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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vem eller vad kan hållas straffrättsligt ansvarig för ett självkörande fordon? : En analys av gällande rätt och föreslagen lagstiftning i Sverige / Who or what can be held criminally liable for an automated vehicle? : An analysis of current law and proposed legislation in Sweden

Dahlström, Petri January 2023 (has links)
The last decade has seen a rapid advancement in the fields of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation, with terms such as machine learning, deep learning and algorithms finding their way into everyday conversations. The usage of AI is evergrowing and present in many areas of life such as health care, financial services, and social media interactions. One subject which has garnered a significant amount of attention is the introduction of autonomous vehicles (AVs) and their promise of a safer and more efficient global traffic environment. However, while self-driving technology is developing at an exponential rate, associated laws and regulations are falling behind. The legal issues connected to AVs tend to differ from one jurisdiction to another, but a concern shared among most is the uncertain state of the legal landscape with respect to criminal liability. This study is focused on critically evaluating this uncertain legal landscape from a Swedish perspective. The method used in this thesis is a blend of legal dogmatics and legal analytics. A specific branch of legal analytics, legal informatics, is largely applied due to its suitability in analyzing the relationship between law and information technology. After a brief introduction to AI and AVs, the investigation begins by examining current law to determine how a general implementation of AVs would be handled by existing regulation. The thesis then continues to analyze the potential effects of the European proposal of an electronic legal personhood for AI and its associated ethical considerations. Lastly, the paper explores the Swedish proposal for a specialized AV regulation in comparison to current Swedish and international law. The conclusion of this study is that certain traffic scenarios tend to make the criminal liability assessment clearer than others. A human driver will generally not be held responsible if a vehicle driven by an automated driving system causes an incident. In most cases, the liability will be attributed to the vehicle’s owner or manufacturer. The most interesting and complex situations involve AVs with a lower level of autonomy. These vehicles require human assistance and oversight, leading to intricate questions about culpability and causality. However, the lack of existing specialized law and the unsettled nature of the proposed regulation means that any conclusions drawn regarding criminal liability and AVs are, to some extent, uncertain and hypothetical, emphasizing the need of a globally harmonized legal landscape.

Svenskarnas syn på självkörande bilar och dess etiska och moraliska konsekvenser / Sweden's view of self-driving cars and their ethical and moral consequences

Abrahamsson, Alexander, Arvidsson, Wictor January 2023 (has links)
Artificiell intelligens är ett fenomen som bara blir större och större i världen och i Sverige. Teknologin börjar bli allt vanligare för att bilar ska kunna köra sig själva, med andra ord självkörande bilar. I dagsläget har Sverige ingen lagstiftning för helt självkörande bilar i Sverige. Genom en kvantitativ undersökning har allmänhetens inställning och godkännande av fenomenet i Sverige undersökts. Vidare har studien undersökt vem den svenska befolkningen anser borde stå till svars i bilolyckor med självkörande bilar. Författarna kunde konstatera att lagstiftningen ligger efter tekniken och för att de helt självstyrande bilarna ska kunna implementeras i Sverige borde det ske en förändring i lagstiftningen för att bemöta den allmänna uppfattningen kring självkörande bilar i Sverige. Studiens resultat kom fram till att en ändring av den gällande lagstiftningen borde bli aktuell där lagen gynnar människor samt företagen bakom tekniken, inte bara som det är nu att lagen enbart gynnar biltillverkarna då de inte har något ansvar vid bilolyckor med halvt självkörande bilar. För att människor ska känna tillit till tekniken behövs det en större kunskap kring fenomenet. Detta skulle biltillverkarna kunna fixa genom att låta användaren av bilen ha en större vetskap över till exempel den data som företagen samlar in samt vad den används till. / Artificial intelligence is a phenomenon that is only getting bigger and bigger in the world and in Sweden. The technology is becoming increasingly common for cars to be able to drive themselves, in other words self-driving cars. Sweden currently has no legislation for fully self-driving cars in Sweden. Through a quantitative survey, the public's attitude and acceptance of the phenomenon in Sweden has been examined. Furthermore, the study investigated who the Swedish population believes should be held accountable in car accidents with self-driving cars. The authors were able to state that the legislation lags behind the technology and in order for fully self-driving cars to be implemented in Sweden, there should be a change in the legislation to meet the general perception of self-driving cars in Sweden. The results of the study came to the conclusion that a change in the current legislation should be relevant where the law benefits people as well as the companies behind the technology, not just as it is now that the law only benefits the car manufacturers as they have no responsibility in car accidents with semi-autonomous cars. In order for people to trust the technology, a greater knowledge of the phenomenon is needed. The car manufacturers could fix this by letting the user of the car have greater knowledge of, for example, the data that the companies collect and what it is used for.

ASEMS: Autonomous Specific Energy Management Strategy

Amirfarhangi Bonab, Saeed January 2019 (has links)
This thesis addresses the problem of energy management of a hybrid electric power unit for an autonomous vehicle. We introduce, evaluate, and discuss the idea of autonomous-specific energy management strategy. This method is an optimization-based strategy which improves the powertrain fuel economy by exploiting motion planning data. First, to build a firm base for further evaluations, we will develop a high-fidelity system-level model for our case study using MATLAB/Simulink. This model mostly concerns about energy-related aspects of the powertrain and the vehicle. We will derive and implement the equations for each of the model subsystems. We derive model parameters using available data in the literature or online. Evaluation of the developed model shows acceptable conformity with the actual dynamometer data. We will use this model to replace the built-in rule-based logic with the proposed strategy and assess the performance.\par Second, since we are considering an optimization-based approach, we will develop a novel convex representation of the vehicle and powertrain model. This translates to reformulating the model equations using convex functions. Consequently, we will express the fuel-efficient energy management problem as the convex optimization problem. We will solve the optimization problem using dedicated numerical solvers. Extracting the control inputs using this approach and applying them on the high-fidelity model provides similar results to dynamic programming in terms of fuel consumption but in substantially less amount of time. This will act as a pivot for the subsequent real-time analysis.\par Third, we will perform a proof-of-concept for the autonomous-specific energy management strategy. We implement an optimization-based path and trajectory planning for a vehicle in the simplified driving scenario of a racing track. Accordingly, we use motion planning data to obtain the energy management strategy by solving an optimization problem. We will let the vehicle to travel around the circuit with the ability to perceive and plan up to an observable horizon using the receding horizon approach. Developed approach for energy management strategy shows a substantial reduction in the fuel consumption of the high-fidelity model, compared to the rule-based controller. / Thesis / Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (MSME) / The automotive industry is on the verge of groundbreaking transformations as a result of electrification and autonomous driving. Electrified autonomous car of the future is sustainable, energy-efficient, more convenient, and safer. In addition to the advantages of electrification and autonomous driving individually, the intersection and interaction of these mainstreams provide new opportunities for further improvements on the vehicles. Autonomous cars generate an unprecedented amount of real-time data due to excessive use of perception sensors and processing units. This thesis considers the case of an autonomous hybrid electric vehicle and presents the novel idea of autonomous-specific energy management strategy. Specifically, this thesis is a proof-of-concept, a trial to exploit the motion planning data for a self-driving car to improve the fuel economy of the hybrid electric power unit by adopting a more efficient energy management strategy. With the ever-increasing number of autonomous hybrid electric vehicles, particularly in the self-driving fleets, the presented method shows an extremely promising potential to reduce the fuel consumption of these vehicles.

Enhanced 3D Object Detection And Tracking In Autonomous Vehicles: An Efficient Multi-modal Deep Fusion Approach

Priyank Kalgaonkar (10911822) 03 September 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">This dissertation delves into a significant challenge for Autonomous Vehicles (AVs): achieving efficient and robust perception under adverse weather and lighting conditions. Systems that rely solely on cameras face difficulties with visibility over long distances, while radar-only systems struggle to recognize features like stop signs, which are crucial for safe navigation in such scenarios.</p><p dir="ltr">To overcome this limitation, this research introduces a novel deep camera-radar fusion approach using neural networks. This method ensures reliable AV perception regardless of weather or lighting conditions. Cameras, similar to human vision, are adept at capturing rich semantic information, whereas radars can penetrate obstacles like fog and darkness, similar to X-ray vision.</p><p dir="ltr">The thesis presents NeXtFusion, an innovative and efficient camera-radar fusion network designed specifically for robust AV perception. Building on the efficient single-sensor NeXtDet neural network, NeXtFusion significantly enhances object detection accuracy and tracking. A notable feature of NeXtFusion is its attention module, which refines critical feature representation for object detection, minimizing information loss when processing data from both cameras and radars.</p><p dir="ltr">Extensive experiments conducted on large-scale datasets such as Argoverse, Microsoft COCO, and nuScenes thoroughly evaluate the capabilities of NeXtDet and NeXtFusion. The results show that NeXtFusion excels in detecting small and distant objects compared to existing methods. Notably, NeXtFusion achieves a state-of-the-art mAP score of 0.473 on the nuScenes validation set, outperforming competitors like OFT by 35.1% and MonoDIS by 9.5%.</p><p dir="ltr">NeXtFusion’s excellence extends beyond mAP scores. It also performs well in other crucial metrics, including mATE (0.449) and mAOE (0.534), highlighting its overall effectiveness in 3D object detection. Visualizations of real-world scenarios from the nuScenes dataset processed by NeXtFusion provide compelling evidence of its capability to handle diverse and challenging environments.</p>

Advances in Vehicle Automation: Ethics and Technology

Sütfeld, Leon René 14 September 2021 (has links)
With the arrival of automated vehicles (AVs) on our streets virtually around the corner, this thesis explores advances in automated driving technology with a focus on ethical decision making in dilemmatic traf- fic situations. In a total of five publications, we take a multi-facetted approach to analyse and address the core challenges related to auto- mated ethical decision making in AVs. In publications one through three, we conduct a series of immersive virtual reality studies to analyze human behavior in traffic dilemmas, explore mathematical approaches to model the decision making process, investigate how the assessment methodology can affect moral judgment, and discuss the implications of these studies for algorithmic decision making in the real-world. In publication number four, we provide a comprehensive summary of the status quo of AV technology and legislation with regard to automated ethical decision making. Here, we discuss when and why ethical deci- sion making systems become necessary in AVs, review existing guide- lines for the behavior of AVs in dilemma situations, and compile a set of 10 demands and open questions that need to be addressed in the pursuit of a framework for ethical decision making in AVs. Finally, the basis for automated ethical decision making in AVs will be provided by accurate assessments of the immediate environment of the car. The pri- mary technology used to provide the required information processing of camera and LiDAR images in AVs is machine learning, and in particular deep learning. In publication five, we propose a form of adaptive acti- vation functions, addressing a central element of deep neural networks, which could, for instance, lead to increased detection rates of relevant objects, and thus help to provide a more accurate assessment of the AVs environment. Overall, this thesis provides a structured and compre- hensive overview of the state of the art in ethical decision making for AVs. It includes important implications for the design of decision mak- ing algorithms in practice, and concisely outlines the central remaining challenges on the road to a safe, fair and successful introduction of fully automated vehicles into the market.

Moraliska bedömningar av autonoma systems beslut / Moral judgments of autonomous intelligent systems

Lindelöf, Gabriel Trim Olof January 2020 (has links)
Samhällsutvecklingen går i en riktning där människor arbetar i allt närmare samarbete med artificiella agenter. För att detta samarbete ska vara på användarens villkor är det viktigt att förstå hur människor uppfattar och förhåller sig till dessa system. Hur dessa agenter bedöms moraliskt är en komponent i denna förståelse. Malle m.fl. (2015) utförde en av de första studierna kring hur normer och skuld appliceras på människa respektive robot. I samma artikel efterfrågades mer forskning kring vilka faktorer hos agenter som påverkar de moraliska bedömningarna. Föreliggande studie tog avstamp i denna frågeställning och avsåg att undersöka hur moralisk godtagbarhet och skuldbeläggning skiljde sig beroende på om agenten var en person, en humanoid robot eller ett autonomt intelligent system utan kropp (AIS). Ett mellangrupps-experiment (N = 119) användes för att undersöka hur agenterna bedömdes för sina beslut i tre olika moraliska dilemman. Deltagares rättfärdigaden bakom bedömningar samt medveten hållning utforskades som förklaringsmodell av skillnader. Medveten hållning avser Dennetts (1971) teori kring huruvida en agent förstås utifrån mentala egenskaper. Resultaten visade att person och robot erhöll liknande godtagbarhet för sina beslut medan AIS fick signifikant lägre snitt. Graden skuld som tillskrevs skiljde sig inte signifikant mellan agenterna. Analysen av deltagares rättfärdiganden gav indikationer på att skuldbedömningarna av de artificiella agenterna inte grundade sig i sådan information som antagits ligga till grund för denna typ av bedömningar. Flera rättfärdiganden påpekade också att det var någon annan än de artificiella agenterna som bar skulden för besluten. Vidare analyser indikerade på att deltagare höll medveten hållning mot person i störst utsträckning följt av robot och sedan AIS. Studien väcker frågor kring huruvida skuld som fenomen går att applicera på artificiella agenter och i vilken utsträckning distribuerad skuld är en faktor när artificiella agenter bedöms.

Neurala nätverk försjälvkörande fordon : Utforskande av olika tillvägagångssätt / Neural Networks for Autonomous Vehicles : An Exploration of Different Approaches

Hellner, Simon, Syvertsson, Henrik January 2021 (has links)
Artificiella neurala nätverk (ANN) har ett brett tillämpningsområde och blir allt relevantare på flera håll, inte minst för självkörande fordon. För att träna nätverken användsmeta-algoritmer. Nätverken kan styra fordonen med hjälp av olika typer av indata. I detta projekt har vi undersökt två meta-algoritmer: genetisk algoritm (GA) och gradient descent tillsammans med bakåtpropagering (GD &amp; BP). Vi har även undersökt två typer av indata: avståndssensorer och linjedetektering. Vi redogör för teorin bakom de metoder vi har försökt implementera. Vi lyckades inte använda GD &amp; BP för att träna nätverk att köra fordon, men vi redogör för hur vi försökte. I resultatdelen redovisar vi hur det med GA gick att träna ANN som använder avståndssensorer och linjedetektering som indata. Sammanfattningsvis lyckades vi implementera självkörande fordon med två olika typer av indata. / Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) have a broad area of application and are growing increasingly relevant, not least in the field of autonomous vehicles. Meta algorithms are used to train networks, which can control a vehicle using several kinds of input data. In this project we have looked at two meta algorithms: genetic algorithm (GA), and gradient descent with backpropagation (GD &amp; BP). We have looked at two types of input to the ANN: distance sensors and line detection. We explain the theory behind the methods we have tried to implement. We did not succeed in using GD &amp; BP to train ANNs to control vehicles, but we describe our attemps. We did however succeeded in using GA to train ANNs using a combination of distance sensors and line detection as input. In summary we managed to train ANNs to control vehicles using two methods of input, and we encountered interesting problems along the way.

Evaluation of Target Tracking Using Multiple Sensors and Non-Causal Algorithms

Vestin, Albin, Strandberg, Gustav January 2019 (has links)
Today, the main research field for the automotive industry is to find solutions for active safety. In order to perceive the surrounding environment, tracking nearby traffic objects plays an important role. Validation of the tracking performance is often done in staged traffic scenarios, where additional sensors, mounted on the vehicles, are used to obtain their true positions and velocities. The difficulty of evaluating the tracking performance complicates its development. An alternative approach studied in this thesis, is to record sequences and use non-causal algorithms, such as smoothing, instead of filtering to estimate the true target states. With this method, validation data for online, causal, target tracking algorithms can be obtained for all traffic scenarios without the need of extra sensors. We investigate how non-causal algorithms affects the target tracking performance using multiple sensors and dynamic models of different complexity. This is done to evaluate real-time methods against estimates obtained from non-causal filtering. Two different measurement units, a monocular camera and a LIDAR sensor, and two dynamic models are evaluated and compared using both causal and non-causal methods. The system is tested in two single object scenarios where ground truth is available and in three multi object scenarios without ground truth. Results from the two single object scenarios shows that tracking using only a monocular camera performs poorly since it is unable to measure the distance to objects. Here, a complementary LIDAR sensor improves the tracking performance significantly. The dynamic models are shown to have a small impact on the tracking performance, while the non-causal application gives a distinct improvement when tracking objects at large distances. Since the sequence can be reversed, the non-causal estimates are propagated from more certain states when the target is closer to the ego vehicle. For multiple object tracking, we find that correct associations between measurements and tracks are crucial for improving the tracking performance with non-causal algorithms.

Dynamic Speed Adaptation for Curves using Machine Learning / Dynamisk hastighetsanpassning för kurvor med maskininlärning

Narmack, Kirilll January 2018 (has links)
The vehicles of tomorrow will be more sophisticated, intelligent and safe than the vehicles of today. The future is leaning towards fully autonomous vehicles. This degree project provides a data driven solution for a speed adaptation system that can be used to compute a vehicle speed for curves, suitable for the underlying driving style of the driver, road properties and weather conditions. A speed adaptation system for curves aims to compute a vehicle speed suitable for curves that can be used in Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) or in Autonomous Driving (AD) applications. This degree project was carried out at Volvo Car Corporation. Literature in the field of speed adaptation systems and factors affecting the vehicle speed in curves was reviewed. Naturalistic driving data was both collected by driving and extracted from Volvo's data base and further processed. A novel speed adaptation system for curves was invented, implemented and evaluated. This speed adaptation system is able to compute a vehicle speed suitable for the underlying driving style of the driver, road properties and weather conditions. Two different artificial neural networks and two mathematical models were used to compute the desired vehicle speed in curves. These methods were compared and evaluated. / Morgondagens fordon kommer att vara mer sofistikerade, intelligenta och säkra än dagens fordon. Framtiden lutar mot fullständigt autonoma fordon. Detta examensarbete tillhandahåller en datadriven lösning för ett hastighetsanpassningssystem som kan beräkna ett fordons hastighet i kurvor som är lämpligt för förarens körstil, vägens egenskaper och rådande väder. Ett hastighetsanpassningssystem för kurvor har som mål att beräkna en fordonshastighet för kurvor som kan användas i Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) eller Autonomous Driving (AD) applikationer. Detta examensarbete utfördes på Volvo Car Corporation. Litteratur kring hastighetsanpassningssystem samt faktorer som påverkar ett fordons hastighet i kurvor studerades. Naturalistisk bilkörningsdata samlades genom att köra bil samt extraherades från Volvos databas och bearbetades. Ett nytt hastighetsanpassningssystem uppfanns, implementerades samt utvärderades. Hastighetsanpassningssystemet visade sig vara kapabelt till att beräkna en lämplig fordonshastighet för förarens körstil under rådande väderförhållanden och vägens egenskaper. Två olika artificiella neuronnätverk samt två matematiska modeller användes för att beräkna fordonets hastighet. Dessa metoder jämfördes och utvärderades.

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