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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contextual pedagogy : the didactics of pedagogical emancipation within the context of disempowered and marginalised societies

Pfaffe, Joachim Friedrich 03 1900 (has links)
The thesis deals with the theoretic concept of Contextual Pedagogy and its application in the context of a disempowered and marginalized society, the Ju/'hoansi ("Bushmen") of Nyae Nyae in North Eastern Namibia. Contextual Pedagogy derives from the notion of Contextual Theology and is thus initially based on a pedagogical analysis of the KAI ROS-Document, whereby its sociopolitical content and its inherent methodology are being transferred into a context of pedagogy. Referring to theoretical concepts of Critical Theory and Liberation Pedagogy, Conditional Fields are being identified in a first analysis which determine and explain the pedagogical situation in a colonial context of Apartheid South Africa. During a three-year qualitative field research, central aspects of Contextual Pedagogy are being applied within the framework of the development of a post-colonial and community-based school programme in Nyae Nyae, the Village Schools Project. This school programme comprises a curriculum for a teacher training course as well as a curriculum for Grade 1-3 learners in five selected villages of Nyae Nyae, and is based on the dynamic processes between the communities, the Student Teachers and the author as their Teacher Trainer and Village Schools Co-ordinator. A further theoretical evaluation and reflexion of the field research gives rise to a pedagogical superstructure of Contextual Pedagogy, which also investigates the notions of power, empowerment and over-empowerment within a context of development work. By doing so, the previous Conditional Fields of pedagogic work within a theoretical framework of Contextual Pedagogy become extended in relevance for a pedagogical context of a post-colonial society with special reference to marginalized subjects. In conclusion, the finalization of the research project and its subsequent handing-over process to the Namibian government analyzes the paralyzing effects of an excessive bureaucracy, and the resurgence of conservative and colonial thought in the young and fragile democracy of Namibia. / Educational Studies / D.Ed.(Didactics)
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Production and Products of Preschool Documentation : Entanglements of children, things, and templates / Produktion och produkter av dokumentation i förskolan : Sammanflätningar av barn, ting och mallar

Elfström Pettersson, Katarina January 2017 (has links)
The objective of the present study is to produce knowledge about how children, things, documents, computers, teachers, templates and other entities take part in and produce documentation in preschool systematic quality development work. The thesis asks questions about how and what is produced as quality in preschool documentation. Through a posthumanist agential realist approach, the study engages empirically in video recordings of preschool documentation practices from one Swedish preschool, and in documentation from four other Swedish preschools. The results, presented in four articles, show that documentation practice is complex and entangled with a variety of entities, human and non-human, and spaces and time. The study shows how children’s participation in production of documentation does not depend on which documentation method is used. In the study, objects such as computers, images and coloured labels, together with teachers’ attitudes and agendas, have an impact on the way that children are involved in producing documentation. The results also show that the products of documentation, intra-acting with a local template, with past and present preschool traditions and policies, produce rather than represent certain elements of quality such as teachers’ actions, children’s interests and thematic work. The thesis produces knowledge about how the focus of preschool documentation shifts away from individual children and towards teachers’ activities, and creates possibilities for what preschool practices and quality may become. / Syftet med föreliggande studie är att producera kunskap om hur barn, ting, dokument, datorer, lärare, mallar och andra entiteter deltar i och producerar dokumentation i förskolans systematiska kvalitetsarbete. I avhandlingen ställs frågor om hur och vad som produceras som kvalitet i dokumentation i förskolan. Utifrån det posthumanistiska perspektivet agentisk realism, skapas empiriskt material med hjälp av videoinspelningar från en svensk förskolas dokumentationspraktik och dokumentation från fyra andra svenska förskolor. Resultaten presenteras i fyra artiklar och visar att dokumentationspraktiken är komplex och sammanflätad med en mängd olika entiteter, mänskliga och icke-mänskliga, samt med plats och tid. Studien visar hur barns delaktighet i att producera dokumentation inte enbart styrs av den dokumentationsmetod som används. I studien har ting som datorer, bilder och färgade etiketter, tillsammans med lärarnas attityder och agendor, inverkan på det sätt som barn är delaktiga i att producera dokumentation. Resultaten visar också att dokumentationen, i intra-aktion med en lokal mall, med tidigare och rådande traditioner och styrdokument för förskolan, producerar snarare än representerar specifika aspekter av kvalitet, såsom förskollärares aktivitet, barns intressen och tematiskt arbete. Avhandlingen ger kunskap om hur fokus för dokumentation i förskolan förskjuts från enskilda barn mot förskollärares aktivitet, samtidigt som dokumentationen skapar nya möjligheter för vad förskolans verksamhet och kvalitet kan bli.
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Kamp för bygden : En etnologisk studie av lokalt utvecklingsarbete

Forsberg, Anette January 2010 (has links)
When collective action for community is defined as local development or as a struggle for survival different understandings are in focus. Politically, this kind of community action is defined as local development and understood in terms of growth and economics. An economic approach to community action is also emphasised in the EU-programmes that support local development groups and projects. On the other hand local groups describe their activities as a struggle for community and community survival. Inspired by feministic research approaches and with an interest in human aspects and values this study investigates meanings of community action as experienced and expressed by rural inhabitants and activists. The study is based on fieldwork that was carried out in a small rural community in the northern inlands of Sweden: Trehörningsjö. Since the middle of the 1990s, the women in Trehörningsjö have driven collective action to uphold the community. With its point of departure in the community and expanding into the arenas of reserach and politics, the study takes on the form of a reflexive research process in which the researcher's former knowledge and new understandings are made visible and discussed parallel with the interpretations made. The main focus of the study is the activist's demand of voice, visibility and worth. The first chapter presents the local community and provides a background to the study. The chapter includes an account of the reflexive approach that widened the field of research from a local to a translocal study of community action. In chapters two, three, four and five the struggle for community is reflected through fieldwork experiences in Trehörningsjö and other arenas beyond the village. Situated events and instances of collective action such as the fight for the local health care centre, are analysed as symbolic expressions of community values and rural importance. From chapter two and onwards, the study follows the footsteps of the leading female activist in and beyond the community itself; that is, the day-to-day work, meetings, conferences and other places where community action is acted out. The struggle for community is proven to focus on translocal rather than local action. In chapter six the fieldwork experiences - that tell about resistance and a struggle for community values and perspectives - are placed in the wider context of the rural development movement, local development research and governmental rural policy in Sweden. On all these arenas community action tend to be interpreted as local development in line with a growth perspective, rather than as community protests and struggles that expresses other meanings. Chapter seven takes the analyses and discussion further, and relates community struggle to concepts such as civil society and social economy. Anthony Giddens concept of life politics and Alberto Meluccis concept of collective action are used to deepen the analysis on how humane meanings and relation based aspects of community action are made invisible on the political "growht and development" agenda. Community struggle presents a possibility for rural inhabitants to (re)define and reclaim their community and themselves as important and valuable. However, to be able to understand what the concept of community struggle expresses, and demands, it needs to be acknowledged as a form of action that has the potential to challenge established bureaucratic and political defintions, which, in practice, proves to be difficult.
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Contextual pedagogy : the didactics of pedagogical emancipation within the context of disempowered and marginalised societies

Pfaffe, Joachim Friedrich 03 1900 (has links)
The thesis deals with the theoretic concept of Contextual Pedagogy and its application in the context of a disempowered and marginalized society, the Ju/'hoansi ("Bushmen") of Nyae Nyae in North Eastern Namibia. Contextual Pedagogy derives from the notion of Contextual Theology and is thus initially based on a pedagogical analysis of the KAI ROS-Document, whereby its sociopolitical content and its inherent methodology are being transferred into a context of pedagogy. Referring to theoretical concepts of Critical Theory and Liberation Pedagogy, Conditional Fields are being identified in a first analysis which determine and explain the pedagogical situation in a colonial context of Apartheid South Africa. During a three-year qualitative field research, central aspects of Contextual Pedagogy are being applied within the framework of the development of a post-colonial and community-based school programme in Nyae Nyae, the Village Schools Project. This school programme comprises a curriculum for a teacher training course as well as a curriculum for Grade 1-3 learners in five selected villages of Nyae Nyae, and is based on the dynamic processes between the communities, the Student Teachers and the author as their Teacher Trainer and Village Schools Co-ordinator. A further theoretical evaluation and reflexion of the field research gives rise to a pedagogical superstructure of Contextual Pedagogy, which also investigates the notions of power, empowerment and over-empowerment within a context of development work. By doing so, the previous Conditional Fields of pedagogic work within a theoretical framework of Contextual Pedagogy become extended in relevance for a pedagogical context of a post-colonial society with special reference to marginalized subjects. In conclusion, the finalization of the research project and its subsequent handing-over process to the Namibian government analyzes the paralyzing effects of an excessive bureaucracy, and the resurgence of conservative and colonial thought in the young and fragile democracy of Namibia. / Educational Studies / D.Ed.(Didactics)
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Tänka om tänka nytt, vad blir viktigt på riktigt? : En vetenskaplig essä om utvecklingsarbete i förskolan / Think again, think new- what becomes important? : A scientific essay about development work within preschools

Wallin, Erika January 2021 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen handlar om utveckling och utvecklingsarbete på förskolan. Utveckling är ett välanvänt begrepp på förskolor runt om i Sverige. Det är begrepp  som ofta används utan större eftertanke. Vad innebär egentligen utveckling och hur utvecklas något eller någon?  I min uppsats undersöker jag faktorer som upplevs påverka utvecklingsarbetet i förskolans utbildning. Syftet med uppsatsen är att upptäcka små och stora aspekter som gör skillnad, för individen och för helheten i förskolans utvecklingsarbete. Mina forskningsfrågor är följande: – Vad innebär fenomenet utvecklingsarbete i förskolans utbildning?  – Vilka möjligheter/svårigheter ser erfarna förskollärare i ett utvecklingsarbete? – Vilka faktorer påverkar utvecklingsprocessen? – Vilka former av praktisk och teoretisk kunskap krävs för att ett utvecklingsarbete ska ske? Empirin består av berättelser från min egen vardag, om upplevelser och tankar som genom åren kommit och gått. För att få perspektiv på det jag tror mig veta möter jag erfarna förskollärare, jag sitter med i olika samtalsforum samt träffar en fokusgrupp. Genom mina samtal och genom läsning av vetenskapliga och litterära texter uppmärksammar jag olika aspekter på utveckling och utvecklingsarbete i förskolan.  Min undersökning visar att utvecklingsarbete är ett komplext fenomen. Små faktorer kan påverka om utveckling sker eller inte. Det finns faktorer som kan hjälpa till i ett utvecklingsarbete, men även faktorer som kan stjälpa ett utvecklingsarbete. Det finns ingen snabb lösning för att utveckling ska ske, det är en lång process som kräver ett engagemang från alla. Genom att uppmärksamma dessa aspekter kan vi förändra och utveckla vår förskolas utbildning mycket lättare. Att arbeta tillsammans kan vara en utmaning, men är även förskolans styrka. Vi behöver ta hjälp av varandra och arbeta tillsammans för att utveckling ska ske. Utveckling sker till stor del i vårt handlande, men det är inte vårt handlande som vi uppmärksammar och fokuserar på. Uppsatsen är indelad i fyra kapitel som visar på utvecklingsarbetets komplexitet: kultur, administrationsarbete, tillit och praktisk kunskap. / This essay is about development and developmental work within preschools. Development is a well-acclaimed term within preschools in Sweden. A term usually used without much thought. What does development really mean and how does something or someone develop? In this essay I will investigate factors which are considered to have an influence on developmental work within the preschool’s educational system. The purpose of this essay is to discover small and large aspects that makes a difference for, both the individual and for the preschools, education in a developmental work. My research questions are as follows: -          What does the phenomenon of development work mean for the preschool’s education? -          What opportunities/difficulties does experienced preschool teachers see within a developmental work? -          What factors influences the development process?  -          Which forms of practical and theoretical knowledge is demanded for a development work to proceed?  This empiricism consists of stories from my own daily life, about experiences and thoughts that through the years have come and gone. To gain a perspective on my experiences, I  participate in a couple of different discussion forums and I also see a focus group. Throughout my conversations and through reading scientific and literary texts, I draw attention to various aspects on development and development work within preschools. My research shows that development work is a complex phenomenon. Small factors can affect whether development takes place or not. There are factors that can help in a development work, but also factors that can overturn it. There is no quick fix for development to take place, it is a long process that requires commitment from everyone. By paying attention to these aspects, we can change and develop our preschool education much more easily. Working together can be a challenge, but it is also the strength of preschools. We need to support each other and work together for development to take place. Development takes place largely in our present actions rather than in the administrative work. The essay is divided into four chapters that show the complexity of the development work: culture, administration work, trust and practical knowledge.
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Lean i mindre skala : En inblick i hantverksyrket guldsmed / Lean on a smaller scale : An insight into the goldsmith trade

Rafstedt, Josefine, Johansson, Rasmus January 2023 (has links)
Lean är ett arbetssätt som myntades av Toyota på 1950-talet och som vanligtvis är förknippat med stora tillverkande industriföretag. Den amerikanska universitetsprofessorn Jeffrey K. Liker sammanfattade leans arbetsmetodik med fjorton principer i den storsäljande boken The Toyota Way. I detta arbete undersöktes det hur applicerbara de fjorton principerna är på småskaliga tillverkningsföretag. Projektet avgränsades till småskaliga tillverkningsföretag inom guldsmedsbranschen med maximalt 10 anställda. Undersökningen påbörjades med en enkät som skickades ut till experter inom området lean, med avsikt att urskilja de principer som var mest tillämpbara för småskaliga tillverkningsföretag. Därifrån valdes principerna 3, 6, 7, 10, 12 och 14 ut som mest relevanta för småskaliga tillverkningsföretag. En litteraturstudie utfördes sedan för att hitta information om de utvalda principerna och som komplement till teorin intervjuades även en expert inom området lean. Tre guldsmeder i Stockholmsområdet intervjuades angående deras arbete medan arbetsstationerna och arbetsytorna inspekterades. Intervjuerna resulterade i hur guldsmederna arbetar i praktiken vilket kompletterade de teoretiska resonemangen kring lean och dess applicerbarhet i småskaliga tillverkningsföretag. Arbetet resulterade i slutsatsen att småskaliga tillverkningsföretag generellt arbetar med värderingar och ambitioner som påminner starkt om lean trots att ordet lean, och många andra beskrivande tekniska termer, inte var igenkännbara av guldsmederna själva. Ovannämnda principer kunde även framhävas och rekommenderas som intressanta för småskaliga tillverkningsföretag att förkovra sig i och applicera på sin verksamhet. / Lean is a working structure that was created initially by Toyota in the 1950s and is usually associated with large industrial manufacturing companies. The american university professor Jeffrey K. Liker summarized the lean work methodology with fourteen principles in the best-selling book The Toyota Way. In this paper it was investigated how applicable the fourteen principles are with respect to small-scale manufacturing companies. The project was limited to small-scale manufacturing companies with up to 10 employees within the goldsmith industry. The research began with a survey that got sent out to experts in the field of lean to discern the principles that were most applicable to small-scale manufacturing companies. Based on the survey the principles 3, 6, 7, 10, 12 and 14 were selected as most relevant to small scale manufacturing companies. A theory survey was then carried out to find information about the selected principles, and as a complement to the theory, an expert in the field of lean was also interviewed. Three goldsmiths based in Stockholm were interviewed regarding their work and at the same time the workstations and work surfaces were inspected. The interviews resulted in knowledge about how the goldsmiths worked in practice which strengthened the theoretical reasoning around lean and its applicability in small-scale manufacturing companies. The work resulted in the conclusion that small-scale manufacturing companies generally work with values and ambitions that strongly resemble lean even though the word lean, and many other descriptive technical terms, were not recognizable to the goldsmiths themselves. The above-mentioned principles could also be highlighted and recommended as interesting for small-scale manufacturing companies to engage in.
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Zeitschrift zur interdisziplinären Organisationsentwicklung - Beiträge aus Wissenschaft und Praxis

Kunze, Matthias, Seeling, Thomas, Höhnel, Anne 05 March 2012 (has links)
Durch den rasanten wirtschaftlichen, kulturellen und sozialen Wandel im Zuge der Globalisierung verändern sich die Bedingungen unter denen Unternehmen produzieren grundlegend. Weltweite Konkurrenz um innovative Produkte, globale Absatzmärkte, flexible Fertigungsnetzwerke sowie internationale Kooperationen sind zentrale Kennzeichen neuer Arbeits- und Produktionswelten. Die Zeitschrift zur interdisziplinären Organisationsentwicklung, kurz ZIO, greift die vielschichtigen Probleme des sozialen Wandels in Organisationen auf. Ihr geht es um eine theoretisch fundierte, disziplinübergreifende Analyse von Organisationskulturen und um den Transfer der Erkenntnisse in die Praxis. Demnach richtet sich die Zeitschrift nicht nur an Forschende, sondern soll ferner auch eine Handreichung für Betriebspraktiker sein. Ziel ist es, eine Vertrautheit mit den spezifischen Problemlagen in Organisationen herzustellen und Unternehmen so zu befähigen, sich adäquat auf Veränderungen einstellen zu können.

Eine interdisziplinäre Annäherung an betriebliches Vertrauen

Kunze, Matthias, Seeling, Thomas 01 August 2012 (has links)
Vertrauen ist zentrales Element menschlichen Lebens und Arbeitens. Im Alltagserleben wird sichtbar, dass der Aufbau von Vertrauen Zeit, Kraft und Geduld erfordert, wohingegen der Verlust von Vertrauen sich schlagartig einstellen kann. Die Folgen, mit denen sich Unternehmen im Falle eines Vertrauensverlustes bei Mitarbeitern, Lieferanten oder Kunden konfrontiert sehen, können enormen wirtschaftlichen Schaden und den Verlust eines Marktvorsprungs zur Folge haben. Die wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen der Psychologie, Soziologie und Betriebswirtschaft analysieren das Phänomen Vertrauen aus verschiedenen Forschungsperspektiven mit je unterschiedlichem Erkenntnisinteresse. Da sich der Begriff also einer einheitlichen Begriffsbestimmung entzieht, wird versucht ihn über die Schnittmengen dieser verschiedenen Betrachtungsweisen näher zu bestimmen. Darüber hinaus werden Aspekte von Vertrauen beschrieben, die für die Entstehung einer belastbaren Vertrauenskultur in den drei Kulturdimensionen (interpersonal, intraorganisational, interorganisational) von Unternehmen relevant sein können. Die Aufarbeitung und Systematisierung des Forschungsstandes wurde dabei mit dem Ziel vorgenommen, Hinweise auf vertrauensfördernde und vertrauenshemmende Faktoren zu destillieren, letztlich also zur Beantwortung der Fragen nach Bedingungen für die Entstehung, Gewährung und Aufrechterhaltung von Vertrauensbeziehungen in betrieblichen Organisationseinheiten beitragen zu können.:1. Hinführung 1.1 Vertrauen aus soziologischer Sicht 1.2 Vertrauen aus psychologischer Sicht 1.3 Vertrauen aus wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Sicht 1.4 Schnittmengen des Vertrauensbegriffs aus soziologischer, psychologischer und wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Betrachtungsweise 2. Vertrauen in Unternehmen 2.1 Bedeutung von Vertrauen in Unternehmen 2.2 Forschungsstand zum Thema Vertrauenskultur 2.3 Betriebliches Vertrauen in der interpersonalen Kulturdimension 2.3.1 Vertrauensbeziehungen zwischen Vorgesetzten und Mitarbeitern sowie innerhalb der Belegschaft 2.3.2 Vertrauensbeziehungen zwischen Vorgesetzten und Mitarbeitern während Veränderungsprozessen 2.4 Vertrauen von Mitarbeitern in die Gesamtorganisation (Systemvertrauen) 2.5 Betriebliches Vertrauen in der interorganisationalen Kulturdimension – Vertrauensbeziehungen zwischen Unternehmenspartnern sowie Kunden und Lieferanten
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