på ett ökat samarbete mellan yrkesverksamma journalister och användare i framtiden. De hävdar samtidigt att användarnas material inte får ta allt för stor plats och på så sätt konkurrera ut redaktionsmaterialet. Vidare menar de att yrkesprofessionen och de kunskaper som den omfattar är en av grundpelarna i tidningens funktion och så bör det förbli. I diskussionen använder vi oss av begrepp som offentlighet och deltagande samt resonemang kring det förändrade mediesammanhanget och den journalistiska yrkesprofessionen. / Since the eighteenth century user contribution has been a crucial part of newspaper production. Without the participation from the public there hasn’t been a newspaper at all. The professionalization of the publicist role became the starting point who changed how people valued user contribution. Societal change and the technical development has then led to the society we have today – a place where media organizations find themselves in a greater need for user participation to survive. The purpose of this study is therefore to examine how three local news papers reason about and react to user generated content and also to find out what possibilities the users have to participate. Thru semi structured interviews with the legally responsible publisher for each news paper and two journalists from each editorial staff our result shows that the news papers have a positive attitude towards user generated content in general. The informants say that the technological development have been both an improvement and inhibitory in the relationship to the readers. They believe in an increased cooperation in the future but at the same time emphasize the fact that user generated content can’t be allowed to take too much place and become a rival to the journalistic material. The informants also say that the knowledge they posses thru their journalistic education is the main core in their work as well as in the idea and function of the news paper. That is the way it should remain. We use terms and theories about the public sphere, participation, media convergence and the journalistic profession in our discussion.

Prinsessan och halva kungariket : Kronprinsessan Victorias och Daniel Westlings förlovning i fyra svenska dagstidningar

Andersson, Julia, Berglund, Sanna January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Medium för makteliten : Hur yrkesrollerna och könsfördelningen förändrats på DN Debatt sedan 1985

Söderholm, Erik, Eliasson, Emilia January 2011 (has links)
Debattsidan i Dagens Nyheter har sedan 1980-talet varit en av Sveriges viktigaste opinionsbildare, och den fyller en värdefull funktion för fri åsiktsbildning i en väl fungerande demokrati. Denna studie fokuserar på hur debattsidan förändrats under de senaste 25 åren med utgångspunkt i kön (vem får oftast komma till tals på debattsidan, kvinnor eller män? – och hur har könsfördelningen utvecklats sedan 1980- talet?) och roll (exempelvis politiker, chefer och forskare). Vi har gjort en kvantitativ undersökning med början första helåret som DN Debatt hade en egen sida i tidningen, 1985, fram till 2010. Med hjälp av konstruerade veckor har sju dagar per år slumpmässigt valts ut. Resultaten visar att av våra författare (n = 498) är 75,3 procent av de undersökta författarna män, och 24,7 procent är kvinnor. Skillnaden mellan kvinnor och män minskar. Politiker är den största yrkesgruppen, och andelen politiker ökar ytterligare. Forskarna har legat på en relativt jämn nivå medan företagen publiceras på DN Debatt i allt högre grad. / The daily discussion feature ”DN Debatt” within the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter has been one of the country’s most influencial opinion formers since the 1980’s. With the starting point in theories within media and communication, we hade studied this important institution with focus on how the gender distribution and the authors’ professional roles – for example politicians, researchers and journalists – have changed over the last 25 years. The results show that of our total population of authors (n = 498), 75,3 percent are men and 24,7 percent are women. The difference between men and women is decreasing. The professional roles that dominate our study are politicians, followed by researchers, journalists, CEOs and other representatives from companies, authorities and organizations. The ”common man” without some kind of established professional role is not published on DN Debatt.

”Vi gör ett försök” : en analys av SVT:s Mediemagasinet som ett mediekritiskt uttryck / ”we’re trying” : a study of Swedish television’s “Mediemagasinet” as media critique

Axelsson, Karin, Eskilsson, Sanna January 2002 (has links)
<p>In year 2000 the Swedish Public Service television started a new series of programmes named Mediemagasinet. The purpose was to expose the work of journalism through the eyes of a journalist. The programme showed different types of tasks and problems that have to do with journalistic reporting. The form of Mediemagasinet wasn’t anything new but the content was presented as the very first of its kind. </p><p>The interesting part of the program was that it was journalists themselves doing the media critisism. Is that actually possible? And what does it look like? By using discourse analysis this study try to answer these questions by analyses of the presentations of the television programmes. What is at stake and how does the website of the program interact with the program itself? As a complement to the study there is an interview with the editor and the manager of the project that show their point of view, which are also a part of the media critical discourse that this essay examins.</p> / <p>Hösten 2000 startade Sveriges Television sitt program Mediemagasinet. Syfet var att journalister skulle granska sin egen kår, sina egna kollegor. Programmet tog upp olika ämnen och problem som kan uppstå i och med journalistisk rapportering. Formen var välkänd för tv-tittarna, medan innehållet presenterades som det första i sitt slag. </p><p>Men vad händer när medlemmar av en yrkeskår granskar varandra? Är det överhuvudtaget möjligt? Genom ett diskursanalytiskt angreppssätt försöker denna uppsats svara på dessa frågor. Studien vilar på analyser av hur programmet presenteras av programledaren och vilka anspråk som görs i programmet. Även den hemsida som etablerades i samband med programmet integreras i analysen. Som komplement till studien gjordes även en deltagande observation vid ett inspelningstillfälle av Mediemagasinet. Då genomfördes även en intervju med redaktören och projektledaren för programmet. Deras åsikter och funderingar kring produktionen är även de en del av den mediekritiska diskurs som Mediemagasinet ingår i. Och det är denna diskurs och hur den skapas som undersöks i denna uppsats. </p>

Det litterära med reportaget : Om litteraritet som journalistisk strategi och etik / The Literarity of Reportage : On Literarity as a Journalistic Strategy and Ethics

Jungstrand, Anna January 2013 (has links)
This doctoral thesis explores the literarity of reportage, with a focus on the 20th century and modern reportage. The aim is to describe the literary strategies used in modern text-based reportage and how these strategies relate to journalistic standards of credibility and ethics. A primary focus is the question of what the reportage is looking for in the literary, what happens to this literarity when it is used for journalistic purposes, and, in turn, how the literary establishes ethics in the text.        By suggesting that a piece of reportage is a journalistic text that simultaneously tells the story about the reporter’s encounter with the event, this dissertation sheds light on possible approaches to the concept of literarity: Subjectivity, narrativity, meta-narrative aspects, the poetic function of language and the performative movements in the text. The ethics of reportage is also to be derived from the encounter, and this thesis implements a concept of ethics in conversations with Emmanuel Levinas and dialogical philosophy. It provides an opportunity to separate ethics from moral, ideological and political dimensions of responsibility in the encounter. This aspect of ethics, where literarity and counter-movement operate beyond the direct intention, is what is needed to understand the reportage genre.      The dissertation also includes six longer reportage analyses embodying its results: Djuna Barnes’s, Vagaries Malicieux, Ryszard Kapuściński’s Another Day of Life, Truman Capote’s In Cold Blood, Hanna Krall’s A Tale for Hollywood, Sven Lindqvist’s Kina nu: Vad skulle Mao ha sagt? and Joan Didion’s, Slouching towards Bethlehem.

Hur gestaltar man ondska? : En multimodal analys om gestaltning och representation inom journalistiken, med fokus på Aftonbladets och Dagens Nyheters rapportering kring händelserna i Trollhättan och på Drottninggatan / How is evil framed? : A multimodal analysis on Aftonbladet's and Dagens Nyheter's coverage of the events in Trollhättan and Drottninggatan, with focus on framing and representation

Larsson Swärd, Josefin, Persson, Veronika January 2018 (has links)
Nyhetsmedia har en stor påverkan på samhället, det är till dem vi med största sannolikhet vänder oss till när en stor händelse drabbar oss. Under de senaste åren har nyhetsmedia fått motstå kritik för hur de särbehandlar olika fall och händelser beroende på vem gärningsmannen är. Vi ville utforska om det faktiskt stämde att vita gärningsmän blir klassificerade som psykisk sjuka, när icke-vita gärningsmän blir beskrivna som terrorister. Genom att fokusera på representation, gestaltningsteorin och attributdagordningen utfördes en multimodal analys på Aftonbladets och Dagens Nyheters rapportering kring händelsen i Trollhättan respektive Drottninggatan. Målet var att se om det fanns några tendenser för särbehandling vid rapporteringen och porträtteringen av gärningsmän och deras dåd. Studien gav inte några definitiva resultat, däremot lade vi bland annat märke till att det fanns nyanser i artiklarna som kunde peka på särbehandling. Vi märkte bland annat att porträtteringen av gärningsmännen skilde sig drastiskt, när Rakhmat Akilov beskrivs som den invandrade brutala gärningsmannen med IS-sympatier, gestaltas Anton Lundin Pettersson som den tillbakadragne, svenska killen som tyckte om hårdrock OCH Nazityskland. / The influence news media has on society is huge, we most certainly turn to the news media whenever a big event affects us. For the last couple of years critique has been directed towards the news media concerning the coverage of crime and how some cases get special treatment depending on who the perpetrator is. We wanted to investigate if it actually is true that white criminals get described as ‘mentally ill’, while non white criminals are categorized as ‘terrorists’. By focusing on representation, the Attribute framing theory and the Framing theory, we did a multimodal analysis on the Swedish newspapers Aftonbladet's and Dagens Nyheter’s coverage of the events in Trollhättan and at Drottninggatan. Our goal was to distinguish if there actually are any tendencies for special treatment while covering a case and portraying a perpetrator within the news media. With this study, we weren’t able to come to any conclusions, but the study did show that there were some nuances which pointed towards special treatment in the news articles. For instance we discovered that there were some differences in the portraying of the perpetrators; while Rakhmat Akilov was described as the immigrating veil criminal who shared sympathies with ISIS, Anton Lundin Pettersson was portrayed as the shy guy from Sweden who was passionate about metal AND Nazi Germany.

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