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Práticas discursivas e modos de subjetivação no ensino médio particularGasperin, Ângela Garziera 15 April 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho realiza a análise de práticas discursivas e modos de subjetivação no ensino médio particular, problematizando as finalidades desta etapa educacional. Os estudos de nível médio no Brasil têm sua constituição histórica marcada pela dualidade entre as finalidades profissionalizante e preparatória para o ensino superior. Parte-se do referencial foucaultiano que compreende a produção de subjetivação a partir dos regimes de saber disponíveis em uma sociedade. Assim, as práticas discursivas, ao produzirem objetos de saber, estruturam o campo de ação dos sujeitos, materializando-se em técnicas diversas, entre as quais situam-se os dispositivos pedagógicos. A fim de cumprir o objetivo deste estudo, foram realizadas entrevistas junto a dez professores de uma escola particular, cujos depoimentos foram submetidos à análise textual discursiva proposta por Moraes (2003) e à análise do discurso de orientação foucaultiana, subsidiada pelo trabalho de Willig (2001). A análise dos dados coletados demonstrou que a produção discursiva do ensino médio enfatiza sua finalidade preparatória para o ingresso no ensino superior, o que se concretiza em uma série de práticas pedagógicas. O acesso a um curso superior é tido como a forma de profissionalização dos egressos de ensino médio. Observa-se, igualmente, que a formação cidadã e a preparação para a vida são remetidas à escolha de um trabalho, relacionada, por sua vez, à constituição identitária. As práticas pedagógicas produzidas por este discurso promovem uma relação com o conhecimento pautada pelo consumo deste com vistas à ascensão social. Há pouco espaço, neste sistema de ensino, para o prazer de aprender, já que as aulas são especialmente conduzidas pelos professores e restringem-se à memorização de informações que caem no vestibular. Os sujeitos educacionais não podem lançar questões que lhes mobilizem, pois têm que atender aos requisitos do vestibular. Ao estruturar o campo de ação dos atores educacionais, os discursos que vinculam a escola média ao vestibular limitam o atendimento de outras finalidades educacionais. Acredita-se que o melhor a fazer no ensino médio é capacitar os estudantes para o trabalho. Assim, constituem-se projetos de vida individualizados, que tornam difícil a implicação dos sujeitos em aspectos da vida coletiva. Enfim, o ensino médio na escola particular porta traços elitistas, já que se ocupa especialmente de preparar seus estudantes para o ingresso no ensino superior. Além disso, evidencia-se a ação dos mecanismos disciplinares escolares que produzem individualização e docilização dos corpos, que submetem-se, deste modo, às demandas do sistema produtivo sem opor-lhes questionamentos. Ademais, a psicologização do saber escolar promove o governamento dos indivíduos, na medida em que controla suas condutas de forma muito sutil. Produz-se, diante disso, o questionamento acerca da possibilidade de que os saberes escolares problematizados favoreçam processos de invenção de si em detrimento de promover a moldagem dos sujeitos a preceitos produtivistas, desmobilizando-os politicamente. No entanto, é apenas fazendo mover os discursos produtores do ensino médio que se pode passar a imaginar outras possibilidades de subjetivação. Esta é a contribuição que o presente estudo apresenta, abrindo espaço para novas problematizações sobre cultura juvenil, políticas educacionais e de formação de professores. / This work analyzes discursive practice and modes of subjectification in private high school, questioning the purposes of this stage of education. In Brazil, high school has had, over the years, distinct purposes, either preparing students for entrance examinations or providing them with profissional training. This analysis is done based on Foucault´s theoretical reference that production of subjectivity is made possible by knowledge available in our society. Discursive practice produces objects of knowledge, structuring individuals´ actions through various techniques, among which are pedagogical devices. In order to achieve the aim of this study, interviews were conducted with ten teachers from a private school, whose statements were submitted to textual discourse analysis proposed by Moraes (2003) and foucauldian discourse analysis supported by Willig (2001). This research has shown that the discursive production of high school emphasizes preparation for entrance examinations, which gives form to a series of educational practices. Access to university is seen as the professional project for high school graduates. Civic education and preparation for life in its cultural, political and social aspects are not considered as important as students´ training for entrance examinations. It is possible to infer, from the research findings, that it is largely believed that the formation of identity relies on labor. Pedagogical practice produced by this discourse promotes a relationship with knowledge that matches its consumption with social mobility. There is no room in this school system for the pleasure of learning, for the classes are conducted especially by teachers and are restricted to memorizing information required by entrance examinations. Individuals can not ask their own questions, giving rise to issues that mobilize them, because they have to meet the requirements of exams. By structuring pedagogical practices this way, this discourse prevents other purposes for high school education from arising. It is believed that the best thing to do in high school is to prepare students for their profession. Thus, school knowledge supports individual life projects, which impairs subjects´ involvement in collective life. Private high school has shown elitist traits, since it focuses specifically on preparing students to college. Moreover, it is clear that school disciplinary mechanisms produce individualization and docile bodies, undergoing subjects to the demands of the production system, which are never put into question. Besides, the psychologizing of school knowledge promotes the government of individuals, controlling their behavior in a very subtle way. A question that arises from this study is whether the problematization of school knowledge can promote the process of "self-invention" rather than molding subjects to productivity demands, undermining their political action. However, it is just by putting into question high school discursive production that there is a chance we think of other possibilities of subjectification. Therefore, this study contributes for the problematization on youth culture, education policy and teacher training.
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認知情態義與主觀化之浮現:臺灣客語評注性情態副詞的認知語用觀點研究 / The Emergence of Epistemicity and Subjectification: A Cognitive-Pragmatic Approach of Modality Disjuncts in Taiwan Hakka葉秋杏, Yeh, Chiou-shing Unknown Date (has links)
本論文依據現代客語語料庫,探討臺灣客語評注性情態副詞在語法化、詞彙化以及語用化運作之下的發展過程,以及情態與語言演變機制之間的關係。藉由三個知識性情態詞,本文對於評注性情態副詞之分佈、語義和句法特徵進行詳細的描述。藉由檢視其構式結構以及運用相關測試,證實評注性情態副詞不但遵守副詞修飾範域:話語行為副詞 > 情態副詞 (評論副詞 > 知識性情態副詞) > 附加副詞,也同樣依循情態詞之階層分佈:知識性情態詞 > 義務性情態詞 > 動力性情態詞。在他們所處之語意語境以及語用語境影響之下,語用推論的產生導引出重新分析,此轉喻強化現象,致使評注性情態副詞在階段發展中經歷了語法及語意之轉變。在語言使用之溝通目的下,評注性情態副詞透過語境誘發之重新解釋形成了歧義現象,並進一步固定化為獨立之語意。綜言之,奠基於臺灣客語語料庫之實際語料,本文提供了對評注性情態副詞全面的深入探索。研究結果具有兩項主要貢獻:將語法化,詞彙化和語用化的理論框架納入臺灣客語情態副詞之分析;並藉由語言實證展示情態與主觀性之間相互關係之理論模式。 / This dissertation takes a corpus-based approach in an attempt to explain the development of Taiwan Hakka modality disjuncts with epistemic interpretation on the theoretical ground of the mechanisms of linguistic change, including grammaticalization, lexicalization, and pragmaticalization. The main focus of this research is on the interaction between modality and the three mechanisms. A fine-grained analysis is provided to examine the morphological characteristics and syntactic structures of epistemic and evaluative modality disjuncts, exemplified by three cases in Taiwan Hakka. Several constructions and tests are manipulated to figure out the scope of modal disjuncts, which warrant the postulation of the scope hierarchy of illocutionary disjunct > modality disjunct (evaluative > epistemic) > adjunct, as well as the ranking of epistemic modal > deontic modal > dynamic modal. Thanks to their semantic-pragmatic contexts, the operation of pragmatic inferences lead them into reanalysis, giving rise to grammatical and semantic shift from one stage to the next. Metonymic strengthening is claimed to be the key to motivate such developments. The usage in a context triggers context-induced reinterpretation, resulting in ambiguity.
Overall, this dissertation, probing into actual language usages from corpora, proposes a full-fledged analysis on modality disjuncts. The findings feature two significant contributions—an integration of the theoretical frameworks of grammaticalization, lexicalization and pragmaticalization into the analysis of Taiwan Hakka modality disjuncts; and a demonstration of linguistic investigation for the theorization on the relationship between modality and subjectivity.
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"Fortbildning ska man inte gnälla på" : En fenomenologisk analys av lärares kollegiala fortbildning / ”Continuing professional development should not be whined about” : A phenomenological analysis of teachers' collegial professional developmentÖstangård, Britta January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur kollegial obligatorisk fortbildning erfars av erfarna och verksamma lärare i grundskolan. Genom den valda ansatsen livsvärldsfenomenologi problematiseras innebörder av hur lärarnas upplevelser och erfarenheter kan förstås inom ramen för deras kontext. Den vetenskapliga pedagogiska teorin är: god utbildning enligt Biesta (2005, 2009, 2011a, 2011b, 2015). Studiens metodansats är induktiv och kvalitativ. Undersökningen har empiriskt material med skildringar i självrapporter och intervjuer från sex deltagare. Resultatet visar att fortbildningarna, i lärarnas livsvärld, inte förankras genom att lärare saknar tillfälle att vara delaktiga, i någon del av fortbildningsprocessen. Försteläraren har en roll som utförare och kontrollör och har små möjligheter att påverka fortbildningar. Fortbildningar har svårt att implementeras, nya fortbildningar avlöser varandra. Lärare har obligatorisk kollegial fortbildning som är påbjuden i ett makt- och beslutsystem där ekonomi kan vara en faktor en annan är en normorganisation som tränger ut möjligheter för lärare att arbeta enskilt och kollegialt med god utbildning då arbetstiden inte räcker till. Detta inverkar på lärares möjligheter för en kultur med meningsskapande processer, subjektifiering, utveckling av professionen och därmed god undervisning.
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Kan värdegrundsarbetet kommuniceras likvärdigt med kunskapskraven? : En vetenskaplig essä om sökandet efter en pedagogisk blick på utbildning som värdesätter människor som komplexa varelser och inte bara vissa mätbara delar av oss. / Can the basic values workbe communicated equally with the knowledge requirements? : A scientific essay on the search for an educational look at education that values people as complex creatures and not just certain measurable parts of us.Soukka, Niklas January 2019 (has links)
In my essay, I will explore how, as a primary teacher in a leisure home, I may try to communicate the value base we are to convey equal to the central content. It is in the sign of measurability that the school is now in the approach we applied to the students, that they have also begun to apply to themselves and their fellow human beings. They place their intrinsic value outside themselves and on results and other measurable things. I want to be able to work for them to attribute to them a self-worth and a good self-esteem, regardless of their study results or other measurable things. They live and breathe and it should suffice to acknowledge their existence and worth as fellow human beings. The questions that underlie this essay arose because I felt that we lack a dimension in discussions about the school that can highlight how we as teachers work with motivation or self-esteem. After all, trying to get students to approach new things they can't yet and trust in their own and the common life is, after all, perhaps the most important thing we can work on. I used two dilemmas where the students in their everyday situations at school express their despair and frustration at not really feeling that they are worth living as they are. I will then, through my questions, try to find out if there is any way to find a better way to equip them for life and its challenges. I start from a hermeneutic perspective to emphasize the importance of self-reflection as an important part of being able to meet and deal with myself, subject and object at the same time. I have chosen to use Gert Biesta's thoughts on what functions are at play when we talk about education. He wants us to focus on what these functions do for us so that we can discuss what is desirable based on it and not by simply looking at "what works" and what can be measured. Together with Biesta, Hannah Arendt's thoughts on the active life helps me in my search for an educational look at education that values people as complex beings and not just certain measurable parts of us. / I min essä kommer jag utforska hur jag som grundlärare inom fritidshem kan försöka kommunicera värdegrunden vi ska förmedla likställt med det centrala innehållet. Det är i mätbarhetens tecken som skolan nu befinner sig, och det mätbara synsätt vi applicerar på eleverna har de även börjat tillämpa på sig själva och sina medmänniskor. De lägger sitt egenvärde utanför sig själva, på resultat och andra mätbara saker. Jag vill kunna jobba för att eleverna ska tillskriva sig själva ett egenvärde och en god självkänsla oavsett studieresultat eller annat mätbart. De lever och andas, det borde räcka för att bekräfta deras existens och värde som medmänniskor. De frågor som ligger till grund för denna uppsats uppstod genom att jag ansåg att vi saknar en dimension i diskussioner om skolan som kan lyfta fram hur vi som lärare jobbar med motivation eller självkänsla. Att försöka få eleverna att ge sig på nya saker de ännu inte kan och ha tillit till det egna och det gemensamma livet är trots allt kanske det viktigaste vi kan arbeta med. Jag har utgått från två dilemman där eleverna i deras vardagssituationer i skolan uttrycker sin förtvivlan och frustration över att inte riktigt känna att de duger som de är. Jag kommer sedan genom mina frågeställningar försöka undersöka om det finns något sätt att bättre rusta dem inför livet och dess utmaningar. Jag utgår från ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv för att poängtera vikten av självreflektion som en viktig del i att kunna möta och bemöta mig själv som subjekt och objekt samtidigt. Jag har valt att ta hjälp av Gert Biestas tankar om vilka funktioner som är i spel då vi pratar om utbildning. Han vill att vi ska fokusera på vad dessa funktioner gör för oss för att på så sätt kunna diskutera vad som är önskvärt och inte genom att enkom titta på ”vad som fungerar” och vad som kan mätas. Tillsammans med Biesta hjälper mig Hannah Arendts tankar om det aktiva livet mig i sökandet efter en pedagogisk blick på utbildning som värdesätter människor som komplexa varelser och inte bara vissa mätbara delar av oss.
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Kalkulationsarbeit: Eine subjektorientierte Untersuchung zur kalkulativen Praxis in ausgewählten deutschen IndustriekonzernenBöhnisch, Petra 16 December 2020 (has links)
Die Forschungsarbeit untersucht aus einer interdisziplinären Perspektive den individuellen „Umgang“ mit kalkulativen Praktiken und der kalkulativen Praxis in ausgewählten deutschen Konzernen der Metall- und Elektroindustrie. Zur Beschreibung, dessen, was unter „Umgang“ zu verstehen ist, wird zunächst der am Subjekt orientierte Handlungsbegriff „Kalkulationsarbeit“ theoretisch konzeptualisiert und anschließend auf Basis qualitativer Daten empirisch konkretisiert. Die Arbeit vollzieht damit einen Perspektivwechsel. Denn bisher standen im Forschungsfeld einerseits die mit Controlling in Zusammenhang stehenden Mechanismen sowie deren Formung zu einem subjektivierenden und disziplinierenden Regime und andererseits die Durchsetzung der Mechanismen sowie die Folgen für die Handelnden im Fokus. Über eine subjektnahe und explorative Herangehensweise werden die Mechanismen hier jedoch explizit aus dem Blickwinkel der Handelnden rekonstruiert. Dabei wird aufgezeigt, wie die Handelnden auf Basis einer zunächst affirmativen Haltung die Mechanismen individuell interpretieren, kritisieren und auch brechen können.:1. Einleitung und Problemstellung
2. Theoretische Rahmung
3. Empirische Untersuchung
4. Zusammenführung der empirischen Ergebnisse und Diskussion
5. Ausblick / The research project investigates from an interdisciplinary perspective the individual ' way of dealing ' with calculative practices and the calculative practice in selected German corporations in the metal and electrical industry. In order to describe what is meant by 'dealing', the concept of 'calculative work', which is oriented towards the subject, is first conceptualized theoretically and then concretized empirically on the basis of qualitative data. The work thus undergoes a change of perspective. This is because the research field has so far focused, on the one hand, on the mechanisms associated with controlling and their shaping into a subjectivizing and disciplining regime and, on the other hand, on the enforcement of the mechanisms and the consequences for the subjects. By means of a subject-oriented and explorative approach, however, the mechanisms are explicitly reconstructed from the perspective of the subjects. It is shown how the subjects can individually interpret, criticize, and even break the mechanisms on the basis of an initially affirmative attitude.:1. Einleitung und Problemstellung
2. Theoretische Rahmung
3. Empirische Untersuchung
4. Zusammenführung der empirischen Ergebnisse und Diskussion
5. Ausblick
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Elever- och lärarattityder angående samhällskunskapsämnets legitimitet : En didaktisk studie med grund i innehållsanalys angående gymnasieelevers samt gymnasielärares attityder om legitimerande aspekter i förhållande till samhällskunskapsundervisningen.Randberg, Tim, Lindahl, Filip January 2023 (has links)
Tim Randberg and Filip Lindahl carried out this study under the institution for pedagogy, didactics and educational studies at Uppsala University. In relation to the lack of research regarding students’ perspectives regarding the legitimizing aspects of the school subject of social science(samhällskunskap), and in contrast to the existence of such research regarding teachers’ perspectives, this study is an attempt at contributing to the lack of previous research and note the importance of working towards a reality in which students’ and teachers’ attitudes, regarding the importance and the purpose of social studies, aligns. This didactic study, which analyzes which attitudes are connected to a small group of students (age 18), as well as a small group of social science teachers, regarding what legitimizes studying social science, along with the key differences between these two groups, is an interview study in which a didactic theory formed by Gert Biesta was applied in relation to the results of the interview. Biesta’s theoretical framework, which is central for this study, categorized the legitimizing aspects of education into three categories: qualification, socialization and subjectification, in which every relevant analytical finding was categorized into each of Biesta’s three categories. This study concludes that both teachers and students found the internalization of democratic values as well as citizenship development to be the central legitimizing aspects of civic studies. The results regarding the teachers’ comments aligned with most previous research, except for the aspect of power, which in contrast to previous research was absent in the results for this study. Regarding the three theoretical categories, no significant differences were to be found but rather smaller differences that could be considered noteworthy. Teachers discussed the legitimizing aspects of civic studies from a qualification-related point of view more than the students did. In contrast, the students made comments that were connected to the concepts of socialization as well as subjectification in a greater sense compared to the teachers. Regarding the concept of qualification, both teachers and students related the purpose of civic studies to skills and knowledge necessary to engage politically in society, or to prosper in society. Connected to the concept of socialization, students found that it was important that people internalized democratic values and norms related to democracy, which aligns with the teachers’ responses, only that the latter as a group further discussed the legitimizing aspect of civic studies as it being a means to prevent extremism, racism as well as other anti-democratic aspects that a few students were described as gravitating towards. In relation to the concept of subjectification, students, unlike the teachers, noted the importance of becoming global citizens. Both groups argued for the importance of developing a culturally adaptive mindset as well as forming an individual political opinion. Most teachers discussed the importance of students, along with the civic studies, becoming less self-centered and more focused on their role in relation to a social, collective context. In contrast, several students made individualistic claims; that a legitimizing aspect of civic studies, regarding certain skills and abilities that comes with the subject and that was regarded as a key element in a modern, democratic social context, is that they develop a sense of what others think of them and how successfully they present themselves to other people, groups and institutions. One conclusion is that there is a reason for the didactic research-field to investigate whether there needs to be a function in Swedish education which investigates whether students and teachers share the same idea of why they are studying a subject or various content related to a subject,
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Английские слова AS и LIKE как грамматические инструменты логической операции сравнения : магистерская диссертация / English words AS and LIKE as grammatical tools of logical operation of comparisonЧиглинцева, Е. С., Chiglintseva, E. S. January 2016 (has links)
The master’s thesis is devoted to the comparison operators as and like, comparison being their first and basic meaning. Over the course of time they have undergone various metaphorical transfers, which have led to their polysemy. According to the authors of dictionaries and English grammars, the word as can function as a conjunction (denoting comparison, time, cause, condition, concession, manner, purpose), preposition, adverb, pronoun. As regards the word like, it can function as a conjunction, preposition, particle, adverb (discourse marker). The author attempts to present the diachronic sense development of the two lexemes with the help of etymological dictionaries and books on the history of English. The word as is described as a precedent linguistic unit, which involves the transfer of meaning from basic comparison to new situations. The thesis examines the pragmatic and socio-linguistic aspects of the development of the word like, as they are presented in the works of Russian and foreign linguists. The peculiarities of grammaticalization and subjectification of the English word like, owing to which it has acquired the function of a discourse marker, are also described. The following pragmatic functions are identified: metalinguistic, emphatic, hesitational, quotative, examplificatory, approximative. The thesis also presents a comparative analysis of the usage of the words as and like in fiction and scientific prose (with reference to the British novel Bridget Jones’s Diary by Helen Fielding and the journal Nature). / Магистерская диссертация посвящена исследованию английских служебных слов as и like как инструментов логической операции сравнения. Сравнение является их понятийной основой, из которой развились другие значения, в частности, на основе метафорического переноса. Обе единицы обладают широкой семантикой и выполняют множество функций. Согласно авторам словарей и английских грамматик, слово as может функционировать как союз (сравнения, времени, причины, условия, уступки, образа действия, цели), предлог, наречие, местоимение. Слово like может выполнять функции союза, предлога, частицы, наречия (дискурсивного маркера). Предпринята попытка выстроить порядок развития значений двух единиц с привлечением данных этимологических словарей и работ по истории английского языка. В диссертации доказывается статус слова as как прецедентной грамматической единицы, в которой реализуется грамматическая метафора и происходит перенос базового значения сравнения на новые ситуации. Рассматриваются прагматические и социолингвистические аспекты развития слова like, как они представлены в работах отечественных и зарубежных лингвистов. Особое внимание уделяется особенностям грамматикализации и субъектификации данной единицы, вследствие которых она приобрела функции дискурсивного маркера. Отмечаются такие прагматические функции like, как металингвистическая, эмфатическая, функция заполнения хезитационной паузы, функция введения в предложение прямой речи, примера, примерного количества. Кроме того, проводится сопоставительный анализ функционирования слов as и like в английской художественной и научной прозе (на материале романа Хелен Филдинг «Bridget Jones’s Diary» и научно-популярного журнала «Nature»).
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Quel soi ? : une réflexion comparative sur l'idée de soi dans le stoïcisme et dans le bouddhisme zen / What self ? : a comparative study of the idea of self in stoicism and zen buddhismAndrei, Laurentiu 08 February 2016 (has links)
Cette étude de philosophie comparée propose une herméneutique de l’idée de soi à partir d’une analyse de la dimension ascétique de la question « quel soi ? », qui se manifeste à travers les disciplines de libération mises en place par les traditions du Portique et du Zen. Déclinée sous différentes formes, cette question constitue la pierre angulaire des pratiques de soi propres aux deux traditions. Il apparaît que sa principale fonction est celle d’orienter l’idée de soi, eu égard à une polarité soi ↔ non-soi, afin de parvenir à la condition du sage, celle d’un accord libérateur avec une nature originelle commune à tous. Ainsi, au lieu de désigner simplement un fondement ontologique – réel ou supposé – l’idée de soi joue alors bien plutôt un rôle de vecteur, qui, selon son orientation,permet ou non d’actualiser cet accord. Par la prise en compte comparative du rôle de la négation (détachement) de soi, cette étude cherche donc à élargir le spectre des processus de subjectivation ou des pratiques de soi et, ainsi, de mettre au jour un aspect assez négligé par l’histoire occidentale de la subjectivité. Par là même, cette thèse permet de mieux comprendre comment une (méta)physique stoïcienne du plein peut être à même de penser la négation (détachement) de soi et, inversement, comment une métaphysique bouddhiste de la vacuité peut développer une pensée de la subjectivité morale et de la responsabilité / This study in comparative philosophy offers a hermeneutics of the idea of self. It explores the ascetic dimension of the question “what self?” apparent across the various disciplines of liberation developed by the Stoic and Zen traditions. In its diverse guises, this question is the cornerstone of specific practices of the self within these traditions. As such, its main function is to guide the idea of self, with regard to the polarity self ↔ non-self, in order to achieve the status of the sage, which represents a kind of harmony with an original nature that is common to all individuals. Therefore, rather than simply designating an ontological foundation – real or alleged – the idea of self has the role of a vector, which, depending on its orientation, allows one to actualise (or not) this harmony. Through comparative analysis of the role of negation (detachment) of the self, this study seeks to broaden the spectrum of the processes of subjectification or practices of the self and, thus, to bring to light an aspect that has been somewhat neglected by the Western history of subjectivity. In doing so, this thesis enables better understanding of how the full-bodied (meta)physics of the Stoics is able to think the negation (detachment) of the self and, conversely, of how the Buddhist metaphysics of emptiness can develop an idea of moral subjectivity and responsibility
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"To read, write and cast accounts": Foucault, Governmentality, and Education in Upper Canada/Canada WestMcGarry, Michael Gerard 08 August 2013 (has links)
Contributing to the work of philosophers of education who have been examining issues of economy and emancipation, this dissertation employs a set of critical lenses drawn from Foucault’s investigation of governmentality to trace correspondences between economic liberalism and public schooling in Upper Canada/Canada West, the historical antecedent of present day Ontario. The analysis adheres to Foucault’s advice that philosophical critique involves a question asked of the present but answered in history. Thus through a Foucauldian genealogy it is argued that a series of transformations in the deployment of governmental power occurred in Upper Canada/Canada West that entailed the entry of an economic rationality into deliberations over the creation of a school system. To support this argument evidence is presented that demonstrates how race, biopolitics, and the burgeoning science of political economy combined in the first half of the nineteenth century to form the conditions of possibility for governmental control of schooling. In particular, it is illustrated how these conditions favoured a pedagogy based in Locke’s epistemology, and were legitimized by the providential status accorded political economy. This pedagogy, which was promoted as mild and so conducive to student engagement, and the authority of political economy are revealed as integral to the methods of instruction and curriculum of the province’s common schools, and indicative of the legacy of economic liberalism that persists, albeit transformed, in Ontario education to this day.
The result of this critical analysis is a redescription or, in Foucault’s terminology, a “countermemory” of Ontario educational history that challenges the presumed naturalism of the ideals characteristic of economic liberalism, such as autonomy, accountability, entrepreneurialism, and consumer choice. The dissertation contends that these ideals are active in local educational regimes long legitimized by economy, and dangerously aimed at fostering political consent by manipulating subjects into locations of restricted agency.
Providing insight into the historical role played by liberal governmentality and economy in the local context contributes to the study of Foucault and the philosophy of education, and also suggests a change in approach to questions regarding the corporatization or marketization of education.
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"To read, write and cast accounts": Foucault, Governmentality, and Education in Upper Canada/Canada WestMcGarry, Michael Gerard 08 August 2013 (has links)
Contributing to the work of philosophers of education who have been examining issues of economy and emancipation, this dissertation employs a set of critical lenses drawn from Foucault’s investigation of governmentality to trace correspondences between economic liberalism and public schooling in Upper Canada/Canada West, the historical antecedent of present day Ontario. The analysis adheres to Foucault’s advice that philosophical critique involves a question asked of the present but answered in history. Thus through a Foucauldian genealogy it is argued that a series of transformations in the deployment of governmental power occurred in Upper Canada/Canada West that entailed the entry of an economic rationality into deliberations over the creation of a school system. To support this argument evidence is presented that demonstrates how race, biopolitics, and the burgeoning science of political economy combined in the first half of the nineteenth century to form the conditions of possibility for governmental control of schooling. In particular, it is illustrated how these conditions favoured a pedagogy based in Locke’s epistemology, and were legitimized by the providential status accorded political economy. This pedagogy, which was promoted as mild and so conducive to student engagement, and the authority of political economy are revealed as integral to the methods of instruction and curriculum of the province’s common schools, and indicative of the legacy of economic liberalism that persists, albeit transformed, in Ontario education to this day.
The result of this critical analysis is a redescription or, in Foucault’s terminology, a “countermemory” of Ontario educational history that challenges the presumed naturalism of the ideals characteristic of economic liberalism, such as autonomy, accountability, entrepreneurialism, and consumer choice. The dissertation contends that these ideals are active in local educational regimes long legitimized by economy, and dangerously aimed at fostering political consent by manipulating subjects into locations of restricted agency.
Providing insight into the historical role played by liberal governmentality and economy in the local context contributes to the study of Foucault and the philosophy of education, and also suggests a change in approach to questions regarding the corporatization or marketization of education.
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