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Estudo retrospectivo da cirurgia micrográfica de Mohs nos portadores de carcinoma espinocelular cutâneo da cabeça para a determinação de fatores preditivos do número de fases cirúrgicas, acompanhados no ambulatório de cirurgia dermatológica da Divisão de Dermatologia do HC da FMUSP/SP / Retrospective study of Mohs micrographic surgery for patients with skin squamous cell carcinoma of the head attended in the dermatologic surgical facility of the Dermatological Division of the HC from FMUSP/SP, to establish predictive factors for the number of surgicalLuiz Roberto Terzian 13 October 2004 (has links)
A cirurgia micrográfica de Mohs (CMM) é realizada em fases sucessivas de retirada tumoral. Cada fase demora de uma a duas horas, dependendo do tamanho da lesão; portanto, é muito importante conseguir predizer o número de fases da cirurgia a fim de poder programar melhor o tempo de uso da sala cirúrgica e da equipe cirúrgica, o uso de anestésicos, os custos da cirurgia, melhor orientar o paciente e assegurar a remoção completa do tumor. Com o intuito de encontrar fatores preditivos do número de fases da CMM no tratamento do carcinoma espinocelular da cabeça, realizou-se o levantamento dos prontuários de 44 pacientes submetidos a 51 CMM no ambulatório de cirurgia dermatológica da Divisão de Dermatologia do HC-FMUSP/SP, de 1994 a 2003. Foram constituídos três grupos quanto ao número de fases da CMM: uma fase, duas fases e três ou mais fases. Os grupos foram comparados em relação às variáveis: duração da lesão até a cirurgia, morfologia, tamanho e limites da lesão, tumor primário ou recidivado, grau de diferenciação histológica do tumor e localização anatômica do tumor. Identificou-se um único fator significante na análise univariada: a distribuição dos tumores recidivados segundo o número de fases da cirurgia e que diferiu da distribuição dos tumores primários (p=0,081, teste exato de Fisher), sendo maior o número de fases para os tumores recidivados. Na análise multivariada, não houve fatores estatisticamente significantes que pudessem estar associados ao número de fases da cirurgia. Na análise da razão de chances, observou-se maior chance de apresentar maior número de fases para as variáveis: limites clínicos imprecisos, tumor ulcerado, tumor recidivado, tumor mais agressivo histologicamente e tumor maior que 1 cm. / Mohs micrographic surgery (MMS) is proceeded in successive stages of cancer removal. Each stage lasts from 1 to 2 hours, depending on the tumor size. So it is very important to predict the number of phases of the surgery so that one can plan better the time of the surgical room use, the time of the surgeon and his team, the use of anaesthetics, the surgical costs, to give the patient better orientations about his surgery and to ensure complete tumor erradication. With the intention to find predictive factors of the number of stages of MMS in the treatment of squamous cell carcinoma, we reviewed the record of 44 patients on a total of 51 surgeries proceeded in the dermatologic surgical clinic of the Dermatological Division of HC-FMUSP/SP from 1994 to 2003. For the number of stages in the MMS we established 3 groups: 1 stage, 2 stages and 3 or more stages. These groups were compared with regard to this variables: continuance of the lesion until the surgery, morphology and size of the lesion, lesion limits, primary or recurrent cancer, histological grade (Broders) and anatomic localization. In the univariated analysis one single factor was significant: the distribution of the recurrent cancers related to the number of stages of the surgery that was different from the distribution of the primary ones (p=0.081, Fisher\'s exact test), been higher the number of stages for the recurrent cancers. In the multivariated analysis, there were no statistically significant factors associated with higher number of stages of the surgery. In the analysis of the odss ratio, we noted a higher chance of a higher number of stages for the variables: inaccurate clinical limits, ulcerated lesions, recurrent cancer, higher aggressive histology and tumor bigger than 1 cm.
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Dominansmissbruk och digitala plattformar : En studie av hur artikel 102 FEUF och DMA hanterar digitala marknader, självförbehåll och utnyttjanden av insamlad data / Abuse of dominance and digital platforms : A study of the applicability of article 102 TFEU and DMA to digital markets, self-preferencing and the use of dataSöderholm, Matilda January 2024 (has links)
Dagens samhälle förändras snabbt, och digitala marknader med det. Digitaliseringen har lett till revolutionerande utvecklingar av vårt samhälle, och bakom dessa förändringar står primärt ett fåtal dominerande teknikjättar och deras plattformar. Dessa dominerande digitala plattformar, och de marknader på vilka dessa verkar, är ofta flersidiga och karaktäriseras av särskilda möjligheter till kostnadsfördelning, utveckling och ett beroende av starka nätverkseffekter, samt möjligheter att utveckla affärsmodeller som på olika sätt utnyttjar och kapitaliserar på insamlad data. Detta möjliggör inte bara upprättandet och bibehållandet av marknadsmakt på dessa marknader, utan leder även till höga inträdeshinder med resultatet att marknadens aktörer blir få och att inträdeshindren är höga. Trots att digitaliseringen till stora delar måste anses positiv, har utvecklingen även medfört nya typer av konkurrensproblematik som inte alltid kan hanteras på ett effektivt och adekvat sätt av den tidigare EU-rättsliga konkurrenslagstiftningen. Denna framställning undersöker hur EU:s konkurrenslagstiftning kan tillämpas på nyare typer av dominansmissbruk på digitala plattformar genom att analysera den tidigare regleringen av dominansmissbruk och hur denna har tillämpats rent praktiskt. För att uppnå detta mål undersöker detta arbete de särskilda utmaningar och särdrag som finns på dessa marknader, och ger en utförlig sammanfattning av hur artikel 102 FEUF har använts för att hantera dessa. Här konstateras att denna konkurrenslagstiftning lämnar en del att önska, och att inträdeshinder och risken för tippning ger starka incitament för dominanta digitala plattformar att försöka kringgå prestationsbaserad konkurrens. Framställningen utvärderar även de kompletteringar som gjorts av konkurrenslagstiftningen på dessa områden genom DMA, och hur denna reglering kan tänkas påverka hanteringen av vissa av de dominanta digitala plattformarnas beteenden framöver. Här konkluderas att DMA är en välbehövlig komplettering av tidigare konkurrensreglering på området, men att det fortfarande finns osäkerheter och utvecklingspotential, samt att de snabbföränderliga marknaderna förr eller senare kommer att hitta nya, innovativa sätt att kringgå även denna reglering. Därmed är det viktigt att den EU-rättsliga konkurrensregleringen gör vad den kan för att ligga steget före.
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Försäkringsskydd för skadeståndsansvar vid dataskyddsöverträdelser : En undersökning av försäkringsvillkorens omfattning och eventuella begränsningar i förhållande till art. 82 GDPR och grupptalan / Insurance coverage for liability in case of data protection breaches : An investigation into the extent and potential limitations of insurance terms in relation to art. 82 GDPR and class action lawsuitsNahlbom, Robin January 2024 (has links)
I uppsatsen utreds försäkringsskyddet för skadeståndsansvar vid dataskyddsöverträdelser. GDPR är den centrala regleringen för personuppgiftsbehandling och fastställer ett antal principer som måste upprätthållas för att den ansvarige ska få behandla personuppgifter. Bryter den ansvarige mot förordningens principer har den registrerade rätt att kräva skadestånd enligt art. 82.1 GDPR. Förordningen fastställer tre kumulativa krav som måste vara uppfyllda för att skadeståndsskyldighet ska föreligga. Det innefattar att en överträdelse av GDPR har skett, att materiell eller immateriell skada till följd av denna överträdelse har uppstått och att det föreligger ett orsakssamband mellan skadan och överträdelsen. Förordningen innehåller även en bestämmelse som tar över medlemsstaternas nationella skadeståndsrättsliga bestämmelser, vilket innebär att GDPR ska tillämpas enligt sin ordalydelse och att de kumulativa kraven enligt art. 82.1 GDPR måste följas. Det innebär att nationella skadeståndsrättsliga begrepp inte bör jämställas med begrepp som framgår av art. 82.1 GDPR eftersom begreppen har tillkommit i en helt annan kontext. Exempelvis översätts i vissa fall materiella och immateriella skador till ekonomiska och ideella skador. Begreppen är inte synonyma och bör inte tillställas samma betydelse eftersom terminologin i art. 82.1 GDPR kan misstolkas. Försäkringsvillkoren som reglerar skadeståndsskyldigheten för dataskyddsöverträdelser och som även hänvisar till art. 82.1 GDPR, innehåller i vissa fall nationella skadeståndsrättsliga begrepp och även andra begrepp som inte framgår av förordningen. Det kan leda till att kongruensen mellan villkorens utformning och förordningens ordalydelse medför tolkningsproblematik vid bedömning om skadeståndsskyldighet föreligger. Därför bör försäkringsvillkoren endast innehålla sådan terminologi som framgår av art. 82.1 GDPR. Dataskyddsöverträdelser medför oftast att en stor grupp människor lider skada varför förordningen tillåter registrerade att föra grupptalan med hjälp av en ideell organisation enligt art. 80 GDPR. Teoretiskt sett kan skadeståndsbeloppen bli högre än försäkringsbeloppen varför det i sådana fall saknas ett försäkringsskydd för grupptalan för den personuppgiftsansvarige. Försäkringsvillkoren anger däremot ingenting om att försäkringen inte täcker ett sådant anspråk. Därmed ställs försäkringsbolagen inför utmaningen att hantera sådana anspråk, varför försäkringen bör uppdateras för att möta skadestånd i en grupptalan vid dataskyddsöverträdelser. / The essay investigates insurance coverage for liability for damages in the event of data protection breaches. GDPR is the central regulation for the processing of personal data and establishes a number of principles that must be upheld for the data controller to process personal data. If the data controller breaches the principles of the regulation, the data subject has the right to claim damages under Art. 82.1 GDPR. The regulation sets out three cumulative requirements that must be met for liability for damages to arise. This includes that a breach of the GDPR has occurred, that material or immaterial damage as a result of this breach has arisen, and that there is a causal link between the damage and the breach. The regulation also includes a provision that supersedes the national tort law provisions of Member States, which means that the GDPR shall be applied according to its wording and that the cumulative requirements under Art. 82.1 GDPR must be followed. This means that national tort law concepts should not be equated with concepts as set out in Art. 82.1 GDPR as the concepts have arisen in a completely different context. For example, in some cases, material and immaterial damages are translated into economic and non-economic damages. The concepts are not synonymous and should not be attributed the same meaning as the terminology in Art. 82.1 GDPR can be misinterpreted. The insurance terms and conditions that regulate liability for damages in the event of data protection breaches and also refer to Art. 82.1 GDPR, in some cases contain national tort law concepts and other concepts that are not evident in the regulation. This may lead to a lack of congruence between the wording of the terms and conditions and the wording of the regulation, resulting in interpretation issues when assessing whether liability for damages exists. Therefore, the insurance terms and conditions should only contain terminology as set out in Art. 82.1 GDPR. Data protection breaches usually result in harm to a large group of people, which is why the regulation allows data subjects to bring a collective action with the assistance of a not-for-profit organization under Art. 80 GDPR. Theoretically, damages awarded may exceed insurance coverage, which means there is no insurance coverage for collective actions for the data controller in such cases. However, the insurance terms and conditions do not specify that the insurance does not cover such a claim. Therefore, insurance companies are faced with the challenge of handling such claims, which is why the insurance should be updated to cover damages in a collective action in the event of data protection breaches.
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Ochrana práva na spravedlivý proces ve vztahu k řízení o předběžné otázce / Protection of Right to Fair Trial in Relation to Preliminary Ruling ProceedingsNěmečková, Petra January 2012 (has links)
v anglickém jazyce - English abstract Protection of Right to Fair Trial in Relation to Preliminary Ruling Proceedings Right to fair trial is one of fundamental human rights, which enables individuals to effectively invoke their rights and freedoms before a lawful, impartial and independent court. In Europe, the protection of this right is guaranteed at a multi-layer level, whose layers interact: first layer is formed by constitutional orders of individual States, second layer by institutions of European Union, in particular the Court of Justice of the European Union, and a third one, that of the European Court for Human Rights. In the European Union, the Treaties have introduced the mechanism of preliminary ruling with the aim of preserving unity within the Union and of ensuring coherent interpretation and application of European law by the courts of the Member States. Preliminary ruling proceedings ensure effective cooperation between national courts and the Court of Justice of the European Union. Art. 267 TFEU provides for an obligation to request a preliminary ruling for national courts of last instance (if none of the CILFIT case law conditions is met). Breach of this obligation may entail violation of right to fair trial at all three layers of human rights protection in Europe. Each European...
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Charakterizace vlastností fotovoltaického systému / Characteristic of photovoltaic systemPokorný, Marek January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this work is informed first about photovoltaics universally, works to inform the photovoltaic panels and complete plants. The work also includes instructions on how to implement PVP in accordance with law. Another part is the rough draft of the photovoltaic power 30 kWp, which can be placed on the house, computation and calculation of investment and them profitable investments to time. Design is made in two separate forms of the Fronius Solar and Sunny Design, their outputs are compared. The practical part of this work cooperates with the company SOLARTEC Ltd. for experimental measurements of the photovoltaic system and develop a methodology for setting the properties of real solar systems in operation from the measured data then stored in a database. These data further evaluate and compare the similar operating conditions. This data will show as the course of production of electricity during the typical day in percentage terms, depending on the incident irradiance, cell temperature, angle of incident radiation, etc. We can compare what it looks like an ideal day in terms of production of photovoltaic power, with the other days. Further are in work mentioned histograms achievement panel behind classical day and behind all - time investigation.
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<p>This ethnographic project
delves into the spheres of life of three autistic adults and their families.
This thesis analyzes their experiences, current routines, and personal and
family narratives about what it means to be an autistic adult across different
identities and geographies. This thesis also identifies forms of knowledge that
arise in these life experiences and shape strategies, decisions, or attitudes
taken to navigate through life or overcome possible difficulties in their
present and futures. This research takes place in Colombia, a diverse country
and engages with anthropology of the everyday, sensory anthropology and
disability studies.</p>
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Über die szientometrische Bedeutung des Impact-FaktorsNourmohammadi, Hamzehali 03 May 2007 (has links)
Auf der Basis des Impact-Faktors, entsprechend der Definition Eugene Garfields, werden die Implikationen dieses IF für szientometrische Überlegungen und deren Folgen für das Zeitschriftenwesen untersucht. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit zeigen: Der Impact-Faktor ist ein Wert, der einen Hinweis auf den durchschnittlichen Bekanntheitsgrad eines Beitrags in einer vom SCI erfassten Zeitschrift gibt. Der Impact-Faktor ist ein Wert, der in hohem Maße vom Umfang des SCI bestimmt ist. Über die dort erfassten Zitationen wird ermittelt, wie oft eine Zeitschrift zitiert worden ist. Der Impact-Faktor ist in hohem Maße davon bestimmt, in wieweit die Quellen zugänglich sind, die zitiert werden. Der lineare Zusammenhang, den R. Rousseau und G.V. Hooydonk (1996) zwischen dem Impact-Faktor von Zeitschriften und der Zahl der darin erschienenen Aufsätze (Produktion) hergestellt haben, gilt nur in dem von ihnen untersuchten Bereich des Impact-Faktors 0,5 – 3. Bei höheren Werten kommt es zu einer Abflachung, bei Werten über 7 sogar zu einer Umkehr der Steigung. Es gibt einen Zusammenhang zwischen der Höhe des Impact-Faktors und seinem jährlichen Zuwachs im SCI. Je höher der IF, desto höher ist auch sein jährlicher Anstieg. Bei genauerer Analyse zeigte sich, dass der Zuwachs, zum Zeitpunkt der vorliegenden Untersuchung, gegen einen Grenzwert von 0,42 ging. Die Impact-Faktoren von Zeitschriften und deren Preise für die Abonnements hängen statistisch nur schwach voneinander ab. Ob Zeitschriften erworben werden müssen ist weitaus stärker von den Zitationen abhängig, die diese Zeitschriften auf sich versammeln. Der IF steigt mit der Auflagenhöhe von Zeitschriften, wenn diese bereits einen höheren IF aufweisen. Für wissenschaftliche Autoren ist der Druck, in Zeitschriften mit einem hohen IF zu publizieren, beobachtsam. Je höher dieser allgemeine Druck ist, desto geringer ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit für einen einzelnen Autor wiederholt in derartigen Zeitschriften publizieren zu können. / The current thesis investigates the Impact Factor (IF) in scientific journals and its consequences for scientometric considerations. The results are: The Impact Factor is a value for Journals listed in the Science Citation Index, which show the average degree of acquaintance in the scientific community. It is much less a sign of quality than often believed. The IF is highly determined by the degree of the extent of the SCI. The Impact Factor is also, to a considerable degree determined by the availability of the cited sources. Methodological the IF depends strongly on the topical adjustment of the SCI. A linear correlation, found by R. Rousseau and G.V. Hooydonk (1996) between the Impact Factor and the number of papers per journal, is only valid in the analysed range of 0.5 - 3 examined by these authors. At higher IF values it comes to a flattening, and for values greater 7 even to a reversal of the curve. There is an annual increase of the Impact Factor in the SCI, in which the annual rate is rising as higher the IF is. More exact analyses have shown that the increase had an upper of 0.42, at the investigated time. Impact factors of Journals and prices for their relations depend only on a weak statistic from each other. Whether Journal is acquired, depends by far more strongly on the citations, which meets these magazines on itself. The IF rises with the number of copies of magazines if these already exhibit a higher IF. A clear separation between a cause and effect cannot be recognized here. It would be both possible that Journals with high IF experience increased demand, so that the copy number thereby rises and that the IF rises, because the Journal enjoys a high interest. Scientific authors are under pressure to publish in journals with Ifs as high as possible. The higher this general pressure is the smaller is the probability for an author to publish in such journals repeatedly. Exceptions are the publishers or editors of these Journals.
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Selective legal aspects of bank demand guaranteesKelly-Louw, Michelle 31 October 2008 (has links)
Bank demand guarantees have become an established part of international trade. Demand
guarantees, standby letters of credit and commercial letters of credit are all treated as
autonomous contracts whose operation will not be interfered with by courts on grounds
immaterial to the guarantee or credit itself. The idea in the documentary credit
transaction/demand guarantee transaction is that if the documents (where applicable) presented
are in line with the terms of the credit/guarantee the bank has to pay, and if the documents do
not correspond to the requirements, the bank must not pay.
However, over the years a limited number of exceptions to the autonomy principle of demand
guarantees and letters of credit have come to be acknowledged and accepted in practice. In
certain circumstances, the autonomy of demand guarantees and letters of credit may be ignored
by the bank and regard may be had to the terms and conditions of the underlying contract. The
main exceptions concern fraud and illegality in the underlying contract. In this thesis a great
deal of consideration has been given to fraud and illegality as possible grounds on which
payment under demand guarantees and letters of credit have been attacked (and sometimes
even prevented) in the English, American and South African courts. It will be shown that the
prospect of success depends on the law applicable to the demand guarantee and letter of credit,
and the approach a court in a specific jurisdiction takes.
At present, South Africa has limited literature on demand guarantees, and the case law
regarding the grounds upon which payment under a demand guarantee might be prevented is
scarce and often non-existent. In South Africa one finds guidance by looking at similar South
African case law dealing with commercial and standby letters of credit and applying these
similar principles to demand guarantees. The courts, furthermore, find guidance by looking at
how other jurisdictions, in particular the English courts, deal with these issues. Therefore, how
the South African courts currently deal/should be dealing/probably will be dealing with the
unfair and fraudulent calling of demand guarantees/letters of credit is discussed in this thesis. / Jurisprudence / LL.D
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Selective legal aspects of bank demand guaranteesKelly-Louw, Michelle 31 October 2008 (has links)
Bank demand guarantees have become an established part of international trade. Demand
guarantees, standby letters of credit and commercial letters of credit are all treated as
autonomous contracts whose operation will not be interfered with by courts on grounds
immaterial to the guarantee or credit itself. The idea in the documentary credit
transaction/demand guarantee transaction is that if the documents (where applicable) presented
are in line with the terms of the credit/guarantee the bank has to pay, and if the documents do
not correspond to the requirements, the bank must not pay.
However, over the years a limited number of exceptions to the autonomy principle of demand
guarantees and letters of credit have come to be acknowledged and accepted in practice. In
certain circumstances, the autonomy of demand guarantees and letters of credit may be ignored
by the bank and regard may be had to the terms and conditions of the underlying contract. The
main exceptions concern fraud and illegality in the underlying contract. In this thesis a great
deal of consideration has been given to fraud and illegality as possible grounds on which
payment under demand guarantees and letters of credit have been attacked (and sometimes
even prevented) in the English, American and South African courts. It will be shown that the
prospect of success depends on the law applicable to the demand guarantee and letter of credit,
and the approach a court in a specific jurisdiction takes.
At present, South Africa has limited literature on demand guarantees, and the case law
regarding the grounds upon which payment under a demand guarantee might be prevented is
scarce and often non-existent. In South Africa one finds guidance by looking at similar South
African case law dealing with commercial and standby letters of credit and applying these
similar principles to demand guarantees. The courts, furthermore, find guidance by looking at
how other jurisdictions, in particular the English courts, deal with these issues. Therefore, how
the South African courts currently deal/should be dealing/probably will be dealing with the
unfair and fraudulent calling of demand guarantees/letters of credit is discussed in this thesis. / Jurisprudence / LL.D
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Les dates de naissance des créances / Dates of origination of claimsNoirot, Renaud 28 November 2013 (has links)
C’est le droit des entreprises en difficulté qui a permis de mettre en évidence la complexité que pouvait revêtir la détermination de la date de naissance des créances. Or, celle-ci apparaît fondamentale en droit privé. Constituant le critère d’application de certains mécanismes juridiques, elle incarne l’existence de la créance et représente dès lors un enjeu pour toute règle de droit ayant celle-ci pour objet ou pour condition. Deux courants doctrinaux s’opposent, la thèse classique fixe la date de naissance au stade de la formation du contrat, tandis que des thèses modernes la fixent au stade de l’exécution du contrat. La thèse matérialiste, fondée sur le droit des entreprises en difficultés, fait naître la créance de prix au fur et à mesure de l’exécution de la contre-prestation. La thèse périodique, reposant sur une réflexion doctrinale quant aux contrats à exécution successive, fait renaître toutes les créances du contrat à chaque période contractuelle. L’examen des thèses moderne à l’aune des mécanismes juridique qui ne peuvent qu’incarner la véritable date de naissance de l’authentique créance aboutit à leur invalidité. La thèse classique se trouve donc à nouveau consacrée. Mais la résistance que lui oppose le droit des entreprises en difficulté ne peut reposer sur la technique d’une fiction juridique, car d’autres manifestations du même phénomène peuvent être mises en évidence en dehors de ce domaine. Un changement de paradigme s’impose donc pour résoudre le hiatus. Derrière ce phénomène persistant se cache en réalité une autre vision, une autre conception de la créance, la créance économique qui vient s’articuler avec la créance juridique dans le système de droit privé pour le compléter. La dualité des dates de naissance recèle donc en son sein une dualité du concept de créance lui-même, la créance juridique classique et la créance économique. La créance économique n’est pas un droit subjectif personnel. Elle n’est pas la créance juridique. Elle n’est pas autonome de la créance juridique et ne doit pas être confondue avec une créance née d’un cas d’enrichissement sans cause. La créance économique représente la valeur produite par le contrat au fur et à mesure de l’exécution de sa prestation caractéristique. Elle permet de corriger l’application ordinaire du concept de créance juridique par en assurant la fonction de corrélation des produits et des charges d’un bien ou d’une activité. Ses domaines d’application sont divers. Outre son utilisation dans les droits comptable et fiscal, la créance économique permet la détermination de la quotité cédée dans le cadre d’une cession de contrat, la détermination du gage constitué par un patrimoine d’affectation dans le cadre de la communauté légale, de l’EIRL ou encore de la fiducie, ainsi que la détermination du passif exempté de la discipline d’une procédure collective. Dans ces domaines, ce n’est donc pas la date de naissance de la créance juridique qui s’applique, mais la date de naissance de la créance économique. La cohérence du système de droit privé se trouve donc ainsi restaurée quant à la date de naissance de la créance. / It is the laws governing companies experiencing difficulties which have revealed the complexity of determining the dates of the origination of the claims. And yet this appears to be fundamental in private law. As it constitutes the criterion for implementing certain legal mechanisms, it epitomizes the existence of the claim and hence represents a challenge for any rule of law in which the existence of this claim is a goal or condition. There are two conflicting doctrinal currents: the traditional approach sets the date of origination at the stage of the formation of the contract, while modern approaches situate it at the stage of the execution of the contract. The materialistic approach, based on the law governing companies experiencing difficulties, staggers the origination of the price debt over the period of the execution of the service. The periodical approach, which relies on a doctrinal reflection on successive execution contracts, is that of the re-origination of all the claims under the contract at each contractual period. An examination of the modern approaches, under the auspices of the legal mechanisms which can only epitomize the true date of origination of the authentic claim leads to the invalidity thereof. The traditional approach is therefore once again consecrated. But the resistance constituted by the laws governing companies in difficulty cannot rely on the technique of legal fiction, because other manifestations of the same phenomenon can be identified outside this domain. Therefore, a change of paradigm is in order if the hiatus is to be resolved. Behind this persistent phenomenon lies in fact another vision, another concept of the claim: the economic claim which, interwoven with the legal claim in the private law system, supplements it. The duality of the dates of origination therefore conceals in its bosom the duality of the very concept of a claim, the traditional legal claim and the economic claim. The economic claim is not a subjective personal right. It is not a legal claim. It is not autonomous of the legal claim and must not be confused with a claim originating in a case of unwarranted enrichment. The economic claim represents the value produced by the contract as the service which characterizes it is provided. It permits the rectification of the ordinary application of the concept of legal claim by ensuring the function of correlating the proceeds with the costs of a commodity or an activity. Its domains of application are varied. In addition to its use in accounting and fiscal law, the economic claim permits the determination of the portion transferred in the context of the transfer of a contract, the determination of the collateral consisting in a special-purpose fund in the context of a legal joint estate, a limited liability individual contractor or a trust, as well as the determination of the liabilities which escape the discipline of collective proceedings. In these domains, it is therefore not the date of origination of the legal claim which applies, but the date of origination of the economic claim. The coherence of the private law system is therefore restored as concerns the date of the origination of the claim.
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