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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


朱敏賢 Unknown Date (has links)
學校教育為國家培養人才庫最具組織成效之社會系統,而學校教育目前亦成為輿論批評最為強烈之教育體系。本論文嘗試以法學為經,以經濟學、公共行政學、教育學等為緯,針對近年受新自由主義影響所開展之行政改革理念,進而觸及之公立國民學校法制改革課題,主要係以公部門及私部門有互相合作、共創雙贏之可能性為觀點,討論民間參與國民教育興辦之最新合作模式。 公立學校之改造模式,在教育改革之理論與實際均有多元發展,但美國特許學校制度則為近年獲聯邦及多數州支持之新法制,且特許學校被評價為公立學校成功之改造類型。該制度主要係透過解除法令管制手段,容許主管機關以特許使私人參與公立學校辦學,辦學者可透過引進專家、競爭觀念、自主、選擇及績效責任等機制,形成獨立性高之新型公立學校教育體制,賦予此類學校展現更具多元化及創造性之辦學環境,其亦屬廣義公立學校委託私人經營模式之一。本論文借重美國成功發展之特許學校法制及實際辦學經驗,期待我國學界及教育主管機關於積極繼受此法制之同時,亦得深切體認我國自身之教育環境與文化背景,建立適合本土教育之制度,並更兼顧教育之卓越與公平。 本文之法學分析途徑,除藉由比較法之觀察外,並以我國憲法及行政法規範體系作為論述基礎,試圖開發我國國民教育法及特許學校法制之原理原則,以作為目前相關立法草案之參考,及期望有助於我國相關類型學校興辦之完善。 / A Charter School’s Research of Law Institutions in None-Governmental Participant in Education School education is an organized social system for nations human resource cultivation, which has becomes the most fiercely criticism in present though. Besides, the ideal of transformation under the influences of latest New Liberalism, has been approached the debate of institutional reform in public school in consequences. So, our thesis applied some methodologies such as laws, economics, public administrations, pedagogies and some other knowledge domains, primary focusing on public and private sectors’ collaboration issues, enabling to create a win-win outcome as prospect, and discussing the latest cooperation model for non-governmental participant in education. In fact, public school transformation model in theory and practice for educational reform is already advanced. However, American Charter School System, appraised as a successful transformational type of public school, is supported by new law institutions of Federal and many other states in recent years. Through its decretal deregulation may permit competent authority’s establishers who privately participate in public school establishment with “brain-gaining” experts, competitive concept, independence, selection, accountability and other mechanisms by using Charter. Therefore, a new typical educational system conferred the environment school establishment in more plural and creative way is arised. Our thesis adduced from a successful establishment of American Charter School’s experience before acdemic fields and competent authorities of education implementing the law institutions. In addition, in order to consider the difference of educational environment or culture background, selecting the appropriate pedagogy for country is the first priority we expected. Finally, as a reference for related legislation and expectation to support school establishment, we are not only using a comparison method for extensional observation, but also trying to develop a pattern for nations’ pedagogy and Charter School institution. Keywords: Charter School, Nations Education, non-government education, public school, New Liberalism, Cooperated Nations, Public Private Partnership, the third route, educational reform, transformation of organizing, deregulation, Privatization, parents’ educational right, parents’ right to choose, elasticity, plural principle, neutrality principle, relenting principle, municipal governance, administrative contract, performance doctrine


蔡雅嵐 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.


郭欣惠, Kuo, Sin-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
行銷學研究的重點,從過去著重在單次交換行為形成的原因,到現在已逐漸延伸為探討如何與消費者建立長期關係,也就是說把早期研究重點從發現消費者的需求、確立產品定位、改善產品品質等方式來滿足消費者,逐漸轉為探討如何建立與消費者的長期關係、取得消費者的信任等相關課題。  本研究研究目的在於以交易成本理論為基礎,探討可能影響消費者滿意度與忠誠度的原因;研究第二目的,由資產專屬建立強弱與否,來比較消費者態度、忠誠度是否因為產品種類而有不同。同時探討投機主義知覺程度、公司信任度、預期更好商品這些因素對滿意度與忠誠度的影響。  實證結果發現: (一)顧客滿意度方面:無論入口網站或ISP消費者,對於入口網站或ISP產品表現的滿意度皆會產生對公司的整體滿意度;同時服務的滿意度會影響消費者對入口網站及ISP業者的信任程度;同時對公司的信任度會影響對消費者對入口網站或ISP業者整體滿意度,而且上述關係皆為顯著正相關。  (二)顧客忠誠度方面:無論入口網站或ISP消費者,對入口網站或ISP業者整體滿意度及對公司的信任度皆會造成顧客的忠誠度,而且為顯著正相關。  (三)交易成本方面:無論入口網站或ISP消費者,若資產專屬性越高,則轉換成本愈高,且為顯著正相關。在投機知覺方面,兩群消費者皆表現出若投機知覺度愈高,顧客對公司信任度越不足,且為顯著負相關。  同時根據實證結果,提供業者在交易成本理論下,如何創造顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度的實務建議。


洪萱 Unknown Date (has links)
消費者滿意與顧客忠誠一直都是行銷學術研究的重點之一。過去研究指出,如果產品或服務的表現能夠符合顧客的先前期望,顧客便會感到滿意,而滿意的顧客,會提升他們對品牌的忠誠。但在現今科技發達、資訊複雜的市場中,顧客的滿意並不一定會轉變成忠誠。而事實上研究也發現,留住現有顧客所能帶給公司的利潤往往比吸收新顧客來得高。隨著消費者需求不斷提升,對產品的認知也越來越清楚,消費者瞭解如何在成本的考量下,替自己創造最高的效用。因此,光是滿意的顧客顯然是不夠的,可能還是無法保證顧客的再惠顧行為,進而增加公司的利潤。相信不論對行銷學界或是實務應用上,深入瞭解顧客忠誠的形成因素,是非常迫切且值得探討的。   在追求顧客滿意與顧客忠誠之間,滿意度或許是達到忠誠度的必要條件,但並非充分條件,可能還有其他因素會直接影響顧客忠誠。換句話說,提升顧客滿意,進而使得他們在態度與行為上對廠商忠誠,勢必還有一些其他的因素,是廠商必須深入瞭解且努力的目標。本研究以交易成本理論為主,透過以大型百貨/購物中心消費者為假設驗證對象,希望能夠深入探討影響顧客滿意與忠誠的形成因素。   根據實證結果發現,對百貨/購物中心的消費者來說,廠商所提供的產品、服務,以及消費者對該廠商的信任度都會影響消費者的整體滿意度;而整體滿意度、信任度,以及消費者與該廠商所建立的專屬資產會影響消費者在態度上的忠誠;此外,本研究實證結果也說明,除了態度忠誠外,與消費者建立相當的專屬資產,也可以使消費者在行為上忠誠該廠商。   最後,由上述實證結果,以交易成本理論為基礎,提供給百貨/購物中心業者關於如何創造顧客滿意度與忠誠度的建議。

電子商店之關係品質模式-融合交易成本理論及科技接受模式的觀點 / The relationship quality model of electronic store: Combining transaction cost theory with technology acceptance model

張紹勳 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來電子商店已成為一種新興的零售通路,在美國有人預估未來幾年內,其市場規模將佔美國零售市場的6~8%(Rosen & Howard,2000)。這種,伴隨著Internet發展而快速成長的電子商務,逐漸的改變了人類的生活習慣,也創造了新的商業行為以及經濟模式,並成為近年來企業經營的熱門話題。   買賣雙方關係管理一直是企業經營之成功關鍵因素,忠誠的顧客可說是企業獲利的直接來源,多數學者認為行銷學的焦點已由過去傳統交易行銷轉移到今日注重建立並維持與顧客關係的關係行銷,這種被視為行銷新典範的關係行銷,其主要目的在提昇顧客的忠誠度及滿意度,建立良好的顧客凝聚力。   本文旨在精緻化Crosby, et al.(1990)所提實體環境之關係品質模式,並在原模式中納入「網路安全性」、「產品失驗(disconfirmation)」、「資產專屬性」等外生變數。企圖由交易成本(Williamson,1975)、關係品質(Crosby, et al.,1990)及科技接受模式(Davis,1989)觀點,來解釋及預測Internet消費者對電子商店關係品質(滿意度、信任)及忠誠度的心理歷程,進而建立具有理論基礎的電子商店關係品質之因果模式。   本研究架構包括前因變數(e.g.產品/服務品質、互動強度、網路安全性、產品失驗、資產專屬性)、中介變數(滿意度及信任)、結果變數(e.g.顧客忠誠度、未來互動)三層徑路關係。本理論架構廣納科技面(網路安全、人機介面易用性)、策略面(資產專屬性)、行銷面(互動強度)、產品面(產品失驗)、心理面(網路實用性、隱私權、信任、滿意度)等5大類影響關係品質及忠誠度之因素。   本研究同時採用定性及定量方法,來交互驗証結果。   定量部份,採隨機問卷抽樣台灣、香港、印度、大陸、美國共3231名Internet使用者的消費行為。分探索性及驗証性兩階段資料分析,前者以效度及信度來篩選量表題目,後者使用LISREL統計工具進行電子商店關係品質之結構性分析,以找出Internet關係品質(滿意度、信任)的前因及後果(e.g.顧客忠誠度、未來互動意願)。定量分析結果發現:(1)本研究B2C電子商店之關係品質模式獲得支持;(2)加強電子商店網站實用性、產品失驗、互動強度,及網路安全性,可提升關係品質;(3)網路安全防範仍是台灣電子商務發展的一項重要工作;(4)電子商店的服務品質、資產專屬性及關係滿意度,可提高顧客忠誠度以及商家的獲利;(5)關係品質的提升,可建立忠誠顧客,強化雙方未來互動。   定性分析方面,本研究訪談國內28家網路券商主管,輔以次級資料(網商內容分析、期刊雜誌、證交所網站等)搜集佐證,結果發現:網站服務品質愈佳、網站交易安全性及互動性愈高,不但可有效提升顧客的信任及滿意度(關係品質),且顧客忠誠也愈高。因此加強網站互動機制、網頁內容的客製化、優惠商品(手續費折扣)、及網站資產專屬性(知識專屬性、時間專屬性),都是券商套牢顧客的好方法。根據研究結果,本研究得到結論如下:(1)網路下單具有多項優勢,在台灣證券市場相當具有發展潛力。(2)網路證券由價格競爭走向商品/服務品質導向。(3)證券商品/服務走向多元化及國際化,朝網路金融服務中心發展。(4)網路券商在客製化服務方面較傳統券商可提供更佳服務。(5)網站加強核心資源的創新及累積,建立難以模仿的資產專屬性,提升顧客忠誠度。(6)網際網路是關係行銷的利器。(7)安全仍是網路證券業發展的障礙因素。 / Recently, The Electronic Store has become an up-and-coming retail channel. In America, some people estimate its market scale will hold six to eight percent of the American retail market in the oncoming years. Such kind of Electronic Commerce that increased rapidly by accompanying the development of Internet has gradually changed human living habits. In addition, Electronic Commerce has created a new commercial behavior and a new economic model. Furthermore, it has become one of the most popular issues in enterprises lately.   The relational management between buyers and sellers is always the key point for enterprises to run a business successfully. Loyal customers have affinitive connections for them to gain profits as well. Most of the scholars mention that the focal point on marketing has transferred from the traditional transaction in the past to relationship marketing that stresses on constructing and maintaining the good enterprise-customer relationship nowadays. The main purpose of relationship marketing regarding as novel mode for selling is to increase customer loyalties and satisfactions, and also to promote fine customer concentrations   For this content, the keynote is to refine the relationship quality model of physical environment, and adopt extraneous variable of net security, product disconfirmation, asset specificity that are from the original model. Additionally, we attempt to use concepts of Transaction Cost (Williamson, 1975), Relationship Quality (Crosby, et al., 1990), and TRA (Theory of Reasoned Action) (Davis, 1989) to explain and predict Internet customers'' psychological process for satisfaction, trust, and loyalty in Relationship Quality of Electronic Store, and then, to build up cause and effect pattern of Relationship Quality of Electronic Store that is provided with theoretical basis.   The research structure consists of three-path relations. It is including (1) Ancestor Variables (ex. products, services qualities, contact intensities, Internet securities, product disconfirmations, and asset specificities) and (2) Intervening Variables (such as satisfactions and trusts), and (3) Consequent Variables, (ex. customer loyalties, and future interactions). Meanwhile, the width of this theory focuses on six main reasons of influencing the Relationship Quality and customer loyalty, such as technologies (Internet securities, user interfaces, and eases of uses), strategies (asset specificities), marketings (contact intensities), products (product disconfirmations), psychologies (Internet usefulnesses, privacies, trusts, and satisfactions), and domestic cultures.   According to this research, it simultaneously adopts two ways of the Qualitative Analysis and Quantitative Analysis to verify its result.   For Quantitative Analysis, it takes randomly survey samples which amounts to 3,231 consumers from Taiwan, Hong Kong, India, China, and America to know the psychographics of internet users. In this part, it''s divided into two steps in information analysis. One is the Explorative, and the other one is the Confirmatory. The former one adopts validity and reliability to shift scale item; the later one uses statistic tools, called" LISREL" to carry out structural analysis in the Relationship Quality Model of Electronic Store, and confirms to find out the cause and effect (Customer loyalty and further interaction) of the Relationship Quality (Satisfaction and trust). Through the result of Quantitative Analysis, we can find out: 1) The research, called "B2C Electronic Store" the Relationship Quality Model is able to obtain the support; 2) When strengthening Electronic Store''s internet usefulness, product disconfirmation, contact intensity, and internet security, it can promote the Relationship Quality well; 3) For the development of Electronic Commerce in Taiwan, the internet security precaution still takes as a serious problem to solve; 4) Stressing on Electronic Store''s service quality, asset specificity and relationship satisfaction can increase customer loyalty and enterprise''s profit; 5) Increasing Relationship Quality can posses loyal customer, and further enhance bilateral future interaction.   For the Qualitative Analysis, we interview 28 on-line broker firms in Taiwan, and collect the secondary information (web content of online-broker analysis, periodical magazine, and stock exchange website), as a result, we find out that the better the website''s service quality, the greater transition security and interaction. For this research, it can not only effectively increase the customer trust and satisfaction (the relationship quality), but also build up the high customer loyalty. Hence, it is a good way for brokers to underpin the amounts of customers by uplifting the website interactive mechanism, customized website contents, off-price merchandize (fee discounts), website asset specificities (knowledge and time specificity). Base on the result in this research, we conclude that: (1) An order from the website has varieties of advantages, so it''s equipped the capability of development in Taiwan stock market; (2) Website bond has moved toward merchandize or service quality instead of price competition; (3) Bond merchandize and service has become diversified and global pattern, and it faces toward the Service Center of Online-banking form; (4) Due to the customized service, current online-broker can provide better service than traditional one; (5) For the invention of strengthening core resource, it can have their own asset specificity that is hard to imitate, and promote customer loyalty; (6) Internet is a good toll for the Relationship Marketing; (7) Security is still the main obstacle for the internet stock market development.

兩岸太陽能光電廠商競合策略研究 / A case study for cross-strait photovoltaic interfirm co-opetition strategy

王羚卉 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,環境汙染、能源危機等議題,使世界各國莫不開始重視環境永續經營之課題。目前被認為具發展潛力之替代能源包括太陽能、風力、地熱、水力、生質能等,其中,由於太陽能為取之不盡、用之不竭的循環再生能源,具無汙染、發展歷史悠久、取得來源穩定、發電成本逐年下降等優勢,因此,各國政府皆致力於太陽能光電產業之發展與推動。 根據統計,太陽能光電產業產品製造重心在2008年金融風暴後,快速往亞洲地區移動,產量增加最快的地區為中國和臺灣,兩岸因各自不同的地理環境、發展條件、政府政策等因素,促使相關產品在全球市場佔有率持續增加。2009 年全球太陽能電池產量為9.34GW,其中,中國與台灣佔全球總產量的49%(中國38%、台灣11%),可見兩岸同時共享全球太陽能光電市場,亦共同競爭全球再生能源產業版圖。 本研究由廠商角度出發,針對兩岸太陽能光電產業競爭與合作策略進行多面向分析研究。首先透過Porter (1980, 1990)五力分析與鑽石模型,對兩岸太陽能光電產業進行探討,並以廠商層次之資源基礎與交易成本等理論,瞭解個案廠商的交易成本與交易價值,同時探討國家和產業因素是否在廠商合作或不合作決策間形成調節效果。本研究發現,面對中國廠商,不同價值鏈階段的台灣廠商需選擇不同的競爭或合作策略,垂直整合並非台灣太陽能光電廠商首選之發展策略。同時,基於資源與能力的互補性可發現,兩岸同價值鏈階段廠商呈相互競爭狀態,廠商合作動機低,而兩岸不同價值鏈階段廠商的合作動機則高。在合作方式方面,則因台灣廠商的目的性差異,主要分作長短期契約和合資兩種方式。此外,本研究亦發現國家條件,如生產要素互補性與政府政策,以及產業發展現況將帶動兩岸廠商建立合作關係的可能性。 / Due to increasingly environmental issues such as pollution or energy crisis, people begin to regard environmental sustainability as an important topic in recent years. There are several kinds of potential substitute energy, including solar, wind, geothermal, water power, biomass energy, etc. Solar energy is one of important substitute energies because of its pollution-free characteristics, stability and decreasing cost trend. Therefore, the governments are committed to develop and promote the solar photovoltaic industry. According to statistics, the production area of photovoltaic products has been moved quickly from Europe to Asia after the financial crisis in 2008. The two of the fastest growing areas are China and Taiwan. Due to geographical environment, development conditions, government policies and other industrial factors, photovoltaic products from China and Taiwan continue to increase in the global market share. For instance, China and Taiwan accounted for 49% (or 93.4GW) of the worldwide solar cell production (38% in China, 11% in Taiwan) in 2009. It is obvious that China and Taiwan are competing the global photovoltaic market share. Based on five forces model, diamond model, transaction cost theory and resource-based view, this study provides a multi-strategic analysis of co-opetition in the cross-strait photovoltaic industry. By collecting secondary data and conducing case study, I complete a serious of systematic analysis and results with the grounded theory approach.

旅行社、領隊與團體套裝旅遊之消費者間三方交換關係之探討 / The study of exchange relationship among travel agent,tour leader&group package tour's consumer

凃明哲, Tu, Ming Che Unknown Date (has links)
旅遊業為我國未來產業發展的重點之一,再加上團體套裝旅遊一直是亞洲國家中最普遍及最受觀迎的旅遊型態之一,我國2009年的團體套裝旅遊比例即佔了35.6%。其中,領隊人員可以說是團體套裝旅遊的重要元素,不僅影響著該次旅遊品質的好壞,領隊也可藉由專業的服務取得旅客的信任,而獲得後續帶團的機會;是以,由於我國過去旅行社設立門檻不高,加上領隊掌握一定旅客數,不少領隊帶槍投靠或自立門戶,造成旅行業良莠不齊、競爭激烈。 因此,本研究欲探討現行旅行社對於領隊的管理模式,運用交易成本理論及4C交換成本理論架構,剖析旅行社、領隊與團體旅遊消費者間三方交換之關係,並對於旅行社提出適當的領隊管理建議,期盼能對於旅行產業的市場紊亂情形有所助益。而由於本研究議題過去缺乏學術研究成果且未被有系統的討論,故採用質性研究及深度訪談做為本論文的研究方法。 研究結果得知,透過訪談資料的整理與分析,歸納出兩種現行的領隊管理模式。管理模式1:旅行社著重於處理與消費者間的4C關係,並設法阻礙領隊與消費者間4C關係的建立,使消費者購買團體旅遊產品是出自於旅行社本身,而非領隊;管理模式2:旅行社與領隊共生共榮,在旅行社與消費者的交換關係方面,旅行社著重於產品的外顯單位效益成本;而在旅行社與領隊的交換關係方面,旅行社運用4C的處理得宜,維繫優秀的領隊,鞏固銷售。 本研究以4C交換成本理論,歸納出兩種領隊管理模式,建議後續研究者可針對旅行社背景,探討何種領隊管理模式對其最有利;另外,針對國內網路時代的盛行,有業者引進國外居家旅遊商業模式H.B.T.A.(Home Based Travel Agents),類似於本研究所提出的管理模式2,後續研究者也可針對此議題進行深入探討。 / Travel industry will be one of the most promising industries in Taiwan; in addition, Group Package Tour is one of the most popular traveling types in Asian countries. In 2009, the percent of Group Package Tour in Taiwan is highly 35.6%. Especially, Tour leader (or tour escort) is the critical element of Group Package Tour.He (or she) can not only influence on the quality of travel, but also can get customers’ trust and the chances of business by professional service. Therefore, because of the low entry barrier of Travel industry and tour leader holding up some customers, lots of tour leaders job-hop or build up their own business. It makes travel industry highly competitive. For this reason, this study wants to use the Transaction Cost Theory and 4C Exchange Cost Theory to discuss current tour leader’s management model, and analyze the exchange relationship among travel agent, tour leader and Group Package Tour customer. Finally, this study wants to propose management recommendations for travel agents. However, this topic was less discussed in the past, so that this study uses qualitative research and in-depth interview as the research method. According to the research result, this study generalizes two kinds of tour leader’s management model. Model 1: Travel agents focus on the 4C relationship with consumers, and manage to hinder the 4C relationship between tour leader and consumer; Model 2: Travel agents cooperate with tour leader. Between travel agent and consumer, travel agents focus on C1. Between travel agent and tour leader, travel agents focus on the 4C relationship for holding up excellent tour leaders. For future research, this study suggests to discuss what travel agent background can benefit from two kinds of tour leader’s management model, or discuss H.B.T.A. (Home Based Travel Agents) deeply.

以代理理論與交易成本理論觀點分析「e-house不動產交易服務網」 / Analysis of E-House Real State Website from Transaction Cost Theory and Agency Theory Points of View.

毛惠玲, Mao,Hui Ling Unknown Date (has links)
台灣不動產仲介業,從1977年成立公司組織發展至今32年、不動產仲介業務網路化從1996年至今13年、公部門為不動產交易安全建置e-house從2007年開始運作至今2年,對照2002年至今台灣不動產仲介交易糾紛逐年攀升現象;顯見,付出高額仲介費用買屋及賣屋的不動產消費者,並未因不動產仲介業者的組織規模龐大、營業收入豐碩、網路發達,資訊科技精進及政府成立e-house網站,而得到較完備的不動產交易安全保障。 本研究以滿足消費者需求為基礎,並以提供網絡仲介不動產交易安全環境的“推動方式和實實務層面”為主題,從不動產仲介之起源、不動產仲介市場現況、不動產仲介問題、e-house現況及e-house問題等過程為論述軸線.探討不動產仲介作業流程、不動產仲介交易糾紛原因、不動產網路仲介交易運作、聯賣制度運作不成功、自售網之崛起及e-house網站的政策目標等課題,經由(1)以交易成本及代理理論為基礎的論證;(2)對現行管理仲介業者的不動產經紀業管理條例之法制面與規範的認知;(3)對不動產消費者、不動產服務業者、政府三方不動產網路仲介交易相關主體特性的瞭解; (4)對於民間不動產網站及官方e-house網站仲介交易實務與現行法制規範相互影響,造成推動不動產交易安全障礙的課題進行探討; (5)分析影響不動產消費者使用民間不動產網站及官方e-house網站存在仲介代理問題及高昂仲介費用的交易成本等相關文獻面、法制面、實務面及一般會員使用e-house的問卷調查。綜合研究顯示:(1)台灣不動產仲介業與政府本身皆存在影響不動產交易安全推動的問題;(2)不動產仲介業對消費者可能存在委託代理問題及使用不動產網站產生交易成本的疑慮;(3)不動產仲介交易產生的代理問題及交易成本,會影響消費者對不動產交易行為的決策形式;(4)消費者利用網路進行不動產交易,是一項極為專業且繁瑣的消費活動,不動產仲介交易過程必須專業分工,才能消弭或降低代理問題及交易成本,促進交易安全。 本研究針對影響消費者使用仲介網站交易不動產的問題,嘗試建構「e-house網路交易不動產示範網站」的新思維,提供消費者消除或減少代理問題和交易成本,以促進不動產交易安全;另一方面,也考慮到其他不動產專業人士的權益及政府行政效能的提升。新思維的內容包括(1)建構“整合仲介交易過程之不動產專業分工機制” (2)改造e-house成為「e-house網路交易不動產示範網站」(3)研擬不動產網站經營者之資格條件、不動產網站作業內容及消費者與不動產業者網路作業等規範,並建議政府從「政策面」、「法制面」、「資訊面」、「推動面」及「執行面」等五個構面制定配套措施,消弭或降低代理問題及交易成本,推動不動產交易安全。 關鍵字:不動產仲介業、不動產經紀人、交易成本理論、代理理論、代理問題、e-house網路交易不動產示範網站 / Taiwan real estate brokerage industry appeared as company organization in 1977. In 1996, the real estate brokerage business launched onto internet website. In 2007, Public Security Department setup “e-house” network platform. However, from 2002 till now, the real estate transaction disputes still increase annually. Obviously, large organized real estate firms, developed network, sufficient information nor “e-house” network platform will not guarantee consumers who pay high broker fees to receive better and comprehensive real estate transaction safety. This study is to provide “promoting and practicing aspects” to real estate transaction safety network environment to satisfy consumers’ demands. It intends to look into the starting of real estate brokerage business, the current status of real estate brokerage market, the real estate broker problems, the current “e-house” status and its problems by examining the process of Taiwan real estate brokerage, the real estate transaction disputes, the real estate broker operating network, the failure of MLS, the rise of free broker fee network, and the policy objectives of “e-house” network platform by: (1) Demonstration on the basis of transactional cost and broker theory; (2) Comprehension on the procedures and the norms of Real Estate Broker Management Act; (3) Understand the characteristics of three participants, government, real estate service providers and the consumers, in the real estate transaction; (4) Investigate the conflicts between real estate operation network and the existing regulations that makes the promoting real estate transaction safety to be difficult; (5) Analyze the cost structure between private brokerage system and the official “e-house” system and how a consumer may react to two different systems with regards to legal system, practice and survey. A general conclusion from research indicates the following: (1) Problems appear on both sides of private and government agencies to promote safer and more transparent real estate transaction (2) Real estate brokers have doubts on buyers/seller’s trust on representation issue and the actual transactional cost for using a on-line web-site (3) Cost and representation issue arising from the actual real-estate transaction may Affect forms of consumers’ decision making. (4) Procedures for making an online real estate transaction are very complicated for consumers. Professional brokers have to monitor every step of the way in order to eliminate representation issue, reduce transactional cost, and promote safer transactional security. This study focuses on the problems emerging from consumers using an online real-estate website, while trying to demonstrate a safe “e-house” network platform can actually complete the real estate transaction. Once consumers have enough trust in the “e-house” network platform, it could potentially reduce representation issue problems and transactional cost. On the other hand, this system also protects brokers’ privileges while enhancing government’s efficiency. New concepts to be discussed in this study will include (1) Create a professional and integrated real-estate transactional mechanism. (2) Transform “e-house” into a demonstrated network platform for online real-estate transaction. (3) Set strict standards for qualifying private brokerage to operate an online real-estate network platform, to provide website contents, and operational model between consumer and real-estate broker. (4) Propose necessary measures to government in five aspects: “policy”, “legal system”, “information”, “promotion”, “implementation”. Keywords: Real estate brokerage industry, Real estate broker, Agency theory, Transaction cost theory, Representation issue, E-house network of real estate transactions demonstration platform.

品牌承諾影響顧客關係之研究 / The study of the effect between brand commitment and customer relationship.

陳茂鴻 Unknown Date (has links)
新品牌的崛起,一般的建議是1.建立起令人有豐富且深刻聯想的品牌識別系統;2.以強力的整合行銷傳播建立品牌高知名度,假以時日,就能成為強勢品牌。但以筆者多年擔任行銷顧問的觀察,按表操課的企業未必都能獲得成功,深究其原因,可發現從新品牌開始曝光,消費者就一直拿著放大鏡來檢視打造這個品牌的企業所有的一切作為,是否真的下定決心、義無反顧地想做好品牌。這篇論文正是研究企業究竟要做出什麼承諾,才有取信顧客,讓顧客心悅誠服願意建立關係。 本研究將品牌承諾定義為:「企業為打造品牌所做出重大投入或投資」,並認為品牌承諾的主要目的是為了將外部顧客鎖入內部,所以品牌承諾的作用就是促進顧客願意建立長久而穩定關係的意願。 由於品牌與顧客的關係是由一次次的接觸而建立起來,所以本研究由品牌接觸點切入,認為品牌接觸點就是顧客判斷品牌承諾可信與否的線索。並以關係意願取代購買意願來衡量顧客願意建立關係的強度,其原因為許多消費者在沒有能力消費某品牌前,可能已經成為該品牌的粉絲,這些粉絲常常為喜愛的品牌捍衛辨護,尤其在網際網路上。 本研究經實證分析得到以下的發現: 1.單一類型品牌承諾投入愈多,則顧客的關係意願愈高。 2.以品牌接觸點的觀點,將所有接觸點上的品牌承諾加總,承諾愈高,則顧客的關係意願愈高。 3.品牌印象會造成關係意願的顯著差異 4.品牌忠誠者的關係意願較未購買者高。


蔡佳晉, Tsai, Norman Unknown Date (has links)
我國公債期貨市場發展至今,市場流動性未能有效提振,本文將針對此問題嘗試從市場結構、實務狀況、相關學理等各方面,探討諸多可能的影響因素,並加以分析研究,找出問題的癥結以提供解決之道。此外,本文亦從問券調查的結果中,歸納出市場參予者對現行公債期貨的看法,希冀能作為台灣期貨交易所未來商品規劃之參考。 / Since the Taiwan government bond futures trade, the market is lack of liquidity during the year. For the problem, this paper considers the layers of market structure, trading convention and relative theories, try to analysis the causes of less liquidity and resolve the liquidity problem. On the other hand, by making the survey this paper sums up the opinions from the participants of the bond futures market. This paper, which could help the Taiwan Futures Exchange in designing other interest rate derivatives, will wish to give some useful reference.

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