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De nya riksdagspartierna och den politiska dagordningenEngblom, Gustav January 2009 (has links)
Engblom, Gustav (2009) De nya riksdagspartierna och den politiska dagordningen “The new parilament parties and the political agenda.” 1988 and 1991 the swedish parties Miljöpartiet, Ny demokrati and Kristdemokratiska samlingspartiet made it over the 4 percent threshold and successfully entered the Swedish parliament. Sweden was once described as one of the most stable political systems in the world, but the parliament elections of 1988 and 1991 showed that Sweden was no exception from the growing instability in west democratic political systems. The stability and instability that followed in the west democratic political systems is believed to be explained by the political parties’ efforts to adjust to changes in their political environment. This has lead them to cartelize and the cartel party is believed to prefer stability over triumph for various reasons. The established political parties are believed to be able to manipulate the political agenda in such a way that political topics that would have caused great turbulence in the political system, if debated, are kept away from the political agenda. This the cartel members do to reduce competition among each another. But these political topics can still cause turbulence in the political system if such an issue is actualized by a new party. This essay describes how established party’s propaganda correlates with media’s coverage of the same political issues and how this influence voter preferences. The essay also describes how established parliament parties deals with new parties that aspire to win seats in the Swedish parliament. The main conclusion is that media’s coverage has a huge impact on which questions are perceived to be important to the voters and that established parties do not gain from confronting new parties such as Sverigedemokraterna, if their goal is to keep Sverigedemokraterna from getting seats in the Swedish Parliament. It is instead better to “silence them to death.” However if a new party is ignored by the established parties, but manages to convince the public that a crisis will occur if nothing is done to improve current conditions, this strategy backfires, as it did in 1988 when Miljöpartiet became a parliament party. Keywords: political agenda; new parties; political instability; media; Sverigedemokraterna
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Vägen till lärarexamen : En undersökning av Uppsala universitets svensklärarutbildningWesterman, Tove January 2017 (has links)
Den svenska lärarutbildningen har under de senaste decennierna genomgått flertalet stora reformer som inneburit stora förändringar för både lärare och studenter. Den senaste reformen i ordningen implementerades under hösten 2011 och ledde till att det återigen finns fyra olika yrkesexamina inom lärarutbildningen: förskolelärare, grundskollärare, ämneslärare och yrkeslärare. Den här studien undersöker Uppsala universitets svensklärarutbildning efter hösten 2011 för blivande ämneslärare i svenska och hur väl den förbereder sina studenter för ett yrke som gymnasielärare. Detta undersöks dels genom en jämförande studie av Uppsala universitet respektive gymnasieskolans kurs- och ämnesplaner för svenskämnet och dels genom intervjuer av tidigare studenter som fått sin examen efter hösten 2011 från Uppsala universitet. Resultatet från den jämförande studien av ämnes- och kursplaner visar att det finns en diskrepans mellan det som Uppsala universitet lär ut och det som gymnasieskolorna efterfrågar inom områdena retorik, digital kompetens samt betyg och bedömning. Resultatet från intervjuerna visar på samma diskrepans som den jämförande studien men även att det finns en upplev distans mellan Universitetet och skolorna som informanterna pekar på som problematisk. Resultatet diskuteras slutligen ur olika perspektiv så som lärarutbildningens syfte, studenternas önskan samt gymnasieskolornas ansvar gentemot nyexaminerade lärare. Undersökningens slutsats blir att det finns en del att önska av Uppsala universitets svensklärarutbildning gällande ämneskunskaper samt samarbetet universitet och gymnasieskolor emellan.
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Reconstructing the Long-Term Mass Balance of Brewster Glacier, New Zealand, Using a Degree-Day ApproachPalmgren, Rikard January 2017 (has links)
Varmare klimat är något som kontinuerligt påverkar glaciärer planeten över och har under det senaste århundrandet vidtagit en global ökning av negativa massbalanser. Denna trend kan bidra till variationer i havsnivån och orsaka problem med översvämningar över hela världen. Övervakning och observation av världens glaciärer är därför väldigt viktigt och genom att skapa modeller som tillåter insyn i glaciärernas respons till atmosfärisk fluktuation går det att åstadkomma en djupare förståelse för hur den globala uppvärmningen kommer att utvecklas. I detta projektet återskapas massbalansen för Brewster Glacier, Nya Zeeland, för perioden 2005 – 2015 genom tillämpning av graddagar. Modellen har försetts med data från ett nyligen genomfört nedskalningsprojekt som har producerat atmosfäriska data för perioden 1979 – 2015 vilket tillåter modellen att köras. Resultaten som presenteras kommer att bidra till större inblick i graddags-modellen om huruvida tillvägagångssättet att använda enkel temperatur- och nederbördsdata är tillförlitligt för att porträttera massbalansen för glaciärer. / Warmer climate is something that is continuously affecting glaciers across the planet and has during the last century gained a global increase in negative mass balances. This trend has contributed to sea-level rise and had other impacts on water resources. Monitoring and observing the worlds glaciers is therefore very important and by creating models that allows insight in the glacier response to atmospheric fluctuation, it is possible to obtain deeper knowledge on how the global warming will develop. In this project, the mass balance of Brewster Glacier, New Zealand, is reconstructed for the period 2005 – 2015 using a degree-day approach. The input for the model has been obtained from a recent downscaling project that has produced atmospheric data over the period 1979 – 2015 that allows the model to run at a daily temporal resolution. The results presented are going to contribute to a greater insight in the degree-day model as to whether the approach of using simple air temperature and precipitation data are reliable to portray the mass balance of glaciers.
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Prostituerad, apostel, äktenskapsbryterska : En studie om hur Maria från Magdala gestaltats i tre moderna filmer med anspråk på att ha de bibliska berättelserna som utgångspunkt / Prostitute, apostle, adulteress : A study of Mary Magdalene’s role in three modern movies which claim to be based on biblical storiesÖstlund, Markus January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Grammatical gender in New GuineaSvärd, Erik January 2015 (has links)
The present study investigates the gender systems of 20 languages in the New Guinea region, an often overlooked area in typological research. The languages were classified with five criteria used by Di Garbo (2014) to classify gender systems of African languages. The results showed that the gender systems were diverse, although around half of the languages have two-gendered sex-based systems with semantic assignment, more than four gender-indexing targets, and no gender marking on nouns. The gender systems of New Guinea are remarkably representative of the world, although formal assignment is much less common. However, the gender systems of New Guinea and Africa are very different. The most significant difference isthe prevalence of non-sex-based gender systems and gender marking on nouns in Africa, whereas the opposite is true in New Guinea. However, gender in Africa is also less diverse largely due to the numerous Bantu languages. Finally, four typologically rare characteristics were found in the sample: (1) size and shape as important criteria of gender assignment, with large/long being masculine and small/short feminine, (2) the presence of two separate nominal classification systems, (3) no gender distinctions in pronouns, and (4) verbs as the most common indexing target. / Denna studie undersöker genussystemen hos 20 språk i Nya Guinea-regionen, vilken ofta förbises i typologisk forskning. Språken klassificerades utifrån fem kriterier som användes av Di Garbo (2014) för att klassificera genussystem i Afrika. Resultaten visade att genussystemen var varierade, men ungefär hälften av språken har könsbaserade genussystem med tvaå genus, semantisk genustilldelning, fler än fyra genusindex och ingen genusmarkering på substantiv. Genussystemen är anmärkningsvärt representativa för världen, men formell genustilldelning är mycket mindre vanlig. Jämfört med genussystemen i Afrika är dock Nya Guinea väldigt annorlunda. Den viktigaste skillnaden är den större utbredningen av icke-könsbaserade genussystem och genusmarkering på substantiv i Afrika, medan motsatsen gäller i Nya Guinea. Genus i Afrika är dock till stor del mindre varierat på grund av de talrika bantuspråken. Slutligen hittades fyra typologiskt sällsynta karaktärsdrag i urvalet: (1) storlek och form som viktiga kriterier för genustilldelning, där stort/långt är maskulint och litet/kort feminint, (2) närvaron av två separata nominalklassificeringssystem, (3) inga genusdistinktioner i pronomen och (4) verb som det vanligaste genusindexet.
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En dag i riksdagens Twitterrum : En språklig analys av samtliga riksdagsledamöters twittrande under 24 timmarÅberg, Mats E January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att beskriva riksdagsledamöternas twittrande och försöka lyfta framnågot av det som kännetecknar Twittermediet. Det uppfylls genom att besvara frågorna: • Vilken typ av interpersonella språkhandlingar utförs i riksdagsledamöternas twittrande? • Hur kan man kategorisera och beskriva de interpersonella språkhandlingarna? • Skiljer sig språkhandlingarna åt beroende på parti-, blocktillhörighet eller kön? • Finns det några språkliga särdrag som är typiska för riksdagsledamöternas användande avTwittermediet? Frågorna besvaras genom att undersöka alla tweets som skrevs av någon ledamot av Sverigesriksdag den 5 mars 2013. Uppsatsen beskriver flera aspekter av riksdagsledamöternas twittrande. Vanligaste allmänna språkhandling är ett påstående, ibland följt av en fråga. Både beröm och kritikutdelas men följer då alltid mönstret kritik åt politisk motståndare och beröm åt politisk vän. Sverigedemokraterna uttalar sig oftare med tvärsäkerhet och mer sällan med garderingar än övrigapartier. Inga stora skillnader mellan könen och Alliansen respektive de Rödgröna står att finna. Twittermediet är ofta informellt och snabbt vilket ger upphov till nya språkliga konstruktioner ochibland rena fel.
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Slusseländet : En etnologisk studie av föreställningar kopplade till Slussen utifrån två ombyggnationer under tidsperioderna 1850-1935 samt 1990-2015.Beskow, Moa January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Datorteket : Teknik, arbete och den anställningsbara människanCox, Miranda January 2017 (has links)
This thesis examines how employability and the employable as a discursive subject was constructed through a Swedish labor market policy measure called “datortek”. The datortek was a form of combined computer lab and activity center that was set up in collaboration between local governance and the National market labour board. People who were registered as unemployed could be sent to the local datortek to learn how to use a computer. In this way, they would be made employable in the new, knowledge based society and Sweden would be well on its way to become a leading nation in the field of IT-technology and expertise. At least, that was the idea. In the 1990’s there was a shift in Swedish, as well as european, labour policy discourse. The politically defined problem of “unemployment” changed towards being an issue of the individual’s ability to make oneself “employable”. On a large extent, employability depends on certain individual properties, such as “flexibility”, “entrepreneurship” and being “active”. Earlier research have mainly focused on employability as a policy concept. In this view, employability is seen as something that is enforced through public policy onto the workers. This study is taking a somewhat different approach. Here, employability will be seen as a concept that takes form in a process of negotiation and articulation. A process that takes place in the interpersonal meeting, in the intercept between man and machine, in formal documents as well as through the design of the datortek itself. Thus, the datortek can serve as a study object that allow us to investigate how employability was articulated. It is this articulation, the process of becoming-employable through the datortek, which is at the heart of this study. The thesis shows that the datortek functioned as a simulated work place where the participants were made to stage and perform “teamwork” and learn “social competence”. The computer was given the role of an instrument for bringing out certain feelings amongst the participants. This emotive discipline can be understood as a way to achieve “emotional competence”. The thesis also shows a different way on how a concept such as employability can be studied. By looking into the very practical aspects of the datortek, the abstract idea of employability is made comprehensible. This gives us, not only deepened knowledge of the notion of modern labor, but also a better understanding of how ideology is (re)produced.
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Vad uttrycktes om den nya bibliotekslagen? : En diskursanalys av de kommunala bibliotekens remissvar på nya bibliotekslagens promemoria / What was expressed about the new library law? : A discourse analysis of the referral response to the memorandum of the new library law by the municipal librariesKellner, Magnus January 2019 (has links)
While libraries are an actively supported institution in Sweden there is no distinct notion on of what their purpose should be. The purpose of this thesis is to clarify the discourse expressed in the referral responses to the memo-randum of the new library law, regarding the purpose and task of the public libraries in Sweden. The source material for my thesis was the memorandum sent out by the government during the process of introducing the new library law. I chose to use this memorandum and the municipal libraries’ referral responses on this memorandum as my source material. The thesis is based on discourse analytical theory focusing on discursive formations. In this theory, the discourse on a theme of discussion consists of various discourse formations that together form a common discoue. In order to distinguish these discursive formations, it is necessary to study the texts and examine their empirical foundations. In terms of methodology, this means that I related the municipal responses to four different concepts. These concepts were: "activities", "media", "users" and "librarians". Then I analysed these results in connection with previous research in order to define the different discursive formations I could discern. The seven discursive formations identified are: the educational discursive formation, the discursive formation of the library as the meeting place, the discursive formation of the physical activities of the libraries, the inclusive discursive formation, the cultural and information-mediated discursive formation, the democratic discursive for-mation, the discursive formation around the library's organization. These discursive formations are based on the specific themes they focus on. At the same time, two ongoing themes were identified for the discourse as a whole. The first theme is based on an emphasis on user accessibility and inclusion, as well as on equal communication between users and libraries. The second theme is based on an emphasis on equal treatment between different types of media and a negative attitude to the fact that printed literature was being given a special position in the libraries' activities in the memorandum.
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En bortglömd värld av blommor : Märta Rudbecks konstnärskap under tidigt 1900-tal / A Forgotten World of Flowers : The Artistry of Märta Rudbeck in the Early 1900’sEliasson, Matilda January 2020 (has links)
This thesis rediscovers the Swedish painter Märta Rudbeck (1882–1933). During her lifetime she was an esteemed composer of flower still lifes and portraits. Her forgotten heritage follows those of other female artists, whose legacies are long forgotten. By retracing her life through archives and newspaper articles, a picture of her upbringing, education, career and network affiliations emerges. By using the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieus field theory, the aim of the thesis is to analyse the social, educational, cultural and economic aspects that affected Märta Rudbeck’s life, and how this was manifested in her art. The strategies Märta Rudbeck encompassed, are highlighted in the analysis. She chose to exhibit her work with a variety of associations and also took commissions for portraits and copies of older works of art. The analysis also reveals how she followed in her mother’s footsteps and embraced female networks to further her career. Furthermore, the thesis uncovers how her heritage, social class and upbringing most likely influenced her choice of genre, which in turn has prevented her from staying relevant since her untimely death in the early 1930’s. The thesis finally discloses how Märta Rudbeck’s artistry is once again made relevant, through a major museum acquisition as well as an exhibition at one of the greater art institutions in Sweden.
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