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Idrottsvanor bland ungdomar : En kartläggning över föreningsidrott och spontanidrottBeijar, Per January 2014 (has links)
This master thesis examines sport habits among young people and a view of their future in sports. Research has shown that the majority of youth leave sport clubs during adolescence. The thesis questions were: How physically active are young people? Which sports do they practice? Regarding their future in sports, what kind of aspirations do the young people have? Are there any barriers that could complicate their involvement in these activities? These questions were examined by analyzing if there were any differences between boys and girls, youth in different grades and youth with Swedish or foreign backgrounds. Pierre Bourdieu´s theoretical framework about sports and economic capital has been used as a research framework. 248 students (6th to 9th grade) in Umeå answered a survey about their sport habits. The results showed that many adolescents participate in sports activities. Participation in sport clubs decreased with age, which lead to the fact that many young people do not meet the recommendation from WHO (2010) of one hour of physical exercise each day. Sport capital was an important factor for physical practice, while economic capital was important within sport clubs but not outside. Half of the studied population wanted to exercise more frequently but there were several factors that prevented them. The different groups that were analyzed showed varying results, especially about their habits within sport clubs. This study confirms research about drop-out during adolescence which could lead to large challenges for sport clubs and decision makers within sports in the future.
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Att leva som man tror : – en kvantitativ sekundäranalys av sambanden mellan vänskap och samhällsengagemang i relation till socialt kapital och religiöst kapital hos unga i Sverige.Sörner, Christine January 2021 (has links)
The expression “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know” is a core summary of the established knowledge about social capital (Woolcock & Narayan, 2000, s.225). Since social capital has been shown to provide benefits for both the individual and community, this study aims to examine how young people in Sweden relate to friendships and civic engagement. The study is carried out through quantitative analyses of a survey from 2014, that was published in the book "Unga och religion: Troende, ointresserade eller neutrala" (Klingenberg & Lövheim, 2019, s.203-213). Groups of young people are divided first based on how they describe their upbringing conditions from a social perspective, second based on the young people's approach to religion and religiosity. Furthermore, the study examines possible connections between the respondents’ social background, friendship, social commitment, and non-profit involvement. The theoretical concepts of social capital and religious capital will be described, and then used in order to shed light on the connections that are discovered. The aim of the study is to nuance the knowledge about young people's community involvement and the connections that can be defined with the help of the concepts of social capital and religious capital. In the results of this study, social capital is revealed in the relationships between young people’s friendships and their descriptions of upbringing conditions from a social perspective. Religious capital is revealed in the relationships between personal approach to religion and non-profit work, as well as between religious commitment and non-profit work. At the same time, there were no statistical connections either between social capital and non-profit work, or between religious capital and developed friendships, which was unexpected based on previous research and is a possible subject for further studies.
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Anställ mig, jag är nyexaminerad! : En studie om personalvetares upplevda anställningsbarhet / Hire me, I am newly graduated! : A study of HR students percevied employabilityCarlsson, Julia, Zanders, Andréa January 2021 (has links)
Employability is a concept that is highly relevant in relation to the labor market, also more attention is brought to the subject in today's society. How students become employable and the responsibility regarding the employability of the individual has shifted over time. The purpose of this essay was to gain more knowledge regarding the subject, that is what makes students employable. Furthermore, the goal was to achieve more knowledge about which factors the students thought were the most relevant in how they experience their own employability. We also wanted to investigate how they witness how well education matched the labor market's requirements. We choose to study how students from Human Resource program experience their own employability after they graduated. The study will therefore be focusing on students that have graduated within 1-2 years to get the best possible image of how they experience their own employability after graduating. The individuals who participated in this research were from two different universities, one university who had internships included in the study plan and one university that did not. The participants were a total of 6 graduates. The empirical material was built on a qualitative method, using qualitative semi-structures interviews. The result of the study showed how the factors that make students employable are many, but the three most current factors were, personality, education and experience. The results showed a big difference in how the students with internship experience their employability after they graduated, in comparison to the students without an internship in their study plan. Also how an education is mandatory to have a chance in today's competitive labor market.
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”I början kände jag mig som en främling” : En kvalitativ studie om vuxna nyanländas etablering på arbetsmarknaden och samhällsintegrering via fritidssektorn / "In the beginning I felt like a stranger” : A qualitative study of adult newcomers' establishment on the labor market and social integration through the leisure sectorSilfver, Emilia January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien har varit att genom en kvalitativ intervjuundersökning skapa förståelse för nyanlända vuxnas etableringssvårigheter på arbetsmarknaden och i det svenska samhället, samt granska hur fritidssektorn kan komma att agera som stöd i denna integrationsprocess. Med utgångspunkt i Prismas förberedelseprojekt Prisma Arbetsmarknad - en arbetsintegrerande fritidssektor, har fyra deltagare intervjuats där dem delat med sig av sina erfarenheter, upplevelser och åsikter om sina första år i Sverige som nyanländ, utifrån följande frågeställning: Vilka uppfattningar har nyanlända vuxna om Projektet Prismas metoder för att stötta deras integration till arbetslivet och hur upplever de att samhället överlag bidragit till deras integrationsprocess? Studien baseras på tidigare forskning som behandlar nyanländas etableringsproblematik, samt tre sociologiska teorier. De teorier som används är Pierre Bourdieus kapital- och fältteori, Randall Collins teori om interaktionsritualer och emotionell energi, samt Jürgen Habermas teori om system och livsvärld. Resultatet visar på att informanterna upplevde sin första tid i Sverige som väldigt påfrestande, där deras vardag präglas av en låg sysselsättningsgrad eller ingen sysselsättning. Brist på sociala interaktioner visade sig ha negativa effekter på individens mentala hälsa. Genom deltagande i projekt Prisma Arbetsmarknad sysselsätts nyanlända och deras livsvärld stärks genom interaktionsritualer som ökar deras emotionella energi och även handlingsutrymme och förmåga. Detta bidrar till att deras sociala kapital utökas genom fler kontakter men också förmågan att ta kontakt.
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“Där jag fann min plats."- En studie om fotbollshuliganism i Stockholm / “Where I found my place”.- A study about football hooliganism in StockholmGonzalez, Sebastian, Snygg Hansson, Elias January 2023 (has links)
This study is about the factors that motivate individuals to engage in football hooliganism in Stockholm, Sweden. These individuals are often seen as problem makers and a threat to Swedish football. The aim of this study was to increase the understanding and knowledge about the phenomenon of football hooliganism in Sweden. The question that has been answered is: What motivates individuals to engage in organized football hooliganism, and examine how these factors can be understood from Pierre Bourdieu's theory about habitus and capital?. Through this we hope to provide further knowledge about this phenomenon and understanding of why some individuals are drawn to this form of supporter culture. The method used for this study was semi-structured-interviews with former hooligans and the interviews were analyzed using thematic analysis. We found that there are five main themes that are correlated to why individuals are drawn into football hooliganism and motivated to engage in the phenomenon. These are Belonging, togetherness, community and friendship, Life experiences and social environment, Respect and status, Violence and the “Kick” and The feelings for the football club. We also found that these themes can be explained through Bourdieu's theory about habitus and capital. This study has shown that there are some central themes, or aspects to help explain why individuals are drawn into football hooliganism that are related to motivation and Pierre Bourdies theory about habitus and capital.
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Coolhetens Kapital : Habitus i Skateboard-världenSchönqvist, Oliver January 2022 (has links)
I denna uppsats söker jag svar på vad coolhet innebär för skateboardåkare i Stockholm. Syftet med studien är att ta reda på hur skateboardåkare förstår sig själva och sin omgivning. I uppsatsen diskuteras hur symboliskt kapital skapas genom ett förkroppsligande av idéer förknippade med begreppet cool. Empirin består av material som samlats in från observationer och intervjuer av skateboardåkare i Stockholm under våren 2022, samt skateboardmedia, vilken undersöks noggrannare med hjälp av de antropologiska begreppen habitus och kulturellt kapital.
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Socialt kapital och dess effekter på akademisk prestation : En intervjustudie om hur lärare uppfattar elevers skolprestation i segregerade skolor.Rage, Mona, Karimberdieva, Esma January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker fenomenet skolsegregation och dess konsekvenser för elevernas akademiska prestationer, med fokus på lärarnas perspektiv. Genom kvalitativ forskning utforskar studien hur segregation påverkar elevernas akademiska prestationer och det sociala kapitalets roll i att forma deras framgång. Pierre Bourdieus och James Colemans teoretiska ramverk används för att förstå samhälleliga strukturer och deras effekter på individuella resultat. Resultaten identifierar flera faktorer som bidrar till skolsegregation, inklusive bostadssegregation, fritt skolval och spridningen av fristående skolor. Segregation i skolor observeras genom språkliga barriärer och socioekonomiska faktorer som hindrar akademiska framsteg. Dessutom påverkar föräldrars utbildning, socioekonomisk status och habitus avsevärt akademiska prestationer. Lärare lyfter fram den genomgripande karaktären av skolsegregation som en social fråga som vidmakthåller orättvisor, särskilt som drabbar utsatta elevgrupper. Studien understryker vikten av att säkerställa rättvis tillgång till utbildning, och betonar behovet av att ta itu med denna samhälleliga utmaning.
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Pierre BourdieuHeitzmann, Daniela 25 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Pierre Bourdieu (1930–2002) war ein französischer Ethnologe und Soziologe, der von 1981 bis 2001 einen Lehrstuhl für Soziologie am Collège de France innehatte. Sein zentrales Erkenntnisinteresse richtete Bourdieu auf die Beständigkeit der sozialen Verhältnisse, deren zentralen Mechanismus er im Phänomen der symbolischen Gewalt fand. Bourdieu beschreibt dabei, wie in der sozialen Praxis über Akte des Klassifizierens Herrschafts- und Machtverhältnisse konstituiert und perpetuiert werden. Als Beispiel schlechthin für die symbolische Gewalt benennt Bourdieu die „Männliche Herrschaft“. Die Rezeption dieses Konzepts ist in der deutschsprachigen Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung bis heute jedoch eher zurückhaltend.
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Tidiga varningssignaler vid en konkurs : Vilka faktorer kännetecknar vägen till konkurs?Gashi, Liridona January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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När jag blir stor : Hur utbildade unga vuxna förhåller sig till och påverkas av arbetslöshet – En kvalitativ studie / When I grow up : How educated young adults relate and respond to unemployment - A qualitative studyNyvall, Gustav January 2012 (has links)
Ungdomsarbetslöshet är idag ett omfattande samhällsproblem och ett vanligt förekommande debattämne i media. Studiens fokus ligger på hur livsvillkoren för fyra unga vuxna i åldrarna 24-26 år ser ut i relation till deras arbetslöshet, eller blivande arbetslöshet, med utgångspunkt i deras specifika livssituationer. Den teoretiska inramning som använts i studien är baserad på socialt kapital, symboliskt kapital, kulturellt kapital, habitus, livsstilar samt livsplaner. Kvalitativa intervjuer med de fyra unga vuxna, vilka samtliga har någon form av erfarenhet av arbetslöshet, utgör studiens utgångspunkt. I analysen läggs fokus på hur de påverkas av samt hanterar sin livssituation i förhållande till arbetslösheten. Analysen visar att de unga vuxna inget hellre vill än att få ett fast arbete men att de upplever att de på grund av samhälleliga begränsningar och brist på lämpligt nätverk har svårt att finna ett sådant. Framgick gjorde även att de unga vuxna ställer höga krav på sig själva i fråga om att skaffa ett arbete medan de har låga krav på hjälpinsatser från omgivningens sida. / Youth unemployment is a serious social problem and a widely discussed topic in media. The study focuses on the living conditions of four young adults between the ages of 24-26 in their capacity of being unemployed, or living with a risk of being unemployed in a near future, viewed from the life situations of the young adults. The theoretical framework of the study is based on social capital, symbolic capital, cultural capital, habitus, lifestyles and life-planning. The study is based on qualitative interviews with four young adults all having some form of experience of unemployment. In the analysis focus is given to explain how the informants discuss their life situation in relation to unemployment. The analysis shows that the informants want nothing more than to get a permanent job but experience that they due to social limitations and lack of appropriate networks are having trouble finding such. What also appeared was that the informants have high demands on themselves to find a job whilst they have low demands on support from surrounding people.
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